Hon Chris Cummins MP
Minister for Small Business, Information Technology Policy
Multicultural Affairs
Acting Minister for Primary Industries and Fisheries
Ramadaan Message to the Crescents Community e-Newsletter:
I know that Ramadaan is a special time of the year for over one billion Muslims throughout the world. It’s a time when Muslims around the world renew their commitment to lead lives of honesty, integrity, and compassion.
In today’s world these are qualities we need more than ever and I’m sure that, together, we can rely on these values to work towards better understanding between Muslims and non-Muslims alike.
Over the past two months I have twice met with some of Queensland’s Islamic leaders to discuss their issues of concern and to restate with them the Queensland Government’s commitment to multiculturalism.
I want to reassure Queensland’s Muslim communities that Muslims are valued members of the Australian and Queensland community.
Islamic communities contribute greatly to the economic and social life of Queensland, and I look forward to working with you all in the future.
Best regards,
Chris Cummins
Queensland Minister for Multicultural Affairs
Hon Stephen Robertson MP
Minister for Health
I would like to take this opportunity to offer my very best wishes to the Islamic community for the forthcoming period of Ramadan. This is indeed a very important cultural event within the Queensland calendar.
Stephen Robertson MP
Member for Stretton
Minister for Health
Umar Bachelor for 
O Youth!! Cherish every moment of Ramadan and enjoy the coolness at the setting of the sun and Allah’s pleasure in the hereafter.
Nazima Hansa for 
"The one who fasts, experiences two joys: he feels pleasure when he breaks the fast and he is joyful by virtue of his fast when he meets his Rubb.'' Ramadaan is a gift to this Ummah Nazima Hansa & Family wish all CCN Readers Ramadaan Mubarak, & May Allah (SWT) accept all our ibadaat and duas during this blessed month Inshallah.
Suraia, Cassim & Ayeshu Maheter |
To Zarina and Ahmed Kadwa, Noor Osman, and Naseem and Habib Jamal We wish you everything of the best for Ramadhan - good health, happiness and Imaan. Remember us in your duas and make us Maaf. Looking forward to seeing you here soon. Love and Salaams from Suraia, Cassim and Ayeshu Maheter From Sunny South Africa
The Crew
The Islamic Females Association |

Reffik Dada for 
Reffik and Hamida Dada and Family wish all their family, friends and readers of CCN RAMADHAN MUBARAK. May Allah (SWT) give us all the strength to strive for Ihsaan (righteousness and sincerity) and stay away from riyaa’ (showing off) |
Faisal Hatia

"The first part of Ramadhan brings Allah's mercy, the middle of which brings His forgiveness and the last part of which brings emancipation from Jahannam."
May Allah (SWT) forgive the Ummah their transgressions during this Holy month and grant us all peace, inshaAllah.
Faisal and Julie Hatia and family of Hatia Property Corporation would like to take this opportunity to convey our duas and best wishes to all our family, friends and not forgetting the Huffaz for their efforts during this Mubarak month of Ramadhan.
Salaams from Faisal, Julie, Arshad, Yusuf, Farzana, Muhammad and Ameera. |
Our Man-on-the-Mussallaah 
May your journey through the month of Ramadhan be as straight as the Warrego Highway and as gentle as precision German engineering.
May all the gaps in your Deen be filled in bulk and that you are regularly injected with the spirit of goodwill and understanding during this month, inshaAllah. There is one appointment that none of us will fail to keep. May this month help strengthen our faith to face this day. Ramadhan Mubarak to my fan (where ever you may be).
Hamza & Sharifa Parker |
Please pass on our Ramadhan Mubarak to all our Muslim brothers and sisters, Jazakallah. May Allah Ta'ala make this Ramadhan a turning point in the life of the long-suffering Ummah. Aameen. |
Farouk and Yacoob for 
The members of Shelving and Shop Displays Farouk Adam and Yacoob Bassa and our families would like to wish our customers, friends and all the Muslim community Ramadhan Mubarak and pray to Almighty Allah (SWT) accept our fasts, good deeds and prayers in this Holy month. Salaam |
Fazal Deen for Islamic Society of Holland Park |
On behalf of the members of the Management Committee and Musallies of the Islamic Society of Holland Park Inc, we would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a prosperous and blessed Ramadan-Ul-Mubarak. This is indeed the month of mercy and we should do our best to make the most of it. We humbly ask that you remember us and all the Muslim brethren during this merciful and auspicious month, especially the Muslims that are in pain and suffering throughout the world. Ramadan-Ul-Mubarak.
Yasmin Khan for  |
The holy month of Ramadhan is upon us and it is a time for reflection, prayer and reverence, more so than in other months. We enter this month of fasting, to observe one of our fundamental beliefs of Islam. We fast in remembrance of Allah, to safeguard us in the hereafter and to understand piety and humility, and to accept His mercy and rewards. The Eidfest Committee wishes one and all a very holy Ramadhan month, may your prayers be answered, your burdens lightened, and your sins wiped away. And when this month of prayer is finished, remember that you were also given the day of Eid ul Fitr to celebrate the end of Ramadhan. Eid is a time for joyous celebration, of getting together with the community to celebrate this happy occasion.
Insha’Allah, may your Ramadhan be all that you want it to be. |
Ismail Moola |
Ramadaan Mubarak to all our family, friends and fellow Muslims.
May Allah (All praise is due to Him) grant that all of us grow closer to Him and truly benefit from Ramadaan – aameen.
Forgive us and remember us in your duas.
Rubana, Ruhee, Nooree and Ismail Moola
Mo Ali for 

