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Sunday, 17 June 2007

Newsletter 0136

لسلام عليكم

The Comrades Marathon in progress


Today (Sunday 17 June at 1.30pm Brisbane time - 5.30am South African time) the gun will be fired at the Pietermaritzburg City Hall for the start of the world's most prestigious ultra-marathon 89km road race - The Comrades Marathon.


And amongst the top three finishers in both the men’s and women’s  competitions (Oleg Kharitonov, Brian Zondi, Vladimir Kotov, Elena Nurgalieva, Marina Bychkova and Tatyana Zhirkova) in the 2006 Comrades Marathon will be Brisbane's Anver Omar.


You can also follow the progress of a runner on the day via the Comrades  website www.comrades.com  if you know the runner's first name (for example, Anver), his last name (for example, Omar) and his club (for example, Crescent - the Durban-based club).


Runners can also be tracked through an SMS service which will deliver 5 SMSs during the day on a runner's progress.


The Quiet Achievers


L-R in the picture
Top row Mohammed Ali, Zaeem Parker, Adestia Zainudin
Bottom Row: Mohamed El Tahir, Zafereena Sharif, Salih Mohamed, Abdulaziz Almotairi




Seven students from Australian International Islamic College - (formally Brisbane Muslim School) Durack achieved outstanding results in the University of New South Wales International Computer Skills Competition.


Three students achieve DISTINCTIONS and four achieved CREDITS.


The principal Mr Peter Michalski said, "It is a real achievement for students from a non-English background to achieve such outstanding results. We are very proud of the success of our students."




A celebration of Islamic entertainment and culture


Human Appeal International Australia is presenting two unique concerts that will bring together a number of internationally acclaimed Muslim Nasheed entertainers.


Staged at the spectacular Vodafone Arena in Melbourne on Friday 27 July 2007 and the iconic Acer Arena in Sydney on Saturday 28 July 2007, the concerts are expected to attract at least 10,000 people.

Raihan - Malaysia
Imad Rami - Syria
Mesut Kurtis - Macedonia/Turkish
Mo Amer - USA
Ahmed Bukhatir - UAE
Yahya Hawwa - Jordan
Mustafa Al Azzawi - Iraq

For more information on the artists and samples of the songs they perform visit www.soundsoflight.com.au/

True Blue Mufti


AUSTRALIAN football is almost a religion for Fehmi Naji el-Imam and his family, which is why the newly appointed mufti of Australia  used to spend a lot of weekends with his four children barracking for their beloved football team after a morning of teaching them Islamic readings, Arabic scripture and prayer.


The 79-year-old cleric, who migrated to Australia in 1951, would load up his Holden Kingswood wagon with his three sons, his daughter, his wife and any of his children's friends who could fit, and head off to watch the Carlton Blues. "He's been to many a Carlton match," says Ahmed Imam, one of the cleric's sons.


"He'd go and he'd sit there. He was doing it because that's what his sons wanted to do. And he gets into it, he enjoys it." Fehmi, who was born on Christmas Day in 1927 in Lebanon, came to Australia aged 24 as a part-time imam and made his living as a qualified electrician.


The cleric, who has nine grandchildren, helped fit the electrical wiring at Melbourne Cricket Ground's Olympic stand for the 1956 Games. After advertising his business in the local paper under FN Imam Electrical Contractor, he became known as Frank to one of his clients who refused to call him by his Arabic name, says Imam.


Prominent Sydney-based Muslim spiritual leader Khalil Shami says Fehmi brought up his children and students on Australian principles and is considered a unifying figure among community members who closely follow Australian values.


"He came to Australia at a young age and he adopted the Australian [way of life] without forgetting about his religion and religious duties," says the imam at Penshurst Mosque in Sydney's south.


But Fehmi's love of Australia he married an Anglo-Saxon Australian Muslim convert in 1955 won't necessarily sit well with the wider Muslim community made up of more than 65 ethnic backgrounds. In his new role as the nation's leading spiritual leader, Fehmi will face many challenges from a community divided by ethnicity, religious ideologies and different interpretations of the Koran.


Such challenges are part of the package deal to become mufti, a position once described by Fehmi's predecessor Taj Din al-Hilali as a suicide mission.


Source: Australian Wed 13/6/2007

A Course You Bank On


The Islamic Finance Institute of Southern Africa is offering a four month distance education foundation course on on Islamic Banking.


