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......a sometimes self-deprecating and occasional tongue-in-cheek look at ourselves and the world around us ......


Sunday, 1 June 2008

 .Newsletter 0186


News you won't find on CNN!



This week's CCN is kindly sponsored by

Junaid Ally Ray White


Creswalk Survey Closing Soon


Many CCN readers have taken the CresWalk survey that we started last week.


If you have not, then you can still give us the benefit of your opinions by answering a few questions anonymously.


Click here to take the survey


Home Page Minor Makeover


By popular request the Crescents of Brisbane Home Page now includes the day's prayer times for Brisbane courtesy of islamicfinder.com. Bookmark the page to get you to the Mosque on time.


ECCQ/Courier Mail Media Workshop


Eight nominees (from a list of 50) were selected to attend a one-day workshop session with the staff of the Courier Mail this week.


The delegates sat in on a daily news conference chaired by Chief Editor David Fagin and attended by the Courier Mail's Chiefs of Staff and Senior Editorial Staff.


The Courier Mail's Weekend Manager, Rory Gibson, explained, amongst other processes, how to contact a reporter and present a story; what to do if a negative story about a community appeared in the paper; and the options available when stories don't get published.


Back Row (l to r)

Rory Gibson (Courier Mail Weekend Editor)

Wynn Te Kani (Pacific Islander Communities, 4EB 98.1FM – Maori Program Broadcaster)

Neuser Noe (Karen Community)

Sharon Orapeleng (SECA Coordinator, ECCQ)

Daniel Zingifuaboro (Sudanese Community)

Mustafa Ally (Crescents of Brisbane & CCN)

Tewodros Fekadu (President, African Communities Gold Coast)    


Front Row (l to r)

Bobby Whitfield (President, Liberian Community)

Hlawin Htun (Leader, Karen Community)

Surila Singh (President, Ipswich Sanatan Association of Queensland) 

Margaret Wenham (Courier Mail Senior Journalist)

Ian Muil (Executive Manager, ECCQ)

Dee Nguyen (Vietnamese Community) not in photo


As reported in the Courier Mail Monday 2 June 2008


LATE last year when former immigration minister Kevin Andrews singled out African migrants for fighting each other, forming gangs and getting drunk in parks, members of Brisbane's Sudanese community feared history was repeating itself. In the war zones from which they had fled, violence and death were often preceded by inflammatory statements by politicians and military strongmen n their local press.

Arrivals to Queensland from countries where a free, open media doesn't exist face challenges learning how to engage the media so their stories and issues can be reported.


The Courier-Mail, in partnership with the Ethnic Communities Council of Queensland, has started a program called Your Town Your Paper designed to help ethnic communities understand how the print media works and explore ways in which the newspaper can better report on the issues that affect them.


The first in a series of seminars was held last week in the office of the Courier-Mail at Bowen Hills in the inner city.


Representatives of the Vietnamese, Liberian, Karen, Sudanese, Pacific Islander, Fijian Indian and Muslim communities attended the newspaper's morning news conference, followed by the chance to question senior journalists and editors about media processes.


The editor of The Courier-Mail, David Fagan, said he could see only good coming out of the program. "My hope is that we can teach people not used to the Australian media a little about how we work so we can better tell their stories to our readers." he said.


Camden Council Decision Reactions


Islamic school rejection 'victory for racism'


A SYDNEY council's rejection of a proposed Islamic school is a victory for racism, a Muslim community organisation says.

Camden Council last night voted unanimously to reject a proposal for a 1200-student Islamic school, a decision that followed months of heated community meetings and the release of an adverse report by the council's planners last week.

Mayor Chris Patterson said the council's decision was based on concerns surrounding the impact on traffic flows, loss of agricultural land, highlighted in the planners report and not on religious grounds.

But the independent think tank FAIR (Forum on Australia's Islamic Relations) said the decision came as no surprise and was "a reflection of unwarranted fear and ignorance about Islam".

"The decision based on planning grounds is only a smokescreen for the real issues which were related to community tensions and potential social upheavals if the school was approved," FAIR executive director Kuranda Seyit said in a statement today.

"I see this as a victory for racism.

"The fact is that Muslims are diverse and come from more than 65 different ethnic groups and everybody is suffering because of the negative perceptions about Muslims.

"I am not sure where people get their information from and how they form their ideas but I can bet you a dollar per resident that they have never actually met a Muslim before."

The development has been the subject of heated town meetings and a protest rally involving up to 1000 people.

