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Sunday, 13 August 2006

Newsletter 0092

This issue of CCN has been kindly sponsored by

Kellys Distributors and the new Lipton Peach & Mango Infusions

لسلام عليكم

Storm in a Pee Cup?


ONE of Australia's most promising boxers is facing a two-year ban for refusing to take a drug test because of his Islamic faith.

Reigning under-19 Australian amateur middleweight champ Omar Shaick declined to provide a urine sample under supervision of testing officers.

In what is believed to be the first case of its kind in Australia, the Lebanese Muslim 18-year-old informed Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority testers his religion prevented followers from exposing their genitals to others.

Shaick is now set to be outed for a mandatory two years and stripped of his title, pending an upcoming hearing before the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS).

But with the Brisbane-based boxer preparing to argue that practising Muslims be allowed to submit urine samples in private, the case has the potential to rock drug-testing procedures across the globe.

The World Anti-Doping Agency now insists all urine tests be supervised after athletes were caught providing false samples from syringes and bottles.

Millions of Islamic athletes world-wide are forced to adhere in conflict with their faith.

A deeply-religious Shaick, however, steadfastly refused to let ASADA officials witness him giving a sample during a random sting on Brisbane's Logan City Boxing Gym two months ago.

He since went on to defeat NSW's Leroy Brown by a point to take the 75kg under-19 title at the National Amateur Championships in Darwin on July 22.

Also a junior Commonwealth Games silver medallist, Shaick this week declined to discuss his stance.

His trainer Chris McCullen stressed Shaick had nothing to gain by avoiding the test.

"It's not as if he's a drug cheat - Omar refused to do the test purely on the basis of his religious beliefs," McCullen said.

"He's the cleanest living kid you will ever meet.

"When the testers came he asked them if there was any other way it could be done. He was willing to take a blood test, give hair, skin ... whatever.

"He just could not have them stare at his genitals."

According to McCullen, Shaick spent more than an hour pleading with testers to compromise.

"He asked if they could frisk him and then let him give the sample with his back turned," McCullen said.

"They said it could not happen."

Concerned about the consequences, Shaick sought advice from Dr Mohammed Abdullah - an imam at his local mosque - the following day.

Abdullah confirmed Shaick's stance was "consistent with" the Islamic tenant of modesty, Haya, which also dictates the wearing of hijabs and lowering the gaze.

"Unless it's extremely necessary, or an emergency, one must not expose their private parts in front of others," Abdullah, also director of Griffith University's Islamic Research Unit, said.

"He was uncomfortable with that.

"This is the first time I've come across a case like this.

"It becomes a personal choice. He is aware of the possible consequences and told me himself he is willing to ultimately take the ban."

ASADA declined to comment on the case. The Daily Telegraph, however, understands it has already sent the court a letter as prosecuting agent in preparation for a trial.

The CAS hearing is expected to commence within the next month. A spokesman for the court confirmed any decision was binding and there was no appeal procedure.

Despite the fact proceedings are impending, Boxing Australia has permitted Shaick to continue to fight until a final verdict is delivered.

McCullen said: "We are pretty confident nothing should come of it.

"He's the most strictly religious kid I've ever come across."

Source: http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/story/0,20867,20076077-23218,00.html


Peace Rally


The Queensland Palestinian Solidarity Committee Peace rally held yesterday (Saturday, 12 August) at Queens Park took to the streets of the Brisbane CBD and ended at the front of the offices of the Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade where hundreds of white balloons were released in memory of those who have died in the Middle East conflict.


MBN Breakfast: Energizing Body and Mind















Police Minister flanked by the MBN Guard 

The Muslim Business Network hosted its third Breakfast Seminar last week entitled 'Government Grants and other Assistance to Small Business'.


The presentation was conducted by Michael Whiting and Peter Manning from the Department of  State Development Trade and Innovation.

The early risers learnt that many opportunities existed for assistance to Business intenders and established businesses through various programmes abbreviated as QIDS, SBA and LAMP.


However, there are eligibility criteria that have to be met.


Further information may be obtained from www.sdi.qld.gov.au or by telephoning 3225 1915.





The meeting was also addressed by Judy Spence, the Minister of Police and Correctional Services.


As usual the meeting was well attended and the breakfast rather sumptuous.



Mr. Farook Suleman the elder brother of Faizal and Fayaz Suleman passed away on Monday in Mutare,  Zimbabwe.

