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Sunday, 2 September 2007

Sunday 20 SHa`baan 1428 A.H.

Newsletter 0147

لسلام عليكم

So you reckon you're an Aussie?!?





Would you pass the new Citizenship Test?








Have a go at 20 typical questions a prospective citizen would have to answer:


1. In what year did Federation take place?

2. Who was the first Prime Minister of Australia?

3. What is the population of Australia?

4. Who is the Queen's representative in Australia?

5. True or false: Serving on a jury if required is a responsibility of Australian citizenship.

6. What are the three levels of government in Australia?

7. Which day of the year is Australia Day?

8. What is the first line of Australia's national anthem?

9. What is the floral emblem of Australia?

10. In what city is the Parliament House of the Commonwealth Parliament located?

11. How are Members of Parliament chosen?

12. Who do Members of Parliament represent?

13. After a federal election, who forms the new government?

14. What are the colours on the Australian flag?

15. Who is the head of the Australian Government?

16. In what year did the European settlement of Australia start

17. In Australia, everyone is free to practice the religion of their choice, or practice no religion: true of false?

18. To be elected to the Commonwealth Parliament you must be an Australian citizen: true or false?

19. As an Australian citizen, I have the right to register my baby born overseas as an Australian citizen: true or false?

20. Australian citizens aged 18 years or over are required to enrol on the electoral register: true or false?



Tolerance, mutual respect and compassion for those in need are important Australian values as stated in the Becoming an Australian Citizen booklet. Other important Australian values are: respect for the  equal worth; dignity and  freedom of the  individual;  freedom of speech; freedom  of religion and secular government;  freedom of association;  support  for parliamentary  democracy and the  rule of law; equality under the law; equality of men and women; equality of opportunity; and peacefulness.


While no specific mention is made about cheating and ethics per se, we urge you, nonetheless, to  get out a piece of paper and attempt all the questions first BEFORE you look ahead at the answers here, where you will also find your citizenship standing in our society as rated by CCN.


Pray for speedy recovery


Haji Ebrahimbhai Patel of Eight Mile Plains is recovering at the Princess Alexandra Hospital from a recent fall at home.


CCN has had many calls and emails asking after Haji Patel's health and wishing him well, a testimony to the high esteem with which he is held in the community.


The family of Ebrahimbhai have been overwhelmed by the support of the community but as he is not ready to see visitors due to the nature of his injury, the family humbly request wellwishers to await his return home before visiting with him.


Please make dua that he gets back on his feet soon, inshaAllah


Crescents of Brisbane: Always Keeping You Abreast with the Best!


Book early so you don't miss out........



You can also register online


Spring fete at the Islamic College of Brisbane


On a typically hot Brisbane August day the Spring Fete carnival and bazaar heralded the arrival of Spring in September.


Men, women and children from a myriad of backgrounds and ethnicity came out in force to soak in the sun and spend a dollar.


The "Muslim Mini Ekka" was abuzz with the sounds of amusement rides, exotic foods and entertainment throughout the day.


Another feather in the cap for the School's Parents' Committee who put on yet another professionally organized event. 


The Crescents of Brisbane Team raised $1000 for the School and wants to record its sincere thanks to all the fantastic ladies who donated batches of cupcakes to the stall.



Algester and Kuraby Madrasah

(L to R) Samir Gutta, Sabera Khatree, Yahya Hashim, Farouk Adam, AK Surtie, Feisal Paruk and Rubana Moola on the chicken run

Horseless but Happy Lone Rider Emad Soliman

A victim of the equine 'flu gripping the nation?


Crescents of Brisbane

Super saleswomen Safia Casoojee, Julie Hatia and Ayesha Peer

lecture Ismail Nathie.on the obvious health benefits of cupcakes

(L to R) Mohammed Suliman Peer, Mustafa Zaim, Faisal Koya

and Shabir Elias getting into the swing of things on the day


The Floss before the Flood

(L to R) Sweet tooth fairies Sophia Mahomed, Donna Battaglia and Louise Hudson ready themselves for the hordes

Keeping their cool!

