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Sunday, 23 July 2006

Newsletter 0089

لسلام عليكم

"Sisters Are Doin' It For Themselves" *


Guests of Honour Ms Bryce and Ms Spence

The young Muslim Womens' group, Al-Nisa' Inc. was launched at an elegant dinner held at the State Parliament House on Friday night.


Her Excellency, the Governor of Queensland, Ms Quentin Bryce and  Ms Judy Spence, Minister of Police were the main guests of honour, both of whom would have been more than impressed with the slick organization and presentation of their young hosts.


The surrounding ambiance, the congenial atmosphere, the delicate finishing touches and the nouvelle cuisine also served up to give the occasion a distinctive class of its own.


Abu Ghazaleh entertained the 80-odd invited guests with his trusty duff and an a cappella rendition of his nasheeds (Islamic poetry) that would have been the first of such genre to have reverberated around the walls of the usually staid Strangers Dining Hall.     


As our Man-on-the-Mussallaah observed in his inimitable style, "It was more than a parliamentary privilege to have been a part of what promises to be a very polished outfit".


Good on yer, girls!




The Al-Nisa Team with Governor and Minister

Strangers Dining Hall



* with apologies to the Eurythmics



Congratulations to Zaheer and Nasreen Deen on the birth of their baby daughter, Zahra Naaz Deen. Zahra was born at 5:20am on Monday the 17th of July 2006 at the Mater Hospital, she weighed in at 2.94 kilograms


Zahra is now a younger sister to Maryam, who is two (2) years of age of and is the Eighth (8th) grandchild to Habib and Badrool Deen  


Both mother and child are doing well, Alhamdulillah.


Sha’ista Khatree (daughter of Hanief and Abeda Khatree) graduated in Architecture from the University of Queensland at a ceremony on Friday 21 July.


Sha’ista completed her degree at the end of 2005 but did not stay for the graduation since she had to go back to South Africa where she lives with her husband Abed Aboo. She returned to Brisbane to attend the graduation ceremony at the University of Queensland.



Gold Coast Mosque BBQ



Besides the usual games, rides and stalls which are always popular and great fun for the whole family, this year's event will have an added attraction - a laser skirmish. This is set to be an enjoyable day out for the young and old alike. So get out there and try out your combat skills!!!

The main attraction for the day will still be the auction, which will include several “specialty items and artworks” as well as electronics and electrical goods capped off with the Gold Coast Islamic Community’s hospitality and lunch.


See you there, inshaAllah!


Holland Park Mosque Madressah Graduation 2006


Holland Park Mosque held a graduation programme for its Madressah students last night (Saturday 22 July).


Each of the graduating students read verses from the Holy Quran to show the proficiency they had attained.


When it came time to award the Graduation Plaques and gifts (which were copies of special colour coded Qurans) to the new graduates the traditional Holland Park protocol was followed.



The Plaques and Gifts were handed over along a chain of Teachers, Alims, dignitaries and respected elders. On this occasion it was Qari Mahboob Ul Haq who picked up the offerings then passed it to the President of the Mosque – Brother Shaheek Hasan, he then passed it to Brother Arif – the Muazzin of the Mosque, who passed it to Brother Sadiq Deen, who passed it to Sheik Mahmoud (a well known visiting Sheik from Melbourne), who passed to Imam Uzair Akbar, who then passed it to Brother Habib Deen and then to the Graduating student.




This year's list of graduates are:


1. Ali Abdulraheem son of Zaid Rane
2. Anees Ahmen son of Mohammed Ahmed
3. Aftab Arif son of Mohammed Sarwar Arif
4. Hassan Ibrahim son of Ali Ibrahim
5. Naseer Ibrahim son of Ali Ibrahim
6. Sami Uddin son of Misbah Uddin
7. Zakeriya Bakhit son of Mohammed Bakhit
8. Abirahman Abikadir son of Abikadir
9. Mohammed Abdi Abikadir son of Abikadir
10. Shire Abdikadir son of Abdikadir
11. Qais Khan son of Shahzad Khan
12. Mohammed Dirie son of Habay Dirie
13. Abdullah Ali son of Ali Adan
14. Faisal Ali son of Hassan Bule
15. Abdullah Abdullrabzak son of Abdullrabzak
16. Tariq Ali son of Shaheed Ali
17. Mohammed Hassan Quorane son of Hassan Quorane
18. Mustafaa Olomi son of Ahmad Haris
19. Javed Deen son of Ayub Deen


Two prominent Iranians for the price of one


Qld I-CARE Association Inc. will be presenting their first guest speakers Dr Massoumeh Ebtekar, the former Vice President of Iran, and, possibly, Dr Shirin Ebadi, winner of the 2003 Nobel Peace Prize tomorrow (Monday) 24th July at Tandoori Village, Dennis Rd, Springwood from 12 noon to 2pm.