Tensions reached a climax in November when two pigs' heads were rammed on metal stakes with an Australian flag draped between them at the school's proposed site.

"People of Australia should speak out against this decision and try to build more understanding and mutual respect for each other," Mr Seyit said.

The council's decision was likely to be contested in the Land and Environment Court, he said.

Mr Patterson said last night that proponents of the school were welcome to look at an alternate site for the development.


Source: http://www.news.com.au/couriermail/story/0,23739,23771430-5003402,00.html



Muslim schools deserve fair go - Pell


CATHOLIC Cardinal George Pell says he has no objection to Islamic schools.

Commenting on the rejection of an Islamic school in south-western Sydney by the local council, the Archbishop of Sydney said Muslims deserved a fair go.

Camden Council last night voted unanimously against a proposal to construct an Islamic school for 1200 students, citing various issues including traffic problems.

At a World Youth Day (WYD) media event today to outline interfaith events for the festival in July, Cardinal Pell said he always encouraged people to be open to the rights of people from all faiths.

"Everybody in Australia has the right to a fair go, so do the Muslims," he said.

"We certainly believe in religious schools."

A Muslim youth worker told reporters the Camden Council decision, condemned as racist by one Islamic group, would not give a bad impression of Sydney to pilgrims visiting for World Youth Day.

Mazem Bakhour, a representative from the Lebanese Muslim Association, said the school issue should not cause a problem for the Catholic youth event.

"I guess, at the end of the day, to the Muslim community, World Youth Day is about unity between religions," he said.

"That's what we are going to focus on ... mainly just trying to focus on seeing the similarities between faiths."

At today's media event, leaders from different faiths came together to announce that Pope Benedict XVI will meet the Australian leaders of other faiths during World Youth Day.

Source: http://www.news.com.au/story/0,23599,23772006-29277,00.html


Now students tuck into halal meat pies


Halal converts ... Ali Kannoun, Batoul Slaman, Corey Scholfield, Matthew Weatherall and Sean McPherson.

Picture: Troy Bendeich

EVERY kid knows how to get what they want - and in Sydney's west it was only persistent badgering that brought halal food to the school tuckshop.

The technique worked at Lurnea Public School, which has become the latest of an estimated 40 schools from kindergarten to university to bring in halal food.

Muslim students, who make up more than 30 per cent of the school's population, can now eat meat pies, lasagne and spaghetti bolognaise at the school.

"We found that we were not catering to this community and they were coming to the canteen and asking for halal food," relieving principal Sandra Forman said.

"The other students have found this food just as good." A Department of Education spokeswoman said individual school communities were responsible for the food in canteens.

Halal Certification Authority Australia chairman Hajj Mohamed El-Mouelhy said students as young as five had pestered canteen staff to change the menu.

"Halal food in schools is becoming very popular, particularly in Sydney's west. We have been training tuckshop ladies in Campbelltown to teach them halal techniques," Mr El-Mouelhy said.

Lurnea's canteen supervisor Rebecca Donkin said the children were excited about the new menu. She said halal food was no more difficult to prepare.

Mr El-Mouelhy said halal meat was slaughtered "the old-fashioned way" and completely bled out. He said while most universities had been serving halal for some time, younger children were still waiting.

"Kids want to identify with their mates. It is Australian to eat a meat pie. The child is an Aussie. He was born here and when he is with his mates he wants to eat an Aussie meat pie," Mr El-Mouelhy said.

"When he goes home he eats tabouli but at school he wants to be like his mates. Years ago Italians would take salami sandwiches and get beaten up, now the same thing would happen with a tabouli sandwich."

Mr El-Mouelhy said western Sydney's large Muslim population needed to be catered for. "Businesses want to make money - there are 50 mosques or prayer rooms in Sydney and 140 halal butchers - so the people want halal and if that is what the customer wants then school tuckshops will give it to them," he said.

"Big business, like McDonald's and KFC realise this. In Sydney we have five halal McDonald's, two halal KFCs and a few halal Nandos. All of them are finding halal is very lucrative."

Source: http://www.news.com.au/dailytelegraph/story/0,22049,23755707-5006009,00.html


Australian Federation of Islamic Council under fire


Radio ABC Interview 21 May

The president of the Australian Federation of Islamic Council has been dumped as concerns are raised over the relevance of the group.

Presenter: Stephanie March
Speakers: AFIC vice president Hafas

MARCH: Ikebal Patel was appointed as president of the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils in February last year.

