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......a sometimes self-deprecating and occasional tongue-in-cheek look at ourselves and the world around us ......



Sunday, 31 May 2009

 .Newsletter 0238


News you won't find on CNN!



None so blind as they who would not see the need......


(left to right) Zaffar Iqubal, Rahman (Ray) Deen, Samsun Deen, Sue Larsen (Brisbane Fred Hollows Foundation), Khanyisa Manzini,  Simon Westaway (Underbelly star and MC for the night) and Helen Hlalele





The Fred Hollows Foundation held an information session at the St Lucia Gold Course during the week.


Keynote speaker, Dr. Helen Hlalele, General Manager of the Fred Hollows South African Port Elizabeth operation, described the progress made since setting up in South Africa in 1999.


Dr. Hlalele explained that in the Eastern Cape Province – which is the poorest province in the country – an estimated 30,000 people are cataract blind. Most have no access to eye care services.


Operations Manager, Ms Khanyisa Manzini, also spoke of her involvement in the Foundation.


The Fred Hollows Foundation began working in South Africa in 1999 and signed an MOU with the Eastern Cape Department of Health in 2001 to establish a Blindness Prevention Program. It’s designed to bring services and sight restoration to the poor and remote


"Our efforts have had particular success in building the capacity of six regional and rural hospitals to perform cataract surgery," said  Hlalele.

Comrade Omar


Anver in full flight at the start with the sun rising and the shadows

lengthening and some 89 kms to go

Moral support from wife Bilkish

fresh from shopping at the Pavillion (it would seem)

Anver Omar ran the race of his life shaving 25 minutes off his previous best downhill time by completing last Sunday's Comrades Marathon in a commendable 9 hours and 25 minutes and 59 seconds, finishing 222 in his 50-59 age category and 2815 in the field of 13000 runners.


After breaking away early from the 9-hour-bus Anver found the going tough at the halfway mark but soldiered on to the finish none the worse for wear as his ability to board a flight to Cairns the next day would testify.

Milperra Milestone


Milperra State High School held it's 25th Anniversary celebrations on Friday night.


Many friends and supporters turned up to acknowledge the work done by the school over these past 25 years.


Over 9,000 students have come through the school as refugees from many parts of the world.

The school launched its DVD as part of Q150 and there were wonderfully inspiring interviews with former students who spoke about where they came from and their first experiences on arriving in Australia.

The night included some traditional Iraqi, Turkish and Kurdish music.

It was also an opportune occasion for Crescents of Brisbane and the Kuraby Lions to formally present the School with a cheque for the monies raised at the Multicultural Harmony Day Dinner held at Michael's Restaurant in March. The money will go towards building a new volleyball court for the pupils of the school.

David Forde (second from left), the President of Kuraby Lions  and Mustafa Ally (second from right) of Crescents of Brisbane, present Ms Adele Rice (centre), Principal of the school, with the cheque with Parliamentary Secretary for Multicultural Affairs and Settlement Services, Laurie Ferguson MP (left) and Member for Moreton, Graham Perrett (right) in attendance  

A huge turnout makes the 25th Anniversary Celebrations a memorable occasion







AFIC's Projects and Initiatives

by Ikebal Adam Patel, President of AFIC 

As most of you would be aware, the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils (AFIC) held its 45th Annual Congress on the weekend of 9th and 10th May 2009.

(This is a brief run down of AFIC's recent achievements and also to seek your counsel and recommendations on services, projects and direction by which AFIC can best serve the growing needs of our community in the future.

Throughout it's 45 years of amazing history, AFIC has always been in the forefront of articulating the interests of Australian Muslims especially in the areas of political advocacy, social and cultural needs, assisting in establishing prayer facilities and Mosques, providing grass roots support through its State Councils and local Islamic Societies, establishment of Islamic Schools across Australia and providing Halal certification and advisory services.

During the past two years AFIC has undertaken a number of projects and initiatives with a wide range of organisations including federal and local government departments, internationals partners, Ambassadors from Islamic countries and regional governments.This has allowed AFIC to assist Australia's Muslim community to address their needs through a variety of avenues. We are grateful to Allah swt for this opportunity to serve the community.

