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......a sometimes self-deprecating and occasional tongue-in-cheek look at ourselves and the world around us ......


Sunday, 31 August 2008

 .Newsletter 0199


News you won't find on CNN!



This week's CCN is kindly sponsored by



Ramadan Mubarak



CCN and the team at Crescents of Brisbane wishes all CCN readers and their families 


Ramadan Mubrarak


May you fulfill the obligations of this blessed month of fasting with increased strength, fortitude and faith.  


Holland Park Mosque knocks up a Ton!


It was a week in which two Aussie icons celebrated reaching a century: one a famous cricketer and the other Queensland's oldest Muslim place of worship, learning and community gathering - the Holland Park Mosque in Mt. Gravatt.


The Photo Gallery and Exhibition

A Closed Off Crest Street

To mark the occasion, Crest Street was closed off to accommodate a string of stalls and rides and a host of activities to celebrate the 100 years since the Mosque was first established in 1908.


An exhibition of photographs and displays attracted a large crowd in the Mosque Hall.


The newly leveled Mosque frontage with its artificial grass and metal balustrade provided a perfect setting for the occasion.


Several dignitaries attended the formal ceremony in which the Minister of Communities and Multicultural Affairs, Lindy Nelson-Carr MP, sang her praises of the contribution the Mosque has made to the building of social cohesion in the community; Mustafa Ally launched his book on the 100 Year History of the Holland Park Mosque; and the inaugural meeting of the Queensland Muslim Historical Society was formally announced.


There were speeches by Brisbane Lord Mayor, Campbell Newman; Senator Brett Mason; MP for Bonner, Kerry Rae; Nick Xynias of ECCQ; Police Commissioner, Bob Atkinson and other dignitaries.



Islamic Society of Holland Park (ISOHP) President, Abdul Gaffar Deen and Mustafa Ally

Master of Ceremony, Sultan Deen and Kerry Rae MP



An overwhelming outpouring of goodwill was evident throughout the event which also proved a rare opportunity to renew old friendships and make new ones. People who had not visited the Mosque for a while (or at all) were suitably impressed with the changes made to the Mosque


A yet-to-be-signed-by-political-and-community-leaders copy of the book by Mustafa Ally fetched $10 500 in an auction conducted by the inimitable Hussin Goss.



ISOHP President and Minister Lindy Nelson-Carr

ISOHP President and Lord Mayor Campbell Newman


It was also a coming together of a number of groups and individuals who lent a hand to make the day such a resounding success These included Samir Gutta and his Hope for Happiness Team, members of the Somalian community, the Muslim Students' Association, the Holland Park Mosque's Ladies Auxiliary Committee and a number of individuals too many to mention.


The Mean Machine: Members of the team responsible for setting up the scene


The CresCafe Crew: (left to right) Saadiya Essof (obscured), Julie Hatia, Faiyaza Omar, Kareema Benjamin, Jameela Omarjee and Saeeda Vorajee

In Federal Parliament Thursday 28 September


Moreton Electorate: Holland Park Mosque


Mr PERRETT (Moreton) (11.09 am)—Holland Park Mosque on Brisbane’s south side will celebrate its centenary this weekend. I am pleased to recognise this significant event in the life of Queensland’s Muslim community. Holland Park is the oldest mosque in Queensland, and over the last 100 years the Muslim community has grown to become a vitalised part of Brisbane’s multicultural mix, particularly in my electorate of Moreton on Brisbane’s south side. From its modest beginnings as a wooden shack which opened back in 1908, the mosque has been transformed into the modern Brisbane landmark it is today.


But, of course, the mosque represents much more than just bricks and mortar. It is a community of friends, people of faith and people who aspire for a better world. Over those 100 years, Brisbane’s Muslim community has grown from about 20 people in 1908 to more than 20,000 in 2008. The mosque provides the focal point for social activities and is a place of worship and education. Despite some testing times, such as the fire-bombing of the mosque which took place in the weeks following the September 11 attacks, the Muslim community has remained committed to racial and religious harmony.


