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Sunday, 22 April 2007

Newsletter 0128

لسلام عليكم

It's all on the go for this year's Fun Run!  


Crescents of Brisbane has been overwhelmed by the willingness of sponsors to be associated with CresWalk2007. The support of the MAJOR SPONSORS and PRIZE SPONSORS makes the event accessible to many who would otherwise have found it less than affordable.


In addition to random draw prizes on the day, CresWalk2007 entrants will find several discount vouchers and freebies in this year's race pack.


For the first time CresWalk will include a tug-of-war event at the end of the race. So after warming up with the 5km try your hand at a stretching exercise with a difference.    


Don't forget you have until 5pm today (Sunday 22 April) to register and qualify for this year's T-shirt:  


register (and pay) online, or


download an entry form and complete and fax to 32198741


Sydney's FAIR brings Sheikh to Brisbane  



The FAIR presents Sheikh Naeem Abdul Wali (from the USA).

“The local community at Zaytuna Institute has benefited tremendously every time Shaykh Naeem Abdul Wali has visited. His inspiring teaching style and breadth of knowledge is something every community he has been a part of can attest to.” Shaykh Hamza Yusuf (Zaytuna Institute)

The lecture Topic (followed by Q&A) is entitled: "The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) A man of paradise amongst us"

The venue is the Kuraby Mosque starting at 7pm till 9pm on Friday 11 May 2007

The contact details for further information is 0412 318045.

Sheikh Naeem will also be speaking at Griffith University on Sunday 10am-1pm 13 May 2007.



Wolfowitz Dating Muslim Woman Causes Stir



Here’s a bit of news that had Washingtonians choking on their coffee. President Bush’s neoconservative hawk Paul Wolfowitz, the Pentagon’s architect of the US invasion of Iraq, is dating a Muslim!


While battle lines have hardened over President Bush’s nomination of Wolfowitz to become president of the World Bank, what many say is really fueling the controversy is concern within the bank over Wolfowitz’s reported romantic relationship with Shaha Ali Riza, an Arab feminist who is the acting manager for External Relations and Outreach for the Middle East and North Africa Region at the World Bank.

Political foes of Wolfowitz portray him as a leader of Washington’s Jewish neo-conservatives driving a blindly pro-Israel policy in the Middle East. Critics have also noted that his sister, Laura, a biologist, lives in Israel and has an Israeli husband.

But Wolfowitz, a married father of three, is said to be so blinded by his relationship with Riza, that influential members of the World Bank believe she played a key role in influencing the Pentagon official to launch the 2003 Iraq war. As his trusted confident, she is said to be one of most influential Muslims in Washington.

What they are said to share is a passion to establish democracy in the Middle East.

Riza, in her mid-fifties, was born in Tunis and grew up in Saudi Arabia. Her childhood is said to have done much to shape her commitment to democracy, equal rights and civil liberties in the Arab world based on her first hand experiences.

She brought those beliefs with her when she joined the World Bank in 1997.

Riza studied at the London School of Economics in the 1970s before taking a master’s degree at St. Anthony’s College, Oxford, where she met her former husband, Turkish Cypriot Bulent Ali Riza, from whom she is now divorced.

After they moved to America, Riza worked for the Iraq Foundation, set up by expatriates to overthrow Saddam Hussein after the first Gulf War. She subsequently joined the National Endowment for Democracy, created by President Ronald Reagan to promote American ideals.

It was this time that Riza, a British citizen eight years younger than Wolfowitz’s wife — started to meet with Wolfowitz about reforming the Middle East. They allegedly began dating two years ago.


Read the rest.......


The CCN Centre Link


Michael Speck, of AWX Labour Hire, has many employment opportunities he would like refugees to fill.


One urgent opportunity is that a food processing factory in Cannon Hill needs 50 workers on Monday next week.

The factory is 10 minutes from the railway, and permanent positions are available with the company after just 3 months.

There is a basic English requirement.


