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Sunday, 13 January 2008

 .Newsletter 0166

This week's CCN is kindly sponsored by


Welcome Home to the Hujjaaj!




CCN congratulates all the hujjaaj on the completion of their Hajj


May Allah (SWT) grant each of them a Hajj Maqbool


The CCN Readers' Book Club: You are what you read!



CCN has set up an online Book Club at Shelfari to connect with CCN book readers at:




Using our book club you can see what books we at CCN have on our shelves, what we are reading and even what we and others think of them.


You can even create your own book shelf, find out what your fellow CCN readers are reading, get and give recommendations for what to read next, create book lists, and even share your opinion on a book with us.


Come see the books we have selected and see if we have any in common. 


Then pick our next book so we can all keep on reading.

The CCN Readers' Book Club

More Muslim schools 'part of modern age'


THE rising number of Muslim schools is part of the "modern age" and the focus should be on ensuring all students get a world-class education, Federal Education Minister Julia Gillard says.

While controversy continues over the proposed construction of a 1200-student Islamic school in Camden, southwest of Sydney, Ms Gillard said it was an issue for the local council.

"There is a debate about the planning approvals and whether or not that is an appropriate location," Ms Gillard, who is also acting Prime Minister, said on Fairfax Radio.

"From the point of view of the Federal Government generally, we say that parents deserve to have choices about where their children go to school.

"That's inherent in the Australian system, and we want to make sure wherever they go that they have a high class, indeed world class, education."

Ms Gillard said the Government had plans to introduce a national curriculum board.

"We've had the Catholic system for a long period of time, we all grew up with Catholic kids who went to Catholic schools," she said.

"In the modern age we have some Muslim schools as well.

"We have to make sure that wherever kids are learning, they are learning a curriculum that is going to equip them for living and working in a modern Australian nation."

ICQ Elections


Elections for a new Management Committee for the Islamic Council of Queensland were held yesterday (Saturday 12 January) at the ICQ head offices in View Street, Holland Park.


The new committee:


ICQ Executive Committee (l to r): Gaffar Deen, Mahabub Ali, Ahmet Eljazovic, Suliman Sabdia, Shaheed Ali, Sultan Deen, Shabbir Hussain, Awais Masood Chowdry, Rahman Deen




Vice President










Awais Masood
















Relocation of and Change of Executive Director at Multicultural Affairs Queensland

MAQ Press Release


LindyNelson-CarrIt is with pleasure that I write to advise you that Multicultural Affairs Queensland (MAQ) is part of my new portfolio in government.  Responsibility for MAQ was transferred from the Environmental Protection Agency to the Department of Communities in September 2007, headed by Assistant Director-General, Ms Anna Moynihan.


I strongly believe that MAQ fits very well within the department.  There are many opportunities which MAQ will have to influence the many social policies for which the department has responsibility.


It is also important to note that MAQ will retain its whole-of-government role on multicultural affairs, working with all departments to assist them to implement the Queensland Government’s Multicultural Policy.


Also, as part of ongoing professional development for staff at senior executive level, Ms Linda Apelt, Director-General, Department of Communities has announced the appointment of Mr Garry Page as Executive Director of MAQ with effect from 4 February 2008.  Garry has worked in the public and private sectors, both nationally and internationally in range of community service settings.  Garry has indicated his delight to be joining MAQ and has expressed his enthusiasm to work closely and collaboratively with all stakeholders when he commences duties in February 2008.


Mr Steve Maguire, current Executive Director of MAQ has been appointed as Executive Director of Regional Services in the Department of Communities.  I take this opportunity to thank Steve for his long and significant contribution and also welcome Garry to his new position.


My Parliamentary Secretary Michael Choi MP is known to most of you and will continue to work to deliver better outcomes for our communities.


I am also pleased to let you know that MAQ moved from its present location to level 2, Mineral House, 41 George Street, Brisbane on 17 December 2007.  This new accommodation will provide MAQ with more space and improved facilities for meetings with communities.  MAQ’s telephone numbers will not change but the new postal address will be GPO Box 806, Brisbane, Queensland, 4001.


