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......a sometimes self-deprecating and occasional tongue-in-cheek look at ourselves and the world around us ......


Sunday, 6 July 2008

 .Newsletter 0191


News you won't find on CNN!



This week's CCN is kindly sponsored by

G.M. Hair Design


Roar Against Racism


The Queensland Roars Against Racism campaign is a partnership between Multicultural Affairs Queensland (MAQ) and Queensland Roar FC that aims to promote diversity with our community and to make it clear that Queensland does not tolerate racism.

On 12 July 2008, Brazilian Serie A team Palmeiras will descend on Brisbane to play in a pre-season match at Suncorp Stadium, as part of the Queensland Government's Queensland Roars Against Racism campaign.

A family friendly program of entertainment will begin at Suncorp Stadium from 5.00pm with music, dance and give-aways, so get there early to experience this dynamic program.

Roar Against Racism Celebrity Ambassadors will play in a curtain raiser match to personally support the campaign at 5.15pm, before the main game starts at 7.00pm.

Additionally if you are at a loose end on Friday 11 July a number of free activities will be occurring in Reddacliff Place, opposite the Queen Street Mall.

From 12pm to 2pm, Queensland Roar FC players will be joined by the Palmeiras team and celebrities to promote the match, and later that night at 7pm, Reddacliff Place will come alive with the free Queensland Roars Against Racism Latin Dance Party.


CCN is offering 5 lucky readers the chance to win double passes to the game on Saturday (courtesy of Multicultural Affairs Queensland) by simply emailing the answer to the following question to ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org:

What is the name of the Brazilian side to play Queensland Roar on 12 July?

The first FIVE entries drawn from the CCN Inbox on Wednesday 5pm will get a chance to see some Brazilian magic at the Suncorp Stadium.


BUMSA Conference at the Gold Coast


The Bond University Muslim Students Association (BUMSA) hosted a three-day forum during the week showcasing topics that encompass Islam and the lives of Muslims. The topics were aimed at clarifying misconceptions held by some parts of the community regarding Islam as well as to enlighten Muslims about the current issues faced by Muslims all over the world.

The topics were delivered by Sheikh Tawfique Chowdhury, the Director of AlKauthar Institute and Mercy Mission; Sheikh Shady Suleiman, the Secretary of Australian National Imams Council and khateeb at the main mosque in Lakemba and Ustadh Bilal Asad a teacher at the International Australian Academy in Melbourne.

A ‘Plan B’ for the World Cup

Editorial in Jamiatul Ulama South Africa Online Newsletter Vol. 3 No. 26 02 July 2008


The recent announcement by FIFA’s Sepp Blatter of an existing alternative plan in case South Africa fails to host the world soccer event has sent shivers down the spines of many a compatriot.

The possibilities of a ‘Plan B’ being set in motion have however been discounted by officials. However, it must be noted that this will go down as a first in the history of the world cup that such a suggestion should openly come from the FIFA president. If it is not an indication of doubt on his part, it is at least a warning of a kind. It should also be a reminder of the danger in staking all our hopes in this single event, albeit big. The hosting of the event should not be an end but rather a means to an end.

Our national goals should be the building of an equitable society that is united in diversity. If the World Cup hosting cannot be the catalyst for that, what’s in it for the common man?


[CCN Editor] A 'Plan B'? As Homer Simpson would have said: "Mmmm .... World Cup at Suncorp Stadium"


Riz Khan - Islamophobia in the US

30 June 2008












View the CAIR-Houston slide presentation that started the controversy


Islamic school on fraud charges

The Australian

ONE of Australia's best-known Islamic schools has been accused of defrauding the commonwealth and West Australian governments of more than $3million by claiming it had hundreds more students on its books than it did.

Australian Islamic College director Abdallah Magar, 69, and school principals Mark Debowski, 50, and Aziz Magdi, 53, are due to appear in a Perth court on Wednesday over charges that they obtained a financial advantage by deception for another person and gained a benefit by fraud.

They were released on $100,000 bail yesterday. Police are expected to ask the men to forfeit their passports.

After being released from custody yesterday, Mr Magar said he would defend the charges.