Please contact Michael on 07 3238 0800, or email: mspeck@awxpl.com.au.


AWX Labour Hire is placing 300+ people per day. They do not charge for people to register with them.


The Multicultural Centre for Mental Health and Well-Being is a non-profit, community based organisation that works with people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds who have mental health issues and with communities who are vulnerable because of their life experiences of developing mental health issues.


It was established in 1995 and is located at Yeronga and employs a Manager, administration staff, mental health workers and project workers.


The organisation currently provides services in the greater Brisbane area and is funded by Queensland Health with smaller grants from other sources allowing a range of projects which supplement and enhance the core business.


The organisation is seeking applications for a suitably qualified Human Service Manager who is highly enthusiastic and cross-culturally sensitive to manage the organisation and facilitate the effective delivery of services in a manner consistent with the organisation’s mission.


For Position Description and selection criteria phone (07) 38481600 or email:
Applications to be submitted by 5pm, 8 May, 2007


Lebanon to India: A Musical Journey


Join Mirna Nehme and Rahim Zullah, as they transport you from Lebanon to India with melodies of Lebanese classical folkloric songs and Indian spiritual tradition.


Mirna’s performance will be supported by Rahim Zullah, a renowned master of Indian music from Brisbane, who collaborates a combination of an exceptional voice and extensive harmonium melodies.

Date: Friday, 4 May

Venue: BEMAC Indoor Space, Yungaba 120 Main Street, Kangaroo Point
Time: 8.00pm
Tickets: $16 full Price / $14 concessions / $12 BEMAC members
Bookings: Phone 33914433

Attention Visual Artists!


The Brisbane Multicultural Arts Centre is seeking expressions of interest from culturally diverse artists of all visual arts disciplines.


They are developing a new gallery featuring the best Australian multicultural talent.


It will be a fine art marketing and distribution gallery opening in the Gold Coast in 2008.


Register early to be part of this unique project.


Send your short Bio and 3-5 images (jpg) of your work to:
Elda Koro
Email: elda_koro@hotmail.com
Mobile: 0433 111 757

Website: www.bemac.org.au 


Symposium speech on demand




At the Symposium and Expo on Queensland Muslims held last month, Dr Mohamad Abdalla delivered the keynote address on the topic of Islam's contribution to Western civilization.


CCN has succeeded in getting a transcript of this speech for which we have had a number of requests.


The CCN Culinary Corner

A "butter chicken" recipe from SANHA halaal  "guest chef", Thurrayah Randeree.

The famous 'butter chicken' dish has grown in popularity over the years. Many budding cooks and chefs have personalized and adapted it to cultural and taste specifications hence the variation in recipes. This is a wonderful way to add a twist and a difference to a previously tried meal. Happy cooking! The proof is in the taste so let us know how it goes.

Butter Chicken Ingredients

125g Butter


1 Tray Chicken Breast

1 t/spn Garlic

1 t/spn Mixed Masala


2 Tomatoes grated

1 500ml Fresh Cream

Spicy Tomato and onion soup



Melt butter and add onions.

Add chicken (diced), tomatoes, garlic, dhania and masala.

Pour in cream and leave for 5 minutes. Add spicy tomato and onion soup. Turn heat down and mix in soup.

Source: SANHA newsletter: Halaal e-Bulletin - 12 webadmin@sanha.addr.com

Do you have a recipe to share with CCN readers?

Send in your favourite recipe to theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org and who knows, you could be our "guest chef" for a future edition of CCN.



New magazine in vogue for American Muslim girls


The glossy pages of most teen magazines feature articles on dating, celebrities' jaunts to and from rehab, and the latest miniskirt trend--topics of little relevance to girls who grow up practicing Islam, which frowns upon such things.

But inside Muslim Girl magazine, a bimonthly that debuted in January, readers will not find headlines like "Guys: Decode His IMs" or "585 Sexy New Looks." Rather, it profiles professional women like BBC broadcast journalist Mishal Husain, shows off models sporting cute-yet-conservative clothes and offers specialized advice, such as how to deal with a crush in a culture that looks down on dating.

