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......a sometimes self-deprecating and occasional tongue-in-cheek look at ourselves and the world around us ......



Sunday, 25 January 2009

 .Newsletter 0220


News you won't find on CNN!



Opening of Muslim Welfare Shop

By Janeth Deen


It is with great pleasure that we announce the opening date of the welfare shop established by the Queensland Muslim Welfare Association Inc to be at 10 am. on Saturday, 31 January 2009.

Members of three of the early Muslim families to settle in Queensland, represented by Hussin Goss, Osman Rane and Janeth Deen have been aware of the urgent need to be able to respond to help those people in our community who experience misfortune through no fault of their own.

We have been fortunate to be living in such a great country, and have had time to establish ourselves over the generations.


Our grandparents were migrants who had to struggle to survive during harsh times, amongst which was the great depression of the 1930s and other periods when business was at its lowest, which is part of the business cycle.


Many countries of the world are now facing recession, including ours. Some of our brothers and sisters may find themselves without jobs and this will impact on the family budget.

Our welfare shop will stock clothing and household merchandise at very low prices.

Most of the stock is second hand, but of good quality and will be sold to the people who visit our store in the Parkland Shopping Centre, Shop 5, 91 -101 Ewing Road, Woodridge.


The goods have been donated by Muslim brothers and sisters on the south side of Brisbane. The proceeds from the goods will help pay for the rent, electricity, insurance etc.


Any profits from the welfare shop will go into a trust fund for any emergency that may crop up for those affected by unforeseen events.


Those people referred to us by Imams or IWAQ or any other authority caring for the needy, will receive whatever we can provide to help them with, free of charge. We are a Welfare association with the prime objective being, to help the needy.

The welfare shop will stock both Muslim and western clothes, which makes it unique in itself.


It will be run on voluntary help and will be open from 8.30am to 5.00pm on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.


On Tuesday and Thursday it will close at 12.30pm and on Fridays closed from 12.30pm to 2pm.

Imam Yusuf Peer will perform the opening dua and will assist the Mayor of Logan City, Pam Parker to officially open the shop.


Light refreshments will be provided for all those who attend the opening and everyone is invited to attend the opening ceremony.

We are delighted to have chosen the Parkland shopping centre for our shop, as it is in a very multi-cultural part of the region.

We thank you for your donations, and please say your duas that the shop serves the purpose it has been established for. Thanks also, to all our dedicated volunteers who have given their valuable time to help us set up the shop.

Hussin Goss, Osman Rane and Janeth Deen


Streaming Channels and Search Engines


Streaming access to 24 Islamic TV channels including Aljazeera English at:








An alternative to Google: http://www.muslimco.co.uk/


Cross Cultural Liaison Officer Gets Recognition



Good on yer, Jimmy!


Call for Inter-faith Married Couples


The ABC Compass program on religions is producing a program on inter-faith marriage, i.e. partnership of 2 people from different faith traditions.


The researcher Kim Ackurst, would like to speak to couples who are in this type of relationship to hear of their experiences.


If you or have friends or relatives who may be interested in sharing their experiences, please contact

Kim Akhurst
GPO Box 9994
Sydney NSW 2001
P: 02 8333 4050
F: 02 8333 4020
E: akhurst.kim@abc.net.au 

Gaza Rally in Brisbane


About 200 people of diverse backgrounds and ages attended the 4th rally in Queen's Park, Brisbane yesterday.


The focus was on the children in Palestine who were killed recently and as such the rally was led by children from the local community.


Protesters in the march held white doves aloft.


Scenes from the rally were also broadcast over the local news channels.

At the Movies with CCN: Journey to Mecca


The modern-day Haj experience writ large in IMAX film format is twinned with the ancient story of the Muslim world's best known ancient traveler in a new film that premiered this month in the Gulf.