The men are accused of inflating their student numbers by claiming money for students who were not attending the school.

Police said the school could claim $1300 to $2000 for each child from the West Australian Government, while the funding rate under the commonwealth ranged from $4000 to $6000, depending on the child's age.

Inspector Arno Albrecht, of the Major Fraud squad, claimed: "The defrauding of the government agencies was simply putting forward false numbers of students and, as a result of that, they obtained the subsidised funding. There was some checking but nowhere near what you would think would be required for giving out such large amounts of funding."

He said that although some of the funding was used for school purposes, the men were paid high salaries, with Mr Magar earning about $200,000 a year.

Inspector Albrecht said the charges related to funding received in 2005 and 2006 but other funding years had not been investigated because of resourcing and public interest limitations. In total, it was alleged the men fraudulently gained $3.16 million from the state and federal governments.

About $2.5 million of the funds came from the commonwealth, with the balance provided by the West Australian Government.

"They're not claiming the same amount of student subsidies now, so whether they can maintain the operations of those (campuses) based on not receiving those funds is something I couldn't tell you about," Inspector Albrecht said. "(But) we're aware that (their claims) have been dramatically reduced."

He said that although there was a risk the schools could close as a result of the charges, it would be up to the relevant government departments.

The charges were laid 18 months after Major Fraud officers raided the school, seizing 200 boxes of documents, 12 filing cabinets and 15 computers.

State Education Minister Mark McGowan yesterday moved quickly to ensure parents the schools' three campuses would remain open.

"The Department of Education Services is working closely with the college campuses to ensure the needs of students are not affected by the arrest," Mr McGowan said. "The campuses have been inspected in the past and have met the requirements for registration as non-government schools."

A spokeswoman for federal Education Minister Julia Gillard said the department was working with its state counterpart to clarify the management structure of the three schools.


Source: http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/story/0,25197,23934504-2702,00.html


Mandela dropped from US terror list


One man's terrorist is another man's

freedom fighter: Mandela at last week's

Hyde Park Concert

US President George W Bush has removed former South African president Nelson Mandela and his African National Congress from the US terror watch list.

The bill was sent to the White House last week and signed in time for the anti-apartheid leader and Nobel Peace Prize winner's 90th birthday on July 18.

"Today the United States moved closer at last to removing the great shame of dishonouring this great leader by including him on our government's terror watch list," Senator John Kerry said after the bill was approved on Friday.

When a similar bill passed the House of Representatives last month, Barbara Lee, a California Democrat who co-sponsored it, said she was "especially pleased we are taking this important step to finally right this inexcusable wrong".

Lee said that under the legislation, introduced during the 1980s while Ronald Reagan was president, the ANC could travel to United Nations headquarters in New York but not to Washington, DC, or other parts of the United States.

In April, US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice urged a Senate committee to remove the restrictions on the ANC party, calling it a "rather embarrassing matter that I still have to waive in my own counterpart, the foreign minister of South Africa, not to mention the great leader Nelson Mandela".

The ANC has been South Africa's ruling party since 1994, when a majority-ruled democracy replaced a white-ruled state where the vote was based on race.

During the Cold War, the West considered the ANC a communist organisation that wanted to bring down pro-Western South Africa.

Mandela spent 27 years in prison for his work with the ANC.

Source: http://news.ninemsn.com.au/article.aspx?id=590299


Lightning Speed and Thundering Shouts


Rami's Thunder Taekwondo Club has been successfully operating in the Scouts Hall alongside the Wally Tate Park in Kuraby for several years now under the instruction of Mr. Rami Maani.


Last week several of Mr. Maani's students were awarded certificates of achievement.


Mr. Mustafa Ally of Crescents of Brisbane was invited to attend the proceedings during which he congratulated the students and their instructor on their enthusiasm and dedication to the sport and for performing exceedingly well in the many local and national competitions they have taken part in over the years.



If you would like to join the club or find out more information email rami_maani@yahoo.com.


