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Sunday, 8 October 2006

Newsletter 0100

This week's CCN is brought to you with the compliments of

لسلام عليكم

Your CCN Turns 100 Today


On the occasion of this 100th issue CCN would like to take this opportunity to thank the many, many readers who have sent us contributions, links to websites, news items, the occasional piece of salacious gossip and images for inclusion in CCN.


We thank you for your comments and suggestions over the past 100 issues and look forward to your continued interest and support as we aim for the next milestone in 100 week's time, inshaAllah.


Snapshot of countries at a point in time


The recent list of countries and cities where CCN is read (as identified through our site meter) includes:


Utah; Texas; Birmingham; Cote D'Ivoirie, Abidjan; Swaziland; Harare; Dubai; Singapore; UK; Malaysia, New Zealand; Egypt; France; Germany; Toronto, Vancouver; Qatar; Saudi Arabia; Lahore; Mumbai; Zimbabwe; Maldives; Mauritius; South Africa; Gaborone; Dearbon, Mitchigan;
Georgia; Kentucky, Lexington; Ohio; Powell; Stoke-on-Trent; Portsmouth, Kingston-upon-Hull, Stockholm; Riyadh; Indonesia; Fiji; and most parts of Australia.


AMMF Tickets selling fast: DON'T MISS OUT!


The BEST AVAILABLE seats have been released to CCN.


CCN readers can get them at the special rate of $43.90 (normal price $49.90).


Email us with your name, quantity and address and either:


POST a cheque made out to Crescents of Brisbane Inc. to:


Crescents of Brisbane Inc.

P O Box 4603

Eight Mile Plains 4113




EFT the funds to:


SUNCORP Garden City

BSB # : 484-799

ACC # : 160335037

ACC NAME: Crescents of Brisbane Inc.

Use your surname as reference


Allah Made Me Funny

The Official Muslim Comedy Tour 


Allah Made Me Funny



Message to Muslim Community


The Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Immigration and Multicultural Affairs, Andrew Robb, has extended his best wishes to Australia’s Muslim community at the commencement of the month of Ramadan.


“Muslims have come to Australia from over 70 countries for the sake of their children, for education and opportunity and for a better life,” Mr Robb said.


“They come from a variety of social, cultural and ethnic backgrounds and play an important role in the economic and social life of Australia.”


He said recently the Australian Government and the Muslim community and been working together to promote a united and cohesive country in which everyone could benefit from the opportunities offered by living in Australia.


Mr Robb said a recent historic two day conference of Imams, with its particular focus on young people, was a key development in looking at how to communicate Islam to Muslims in Australia.


“Ramadan is, among other things, a time to reflect on the plight of the unfortunate, to care for those in need and to do good deeds. These actions reflect the many values that Muslim Australians share with people of other faiths from across Australia, including courage, compassion and service,” he said.


“I wish the Muslim community well during Ramadan and throughout the coming year.”


IFTAR with IFA and Al-Nisa


Last night IFA and Al-Nisa were joined by a diverse, vibrant crowd of young ladies who gathered together for iftar in the spirit of Ramadhan.


After making salaah under the evening sky, Sister Nora, gave the ladies a 'fair go' through her inspirational lecture, "Woman in Islam." 


IFA and Al-Nisa showed off their sisterhood and youthful zest with yet another successful endeavour to add to their list of achievements


Jazakallah to all those who were part of the evening, it would not have been as fantastic without your presence.


May Allah SWT bestow His mercy and blessing upon you Insha-Allah.



IFA Youth


Fasting Friends

By Dilshad D. Ali and Holly Lebowitz Rossi

The Roman Catholic peace group Pax Christi USA has decided to fast, but it's not waiting for Lent. After Pope Benedict XVI quoted a Byzantine emperor's statement that Islam is "evil and inhuman," the group said that, to soothe tensions, thousands of its members are fasting for Ramadan. The people of Pax Christi are not alone. Especially since 9/11, non-Muslims have fasted to express political solidarity with Muslims, to increase awareness of global hunger, as a spiritual discipline, or to strengthen interfaith friendship.


More than 250 colleges are expected to participate this year in a Fast-a-thon, a one-day event for non-Muslim and Muslim students to draw attention to world hunger and raise money for local food banks.