"Journey to Mecca," made by Cosmic Picture, was shot in Saudi Arabia and Morocco and tells the tale of Ibn Battuta's adventurous 14th-century trek to Mecca from Tangier woven with IMAX coverage of millions of Muslims performing the Haj today.

"Four years ago, when we started on the film, we wanted to bring the story of one man's quest to reach Mecca to the giant canvas of IMAX -- the most spectacular cinema format on Earth with a screen some 25 meters (yards) high," said Dominic Cunningham-Reid, Producer of the film and Chairman of Cosmic Picture.

"We wanted to mix a 14th-century drama with contemporary Mecca to show the past and present."

"Journey to Mecca" marks the first and only time an IMAX camera has captured an aerial view of the Haj from a helicopter hovering 200 feet above Mecca and the first time an IMAX team has been admitted into the most sacred sanctuary of Islam -- the Grand Mosque at Mecca.

"We knew that if we could overcome the uncharted challenges of getting IMAX technology into the grand mosque of Mecca and up in the sky above it then we would make a film with the potential to promote a better fundamental understanding of Islam in the West while sharing the heart of Islamic heritage with the widest possible audience, regardless of religion," Cunningham-Reid said.

The producers maintain the film is non-political and is entertaining and enlightening to the non-Muslim world, helping them to understand Islam.


Journey To Mecca - In The Footsteps of Ibn Battuta Trailer




"We have looked at the Haj in a historical context by telling the story of Ibn Battuta," said Taran Davies, CEO of Cosmic Picture who describes "Journey to Mecca" as a "dramatic film with a documentary element."

"It is a celebration of culture, it is about humanity and with a powerful message. Our aim is to create awareness and understanding to the next generation and of peace and understanding especially in the non-Muslim world."

The film is scheduled to show this month in Dearborn, Michigan, and Paris and in February in Toronto. It also will be screened in Saudi Arabia, which has only one theater, and in various other countries where cinemas already have booked it without seeing the film.

"There's tremendous interest in people understanding other people, and we are relying on this aspect," said Davies, dismissing any concerns about the film's legitimacy on grounds that non-Muslims produced it.

"It is actually a collaboration between people of different countries and different religions and without our co-producers from Morocco and other Muslim partners, we could not have got anywhere," explained Davies, citing how an Imam was very pleased by the project because it was conceived by the West.

"Journey to Mecca" stars newcomer Chems Eddine Zinoun, who plays Ibn Battuta, Hassam Ghancy, Nadim Swalha and Nabil Elouabhabi. Renowned actor Ben Kingsley is the film's English-language narrator.

For the producers, it was irrelevant to get major movie stars.

"The story is the important element of the film, and major stars could have been a distraction. Ibn Battuta is you and me and need not be a great movie star," Davies said.

Ironically, Zinoun, the 28-year-old hero of the film died on Nov. 12, 2008 shortly after the film was completed.

Despite the trials and tribulations of making the film, the crew of 85 from 30 countries enjoyed every bit of the work, able to maintain their creative integrity throughout to recreate the Hajj in the 14th century.

And while for some of the Muslim crew it was their first journey to Mecca, for some of the non-Muslims it was the closest they could get to a shrine that is otherwise out of bounds for them.


Muslims covered in a veil of media mistrust – PhD study


A University of Queensland psychology graduate has shown media portrayals of international conflict involving Muslims may facilitate the idea that Muslim beliefs are incompatible with Australian society.


Dr Campbell White's research comes amid reports of public opposition to a proposed $19 million Muslim school in Sydney's far western suburb of Camden and controversy surrounding the Australian International Islamic College in Carrara.

"When people think about an issue like Camden, media images of Muslims involved in war and conflict can affect their judgement about the issue, even if they would normally endorse tolerance as a policy," Dr White said.

The research found media stories or images interacted with existing attitudes and influenced perceptions of threat and constructions of cultural incompatibility or "otherness".

