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Sunday, 8 April 2007

Newsletter 0126

This week's CCN is kindly sponsored by


لسلام عليكم

CresWalk2007 Registration Opens


You can now register for Brisbane's Premier event - the CresWalk2007.


There are three options available. You can either:


register (and pay) online,

download an entry form or

email theteam@crescentsofbrisbane for pre-printed entry forms.


To ensure you don't miss out on a T-Shirt compete your entries by no later than 5pm Sunday 22 April.


For all the details about this year's Fun Run click here.


Symposium & Expo Photo Gallery







All the action from last week's Symposium & Expo on Queensland Muslims at the Mercure Hotel.


Expo Competition Winner


Mohammmed Nafeez Farouk-Yusuf was drawn as the winner in the Outlook Photography competition held last week at the Symposium and Expo on Queensland Muslims.


He receives a family portrait session and a framed print as his prize.


Former U.S. diplomat interprets Islam

Newly settled in Montana, Dave Grimland tries to balance negative images of the Muslim world.

PLENTYWOOD, MONT. — Dave Grimland spent nearly 30 years as a foreign service officer — "telling the U.S. side of the story," he says — in Bangladesh, India, Cyprus, Turkey and other nations with large Muslim populations. He wrote ambassadors' speeches, arranged cultural gatherings, and more than once hunkered down as angry mobs gathered outside the embassy to protest American policy.

Now retired and living in rural Montana, Grimland is once again telling a side of the story — only this time, in quiet pockets of the Big Sky State, he's trying to tell the Muslim side to non-Muslim Americans.

"I'm going to ask you, at least for this evening, to try to put on a pair of Muslim glasses and see what the world looks like," Grimland said one recent night to about 40 ranchers, farmers and others in the basement of the county library near the spot where Montana, North Dakota and Saskatchewan meet.

Outside, it was snowing and 16 degrees. The nearest mosque was about 120 miles away, in Regina. Many in the audience said they had never met a Muslim other than Plentywood High School exchange student Alisher Taylonzoda, from Tajikistan.

For two hours and 40 minutes — including a brief break for cider and baked goods — the Montanans listened intently as Grimland covered a sweeping amount of history and made a case that the vast majority of Muslims are like the great majority of Christians, Jews or Buddhists.

"No worse; no better," he said. "They want peace. They want to live their lives."



Visiting Mufti Draws Packed Audiences 


Kuraby Mosque



Islamic scholar, author and jurist, Mufti Taqi Usmani delivered a series of lectures at the Mosques in Brisbane during the week.


The Q&A segments proved very popular with audiences with Mufti Usmani having to pronounce on a range of issues.


Islamic Relief 





A benefit concert for children around the world, An Evening of Inspiration, is presently being held in several cities around the UK.


You can get a taste of the sounds from the evening at www.eveningofinspiration.info/

The CCN Culinary Corner



Rashida' s famous and fool-proof "Crumbed Prawns" recipe.



1kg prawns with tails - shell & de-vein
Marinate in lemon juice, chillie powder and garlic salt
1 cup flour
3 slices of white bread crumbed in processor
1/2 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. aromat / chillie powder to suit your taste
Pinch of mixed herbs and oregano
2 eggs beaten
Oil for frying


Dip prawns in egg, coat with crumb mixture and fry until done. Serve with chips and tartar sauce.

PS: South African radio host, Rashida Bux, is the co-author of the Recipe book "Food Fair".


Source: SANHA eNewsletter April Issue


Algester Meelad



Taleem Time


This weeks ladies Taleem programme will be held at 49 Stiller Drive, Kuraby. Email Nadima at speer@aapt.net.au for more information.


Muslim Aid Flies Team To Solomons


A team of emergency relief workers from Muslim Aid and Global Medic is responding to the Solomon Islands disaster this week. The team will assist in ensuring that victims of Monday’s tsunami receive steady supplies of clean water.

Drawing on their experience in assisting victims of the December 2004 tsunami that killed some 300,000 people in Asia and Africa, Muslim Aid and Global Medic will supply portable water purification systems and distribute water purification tablets. Once the water supply has been restored, the team will turn its attention to rebuilding efforts.

