Sunday, 11 December 2005
Newsletter 0057
This issue of CCN is kindly sponsored by
Global Convenience |
The sister of Ismail Jangda passed away on Thursday in South Africa.
On behalf of everyone associated with Crescents of Brisbane and CCN we wish to extend our condolences to the Jangda family.
May Allah (SWT) grant the Marhoomma forgiveness and Janaat-ul-Firdous, inshaAllah. |
Holding On Strongly Onto His Reins
BUT no longer a spring chicken, Imam Abdulrahim Rane, whose family in Australia goes back several generations, celebrates his 89th birthday on Tuesday.
Unfortunately he has also just been diagnosed with cancer of the liver and is presently being taken care of at the Greenslopes Private Hospital.
Haji Rane was Imam at Brisbane's oldest mosque at Holland Park for many years and once held the distinction of being the youngest grandfather in Queensland.
On behalf of the Crescents community CCN wishes Imam Rane both a happy birthday and a speedy recovery and all our duas are with him.

Compelling and Controversial BBC Series
"Should we be worried about the threat from organised terrorism or is it simply a phantom menace being used to stop society from falling apart? This three-part documentary series explores how the idea that we are threatened by a hidden and organised terrorist network is an illusion. The final episode explained how the illusion was created and who benefits from it. In the wake of the shock and panic created by the devastating attack on the World Trade Centre on 11 September, 2001, the neo-conservatives reconstructed the radical Islamists in the image of their last evil enemy: the Soviet Union."
The Power of Nightmares, a BBC documentary, was aired over three nights on SBS during the past week. The series titles were:
I: Baby It's Cold Outside
II: The Phantom Victory
III: The Shadows In The Cave
Read more about the series here.
This week SBS screens another 3-part series called The New Al-Qaeda which deals with the same topic but draws a different conclusion from the Power of Nightmares.
[Editor] If you made a copy of the three series of the Phantom of Nightmares and you loan it to theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org you will earn yourself a Nandos Fiesta voucher valued at $16.50. |

Tis the Season to be Jolly?
These days it won't truly be Christmas in Australia unless the usual seasonal story of how stores and public places are removing Christmas symbols and trappings in supposed deference to the sensitivities of other religious groups or, worse still, in response to alleged pressure from them.
Last week's Sunday Mail was true to form but with a slight twist to the tale. This time it was Kuranda Seyit, the Director of the Forum on Australia’s Islamic Relations (Fair), who became the year's fall guy.
An irate Seyit sent out this press release and disclaimer:
Muslims and Christians are like the teeth of a comb.
Yesterday’s reporting by the Sunday Mail (4/12/05) titled “Anger over attack on Christmas” was a total fabrication. The Forum on Australia’s Islamic Relations unequivocally denies making such comments and condemns the reporter’s deliberate attempt to misrepresent the Forum’s views on Christmas.
Kuranda Seyit, Director of FAIR Australia said today, “To set the record straight, we have never advocated for the abolition of Christmas or to change the name. This is a ludicrous notion. Christmas is a part of the Australian tradition just as other traditions such as Anzac day are. I am Australian of Turkish descent but I don’t even want Anzac day to be abolished let alone Christmas.”
It is not for the Islamic members of the Australian society to be telling others what they should believe in.
FAIR is concerned that the Sunday Mail has fabricated the story to stir up racial tensions leading up to Christmas. FAIR will be lodging a complaint with the Australian Press Council and seeking legal advice.
“It is a woeful shame the extent that journalists will go to sell a story. This is a slur against my character and a great injustice. I did not say any of the shameful comments attributed to me by the Sunday Mail.
This is a cheap beat up and I feel sorry for the many decent Australians who will be affected by it. Muslims love and cherish Jesus Christ and that is what makes Christians and Muslims brothers and sisters like sultanas and raisins in the same Christmas cake. ” Mr Seyit said.
FAIR would once again like to state that Christmas is a part of the Australian landscape and no religious group should ever try to change that.