"People who rely heavily on the media can recall images of Muslims in conflict so the idea that Muslim culture is incompatible with mainstream Australia plays a stronger role in determining whether they will tolerate Muslim practice," Dr White said.

"Those who rely less on the media as a source of information tend to base their perception of Muslims on their existing attitudes toward multiculturalism."

Dr White said host communities tend to take an all or nothing approach to what they see as "incompatible" cultures and expect immigrants from these backgrounds to adopt local cultures or stay away.

"Australian communities tend to regard any attempt by such immigrants to maintain an independent culture as wanting to set themselves apart from the community," he said.

Dr White said media coverage of government initiatives such as the "war on terror" impacted the Muslim community's sense of belonging and citizenship in countries like Australia.

"The 'war on terrorism' has been in some ways unique because the enemy is so poorly defined," Dr White said.

"This means that potentially all Muslims, regardless of ethnic background or nationality, can be considered by some as the enemy."

The research also showed respondents who relied on the media as a source of useful, accurate information were more concerned about issues such as terrorism and interethnic tension.

"It's not that the media should be blamed, or that they should not cover these important stories, but politicians and other public figures should be aware of their potential influence on community harmony," Dr White said.


Retailers Association meets Muslim leader


The Retailers Association executive director, Scott Driscoll, claims to have had "positive discussions" with Muslim leaders over last week's controversial hijab debate.

Brisbane 4BC radio presenter Michael Smith called for a ban on Muslim women wearing traditional hijabs or burqas in shops because they posed a security risk.

Driscoll publicly backed the call, but it was strongly rejected by National Retailers Association
executive director, Richard Evans. He said there was no evidence to suggest the dress endangered security.

In a recent press release, Driscoll said he had had a "wonderful discussion" about security issues with Suliman Sabdia (pictured), president of the Islamic Council of Queensland.

He said the two would meet again today to talk over the issues "in more depth."



CCN's Musical Interlude


Sufi Song Khwaja Mere Khwaja by A R Rahman from the movie Jodhaa-Akbar



Wine, Women and What Next!


Ninemsn.com: An Australian Muslim cleric has come under fire for telling followers they can hit their wives and force them to have sex.

In a 2003 lecture given in either Sydney, Samir Abu Hamza speaks out against forced marriages but cites Koranic verse to justify the claim that it is "impossible" for a husband to rape his partner even if she refuses to have sex — and mocks Australian rape laws that contradict the teaching.

"If the husband was to ask her for a sexual relationship and she is preparing the bread on the stove, she must leave it and come and respond to her husband — she must respond," he says in the sermon Keys to a Successful Marriage.

Read the rest.....


Ninemsn.com: Australians are boozers hooked on prostitution and gambling, Melbourne Islamic cleric Abu Hamza says.

Mr Hamza made headlines on Thursday, and earned criticism from Islamic groups and Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, for a 2003 speech posted on the internet last year in which he said it was OK for Muslim men to hit their wives and that it was not possible for a man to rape his wife.

Read the rest.....


Crickey: Muslim cleric the YouTube hit of ... 2003


AFIC Press Release: Misguided views on the position of women in Islam


FECCA: Violence Against Women


Herald Sun: Muslim woman Malyun Ahmed frustrated by Abu Hamza views


3AW: Muslim people 'don't have two heads'



Have you say at www.ccnforum.ning.com


AFIC Affairs

CCN Reader's Discussion Forum

Around the Muslim World with CCN


Ahead of Iraq Deployment, 37 Korean Troops Convert to Islam

Captain Son Jin-gu from Zaitoon Unit recites an oath

at ceremony to mark his conversion to Islam

at a mosque in Hannam-dong, Seoul

"I became a Muslim because I felt Islam was more humanistic and peaceful than other religions.


And if you can religiously connect with the locals, I think it could be a big help in carrying out our peace reconstruction mission."


So said on Friday those Korean soldiers who converted to Islam ahead of their late July deployment to the Kurdish city of Irbil in northern Iraq.