At least 28 people were killed and several thousand are homeless after the tsunami, the result of an undersea quake, destroyed towns and villages on isolated and scattered islands. Several powerful aftershocks have created further damage, including two with a magnitude of 6.2.

Some 900 homes have been destroyed and 5,000 people affected, with many villages being wiped out.

Although some emergency relief supplies have gone in, drinking water, food, shelter and medicines are in short supply, according to aid officials, who said that many water tanks have been damaged.

The Solomon Islands has a population of about 500,000 people, many of them living in bamboo houses on isolated islands.

For further information, please contact Muslim Aid Australia on 1800 100 786 or mail@muslimaid.org.au


Young Muslims Release Book at Expo


Over the past several months a group of Queensland Muslims, under the leadership of Halim Rane and Nora Amath, have been researching and writing a book on Islamic civilisation, entitled, Reflections: Young Muslims on the Contributions of Islamic Civilisation to Humanity. The book conveys an understanding of the Islamic philosophical, scientific, and cultural legacy as a reflection of the positive role the authors envision for Islam, now and in the future. The chapters within the book address what their writers consider to be the major contributions that Islamic civilisation has made to humanity, and from which the world continues to benefit until today.

Reflections discusses a range of ideas including monotheism, respect for other religions, anti-racism, human rights, and the participation of women, as well as the contributions made by Muslim scholars in mathematics, astronomy, medicine, optics, chemistry, geography, history, sociology, philosophy, art, architecture and a number of other fields.


Also explored in the book is the question of what Islam can contribute to the world today in response to some of the major crises impacting on humanity, including poverty, debt, alcoholism, the environment, and international conflict. The authors assert that humanity as a whole could significantly benefit from a serious examination of Islam’s teachings and historical contributions to civilisation.

The book’s publisher, AMARAH, is a new Muslim organisation formed by its authors. AMARAH is an acronym for Australian Muslim Advocates for the Rights of All Humanity.


This organisation will focus on five main areas of concern: human rights, civil rights, social reform, environmental responsibility, and Islamic awareness.


Further information concerning the book can be obtained from AMARAH (info@amarah.org), or by phoning Halim Rane (0422349785) or Nora Amath (0422349786).

The Miracle Kid?


African youngster who can read the Quran and the Bible preaches to large audiences in Tanzania:




Another CCN Simple Saving


Instead of spending up to $5,000 on some of the latest computer maths tuition programs, go to www.smartkiddies.com and receive curriculum based maths lessons for your primary aged children for free!

It offers curriculum based maths for kids from year one to year six, plus a little year six extension and introduction into year seven. Whether your child needs to catch up, needs a challenge, more stimulation or would just enjoy a little more work it’s fantastic! Besides the various interactive worksheets, there is times assessments and tests. This site was designed by teachers in Sydney that are truly dedicated and passionate about teaching and is a fantastic tool that won’t cost you a cent!


Source: http://www.simplesavings.com.au


The CCN Centre Link



Education, Development & Training Coordinator

(Statewide Multicultural Action Team)


QIRCH Clinic Manager

(Mater Hospital)



A word from this week's sponsor.......



The CCN Chuckle


Mula Nasruddin with two red ears went to his doctor.


The doctor asked him what had happened to his ears.


He answered, "I was ironing a shirt and the phone rang - but instead of picking up the phone I accidentally picked up the iron and stuck it to my ear."



"Oh Dear!" the doctor exclaimed in disbelief. "But what happened to your other ear?"

"The fool called back!"


The Inbox


Dear Editor

Although I had to leave last week's Symposium and Expo on Queensland Muslims just after lunch I found the event on Saturday an interesting if mixed experience.

On the positive side, I met some good people, and notwithstanding the agenda that created the event, the key message of the progressive voices of ‘collaboration across difference’ came across to those able to hear (in contrast to the neo-nationalist integration/assimilation undercurrent of the promotion of ‘Australian values’).