Yours sincerely

Lindy Nelson-Carr MP

Minister for Multicultural Affairs, Seniors and Youth


International recognition for statistics lecturer


Associate Professor, Dr Shahjahan Khan

University of Southern Queensland (USQ) maths and computing Associate Professor, Dr Shahjahan Khan, became the first Australian statistician to receive a prestigious Gold Medal from the Islamic Countries Society of Statistical Sciences (ISOSS), during the 9th ISOSS conference in Malaysia last month.

Co-hosted by the Institute of Statistics Malaysia (ISM) and organised by Professor Khan, the conference attracted more than 350 professional Statisticians from around the world, including Australia, Canada, UK, USA, Turkey, Iran and Saudi Arabia.

Dr Khan said he was delighted to receive the award for his outstanding research and leading contribution to the development of statistics and services to ISOSS. He believes that the award has put statistics at USQ on the map.

'It’s a prestigious award and, I am proud to be the first Australian statistician to receive this award,' Professor Khan said.

Founding President of ISOSS, Professor Munir Ahmad, Professor Ali S Hadi (USA/Egypt) and Professor Hanif Mian (Pakistan) also received a gold medal award.

Professor Khan said one of the key features of the biannual conference was breaking down cultural and religious barriers for development of statistical sciences.

'We are living in a world divided by religion and we need to come and work together as professionals, so encouraging collaboration was a primary focus of the conference,' Professor Khan said.

'In achieving this objective, I invited keynote speakers from western countries and assigned reputed scholars to run twelve invited sessions, on top of 240 presenters.'

Professor Khan also organised for a representative from the International Statistical Institute (ISI) to attend the conference. Based in Netherland, ISI is the largest statistics organisation in the world and this was the first time an official representative attended an ISOSS conference.

'Working with the ISI is a milestone and will enable us to collaborate professionally and improve the quality of research and statistics in the OIC countries.'

Reports on the conference and the Gold Medal recipients were covered in The Asia Post and the Naya Diganta newspapers in Bangladesh.

Professor Khan graduated with an MSc from Jahangirnager University in Bangladesh, before completing his PhD at the University of Western Ontario, Canada. He has published 52 journal articles and presented over 30 keynote and invited talks. He is an elected member of the ISI and an elected fellow of the Royals Statistical Society (RSS), UK. He is the Chief Editor of USA based Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics (JAPS). He joined USQ as a lecturer in 1993.

Sydney Islamic College






Sydney Islamic College (click on image to enlarge)



CCN rerun by popular demand: Shaadi.com





Fundraising for the Widows and Orphans in Afghanistan





Movie Night






In a divided country on the verge of war, two childhood friends, Amir and Hassan, are about to be torn apart forever.


It's a glorious afternoon in Kabul and the skies are bursting with the exhilarating joy of a kite-fighting tournament.


But in the aftermath of the day's victory, one boy's fearful act of betrayal will mark their lives forever and set in motion an epic quest for redemption.


Now, after 20 years of living in America, Amir returns to a perilous Afghanistan under the Taliban's iron-fisted rule to face the secrets that still haunt him and take one last daring chance to set things right.



Palace Centro Cinema

39 James Street

Fortitude Valley 4006


On: Wednesday 30 January 2008


Drinks and Nibbles: 6.15 pm

Movie: 7.00 pm

Cost (movie, drinks & nibbles): $25


Purchase tickets by  Friday 25 January 2008


From Friends of Mahboba’s Promise

Helen  ' 0419 022 576 ?      helenrenew@bigpond.com.au

Norma ' 3358 1582       ?      normakk@bigpond.net.au


MyServices Update

By MyServices' Shaima Khan


MYServices Girls Swimming

The MYServices Girls Swimming on the 10th of January proved to be popular beyond our wildest expectations.


With over 50 girls and ladies in attendance, the pool was almost full to capacity; in fact some late arrivals, unfortunately,  had to be turned away!


Everybody had a whale of a good time.


“I have never witnessed such energetic ladies so ecstatic in a pool,” commented Phoebe of Sam Riley Pool, Springwood.


MYServices has since had an innumerable calls for swimming for girls on a regular basis. Watch this space for updates.


Ice Skating on Again!

Due to the success of the Al-Nisa – MYServices Ice Skating Day in late December, we are doing another ice-skating trip for Thursday the 24th of January, 12 – 3pm, at IceWorld, 1179 Beaudesert Road, Acacia Ridge.