At noon Friday, 37 members of the Iraq-bound "Zaitun Unit," including Lieutenant Son Hyeon-ju of the Special Forces 11th Brigade, made their way to a mosque in Hannam-dong, Seoul and held a conversion ceremony.






Soldiers from Zaitoon Unit pray after conversion ceremony

at a mosque in Hannam-dong, Seoul



The soldiers, who cleansed their entire bodies in accordance with Islamic tradition, made their conversion during the Friday group prayers at the mosque, with the assistance of the "imam," or prayer leader.


With the exception of the imam, all the Muslims and the Korean soldiers stood in a straight line to symbolize how all are equal before God and took a profession on faith.

They had memorized the Arabic confession, " Ashadu an La ilaha il Allah, Muhammad-ur-Rasool-Allah," which means, "I testify that there is no god but God (Arabic: Allah), and Muhammad is the Messenger of God."

Read the rest....



Malaysian Islamic party wants Rihanna concert banned

Malaysia's conservative Islamic party has reportedly called for R and B singer Rihanna to be banned from performing there next month, saying her outfits are too sexy.

The Pan-Malaysian Islamic party (PAS), which has mounted protests against the United States over its support of Israel, says that concertgoers would also contribute to an outflow of local currency to the US.

"Whether Rihanna realises it or not, we know that the taxes she has paid also contributed to the war in Gaza," Kamaruzaman Mohamad, a PAS youth wing leader, told the Star daily.

Kamaruzaman says that the show planned for February 13, part of Rihanna's Good Girl Gone Bad tour, would be an insult to Asian values as she often performs suggestively and wears skimpy outfits.

The event is "akin to insulting Eastern culture, belittling local artistes, internationally causing losses to the country's economy and supporting Israel's war policy, which is supported by America," he said.

Kamaruzaman is urging authorities who issue concert permits in Muslim-majority Malaysia to reject the organiser's application.

The concert's sponsor told the daily that Rihanna has agreed to follow local regulations for her performance, but did not give details.

US singer Beyonce scrapped a planned concert in Malaysia last year due to fears of protests.

Gwen Stefani went ahead with a performance, but was forced to cover up after complaints about her outfits.





Costello’s speech to right-wing Christians a tinderbox to Islamic Council


FORMER Federal Treasurer Peter Costello could ditch Australia Day ceremonies in his Higgins electorate to speak at the controversial right-wing Catch the Fire Ministry prayer meeting on Monday.

Catch the Fire leader Danny Nalliah has called on believers to pray God will pull down the stronghold of Satan including mosques, brothels and casinos.

Mr Costello has recorded a DVD message to be played at the group’s prayer meeting.

Pastor Nalliah revealed Mr Costello will try to attend the ceremony if he is able to leave his Australia Day duties in his Higgins electorate.

Mr Costello said: “I’m addressing the citizenship ceremony at the Stonnington Town Hall (in my own electorate) on Australia Day.”

“I have also recorded a message on DVD to be played at a meeting of Christians from all churches and denominations at the Melbourne Town Hall on the same day,” Mr Costello said.

“The message is about the privileges of being an Australian citizen and the biblical foundations of our laws. It thanks those present for their prayers for the nation.”

Read the rest....



Yusuf Islam returns with McCartney and Parton 


Muslim pop star Yusuf Islam has recruited Paul McCartney, Dolly Parton and Michelle Branch for his latest album.

Islam, formerly Cat Stevens, returned to the music scene in 2006 after a 28-year absence, and the success of his An Other Cup release has spurred him on to record a follow-up.

McCartney and Parton joined the singer/songwriter in the studio for the song 'Boots & Sand', while Branch has teamed up with him on the track 'To Be What You Must'.

'Boots & Sand' is accompanied by a video, shot in the California desert by Bob Dylan's son Jesse.