On the negative side I was saddened by Muslims being asked to demonstrate their allegiance to Australia – like you I am an immigrant, but I am culturally and visually invisible.


Nobody has ever asked me to join with others of my culture to symbolically show my loyalty to the nation by singing the National anthem publicly, I have never had to stand up and demonstrate my economic or social contribution to the nation or to affirm in some way that I uphold Australian values. I say these obvious things not because you do not know them but to indicate that the pain and repressed anger that was evident in a few speakers extends beyond your spiritual community.


To get anywhere such feelings clearly have to motivate constructive action – building understanding, mutual respect and common causes against the generators of fear is our only viable option.

Warm wishes,

Tony Fry


Dear Editor


As I'm sure you are aware, The Islamic Society of Algester is currently in the process of beginning to build our new Islamic Centre. As we know this is no easy feat and requires a lot of hard work, effort and money. In this spirit I have compiled a naat/nasheed CD entitled "Salaam" (peace).

It is on sale for $25 - All proceeds go to the mosque.

To listen to samples: www.isoa.com.au/audio.html

Inshallah they will be on sale at the annual Algester milad, but if anyone would like to purchase a copy, all the contact details are on the Algester website.

For more information, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Faraaz Ismail


The CCN Date Claimer


Date Day Event (Click on link) Organizer Venue Contact Time
14 April Saturday Australia Needs Skills Expo DIAC Brisbane City Hall BCC All day
15 April Sunday JASHNE EID-E-MEELAAD Islamic Society of Algester Croation Community Centre, 164 Dunn Street Rocklea 32197415 or 32197326 1:30pm

28 April


Musical Concert: Abida Sultana & Rafiqul Alam


The Bangladesh Association in Brisbane Inc

Logan West Community Center: 2 Wineglass Drive, Hillcrest



1 May


National Forum on "Living Under Religious Laws and Civil Laws: Harmony or Conflict?"

Multi-Faith Centre, Griffith University

Multi-Faith Centre, Nathan campus of Griffith University

3735 7053


7 May



QLD Police Service &  Ethnic Community Council of QLD

QLD Lions Stadium, Pine Rd, Richlands




20 May



Crescents of Brisbane Inc.

Orleigh Park, Westend

0402 026 786


27 May



Australian International Islamic College

Blunder Rd, Durack

0402 826 598 /  3372 1400


2 June


QLD Police Rugby League vs. Islamic Rugby League


Sunnybank Rugby Union Ground, Padstow Rd

38490324 / 0438 114 619


1 July


Queensland Roar vs. Supersport United

Football Australia

Suncorp Stadium



20 July

Friday to Sunday

Girls Camp Outing


Kindilan, Redland Bay

3272 6355 / 3272 6422

Friday night to Sunday

22 July


AIIC School Fete

Australian International Islamic College

Blunder Rd, Durack

3372 1400

All day

1 September


Islamic College of Brisbane Annual Spring Fete




All day

9 September



Australian International Islamic College

Blunder Rd, Durack

3372 1400


14 October


Queensland Multicultural Festival

Multicultural Affairs Queensland

Roma Street Parkland

3872 0756(ext:21756)

All day


To claim your date for your event email theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org.


Write For Us

The best ideas and the best feedback come from our community of readers. If you have a topic or opinion that you want to write about or want seen covered or any news item that you think might be of benefit to the Crescents Community please e-mail



Share your thoughts, feelings and ambitions for our community through CCN.


If there is someone you know who would like to subscribe to CCN please encourage them to send an e-mail to theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org with the words “Subscribe Me” in the subject line.


Articles and opinions appearing in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Crescents of Brisbane team, CCN, its Editor or its Sponsors, particularly if they eventually turn out to be libelous, unfounded, objectionable, obnoxious, offensive, slanderous and/or downright distasteful.


It is the usual policy of CCN to include from time to time, notices of events that some readers may find interesting or relevant. Such notices are often posted as received. Including such messages or providing the details of such events does not necessarily imply endorsement of the contents of these events by either CCN or Crescents of Brisbane Inc.