His time as leader of the umbrella body of Islamic groups in Australia came to an end over the weekend when six of the seven state member councils present supported a vote of no confidence in the Fijian migrant.

In May 2006 as the then-treasurer of AFIC, he spoke out about problems of internal mismanagement within the organisation.

Vice president of the federation Hafez Malas says Ikebal Patel was removed from his position because of problems with his leadership style.

MALAS: we stood beside him and supported him in 2006, until he became the office then he changed and started to do things differently as any other people might do.

MARCH: How has his behaviour changed?

MALAS: Well he started to do jobs for the boys.

MARCH: Ikebal Patel has been replaced by Haset Sali, a Queensland lawyer, who attracted attention last year when he compared the actions of controversial former mufti of Australia Taj Din al Hilal to those of Adolf Hitler.

Reports have labelled Haset Sali as more moderate than his predecessor.

But Sydney-based writer on muslim issues Irfan Yusuf says the change in AFIC's leadership will have little effect on muslim communities in Australia.

He says federation members are out of touch with those they claim to represent.

YUSUF: It's dominated by middle aged migrant males - first generation migrant males - many of whom have poor english skills who many of whom don't understand mainstream Australian life very well. And again it's a problem of representation: they don't really reflect the reality of muslims, at least 50% of whom are female, most of whom are brought up in Australia and are under the age of 30.

MARCH: He says another problem is that the organisation only represents religious institutions.

YUSUF: Muslims by and large are fairly sort of, you know, like the rest of the population, they are fairly secular - some of them are interested in religion, some of them are not.

MARCH: Despite it's apparent narrow representation, the federation is also an advisory body to state and federal governments.

But Irfan Yusuf says that doesn't matter.

YUSUF: I think governments tend to talk to AFIC because they have to be seen to be talking to AFIC, but I think they know quite well that this is an organisation that has had its day and it's really irrelevant, largely.

MARCH: AFIC also manages over $50 million of assets, mostly land housing Muslim schools.

But Irfan Yusuf says muslim communities see little benefit from the money earned by AFIC in the form of grassroots community projects.

YUSUF: A lot of AFIC's money has gone into litigating, a lot of their litigation is pretty much intra council litigation - they have tried to kick out state councils and introduce new ones and then kick them out , then they have to go to court - so I guess really the people who are benefiting the most from AFIC are the private legal profession, so I guess for he sake of those for those lawyers I think AFIC should continue to exist, because otherwise I guess those lawyers would be out of a job.

MARCH: He says there is not much the group can do to save it's reputation.

YUSUF: I guess there is really not much AFIC can do I think it's pretty much a rotting carcass and perhaps the best thing that can happen is that it is buried.


Source: http://www.radioaustralia.net.au/programguide/stories/200805/s2251892.htm


Community Development Seminar Series


The world in which we practice community development is changing and this seminar series will provide opportunities for practitioners, community members and other interested people to discuss and debate practice issues in this changing context.

You are invited to attend a series of six seminars on contemporary issues in community development practice.


They are hosted by CD Queensland, Griffith University (School of Human Services) and University of Queensland (School of Social Work & Human Services).


More information......


The Yusuf Estes Programme







9 June 2008

Yusuf Estes - Conflict or Coherence

Lutwyche Mosque

6:30 pm

10 June 2008

Bible, Quran and the Last Days

Griffith Uni

11:30am to 1:00pm

11 June 2008

Yusuf Estes - Muslims in the West

Kuraby Mosque

7:00 pm

12 June 2008

Yusuf Estes - Harsh Questions into Easy Shadah

Holland Park Mosque


13 June 2008

Yusuf Estes - My Journey into Islam

Gold Coast Mosque


14 June 2008

Dawah Down Under: A Dawah Skills Training Workshop

Darul Uloom

9:00 am - 12:00 pm

22 June 2008

Public Lecture on Islam: Yusuf Estes

Brisbane City Hall



Contact: info@discoverislamaustralia.com for more information


Australia and Iraq fight it out for South Africa in 2010






Iraq soccer supporters wait at the Brisbane airport in Australia on Tuesday to welcome the Iraq soccer team, scheduled to play Australia in a World Cup qualifying match at Suncorp Stadium today (Sunday).

Trust Fund for Hj. Ebrahimbhai Patel


To honour his passion for acquiring and sharing knowledge, the family and friends of the late Haji Ebrahimbhai Patel are formulating plans to establish a Trust Fund to be used for supporting deserving young Muslim women in South Africa in University-based studies.