If you missed out on all the fun last time, you certainly don’t want to miss out again, so make sure you register by Wednesday the 25th!


To register, email shaimak@myservices.net.au or call 0402 529 395.


Around the Muslim World with CCN


Kanoute saves mosque from closure

MADRID — Malian Muslim footballer Frederic Kanoute, the striker of Spain's Seville FC, has saved the only mosque in the southern Spanish city of Seville from closure.

Kanoute has paid 510,860 euros (some $700,000) so that fellow Muslims in Seville would not find themselves without a mosque, reported Agence France-Presse (AFP) Thursday, December 13.

The privately owned mosque was due to be sold after a contract to use the premises by the local Muslim population had expired.

But Kanoute stepped in to purchase the building. The 30-year-old striker has not made any comment on the matter. But city authorities have confirmed that the property has been registered in Kanoute's name, according to the BBC Sport.

It is estimated that Kanoute has spent almost a year's salary to buy the mosque.

Kanoute, , one of the finalists for the 2007 BBC African Footballer of the Year award, moved in 2005 from French champion Lyon to Seville FC, the 2006-07 Spanish league's third and the holder of last season's cup championship.


Spanish Muslims said they really appreciate Kanoute's moving gesture.

"If it had not been for Kanoute then we would not have had a mosque on Fridays, which is the most holy day of the week for Muslims," a spokesman for the Islamic Community of Spain was quoted as saying by BBC Sport.

Kanoute, who has also created a foundation in his motherland Mali to help orphans, reverted to Islam 10 years ago.

Last Ramadan, he impressed Spanish football fans by his unique performance though he was fasting.

Kanoute was crowned last year the league's top scorer with 20 goals, outperforming football legends such as Brazilian Ronaldinho.

Kanoute, a practicing Muslim who regularly performs his prayers even in the locker room, refused last season to wear a jersey advertising for an internet gambling site, because gambling is forbidden in Islam.

His team had to give him a brand-free jersey until he accepted wearing the sponsored jersey in return for money to an Islamic charity.

The CCN Centre Link



Education Officer/Project Manager

Together for Humanity, an interfaith partnership dedicated to anti-prejudice and
values education program in schools, is seeking an energetic experienced educator
and leader to assist in the implementation and development of our educational
program. This is a Queensland based position.


Together for Humanity Project

Position description

Education Officer Position




....and now a word from this week's sponsor.......Tommarco's


Table Menu

(Click image to enlarge)






Now open for lunch on Saturdays from 11am




Also open for lunch & dinner on AUSTRALIA DAY

(Monday 28 January)

with an Oz theme



Shop 6, Le Metro, 8 Station Road, Indooroopilly


Mention CCN when you place your order and you can claim a 5% discount


Kareema's Keep Fit Column


Q: Salaams Kareema, since keeping active I've noticed that I have a bigger appetite. Does exercise produce food cravings?





A: Research shows that in the short term (up to 14 days) appetite does not increase by much. However, individual bodies will respond differently to exercise and some may find their appetite stimulated through exercise (which seems to be the case for you).

Your challenge is to maintain a healthy diet while keeping fit!

Exercise is meant to help you get into shape by burning up calories stored as body fat. Burn around 500 calories more than you eat each day and you’re on target to lose weight and look and feel great!!!


Need an answer to a fitness related matter? Send your question to Kareema at  fitness@crescentsofbrisbane.org.

All questions sent in are published here anonymously and without any references to the author of the question.


The Culinary Corner






These muffins are very soft and moist. The crumbs are not sweet, but balance off very well with the sweetness from the blueberry jam. They tasted especially delicious when served warm.

(makes about 9 muffins)

210g plain flour
50g granulated sugar
2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 egg
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
60g butter, melted
1 cup non-fat plain yogurt (berries flavour)
1/4 cup milk (strawberry-flavoured milk)
some Jam (blueberries jam)


Preheat oven to 220 deg C.
In a large bowl, combine flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda and salt.
In another bowl, beat together egg and vanilla extract. Add melted butter, yogurt and milk, mix well. Add to flour mixture, stir just until blended.
Spoon batter into muffin cups, filling half full. Add 1 teaspoon of your favourite jam to each; top with remaining batter.
Bake for 15 to 20 mins.