Dr Ebtekar is here in Brisbane talking at the Earth Dialogues conference with Mikhail Gorbachev.

Born in 1960 in Tehran, Dr Ebtekar went to school in the United States and completed her studies in Iran gaining a doctorate in immunology. She is also a University Professor.

Dr Ebtekar’s appointment as Vice President of Iran (1997-2005) was widely seen as heralding a political breakthrough for Iranian women. She told the Hamshahri newspaper at the time that if women were promoted on merit, many of Iran’s problems would be solved.

Dr Ebtekar has led efforts to tackle air-pollution problems in Tehran and protect marine life in the Gulf. Another of her priorities is to deal with environmental damage caused by the 1991 Gulf War.

In December 2002, the Entekhab Daily named her as a founding member of the “Women’s Party of Iran”, along with other prominent women said to include the wife of the President’s brother. The party was said to be a branch of the Islamic Iran Participation Front.

Dubbed “Mary” by the US press, she was spokeswoman for the students who took 52 diplomats hostage in the American Embassy siege of 1979.

In 1981 she was appointed editor of the English language newspaper Kayhan International.

She retains links with the media and since 1993 has been managing editor of Farzaneh, a bilingual quarterly devoted to the advancement of women’s studies.

Dr. Shirin Ebadi is an Iranian lawyer, human rights activist and founder of the Association for Support of Children's Rights in Iran. In 2003, Dr Ebadi was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, for her efforts for democracy and human rights, especially for the rights of women and children, becoming the first Iranian and the first Muslim woman to receive the prize.

The speakers will talk about the role of women in Islam, the future of the Muslim world, Iran and the “Axis of Evil”, Iran and nuclear weapons and the current situation in Lebanon.

To book a seat email Yasmin Khan on bilkees@bigpond.net.au for your expression of interest. Tickets are available at the door for $35 per head, and will be limited due to size of the restaurant. For further information call 0419 025 510.

Afraid someone will steal your slippers at the Mosque?

Protest in City over Middle East Crisis



A vocal crowd gathered at a peaceful rally in Queens Gardens in Elizabeth Street, in the Brisbane CBD yesterday (Saturday) to express their opinion of the events taking place in the Middle East.



Public Lecture: Perspectives on Peacework and Conflict Resolution


Rotem Dan Mor is a Conscientious Objector to compulsory army service in Israel. He served for a year and a half in the Israeli Army before refusing to continue to serve and spending time in prison for his choice. Since his release he has:


  • Toured Australia, New Zealand and the US speaking publicly on the Peace and Conscientious Objector movements in Israel-Palestine

  • Organised and facilitated programs for young people in Israel contemplating refusal to compulsory army service, with New Profile (feminist organization working to create a civil, demilitarized society in Israel) and American Friends Service Committee (Quakers)

  • Actively resisted the building of the Separation Wall


Halim Rane has been lecturing in Islamic Studies for the past five years. He has recently returned from a visit to Palestine and Israel. He was there to conduct field research for his PhD, which is in the field of conflict resolution, specifically focussing on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.


Tuesday July 25th
6.30pm for a 7pm start
Ahimsa House
Horan St West End
Please RSVP Emma on 0421 002 769


There for the Magic Carpet Ride


Despite an uncharacteristically cold and damp Brisbane Sunday many turned out at Mott Park in Holland Park for the Brisbane Festival's Scheherazade.


Dancers and singers from several parts of the Middle East entertained the crowd during the day, and the camel rides added a touch of the occasion to the day's proceedings 


The Fiji Muslim Association did a brisk trade in curry and rice, while the I-Care stall catered for the less adventurous with good old-fashioned Halal burgers.


2006 Rugby - Australia/South Africa highlights


Catch a quick roundup of all the South African highlights from last week's game...... 



Trivia Night with a World Cup Flavour


The Souths United Soccer Club is holding a Trivia Night on Friday 4th August at its Club House in Nathan Road, Runcorn starting at 6.45pm.


There will be a halftime halal sausage sizzle in between the general knowledge and soccer questions posed by Quiz Master, Manjit Boparai, aka The Singing Cabbie (featured in last week's CCN).


All proceeds will go towards the upkeep of the Club where the children of many local CCN readers are registered as players in the League.


Get a Team together and RSVP David Forde 0413 874 008 OR Beth Bolt 0414 802 190 OR email southsunited@hotmail.com.