The course covers:

  Introduction to Islamic Economic Principles

  Basic Modes of Investments and Financing in Islamic Banking

  Intermediate Modes of Investments and Financing in Islamic Banking

  Islamic Banking and its International success



Detailed information pack.









Rehana, daughter of Mohamed and Shireen Seedat was married to Mohammad Tufael of Kent (UK) and son of the late Mashahid Ali (Shahee) and Sabequa Chowdhury at the Holland Park Mosque after Jumma on Friday (15 June).


The reception was held at Gianni's in Portside, Hamilton.


Qld Roar vs. South Africa's Superstore United at Suncorp



Cairns Mosque Permit Barrier


A new mosque has been proposed for the land on 31 Dunn Street, Cairns, North Queensland.


The original house and land was purchased almost seven years ago in September of 2000 and approved by the Cairns City Council in December of the same year to be used as a place of worship for the Muslims.


The mosque was slightly renovated internally to accommodate daily and jummah prayers as well as a small separate area for the women.


The mosque is located in Parramatta Park, only a few minutes from the buzzing city centre of Cairns. It is central to Muslims from the northern and southern parts of Cairns and also within minutes from the airport, easily accessible and convenient to those Muslims visiting the area.


In principle the plans for the new mosque have been accepted by the Cairns City Council, with the final approval imminent. The building permit is expected within days, but construction will not be able to commence until enough funds have been raised.


"God willing the mosque will be completed for the coming Ramadan of 2007", Imam Abdul Aziz said.


The Cairns Community kindly request your assistance in raising the funds required for the proposed Mosque. For more information on how you can help please click on http://www.qmt.org.au/news+article.storyid+236.htm


From the Muslim Women's Meeting Desk


The next upcoming meeting will be on Tuesday June 19th from 9:30 – 12:00 at the Logan Women's Health and Wellbeing Centre, 25 Ewing Road, Woodridge.

This will be an exciting talk from the Ladies at Fernwood about Pilates, a form of exercise. So be sure to mark this on your calendars !

Just a few updates:

- This Friday the 15th of June from 12:30 – 2:00pm there will be a presentation about ‘Women Getting Active and Motivated about their Health’ at the Logan Women’s Health and Wellbeing Centre. Please come and take part.

- There is a lady living in Heritage Park who is seeking someone to help transport her to our regular meetings. If anyone lives in the area or knows someone who does, please get in contact with me.

- I am compiling a recipe book from all the diversity we have amongst our multicultural group. If you can email, post, fax or bring to the next meeting a recipe that you are willing to share.

- Attached is a survey, if you can take time to complete and send back to me in structuring next quarter’s guest speakers. We value your input.

Remember we have the convenience of child minding facilities /childcare workers to look after children. This is $1.00 for 3 hours, 9:00 to 12:00. Take advantage of this opportunity.
I would also like to remind everyone if they can kindly bring a plate of food to share with the group.

Again, tell your female friends and family members to come and join us

Hope to see you all there,




Leukaemia Foundation thanks Kuraby community


The Leukaemia Foundation Media Release


















L-R in the picture
Peter Johnstone (Foundation CEO), Faisal Hatia and Iqbal Sultan (Crescents of Brisbane), Bernie Stevenson (Foundation Board Member), Mustafa Ally (Crescents of Brisbane)

With the 2007 World’s Greatest Shave over for another year, the Leukaemia Foundation extends a warm thank you to the people of Kuraby for the part they played in breaking the Queensland World’s Greatest Shave (WGS) record!


This year’s event raised in excess of $3 million with the Kuraby community contributing a considerable portion towards the final figure.


The Foundation would like to particularly thank Crescents of Brisbane, a local Muslim community group, which fundraised close to $50,000 for the World’s Greatest Shave.


Their hard work has earned Crescents of Brisbane a place of honour in the Queensland Top 30 fundraisers list (as well as the National Top 30 list alongside the likes of the PricewaterhouseCoopers, NAB, Suncorp, and BHP), and they were last night recognised for their fantastic efforts at a Leukaemia Foundation Top 30 fundraisers function.


“Helping the Leukaemia Foundation with the fantastic work that it does for the care and cure of patients and their families was a great way to make a contribution to the wider community,” said Crescents of Brisbane spokesperson, Mustafa Ally.