"Boots" was written as a result of 2004 incident in which Yusuf was denied entry into the U.S., apparently as a result of mistaken identity on the post-9/11 "no fly" terrorist watch list. "It's a slight oddity of a song," he said. "The image I had was kind of a cowboy B-movie made in Italy, but the story came from real events, real people."

The new album's stripped-down sound is in contrast to "Cup," which featured tracks with prominent layers. "Perhaps I went to town a little bit with the production on the last album," Yusuf said. "I was just having fun with the new technologies -- we have endless tracks on Pro Tools. You can just flow them out and add and add, and I did."

Yusuf came to Pro Tools digital audio software thanks to his son, who performs under the name Yoriyos and encouraged him to play with recordings and a computer in his home studio in London. "He's got such ears," Yusuf said. "I could understand what he wanted to create -- that journey than the album can take you on."

Source 1 and Source 2


Dutch politician to be tried in court for publicly criticizing Islam   



Amsterdam (The Netherlands), Jan.22 : A far-right Dutch politician who gained global notoriety with a film claiming links between the Koran and terrorism is to be put on trial for his public statements against Islam.

According to the Independent, Geert Wilders, the leader of the extremist Freedom Party (PVV), said he was surprised that the Amsterdam Appeals Court has allowed his criminal prosecution for inciting hatred and of discriminating against Muslims by comparing their religion to Nazism.

"Mr Wilders' views constitute a criminal offence. [He] has insulted Islamic worshippers by attacking the symbols of the Islamic faith," the court stated, referring to his comparison of the Koran to Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf.

Read the rest....



Ex-Fiji judge dies at 81

FRANCIS 'Frank' Xavier Rooney died in South Africa on January 13 at the age of 81.

Justice Rooney was a judge of the Supreme (later High) Court of Fiji in the 1980s. He had a fine intellect. Widely respected by lawyers, Justice Rooney had a reputation for being scrupulously fair.

He was married to Amina, a patrician Muslim who descended from Gujarat. It was a union cemented by mutual regard and affection. He, however, remained faithful to Catholicism until the end.

Full Article



Emirates Palace hotel: the last word in opulence


Enter the Emirates Palace and you enter a world that's on a far loftier plane than most of us experience.

What can you say about a fortress-like edifice that's been hailed variously as the world's best hotel - the costliest to build (at the equivalent of more than $A4 billion) and a seven-star hotel - when the top grade is traditionally five-star?

The Palace in Abu Dhabi, capital of the United Arab Emirates, opened in November 2005 with 394 rooms and suites, is the last word in opulence, frequented by heads of state and government (Blair, Clinton), diplomats, nobility, business moguls and a phalanx of VIPs including Sir Elton John, Will Smith, Justin Timberlake and others from the world of showbiz and professionals sports.

Read the rest....



India - More Hindus than Muslims in some West Bengal madrassas


Contrary to popular belief that madrassas are schools for fundamentalist Islamic teaching, madrassas in West Bengal are attracting an increasing number of Hindu students with their shift in focus from Islamist education to science and technology.

Hindu students now outnumber Muslims in four madrassas of the state.

These include Kasba MM High Madrassa in Uttar Dinajpur district, Ekmukha Safiabad High Madrassa in Cooch Behar district, Orgram Chatuspalli High Madrassa at Burdwan district and Chandrakona Islamia High Madrassa at West Midnapore district.

"The percentage of Hindu students vary from 57 percent to 64 percent in these institutes, which stand out as proof that madrassas (Islamic seminaries) and secularism are not anachronistic," West Bengal Board of Madrassah Education president Sohrab Hussain told IANS.

He said 618 out of the 1,077 students in Kasba, 554 out of 868 students at Orgram, 201 out of 312 at Chandrakona and 290 out of total 480 students at Ekmukha are Hindus.

Denying that madrassas impart only Islamist education, he said the institutes lay more stress on modern subjects.