The leaders of the Islamic community have done much to foster great respect and understanding between Muslims and non-Muslims. I particularly want to recognise Mustafa Ally, who has compiled and published a comprehensive 100-year history of the Holland Park Mosque and the people who have helped shape it.  Here is an example. It is available online. It is a wonderful document with forewords by the member for Griffith, the Hon Kevin Rudd MP, Prime Minister of Australia, and also by the new governor of Queensland, Ms Penelope Wensley. Obviously the former governor of Queensland is coming to another job here in Canberra.


Mustafa Ally is a dedicated community leader who was this year named Multicultural Citizen of the Year at the 2008 Australia Day Awards. Of course, the Holland Park Mosque centenary coincides with a very significant time of year on the Muslim calendar. Next week will see the start of the holy month of Ramadan. I wish all Muslims in Queensland and beyond, but particularly those in my electorate of Moreton, the very best during this 30-day period of fasting and prayer. As well as being a time of personal reflection, I recognise that, as a community, Muslims will also take time during Ramadan to focus on the needs of others, especially those facing hardship around the world. That is a particular tenet of the Muslim faith that is very commendable.


The right to religious freedom is a great strength of Australian society and one that we must all protect. I have said it before and I will continue to say it in this place: I am proud of the diversity and strength of Brisbane’s multicultural communities, but we must all work to promote tolerance, understanding and mutual respect. I see the Courier Mail had a rather lengthy article about the centenary. I particularly want to mention Mr Gaffer Deen, one of the famous Deen brothers who have strong connections with the Liberal Party but who also work tirelessly for the community and have become good friends of mine.


Mr Ramsey—Sensible man!


Mr PERRETT—I will take that interjection. He obviously works hard for the community—irrespective of the political party that he is connected with. I wish all the people at the Holland Park Mosque well. I look forward to being there on Saturday.


If you would like to purchase a copy of the centenary publication 100 Years of History: Holland Park Mosque (1908-2008) send an email to ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org with your postal address (cost $25 plus postage - all proceeds go to the Holland Park Mosque)

The celebrations received wide national and international coverage in the media last week:






Southern Star



CCN Turning 200!


To add to these months of milestones, CCN will be knocking up a double century of its own when it reaches its 200th uninterrupted issue next Sunday.

We'll be getting out the virtual cake and candles in celebration of this occasion next week, and you're all invited to the party!



Muslim Historical Society to be formed 


Believed to be the first of its kind in Australia, the Queensland Muslim Historical Society (QMHS) will be formally constituted at the Kuraby Community Hall, Svoboda Park on Saturday 13 September at 4pm.


The primary aims of the Society are to co-ordinate, collate and document the rich history of Muslims in Queensland; to prepare exhibitions for public displays; and to provide a forum for the young and old in our community to meet over a common interest.


It is also envisaged that the QMHS will develop an online Internet presence, run workshops on information gathering and establish formal links with other historical societies and organizations. The Society will also lobby the State Library's John Oxley Library to establish a permanent section for Muslim history and art, as has been done in Museums and libraries the world over, for example the Louvre in Paris.   


If you would like more information on the Society email ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org or phone 0402 026 786.


If you have even a passing interest in this area or a creative bent you are encouraged you to attend the first meeting on the 13th.



 BIT Awards Night


The EidFest Team

Ruhee Moola, Sultan Deen, Rubana Moola and Yasmin Khan

Eidfest won the Best Organized Function Award at the Brisbane Indian Times awards night at the Brisbane City Hall on Friday night.


Other recipients included perennial winners Ala Din Catering and Global Convenience.


The Fred Hollows Foundation won the Humanitarian Organization Award.

Fred Hollows Foundation Representatives

Abdul Rahman Deen and Sue Larsen

Feeding the Needy in Ramadan


FACE Inc and “Care for Education Project: Chad” present: ‘Iftar Saa`im’ ‘feed the fasting poor’ in Chad.