AFIC will strive to continue delivering services for the community on a number of fronts.


The first priority is the establishment of an effective Shura Council to address any differences and disagreements and resolve any issues of concern arising within AFIC, its State Councils and member Societies to be arbitrated within an Islamic and amicable manner. This forum will also be available for all Muslims in Australia to try to resolve any differences amongst them if they choose to use this body.

The first priority is the establishment of an effective Shura Council to address any differences and disagreements and resolve any issues of concern arising within AFIC, its State Councils and member Societies to be arbitrated within an Islamic and amicable manner.

Of equal importance is admission of new members. AFIC is open and welcomes new members to join and be an integral part of the Australian Muslim community and in turn be productive, effective citizens of Australia and uplift the standing of Australian Muslims. The need for the unity of the Australian Muslims under AFIC and the continuing


Australia's multicultural society cannot be underestimated. To this end there was a very strong commitment on the part of all participants at the Congress to restructure AFIC and work has commenced on this front. The need to strengthen our current efforts towards improved and friendly relations with the other faith communities in Australia is an ongoing feature of AFIC's commitment to strengthening partnerships.

Crucial amongst AFIC's role of engaging and forming partnerships is AFIC's determination to actively engage with Islamic countries through their embassies in Canberra to form a vital link in the chain of Muslim unity and brotherhood and also to participate in various exchange
programs and initiatives with the aim of enhancing an understanding of Islam, promoting human rights and justice and empowering Muslims of Australia.

Islamic Banking is another service that AFIC is embarking on. Negotiations are continuing with several possible partners for the introduction of a retail banking product. AFIC has negotiated an Insurance product which is available to all mosques and societies as well as Muslim businesses. A loyalty scheme has also been launched and it is now up to the Muslims to either use it and obtain its benefits or let it languish.

The academic achievements of AFIC's Islamic College of South Australia and Brisbane Islamic School's year 12 students have produced equally meritorious results.

AFIC is also engaging with regional and rural communities to ensure more effective grass roots services. In the area of burial grounds,

AFIC is consulting with both metropolitan and rural and regional city and shire councils to ensure Muslim communities living in these areas
are provided with proper Islamic burial areas. We have already achieved some success by the city councils allocating burial grounds in some areas of Australia and Insha Allah more space will be available in other areas soon.

Another important focus is Ageing and care for the elderly within the Muslim community. Elders in our community are our responsibility. They have dedicated their entire working lives for successes that most of the community now reaps. It is therefore vital that in their old
age, services and care is provided to the elderly in a manner that is compassionate and within an Islamic framework. AFIC is working to ensure that adequate services for Muslim elderly are provided and in an atmosphere of respect and dignity which they deserve at all times.

The preceding year has seen AFIC's crowning glory in excellence in maintaining achievements in education. AFIC's Malek Fahd Islamic School (MFIS) in Sydney has again, in 2008 topped the high achievement list in NSW Schools. MFIS once again ranked first in
the Bankstown Education District and 11th in New South Wales and ACT out of about 700 schools.


The academic achievements of AFIC's Islamic College of South Australia and Brisbane Islamic School's year 12 students have produced equally meritorious results. Our other Schools - Langford Islamic School in Perth and Canberra Islamic School are progressing and
on the road to emulate successes of the other AFIC schools. AFIC has acquired a site for the second school in NSW to cater for the extensive demands of  the community as well a new AFIC School in Victoria. Insha Allah more details on these will be provided soon.

During my tenure, AFIC has developed strong partnerships by providing advice to a wide range of organizations to ensure that the needs of the Muslim community are considered in policy development. We have also provided guidance to establish programs to effectively
engage Muslim communities in day to day operations and collaborating on major projects that highlight the cultural, economic and social benefits that diversity brings to Australia. InshaAllah I will continue to work to ensure excellence in all these services that are an integral part of AFIC .