The Patel family invites and welcomes anyone who can to share innovative ideas and thoughts that will help towards this objective. You can email Dr. AK Patel at asn767@yahoo.com or call him on 0412 039 625.


Full Cover Girl: Iraqi Women and Democracy


On Tuesday SBS TV showed the documentary Full Cover Girl which looked at the evolving rights of women in Iraq's new democracy through the eyes of two women with very different views.

Full Cover Girl followed two strong yet opposing women, Abir and Jinan, in their dramatic struggle to make their voices heard in the new democracy. They differed on everything from women’s rights to nation building—and in the end, the outcome of their struggle will affect the lives of millions of Iraqi women. Shedding light on a larger issue, the film caused viewers to ask: If democracy can be used to protect some rights, such as freedom of speech, can it also be used to restrict others? Should a democracy curbing women’s rights be encouraged?

She is strong, smart and smiling. She is Jinan Al-Ubaidy, and she is an elected member of the new Iraqi Parliament. She’s also a devout Shia Muslim, fully covered in black. Her main priority is implementing Islamic law, which, according to her opponents, would turn back the clock on women’s rights. Her main weapon to achieve her goal is democracy.

Abir Al-Sahlani opposes Jinan Al-Ubaidy. Abir has returned to Iraq after years in exile to set up a secular political party. She hates the veil and everything it represents.

Over four years, international award winning producer and filmmaker Folke Rydén depicts, on site in Baghdad, Abir and Jinan at the centre of a tragedy that is rarely talked about. Extreme political Islamism, which endorses female subordination, has become increasingly influential, both in politics and in everyday life. Crimes that could hardly have been the intended result of this newfound democracy— kidnappings, murder, violence and harassment of women—have risen to shocking levels.

Since the invasion of Iraq, when no weapons of mass-destruction were found, women’s rights were quickly pushed to the top of the agenda. The United States therefore made promises to strengthen the position of Iraqi
women, supporting a mandate stating that women would hold one quarter of the seats in the Iraqi parliament.

Related Links:


Comments and clips at http://www.sbs.com.au/blogarticle/107893/full-cover-girl---tuesday-27-may-at-830pm


Help Bridge the Digital Divide


If you know anyone over 50 years of age who might benefit from learning how to use a computer, or the Internet or emails then visit the Brisbane Seniors Online website at http://www.bsol.asn.au/.


For a one-off payment of $35.00 they will get a mentor to come to their home and give them 12 1-hour lessons at no extra cost.


Think of the immense joy and pleasure and boundless knowledge, wisdom and information you can give someone when they are finally able to access CCN by themselves.


Sounds Of Light coming to Brisbane in June!

Media Release by Hope for Happiness


Brisbane, brace yourselves! The Sounds of Light 2008 concert is coming to Brisbane for the first time ever on Friday, the 27th of June 2008. The Sounds Of Light is an Islamic concert featuring world-renowned nasheed (religious song) artists from all around the globe who are using their talents to promote the tolerance message of Islam through song.

This year’s line-up of celebrities includes the amazing Zain Bhikha from South Africa, a legend in the nasheed industry who has recorded numerous albums with some of the world’s most popular nasheed singers such as Yusuf Islam, Dawud Wharnsby and Sami Yusuf to name but a few.


Also performing will be Abu Ratib, head of the World Islamic Art Group. Originally from Syria, his traditional sound has made him a favourite in over 10 countries.

The trio who call themselves Native Deen, are currently taking the world by storm with their unique style of nasheed which has roots in rap and hip-hop. Their fan following is phenomenal, especially appealing to today’s generation, young and old.


In addition, Nazeem Hussein, of Salam Café fame and winner of the Best Newcomer award at last years Melbourne International Comedy Festival will add some laughter to the show.

A world-class production team will bring the event to life at a world-class venue - the Concert Hall, at QPAC (Queensland Performing Arts Centre), Southbank. In an era where religious songs have become one of the best tools to spread the truth and beauty of Islam, this is truly an event not to be missed! A Human Appeal International event, in affiliation with Hope For Happiness, all proceeds will be used to fund orphan sponsorship programs and a portion to the Burma Emergency Relief fund.

Tickets are available from a host of agents in your area. But book now, as tickets are selling fast!

From the desk of MYServices......


Muslim Youth Services and My Health & Fitness, teamed up with a number of organisations (BCC, Communify, MultiLink and Brisbane Outriggers Club) to organise the hugely successful Muslim Women’s Outrigging Session, held yesterday at the Brisbane Outriggers Club in Bulimba, as part of our Come and Try Days activities for Muslim women and girls.