If you would like to sponsor this initiative get a sponsorship form here.


From the AMARAH Desk


Assalamu alaikum wrt wbt

I hope you are all well. Firstly AMARAH would like to wish you all an early Ramadhan Kareem. We hope that this month will be one of spirituality, contemplation, service, generosity, compassion and commitment to serving the Al-Mighty.

As some of you may be aware AMARAH will be hosting two iftars during the month of Ramadhan, Friday 5th September and Friday 19th September. We recognise that there are many iftars already held by various mosques and community organisations for those in the Muslim community. However, we felt that the needs of our homeless and more disadvantaged friends in the wider Australian society should also be met, especially during this holy month of Ramadhan. Afterall one of the main objectives of Ramadhan is to feel the hunger and thirst some people have to endure on a daily basis.

Of course, this is also a great opportunity for people who may have never met Muslims to begin that connection and that conversation with us.

We are hoping to provide a meal for 40-50 people at St Andrew's Anglican Church Hall in West End, and would like your assistance in the matter. If you would like to participate in helping us serve on the night, please let me know.

If you can donate some money towards this iftar, that would be even more appreciated. Any amount, small or large is appreciated. AMARAH can provide you with an official receipt. You can send a cheque to AMARAH at 14 Ellis Place Underwood 4119, payable to AMARAH. OR you can do an EFT into the AMARAH account: Westpac Bank BSB 034-109; Account number 22-5057

Alternatively if you live around the Kuraby, Sunnybank or Underwood areas I can arrange to pick it up from you at your convenience.

If you can assist in any way, please do not hesitate to contact me on 0422 349 786. If you have any concerns do not hesitate to contact me also.

Thank you in advance for your generosity. Please note that whatever money is left over will go to future meals to feed the homeless.


Nora Amath
Managing Director, AMARAH
0422 349 786

Queensland Multicultural Awards


5 days left to nominate

Queensland Multicultural Awards 2008

Nominate now!


Nominations are now open for the 2008 Queensland Multicultural Awards.


The awards celebrate, recognise and thank individuals, groups and organisations for their outstanding contributions to multiculturalism in Queensland.


Nominations can be made under five categories: Individual, School, Community Based Organisation, Business and Government.


Minister for Communities and Multicultural Affairs Lindy Nelson-Carr will present the awards at a ceremony in November 2008.


For more information on the awards or to obtain the nomination form and guidelines visit www.multicultural.qld.gov.au or phone 13 13 04.


Nominate now – Nominations close Friday 5 September 2008


Donations for Zimbabwe

By Faisel Essof


Muslims in this country and the World over have always admirably observed the discharging of Sadaqatul Fitr.

Shariah has stipulated this little monetary observance for those who have the means in order to bring some delight to those less fortunate. It is the infinite wisdom of Allah that while He has blessed certain people with tremendous wealth and prosperity, there are others who live on the other extreme with barely no food to nourish themselves nor their offspring.

Fuqaha (jurists) stress that Sadaqatul Fitr should be discharged before the day of Eid. This will enable the recipients to make maximum use of the money afforded to them. However, many people have the tendency of delaying in discharging their Fitrah and subsequently end up dropping it in some organization’s box on the way to Eid Salaah. The deadline for discharging Sadaqatul Fitr is before Eid Salaah. It is therefore appropriate to say that discharging Sadaqatul Fitr at the last hour will not fulfil its due objective.

Rasulullah (s.a.w.) said,
“The fast remains suspended between the heavens and the earth until Fitrah is discharged”. (Targhib)

A collection of Fitrah and Zakaah is being made for distribution in Zimbabwe through the Islamic Welfare Fund (IWF) based in Harare.


The IWF (seen in picture distributing food and money last year) runs orphanages, assists the aged and widowed, provides food hampers, offers medical assistance and is involved in a number of other activities.