The event began after 9/11 at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville and has spread around the nation. Last year almost 1,800 students participated at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond.


Some Ramadan fasts have a political message. Members of a local antiwar group in Ann Arbor, Mich., have organized a "solidarity fast"—three-day shifts or for the entire 30 days—to demonstrate opposition to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, plus the recent fighting in Lebanon.


But dozens of American service members in Al Anbar province in Iraq are fasting, too, according to Sgt. Jeremy Pitcher, a spokesman for Coalition forces in Iraq. He says the fast is "a gesture of good will, a gesture of respect for the nation of Iraq, for the culture of Iraq."


Some non-Muslims fast out of friendship: Yusra Ahmad, a Muslim, and Shira Taylor, who is part Jewish and part Christian, have fasted together throughout their four years at the University of Toronto's medical school—connecting them to "something bigger and greater" than the daily stresses of school, says Taylor.


On Oct. 2, at the Church of St. Paul & St. Andrew in New York City, Muslims and Jews will break the Ramadan and Yom Kippur fasts together. The holidays coincide next year, too—and won't again for another 30 years.


Many Muslims welcome those who share their fast. Imam Tahir Anwar of the South Bay Islamic Association near San Francisco calls it "one of the most powerful gestures of friendship [non-Muslims] can make to us."


Source: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/15079909/site/newsweek/from/ET/


Iftar at the Gold Coast

By Safet Avdich - Our Man-On-The-Spot



Asselamu Aleykum to you all big and small

Thanks  to be com to Crescent  web said. The  best web about all.


Ramadan Mubarek to you all, It is laky ho fasting. Fastin  for Ahire, Fasting you  taking whit you, all other belonging you have to left  to dunaluk.


This is Big- excellent Iftar  in Gold Coast.  Lotto people com. Food was prepared the best way. Lamb  roasted, lotto vegies and fruit salad. The best drink. Coffee and Tee plenty.

Photos gayv you haw people a happy and  enjoying  this Bosnian IFTAR.


Mosque a fool prayers-Elhamdulylahy.Congratulation to you all:

Osman Zumi& Fadila, Asim Fazlic& Mensura, Taib & Hajra; Haskic Muhamed & Azra whit daughter  Nerisa.   Miralem (Mario) Delic and other 39 Bosnian have contributed  to this IFTAR.



Food was excellent.

I must tell you that Damir (Dado)  have donated  two   roasted lamb. The photos gayv you really  mood of the people. Children was  so  happy.  Australian Mufti was gest to Bosnian Iftar (diner), he lid praying Magreb and  Terawy.


Thanks to all and  do again Insshallah.

Your Brother in Islam

Hajji Safet Avdich  from Kuraby Mosque. Selam to you all.


May God grant them health and gayv them Big reword.


From the rest of Safet's Night Out.....

More Tempting Ramadhan Recipes: Read with Care


CCN WARNING TO ALL THOSE WHO ARE FASTING: The following recipe titles are NOT for the faint hearted, and should be read with due caution. Neither CCN nor its staff accept any liability for the onset of excessive drooling at the mouths, lumps in the throat or rumbling of the tummy arising as a consequence of the following information.








CREAMY MUSHROOM SOUP: Mouthwatering, delicious, creamy soup

POTATO AND LEEK SOUP: Delectable, easy and creamy




MASHED POTATO STEAK PIE: Creamy mashed potato served with spicy steak strips…

MUTTON CURRY: Traditional meat curry

MAVROU: A traditional dish

BUTTER CHICKEN: A traditional butter chicken

ALFREDO: Penne with a fresh mushroom cream sauce

BBQ ROAST CHICKEN: A fused barbecue chicken “simply” transform

MINCE LASAGNE TOPPED WITH CHEESE AND TOMATO: Melting, creamy and simply delicious




DENNINGVLEIS: “The traditional denningvleis”


Click here for the recipes.



To make Eidfest another success we need you to help us. Eidfest is our day to celebrate, our day to enjoy, our day to be proud.

Lets make it special together.

How you can be a star and make a difference?

Eidfest is run by a group of dedicated volunteers

Give us a call to make Eidfest the best.