Despite the erratic rainy weather, the crowd of 30 unstoppable Muslimahs who braved the weather and enthusiastically tried the thrilling water sport was more than impressive!

For all of the ladies (hailing of all ages), yesterday’s experience of outrigging was the first one ever. Upon reaching the venue, ladies were welcomed and briefed by experienced female outriggers of the club. As the life-jackets were strapped on and a team of six ladies got on each boat, our prayers were answered when the rain completely stopped! After a couple of test paddles, the race began - the most exciting part of the morning.


With six ladies to an outrigger, we challenged both our muscles and each other with some healthy competition under the direction of our outrigging coaches. There were smiles all round and we certainly weren't ready
to come 'off the water' when it was time to pack up!

Keep up the enthusiasm ladies, there's more coming your way!!", were the encouraging words from team leader Kareema.
Once again, the feedback received from the participants was overwhelmingly positive, to say the least. From never knowing of the water sport, we discovered outrigging (formally known as outrigger canoeing) is an exciting, exhilarating, and challenging experience about fitness and teamwork. Everyone had an awesome time and demanded that we do it again!


"When can we do this again?!", "What an opportunity!", "This is a great workout!" were only some of the comments passed on to Kareema while 'preparing for the upcoming Olympics'!!

If you missed out on all yesterday’s fun, you’d be mad to miss the upcoming dragon boating (7th of June) and canoeing/kayaking (14th of June)!


See the flyer to register, and be there, - or be square!

MYServices wishes to thank all our energetic participants and partners who made the morning a brilliant experience. In the words of the community’s very own dynamic fitness guru, Kareema Benjamin, ‘team work is all it was about!’


Special thanks goes to Kareema, from My Health and Fitness; Jill Duffield from Communify and Brisbane Outriggers Club; Michelle Lindley from BCC and to Vero Andriamasy from MultiLink Inc.

Free Art Workshops


Access Arts and the Islamic Women’s Association of Qld will hold a variety of free art workshops for the community starting in June.


Muslim and non Muslim women and young mothers with children are encouraged to sign up to what promises to be an inspirational series of activities to help explore our diverse cultures and the intersections between art and life.


The workshops will be held at a number of venues – at BEMAC in Kangaroo Point and in the Southside suburb of Kuraby.


For more information on this project read the flyer.


Perfect for planting!


(l to r) David Forde of the Kuraby Lions and Zaheer Suleman and Ismail Essof of Crescents of Brisbane




Despite the inclement weather over Saturday the 30 or so volunteers did not let the threat of a substantial downpour deter them from turning up to the Wally Tate Park alongside the Kuraby Mosque where they planted some 700 trees and shrubs.


A number of community groups braved the rain and came out to help revegetate the area and to kick off World Environment Day which will be coming up soon.


"With our Mosque just next door, we'll be able to watch our trees grow everyday right before our eyes,"  Zaheer Suleman, Ismail Essof, Hamid Kassim and Ismail Kathrada told CCN.



Relationships Seminar Synopsis

An account of the session by Shamime Mustapha


Despite the cold and windy weather, the inspiring and informative Relationships Seminar, hosted by the Algester Ladies Auxilliary, entertained a venue filled to capacity.


Organized by Farrah Suleman, the seminar included a dynamic and motivating talk by Sheikh Ahmed Abu Ghazaleh followed by an interactive question and answer forum, complimented by a delightful spread of tasty treats.


The talk explored the various relationships we as human beings encounter: those with oneself, ones' Creator, ones' environment and ones' community.


The information was particularly meaningful to the Parish guests who shared similar sentiments at the close of the evening.


Seminars of this nature are both though-provoking and educational, and ones that should certainly not be looked over.


Around the Muslim World with CCN


Dunkin' Donuts axes 'terror symbol' ad


A DUNKIN' Donuts has reportedly axed an online advertisement featuring celebrity chef Rachael Ray over a fringed black-and-white scarf that critics said offered symbolic support for Muslim extremism and terrorism.

In the ad, Ray wears the scarf around her neck and holds an iced coffee.

US critics, including conservative commentator Michelle Malkin, complained that the scarf looked similar to the black-and-white checkered kaffiyeh, the traditional Palestinian scarf, the Associated Press reported.