"It’s a misconception that our students only learn Islam-related subjects at madrassas. Time is changing and so are we. Now, we lay more stress on science and technology than religion.

"Already 42 madrassas have computer laboratories; we will increase the number by another 100 labs in 2009. Over 100 madrassas offer vocational training in not only tailoring but even mobile applications technology," Hussain said.

He said an increasing number of Hindu students were choosing madrassas over other schools because they had more credibility.

"Madrassas have been successful in winning the confidence of students and guardians. Mostly first generation learners from backward classes come to study here as they know they won’t be looked down upon. Besides, madrassa certificates are at par with other national-level examinations," said Hussain.

There are 506 madrassas in West Bengal and 52 more will come up by the end of 2009. Overall, 17 percent of the students and 11 percent of the teachers in these institutions are non-Muslims.

"All students are treated equally... there is no religious bias in the madrassas. Even the syllabus of the madrassas are no different from the Madhyamik - the state secondary examinations.

"The only difference is our students have to sit for a 100-mark extra paper on Arabic and Islamic studies, which in a way is good for Hindu students too. They can learn a new language at the same time," Hussain said.

Golum Mustafa, headmaster of Kasba madrassa, said all students study and play together irrespective of their religion.

"If anyone asks me why Hindu students study at madrassas, I ask them, ’Why not?’ Be it school or madrassa - they are meant for imparting education. There are many Hindu students who passed out from Kasba and are well-established in life," Mustafa said on phone.

Bibhas Chandra Ghorui, a Hindu assistant teacher at Chandrakona, echoed Mustafa.

"There are seven schools within one km of this madrassa. But still people send their wards here, mostly because of affordability. One has to pay Rs.375 at general schools while the fees at the madrassa is only Rs.110.

"As for religious tolerance, if a Muslim student can study Baishnav Padavali - a Hindu religious hymns - then why can’t a Hindu student study Islam or Arabic?" Ghorui said on phone.



Hertz calls for ad withdrawal


Fearing a Muslim customer backlash, Hertz car rental last week called on Israeli airline El Al to withdraw an internet advert that offered free Hertz rental to British passengers who flew to Israel to show their "solidarity" with the country.

The adverts, which carried a Hertz logo, stated: "Now, more than ever is the time to come to Israel.

Come express your solidarity with Israel. Fly with Al Al and receive three or four day car rental for free!"

The deal was launched on January 8, five days after Israel began its ground offensive in Gaza.



The CCN Centre Link



Office Administration – Multicultural Well – Being Team

Position Description



CCN Readers' Book Club: You are what you read!


This week



The Man Who Owns the News: Inside the Secret World of Rupert Murdoch

Michael Wolff


If Rupert Murdoch isn’t making headlines, he’s busy buying the media outlets that generate the headlines. His News Corp. holdings--from the New York Post, Fox News, and most recently The Wall Street Journal, to name just a few--are vast, and his power is unrivaled. So what makes a man like this tick? Michael Wolff gives us the definitive answer in The Man Who Owns the News.

With unprecedented access to Rupert Murdoch himself, and his associates and family, Wolff chronicles the astonishing growth of Murdoch's $70 billion media kingdom. In intimate detail, he probes the Murdoch family dynasty, from the battles that have threatened to destroy it to the reconciliations that seem to only make it stronger. Drawing upon hundreds of hours of interviews, he offers accounts of the Dow Jones takeover as well as plays for Yahoo! and Newsday as they’ve never been revealed before.

Written in the irresistible stlye that only an award-winning columnist for Vanity Fair can deliver, The Man Who Owns the News offers an exclusive glimpse into a man who wields extraordinary power and influence in the media on a worldwide scale--and whose family is being groomed to carry his legacy into the future.

Review amazon.com



Would you like to see the cover of your favourite book on our book shelves below?