To donate your Fitrah/Zakaah towards this cause contact:

Faisel Essof
Tel: 3423 0116 – H
3800 7811 – B
Mob: 0402 575 410

Shaheena Omar

Tel: 3423 3785

Mob: 0431162 844


This collection drive end on 15th RAMADHAAN.

MYServices Sponsors Hamdi Aden, AMUNC 2008 Delegate


As part of its commitment to support passionate Muslim youth driven to make a difference, MYServices recently sponsored Hamdi Aden as a delegate to the Asia Model United Nations Conference (AMUNC) 2008, in Adelaide. AMUNC is a leading student event that attracts over 500 tertiary student delegates from around the globe.

“My father works for the United Nations Development Program in Somalia,” Hamdi, 20, told MYServices. “I admire the great work of the UN and have always wanted to work for the UN one day myself.”

“I figured if you really want to make a difference to the policies that are made at the other side of the world, yet affect people you care about, you first need to understand how it works,” Hamdi pointed out. She is completing a Bachelor of Arts, with majors in Peace and Conflict Studies and Indonesian; and a Bachelor of Social Science, majoring in International Development, at University of Queensland.

“I found the Model United Nations conference was a great opportunity for me to develop a diverse range of communication, research, teamwork, leadership, networking and critical thinking skills, as well as learning about the reality of multilateral politics, and the UN,” she said.

As part of the General Assembly's third committee representing India, Hamdi had the opportunity to not only debate world issues and attempt to come up with working resolutions, but also to improve her public speaking and negotiating skills.

Hamdi encourages Muslim youth to take advantage of such opportunities.

“An event such as AMUNC is an excellent opportunity for young Muslims to understand the art of global governance; how the world's biggest institution makes its decisions and how they are taken into affect.”

“For, if one wants to make a change in the world, they have to have the tools and understanding as to how this could be achieved.”

“My colleagues and I are very fortunate to have the honour and prestige of hosting AMUNC 09 at the University of Queensland.”

Driven and committed, throughout the time MYServices has known her, Hamdi has amazed us with her humbleness and admirable ‘no problems, can-do’ attitude, no matter how bizarre the dilemma!

Passionate about education and uniting Somali-Australian youth of numerous rival tribes, Hamdi co-founded SOMAYO, a new Brisbane-based Somali youth group made of over 50 young Somali-Australians, with her sister, Nasra Aden, 21.

The duo’s struggle for a united Somali-Australian youth group hasn’t been easy. They continue to diplomatically battle cultural taboos and naysayers in their community who believe youth shouldn’t be taking a lead.

The sisters also run a free weekly homework club that is attended by Somali-Australian primary and high-school students in Holland Park.


MYServices wants YOU!


MYServices will be launching its youth leadership development program this November.


We would love community input into the program, as Muslim youth, community leaders, educators or interested citizens.


Tell us how you think a youth leadership development program should look like!


This short, anonymous survey will just take 5 minutes of your time.


Muslim youth, please click here: http://www.myservices.net.au/youthsurvey/

Community leaders, educators, citizens, please click here:





On behalf of the and Teams, Ramadhan Mubarak!


Ramadan Quiz


Get into the Ramadhan Quiz challenge to win up to $2000 in total prizes.


1st prize - Brand new laptop and Complete English translation of Tafseer ibn Katheer

2nd prize - Brand new colour laser printer and Complete English translation of Tafseer ibn Katheer

3rd prize - Complete English translation of Tafseer ibn Katheer



Register today.


The Annual Ramadhan Quiz Challenge is brought to you by Discover Islam Australia and www.qldmuslims.org.au



`Around the Muslim World with CCN


FOX Uses Pro-Israel Extremist to Attack Islamic Financing  


In an interview on Fox Business, Allyson Rowen Taylor linked shariah financing and shariah to terrorism, beheadings and the 9/11 attacks.


She also claimed shariah financing, under which Muslims simply seek to avoid dealing in interest, is a “subtle way of creeping Islam into the American culture.”


