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Sunday, 18 June 2006

Newsletter 0084

This World Cup flavoured issue

is kindly sponsored by

Kelly Distributors

لسلام عليكم

AustraliaThe Socceroos play Brazil tomorrow and CCN says - go the Roos!


CBD'06 Date Change to Saturday 2 September


Saturday 2 September


In view of the fact that the annual Islamic School of Brisbane's Spring Fete is being held on 5 August Crescents of Brisbane has decided to postpone CBD'06 to Saturday 2 September.


Scared of a little prick?

Don't be!

Most of your friends and family aren't!

Join them and pre-register now




If it's Sunday.................it must be .......... the Islamic Society of Algester BBQ Day.


Why are you wasting your time reading this CCN now when you could be joining in the fun and fund raising!


World Cup can build bridges in the age of terrorism


Dirk Kurbjuweit, in Spiegel online in Germany, on how soccer unites Osama bin Laden and the Americans


Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad shoots a ball as he visits Iran's national team during training.

WHEN Osama bin Laden was in London in 1994, he occasionally attended Arsenal matches.

The thought of him sitting there somewhere at Highbury, perhaps in seat 4, row 17 of the east grandstand, slight and inconspicuous, removes him from his cave and puts him back into our world. He's not a demon or a devil.

He's one of us, albeit one of the cruelest, most terrifying specimens of humanity. But anybody who goes to a football match must be human. So he won't elude capture forever.

That's not the only good news. Evidently it's impossible to detest the West enough to forgo the home matches of a London club. For this game belongs to us all, the Iranians as much as the English, the Chinese as much as the Americans. It's different with basketball. Basketball belongs to the Americans, and everyone else can only imitate them. That's why only football can touch almost all of us, Americans and anti-Americans alike.


Of course, no pass - however sweetly timed - will prevent bin Laden from spreading his reign of terror. He was even planning an attack on the 1998 World Cup in France. But for all those not yet blinded by rage, the game can still build bridges.


During the cold war, the Russians were the universal bogymen. In the eyes of the West, each Russian was a miniature Brezhnev. But then came Oleg Blokhin with his magical goals. Suddenly, there were two "Russians", Brezhnev and Blokhin - who actually came from Ukraine, not that anybody cared back then. But perhaps if there were two "Russians", there might be even more. In the end, people began to think that Russians might love their children, too. Maybe they were individuals and could be divided into good and evil. Football can't claim to have saved the world from devastating wars, but it has helped keep the lid on hostilities.


It still has this capacity. What could be better for our planet than if the top stars at this World Cup turned out to be an Iranian and an American? If Ali Karimi and Landon Donovan captivated the entire world with their skills, their own world and their "co-star's" world?


We might suddenly discover that there are two Iranians, Karimi and Ahmadinejad, as well as two Americans, Donovan and Bush. Perhaps there would again be a little less hatred in the world. That really would be something. And what a shame that the Danes won't be there to enjoy it.



Source: http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/story/0,20867,19409377-7583,00.html


Muslim Community Grants Released


Grants recipients, Halim Rane of Griffith University and Yassmin Abdel-Magied of Al-Nisa, with Minister Stephen Robertson

The Department of Multicultural Affairs Minister Chris Cummins today announced more than $160,000 for fifteen projects promoting interaction and understanding between Muslim and non Muslim Queenslanders.


Mr Cummins said 34 applications were received in the first round of the Beattie Government’s Muslim Community Grants program, reflecting significant interest and concern within the Muslim and broader community about matters including: high rates of Muslim community unemployment; identity and integration; the impact of the media; and, the importance of supporting young people.


“We have provided funding for 12 small scale community projects and three major research projects that we expect to influence future policy development,” he said.


“It’s great to see a good spread of projects across the state, including activities in the Brisbane area, Central Queensland, Mackay, Wide Bay, Toowoomba and Townsville.”


Mr Cummins said the Muslim Community Grants program was part of the $700,000 Muslim Community Engagement Strategy, announced by Premier Beattie in September last year.


