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Sunday, 18 March 2007

Newsletter 0123

لسلام عليكم

The Crescents Team Raises the Bar for the World's Greatest Shave


The Bald and the Beautiful?

It was a case of hair yesterday and gone today at the Kuraby Community Hall when over 50 'volunteers' were coaxed into shaving off their hair or getting them coloured.


In what turned out to be a fun day out for the family the Crescents of Brisbane Team coordinated the Great Shave Event to raise funds for the Leukaemia Foundation and raised some $4 000 on the day.


In addition to this, team member, Mr. Faisal Hatia, through his company HP Corporation in association with Crescents of Brisbane raised a staggering $45 000 mainly through the generosity of his business associates.


For a strand by strand account of the day view the slide show.


The Crescents of Brisbane Team wishes to thank the many, many participants and sponsors for contributing to this worthy cause.


PS: Those who did not hand in monies collected on the day or still have outstanding pledges should contact Iqbal Sultan on 0412 845 786 as soon as possible please.


Kuraby Special School Fund Raiser Dinner


A smaller than expected turn out did not dampen the enthusiasm and spirit of the occasion as the Crescents of Brisbane and the Kuraby Lions joined forces last night (Saturday, 17 March) to raise funds for the Kuraby Special School.


Minister for the Environment and Multiculturalism, Lindy Nelson-Carr MP, graced the occasion with her presence. Also present was the Principal of the Kuraby Special School, Ms Sue Esposito, who addressed the audience describing the work being done in the past.


There were many prizes given away on the night as well as AFL auction items.


The extent to which the target of $18 000 was reached will be determined in due cause.


Crescents of Brisbane would like to thank all those who bought tickets, provided sponsorships and/or donated prizes.


Many members of the Muslim community who could not go to the dinner donated their tickets back to Crescents of Brisbane who duly offered them to a group of refugees.


By all accounts the food was delicious and the atmosphere very relaxed and entertaining.


Crescents of Brisbane acknowledges the sterling work put in by Mr. David Forde who pulled off the night almost single-handedly, and at great personal expense to his well-being having sacrificed his night-on-the-town on St. Patrick's Day for a very worthy cause.




On the Road to Wedded Bliss.....





Nasreen, daughter of Yoonus and Catija Omar, and Idris, son of Ismail and Fatima Jangda were married at a Nikah ceremony at the Kuraby Mosque yesterday (Saturday 17 March).


The bridal reception took place at the Hilton Hotel.


Algester Mosque Fund Raiser BBQ



Al-Nisa Forum on Employment of Muslims


If you are a young Muslim person who has difficulty accessing employment or training or has issues with education, then join the Al-nisa Youth Group on Sunday 18 March at the Sunnybank Hills Library for a day forum on employment related issues.


Al-nisa Youth Group Inc is working in partnership with the Australian Multicultural Foundation to identify barriers to accessing employment and education and working with other service provider like government and the Muslim community employment workers from ACCESS Inc. to address them.


To register for the forum click here.


Bollywood Masala Film Festival 2007



Click for details  http://www.mgdistribution.com.au/festival/




Portside Wharf will come alive during the festival with an Indian Spice Festival on Sunday 1st of April featuring oils, condiments, spices, plants, Indian fashion, food and fabrics, original artworks and Bollywood dancing and entertainment.


The opening night film will be preceded by a fully catered party in the Portside plaza with a Bollywood dance extravaganza!

For more details on the events at Portside Wharf during the festival go to: www.portsidewharf.com.au


In Honour of his Excellency


Mr. Yusuf Hussein (2nd from left), the Ambassador, Mr Suliman Sabdia, IWAQ representative, Pat Purcell MP, Ms. Galila Abdelsalem, Dr. Sadeq Mustapha






A delegation of businessmen and women and community leaders met at Parliament House during the week with Mr Jamal Al-Ghunaim, the Ambassador of the State of Kuwait in Australia at the invitation of The Hon Pat Purcell MP, Minister for Emergency Services.




Calling for QLD YAMY nominations


The Young Australian Muslim of the Year (YAMY) award aims to support, recognise and encourage Outstanding Contributions to the Community in Muslim youth and to encourage increased participation to the Australian community.