Rowen Taylor seemingly advocated that Muslims invest in companies selling pornography because it is “instrumental to the economy of the United States.”


You can watch the video here, and click here to read the full action alert.


Breaking News

Hussam Ayloush discusses Islamic financing on FOX Business Network. His interview was intended to offer a balancing perspective to a guest on the program earlier this week who sought to demonize Islam and Muslims by demonizing Islamic law, or shariah.

Click here to watch the video.



Nurses to help Muslim patients face Mecca 

Nurses have been told to move Muslim patients' beds five times a day so that they face Mecca when they pray.

The measure by Dewsbury and District Hospital in West Yorkshire is one of several designed to meet the needs of Islamic patients.

Critics claim, however, that nurses' time would be better spent providing medical treatment and ensuring wards were free of infection.

Full article

Related article: Hospital chiefs make U-turn over NHS Muslim prayer beds


The CCN Readers' Book Club: You are what you read!


This week

Sarah Buharie Zubair


The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on reclaiming the American Dream  by Barack Obama


Would you like to see the cover of your favourite book on our book shelves below? 

Then simply email the title and author to thebookclub@crescentsofbrisbane.org


Double click a book cover to find out what others think of the book


CCN has set up an online Book Club at Shelfari to connect with CCN book readers at:


Using the book club you can see what books fellow CCN readers have on their shelves, what they are reading and even what they, and others, think of them.

The CCN Readers' Book Club

............and now a word from this week's CCN sponsor.....   GoChi




"Each time a bottle of Himalayan Goji Juice is sold, a portion of the sale and give it to a worthy children's charity.

By doing so, we hope to support the key to our future, the leaders of tomorrow: children all over the world"


Kareema's Keep Fit Column






Q: Salam Kareema, is it ok to exercise during Ramadan and if so, what can we do to make it easier for us to at least keep going throughout the month?




A: Change your attitude towards exercise this Ramadan and you should be ok to work out throughout!


As long as you set yourself a reasonable framework (in terms of time management) and build around it (with low impact activities).

Ramadan is actually a great time to try and organise yourself and make regular activity a habit.


A little health awareness can go a long way. Not only will it help you avoid those extra kilos this month, but it just might keep them away for good.


Choose low impact options and go lighter with your weights.

Make the most of the time that you set aside for exercise, and commit to your workout.


If possible try and exercise late afternoon (indoors), this means you won't have long to go until you can have a drink of water.


Another option is a brisk walk after iftar (again if time permits).


Keep your body hydrated at all times.

Remember that a healthy diet is key if you want your time spent exercising to pay off!





My Health and Fitness

Tel: 0404 844 786

(Accredited Member of Fitness Queensland)


Need an answer to a fitness related matter? Send your question to Kareema at  fitness@crescentsofbrisbane.org.

All questions sent in are published here anonymously and without any references to the author of the question.


KB's Culinary Corner: Ramadan Recipes







1 cup chicken fillet – cooked in ghee or oil with green chillies, salt and ginger garlic
1 cup grated cheese
¼ cup green pepper
1 tomato finely chopped
2 eggs – lightly beaten
5 Tblsp Flour
2 Tblsp Mayonnaise
1 cup corn kernels/mixed vegetables

Mix all the ingredients well in a large dish.
Place in greased patty pans, sprinkle with oreganum and chilli flakes and bake at 180 degrees until light brown.



Do you have a recipe to share with CCN readers?
Send in your favourite recipe to ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org and be our "guest chef" for the week.


The CCN Chuckle


Jalalludin and Fazlludin were trying to get a stubborn mule into a barn.


The mule's ears touched the top of the small barn door, and he wouldn't proceed any further.

Fazlludin  came up with a bright idea. "Why don't we cut two holes in the barn above the door for the ears to go through?"


So they proceeded to do this.

Mula Nasruddin was riding by and noticed the spectacle.


So he asked them what they were doing.


They told him they were cutting holes in the barn so the mule could go through the door.