...... it is my intention that we harness the energy and wisdom of the existing groups out there in the Muslim community in Australia who have already been providing great services to the youth and women.

Women and youth are our life lines. AFIC has demonstrated the important role of women and youth in society by including women and young people as part of our decision making process on the new AFIC team.

AFIC's excellence in education and integrity in Halal services and other grass root services designed to meet the growing needs of the Muslim and wider communities will continue to be my teams focus in the future. We have three sisters on the AFIC executive team and it is hoped that collectively with the other members of the executive team these sisters will commence tangible programs for the Muslim women and youth of Australia.

In doing this, it is my intention that we harness the energy and wisdom of the existing groups out there in the Muslim community in Australia who have already been providing great services to the youth and women. We do not intend to 'reinvent the wheel', so to speak, but rather provide AFIC's national reach and presence to Insha Allah provide better and enhanced services in collaboration with some of these existing organisations. We seek the cooperation of these organisations in this endeavour.


AFIC has launched a new web site which is still being populated with valuable information. AFIC has also embarked last year with a daily media service and this is being re launched in the next few days with a new look and better global content. A weekly email service with
details of events and functions being held around the country as well as government services of particular interest to Muslims was launched last year and this will again be carried out


AFIC will endeavour to re-establish strong links with international Islamic organisations and the details of these will be provided as they mature.

Multicultural Women in Business Workshop


Master of Ceremonies Dr Catherine Norton

with Saalihah Seedat (Consultant Pharmacist)

The Lord Mayors Multicultural Unit and Brisbane International Business Women (BIBW) recently hosted the first in its series of workshops titled "Reading your figures for business survival".

Over 200 women attended this event which was launced by Cr Angela Owen Taylor.

One of the guest speakers for the day was Dimity Dornan (MD and Founder of Hear and Say, a not-for-profit centre which helps deaf children to hear and speak).

Tami Harriott (Westpac Women's Markets Manager) delivered a workshop on the tools that small business operators need in the current financial climate in order to be savvy to survive.

This was also an excellent opportunity to network with like minded women in business.
The next workshop is scheduled for Oct 2009. For more information, contact Georgiana Poulter Ph: 3365 6487 or email: bibwomen@gmail.com.

The New Look Nandos


Mairoon and Mohammed Ally announced the re-opening of their Mt Gravatt Nandos store which has just gone through a major expansion and facelift.


Mairoon told CCN that the new layout and decor will make dining with them a whole new experience and welcome back their patrons who have patiently waited while the renovations were taking place.


Shop 1, Palmdale Shopping Centre, 2120 Logan Road, 4122
Phone: 07 3420 6644


Nandos Mt Gravatt sponsored the major random draw prize of a Nintendo Wii at this year's CresWalk.


Quran Online


Quran radio with Translations in Urdu

From the Cradles of CCN....









Luqman and Ruqayya Issadeen welcomed baby Asiyah on the 20th of May in Westville Hospital, Durban.

Asiyah makes Edris and Fatima Paruk as well as Malik and Zaini Issadeen grandparents for the first time.

Australia Supports Women in Leadership


Australia is supporting a summit that opened during the week, which aims to promote and improve women’s equality, decision-making and leadership in the Islamic schools sector.

The Women and Leadership in Islamic Schools Summit, at the Singgasana Hotel, Surabaya (Indonesai) is an initiative under Australia’s Learning Assistance Program for Islamic Schools (LAPIS).

Five Australian Muslim leaders will also attend the summit as part of the Australia-Indonesia Muslim Leaders Exchange program. The forum will give them and other participants a unique opportunity to exchange ideas and discuss the role Indonesian women can play and the challenges they face in leadership and education.

It will also give leaders in education in Indonesia the opportunity to develop plans on how to address access and equity in Islamic education, including targeted madrasah and supporting institutions.

“Australia recognises that gender equality is essential for development.


Our support for this summit reflects our strong commitment towards improved and equitable education outcomes for women and men, girls and boys, especially in the Islamic schools sector.”