The CCN Centre Link


The Ethnic Communities Council of Queensland (ECCQ) is looking to make two of the following appointments:


1. Multicultural Consumer Rights Project Officer

People from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds are strongly encouraged to apply for this job which also requires experience in working in a community development, community relations or human services capacity with CALD communities, as well as in project management 
For more details on this position click here.


2. Child Safety Project Officer

One of the key objectives of this position is to manage and finalise a pilot foster care recruitment project with selected ethnic communities in the Greater Brisbane region, utilizing resources developed by the Department of Child Safety and ECCQ. The other objectives include advising selected ethnic communities about Department of Child Safety services and processes, and the value of and need for foster carers and to continue to identify child safety information needs and issues impacting on ethnic communities, particularly new and emerging communities.

For more details on this position click here.


MBN Breakfast Seminar


The Muslim Business Network is hosting another of its popular breakfast seminars at the Southside Sport and Community Club on Tuesday 1 August starting at 7.15am.


Michael Whiting and Peter Manning will discuss the different Queensland Government’s grant schemes and the financial and non-financial assistance programmes available to Small Businesses.


The Hon. Judy Spence MP Minister for  Police and Corrective Services and Member for Mt Gravatt will also be there to deliver a short speech.


Now, if neither of these get you leaping off these pages to book your seat then the breakfast menu alone must surely encourage you to think otherwise - Scrambled & Poached eggs, Cereal, Yoghurt, Hash browns, sausages (halaal), baked beans & tomatoes, fresh and canned fruit, and a selection of toast & spreads, Orange & Apple Juice and Tea or Coffee.


And all of this for $10 (Members) or $15 (Non-Members)!


The CCN Date Claimer


Date Day Event Organizer Venue Contact Time
24 July Monday Drs. Ebtekar & Ebadi I-Care Tandoori Village 0419025510 12-2pm
25 July Tuesday Public Meeting: Perspectives on Peacework and Conflict Resolution Multicultural Centre for Mental Health & Well-Being (Harmony Place) Ahimsa House Horan St West End 0421002769  6.30pm
26 July Wednesday Sisters Learning Programme by Moulana Uzair IFA Kuraby Mosque 3341 8786  8pm
28 July Friday Closing date Muslim Community grants applications Multicultural Affairs Qld. Level 3, 61 Mary Street, Brisbane 3224 5690 5pm
29 July Saturday & Sunday Explaining Your Religion to Others: Made Simple! My Unity Darul Uloom 0412786168  9am-4.30pm
30 July Sunday ISGC BBQ & Fund Raiser Islamic Soc. of Gold Coast Gold Coast Mosque 0433199642 from 9.30am
1 August Tuesday MBN Breakfast Seminar Muslim Business Network Southside Sports & Community Centre 0402032506 7.15am
4 August Saturday Trivia Night Souths Utd Soccer Club Nathan Rd, Runcorn 0413874008 6.45pm
5 August Saturday ISOB Spring Fete Islamic School of Brisbane Islamic School of Brisbane 38413645 from 11am
24 August Thursday MBN Launch MBN Parliament House George St  0402032506 6pm
2 September Saturday Crescents Blood Drive '06 Crescents of Brisbane Kuraby Community Hall 0402026786 from 10am
4 November Saturday Eidfest  Eidfest Mt Gravatt Showgrounds 0402819197 from 9am
15 December Friday Russell Peters Qld. Performing Arts Council QPAC Concert Hall 136246 7pm


Email theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org to claim a date for your event.


CCN Feature Article: With Allah on their Side

Osman Samiuddin


'Until this team, in fact, faith remained a private and individual realm. Once in a blue moon, according to one player, did the team offer Friday prayers together in the 1980s'

Cricket is like religion, it is said of the subcontinent, and of India in particular. For India's neighbour, though, the analogy assumes a deeper, more convoluted significance. In Pakistan, cricket is not really like religion. If the latter is truly opium for its masses, cricket remains purely its marijuana: teasingly recreational and definitely not as all-consuming.


And while cricket's popularity has receded (at least to judge by Test match attendances) over the past two decades, Islam has burrowed itself further into the national psyche. So much so that cricket, hitherto the one bastion free from it, also now feels its pull.


Rare today in Pakistani cricket is the public soundbite, or even private utterance, not bracketed by bismillah (in the name of Allah) or inshallah (God willing). The team prays together fastidiously, recites ayats (Koranic verses) in its huddles, and celebrates personal and collective milestones with the sajda (the act of kneeling in Muslim prayer); they all fast during Ramadan, some even during games.


His name has become so integral to strategy that an English journalist remarked during the winter tour that Allah should be man of the series. Even Danish Kaneria, a Hindu and now the solitary non-Muslim, peppers his own talk with inshallah.


