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Sunday, 12 August 2007

Sunday 29 Rajab 1428 A.H.

Newsletter 0144

لسلام عليكم


Just 12 days left to play your part!







When: SATURDAY, 25 AUGUST 8.30am to 3.30pm


Where: Kuraby Community Hall Car Park (Svoboda  Park, Kuraby)



Why: “Australia needs 20,000 blood donations every week to stay self-sufficient in blood (that's over one million donations every year). And considering over 80% of us will need blood or blood products in our lifetime, the life you save may be your own” (Australian Red Cross).

Your blood could save up to three lives.

In Islam, donating blood is an act of charity. It might save the life of a person who is in desperate need of it. Referring to this, Allah, the Almighty says: “…and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of all mankind.” (Al-Ma'dah: 32).



What else: Fabulous random draw prizes*, giveaways and a free scrumptious sausage sizzle.



Pre-register by completing the online registration form or downloading a hardcopy.


* We have 5 Coles/Myers Gift cards valued at $100 each to give away to 5 lucky blood donors. These cards can also be used at Kmart, Target and Officeworks



Quran Reading Competition


A record number of Islamic Schools, Societies and Madrasahs as well as a record number of students entered the Islamic Council of Queensland's Quran Reading Competition this year.


14 institutions and 77 participants turned up at the Darra Mosque last Sunday for the annual event.


A complete list of the winners can be downloaded here.


Two elders of the Muslim Community were also honoured.


Mr Fakher Baytieh was honoured for being the pioneer in providing basic Islamic knowledge to adults and children under the mango tree on the site of the present day Holland Mosque.


Mr Bashir Deen was recognized for his contribution to the building of the Holland Park Mosque.



Up Close and Personal with .................


Abdullah Ibrahim

  What is your country of origin?


  What did you do prior to your current job?

I worked as a Sales Consultant and prior to that I worked at Alpha Flight Services which is at the Brisbane Airport as the Quality Assurance Officer for the Air Kitchen.

  Tell us about your current role/job.

My current job title is, the Muslim Employment Officer. The focus is to assist Muslim people on an individual basis to apply for jobs of interest. The main focus at the moment for me is to find training opportunities for my clients. At the moment there are so many training opportunities people can take advantage of and what I am working on is getting my head around what is available and other up coming training opportunities.

  What is it like working in this role/job?

When I first took on this position I was quite astonished by the training opportunities and pathways made available by our State Government and InshaAllah I am determined to make the community aware of these opportunities and help individuals access them. It is really rewarding to sense the relief of my clients when they realise that they have finally identified a career path or have found suitable employment.

  What is your favourite food?

My favourite food is food. I WILL eat anything! At least once.*conditions apply.

  What is your favourite book?

My favourite book is a book that I read as a child called “How we embraced Islam.” It is filled with interesting stories complied by Arafat K El-Ashi, about people from around the world and their encounters with Muslims and what lead them to Islam.

  How do you approach your work and life in general?

Life is such that it must be approached strategically and with commonsense. God did not create it to be difficult. So everything that one does must be looked at holistically because every scenario needs a well orchestrated approach. And more importantly never take anyone or anything for granted!

  What advice would you give young people of today?

I encourage young people, males and females in our community to take a leadership role in matters that will relate to them in the very near future and not let people who don’t know or recognise their needs to act on their behalf especially when their activities are not transparent and not fed back to the community. I am confident that there are many young people who would like to add value and to make a difference in the community in every level but don’t know how to go about it. There are many things you can do on an individual basis. The main things you have to remember is whatever you do make sure your intention is to help the community then consult the wise and act wise. Be patient but persistent.


[Editor] If you would like CCN to get Up Close and Personal with someone in our community let us know and we'll send out our intrepid team of investigative journalists to get under their skin (metaphorically speaking, of course!).







Yesterday (Saturday) Imam Uzair gave a practical demonstration at the Kuraby Mosque of the process to be followed when preparing a deceased male body for burial.


The Brisbane Muslim Burial Services will be conducting a GHUSL class for Ladies at the Kuraby Musjid on Saturday 25 August 2007 after Zuhr Salaah (1:30pm).

The class will be a practical demonstration on how to perform Ghusl on a female.


All ladies are invited to attend.

Muslim Community Reference Group (MCRG): A continuing dialogue with the State Government

CCN asked Nora Amath to explain the composition and role of the MCRG


At the initiation of the State Government a small number of community, academic and religious representatives from the Muslim community were invited to form the Muslim Community Reference Group (MCRG). 