Islamic Medical Seminars
Professor Abufadl Mohsin Ebrahim, a renowned scholar from South Africa, will be presenting two sessions of lectures at the Darul Uloom today and tomorrow (11 and 12 December) at 7pm.
11 Dec
Islam and Family Planning
Human Rights and the Rights of the Unborn
Assisted Reproductive Technologies
12 Dec
Death and Dying: According to the Islamic Perspective
Organ Transplant
Mosque Saved As 11th Hour Closes In At the meeting called up to discuss the raising of funds for the Mosque last Sunday the amount of $145 000 that was needed was pledged within the space of an hour. Some 50 people attended the meeting during which one kind unassuming individual (dubbed the "Farishta Doctor" by some attendees) offered to loan $100 000 on a "payable when able" basis. Not only was the offer taken up but the whole repayment was also secured from amongst the rest of the attendees. It was a fantastic achievement on the part of the Brisbane community and we can take heart and pride in the knowledge that there are individuals here who are indeed generous to a fault.
There are still funds required for the next stage of the development of the Mosque. Any contributions will be welcomed.
Bank Details
Bank: ANZ Branch: Ipswich
Account Name: Islamic Society of Ipswich Inc.
BSB #: 014-610
Account #: 4995-15045 |

Imams Hussein and Hussein |
Visiting Imam
Imam Hodzic Hussein from the town of Trebinje is visiting Australia as a guest of the Bosnian Society. Imam Hussein was instrumental in rebuilding the Osman-Pasina Mosque in the heart of the Serbian town.
Up until 1992 85% of the population in Trebinje was Muslim. The majority of this population abandoned the town and escaped after the problems in the region began.
Imam Hussein single-handedly forced the Serbian authorities to allow him to rebuild the Mosque alongside three others in the town. He also helped to rebuild Mosque Fazlagica Kula in Gacko.
Imam Hussein will be in Australia until the end of December.

(From l to r) Imam Hussein Zumi Osman, Hajji Safet, Imam Hussein and Fazlic Asim |

The CCN Silly Season Section
Koos and Japie from Bloemfontein were up in Joburg for the rugby when they saw this sign on a shop window:
Suits R20.00 each
Shirts R10.00 each
Trousers R8.00 per pair
Koos says to his pal. "Hey Japie, Look! We could buy a whole load of those clothes, and when we get back to the Bloem, we could resell them and make us a blerry fortune!"
"Now listen boet, when we go into the shop you keep your mouth shut, hey! Just let me do all the talking and wheeling and dealing stuff, 'cause if they hear your accent, they might try to rip us off. I'll be giving them my best Vaalie accent so they think we're locals."
They go in and Koos says, "Excuse me sir, I'll take 50 of your finest suits at R20.00 each, 100 shirts at R10.00 each, and 50 pairs of your trousers at R8.00 each. I will be paying in cash, and taking those items with me today, if you don't mind."
The owner of the shop interrupts, "You guys are from the Free State, aren't you?"
"Errr...ja" says Koos, "how come you know?"
Click here to find out what the owner said.
The CCN Corner for Smarty Pants
The winner of the CCN0056 Competition and the Nandos Broadbeach Fiesta voucher is ........wait for it.......
The answer to the question: Which King in the pack is different from all the other Kings, and in what respect? is The king of hearts has no moustache |
Dear Editor
I would like, through your newsletter, to convey my sincerest gratitude to the young people of the Islamic Females Association who organized the Somalian collection drive on the Saturday. I was overwhelmed by the response of the community and particularly the manner in which the young men and women went about organizing the collection on the day. I was most impressed by the extent of their commitment and dedication - something I have not seen in the youth here in a long while.
There is enough for a container load and more. It would be such a pleasure to see the look on the faces of the people in Somalia when they receive the clothes, books and toys, especially when they see the quality of many of the items that were donated.
I will be leaving for my first Haj shortly and I will make a special dua for these young men and women. If they are an example of the next generation of leaders to come then we can rest safe in the knowledge that our community will be in excellent hands, inshaAllah.
Janeth Deen
[Editor] We can't let your letter pass without recognizing the hard work and dedication that you have put into this cause over the years. Stories abound of the meticulous care you take in preparing and packing all the items before shipping them off and how you ensure that clothes and books that are in need of repair get the benefit of your many skills before they leave your house. It is this hard work and enthusiasm that we are sure has been the source of inspiration for many.
We wish you Hajj mabruk, that all your duas be accepted, inshAllah, and that you make a safe and inspiring journey. Our thoughts are with you.
A Word From This Week’s Sponsor

Spice up your life and curry favour with your friends and family Just visit us for the hottest deals in town!
Shop 5, Kuraby Square
1307 Beenleigh Rd, Kuraby
Ph: 07 3219099 |
The owner says, "This is the dry-cleaners!" |
Write For Us
The best ideas and the best feedback come from our community of readers. If you have a topic or opinion that you want to write about or want seen covered or any news item that you think might be of benefit to the Crescents Community please e-mail theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org.
Share your thoughts, feelings and ambitions for our community through CCN.
If there is someone you know who would like to subscribe to CCN please encourage them to send an e-mail to theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org with the words “Subscribe Me” in the subject line. |
Articles and opinions appearing in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Crescents of Brisbane team, CCN, its Editor or its Sponsors.