Sunday, 31 July 2005
Newsletter 0038
This issue of CCN
is kindly sponsored by
Nazima Hansa RE/MAX Realty
Sha'ista and Abed
(Exclusive CCN photographs taken by our Man-on-the Mussallah last week in Pietersberg, South Africa)
(click to enlarge) |

Graduation Ceremony
The Islamic Society of Holland Park invites all Brothers and Sisters to attend a Quran Reading Graduation Ceremony to be held on Saturday 6th of August between Maghrib and Isha Salaat at the Holland Park Mosque.
Food will be served after Isha

Banding Forces at Banda Aceh
Sir Iqbal Sacranie, Trustee of Muslim Aid and Secretary General of the Muslim Council of Britain launched Muslim Aid’s Indonesia housing project in Aceh.
At the inauguration Iqbal Sacranie reflected on the Boxing Day Tsunami: “Muslim Aid was among the first international agencies in Aceh immediately after the disaster through its partner organizations in the region. One thousand volunteers were working all over the province providing humanitarian relief.
The Housing Project is a joint initiative between Muslim Aid UK & Australia.

Most of the moneys collected through the Crescents of Brisbane's Kids4Kids drive, the various mosques and the Tsunami Aid Lunch have been directed to this Aid organization. You can find out more about Muslim Aid at www.muslimaid.org.au
Source: Tsunami Update 6 (Muslim Aid)
Yusuf and Sabera Khatree are the proud grandparents of baby Sahal, son of Zubair and Raeesa Khatree born on 30 June 2005.
Spreading the Deen to all Corners of the Globe? While our Man-on-the-Mussallah was traipsing around the British Isles last month he stumbled upon a Muslim Cultural Exhibition being held in the city centre of Bolton and found an exhibit there that claimed that the Dean (sic) family were the first Muslim/Asian family to come and settle in the town in 1925.
When asked whether there was any connection between the Deans of Bolton and the Deens of Queensland this is what Sultan Deen had to say:
"The pictures bear a striking resemblance to my grandfather and elder uncle. It is definitely NOT them, as they came to Australia, but it could have been another branch of the family, as they were all pioneers.
Perish the thought, that we could have been POMS!"

Team Beattie Turns on the PR
On Thursday afternoon several leaders of Muslim bodies and organizations were invited to a meeting at Premier Peter Beattie's office at 100 George Street to listen to the newly appointed Minister for Small Business, Information Technology Policy and Multicultural Affairs, Chris Cummins, introduce himself and assure the Muslim community that the Government was doing everything in its power to ensure that the Muslims of Queensland did not suffer any fallout as a result of the recent London bombings.
The Catwalk Cover Up
Have you got your ticket for the 13th to the IWAQ annual "Fashion Gala - 2005"? Places are fast running out and you will need to get in quick if you want to find out what's hip in Hijabs and what's available in Abayas. There's heaps more revealing stuff but then if we mentioned any we would only incur the Wrath-of-Rubana.
For further details call 0439617786 or email rubana@doctor.com.
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Australian Parliament House (Series continuation) (or Know Your Government 101) Double Dissolution Dissolution is the term used for the action of ending a Parliament or a House of the Parliament. Under the Constitution only the Governor-General has the power to take such action. A double dissolution may occur in situations where the Senate and House of Representatives are unable to agree over a piece of legislation.
Proposed laws must be agreed to by both Houses of the Parliament. When the government does not have a majority in the Senate the situation can arise that the two Houses disagree over proposed legislation. In most cases compromises are reached and amendments are made by one or the other House until the bill concerned is in a state acceptable to both.
The Constitution provides the double dissolution mechanism as a means of breaking a deadlock between the Houses when such compromise is not achieved. In effect the legislation may be put to the people, presenting the electorate with the opportunity to change the composition of the Senate following a full Senate election. There is also of course the possibility of a change in the composition of the House (i.e. a change of Government)—the deadlock may be broken in either direction. 

As salamu alaikum,
Once again this is a great newsletter. Sorry you missed out on Event of the Year. Your time will come inshaAllah. I remember when MEFF was started in Sydney as I lived there then. For years I used to go the the MEFF eid festival. It is a huge challenge to beat MEFF. Salaams J.H.
A Word From This
Week’s Sponsor

Nazima Hansa
Now selling prime affordable land at Orchard Park, Kuraby..... that's just ripe for the picking Tel: 3347 8788 or 0407 037 928 www.nazimahansa.com
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