Then simply email the title and author to thebookclub@crescentsofbrisbane.org


Double click a book cover to find out what others think of the book


CCN has set up an online Book Club at Shelfari to connect with CCN book readers at:


Using the book club you can see what books fellow CCN readers have on their shelves, what they are reading and even what they, and others, think of them.

The CCN Readers' Book Club

Kareema's Keep Fit Column











Physical activity - women

Many Australian women are not active enough
Generally speaking, when compared to Australian men, Australian women are less inclined to exercise and less likely to engage in enough exercise to achieve health benefits.
Lack of exercise is a significant risk factor for a range of medical conditions including cardiovascular disease, diabetes and high blood pressure. Sedentary women are also at an increased risk of developing osteoporosis in later life.





Physical activity - men

Regular physical activity is a low priority to at least one third of Australian men. Those aged between 30 and 50 years are often not very physically active because they are busy with work and family commitments. Lack of physical activity is linked to a range of health problems including obesity, heart disease and some forms of cancer.





For everyone making the changes:


Change one bad eating habit at a time and 'lighten the load'..


If you have a medical condition, are overweight, are over 40 years of age or haven’t exercised regularly for a long time, see your doctor for a check-up and advice.


I'm happy to answer any questions....


Getting started
You are more likely to incorporate physical activity into your day if you plan ahead. Suggestions include:


  Learn more about the benefits of physical activity and the multitude of options available.  

  Decide which types of physical activity appeal to you.

  Look through your diary and identify possible timeslots for physical activity but also try to reduce the amount of time you are inactive throughout the day.

  Set reasonable goals for yourself.  

  Update your physical activity goals on a regular basis and document the benefits to your quality of life.


Incidental exercise

  You can incorporate physical activity into your daily lifestyle by making a few small changes, such as:

  Walk or cycle to the local shops instead of taking the car.

  Get off the bus (or train) at an earlier stop and walk the rest of the way.

  Wash your car yourself.

  Take the stairs instead of the lift.





Ladies - for those of you, who are serious about making the change, contact Kareema ASAP for a one week free pass at Fernwood Underwood (Expires Feb 09)




My Health and Fitness

Tel: 0404 844 786

(Accredited Member of Fitness Queensland)


Need an answer to a fitness related matter? Send your question to Kareema at  fitness@crescentsofbrisbane.org.

All questions sent in are published here anonymously and without any references to the author of the question.


KB's Culinary Corner



Easy Tuna Bake


½ cup of milk
2 eggs
60g butter
175g tin tuna (drained)
1 cup flour
½ tsp baking powder
½ tsp salt
1tsp ground garlic
2 tsp chopped coriander
1 tsp ground green chillies
½ tsp crushed cumin
1 small grated onion with water squeezed out
½ cup of grated cheese

1. Beat eggs, milk and melted butter
2. Add all remaining ingredients and mix.
3. Pour into greased casserole and bake at 180 degrees c for 25 min.

Serve warm with a green salad.

Do you have a recipe to share with CCN readers?
Send in your favourite recipe to ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org and be our "guest chef" for the week.


The CCN Chuckle



Mula Nasruddin was addressing a large audience at a gathering:

"The material we put into our stomachs is enough to have killed most of us sitting here, years ago.


Red meat is awful. Soft drinks corrode your stomach lining. Chinese food is loaded with MSG. High fat diets can be disastrous, and none of us realizes the long- term harm caused by the germs in our drinking water.


But there is one thing that is the most dangerous of all and we all have, or will, eat it. Can anyone here tell me what food it is that causes the most grief and suffering for years after eating it?"


After several seconds of quiet, Jallaluddin in the front row raised his hand, and softly said, "Wedding Cake."