Australian Ambassador to Indonesia, Bill Farmer welcomed the summit and said he hoped it would further empower women in Islamic education.

“Australia recognises that gender equality is essential for development,” Mr Farmer said. “Our support for this summit reflects our strong commitment towards improved and equitable education outcomes for women and men, girls and boys, especially in the Islamic schools sector.”

The summit will bring together key people from the Islamic schools sector, including teachers, community members, university managers, international development partners, and Indonesian government and non-government organisations.

This summit is part of a A$35 million, five-year Australian initiative to help improve quality of education in Indonesian Islamic schools. Through this initiative, Australia supports Indonesian institutions to improve teacher skills and qualifications, increase equality of learning outcomes for boys and girls in Islamic schools, and enable schools to meet national accreditation standards.

Australia’s international development assistance program recognises that both women and men have a role to play in all aspects of development, including education. Actively supporting women’s full participation in economic, social and political life is a key factor in reducing poverty, enhancing economic growth and democratic governance and increasing the well-being of women, girls and their families.




Ismail in Indonesia


Ismail Essof, a member of the Crescents of Brisbane team, is on his way to Indonesia having been the only Queensland candidate to be selected for the Hearts and Minds: Australia-Indonesia Youth Leadership Program and Conference 2009.

The program includes an eight day leadership program and conference where participants will meet Indonesian youth in the city of Yogjakarta, Indonesia.

The program will cover adaptive leadership, cross-cultural dialogue and action plan workshops as well field trips and a debrief on Mt Merapi.

The projects aims are to:

• Instill in participants leadership and communication skills, and promote understanding of the importance of pluralism, respect for human rights and interfaith and inter-cultural tolerance and cooperation;
• Instill understanding of the importance of community cohesion, particularly in relief work and capacity-building;
• Promote dialogue and understanding between Muslim and other communities in Australia and Indonesia.


Muslim designers put faith in fashion


Back home in Jakarta, 18-year-old fashion designer Dian Pelangi can whip her fan club into a fizz of guileless adoration: "Wow!" "Gorgeous!" "Inspiring!" "Empowering!". They thrill to Pelangi's way (her name, aptly, means "rainbow") with silky tie-dyed and batik Islamic clothing; how she plugs into fashion trends just enough, but not so much as to compromise a girl's modesty or provoke other Muslims' disapproval.


"OMG! I just fell in love with her power, her craziness, her dresses, her everything!" This was a typically impassioned thread among many more posted by young Indonesian women after a photo-strip of Pelangi's designs recently went up on blog spot "Hegab-Rehab".


Earlier this week, in the elegant forecourt of Melbourne's Indonesian embassy, six models posed in designs by Pelangi and veteran Jakarta fashion identity Iva Lativah. The designers were here with a traditional dance troupe and small contingent of Jakarta journalists for a fashion show hosted at the Grand Hyatt by Indonesia's consul-general for Victoria and Tasmania, Budiarman Bahar and its ministry of culture and tourism.


This day, Pelangi's heavily draped caftan and kimono-style dresses, tunics and coats moved languidly in a weak breeze and her models, even taller in their elaborately twisted turbans, stork-stepped on gold-painted bootlets with heels high and thick as house bricks. Fashionable indeed. Pelangi's own jewellery designs — thick, beaten gold wrist hoops stacked in twos and threes, and elaborate lace metal pendants big as butter plates — would not look amiss on a Parisian catwalk.


In halting English, Pelangi, in leather jacket, maxi skirt and vivid tie-dye scarf knotted under her hijab, carefully explained how the gowns were fashioned from hand-loomed silk. Pelangi's pretty colours were also tie-dyed into swirling, clashing patterns by hand, and her turbans and hijab headscarves loomed and dyed to match. "I am always creative, trendy and fashionable," she finished shyly.


In a mostly non-Muslim market such as Australia's (just under 2 per cent of Australians are Muslim), many of Pelangi's "trendy, youthful" designs and, even more so, Iva Lativah's elegant, streamlined silk abayas in rich jewel colours, are more likely to appeal to mature women. In common with young Muslim women, they are often at a personal crossroads, likely to choose fashion that emphasises feminine modesty and classic elegance than flesh-centric mainstream trends.