Aziz Gutta |
To all our family and friends in Brisbane, wishing you a peaceful and blessed Ramadaan.
May Allah's mercy be yours this special month, may He fill your hearts with nur, that you may know His gentle peace and feel his presence always.
Remember us in Your Dua's
Abdul Aziz, Zuleikha, Fatima and Omar Gutta
Imraan Nathie
Masjid Al Farooq |
Ramadaan is a time of sacrifice and commitment. It is a time of rededication and upliftment. It is a time of rediscovering oneself and one's relationship with Almighty Allah, Creator of the world. It is a time of reaching out to our fellow citizens. It is a time of kindness and generosity to the less fortunate.
To all our Muslim brothers and sisters, in this time of contemplation and self-sacrifice, we wish you well. May your fasting days be filled with peace and positive reflection.
The Trustees of Kuraby Masjid
Principal Ahmad Ghazaleh
Kuraby Madrasah |
On behalf of Kuraby Madrasah, its staff and its pupils I would like to wish everyone in the community a blessed and spiritual Ramadaan. May Allah SWT accept your fasting and good deeds.
The QMT Team

Queensland Muslim Times wishes you and your family a happy and joyous Ramadaan. In appreciation for your continued support and in celebration of the 1st Year Anniversary of Queensland Muslim Times we are offering you a Free Last Will and Testament. Simply grab your QMT September copy to retrieve your coupon from the newspaper. To view the pdf online visit
Nazir Mahomed

I wish you and all CCN readers a wonderful, joyous and fulfilling Ramadaan, and one where each and everyone is able to gain spiritually to the full from this most holy of months.
Wa salaam,
Khalid Tayob |
Du’a when Ramadhaan Approaches
Allahumma sal-limni li-ramadhaana wa-sal-lim ramadhaana li wa-sal-limhu li muta-qab-bala
" O Allah! Protect me (from such sicknesses, diseases, etc. that will prevent me from observing the fast of Ramadhaan, make the month of Ramadhaan clear for me (let not the crescent be obscure in the beginning and end of Ramadhaan for fear that a doubt may arise in the observance and omission of fasting) and save me from sins in the month of Ramadhaan so that my acts of worship are accepted and not nullified." [Hayatus Sahabah Vol. 3 Pg. 275] |
Imraan Casoojee

Rasulullah (S.A.W) is reported to have said. “Everyday and night of Ramadaan Allah sets free a great number of souls from Hell. And for every muslim during everyday and night there is a time when his duaa is certainly accepted”.
May Allah accept all our duaas and ibaadat during this auspicious month.
Please remember us in your duaas.
Imraan, Safia, Nabil, Faatimah and Zaheera Casoojee
Fazila & Iqbal for 
Fazila and Iqbal Bhamjee wish all their family, friends and clients all the best during the month of Ramadhaan. May Allah (SWT) grant you all your duas during this blessed month. |
Faiza El-Higzi
The Islamic Women's Association of Queensland Inc. asks of Allah
(s.w.t) to grant the goodness of the blessed month of Ramadan to the staff, clients, Management Committee of IWAQ and to all of the Muslim community.
May Allah (s.w.t) accept our fasting and our prayers. May Allah (s.w.t) grant us mercy, remove our worries, purify our deeds, inspire us with wisdom and protect us from evil.
May Allah (s.w.t) make us thankful and grant us firmness in the following of his Guidance.
And may Allah (s.w.t) bless his prophet Mohammed (s.a.w) and his family and his companions.
Faiza El-Higzi
President IWAQ |
Faisel Essof