Mr. Abdullah Crosley, formerly of Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, passed away in Brisbane on Wednesday. Abdullah was a convert to Islam and all of his family are in South Africa. The janazah arrangements were made by Sultan Deen at the eleventh hour when the news came that Mr. Crosley should be given a Muslim burial.   


The father of Dr. Hashim Ebrahim (Underwood Medical Centre) passed away on Thursday in Zimbabwe.


We offer our sincere condolences to the families concerned and make dua that Allah (SWT) grant the marhoomeen forgiveness and Jannatul Firdous ameen.


The Algester Alert


Me'raj-un-Nabi (SAW) will be celebrated at the Algester Mosque on Monday evening, 21 August. The program will start after Eshaa Namaaz at 8:00 p.m.

Niyaaz will be served after the function and ladies are also accommodation for. All are very welcome.

For more information call Ml. M. Nawaaz Ashrafi on 32197415.

Orientation and Mobility Workshop


Bashir Ebrahim and Tahir Ali of Guide Dogs Queensland will present sessions at the workshop where you will learn about the work of Guide Dogs Queensland, and what orientation and mobility means to the visually impaired. There will also be a practical exercises demonstrating sighted guide techniques using blindfolds and vision impairment simulators. 


View the brochure for all the details.


Did you know that you could sponsor a gorgeous puppy and share in the journey of transforming a playful pup into a trusted Guide Dog? It costs us more than $25,000 to breed and train each Guide Dog but you can help for as little as $10 a month.


You can help change the life of a vision impaired Queenslander!

Contact Puppy Sponsorship Coordinator Linda Maher on 07 3500 9019 or email l.maher@guidedogsqld.com.au





Yusuf and Sabera Khatree celebrated their Pearl wedding Anniversary yesterday.


CCN wishes the couple another blissful 30 years.


George the Braveheart


"He would have to be one of the most colourful Western politicians you are ever likely to meet. 'Gorgeous George', they call him, but more seriously dubbed 'the MP for Baghdad Central', George Galloway prides himself on being simultaneously a thorn in Tony Blair's side and a fly in George Bush's ointment. Loved and loathed in equal measure, this irascible backbench British MP is, to mix yet another metaphor, the cat among the coalition of the willing's proverbial pigeons."


By now most people will have received links to the interview between George Galloway and a Sky News reporter on the current conflict in Lebanon.


But if you have not (because you are discerning enough to limit your incoming emails to CCN and a select few others) then here is one no-holds-barred, tell-it-like-it-is, suffer-no-fools interview you don't want to miss. 



For more on the MAN go to http://www.georgegalloway.com/index.html


Rami's Boys Glitter with Gold

by Mohammed Peer (10)


The Queensland State Championships were held two weeks ago at the Brisbane Entertainment Centre. Our team, Rami’s Thunder Club took 9 players to the tournament.


When the rest of the teams saw us and our band of supporters coming, they knew we had our eyes on the gold medals. We had to get gold or silver to represent Queensland in the national championships.

Our gold medalist were Mohanned Chouchane, Jamaal Rane, Mohanned Kalif, Ahmed Marabi and Muhammed Peer.

Our silver medals were Wasiem Rane, Ismail Mesbahand, and Muneer Mesbah.

The Hishaam Misroui fight was very controversial and we were not happy with the decision. Our coach has lodged a report and we are awaiting a reply from the Australian Taekwondo Association. He got a bronze medal.

We are busy preparing for our trip to the Nationals in Adelaide and training has begun in earnest. We will also be having a fundraiser to help with the cost of the trip.

If you want any information on the club please call Rami Fraij on 0433556157.


Singers Raise Funds


Two very talented artists, one Lebanese, one Palestinian are joining forces to perform together to fundraise for the relief efforts in Lebanon and Palestine.

You can join them on Saturday 26 August at 6:45 pm at St Andrew's Church Hall, where they will be performing very moving songs about this conflict.


A dinner will be included in the price of the ticket.


View the flyer for all the details.

All proceeds will be going to Union Aide Abroad.

"OK Sisters! Say Cheeeeesssseee!!"






And just for the record .............. standing next to Khadija on the left is Ayesha, Tabussum, Feroza and Amina.





Aussie Jones sacked over TV slur


Dean Jones and Hasim Amla

Jones' comment allegedly referred to Hashim Amla

Former Australia batsman Dean Jones has been sacked by a Sri Lanka television station after a controversial remark was heard by millions live on air.


Jones allegedly termed South Africa batsman Hashim Amla "the terrorist" when he made a catch during the second Test against Sri Lanka in Colombo.