Brothers Goss, Hussin and Fazal, flanked by young helpers


Mehnaz Deen and Ahmad Mizra make a day of it

The Voices of Little Angels


(L to R) Shajor Amath, Nora Amath, Ahmad Ghanem and Jasmine Khan




(Back L to R) Shaheena and Yusuf Chothia.

(Front L to R) Fahim Gutta, Farida and Aboobaker Chothia and Saleem Cajee   


Dr Mohammed Khateeb (left) demonstrates how anyone can do it



(L to R) Nazmun Shahid, Velna Zafar and Waheeda Zahab

behind boxes of their bargains





Community Forum TODAY


Community Forum:
The Anti-Terror Laws &  Your Civil Rights

Terrorism and ‘War on Terror’ put into perspective

Finding the balance between peace, justice, security and civil liberties

The need for an Australian Charter of Rights



Prof Kevin Clements, Director, Aust Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies
Terry O’Gorman, President, Australian Council for Civil Liberties
Dr Mohamad Abdalla, Director, Griffith Islamic Research Unit

Ian Brown, President, Australian Lawyers Alliance

Sasha Jesperson, Amnesty International

Rob Stary, Criminal Defence Lawyer

Andrew Boe, Principal, BoeLawyers

Paul Benedek, Stop the War Collective


Sunday 2 September, 9:30am-3pm
Multi-Faith Centre, Griffith Uni (Nathan Campus)


CCN gets Up Close and Personal with..........



Shaima Khan


What is your full name?


Shaima Aaliya Khan


Tell us about your current role/job.


As one of the Muslim Youth and Community Development Officers, in a nutshell, we coordinate projects that help build bridges of mutual understanding between the Muslim community and the ‘mainstream’ Australian community. As education is always the key, a lot of it is to do with promoting Islamic awareness at various levels in society. We also seek to develop long term strategies to address the concerns of Muslim youth to ensure they are accepted and feel as a valuable part of the wider community.


InshaAllah, we will be regularly updating CCN readers on the progress of our projects.



What is your country of origin?


Genetically speaking, Pakistan. But my life originated in Iraq.


Tell us about your family.


I have a close-knit family, alhamdullillah. I have a sister and three brothers, and my mother is the best mum in the whole world!


And no, not all the Khans in the world are related...


What did you do prior to your current role/job?


As a Personal Wellness Coach/Business Developer (I still do it part time), I help people improve the quality of their lives by enhancing their health naturally - from weight loss to weight-gain to boosting energy levels.

What is it like working in this role/job?


Even though it comes with quite a bit of community responsibility, it’s rewarding. You meet many nice people and have the opportunity to make a real difference in people’s perceptions of Islam and Muslims.


What you list as some of your highlights/achievements/contributions thus far?


My highlights are what I have been blessed with, but do not deserve: My deen, which I can never be thankful enough for, alhamdullillah; my parents, without whom I wouldn’t have been who I am.

Don’t like tooting my own horn, but I guess one of my achievements include my Behavioural Science degree (which means I can read your mind!), establishing my own successful business at a very young age, and being able to touch the lives of my clients by helping them enhance their health, with Allah’s help of course.

InshaAllah, my best contributions are yet to come, I’m committed to leaving my mark in history – so hold me accountable!


What pastimes, hobbies and/or sport do you enjoy playing or watching?


Being in the company of positive, inspiring people. Laughing my head off! I’m a health freak, people and nature fascinates me, I also like painting and running. Favourite sport is soccer.


What is your favourite food?


 Malay food, healthy food... and anything my mum cooks.


What is your favourite book?


Hard to pick just one! But a really good personal development book I’m reading now and HIGHLY recommend for those serious about living live to the full, is ‘The Magic of Thinking Big’, by Dr David Schwartz (You’ve gotta feed your mind this mind-nutrition) In fact, I think it should be renamed: ‘The Sunnah Akhlaq’.


What is your philosophy in life?


I could write a book on this!

We reap what we sow, thus I aspire to inspire others towards good and discourage them from bad in every way, shape, and form. As the Qu’ranic verse goes, ‘who is better in speech than one who calls (people) to Allah, works righteousness, and says, "I am of those who bow in Islam"? (41:33)


We talk about changing the world. My philosophy in life is that change is possible, but, ‘verily, never will Allah change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves.’ (Quran, 13:11)


With the perfect deen in our hands, each of us needs to begin with ourselves, as extraordinary people are only ordinary people who do extraordinary things. I am in the driver’s seat of my life, the creator of my reality. Now that’s an empowering belief, the legacy I want to leave behind.