The kaffiyeh "has come to symbolise murderous Palestinian jihad. Popularized by Yasser Arafat and a regular adornment of Muslim terrorists appearing in beheading and hostage-taking videos, the apparel has been mainstreamed by both ignorant (and not-so-ignorant) fashion designers, celebrities, and left-wing icons," Ms Malkin said.

Dunkin' Donuts told AP the scarf had a paisley design, and was selected by a stylist for the advertising shoot.

"Absolutely no symbolism was intended," the company said.

But the Dunkin' Donuts ad was pulled because "the possibility of misperception detracted from its original intention to promote our iced coffee," the Associated Press reported.

Ms Malkin later said it was "refreshing to see an American company show sensitivity to the concerns of Americans opposed to Islamic jihad and its apologists"


Source: http://www.news.com.au/couriermail/story/0,23739,23776893-5003402,00.htm



Church of England row over Muslim conversion


The Rt Rev Michael Nazir-Ali, Britain's only Asian bishop, visited Brisbane recently and engaged in a panel discussion with Dr. Mohammad Abdalla of GIRU

A row has erupted within the Church of England over calls for British Muslims to be converted to Christianity.


The Bishop of Rochester, the Rt Rev Michael Nazir-Ali, accused the Church of failing in its duty to "welcome people of other faiths" ahead of a motion at July's General Synod in York urging a strategy for evangelising Muslims.

However, his comments were condemned by senior figures within the Church.


The Rt Rev Stephen Lowe, the former Bishop of Hulme and the newly appointed Bishop of Urban Life and Faith, said:


"Both the Bishop of Rochester's reported comments and the synod private members' motion show no sensitivity to the need for good inter-faith relations. Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus and Sikhs are learning to respect one another's paths to God and to live in harmony. This demand for the evangelisation of people of other faiths contributes nothing to our communities."

Read the rest.....


Related articles:

Bishop says collapse of Christianity is wrecking British society - and Islam is filling the void

Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali: Radical Islam is filling void left by collapse of Christianity in UK



Outrage as French judge annuls Muslim marriage over bride's virginity lie 


The annulment of a young Muslim couple’s marriage because the bride was not a virgin has caused anger in France, prompting President Sarkozy’s party to call for a change in the law.


The case, which had previously gone unreported, involved an engineer in his 30s, named as Mr X, who married Ms Y, a student nurse in her 20s, in 2006. The wedding night party was still under way at the family’s home in Roubaix when the groom came down from the bedroom complaining that his bride was not a virgin. He could not display the blood-stained sheet that is traditionally exhibited as proof of the bride’s “purity”. 

Read the rest.....


CCN Supporting Local Enterprise



The CCN Readers' Book Club: You are what you read!


This week

Mustafa Kemal Omar

recommended the first two books on the top bookshelf below


Would you like to see the cover of your favourite book on our book shelves below? 

Then simply email the title and author to thebookclub@crescentsofbrisbane.org


Double click a book cover to find out what others think of the book


CCN has set up an online Book Club at Shelfari to connect with CCN book readers at:


Using the book club you can see what books fellow CCN readers have on their shelves, what they are reading and even what they, and others, think of them.

The CCN Readers' Book Club

The Inbox


RE: Banda Aceh Teacher Exchange Project


....... we are bringing two teachers out from Banda Aceh, Indonesia, for intensive English language lessons as well as to meet and spend time in local schools to meet our language teachers, to exchange ideas and teaching strategies and to develop teaching resources.


The expectation is that these teachers will then be able to "train on" others when they return to Banda Aceh.


Our organisation is called the All Saints Imnau Foundation.


It is a charity arm of our school (All Saints Anglican School) and, one of its continuing projects is a commitment to the educational rehabilitation of Banda Aceh, following the devastating tsunami there in 2004.


We have already sent computers, books and money to the area. This year, we received a grant from the Australia-Indonesia Institute (associated with the Department of Foreign Affairs and trade) which will enable us to almost cover the return airfares for these two teachers to come here, for about 3 months each.


Our first teacher arrives around July 13 (although this may be subject to change slightly as we are still awaiting news of the visa) and will be staying until September 19th. (Term 3) Her name is Nurul Azizah and she is 27 years old.


Our other teacher is a young man (29 years) and arrives around October 5 , leaving around December 12 (Term 4)


At this stage, the main area we need help with is a sponsored "homestay" situation for both teachers.


With kind regards


Catherine Carpenter

Imnau Foundation Secretariat


[Editor] If you think you can help email  Hj Habib Jamal at habibj@optusnet.com.au


Dear Crescents Team,

Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh.

I hope this email finds you in the best of Iman, health and families.