Started by Ausma Khan, a former lawyer who taught international human rights law at Northwestern University, Muslim Girl is aimed at 12- to 19-year-olds.

"I wanted to provide girls with an alternative to Cosmo Girl! and Seventeen, where they would see fun stories about popular culture but ... also provide guidance and information to boost their self-esteem, develop their self-confidence," said Khan, who lives in Evanston. "We wanted to tell the stories of real American Muslims."

Muslim Girl joins a growing number of publications--on and offline--catering to contemporary Muslims living in the United States. The comedy Web site Islamica News, for instance, pokes fun with satirical articles such as "Santa Myth Exposed: Muslim 2nd Grader Ruins Christmas for Entire Class."

Muslim Girl also demonstrates how women are increasingly asserting themselves as Muslim Americans. A feature on the magazine's Web site asks girls, "What's going on in your mosque? Is it girl-friendly?"--a potentially provocative question given that the topic of men and women sharing prayer space continues to be controversial.

In fact, one of the magazine's biggest challenges will be appealing to a diverse population. For example, not all young women in the magazine wear the hijab, or headscarf, which could be objectionable to some Muslims.

"We make an internal motto to be as inclusive as possible," Khan said.

Although such a broad approach might not work in other countries, the magazine is likely to thrive amid the cultural diversity and openness of American culture, said Mamoon Syed, executive director of the Nawawi Foundation, a non-profit education organization based in Burr Ridge that provides Islamic teachings to first- and second-generation Muslim Americans.

"If there's anywhere in the world where you have the opportunity to be able to agree to disagree, it's the United States," Syed said. "As they say, `I may not agree with your voice, but I'll defend your right to say it.' You can't do that in a lot of other Muslim countries."

Muslim Girl follows in the footsteps of the Atlanta-based Azizah magazine, founded in 2002 and aimed at contemporary Muslim women. The publisher and editor-in-chief of that magazine, Tayyibah Taylor, said Muslim Girl could fill a significant void for younger Muslims.

"Being a person who is not of the dominant culture has an effect on people who are absent in the mainstream media or have negative portrayals of themselves," Taylor said. "It's a very subtle but very powerful process by which you internalize a sense of, `Oh something's wrong.' Having your own media and being able to see a positive reflection of oneself is a very empowering thing."

The development of media directed at Muslim women is evidence of the group's growing influence in American society, said Taylor, whose magazine has a circulation of about 45,000. Muslim Girl currently claims a circulation of 50,000 and is hoping to double that number within the next few years.

Although Khan and her editorial team initially envisioned the magazine for younger teens, "what we found is that college-age girls are really interested in the magazine," she said. "The issues we cover actually have a broad appeal."

Aneesa Arshad, 21, a junior at Northwestern University, said she has heard of Muslim Girl and is excited that focuses on career and life goals rather than the latest Nicole Richie/Paris Hilton feud.

"Those are definitely the articles that I would want to read," Arshad said of the career features in Muslim Girl. "As I'm looking at what career decisions I want to make, those definitely relate to where I am in life right now, more than an article about a celebrity."

Muslim Girl doesn't ignore fashion, but the styles are conservative. It's an aspect of the new magazine that Aamna Anwer, 19, said she found appealing.

Anwer, who was raised in Galesburg and also attends Northwestern, said she used to subscribe to Allure and Vogue and loves fashion but couldn't always wear the clothes she saw on the models.

"It would be convenient if sometimes when we were looking through a fashion magazine, there would be more that would be available to Muslim women, or women who were more modest," said Anwer, whose parents were born in Pakistan.

Khan and Taylor hope that Muslim media will help change perceptions of Muslims in the United States.