For over 1½ years now, this diverse group has been working together with the State Government as well as with their respective community groups to promote better dialogue and understanding.


The representatives in MCRG are:


Islamic Council of Qeensland president: Suliman Sabdia

Islamic Women’s Association of Queensland, Inc. : Galila Abdelsalam

Griffith Islamic Research Unit Director: Dr. Mohamad Abdalla

Griffith Islamic Research Unit scholar: Halim Rane

Griffith Islamic Research Unit scholar: Emad Soliman

AMARAH Managing Director. : Nora Amath-Rane

Al-Nisa Youth Group, Inc. Activism chair : Salam El-Merebi

Crescents of Brisbane Inc President: Mustafa Ally

Muslim Business Network President Dr Mohammad Hanief Khatree

Queensland Muslim Times: Dr Sadiq Mustapha

Federation of Muslim Students and Youth: Umar Batchelor

Male Youth Community Consultant Officer: Anas Abdalla

MCRG Secretary: Shaima Khan

Community (Family and Refugees) Consultant: Rashida Joseph

Community Consultant: Dr Daud Batchelor


This group was established following discussions at prior meetings between representatives of the Muslim community and the then Minister for Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs, the Hon John Cobb MP and the then Minister for Small Business, Information Technology Policy and Multicultural Affairs, the Hon Chris Cummins MP. Discussions also took place between representatives of the Muslim community and the then State Director for Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs (DIMIA), Ms Karen Stanley, and the Executive Director of Multicultural Affairs Queensland, Mr Steven Maguire.


These meetings identified the following key, mutual areas of concern and interest:


• Initiatives focusing on improving understanding between the Muslim community and the wider Australian society;
• Initiatives addressing fundamental misunderstandings and of Islam in the Australian context among both Muslims and Muslims;
• Challenges facing Muslim youth that are likely to impact on their integration into the wider society, particularly those concerning identity and self-perception; and
• Socio-economic needs of the Muslim community, particularly with regard to employment issues and workplace relations.

With these concerns in mind, the first MCRG meeting, organised by Multicultural Affairs Queensland, was held on 12 December 2005.  Regular meetings are held regularly to further continue the dialogue.


One of MCRG’s first task was to provide advice on the implementation of The Muslim Community Engagement Strategy (MCES), “designed to promote positive relations and engagement between the Muslim Community and the wider Queensland Community”, according to the State Government.


After months of careful deliberation, the MCRG and the State Government agreed on certain initiatives which will generate short, medium and long-term benefits for relationship-building between the Muslim community and the wider society, characterised by mutual understanding, productivity and harmony. These initiatives have been identified in line with key areas of government interest and concern, as well as the needs and aspirations of the Muslim community.  Most of these initiatives have been carried out in the past year with a few more to be finalised late this year and early next year.


If you have specific questions related to the grants, please contact Multicultural Affairs Queensland directly on 07 3224 5690 or 1800 053 739 or email: maq@premiers.qld.gov.au.


If you have other issues of concern, please contact Nora Amath on 0422 349 786 or any other representatives of MCRG.


In challenging times like these, we need to be set aside our differences, work together and build bridges of understanding.  It is in Allah’s wisdom that He “made you into nations and tribes, so that you may know one another” (Quran, 49:13).


Muslims and the media: Australia Talks

ABC Radio National Tuesday 7 August 2007


"In the last quarter century, the relationship between the Muslims and the western media has gone from being a non-issue to an everyday event. Tonight, on Australia Talks, we will look at the changing relationship between Muslims and the western Media ...are Muslims being demonised in the media? How well does the western media understand Muslim issues and are some media outlets in danger of lumping all Muslims or Islamic groups with a single monolithic identity?"


Listen out for viewpoints from a few Queenslanders.


 The CCN Trading Post


PS2 Black console1 x PS2 black console with 1 control, memory card 8mb and DVD remote control. Very good condition.


Has been chipped (lifetime warranty)  to play burned & originals. Incl 25 games such as Shrek 2&3. Need 4 Speed. Pimp my Ride. Simpson.


$280 or nearest offer. Kuraby 0405 229 449




The Caltex on Paradise Road, Slacks Creek will no longer be selling Halaal Products as of the 10th August 2007.