Of the Al-Nisa project, State Member for Stretton, Stephen Robertson MP, said:


"The AL-Nisa Youth Group project will develop a mobile exhibition showcasing the contributions of Islam as a civilization to modern society. The focus will be on the contribution of Islam as a culture and civilization, not on Islam as religion.

“Photographs, artifacts and documents outlining the contribution of Islamic thought to fields of human development such as maths, medicine, poetry, and science will be collated and made available for public display in schools, libraries and other facilities.

Mr. Robertson said, “the development of the display material will provide a useful vehicle to promote informed discussion about and knowledge of the contribution of Islam to contemporary society and will help break down misconceptions and stereotypes that have sometimes characterized public debate.”

The complete list of successful applicants were:


Queensland University of Technology Centre for Social Change Research

Engaging Queensland Community: a strategy for reducing unemployment among Queensland's Muslims

The research project will explore the incidence of high rates of unemployment in the Queensland Muslim population and examine the issues identified. 


Northey Street City Farm Association

Food & Cultures

This project will connect the Muslim community with the broader Brisbane community through an established volunteer program to share information and skills on growing, harvesting and cooking food. 


Griffith University - Griffith Islamic Research Unit

The Impact of Media Representations on the Understanding of Islam and Attitudes toward Muslims in Queensland

The research is to gain insights into the effects of media representations on the understanding of Islam and attitudes towards Muslims among Queenslanders.  The objective is to identify the dominant media sources that shape the understanding of Islam, analyse content and the effects of media representations on the understanding of Islam and produce recommendations for policy-makers.


Somali Women's Association of Queensland

Showing and Sharing

Four workshops for parents and friends will be held at Mount Gravatt State School. Somali parents will exchange recipes with the other parents in the school and with the help of trained chefs, shown how to prepare the recipes. 


Queensland I-Care Association

Fashion Parade

This project will stage a women’s fashion parade.  With some people calling for a ban of the hijab and the suggestion that the Muslim garb is confronting, it is time that Muslim women showcase their many modes of dress from different cultural backgrounds.


AL-Nisa' Youth Group

HADARAH: Contributions of the Islamic Civilisation to Society

This project will develop a mobile exhibit that showcases the contributions of Islam as a civilisation (not as a religion) to our modern society.  The exhibit will be placed in public places, including schools and regional areas to raise awareness of the general public about Islamic contributions in fields such as medicine, mathematics and science.


Islamic Society of Mackay

Muslim Multicultural Event – ‘Getting to know Islam and Muslims Better’

This multicultural event will gather people from all communities and ethnic backgrounds to promote awareness of Muslim culture, encourage participation and foster understanding and acceptance between the local community and the Islamic Society of Mackay.


Crescents Community News (CCN)


This project will see the development and maintenance of an electronic newsletter to embrace a wider audience and demonstrate the important role that the Muslims of Queensland are playing in Australian society.


Central Queensland University - School of Nursing and Health Studies

Identity and Self-Perception among Young Muslim people in Brisbane, Rockhampton and Mackay.

This project will explore the identity and self-perception of young Muslim people to help better understand some of the experiences and realities of young people in their environment.  Objectives are to explore the identity of young Muslims, describe their social, cultural, political and structural environments, identify, review and discuss the relevant literature of Australian/Queensland-based academic and policy documents and develop a model of action and response to guide policy makers and practitioners.


Islamic Society of Central Queensland

Inter-Faith Community Project

This project consists of a creative workshop, lectures and a question-answer session.  The target group will include the different faith groups of Central Queensland.


Islamic Information Service of Cooloola

Celebration of Understanding

This project will bring together members of Gympie's community and the newly-formed regional Muslim Community Group.


University of Southern Queensland Multicultural Centre

Islamic Centre Open Day: Working Together Towards Harmony

This project includes the organisation of an Open Day at the Islamic Centre on campus at the University of Southern Queensland. 


Migrant Resource Centre Townsville-Thuringowa

'Youths - Agents of Change' Camp

This camp is for Muslim and other youth and will include workshop sessions, rehearsals and a theatrical performance.  Participation of Muslim youth in this camp with children of many different backgrounds will promote interaction and understanding.