Mula Nasruddin asked, "Why don't you simply take a shovel and dig a small trench in the ground?"

Jalalludin looked at Fazlludin and said, "Isn't that just like our Mula Nasruddin."


Then he yelled, "It's his ears that are too big, not his legs!"

The Notice Board


Click on image to enlarge













Courses for New Muslims


Marriage Toolbox


Ramadan Quiz

Eidfest 2008



ADCQ ECCQ Workshops



 Brisbane Islamic Soccer 





IWAQ Annual Ladies Night 2008



The CCN Date Claimer






(Click on link)





1/2 September



Start of Ramadaan

13 September


Inaugural Meeting: Queensland Muslims Historical Society


Kuraby Community Hall, Svoboda Park

0402 026 786


29/30 September



End of Ramadaan

30 Sept. / 1 Oct.




4 October


Annual Eid Dinner

Muslim Business Network (MBN)

Commerce Hall, RNA Showgrounds, Gregory Terrace

0418 722 353

6.30pm for 7pm

11 October



Eidfest Committee

Mt Gravatt Showgrounds

0402 819 197

10am to 10pm

12 October


Islamic Society of Gold Coast: AGM

Islamic Society of Gold Coast

Gold Coast Mosque, 144 Allied Drive

0402 819 197

10am to 10pm

18 October


Annual Eid Nite

Islamic Society of Darra

Darra Mosque 219 Douglas St Oxley

0418 757 157


18 October


IWAQ's Annual Ladies Night 2008

A Jas & Susan Production for IWAQ

Greek Orthodox Hall, Creek Road

0404 433 702

6.30pm til late

25 October


Crescents 'Pink Ribbon Breakfast'

Crescents of Brisbane


0404 296 297

10am to 1pm

7-10 November

Friday to Monday

The Muslim Marriage Toolbox with Dr. Mohammed Sadiq



3272 6355


8/9 December




To claim your date for your event email ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org.





This week taleem for ladies will be held on Thursday 4 September at the home of Khairun Dinmahomed Karim, 8 Wandilla Place Kuraby from 12pm-1pm.


Every Monday

Event: Weekly Learning Circle:

More Details: http://www.sunnahinspirations.org/index.php?view=article&id=82

Organizer: Sunnah Inspirations (www.SunnahInspirations.org)

Venue: University of Queensland, 323 Hawken Drive, St. Lucia

Contact: 0421 731 797 Time: 6.45pm to 7.45pm

 Gardens of the Righteous


Every Friday

Subject: Fiqh Made Easy

More Details: http://www.sunnahinspirations.org/index.php?view=article&id=87

Organizer: Sunnah Inspirations (www.SunnahInspirations.org)

Venue: Room S201, University of Queensland, 323 Hawken Drive, St. Lucia

Contact: 0421 731 797 Time: 6.45pm to 9.00pm


Sunnah Inspirations is a non-profit organisation to cater for Muslim social support and supplying information to Muslims and non-Muslims.  They have been doing various activities around Australia, and have organised Da'wah information stalls at various universities in Brisbane.  More info can be found on their website above.


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Write For Us

The best ideas and the best feedback come from our community of readers. If you have a topic or opinion that you want to write about or want seen covered or any news item that you think might be of benefit to the Crescents Community please e-mail



Share your thoughts, feelings and ambitions for our community through CCN.


If there is someone you know who would like to subscribe to CCN please encourage them to send an e-mail to ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org with the words “Subscribe Me” in the subject line.


Articles and opinions appearing in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Crescents of Brisbane Team, CCN, its Editor or its Sponsors, particularly if they eventually turn out to be libelous, unfounded, objectionable, obnoxious, offensive, slanderous and/or downright distasteful.


It is the usual policy of CCN to include from time to time, notices of events that some readers may find interesting or relevant. Such notices are often posted as received. Including such messages or providing the details of such events does not necessarily imply endorsement of the contents of these events by either CCN or Crescents of Brisbane Inc.