Phone Laila on 0416 229786 or go to www.eidfest.com.au


Sadaqatul Fitr

By Faisel Essof


Muslims in this country and the World over have always admirably observed the discharging of Sadaqatul Fitr.


Shariah has stipulated this little monetary observance for those who have the means in order to bring some delight to those less fortunate.  It is the infinite wisdom of Allah that while He has blessed certain people with tremendous wealth and prosperity, there are others who live on the other extreme with barely no food to nourish themselves nor their offspring.


Fuqaha (jurists) stress that Sadaqatul Fitr should be discharged before the day of Eid.  This will enable the recipients to make maximum use of the money afforded to them.  However, many people have the tendency of delaying in discharging their Fitrah and subsequently end up dropping it in some organization’s box on the way to Eid Salaah.  The deadline for discharging Sadaqatul Fitr is before Eid Salaah.  It is therefore appropriate to say that discharging Sadaqatul Fitr at the last hour will not fulfil its due objective.


Rasulullah (s.a.w.) said,

The fast remains suspended between the heavens and the earth until Fitrah is discharged”. (Targhib)

A collection of Fitrah is being made for distribution in Zimbabwe.  Proceeds of which are used to make food hampers for distribution to the needy Muslim families.  Those wishing to give their Fitrah towards this cause are kindly asked to contact: 


Faisel Essof

Tel:  3423 0116 – H

        3800 7811 - B

Mob: 0402 575 410








Want to occupy the kids during Ramadhan?



You could do a lot worse than allowing them to visit www.kidsmedia.net.



The CCN InBox


Dear   brothers

Asselamu  Aleykum to you all Big end small

Wish you mubarek Ramadan 

I have pleasure to offer FREE   Wooden HOME to be relocated  from Waykol on to you land.

Dimension of house: 13 m x 9 m  x  3 m. Existing land will bi Industrial land.

Hose is Free, but if you able to send same  money to Bosnian Children ho have no bot parent.


I'll gayv you address and account in Bosnia.(no obligation)

To shift from  to you land I able to arrange  transportation for you.

Please  contact me on  3341 3323  or 04 22 171 919 or met me  or  see  me at Kuraby Mosque at evening

Selam  Hajji Safet Avdich



Assalamu Alaikum W. W.

It seems the some will go to any extreme to have a celebration.

Nevertheless, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! on your milestone. I am sure that you will continue to provide this valuable service to the community.

We must appreciate the time and effort that you put into it, and can only encourage you to continue, and keep up the good work.



Hj.Sultan M. DEEN


CCN News Teasers: Click the Link for More


Official's Face Veil Comments Anger Muslims
A senior cabinet minister said on Friday it would be better if Muslim women did not wear full veils, inflaming anger among the country's Islamic community and sparking heated debate on social integration. Leader of the...

Source: Christian Science Monitor


Chemicals Allgedly Found in Zam Zam Water
Bottled water said to come from Mecca has been found to contain high levels of cancer-causing chemicals. People have been told not to buy Zam Zam water after tests showed three times the permitted level of arsenic. The...
Source: BBC News


Koran one of most searched-for books on Google


The Koran, a guide to tropical flowers, a robot-building manual and a text on interest rates have topped an eclectic list of the most popular English titles found using Google Inc.'s growing book search tool.


The list which also includes Noam Chomsky's critique of U.S. foreign policy, is the first time the Web-search leader has disclosed a weekly snapshot of what users are viewing since it launched a controversial plan to digitally scan all the world's books two years ago.


Timed to coincide with the largest gathering of publishing executives at the Frankfurt Book Fair, the Google list reveals an interest in lesser-known backlist titles.




Quran Recital To Stir the Soul


A moving rendition of Sura Yasin


Fresh Medina Dates In Stock


Wanted! Young mums who are passionate about setting up business


Many people have some thoughts about setting up a business but don't know where to start. We really want to assist in making this happen.


The Body Shop and the Australian Government Department of Education, Science and Training have established a joint initiative to support young mothers (aged 25 and under) in developing their own enterprise through a series of training workshops and business mentoring. All participants will gain intensive support and guidance in turning these business ideas into something real.