More migrant skills in demand


Foreign architects, locksmiths and aircraft engineers will find it easier to get work in Australia under changes to the skilled migration program.


Immigration Minister Kevin Andrews and Employment Minister Joe Hockey yesterday announced 10 additions to the list of occupations in demand.


These were: architects, avionic and mechanical aircraft maintenance engineers, quantity surveyors, external auditors, computing professionals, locksmiths, painterdecorators, furniture finishers and optical mechanics.


Mr Hockey said the inclusion of architects and quantity surveyors on the list would be welcomed by the resources and construction industry, while the addition of aviation engineers would help Australia remain competitive in aircraft maintenance.


Those who have experience in occupations on the list get extra points when applying for skilled migration visas, improving their chances of being accepted into Australia.


Source: Australian Financial Review Friday 10/8/2007

The CCN Media Monitor



Citizenship Test get the Nod


PLANS to tighten Australia's citizenship requirements were passed by the House of Representatives yesterday, despite warnings from one government MP that the move was "overwhelmingly regressive" and would "diminish us as a nation".


Liberal backbencher Petro Georgiou, who has previously spoken out against the citizenship proposal, said the test would prevent many "meritorious aspiring citizens" from gaining "full membership of the Australian community".


"I do not support it because there has been an utter failure to show that a new citizenship test is needed or that it will operate fairly," he said.


"And I do not support it because it sends a corrosive message to many people who have become citizens that they are undeserving of that status."


The bill will introduce measures that will see prospective citizens undergo an oral assessment before taking a computer-based test of 30 questions drawn randomly from a pool of 200...............read the rest


Jihadists owe Kirby a thank you


SINGLE-HANDEDLY, Justice Michael Kirby disproves Alexander Hamilton's aphorism that the judiciary is the "least dangerous" branch of government. Fortunately, there is only one Kirby on the High Court.


Accordingly, his refusal last week to uphold the Howard Government's control orders is just another meaningless whistle in the wind from our most senior court's great dissenter.


But Kirby's 94-page judicial yawn at the need for anti-terrorism laws provides a timely lesson on why filling the next High Court vacancy with a sensible judge is such a critical issue. As with most things, it's all a question of numbers.


A few more Kirby-style judges on the High Court and we risk turning our Constitution into what US justice Robert Jackson once described as a suicide pact...............read the rest



Dutch MP calls for ban on Quran


A Dutch member of parliament has called for the Quran to be banned in the Netherlands, describing it as a "fascist book" which calls on people to kill non-believers and rape women.



Geert Wilders, leader of the far-right Freedom Party, called for the ban in a letter published in De Volkskrant newspaper.

In his letter, Wilders compares the Muslim holy book to Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler's autobiography, and said the Quran has "no place in our constitutional state".

"I have been saying this for years: there is no such thing as a moderate Islam," Wilders wrote.

Wilders' Freedom Party holds nine seats in the Netherlands' 150 seat parliament.

Wilders also said several chapters in the Quran "call on Muslims to oppress, persecute or kill Christians, Jews, dissidents and non-believers, to beat and rape women and to establish an Islamic state by force".

The publication of the letter comes after a weekend attack on Eshan Jami, a young Dutch politician, who established a group to support people who have renounced Islam.

Jami, who was not visibly injured in the attack, is now under police protection as is Wilders.

"Ban this wretched book like Mein Kampf is banned! Send a signal to Jami's attackers and other Islamic radicals that the Quran cannot be used in the Netherlands as an inspiration or an excuse for violence," Wilders said.

Wilders acknowledged that his plan would not receive majority support in the Dutch parliament.

"I am fed up with Islam in the Netherlands: no more Muslim immigrants allowed. I am fed up with the worship of Allah and Muhammad in the Netherlands: no more mosques," his letter concluded.



Muslim refugee home rental probe


A MUSLIM leader who runs state-owned emergency housing for his community will be investigated for allegedly using the apartments intended for refugees and the underprivileged to accommodate friends.

Islamic Council of NSW vice-president Ali Roude has admitted renting out one of the 10 NSW government-owned units in Sydney's southwest to his confidant, Muslim community radio station broadcaster Abrahim Zoabi.

Mr Zoabi, who does not qualify for public housing, admitted living at the two-bedroom flat at Belmore and paying $110 a week rent, despite owning a double-storey house in Prestons, in Sydney's outer southwest. Applicants for public and community housing cannot "own, or part-own, residential property in Australia", according to the NSW Housing Department's webpage.