Recipe source: The 250 Best Muffin Recipes by Esther Brody


Do you have a recipe to share with CCN readers?
Send in your favourite recipe to theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org and who knows, you could be our "guest chef" for a future edition of CCN.


The Inbox


Salaams Ladies

Come and spend 1 hour in the path of Allah every Thursday and get the reward of 1 years nafl ibaadah.

This week the taleem will be held at 31 Stiller Drive Kuraby. 11:00am-12:00pm.

See you there.


The CCN Chuckle


Mula Nasruddin offers to give his friend, Jamaluddin, an IQ test.


"What's an IQ test?", asks Jamaluddin.


"An IQ test measures a person's intelligence," replies Mula Nasruddin.


"Do I have to be here when you give the test?", asks Jamaluddin.


"Never mind, Jamaluddin, in your case a test isn't necessary," says Mula Nasruddin, turning and walking away.



What's happening in our neck of the woods......


Click on image to enlarge

Lifeline Far from Ordinary Stories Event

GIRU Conference


The CCN Date Claimer





(Click on link)





20 January


Open & Enrolment Day

AIIC: Durack

724 Blunder Rd, Durack

3372 1400

10.30am to 2.30pm

24 January


Ice Skating for Females


IceWorld, 1179 Beaudesert Road, Acacia Ridge

0402 529 395


24 January


Far from Ordinary Stories Event

Lifeline Community Care Qld

Marymac Community Hall
616 Ipswich Road

3392 7305

6pm to 7.30pm

27 January


Open & Enrolment Day

AIIC: Gold Coast

19 Chisholm Road

5579 9070

10.30am to 2.30pm

30 January


Fund Raiser: Movie - Kite Runner

Mahboba's Promise

Palace Centro

James Street


0419 022 576


10 February


Documentary: The Imam & the Pastor




The Meeting Room
Garden City Library
0422 349 786

4pm to 6pm

17 February


MBM AGM (for members)


Muslim Business Network (MBN)


Runcorn Tavern

0439 617 786


23-25 February

Saturday - Monday

Asia-Pacific Interfaith Symposium
Women, Faith
and a Culture of Peace

Griffith University Multi-faith Centre and AMARAH

Multi-Faith Centre
Griffith University, Nathan Campus

Griffith University Multi-faith Centre

Saturday 23rd mid-afternoon to
Monday 25th mid-afternoon

3-5 March

Monday - Wednesday

Griffith Islamic Research Unit 2008 Conference: The Challenges and Opportunities of Islam in the West: The Case of Australia


Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, Cnr Merivale and Glenelg Streets, South Bank

0402 819 197

10am to 10pm

8 March


: "The Hope For Happiness Fashion Evening"

Hope for Happiness in association with Human Appeal International Australia

Runcorn Tavern Function Centre
124 Gowan Rd, Runcorn

0405 230 305


15 March


Charity Dinner for Iraqi widows and orphans

AMARAH and Muslim Aid Australia

Michael's Oriental Restaurant

0422 349 786


18 May 2008


CresWalk2008: Annual Fun Run

Crescents of Brisbane

Orleigh Park, West End

0402 026 786

7.30am to 12pm

2 September



Start of Ramadaan

30 September



End of Ramadaan

1 October




11 October 2008



Eidfest Committee

Mt Gravatt Showgrounds

0402 819 197

10am to 10pm

8 December






To claim your date for your event email theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org.


Write For Us

The best ideas and the best feedback come from our community of readers. If you have a topic or opinion that you want to write about or want seen covered or any news item that you think might be of benefit to the Crescents Community please e-mail



Share your thoughts, feelings and ambitions for our community through CCN.


If there is someone you know who would like to subscribe to CCN please encourage them to send an e-mail to theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org with the words “Subscribe Me” in the subject line.


Articles and opinions appearing in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Crescents of Brisbane Team, CCN, its Editor or its Sponsors, particularly if they eventually turn out to be libelous, unfounded, objectionable, obnoxious, offensive, slanderous and/or downright distasteful.


It is the usual policy of CCN to include from time to time, notices of events that some readers may find interesting or relevant. Such notices are often posted as received. Including such messages or providing the details of such events does not necessarily imply endorsement of the contents of these events by either CCN or Crescents of Brisbane Inc.