Fraser Coast Cultural Consultative Group

Muslim Building Our Communities

This project will promote interaction and understanding between Muslim and non-Muslim Queenslanders through a series of workshops/community events in regional centres in Wide Bay. 


Islamic Association of Lutwyche

Mosque Open Day

This event will feature mosque tours, information talks, question and answer sessions, displays of Islamic posters, free Islamic literature and a BBQ lunch for visitors.


How to avoid becoming a World Cup Widow during Germany 2006

Adapted from the original article at Khaleej Times to suit CCN sensibilities


Since the moment the World Cup kicked off on June 9, millions of women across the world have been forced to share their husbands and boyfriends with a seductive rival: the all-consuming love of football.

It can be a testing time when a woman is forced to share her other half with a game of two halves, but relationships do survive the World Cup. All it takes is skilful tactics and fair play.

Here are eight ways for women to take men on at their own game, and make sure they are not sidelined for the duration of the month-long tournament:


 1. Join Them: One way to make sure you do not feel left out is to become a supporter yourself. If you know nothing about football, Soccer Tips for Dummies by Michael Lewis (Hungry Minds Inc) may help you get the hang of the off-side rule or try The Thinking Fan’s Guide to the World Cup (Abacus) for some insight on what makes your man tick.

Alternatively, get your partner to talk you through it and explain the rules. One word of warning from Jim Pirrie, a self-confessed football obsessive and director of the Brazilian Soccer Schools in Hong Kong: Don’t expect chat during the match.

“Talk to me during the game and you’ll get only half answers,” says Pirrie. “At half-time and full-time you can have as much analysis as you like but not during the game.”


 2. Play Away: Not infidelity but finding something else, rather than someone else, to fill that void in your life. A survey in the UK found that 30 per cent of World Cup widows would rather go shopping than watch a match while another 30 per cent said they would prefer a meal with friends.

If you are in a part of the world like Asia where games are on after shops close for the night, you could try going to the bed early with a good book and earplugs, have a late night out with like-minded friends or retreat to your own space with the DVDs you would never watch together.


 3. Play Fair: Fair play is all part of “the beautiful game,” which means your partner should know to play by the rules and be prepared to give something back to you for being so understanding.

Organize some quality time to together and with the family or go for a trade-off: Tell him you will keep out of the way if he promises something in return. Perhaps letting you do something on your own or a weekend away together when the tournament is over.


 4. Stand By Your Fan: Even if you don’t watch you can cash in on the emotions the game produces to build a closer relationship. If your partner’s side loses, be the shoulder to cry on and when they win, share the joy and celebrate with him. The Durex Company has even produced a range of World Cup condoms in three varieties (England, Germany and Brazil), which seem tailor-made for such an occasion.

Relationship counsellor Sharon Glick says what you should not do is ignore your partner’s misery if his team loses or tell him not to be so silly. “That’s like pouring gasoline on fire,” said Glick. “Why upset them more?”

Jim Pirrie prefers the silent treatment. “If my team loses then I don’t want to talk about it. I just want to be left alone. The worst thing someone can do is to say ’It’s not that bad, it’s only a game’. That’s 100 times worse than saying nothing. It’s not only a game. It’s the World Cup.”


 5. Enjoy The Spectacle From The Sidelines: Even if you find football really is a bore, you can still enjoy the festival fever, gossip and human tales of tragedy and triumph which go hand in hand with a big tournament.

Go along to an outdoors screening of the big matches with your partner and just enjoy the atmosphere, kissing after the goals and hugs of commiseration in the worst-case scenario.


6. Get The Whole Team Involved: Children too can feel neglected. Make the big matches family events. Encourage the children to watch games, dress in the colours of your team or paint your faces.

Children will love being part of the event and sharing something with their parents. Plan a football dinner or even a party. Decorate the house in your team colours and invite other footballing friends, widows and families over too.


7: Don’t Cry Foul: Dirty play and dramatics is no more appreciated off the pitch than on. Whatever you do, don’t try to win back your partner’s affection by using tactics like temper tantrums, sulks, threats, and pulling the plug on the television.

Do that, says Glick, and you may find yourself taking an early bath alone and may even force your partner to seek refuge at more welcoming venues such as a friend’s house or Nandos.