Browns Plains |
To all our relatives, friends and CCN readers we make dua that Allah makes it easy for all during this blessed month. May Allah (SWT) accept all your Ibadaat and may He fill your lives with Noor, Happiness, Love and Barakaat.
from Faisel & Amina Essof |
Osama Hammadieh and the Team at Ledger Commercial & Property Lawyers would like to wish you and your family a blessed Ramadan. May all you prayers be answered during this glorious month. |
Yusuf Chothia for 
Ramadaan Kareem, Wishing all our family, friends and customers well over Ramadaan.
From Yusuf Chothia and family of Kings Curtains |
Sultan Deen for
Ramadhan Mubarak from all our staff at Flamin Grill, Oxley Halal Meats and Roopams Fashions. May you have a blessed month, inshaAllah |
Kemal Omar

Second only to the ultimate solution provider! |
kodeIT would like to extend our best wishes to all of CCN Readers as well as the rest of the Muslim Community, for the month of Ramadaan. We make du'aa and ask Allah SWT to strengthen our community by increasing the bonds of friendship and brotherhood.
Mahomed Ismail

To all the Crescent Community
Mrs Fields Myer Centre wishes you all a very pleasant and rewarding Ramadan Mubarak. May the Almighty make the fasting easy upon you and shower his choicest blessings upon you and accept all our duas. Aameen.
And remember, " A Mrs Fields cookie a day will make your day easier and happier "
Junaid Ally
Assalaam mu Alaikum
Ramadaan Mubaarak to All of Brisbane, especially my father who is doing a great job of keeping us all in little ol' South Africa up to date, My (Caring) mother, My (beautiful) Grandmother and my two (not so little) brothers.
May Allah keep you all healthy and keep your ibaadat strong on this beautiful month. inshallah.
Love Junaid Ally
Yousuf Alikhan

From Yousuf
FinancialFirst |
Ferhaad Osman


Din Karin
Underwood Medical Centre
Kuraby Station Surgery |
To all our fellow Muslims
May the Almighty Allah grant you all good health and happiness,
ease your burdens and accept all your duas during the holy month of Ramadan.
Shabbir Hussain and Din Karim
Underwood Medical Centre and
Rafik Sabdia

Ramadaan Mubarak and Best Wishes from SABDIA PROFESSIONAL CENTRE to all.
Insha-Allah it will be a time of peace, happiness and forgiveness. |
Yusuf Hussein

The principals and staff of Cranstoun & Hussein would like to wish all readers Ramadaan Mubarak.
May Allah honour, forgive, accept your ibadat and duas, eleviate you, inspire you and envelope you with his Noor.
Salaams to all |
Razia Parker |
I would like to send Ramadaan Mubarak to our parents, Mahomed Noor & Nazrin Osman, and brother Mahomed Farouk Osman, of Runcorn, Brisbane.
From their loved ones in South Africa, more specifically, Nafeza, Razia, Ayesha, Aqeelah, Amina, Uzair, Shafiek, Muzammiel and Uthmaan.
Thank you for the opportunity to give our messages.
Razia Parker |
Ayoob Ismail

"O you who believe, fasting has been prescribed upon you as it has been prescribed upon those before you, so that you may attain taqwaa."
(meaning of Soraat ul Baqarah (2):183)
Zohra and I would like to wish all our patrons, friends and family Ramadaan Mubarak. |
Hussin Goss

Goss Bros Refrigerated Transport and Cold Storage & Goss Halal Food Sales would like to wish all the Brothers and Sisters a happy Ramadaan Mubarak and thank you for your support over the past 12 months. May Allah (SWT) unite us all. |
Dado Sacur for 
Bi-Rite Electrical proprietors would like to thank their valued customers and wishing all Muslims a very happy and pious Ramadan. |
Safet Avdich |
I have a pleasure to get opportunity thru this media information this most imported web-said Crescent to wish you a wery god MUBAREK RAMADAN. I wish to you all get lot's sevab, lot sabur's and continue after Ramadan. I Please to Allah to get All Muslim to United in Islam Amine
Ebrahim & Shireen Esat |
To all our family and friends and the Muslim community of Brisbane
We wish you Ramadaan Mubarak - may the Almighty accept our fast.
kindly remember us in you duas
Ebrahim & Shireen Esat & family