Notice Board


Click on image to enlarge


Ten-pin Bowling

Bald Hills Madrassah


Interfaith Summit

Girls Swimming

IWAQ Swimming


Harmony Day

Fund Raiser


The CCN Date Claimer






(Click on link)





31 January


Ten-pin Bowling

Al-Nisa Youth Group

AMF Bowling Alley Mt Gravatt


All day

18-21 February


Interfaith Summit

Griffith University Multi-faith Centre

Brisbane City Council
Conference Hall

3735 7051/2

All day

18 February


MBN: Annual General Meeting

Muslim Business Network

Runcorn Tavern, Gowan Road




21 March


Harmony Day Fund Raiser Dinner: Milperra High School

Crescents of Brisbane, Kuraby and Chinese Lions

Michael's Restaurant

0402 026 786


28 March


Kuraby Madrasah Fund Raiser Dinner

Kuraby Madrasah

Sacred Heart Centre, 80 Nemies Rd, RUNCORN

0422 191 675


2 May


Annual Fete

Islamic College of Brisbane

ICOB, Karawatha

0402 794 253

11am to 7pm

17 May



Crescents of Brisbane

Orleigh Park, West End

0402 026 786

7am to 1pm

24 October


Breast Cancer Awareness

Crescents of Brisbane


0404 296 297



To claim your date for your event email ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org.





The ladies taleem has concluded for this year. Further notice will be given in the New Year.


Sunnah Inspirations


Contact: 0408 270 421

University of Queensland,
323 Hawken Drive, St. Lucia

Every Monday

Event: Weekly Learning Circle: Sharh Riyad-us-Saliheen (An Explanation of 'Gardens of the Righteous'

Venue: Prayer Room, University of Queensland

Time: 6.45pm to 7.30pm


Every Friday

Subject: Fiqh Made Easy

Venue: Room E215 Building 1 (Forgan Smith), University of Queensland

Time: 6.30pm to 7.35pm

Every Friday

Subject: Tafseer al Qur'an (Explanation of the Qur'an)

Venue: Room E215 Building 1 (Forgan Smith), University of Queensland

Time: 7.45pm to 9pm


Sunnah Inspirations is a non-profit organisation to cater for Muslim social support and supplying information to Muslims and non-Muslims.  They have been doing various activities around Australia, and have organised Da'wah information stalls at various universities in Brisbane.  More info can be found on their website above.


CCN @ Facebook


Catch Crescents Community News at


Please feel free to post an entry on our Wall, start up a Discussion thread and/or become a Fan.


Useful Links


Crescents Community News (CCN) Readers' Forum

Discussion Forum & Social Network for CCN Readers


Queensland Muslim Historical Society Inc.

     Promoting the study and awareness of the rich history of the Muslims of Queensland


Young Muslims of Queensland

     Social network for young Muslims of Brisbane


Sunnah Inspirations

     Providing information about Islam - its beliefs, culture, practices, dispelling misconceptions


Kuraby Mosque


Holland Park Mosque



    Provide young Muslim women in Queensland with support and opportunities to express themselves


Gold Coast Mosque


South African National Halaal Authority (SANHA)


Muslim Womens' Convert Support Group (MWCSG)

     Network of Muslim women converts from the Brisbane and Gold Coast areas of Queensland.



If you would like a link to your website email ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org.


Write For Us

The best ideas and the best feedback come from our community of readers. If you have a topic or opinion that you want to write about or want seen covered or any news item that you think might be of benefit to the Crescents Community please e-mail



Share your thoughts, feelings and ambitions for our community through CCN.


If there is someone you know who would like to subscribe to CCN please encourage them to send an e-mail to ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org with the words “Subscribe Me” in the subject line.


Articles and opinions appearing in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Crescents of Brisbane Team, CCN, its Editor or its Sponsors, particularly if they eventually turn out to be libelous, unfounded, objectionable, obnoxious, offensive, slanderous and/or downright distasteful.


It is the usual policy of CCN to include from time to time, notices of events that some readers may find interesting or relevant. Such notices are often posted as received. Including such messages or providing the details of such events does not necessarily imply endorsement of the contents of these events by either CCN or Crescents of Brisbane Inc.