Is there anything else you would like to tell us about yourself?


Hmm, not particularly as I think ASIO knows enough about me now, oh and don’t tell anyone, but I have lent my SIM card too....




[Editor] If you would like CCN to get Up Close and Personal with someone drop us a line.


The CCN Cut 'n Paste Media Monitor


Statement by the president of the Queensland Law Society – Megan Mahon

On Wednesday, August 22, the Australian Federal Police issued a media statement in relation to the release to the media of the transcript of the second interview of Dr Mohamed Haneef by AFP officers on July 13 and 14.

...... read the rest.


Matt Howard - Iraq Veterans Against the War


US President George W Bush has compared calls for the withdrawal of American troops from Iraq with what happened at the end of the Vietnam war.

One former US marine who did two tours of duty in Iraq disagrees with the President and says the US needs to get out. Matt Howard was part of the first marine division deployed to Iraq in 2003.



Listen to the ABC radio National podcast.


Blake Prize nominees offend pollies, church


PRIME Minister John Howard is today leading a chorus of condemnation against the decision to include two entries in a prestigious art competition that appear to ridicule the Christian faith.

A statue of the Virgin Mary shrouded by a Muslim burqa and a holographic image of Osama bin Laden that morphs into Jesus Christ when moved on an angle have sparked outrage from politicians and church leaders.

...... read the rest



Bethlehem Mayor's attack stirs Jewish anger


BETHLEHEM Mayor Victor Batarseh attacked Israel and angered members of Australia's Jewish community within hours of arriving in Sydney -- just as Australian immigration officials in the Middle East warned would occur if he was granted a visa.

Dr Batarseh told The Australian Israel's construction of a security wall was about grabbing Palestinian land, not stopping suicide bombers. "If you want peace, you build bridges of love and understanding between people, you don't build walls of hatred," he said.

...... read the rest



Statue of Mandela unveiled


Nelson Mandela statue

NELSON Mandela saluted the heroes of South Africa's struggle against apartheid at the unveiling of his statue at a ceremony in London.


The statue has been made in recognition of Mandela being one of the greatest leaders of the age.



Mandela, 89, said the statue - which joins those of Abraham Lincoln and Winston Churchill in London's Parliament Square - was a symbol for all those who resisted oppression.


...... read the rest



More Aussies suffering from mass anxiety


Australians could be developing a mass anxiety disorder as the level of fear in the community rises, and it is the Muslim community that feels it most, new research shows.


...... read the rest


The CCN Centre Link




Child, Youth & Family Service Manager


Program Coordinator - Strengthening Ethnic Community Associations

Applications are invited from Brisbane’s multicultural community for the Lord Mayor’s Multicultural Roundtable & Southbank Institute of Technology Scholarship


In Semester 1, 2008, two scholarships will be available to provide financial support to applicants in completing a Diploma of Business: specialisation Entrepreneurship at Southbank Institute of Technology, Kangaroo Point Campus.


The program includes 18 weeks study (3 hours 2 nights per week and 5 Saturday workshops).


The scholarships will also provide membership access to the Enterprise Centre at Southbank Institute of Technology for 6 months from Semester 2, 2008.


More details


Selection criteria


What's happening in our neck of the woods......


Click on image to enlarge

Hajj Package presentations

by OurWorld Travel

Queensland Muslim Federal

Election Forum

Ramadan program

at the Darul Uloom

Final SLP before


Crescents' Health




The CCN Trading Post



Table Tennis table for sale. In very good condition. Includes net, bats and balls. $80 o.n.o.

Ph 0412 894 288.



Pilot Cross-Cultural Youth Dialogue

MYServices Media Release by Anas Abdalla


Students in facilitation: brainstorming ideas for bringing

Muslims and non-Muslims together


On Monday the 20th of August, Muslim Youth Services (MYServices) in partnership with the Brisbane City Council’s Youth Team, held a successful pilot Cross-Cultural Youth Dialogue at the University of Queensland.