Thundering through their paces



Mohammed Hersi receives his certificate from

Mr. Mustafa Ally (left) and Mr. Rami Maani


Hamza Mirabi

Murtaza Hamzah

Ayman Ali

Usaid Cajee

Hisham Misraoui


How good is your General Knowledge?


You can find out for yourself at the Muslim Business Network Trivia Night to be held on Saturday 19 July 2008 at the Sacred Heart Hall, Nemies Rd, Runcorn from 6.00pm.


Organizer, Mr. Farouk Adam,  told CCN that the idea behind the trivia night was to get members of the community and their families and friends to have a night of fun and to make new friends and to provide an opportunity for networking.


The Trivia questions will cover various subjects such as business, sports, history, general knowledge, Australiana and Islam.


Entry fee is $15 per person or $150 per team of 10.


A light meal consisting of burgers, sausage sizzle, cold drinks, tea, coffee and ‘nibbles’ will be provided.


Child minding facilities will be available so that the adults can have fun while the children are cared for.


"I can promise everyone a fun filled night with heaps of prizes to be won,’ Farouk Adam said. "So don’t miss out!"


You can download entry forms from here:  pdf or Word


Brisbane's latest Hafiz





13-year old Ali Mokrani graduated as a Hafiz-ul-Quran last night (Saturday) at the Kuraby Mosque where a large turnout saw him recite the final verses to qualify.



Ali becomes the 24th Hafiz from the school of Iqra Rodha-tul-Aftaal run by Qari Fid-ur-Rahman.        

Kerbaj Now Sets his Sights on Muslim Aid Australia


Richard "Some of my best friends are Muslims" Kerbaj writes in The Australian of an Australian aid agency which has allegedly breached Australia’s anti-terror laws.


Muslim Aid Australia (MAA), in conjunction with Muslim Aid UK, has been raising funds for Palestinians in Gaza caught up in the Israeli-enforced blockade arising from Gaza’s takeover by HAMAS.


That aid has been allegedly channelled through another UK-based charity called Interpal, a proscribed organisation under Australia’s anti-terror laws.

Read Kerbaj's investgative piece and Yusuf Irfan's retort.


The Changing of the Guards - Taiwanese Style



At a glittering function held last night (Saturday) at the Shangrila Restaurant in Sunnybank, Ms Frances Wang (left in picture) took over the reigns as President of the Australian Taiwanese Chamber of Commerce from Mr. Derick Chen.


Continuing a cordial relationship and friendship that Crescents of Brisbane forged with the Taiwanese Community earlier this year, Mustafa Ally (second from the left) was invited to attend the change over, adding a bit of colour to the night's proceedings.


Also present were a number of prominent political figures including the Queensland Minister for Health, Stephen Robertson MP (second from left) and business men and women and advisors to the chamber including Ms Michelle Lee, CEO and the President of the Royal Brisbane International College (right in picture).



Around the Muslim World with CCN


Houston USA: Residents Upset Over Quran Distribution


The distribution of Qurans in a southwest Houston neighborhood has some residents worried about the motives of the group who dispersed the Islamic book.

An English translation of the Quran began appearing two weeks ago on the doorsteps of hundred of homes in the BraesTimbers neighborhood. The books came in plastic bags with a note attached from the ‘Book of Signs Foundation’ asking recipients to accept the Quran as a gift from the Muslim community.

But some residents, like Greg and Sue Ann Pieri, said they feared the group is imposing its beliefs on non-Muslims and found the gesture offensive.

“If we went into a Muslim country and left a bible, we would be in prison and then decapitated a few years later,” said Sue Ann Pieri, who chose not to destroy the book like other neighbours did.

Read the rest......


From triumph to torture


Comment: John Pilger, The Guardian


Two weeks ago, I presented a young Palestinian, Mohammed Omer, with the 2008 Martha Gellhorn Prize for Journalism.


Awarded in memory of the great US war correspondent, the prize goes to journalists who expose establishment propaganda, or "official drivel", as Gellhorn called it.


Mohammed shares the prize of £5,000 with Dahr Jamail. At 24, he is the youngest winner. His citation reads: "Every day, he reports from a war zone, where he is also a prisoner.