After The Australian discovered the arrangement, which both men insisted was temporary, the department launched an inquiry into the Islamic council's administration of the four units in Belmore and six in Bankstown...............read the rest



Cairns Mosque opponents lodge last-ditch appeal


OPPONENTS of a Parramatta Park mosque in Cairns have lodged an appeal with the Planning and Environment Court to  stop the development among a row of Queenslander houses.


Parramatta Park resident Peter Romer said a group of about  10 residents lodged the appeal  last week against Cairns City  Council for the approval granted  in  May. 


"We want some common sense  to prevail," Mr Romer said. 


"We want this approval to be  reconsidered." 


Mr Romer said the group had  met councillors, Mayor Kevin  Byrne and solicitors to try to stop the mosque, with a dome height of 8.5m, being built at 31 Dunn St.



The appeal was a last-ditch effort to "save" the street.


Far Northern Imam Abdul Aziz said the appeal was not a surprise.


"In their petition it said if the mosque was approved, they would take legal action and that was back in about March," Mr Aziz said.


"This will hold up the whole project" He expected the appeal to be before the courts in about four to six months.


Mr Aziz said the 30 Muslim families who worship at the current site needed a bigger, better facility as numbers increase, with the mosque to cater for up to 120 followers.


The Muslim leader last month lodged a complaint with  the Anti-Discrimination Commissioner over "extremist and  offensive" comments made by  Cairns businessman Werner Reimann on an anti-Islamic  web site.


Mr Aziz said nothing had been done with the complaint because Mr Reimann had been out of the country.


Source: Cairns Post 8/8/07


Out of diversity, harmony

Social inclusion can serve as a powerful inoculating agent against religious and racial conflict, but it needs to be built up and nurtured, writes Ahmed Fahour | August 08, 2007






Ahmed Fahour is chief executive of the National Australia Bank. This is an edited version of his Fulbright Symposium address last Friday to the Centre for Muslim States and Societies, University of Western Australia.





THE symposium topic Muslim Citizens in the West: Promoting Social Inclusion is a subject never more critically important than today. The divide between the Muslim world, or at least substantial parts of it, and the West is an affront to good order. It is an affront to our shared humanity.


I would like to share some reflections on being an Australian and a Muslim. I also want to offer a perspective on social inclusion, to say something on what underpins it and how we may support it.


Although I have never found it difficult to be Australian and a Muslim, I am profoundly conscious that this is not the case for a significant number of Muslims in Australia today.


I have never experienced a fundamental tension between what may be described as Australian values in the positive sense and the dictates of the Koran.


Clearly the events of September 11, Bali and, more recently, the London Underground bombings have changed the dynamic for Muslims in the West, and I do not underestimate the consequential challenges these incidents present.


For my part, growing up in the northern suburbs of Melbourne, I never found it necessary to compartmentalise my Lebanese origins, my Muslim faith or the experience of my newly adopted land...............read the rest


Source: http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/story/0,25197,22205375-27702,00.html


 George Galloway on the Glasgow Airport Attack




Kareema's Keep Fit Column



Q: Kareema, you mentioned last week that our aim should be to move more. How much roughly would be enough?





A: Great question!!  Aim for at least 10,000 steps per day. 


To help with monitoring this, you can get a little gadget called a pedometer (low cost version less than $10). 


Placed on your belt or top of pants / skirt directly above the knee, it will count the number of steps through the action of the knee.


If weight loss is your goal, try adding another 2000 steps to your current daily average! 


Remember to undertake some type of physical activity as well!




Steps per day

< 5000

5000 - 7000

7000 - 10 000

10 000 - 12 000

12 000+


sedentary (not good)

low active

slightly active

moderately active

very active (a great place to be)!  


                                            GET MOVING - IT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO START!!!



Need an answer to a fitness related matter? Send your question to Kareema at  fitness@crescentsofbrisbane.org.

All questions sent in are published here anonymously and without any references to the author of the question.


The Culinary Corner



1 ½ cups Flour - 2 tblsp Brown sugar - 125gr Butter

Cream butter and sugar and add flour to form dough.
Bale at 18oc for 15 mins in a round 28cm pie pan.

2 tblsp Butter - 1/3 Cup Golden Syrup - ½ Cup brown Sugar - 1 tsp Vanilla essence - 1 Cup Pecan nuts chopped - 2 eggs slightly beaten.