You are eligible if **

You have a desire to start your own business

You are a young mother under 25 years old


The Program is free. No past experience and/or qualifications necessary. We encourage young mums who receive benefits to apply. Lots of support and encouragement to all who apply.


If this sounds like you and you are interested in hearing more we would love to meet you.

Upcoming workshops will be held at FAB, 166 Ann Street, Brisbane City:

First workshop - Discovering Enterprise:

23, 24, 25th October

Second workshop - Marketing / Business Planning:

13, 14, 15th November

Third workshop - Business Planning:

27, 28, 29th November


To find out more, call Katie Bennett and book a place at an information

session 0404 367 699 or ktndt@hotmail.com


Carol Quadrelli

Local Area Multicultural Partnership (LAMP) Officer Community Development Branch Ipswich City Council

Ph: (07) 3810 7989

Mob: 0417 603 159

Email: CQuadrelli@ipswich.qld.gov.au

Website: www.ipswich.qld.gov.au


The CCN Centre Link


A butcher is looking for a customer service person who is mature minded and has some experience in the area. Call Sushil on 0410236880 for more information.


A Word From Our Sponsor


Special Ramadan Iftar Menu



(per table)




Fetta Cheese

Yogurt Dip



(per person)


Soup Of The Day

with fresh Turkish Bread Olives



(per person)


Imam Bayildi


Kuzu-ici-pilaf (rice)



Avcar chicken

Inegol Kofte

Vegetarian Pide slice

Turkish bread





Cay (Turkish Tea)

1pc Shobiyet (sweet)


$35.00 per person


Strictly BOOKINGS Only

Shops 1-3, The Galleria Apartments, 15 Tribune Street, South Bank, QLD, 4101

Phone: 07 3844 3878          Fax: 07 3844 3873          www.mado.com.au


The CCN Date Claimer


Date Day Event Organizer Venue Contact Time
13 October Friday Qiyam ul Lail MSA & MYUnity Darool Uloom, 6 Agnes Rd., Buranda 0404 629 180 5.59pm to Fajar
14 October Saturday Ifthaar Various Families Algester Mosque 0419786092 5.45pm
15 October Sunday Queensland Multicultural Festival: Connecting Cultures Multicultural Affairs Queensland Villa Street Yeronga 3872 0756 from 10am
19 October Thursday Public Lecture: Imam Dr Abduljalil Sajid Darul-Uloom Islamic Academy of Brisbane 6 Agnes Street, Buranda (W. Gabba) 33921310 / 0415710613 9pm
23 October (provisional) Monday Ramadaan fast end        
24 October (provisional) Tuesday Eid-ul-Fitr        
27 October Friday The Multicultural Fun Night Spectacular IWAQ Logan Entertainment Centre 0422585179 6pm
28 October Saturday Public Forum: Kyser Trad on Middle East conflict and Australian values Southside Peace Group Auditorium, Yeronga State High 0418715803 3pm
28 October Saturday Eid Nite Darra Mosque Darra Mosque, 219 Douglas St, Oxley 0418757157 after Magrib
28 October Saturday Refugee Community Picnic and Fun Day! Amnesty International Australia  Yeronga Park   from 10:30am
4 November Saturday Eidfest  Eidfest Mt Gravatt Showgrounds 0402819197 from 10am to 10pm
23 November Thursday Allah Made Me Funny: The Official Muslim Comedy Tour featuring Azar Uthman & Preacher Moss Crescents of Brisbane Inc.               with                        Arasta Productions The Main Auditorium, Brisbane City Hall 0402026786 7pm
15 December Friday Russell Peters Qld. Performing Arts Council Building S05, Lecture Room 2.04 136246 8pm
31 December (provisional) Sunday Eid-ul-Adha        



Email theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org to claim a date for your event.


Write For Us

The best ideas and the best feedback come from our community of readers. If you have a topic or opinion that you want to write about or want seen covered or any news item that you think might be of benefit to the Crescents Community please e-mail



Share your thoughts, feelings and ambitions for our community through CCN.


If there is someone you know who would like to subscribe to CCN please encourage them to send an e-mail to theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org with the words “Subscribe Me” in the subject line.


Articles and opinions appearing in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Crescents of Brisbane team, CCN, its Editor or its Sponsors.