I attended Creswalk 08, and I would like to commend the Team on a well-organised, fun-for-the-whole-family event.  May Allah reward you for all the good that you've done.

A lot of useful information can be found on the Crescents website, and I think it's really one of the most popular Muslim websites in Brisbane.  One of the things I like about the weekly CCNs is the event calendar which shows many of the events in Brisbane.

As a past student of Uni of Qld, I have seen many really beneficial events held there.  However, the Muslims students have a limited reach compared to organisations such as yours, and so it's difficult to advertise what's happenig at UQ widely.

Currently, there are weekly hadeeth talks at UQ which I think would be very beneficial to the Crescents Community and the Muslims in Brisbane at large. I hope you could create a recurring event in the calendar.


May Allah reward you all for your efforts, and make next year's Creswalk even better!

Wassalaamu alaykum,
Your brother in Islam
Ismail Mohamed





Check this link out http://www.deen.tv/new/?ID=NTc=


There's some good islamic films on it to watch, such as 'The Quranic Miracle of Iron' which demonstrates how Surah Al Hadid (57) relates to scientific facts now known by mankind, which was revealed to Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) so many years ago Mashallah.


I found this link on the Native Deen website, which CCN directed us to in a recent newsletter.


Thanks - I love their music and am glad to be able to share this with my kids. My young son walks around singing 'I am not afraid to stand alone', rather than some inappropriate lyrics from a pop song off the radio.


Keep up the good work Insha Allah





............and now a word from this week's CCN sponsor.....  Junaid Ally Ray White





Kareema's Keep Fit Column




Q: Dear Kareema, I've been doing weight training daily in order to get results quicker. Why is it that I sometimes feel very tired or suffer from flu-like symptoms half-way through or after my workout?




A: One of the key training principles is recovery. This will allow your muscles to rest and repair itself, resulting in
an effective weight training regime. Your muscles need al least 48 hours to recover before you 'put them through their paces' again.

Your option if you want to weight train daily is to alternate between upper and lower body each day, eg. upper body one day and lower body the next. This will give the muscles a chance to adapt after every workout.

At the moment it sounds like you're over-training and not looking after yourself post-exercise, which means you will eventually burn out. Try 'mixing up' your workouts (including something different) every week and you'll be sure to see some results.





My Health and Fitness

Tel: 0404 844 786

(Accredited Member of Fitness Queensland)



Need an answer to a fitness related matter? Send your question to Kareema at  fitness@crescentsofbrisbane.org.

All questions sent in are published here anonymously and without any references to the author of the question.

The Culinary Corner




Ingredients – For the mash potato
1kg large potato peeled - 30ml butter - 100ml milk - 15ml garlic paste - Salt to taste - Freshly ground black pepper to taste.

Boil potatoes in salted water until soft. Pour off the water add butter and mash using a masher. Add milk, place the pot over gentle heat and reheat stirring to prevent potato from burning. Add sale and pepper to taste. Add more milk if necessary.

Ingredients - For steak filling
500g steak strips. 15ml paprika. 15ml Cajun spice. 15ml barbeque spice. 10ml garlic & ginger. Salt to taste. Marinate the steak in the ingredients overnight.

Then to braise steak: 1 large onion sliced finely. 15ml oil.



  1. Heat oil in pan and add onions and sauté until golden adding water when necessary to soften the onions.

  2. Add meat and braise until water has evaporated.

  3. Add salt.

  4. Cook meat adding water when needed until soft over medium heat.

  5. When meat is soft evaporate as much liquid as possible so that only a thick sauce remains.

  6. Place meat in a heat proof dish and spoon the mash over it.

  7. Dot with pieces of butter.

  8. Place in oven that has been preheated to 180c and brown the mash till golden.


Source Radio Islam Newsletter - Thursday, 29 May 2008


[Editor] Top this recipe off with mushy pea! It will look and taste delicious!



Do you have a recipe to share with CCN readers?
Send in your favourite recipe to theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org and who knows, you could be our "guest chef" for a future edition of CCN.


The CCN Chuckle


Jalalludin, who, as you know, is  one sandwich short of a picnic at the best of times, was explaining to his good friend, Mula Nasruddin, how his interview for the local detective job went:


Brother Mula, the first question the Chief Inspector at the interview asked me was what 1 and 1 was.

I told him it was 11 and the Chief Inspector said, "That's not what I meant, but you're right."

He then asked me what two days of the week start with the letter 'T'.

"Today and tomorrow," I told him.