His homeland, Gaza, is surrounded, starved, attacked, forgotten. He is a profoundly humane witness to one of the great injustices of our time.


He is the voice of the voiceless." The eldest of eight, Mohammed has seen most of his siblings killed or wounded or maimed. An Israeli bulldozer crushed his home while the family were inside, seriously injuring his mother.


And yet, says a former Dutch ambassador, Jan Wijenberg, "he is a moderating voice, urging Palestinian youth not to court hatred but seek peace with Israel".

Read the rest......


Mohammed Omer is a young Palestinian journalist and photographer. He lives in the Rafah refugee camp, On his website (http://www.rafahtoday.org/), he presents photos and reports about his home town, about the Palestinian life and community, the home demolitions, homeless families and the children in the camp. Mohammed is very courageous and risks his life to show to the world the tragedies that happen in Palestine every day. You can contact him there : Rafahtoday@yahoo.com


Source: http://flickr.com/photos/benheine/596504398/





Sharia law 'could have role in UK'


Sharia law could play a role in some parts of the legal system, the most senior judge in England and Wales has said.

The Lord Chief Justice, Lord Phillips of Worth Matravers, emphatically ruled out the possibility of sharia courts sitting in this country or deciding penalties.

But in a speech at the East London Muslim Centre in Whitechapel he said there was no reason why sharia principles could not be used in "mediation or other forms of alternative dispute resolution".

Sharia - a set of principles governing the way that many Muslims believe one should live one's life - suffered from "widespread misunderstanding" by the rest of the world, he added.

Lord Phillips said: "There is no reason why sharia principles, or any other religious code, should not be the basis for mediation or other forms of alternative dispute resolution.

Read the rest......





A minister has warned that many British Muslims feel "like the Jews of Europe".

Dewsbury MP Shahid Malik, who is a minister in the Department for International Development, made it clear he was not comparing the situation experienced by Muslims to the plight of Jews during the Holocaust.

However, he suggested that targeting Muslims led to them feeling under siege.

This had the negative effects of segregating society and undermining efforts to deal with extremism and terrorism, he added.

Mr Malik, who revealed he had been the victim of religious hatred himself on a number of occasions, made the comments in an interview for a Channel 4 Dispatches programme.

Read the rest......



Prayer refusal pupils 'disciplined' 


Prayer refusal pupils 'disciplined' ...

UK: An education authority is investigating claims that two school pupils were punished for refusing to kneel down and pray to Allah during a religious education lesson.

Parents complained after the boys, Year 7 pupils at Alsager High School in Cheshire, were given detention for being "disrespectful" to the prophet, the Congleton Chronicle reported.

Parent Sharon Luinen told the paper: "This isn't right, it's taking things too far.

"I understand that they have to learn about other religions, I can live with that, but it is taking it a step too far to be punished because they wouldn't join in Muslim prayer. Making them pray to Allah, who isn't who they worship, is wrong and what got me is that they were told they were being disrespectful."

The school is believed to have received complaints from five sets of parents since the alleged incident on Tuesday.

Another parent, Karen Williams, said: "I am absolutely furious my daughter was made to take part in it and I don't find it acceptable. I haven't got a problem with them teaching my child other religions and a small amount of information doesn't do any harm.

"But not only did they have to pray, the teacher had gone into the class and made them watch a short film and then said 'We are now going out to pray to Allah'. And then two boys got detention and all the other children missed their refreshments break because of the teacher."

She added: "My child has been forced to pray to Allah in a school lesson."

The incident is believed to have taken place during a practical demonstration of how Allah is worshipped.

Cheshire County Council confirmed that parents had complained about the lesson, and said the circumstances of the incident were to be "thoroughly" looked into.

Source: http://uk.news.yahoo.com/pressass/20080704/tuk-prayer-refusal-pupils-disciplined-6323e80.html


The Centre Link


Social Activities Coordinator (IWAQ)


A fixed term one year project for 19 hours per weeK. The hourly rate is in accordance with the Social and Community Service Award.

To apply for the above positions, call the IWAQ office on: 3272 6355/ 3272 6422 during business hours to obtain a copy of the Position Description and Selection Criteria.