“We had a great time organising the shave party at the Kuraby Community Centre and everybody from the local community got right into the spirit of the occasion. To have eventually raised the kind of money that we did was just the icing on the cake.” 


Leukaemia Foundation of Queensland Chief Executive Officer, Peter Johnstone said Crescents of Brisbane should be enormously proud to make it into the Top 30 list. Various corporates, businesses, individuals and community groups from around the state were included in the Top 30, all of whom have shown overwhelming support for the 2007 World’s Greatest Shave campaign.

“On behalf of the Leukaemia Foundation, I personally thank the Brisbane community for its involvement and excellent fundraising efforts in this year’s shave event. This support will go directly to helping patients and their families who are affected by leukaemias, lymphomas, myeloma and related blood disorders.”


WGS 2007 was, once again, a fantastic opportunity to show empathy for the 1800 Queensland adults and children diagnosed annually who may lose their hair as a side-effect to potentially life-saving chemotherapy treatment.


The money raised will enable the Foundation to continue to provide patients with vital support services including accommodation, counselling, education, transportation and financial assistance.


2007 marks an exciting step towards the Foundation’s mission to care and vision to cure as the landscaping and finishing touches are made to the brand new Clem Jones-Sunland Leukaemia Foundation Village in Brisbane. This new patient accommodation centre has been built to alleviate the increasing demand for accommodation and support services for rural and regional families who need to move to Brisbane for urgent medical treatment. Once open, the Clem Jones-Sunland Leukaemia Foundation Village will provide fully self contained accommodation for 30 patients and their families completely free of charge.


Advertisement to appear in this week's Financial Review


Kareema's Keep Fit Column


With less than 13 days to go for the Gold Coast run (and 7 weeks to the 12km Bridge to Brisbane) CCN's Kareema Benjamin offers handy hints over the next few weeks for those training towards them.




How do I lose the weight / fat around my stomach area?

Unfortunately you cannot spot reduce. The body determines where the weight / fat is lost. What you can do is
concentrate on tummy exercises such as sit-ups, crunches, etc; after you've gone for your daily walk. Weight
training is also great because it increases muscle mass which will in turn, burn fat. The secret is to vary your
workouts, eg: - cardio, strength and endurance exercises on alternate days - you're more likely to see results quicker.



WEEK 2 of our 2 week training program in preparation for the upcoming Gold Coast Marathon:
(for last week's programme see CCN0135)

Please note that the following program is suitable for beginners (aimed at the 7.5km walk). For the more competitive or serious athlete intensity, duration and frequency of exercises need to be increased!


DAY 1:
Walk for a minimum of 45 mins. (10 mins. at a moderate pace, 20 mins. at a more brisk pace, 12 mins. moderate or brisk (depending on how you feel on the day) and 3 mins. cool down / slow pace.

Healthy Tip: Always keep your body hydrated - carry a bottle of water with you daily!

DAY 2:
Try to do some laps or even walk in a pool if possible (minimum 45 mins.). This will be good for your legs after all that walking... DON'T LET THE WEATHER DETERMINE YOUR WORKOUT!

DAY 3:
Relax and recover - Do an activity that you enjoy (low impact). Include your stretching routine.

DAY 4:
Similar to day 1. Increase your walking time by 5 mins. or more if you feel comfortable and include some hills as part of your course.

DAY 5:
Rest your legs and opt for some strength and resistance training (lifting light weights and doing some push-ups, etc.). Ensure good posture and technique.

DAY 6:
Get walking again!!...the aim is to increase your time and distance! STEEPER HILLS, MORE CHALLENGING COURSE!

DAY 7:
Cycle if possible, or try some more laps in the pool. Anything that you feel will improve or help with your walk on race day!

PLEASE NOTE: The above training program assumes a healthy participant. Those with medical conditions, injuries or who are not physically active, need to seek clearance from their GP before starting any form of exercise.



Need an answer to a fitness related matter? Send your question to Kareema at  fitness@crescentsofbrisbane.org.

All questions sent in are published here anonymously and without any references to the author of the question.

The Culinary Corner



Fish in almond sauce
1 Kg fish - 2 tsp ground garlic - 1 tsp salt - ½ tsp white pepper - 1 tsp dhunia chutney - 1 tsp green chillies - 1 tsp ghee - 2 Tbsp oil - 3 Tbsp lemon juice - ¼ cup blanched almonds - ½ cup milk - 2 Tbsp cream - ¼ cup fresh bread crumbs.