Fifty students from six high schools in the western suburbs of Brisbane attended.


The intention of the project was to breakdown misconceptions on Islam and Muslims in Australia and to give secondary students an insight into the lives and beliefs of Australian Muslims. 


It was designed to encourage a sense of respect for the many different beliefs and cultures that Australia has to offer, as well as to facilitate an initiative of focusing on similarities rather than differences. 






Dr. Mohamad Abdalla, Sr. Nora Amath-Rane, Br. Yahya Nathie and Sr. Aziza (Angela) Prier, made presentations on a variety of Islamic topics and shared their experiences of what it is like to be a Muslim in Australia.



After a fantastic lunch, that was described by all as “five star”, the dialogue resumed and the participants were separated into groups and given a chance to ask the speakers more questions and propose ideas on ways to implement more projects of this nature.

Anas Abdalla concluding the pilot Cross-Cultural Youth Dialogue


The project revealed some interesting and insightful comments from all the participants, but what really stood out were very bold statements from the younger participants. 


One of the very many heartening quotes: “Well before I was forced to believe the common stereotype that Muslims are bad people. The media has completely misconceived this, and I now know that” - Marielle, 13.


From the very positive feedback that was gathered, there appears to be a strong demand for such projects to continue. 


After asking the question in a feedback survey:

Would you attend something like this again? There was 100% feedback in the affirmative.





Inshallah MYServices plans to continue to hold such events and any feedback and suggestions from the community on improvements are encouraged.


Turning of the Soil at Special School


Children of the Kuraby Special School Melinda Cheung (left foreground), Mary Chung (back left), Ahmed Burale (on the bike) and Rhys Lancaster (right foreground) with David Forde of Kuraby Lions (foreground) and (back left to right) Bill Glen President of Kuraby Lions and Faisal Hatia and Mustafa Ally of Crescents of Brisbane


Construction of the first stage of the Bike Track at the Kuraby Special School began this week.



Money for the bike track was raised at a joint Crescents of Brisbane and Kuraby Lions fund raising dinner held earlier this year.



A cheque of almost $10 000 was handed over to the School to get the project underway.



Plans are already afoot to raise funds for the second stage of the project. This time it will be a joint venture between Crescents of Brisbane, the Kuraby Lions and the Lions Club of Brisbane Chinese.






ICAS Competition Winners



The Australian International Islamic College boasted a number of entrants in this year's ICAS competition.


International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) is conducted by Educational Assessment Australia, UNSW. Ten countries now participate in ICAS. In Australia and New Zealand there are over 1.7 million entries in the subject areas of:

• English
• Mathematics
• Science
• Computer Skills
• Writing
• Spelling
• General Achievement Test (GAT)

The assessment ratings are:

• High distinction: (The top 1% of entrants in each year level in the state) 99 - 100%

• Distinction (The next 10% of entrants in each year level in the state) 89-98%

• Credit (The next 20% of entrants in each year level in the state) 69-88%


MOHAMED EL TAHIR and  ADESTIA ZAINUDDIN obtained distinctions in Computer Skills and AMIR AZRAN scored a distinction in Science.


YUSUF PARKER received a High Distinction in Writing and AISHAH KAMAL and FARINA SHAMIM distinctions.




Tonight on Compass



Sunday 2 September at 22:05


Former BBC (now Al Jazeera) journalist Rageh Omaar explores Iran and its people not through politicians, officials and analysts but through the eyes of ordinary Iranians. The Islamic revolution was born here in 1979 and today Shi’a Islam is the official state religion and part of the fabric of life. Rageh describes Iran as one of the most misunderstood countries in the world.

This two part series focuses on the vibrant city life of the capital, Tehran and explores the hopes, dreams and way of life of its 12-million people. Rageh hears their personal stories and feelings about the current state of affairs in Iran: taxi drivers, wrestlers, business women, film-makers, drug addicts and the country’s leading pop star.


Part 1 was shown last week.


Centre for Research on Social Inclusion Study


Researchers in the Centre for Research on Social Inclusion at Macquarie University are undertaking a study to find out what are the most effective community based activities for improving relations between Muslim and non-Muslim Australians.