The YAMY award is unique in that it places the emphasis an individual’s ability to contribute their skills, talent and time to the community, as opposed to recognising the individual for the skill or talent alone.


Nominations close 30th March. According to the organizer, there have been no  nominations from Queensland to date despite the fact that there are many young people undertaking great things in the community.


The finalists will be flown to Melbourne for the award ceremony, with a parent, and may win a Laptop computer or IPOD shuffle, at the very least for their efforts.


For all the details..........


The CCN Chuckle


There was a Moulana whose wife was expecting a baby so he went to the trustees of the Mosque and asked for a raise.


After much consideration and discussion, they passed a rule that whenever the Moulana's family expanded, so would his paycheck.


After 6 children, this started to get expensive and the trustees decided to hold another meeting to discuss the Moulana's salary.


There was much yelling and bickering about how much the Moulanas's additional children were costing the Mosque.


Finally, the Moulana got up and spoke to the trustees, "Children are a gift from God," he said.


Silence fell amongst the trustees.


Then one of the trustees spoke up and said, "Rain is also a gift from God, but when we get too much, we wear raincoats."


The Inbox


Dear Editor

My name is Donna.  I am studying at UQ - doing a major in Islamic Studies.  I am doing some research into Sufi groups in Brisbane but am having trouble contacting them.  Do you know of any such groups in the Brisbane area?

Thank You,



[Editor] If you able to help Donna email theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org with the information and we will forward her the details.


To the team at CCN,

The only things left are the 2 cars. The cars are Honda CIVIC gli 1995 Auto sedan, Price $6995 and the Holden Astra 2001 CD, manual sedan $8995.

Contact Ikram 0405 693 616

Once again thanking you,

Sarfaraz Leeya


The CCN Date Claimer


Date Day Event (Click on link) Organizer Venue Contact Time
18 March Sunday Weekly Youth Program Kuraby Mosque Kuraby Mosque 0431300111 Between Magrib & Esha
21 March Wednesday Harmony Day Department of Immigration & Citizenship (DIAC) Queens Street Mall 3360 5067 12pm to 1pm
25 March Sunday Algester Fund Raiser BBQ Islamic Society of Algester Algester Mosque 0403338040 1pm
25 March Sunday Weekly Youth Program Kuraby Mosque Kuraby Mosque 0431300111 Between Magrib & Esha
28 March Wednesday Sister's Learning Programme Islamic Females Association (IFA) Kuraby Mosque 0403151473 or 33418786 After Esha
31 March Saturday Public Symposium and Expo on Queensland's Muslim ICQ & FaCSIA Mercure Hotel, North Quay, Brisbane 0402026786 9am to 5pm
1 April Sunday Weekly Youth Program Kuraby Mosque Kuraby Mosque 0431300111 Between Magrib & Esha
1 April Sunday Holland Park Mosque Fundraiser BBQ Islamic Society of Holland Park TBA fdeen@bigpond.net.au TBA

7 May



QLD Police Service &  Ethnic Community Council of QLD

QLD Lions Stadium, Pine Rd, Richlands




20 May



Crescents of Brisbane

Orleigh Park, Westend

0402 026 786


20 July

Friday to Sunday

Girls Camp Outing


Kindilan, Redland Bay

3272 6355 / 3272 6422

Friday night to Sunday

1 September


Islamic College of Brisbane Annual Spring Fete




All day


To claim your date for your event email theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org.


Write For Us

The best ideas and the best feedback come from our community of readers. If you have a topic or opinion that you want to write about or want seen covered or any news item that you think might be of benefit to the Crescents Community please e-mail



Share your thoughts, feelings and ambitions for our community through CCN.


If there is someone you know who would like to subscribe to CCN please encourage them to send an e-mail to theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org with the words “Subscribe Me” in the subject line.


Articles and opinions appearing in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Crescents of Brisbane team, CCN, its Editor or its Sponsors, particularly if they eventually turn out to be libelous, unfounded, objectionable, obnoxious, offensive, slanderous and/or downright distasteful.


It is the usual policy of CCN to include from time to time, notices of events that some readers may find interesting or relevant. Such notices are often posted as received. Including such messages or providing the details of such events does not necessarily imply endorsement of the contents of these events by either CCN or Crescents of Brisbane Inc.