The secret is not to worry. If your relationship is good you have nothing to fear from your partner’s other love. “It can only become a problem if you are insecure,” Glick said. “You should accept it as being part of that person. Take a deep breath and be relieved that his other mistress is only football.” Now try telling that to a football fan.


Hazel Parry is a Deutsche Presse-Agentur’s Hong Kong correspondent and an experienced football widow. She has survived two World Cups and 12 football seasons with her husband. Their fourth child William is known affectionately as “World Cup Willy” because of his arrival nine months after a memorable performance by England in the 2002 World Cup.


Discover Islam in World Cup

By Amir Shabana, IOL Staff

The World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY) will launch a know-Islam campaign during the World Cup 2006 in Germany, which kicked off on June 9.

"Discover Islam" stickers, balloons and T-shirts will be given to the fans.


"The campaign will be championed by our Berlin branch," WAMY Cairo Director Hamdy Al-Mursi told IslamOnline.net.

He said up to 1.5 million glossy and colorful leaflets on Islam will be printed in English and German and distributed among football fans flocking from all over the world.

"The distribution will be through leased mosque-shaped pavilions inside different stadiums," added the activist.

Mursi said "Discover Islam" stickers, balloons and T-shirts will also be given to the fans.

He noted that the campaign is organized in tandem with a number of Islamic centers and NGOs in the total of twelve cities hosting the football extravaganza after getting the green light from the German authorities.

Islam comes third in Germany after Protestant and Catholic Christianity.

There are some 3.4 million Muslims in Germany, two thirds of whom are of Turkish origin.

In June 2000, Germany won the right to host the gala, narrowly beating South Africa which will be the host of the 2010 competition.

Tolerant Islam

Mursi said the WAMY campaign will highlight tolerance in Islam, which is unfairly equated with terrorism.

"We want people to read about this much-stereotyped religion, which breaches against discrimination," he added.

"This is a golden opportunity to train Muslim youths in making use of world events to introduce our religion," said the activist.

Established in Saudi Arabia in 1972, WAMY is a non-governmental youth and student organization affiliated with the United Nations.

It has presence in 55 countries and an associate membership of over 500 youth organizations around the world.

Through its various projects, WAMY provides support structures to encourage the positive engagement and integration of the youth in their social environment.

It also aims to help assist towards diffusing social tensions, and protect Muslim youth from extremism and such trends that result in social instability.


Labouring on the Fringes





Halim Rane and Faiza El-Higzi addressing the Queensland Labor's inaugural Fringe program last week on what it was like being a Muslim in Australia.


The CCN Quotable Quotes


“The ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do.”- Steve Jobs (co-inventor of the Apple computer)


Best Joke of All Time .........as promised in CCN0083


Two hunters go into the woods. One collapses and the other rings for help, telling the operator he thinks his friend is dead.

When the operator asks if he is sure, there is a gunshot before he comes back to the operator with: OK, now what?"


And why the Japanese won't win the Soccer World Cup!


Find out here!


The Forgotten Legacy of a Religion


What do coffee beans, torpedoes, surgical scalpels, arches and observatories all have in common?
Were Leonardo da Vinci’s flight ideas originals?
Who devised the casing for pill capsules and where did Fibonacci learn to flex his mathematical fingers?


The Islamic contribution to the science, culture and heritage of our modern world is often forgotten. From coffee to cheques and the three-course meal, the Muslim world has given us many innovations that we take for granted in daily life.


Every so often, over the next few weeks, CCN will bring you an invention inspired by the Islamic World.


Time to come clean and set the record straight ......

Washing and bathing are religious requirements for Muslims, which is perhaps why they perfected the recipe for soap which we still use today.


The ancient Egyptians had soap of a kind, as did the Romans who used it more as a pomade. But it was the Arabs who combined vegetable oils with sodium hydroxide and aromatics such as thyme oil.


One of the Crusaders' most striking characteristics, to Arab nostrils, was that they did not wash.


Shampoo was introduced to England by a Muslim who opened Mahomed's Indian Vapour Baths on Brighton seafront in 1759 and was appointed Shampooing Surgeon to Kings George IV and William IV.





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