They want to find out:


• ‘What works’ in terms of community based activities.
• What doesn’t work and why.
• What kinds of people are involved in them?
• How best to engage people from both sides not normally interested in such activities.
• How such activities are funded, and how sustainable are they?

Download more details



Kareema's Keep Fit Column



Q: Kareema, I'm proud to say that I've been following my fitness plan for the last few months without fail. Can you please explain how I can measure my cardio fitness?





A: You should be proud of yourself, because staying motivated is part of your challenge!

A great indicator of your general fitness will be your resting pulse rate. The fitter you are the lower your pulse ---- because the heart becomes more efficient at pumping blood around the body. The best time to check your resting pulse is first thing in the morning.

Your pulse can be located on your wrist or near the carotid artery in your neck.

Calculate the beats over 15 secs and multiply it by 4.

*** A resting pulse rate of 60 - 90 beats per minute (bpm) is ideal. ***

Fit people usually have a resting pulse rate of under 60 bpm.


Need an answer to a fitness related matter? Send your question to Kareema at  fitness@crescentsofbrisbane.org.

All questions sent in are published here anonymously and without any references to the author of the question.


The Culinary Corner



3 Cups basic white rice. ¼ cup oil. 1 large onion peeled and chopped. 1 tsp garlic crushed. 3 green chilles chopped. 3 tomatoes chopped. Salt to taste. 2 level tsps fine red chilles. 2 level tsps crushed cumin seeds. 3 cans Tuna drained. 3 tblsp colmans chilli mustard sauce.

Braise the onion garlic and chillies in the oil till onions are transparent. Add tomatoes and spices then allow to cook for 2 minutes or until sauce thickens. Add tuna and cook a further 2 to 3 minutes. Add the mustard sauce and remove from heat. Layer the rice on the two sides of the platter and centre of the platter. Spoon the Tuna in between the rice. Serve with an onion and tomato salad.


Source: Radio Islam Newsletter - Wednesday, 29 August 2007



Do you have a recipe to share with CCN readers?
Send in your favourite recipe to theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org and who knows, you could be our "guest chef" for a future edition of CCN.


The CCN Chuckle



A man visited the grave of his dearly departed mother and started back toward his camel when his attention was diverted by a man at a grave.


The man, who happened to be none other than our Mula Nasruddin, seemed to be praying with profound intensity and kept repeating, "Why did you have to die? Why did you have to die?"

The man approached Mula Nasruddin and said, "Sir, I don't wish to interfere with your private grief, but this demonstration of pain is more than I've ever seen before. For whom do you mourn so deeply? A child? A parent?"



Mula Nasruddin took a moment to collect himself, then replied, "My wife's first husband."

The CCN Date Claimer





(Click on link)





2 September


Community Forum: Anti-Terror Legislation


Multi-Faith Centre, Griffith Uni (Nathan Campus)

0422 349 785

9:30am to 3pm

4 September


Muslim Women and Friends Meeting: Making the Law work for you

Logan Women's Health and Wellbeing Centre

25 Ewing Road, Woodridge

0405 448 045


5 September


Sisters Learning Program: Muslim Woman and Society, Part 2

IFA Youth

Kuraby Mosque



8 September


Spring Lamb on the Spit Night

Australian International Islamic College

Blunder Rd, Durack

3372 1400


8 September


Third Youth Circle (Halqah Youth)

Islamic Society of Algester

Algester Mosque


Magrib to Esha

9 September


Great Australian Bushwalk

National Parks Association of Qld




9 September


Qld Muslim Federal Election Forum

Emad Soliman

Griffith University Nathan Campus

0421 898 134 / 3735 6990


13/14 September



Start of Ramadaan

11/12 October



End of Ramadaan

12/13 October




14 October


Queensland Multicultural Festival

Multicultural Affairs Queensland

Roma Street Parkland

3872 0756(ext:21756)

All day

20 October


Womens' Health Workshop: Breast Cancer Awareness

Crescents of Brisbane

Kuraby State Special School Hall


1.30pm - 5pm

27 October


Qld Eidfest 2007

Qld Eidfest

Mt Gravatt Showgrounds


10am to 10pm

19/20 November

Monday & Tuesday

Queensland Multicultural Summit ‘07



State Library of Queensland

3844 9166

All day

20/21 December




To claim your date for your event email theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org.