Kaneria used to be one of two, of course; in 2005, Yousuf Youhana converted from Christianity and became Mohammad Yousuf. If the subject of religion was mostly skirted round beforehand, his conversion yanked it into the public realm. Arguably, Shoaib Akhtar's revamp as cricketer as well as a diligent Muslim during the England series was an even more significant transformation. Until then, as a connoisseur of nocturnal living, he was a more brazen nod to Pakistan's secularism than either Yousuf or Kaneria. As in the country itself, collective piety has come belatedly in cricket. Pakistan was founded as a homeland to safeguard Muslim rights, not as an Islamic state per se. It is a subtle distinction but an important one, blurred only by time.


The country's cricket parallels this evolution.


In 2005, Yousuf Youhana converted from Christianity and became Mohammad Yousuf

In Abdul Hafeez Kardar, Pakistan had an ideal first captain. Having played for the Muslims in the inter-communal Bombay Pentangular before Partition, Kardar was acutely aware of all the implications. His contemporary Fazal Mahmood rejected the opportunity to test his leg-cutter against Bradman by refusing to play for India, instead waiting for the new nation. He did so out of nationalistic rather than religious belief. In those early days, Islam didn't knit the team together, the captain did.


Until this team, in fact, faith remained a private and individual realm. Once in a blue moon, according to one player, did the team offer Friday prayers together in the 1980s. Before then, said another, some players prayed often after personal achievements, but never collectively and publicly as they do now.


Sporadically, religion surfaced. Abdul Kadir, who played four Tests in the 1960s, was the first with open spiritual leanings. Although his father was a mosque cleric, Kadir pursued an active interest in mystical Sufism - not Islamic orthodoxy - through his career and after.


Among others, the awakening was public but belated, as with the legspinner Sheikh Fazalur Rehman, who fooled only Conrad Hunte in his solitary Test. Long after he retired, he completed a Master's in Islamic Studies; a devout Muslim, he gives weekly sermons and is a highly regarded Islamic scholar. According to the Encyclopaedia of Pakistan Cricket, he is now "a far cry from the ballroom dancer of yesteryear, often seen dancing the night away at the Lahore Gymkhana".


Saeed Ahmed, constantly in trouble as a player, joined the Tableeghi Jamaat (strict Islamic missionaries) in 1982, ten years after his last Test. Qasim Omar, who played 26 Tests in the 1980s, was another controversial No. 3, nicknamed "Disco" for his love of a party. Eventually banned from the game for making allegations of drug abuse against Imran Khan, he recanted much later in the name of Allah. But it was Saeed Anwar, in the 1990s, who provided the main stimulus. The tragic death of his daughter pushed him towards the Tableegh, and his influence spread quickly.


There was another factor, for Pakistani players in the 1990s were the match-fixing generation. Some sought religion for absolution and safeguard. Sharda Ugra of India Today argued: "The post-match-fixing generation is grappling with a `double burden'... not only are they under scrutiny for their professional conduct, they have also become characters in a public morality play, always vulnerable to being accused of match-fixing should they fail." When Salim Malik was first accused of corruption, the manager Intikhab Alam immediately asked him to swear his innocence on the Koran.


More complex, but perhaps equally significant, is the altered demographic of the team. Traditionally, Pakistan has relied on the urban nurseries of Lahore and Karachi to feed its cricket. And its cricketers were suitably urbane. Now more players emerge from smaller satellite towns, which are often more Islamic environments. Poorer literacy and awareness mean religious beliefs assume greater significance. Abdul Razzaq, from Shahedra on the outskirts of Lahore, suffered badly from dizzy spells in Australia last year: the cause remained a mystery until it was found he was on a spinachheavy diet prescribed by a local spiritual leader.


Others point to the increased incidence of sectarian violence in the big cities, and argue that piety is an urban rather than rural phenomenon. So perhaps the geography is less important than a broader change in society. Mohammad Ali Jinnah, Pakistan's cussed founding father, laid out an unequivocally secular vision for the country: religion would have no say, he insisted, in the running of the state. But along the way, this vision was lost. Since 1973, Pakistan has been prefixed with the "Islamic Republic of ", and it was not just a bureaucratic modification.


Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto initiated the process in the mid-1970s; he prohibited alcohol, closed nightclubs and shifted the weekly holiday from Sunday to Friday. His successor and nemesis, General Zia-ul-Haq, zealously stepped up this process, implementing Shariah law (the Islamic legal code open to draconian interpretation) and Islamising the education curriculum.