Applications close Monday 14th July 2008 at 5pm



An up coming Halal restaurant in Brisbane specializing in Indian and Middle Eastern food has a position for a chef who has some experience in the food industry, and is eager to learn and assist in this new venture.


If you are interested or know someone who is interested then call 0401 764 634 or 0433 000 123.


The CCN Readers' Book Club: You are what you read!


This week

A CCN Reader 


Muhammad: His Life Based on the Earliest Sources by Martin Lings

Martin Lings (Abu Bakr Siraj Ad-Din) (1909 – 2005) was a Sufi and a student and follower of Frithjof Schuon.


His most famous work was this biography about Muhammad (pbuh), written in 1983, which earned him acclaim in the Muslim world and prizes from the governments of Pakistan and Egypt.


His work was hailed as the "best biography of the prophet in English" at the National Seerat Conference in Islamabad.


In addition to his writings on Sufism, Lings was a renowned Shakespeare scholar.


The unique contribution to Shakespeare scholarship was to point out the deeper esoteric meanings found in Shakespeare's plays, and the spirituality of Shakespeare himself.  More about the author...



Would you like to see the cover of your favourite book on our book shelves below? 

Then simply email the title and author to thebookclub@crescentsofbrisbane.org


Double click a book cover to find out what others think of the book


CCN has set up an online Book Club at Shelfari to connect with CCN book readers at:


Using the book club you can see what books fellow CCN readers have on their shelves, what they are reading and even what they, and others, think of them.

The CCN Readers' Book Club

............and now a word from this week's CCN sponsor.....  G.M. Hair Design



Kareema's Keep Fit Column




After last week's obesity scare, it's now time for us AUSSIES to take control and stop being part of that scary statistic. 


Together lets fight the 'globesity' epidemic!  


In some cases, drastic measures are required however, let's not get to that point. 


'Sign' a fitness contract with yourself today, and let's all lead healthier lifestyles. 


By 'signing' your contract, you are committing to 30 mins. of physical activity daily. 


The good thing is that you get to choose which activity you undertake and if you have time restrictions you can break your workout down into 10 minute mini sessions. 


EASY!  Lets get to work Australia - A skinnier, healthier future awaits...





My Health and Fitness

Tel: 0404 844 786

(Accredited Member of Fitness Queensland)


Need an answer to a fitness related matter? Send your question to Kareema at  fitness@crescentsofbrisbane.org.

All questions sent in are published here anonymously and without any references to the author of the question.

The Culinary Corner




2 Oranges

2 x 100g packet ground almonds

125ml coarsely ground maize (coarse semolina or polenta)

6 x XL eggs- room temperature

250ml castor sugar

5ml baking powder

90ml orange juice.




Wash oranges and boil in water till soft (about 2 hours) then blend in a processor.

Add nuts and polenta and process further.

Separate eggs – beat yolks with castor sugar until light and fluffy add orange mixture and baking powder.

Whip egg whites (not very stiff) and fold into orange mixture.

Bake in a greased and lined spring form tin at 180 for 40-45 minutes.

Cool slightly and remove from tin.

Pour over 90ml of orange juice and serve with sugared rose petals.

Serve warm with custard or cream.


Source: Radio Islam Newsletter - Wednesday, 02 July 2008


Do you have a recipe to share with CCN readers?
Send in your favourite recipe to theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org and who knows, you could be our "guest chef" for a future edition of CCN.


The CCN Chuckle


Mula Nasruddin, the local pharmacist, leaves his store in the hands of his good friend Jalalluddin while he pops over to the market.

Upon his return to the store he walks in to find a man leaning heavily against a wall.


Mula Nasruddin asks Jalalluddin, "What's the matter with that man over there by the wall?"

Jalalluddin says, "Well, he came in here this morning to get something for his cough.


I couldn't find the cough syrup, so I gave him an entire bottle of laxative."




Mula Nasruddin says, "You idiot! You can't treat a cough with laxatives!"

Jalalluddin says, "Oh yes? Look at him, he's afraid to cough!"