CLAIMER: CCN takes full responsibility for all the answers, commentary and standings provided here. Caveat emptor!


1. In what year did Federation take place? 1901 (the Federation of Australia - not the Tennis Federation Cup!)


2. Who was the first Prime Minister of Australia? Edmund Barton (he's been there so long you'd be forgiven if you thought it was John Howard)


3. What is the population of Australia? About 21 million (if you leave out the New Zealanders)


4. Who is the Queen's representative in Australia? The Governor-General (sorry but Princess Di has been dead for sometime now)


5. True or false: Serving on a jury if required is a responsibility of Australian citizenship. True (how else could the country have passed the buck on someone else for low wages, poor accommodation and long hours when no IR laws were in place then)


6. What are the three levels of government in Australia? Commonwealth, State or Territory and Local (answering 1 2 and 3 will certainly show up your level of ignorance!)


7. Which day of the year is Australia Day? January 26 (and there are those who'll argue for the 4th of July and others the fourth Thursday in November!)


8. What is the first line of Australia's national anthem? Australians let us all rejoice (answering "waltzing matilda, waltzing matilda" will earn you some sympathy)


9. What is the floral emblem of Australia? Wattle (pansies are for the Poms - and the sooner you learn that the sooner you will understand what being a true Aussie is all about)


10. In what city is the Parliament House of the Commonwealth Parliament located? Canberra (built especially to keep politicians away from the rest of us even if it is just a few months in the year)


11. How are Members of Parliament chosen? By election (not by the number of property developers they know!)


12. Who do Members of Parliament represent? People of their electorate (and not only property developers!)


13. After a federal election, who forms the new government? The political party or coalition of parties which wins a majority of seats in the House of Representatives (answering "the ones who can't wipe the grins of their faces" is equally acceptable)


14. What are the colours on the Australian flag? Red, white and blue (any more colours and you're confusing it with the rainbow nation)


15. Who is the head of the Australian Government? The Prime Minister (bet you said John Howard!)


16. In what year did the European settlement of Australia start? 1788 (around the time stealing bread in the UK earned you a first class passage on a convict ship)


17. In Australia, everyone is free to practice the religion of their choice, or practice no religion: true of false? True (and you are also free to ask that people of religions you object to be banned from coming here)


18. To be elected to the Commonwealth Parliament you must be an Australian citizen: true or false? True (as well as being able to answer at least 60% of these, some may suggest, pointless questions correctly)


19. As an Australian citizen, I have the right to register my baby born overseas as an Australian citizen: true or false? True (And why not! It helps free our maternity wards and reduce the need for more Indian trained doctors)


20. Australian citizens aged 18 years or over are required to enrol on the electoral register: true or false? True (but getting them to actually vote is another matter altogether)



If you scored: 


       20 are you sure your name's not Kevin Andrews or John Howard

15 -19 you're qualified to stand for a Senate seat at the next election

10 -14 you can now start up a tax-payer funded political party and bash an ethnic minority with impunity

  5 - 9 you're a perfect candidate for a 1800 call from anyone who is alert but not alarmed

  0 - 4 how did you get here in the first place is what we're asking. Go back to where you came from!


Write For Us

The best ideas and the best feedback come from our community of readers. If you have a topic or opinion that you want to write about or want seen covered or any news item that you think might be of benefit to the Crescents Community please e-mail



Share your thoughts, feelings and ambitions for our community through CCN.


If there is someone you know who would like to subscribe to CCN please encourage them to send an e-mail to theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org with the words “Subscribe Me” in the subject line.


Articles and opinions appearing in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Crescents of Brisbane team, CCN, its Editor or its Sponsors, particularly if they eventually turn out to be libelous, unfounded, objectionable, obnoxious, offensive, slanderous and/or downright distasteful.


It is the usual policy of CCN to include from time to time, notices of events that some readers may find interesting or relevant. Such notices are often posted as received. Including such messages or providing the details of such events does not necessarily imply endorsement of the contents of these events by either CCN or Crescents of Brisbane Inc.