He again looked surprised that I had come up with such a good answer and one he has never thought of himself.

"Now Jalalludin, listen carefully: Who killed Mahatma Ghandi?"

I thought really hard for a minute and finally admitted, "I don't know."

"Well, why don't you go home and work on that one for a while?"

So brother Mula, don't you think this is fantastic!

My first day on the job and I'm already working on a murder case!

The CCN Notice Board


Click on image to enlarge


Relationships Seminar


Sounds of Light 2008


Family Fund Raiser Dinner

Ladies Come and Try Program




Yusuf Estes

Islam Exposed

Griffith University


ECCQ/QPS Cup 2008




World Refugee Day



The CCN Date Claimer






(Click on link)





8/9 June


QPS/ECCQ CUP (Multicultural Football Tournament)




QLD LIONS, Pine Rd, RICHLANDS 0438 114 619


14 June


IWAQ/ACCES Gala Nite for Women




Kimberley Park Hall, Rosalie St, Shailer Park 3272 6355

6.30pm til late

19 June


QPS/MUSLIM Reference Group Meeting


Queensland Police Service


QLD Police Service Regional Office, Level 1, 1993 Logan Road, Upper Mt Gravatt 0438 114 619

6.30pm to 7.30pm

22 June


Annual Qur'an Recitation Competition

Islamic Council of Qld

Islamic College of Brisbane, 45 Acacia Rd, Karawatha

0433 354 786

9am to 2pm

27 June


Sounds Of Light 2008

Human Appeal International in affiliation with Hope For Happiness

Concert Hall, QPAC
South Bank

0405 230 305


5 July


Family Fund Raiser Dinner: AlNoor Mosque


Darra Mosque
219 Douglas Street, Oxley

0412 732031


22 August


IWAQ Client/Carer Dinner




Kuraby Special School 3272 6355


23 August


Annual School Fete

Islamic College of Brisbane

Islamic College of Brisbane, Karawatha

0402 794 253

All day

30 August


Holland Park Mosque Centenary Celebrations

Holland Park Mosque Management Committee


0431 300 111


1/2 September



Start of Ramadaan

29/30 September



End of Ramadaan

30 Sept. / 1 Oct.




4 October


Annual Eid Dinner

Muslim Business Network (MBN)


0418 722 353


11 October



Eidfest Committee

Mt Gravatt Showgrounds

0402 819 197

10am to 10pm

18 October


Annual Eid Nite

Islamic Society of Darra

Darra Mosque 219 Douglas St Oxley

0418 757 157


18 October


IWAQ's Annual Ladies Night 2008

Jas & Susan

Greek Orthodox Hall, Creek Road

0404 433 702

6pm (TBC)

25 October


Crescents 'Pink Ribbon Breakfast'

Crescents of Brisbane


0404 296 297

10am to 1pm

8/9 December




To claim your date for your event email theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org.




Date: Every Monday, i.e. 26 May, 2 June, 9 June, 16 June, etc. (Recurring)

Day: Monday

Event: Weekly Learning Circle: Explanation of Riyad-us-Saliheen

(Link is http://www.sunnahinspirations.org/index.php?view=article&id=82)

Organizer: Sunnah Inspirations (www.SunnahInspirations.org)

Venue: University of Queensland, 323 Hawken Drive, St. Lucia

Contact: 0421 731 797 Time: 6.45pm to 7.45pm

Sunnah Inspirations is a non-profit organisation to cater for Muslim social support and supplying information to Muslims and non-Muslims.  They have been doing various activities around Australia, and have organised Da'wah information stalls at various universities in Brisbane.  More info can be found on their website above.


Write For Us

The best ideas and the best feedback come from our community of readers. If you have a topic or opinion that you want to write about or want seen covered or any news item that you think might be of benefit to the Crescents Community please e-mail



Share your thoughts, feelings and ambitions for our community through CCN.


If there is someone you know who would like to subscribe to CCN please encourage them to send an e-mail to theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org with the words “Subscribe Me” in the subject line.


Articles and opinions appearing in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Crescents of Brisbane Team, CCN, its Editor or its Sponsors, particularly if they eventually turn out to be libelous, unfounded, objectionable, obnoxious, offensive, slanderous and/or downright distasteful.


It is the usual policy of CCN to include from time to time, notices of events that some readers may find interesting or relevant. Such notices are often posted as received. Including such messages or providing the details of such events does not necessarily imply endorsement of the contents of these events by either CCN or Crescents of Brisbane Inc.