"Oftentimes, because Islam and Muslims are reported on in the Middle East and politics, there is an association with terrorism and bombings," Taylor said. "It is painful to watch that and see that that's the definition of Muslims in the world. Creating our own media allows us the opportunity to say, this is who we are, this is what we've done, from our frame of reference."

Source: http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/chicago/chi-0703230284mar23,1,3704437.story?coll=chi-newslocalchicago-hed&ctrack=1&cset=true




The premiere issue of the magazine features girls who have joined the Peace Corps and volunteered in Indonesia. Advice columns tackle everything from boyfriends to divorced parents to anti-Muslim discrimination. Regular departments range from Qur’an Notes to Hot List reviews of TV shows like The CW Television Network’s ‘Gilmore Girls.’ And a special feature on the hit show ‘24’ directly confronts the biggest elephant in the room—the association of Muslims with terrorism.

Muslim Girl Magazine is published by execuGo Media of Toronto, Canada and distributed worldwide by RCS of Los Angeles, California. The cover price is $4.95 US ($5.95 CDN). The annual subscription rate is $19.99 at www.muslimgirlmagazine.com.




Articles about MGM in the news:


The CCN Chuckle


Why Adam must have been an Indian....


Adam was hanging around the Garden of Eden feeling very lonely.

So, God asked him, "What's wrong with you?"

Adam said he didn't have anyone to talk to.

God said that He was going to make Adam a companion and that it would be a woman.

He said, "This pretty lady will gather food for you, she will cook for you, and when you discover clothing, she will wash it for you. She will always agree with every decision you make and she will not nag you, and will always be the first to admit she was wrong when you've had a disagreement. She will praise you!

She will bear your children.

And never ask you to get up in the middle of the night to take care of them.

"She will NEVER have a headache and will freely give you love and passion whenever you need it."

Adam asked God, "What will a woman like this cost?"

God replied, "An arm and a leg."

Then Adam asked, "What can I get for a rib?"

Of course the rest is history......................


The Inbox


Assalamu Alaikum
Dear CCN Editor,

This is a reply to a letter in Crescents Community News 15 April, 2007 by Abdul Haq (Bob Fletcher).

Abdul asked if anyone knows of any Indigenous Australian Muslims between Cairns and Brisbane. I have met quite a few Indigenous brothers who have reverted or who are interested in Islam. My Ph.D thesis examines this very subject: 'Indigenous Australians and Islam: Spiritual, Cultural and Political Alliances in the Twenty First Century'.

I would be happy to speak to Abdul and any Indigenous brothers and sisters who have embraced Islam. I agree with Abdul that many Indigenous Australians find Islam empowering, just as (black) ethnic minorities in other countries have. My research has identified a majority of Indigenous people find Islam while incarcerated which adds an ironic twist to the life experiences of many Aborigines. Indigenous Australians are over-represented in prisons by a factor of about 10; with the Australian average incarceration rate at 163 per 100,000 of population, and the Indigenous incarceration rate of 1560 per 100, 000 of population.

This over-representation is completely unacceptable and points to many unresolved social, cultural, and political issues. But it does raise the value of access by Indigenous inmates to correct and plentiful literature and ministry by qualified imams. Insha Allah Muslims communities will increasingly recognise and support Indigenous Australians both in prison and in the wider society contexts.

Kind Regards
Rashid Saeed (Dave Lawson)


Dear Editor

Salams Br Bob (Abdul Haq)

Alhamdulillah on your return to Islam. I am in Brisbane and a good friend of mine is an Indigenous Australian and born-Muslim, from the Torres Strait Islands (although her family can be traced back to far north QLD). Yes, that's right - she was born Muslim. Islam has been in her family since the late 1800s and her children and grandchildren are all Muslims (and TI descendents).

A lot of Aboriginal people in far north QLD in particular, are the descendents of Malay Muslims who were brought to the area in the 1800s as cheap labour, particularly with the abolition of slavery. However, due to a number of factors - including the White Australia Policy - many lost their Islamic roots.