More recently, the September 11 attacks sharpened the sense of Islamic identity in a country which stands on the front line of the American-led war on terror. Religion is now pervasive; in school, in state, on TV, in literature, at the heart of most political debates. Younger players such as Salman Butt and Kamran Akmal are children of this era and so, like most of their generation, are more openly devout than their predecessors.


Faith does seem to have strengthened a traditionally fractious side. Bob Woolmer, the current coach, is of course no Muslim but he is supportive of the religion's adhesive power: he should know, having overseen the rise, in the 1990s, of a South African team with a devoutly Christian core.

Even the maverick Shoaib has spoken openly of the togetherness, the culture of forgiving, that Islam has bred within the dressing-room. Some cynics maintain that Yousuf's conversion was implicitly forced, a roundabout result of his desire to become captain. This ignores the fact that he was vice-captain, and sometimes captain, while still a Christian, and the publicrelations potential for the country in having a Christian captain.


But if Islam is looking for a public-relations coup to offset the constant criticism it receives in the West, it need look no further surely than the joyous, bounding progress of the Pakistan team over the last year, with the genial but earnestly Muslim Inzamam-ul-Haq at its helm. Refreshingly, Islam has united them. The only fear, as Pakistanis know painfully well, is that religion has often also been at the very heart of the country's troubles.


Osman Samiuddin is Pakistan editor of Cricinfo


Source: http://content-aus.cricinfo.com/wisdenalmanack/content/current/story/252265.html



Latest Update (THE AUSTRALIAN Monday July 17)

Last Saturday, Mohammed Yousuf scored a chanceless 185 not out at Lords against England, in which he displayed some of the best batting seen then in the opening match of a four-Test series.


"They are a very good bowling side, but I am in good form, thanks to Allah," Yousuf said of the English team.


According to the Australian, Yousuf's Test average has soared from around 48 to just over 92 since his conversion from Christianity to Islam became public late last year, just before England's tour of Pakistan.


"When you pray five times a day, you are very disciplined," said Yousuf.


"I haven't changed my way of playing, or the way of my game - just the way of my life."


The CCN Inbox


Brothers and Sisters
My family and myself are deeply grateful at all the Duas and support that have been received from the community at the very sad loss of Rayhaan.


This has helped us in this very difficult situation. May Allah have mercy on all.




Re: smol complain at all..

I am surpassing again, that you did not put my article in our Web said.  Way?

I know  that's is me lot gramma stack in written but every body will definitely understand  watt I wish to say.


I was taking of good men  same people in Gold Coast to offered to Muslim World to have chance pray in a clan nays and  room madly Surfers Paradise.

I am wary unhappy  that you strays my article.


But I for giving you all big and smolt

Young boy 78



Hajji Safet


[Editor] The article in question follows:


Dear Brother in Islam

Asselamu aleikum  to you all big en small,

That's  me again a boy of  78 years. A fu mans ago vas Boy of 77. Uf' haw time flaying and left me  to thinks haw long I ken stay in this dunjaluk?


Thanks to my Allah I am still yang 78  and rad to send salaam to you all whit lots goodness and happiness in you laife.


With may wishes to you all I intending to gayv you small  but valuable information an begging you to spread it to all Muslim witch you met.


Two story


In all Surfers Paradise  have ONLY TWO  shops HALAL  food. All other putting "Halal" only for the season  vend tourist coming.

Fanny is  Turkish Kebab have BIG  wreathing  H A L A L front of  shop above shop and on de said. But  many asking: Is this Halal Food??  Fanny.

Vend  that people  having meal in Macdonald. no body bade asking about Halal food.

All alter information rid  above




In  Underwood at BP Petrol station two Brother opened  a FRUIT shop. Wit excellent Quality of all product. Price a really lover  then serenading shops.. The  Brothers  a lick to  have  a good customer  to get quality fresh Vegies and lots of different Fruit.



Van you come to petrol station please  lock around  for the sand about this fruit shop. I be  happy  to get shop raning whit profit, and a good long ran whit  god  articles in a shop. Please  consider  to be customer  to this shop to supporting  two young brother  to get implored seksesifooly


Selam  from me Boy 78  to all yang and older then me !!!

I lick to be  fanny. Ha,ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.....haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.


Hajji Safet


Write For Us

The best ideas and the best feedback come from our community of readers. If you have a topic or opinion that you want to write about or want seen covered or any news item that you think might be of benefit to the Crescents Community please e-mail



Share your thoughts, feelings and ambitions for our community through CCN.


If there is someone you know who would like to subscribe to CCN please encourage them to send an e-mail to theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org with the words “Subscribe Me” in the subject line.


Articles and opinions appearing in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Crescents of Brisbane team, CCN, its Editor or its Sponsors.