According to a statement issued by Cricket South Africa, viewers heard Jones say, "the terrorist has got another wicket" when Amla took the catch that dismissed Kumar Sangakkara.

Amla is a devout Muslim who wears a beard for religious reasons and has successfully negotiated with the South African team's main sponsors, SA Breweries, not to wear the Castle Lager logo on his playing and practice gear.


"It was a completely insensitive thing to say and obviously never supposed to be heard over the air," he said.


"It does not represent who I am, how I think or what I believe."


Former Australia Test batsman Jones was working for host broadcaster, Ten Sports, but the comments were also carried on South African station SuperSport.

South African officials took immediate exception to the comments and demanded the dismissal of Jones.


"We take the strongest exception to this comment," said Cricket South Africa chief executive Gerald Majola.


Majola said the matter would also be reported to the International Cricket Council.


"The switchboards of both Cricket South Africa and SuperSport have been jammed with calls from some very angry people," said Majola.


"SuperSport has confirmed Jones' remark after viewing tapes of the incident and his outrageous comment is heard quite clearly."


"The switchboards of both CSA and SuperSport, that takes a feed of the broadcast to South African audiences, have been jammed with calls from some very angry people," Majola said.

Jones, who played 52 Tests between 1984-92, regularly commentates on cricket in the Asian subcontinent, including England's tour of India earlier this year.


The match is being broadcast live in South Africa, which has a significant Muslim community.

"I'm gone, I'm on the 1am flight," he told reporters in Colombo.


"I will be the first person to apologise to Hashim as soon as I get the chance, and I will assure him that prejudice against anybody, on any basis, is unacceptable and not something I will ever condone."



"It was rather unfortunate, but we will forgive him," was the comment by Hashim Amla's father, Mahomed, yesterday,



[Commentary] So when can we expect to hear Mr. Jones offering to meet with Muslim leaders to express his remorse and going into rehab à la one Mr. Gibson?


Crescents Blood Drive Competition


To get you and your family into the spirit of the Crescents Blood Drive, CCN is giving you a chance to win a fabulous prize.  The competition is open to ALL CCN readers irrespective of whether you have registered or are qualified to donate blood.           


Send your answers to the following 15 questions to theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org to reach us before 5pm Saturday 27 August.


The entry with all the correct answers drawn from the CCN Inbox will be announced on Saturday 2 September at the Kuraby Community Hall.


1. What are the components that make up blood?
a) Red cells, white cells, plasma and platelets
b) Red cells, white cells and red cordial
c) Red cells, water and milk

2. What is haemoglobin?
a) A new type of light bulb
b) A complex molecule found in red blood cells
c) Another name for blood

3. A+, B- and O+ are all:
a) Grades I’ve received for school assignments
b) Blood types
c) Types of bone marrow

4. Platelets are important because they:
a) Form clots to help our body repair wounds
b) Carry other cells around the body like a plate
c) Give blood its red colour

5. If you laid out all your blood vessels from end to end, they would:
a) Circle the world twice
b) Stretch the length of a 50m swimming pool
c) Circle a football oval

6. What is plasma?
a) The stuff they use to make plasma TV screens
b) The straw-coloured liquid component of blood that carries red cells, white cells and platelets
c) Another name for the pus that forms on a wound

7. Approximately how much blood does the body contain?
a) 4-7 litres
b) 1 litre
c) 30 litres

8. The first successful blood transfusion was carried out in:
a) 1989
b) 1812
c) 1563

9. Humans can safely receive blood from:
a) People with the same blood type
b) Animals with red blood
c) People with compatible blood types

10. Whole blood can be stored in refrigeration outside the body for:
a) 42 days
b) 2 days
c) If your fridge is working well, as long as you want

11. What gives blood its red colour?
a) Eating lots of red lollies and red meat
b) A molecule called haemoglobin
c) A special red powder produced by the body

12. A centrifuge is a machine used to:
a) Make extra blood for people who need more
b) Separate blood into its different components by spinning it at high speeds
c) Separate your blood into positive and negative components

13. When you donate blood, the blood is collected in:
a) A recycled soft-drink can
b) A clean glass bottle
c) A sterilised blood bag

14. The human body produces red blood cells in:
a) The bone marrow
b) The brain
c) The heart

15. Chicken pox immunisations are sometimes made from:
a) Chicken blood
b) Donated human blood from someone who recently had chicken pox
c) Chicken fillets