So who knows? Maybe your friend Mark has an Islamic past that he is unaware of? Anyway, I have contacted my friend and she is more than willing to talk to you and assist you in any way she can. She does have family in Cairns and Mackay but they too have pretty much lost their Islamic identity. But she is a great example of how Islam and Indigenous identity can go hand in hand so I would encourage you to try and talk with her or meet her if you can come to Brisbane.

Inshaallah, email me and we'll see what happens. It is in Allah's (swt) hands afterall.

PS - I am a revert also, 11 years now.


The CCN Date Claimer


Date Day Event (Click on link) Organizer Venue Contact Time

26 April



Ladies Taleem Programme

Kuraby Ladies Group

70 Beris Cres. Kuraby


11am to 12pm

27 April


Multicultural Roundtable

Qld Democrats

Multicultural Development Association, 512 Stanley St, South Brisbane


5:30pm to 8pm

28 April


Musical Concert: Abida Sultana & Rafiqul Alam


The Bangladesh Association in Brisbane Inc

Logan West Community Center: 2 Wineglass Drive, Hillcrest



1 May


National Forum on "Living Under Religious Laws and Civil Laws: Harmony or Conflict?"

Multi-Faith Centre, Griffith University

Multi-Faith Centre, Nathan campus of Griffith University

3735 7053


7 May



QLD Police Service &  Ethnic Community Council of QLD

QLD Lions Stadium, Pine Rd, Richlands




11 May


Lecture: Sheikh Naeem Abdul Wali

FAIR (Sydney)

Kuraby Mosque

0412 318045


13 May


Lecture: Sheikh Naeem Abdul Wali

FAIR (Sydney)

Griffith University

0412 318045


20 May



Crescents of Brisbane Inc.

Orleigh Park, Westend

0402 026 786


27 May



Australian International Islamic College

Blunder Rd, Durack

0402 826 598 /  3372 1400


2 June


QLD Police Rugby League vs. Islamic Rugby League


Sunnybank Rugby Union Ground, Padstow Rd

38490324 / 0438 114 619


10 June


The Deen Machine Lovo Night

The Deen Machine

Delivered to your door! Any place!


Any time!

1 July


Queensland Roar vs. Supersport United

Football Australia

Suncorp Stadium



20 July

Friday to Sunday

Girls Camp Outing


Kindilan, Redland Bay

3272 6355 / 3272 6422

Friday night to Sunday

22 July


AIIC School Fete

Australian International Islamic College

Blunder Rd, Durack

3372 1400

All day

1 September


Islamic College of Brisbane Annual Spring Fete




All day

9 September



Australian International Islamic College

Blunder Rd, Durack

3372 1400


13/14 September



Start of Ramadaan

11/12 October



End of Ramadaan

12/13 October




14 October


Queensland Multicultural Festival

Multicultural Affairs Queensland

Roma Street Parkland

3872 0756(ext:21756)

All day

27-28 October


Qld Eidfest 2007

Qld Eidfest

Mt Gravatt Showgrounds


Sat: 10am to 10pm

Sun: 11am to 8pm

20/21 December





To claim your date for your event email theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org.


Write For Us

The best ideas and the best feedback come from our community of readers. If you have a topic or opinion that you want to write about or want seen covered or any news item that you think might be of benefit to the Crescents Community please e-mail



Share your thoughts, feelings and ambitions for our community through CCN.


If there is someone you know who would like to subscribe to CCN please encourage them to send an e-mail to theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org with the words “Subscribe Me” in the subject line.


Articles and opinions appearing in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Crescents of Brisbane team, CCN, its Editor or its Sponsors, particularly if they eventually turn out to be libelous, unfounded, objectionable, obnoxious, offensive, slanderous and/or downright distasteful.


It is the usual policy of CCN to include from time to time, notices of events that some readers may find interesting or relevant. Such notices are often posted as received. Including such messages or providing the details of such events does not necessarily imply endorsement of the contents of these events by either CCN or Crescents of Brisbane Inc.