Marinate fish in lemon juice, good dash of salt and ground garlic for 30 min. keep in glass or oven proof casserole. Heat ghee and Dhunia chutney together. To this add the green chillies, salt, white pepper and breadcrumbs; add milk to make a sauce. Pour sauce over marinating fish. Dribble with oil, cover casserole and bake in oven at 180 degrees for 30-40 min. Uncover casserole. Mix blanched ground almonds into cream and spread all over fish. Continue baking till almond topping begins to brown and sauce thickens. Serve surrounded with thin lemon slices and sprigs of parsley.

Keep rolled purees in the fridge, for 10 minutes. It will consume less oil, and purees will crisper.


Source: Radio Islam Newsletter - Wednesday, 13 June 2007


Do you have a recipe to share with CCN readers?

Send in your favourite recipe to theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org and who knows, you could be our "guest chef" for a future edition of CCN.


The CCN Chuckle


A journalist had done a story on gender roles in Kuwait several years before the Gulf War, and she noted then that women customarily walked about 10 feet behind their husbands.


She returned to Kuwait recently and observed that the men now walked several yards behind their wives. She approached one of the women for an explanation.


"This is marvelous," said the journalist. "What enabled women here to achieve this reversal of roles?"


Replied the Kuwaiti woman: "Land mines"


The CCN Date Claimer


Date Day Event (Click on link) Organizer Venue Contact Time

20-24 June

Wed to Sunday

World Refugee Day





1 July


Gold Coast Airport Marathon

Gold Coast Airport

Gold Coast


Staggered start times

1 July


Queensland Roar vs. Supersport United

Multicultural Affairs Qld.

Suncorp Stadium



1pm with a 3pm kick-off

8 July


ICQ State Conference

Islamic Council of Qld

Holland Park Mosque



20 July

Friday to Sunday

Girls Camp Outing


Kindilan, Redland Bay

3272 6355 / 3272 6422

Friday night to Sunday

22 July


AIIC School Fete

Australian International Islamic College

Blunder Rd, Durack

3372 1400

All day

22 July


ICQ Quran Competition

Islamic Council of Qld

Darra Mosque


from 9am

26 July


Islamic Legal Perspectives Conference

School of Law & Justice, Southern Cross University

Lord Byron Resort, Byron Bay

02 6620 3375


29 July


Gold Coast Annual Fund Raiser BBQ


Gold Coast Mosque


From 10am

5 August


Bridge to Brisbane Fun Run

Sunday Mail & Suncorp

Gateway Bridge to New Farm Park


Staggered start times

1 September


Islamic College of Brisbane Annual Spring Fete




All day

9 September



Australian International Islamic College

Blunder Rd, Durack

3372 1400


13/14 September



Start of Ramadaan

11/12 October



End of Ramadaan

12/13 October




14 October


Queensland Multicultural Festival

Multicultural Affairs Queensland

Roma Street Parkland

3872 0756(ext:21756)

All day

20 October


Breast Cancer Awareness

Crescents of Brisbane



2pm - 5pm

27 October


Qld Eidfest 2007

Qld Eidfest

Mt Gravatt Showgrounds


10am to 10pm

19/20 November

Monday & Tuesday

Queensland Multicultural Summit ‘07



State Library of Queensland

3844 9166

All day

20/21 December





To claim your date for your event email theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org.


Write For Us

The best ideas and the best feedback come from our community of readers. If you have a topic or opinion that you want to write about or want seen covered or any news item that you think might be of benefit to the Crescents Community please e-mail



Share your thoughts, feelings and ambitions for our community through CCN.


If there is someone you know who would like to subscribe to CCN please encourage them to send an e-mail to theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org with the words “Subscribe Me” in the subject line.


Articles and opinions appearing in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Crescents of Brisbane team, CCN, its Editor or its Sponsors, particularly if they eventually turn out to be libelous, unfounded, objectionable, obnoxious, offensive, slanderous and/or downright distasteful.


It is the usual policy of CCN to include from time to time, notices of events that some readers may find interesting or relevant. Such notices are often posted as received. Including such messages or providing the details of such events does not necessarily imply endorsement of the contents of these events by either CCN or Crescents of Brisbane Inc.