Mix all ingredients except eggs and melt on stove. When cool add eggs. Pour the mixture over the baked base and bake for another 20 mins. Cut into squares and serve with fresh cream.

To keep a cake from sticking to the pan, grease the pan with one part shortening and two parts flour mixed until it has a sandy consistency.

Source: Radio Islam Newsletter - Tuesday, 01 August 2007



Do you have a recipe to share with CCN readers?

Send in your favourite recipe to theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org and who knows, you could be our "guest chef" for a future edition of CCN.


The CCN Chuckle




One day Mula Nasruddin and Abdul Jallaludeen were racing to get to the Gabba to watch a cricket game between South Africa and Australia.


As they were late Mula Nasruddin was doing 120kph in a 100kph zone.


Lo and behold the ever alert Brisbane Police saw this and apprehended Mula Nasruddin for speeding.




Officer - Sorry mate, you are doing 120kph in a 100kph zone.

Mula Nasruddin - Sorry officer we are late for the cricket match at the Gabba.

Officer - Well mate, unfortunately I have to give you a ticket for that.

Mula Nasruddin - Thanks officer and can I get one for my friend, Abdul Jallaludeen, too.

The CCN Date Claimer





(Click on link)





14 August


Employer Breakfast Forum

A.C.C.E.S. Serivices

Brisbane Technology Park

3808 9299


14 August


Healthy Living: Dinner Meeting

Muslim Business Network

Acacia Room, Acacia Ridge Hotel
1386 Beaudesert Rd, Acacia Ridge



18 August


USQ Islamic Centre Open Day

Islamic Society of Toowoomba Inc

Islamic Centre, University of Southern Queensland, TOOWOOMBA


10am -3pm

21 August


International Year of Rumi

Several organizations

Multi-Faith Centre, Griffith University


7.15pm to 9.30pm

25 August


The Crescents BLOOD DRIVE

Crescents of Brisbane & Red Cross

Kuraby Community Hall


9am to 5pm

25 August


GUHSL for Ladies


Kuraby Mosque



25 August


Brisbane Indian Times Multicultural Community Awards Night

Brisbane Indian Times

The Main Auditorium, Brisbane City Hall

3284 7315


26 August


Multicultural Festuri 2007 Social Issues Forum

Sunshine Coast Interfaith Network (SCIN)

University Of The Sunshine Coast Lecture Theatre 7

5496 0332

10am to 3pm

1 September


Spring Fete

Islamic College of Brisbane

45 Acacia Rd, Karawatha


11am to 7pm

2 September


Community Forum: Anti-Terror Legislation


Multi-Faith Centre, Griffith Uni (Nathan Campus)

0422 349 785

9:30am to 3pm

5 September


Sisters Learning Program: Muslim Woman and Society, Part 2

IFA Youth

Kuraby Mosque



8 September


Spring Lamb on the Spit Night

Australian International Islamic College

Blunder Rd, Durack

3372 1400


13/14 September



Start of Ramadaan

11/12 October



End of Ramadaan

12/13 October




14 October


Queensland Multicultural Festival

Multicultural Affairs Queensland

Roma Street Parkland

3872 0756(ext:21756)

All day

20 October


Breast Cancer Awareness

Crescents of Brisbane



2pm - 5pm

27 October


Qld Eidfest 2007

Qld Eidfest

Mt Gravatt Showgrounds


10am to 10pm

19/20 November

Monday & Tuesday

Queensland Multicultural Summit ‘07



State Library of Queensland

3844 9166

All day

20/21 December




To claim your date for your event email theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org.


Write For Us

The best ideas and the best feedback come from our community of readers. If you have a topic or opinion that you want to write about or want seen covered or any news item that you think might be of benefit to the Crescents Community please e-mail



Share your thoughts, feelings and ambitions for our community through CCN.


If there is someone you know who would like to subscribe to CCN please encourage them to send an e-mail to theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org with the words “Subscribe Me” in the subject line.


Articles and opinions appearing in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Crescents of Brisbane team, CCN, its Editor or its Sponsors, particularly if they eventually turn out to be libelous, unfounded, objectionable, obnoxious, offensive, slanderous and/or downright distasteful.


It is the usual policy of CCN to include from time to time, notices of events that some readers may find interesting or relevant. Such notices are often posted as received. Including such messages or providing the details of such events does not necessarily imply endorsement of the contents of these events by either CCN or Crescents of Brisbane Inc.