The CCN Date Claimer


Date Day Event Organizer Venue Contact Time
15 August Tuesday Public Lecture: Prof. George Saliba, Rethinking the Roots of Modern Science: The Role of Arabic Manuscripts in European Libraries Griffith Islamic Research Unit (GIRU) Queensland College of Art, 226 Grey Street, South Bank 3735 3563 6pm-8pm
18 August Friday Islamic Awareness Week Website Parliament House George St     
19 August Saturday Islamic Awareness Week Website Gold Coast Mosque Open Day    
20 August Sunday Islamic Awareness Week Website Kuraby Mosque Open Day    
21 August Monday Me'raj-un-Nabi  Algester     Mosque Algester Mosque        32197415 8:00pm
22 August Tuesday Islamic Awareness Week Website QUT Awareness Day    
23 August Wednesday Islamic Awareness Week Website Griffith Uni Awareness Day    
24 August Thursday MBN Launch MBN Parliament House George St  0402032506 6pm
24 August Thursday Islamic Awareness Week Website UQ Awareness Day    
26 August Saturday Concert & Dinner for Lebanon & Palestine Al-Nisa Youth Group & Fair Go for Palestine St Andrews Church Hall, South Brisbane 0422349786 6:45pm
27 August Sunday Multicultural Festuri Forum 2006 Festuri Forum Coordinator University of the Sunshine Coast, Lecture Theatre 6 email 11am to 4pm
2 September Saturday Crescents Blood Drive '06 Crescents of Brisbane Kuraby Community Hall 0402026786 from 10am
5 September Tuesday Toowoomba Bus Trip Outing IWAQ Toowoomba 3299 2838  8am-4.30pm
24 September (provisional) Sunday Ramadaan start        
24 October (provisional) Tuesday Eid-ul-Fitr        
4 November Saturday Eidfest  Eidfest Mt Gravatt Showgrounds 0402819197 from 9am
23 November Thursday Allah Made Me Funny: The Official Muslim Comedy Tour featuring Azar Uthman & Preacher Moss Crescents of Brisbane The Main Auditorium, Brisbane City Hall 0402026786 7pm
15 December Friday Russell Peters Qld. Performing Arts Council Building S05, Lecture Room 2.04 136246 8pm
31 December (provisional) Sunday Eid-ul-Adha        


Email theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org to claim a date for your event.


The CCN Inbox


Small story of the day out whit family at Islamic schools on day spring festival


Vas a dutiful day. Lot people. Every body a happy. Lots food, drinks, game for the  kids. Even old people have a fanny good day.

My camera collect from the youngest to the Oldest  (This me 77+1)  still yang to go from community.

Brother    Goss vas the  best auctioneer in town. Dan very vel Job,  Breathe Mustafa  surpassing way I taking photo from him? Because you a very important person in a community. God gayv you long laife and good halt. Thanks for you hard work.

All ate people have they story. Peoples supplying a food  was the best, Food vas really god an prices a realistic.


I stand from 10 am til 4pm on main gait. Everything vas smut. Sam Young Thatchers wont they spays for parking and I refuse to gayv   them I am sorry we have other plan whit you spays. next tame a sav parking plays

Brother Osman Raheem, Thanks  to you for all hard work about all organization and special Faye gym The kids small and other BIG 40+  a so happy. The was spectacle excellent. Thanks from all of us.


Please  Brother  from Crescents Body Co let published all photos Because I toll them that will be in next issued "His-Her" photo. I toll them an yang man 77+,mass  not lay them. Kip my woes.

I lave Muslim people they a really nays people Look after each other. Thanks to good man to offeree my a lunch for my hard work. I am happy to maid ate people happy

Al the best to all Big and small Happy week

Selam  from me 77+




[Editor] For Mr Avdich's personal photo gallery of the occasion click here.



Very heartening to see the poster of Kuraby and Algester Madressah .May Allah continue to bless us with tolerance.

 Edris Paruk



The CCN Thought for the Week


"The most useful piece of learning for the uses of life is to unlearn what is untrue"

(Antisthenes 445 - 365BC)


A Word From This Week's Sponsor





The delicious aroma of Lipton Peach & Mango Infusions is enlivening! Naturopaths recommend eating peaches and mangoes to boost your immune system

Write For Us

The best ideas and the best feedback come from our community of readers. If you have a topic or opinion that you want to write about or want seen covered or any news item that you think might be of benefit to the Crescents Community please e-mail



Share your thoughts, feelings and ambitions for our community through CCN.


If there is someone you know who would like to subscribe to CCN please encourage them to send an e-mail to theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org with the words “Subscribe Me” in the subject line.


Articles and opinions appearing in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Crescents of Brisbane team, CCN, its Editor or its Sponsors.