The Notice Board


Click on image to enlarge


Jalsah for Tajweed Course

African Safari

Ladies & Girls Adventure Day


Queensland Roar



Trivia Night

Horse riding for Girls


FAMSY Annual Conference

 Towards Common Ground


The CCN Date Claimer






(Click on link)





13 July


Girls Horse Riding


AJ Horse Riding School, Carbrook

0402 529 395

8am to 2pm

16 July


Muslim Women Conference

Towards Common Ground

Government House – Paddington


9am to 4.30pm

19 July


Girls Youth Day Camp


Kindilan, Redland Bay

0402 529 395

8am to 4pm

19 July


MBN Trivia Night

Muslim Business Network

Sacred Heart Hall, Nemies Rd, Runcorn

0422 191 675


26 July


Ladies & Girls Adventure Day


KINDILAN: Cnr. Days and German Church Roads Redland Bay

0412 878 812

All Day

22 August


IWAQ Client/Carer Dinner




Kuraby Special School 3272 6355


23 August


Adult Quran Tajweed Course Jalsah


Kuraby Mosue


Kurabu Mosque 0431 672 263

after Isha

30 August


Holland Park Mosque Centenary Celebrations

Holland Park Mosque Management Committee

Holland Park Mosque

0431 300 111


1/2 September



Start of Ramadaan

29/30 September



End of Ramadaan

30 Sept. / 1 Oct.




4 October


Annual Eid Dinner

Muslim Business Network (MBN)


0418 722 353


11 October



Eidfest Committee

Mt Gravatt Showgrounds

0402 819 197

10am to 10pm

18 October


Annual Eid Nite

Islamic Society of Darra

Darra Mosque 219 Douglas St Oxley

0418 757 157


18 October


IWAQ's Annual Ladies Night 2008

Jas & Susan

Greek Orthodox Hall, Creek Road

0404 433 702

6pm (TBC)

25 October


Crescents 'Pink Ribbon Breakfast'

Crescents of Brisbane


0404 296 297

10am to 1pm

1-5 November

Saturday to Wednesday

Marriage Toolbox Series: Dr. Mohammed Sadiq



3272 6355


8/9 December




To claim your date for your event email ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org.





Ladies taleem, Thursday 10 July at Fatima Koya’s house.


Every Monday

Event: Weekly Learning Circle:

More Details: http://www.sunnahinspirations.org/index.php?view=article&id=82

Organizer: Sunnah Inspirations (www.SunnahInspirations.org)

Venue: University of Queensland, 323 Hawken Drive, St. Lucia

Contact: 0421 731 797 Time: 6.45pm to 7.45pm

Every Friday

Subject: Fiqh Made Easy

More Details: http://www.sunnahinspirations.org/index.php?view=article&id=87

Organizer: Sunnah Inspirations (www.SunnahInspirations.org)

Venue: Room S201, University of Queensland, 323 Hawken Drive, St. Lucia

Contact: 0421 731 797 Time: 6.45pm to 9.00pm


Sunnah Inspirations is a non-profit organisation to cater for Muslim social support and supplying information to Muslims and non-Muslims.  They have been doing various activities around Australia, and have organised Da'wah information stalls at various universities in Brisbane.  More info can be found on their website above.


Write For Us

The best ideas and the best feedback come from our community of readers. If you have a topic or opinion that you want to write about or want seen covered or any news item that you think might be of benefit to the Crescents Community please e-mail



Share your thoughts, feelings and ambitions for our community through CCN.


If there is someone you know who would like to subscribe to CCN please encourage them to send an e-mail to ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org with the words “Subscribe Me” in the subject line.


Articles and opinions appearing in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Crescents of Brisbane Team, CCN, its Editor or its Sponsors, particularly if they eventually turn out to be libelous, unfounded, objectionable, obnoxious, offensive, slanderous and/or downright distasteful.


It is the usual policy of CCN to include from time to time, notices of events that some readers may find interesting or relevant. Such notices are often posted as received. Including such messages or providing the details of such events does not necessarily imply endorsement of the contents of these events by either CCN or Crescents of Brisbane Inc.