Dian Pelangi's reputation among Indonesia's Muslim population (88 per cent of total, and the highest in the world) is in its infancy, but its intensity is significant. Her young fans can see a meticulously picked package of trends from the catwalks of Paris, New York, Milan, and even high street shop collections, rejigged into clothing to express their faith and love of fashion: bat-winged sleeves, heavy draping, elaborate tie-dyed and batiked colours and patterns, oversized jewellery, ruched leggings and platform shoes.

In Britain, medical student Jana Kossaibati has plugged into the same zeitgeist since 2007 with a wildly successful website hijabstyle.com. Kossaibati posts fashion shots hot from the runways of Paris, Milan, Mumbai and Jakarta, then cobbles comparable components from high street stores into modest alternatives. The site's popularity also secured Kossaibati writing gigs on Islamic dressing for Vogue.com and London's Guardian newspaper.

Kossaibati is not alone. Websites tackling the dearth of clothing solutions for fashionable Muslim women are popping up like springtime daisies and targeted shows are looped into many fashion weeks including India, Lebanon and, of course, Indonesia. Jakarta's first Islamic Fashion Week was held in 2006.

At its extreme, Islamic lore asks that women cover all but face and hands with full-length abaya gowns, loose tunic dresses, underskirts and trousers, socks with closed shoes, hijab head scarves. Even colour, pattern and perfume should be avoided. However, in liberal Muslim countries and the west, women don't so much bend the rules, as colour, tweak and scribble on them to find a unique expression of their modesty and faith. Only a decade ago, even the word "fashion" was strange in the lexicon of Islamic clothing but now, asked about her favourite wardrobe item, young Muslim designer Dian Pelangi answers without hesitation: "Jeans. I wear them with everything.


Maradona's Mates Update

by Arshad Randeree


Maradona's Mates, playing in the Queensland Christian Soccer Association (QCSA) league are a team of aspiring footballers from all faiths and backgrounds, representing Sunnybank Saints in Division 3.

The team currently sits at 4th position on the log, non-inclusive of today's victory. In this afternoons showdown, Maradona's Mate's took a road trip to Chermside, where they took on Nundah Wavell. Of course, no road trip is complete without a wrong turn here and there and Maradona's Mates did not fail to deliver.

The game started of emphatically, with both teams playing to a high tempo. Within 15 minutes the score was 1-1. Soon after, Maradona's Mates clicked into gear and by half time, they were 4-1 up. The boys determination and eagerness to get win every ball was one of the deciding factors in the game.

Whilst the boys upfront might get all the plaudits for scoring the goals (Naseer Ahmid 3, Arshad Randeree 3, Riyaaz Essof 1), it was the performance from the boys in the back which really stood out.


Mohammed Rajah, Yaseen Safroodeen, Azhar Omar, Mohammed Jangda and Colin Townes all played superbly, giving goal keeper Imraan Danka an easy day on the job.

The team has been consistently encouraged by the Sunnybank Club and the boys appreciation is being displayed by there outstanding performances. A special mention should be made to those that come to watch Maradona's Mate's (they know who they are). Maradona's Mate's would love the extra support, so we encourage each and every one of you to come support the boys over the season.

To follow the boys progress, please visit;

If you need to find out about the boys next game, feel free to contact Arshad Randeree at
arshad.randeree@student.qut.edu.au or 0423 677 980


Around the Muslim World with CCN


Malay court hearing on who can use the word 'Allah'

A Catholic church in Malaysia which prays to Allah has prompted a court case over who can use the word.

Muslim leaders say Islam should be the only faith to use it, saying its use in other faiths could lead to confusion and conversions.

Robin Brant reports from Kuala Lumpur.

The Circumcision Debate Rages On Sunrise Channel 7


The controversy over removing infant boy's foreskin continues. Recent evidence is pushing for a cultural change back for the sake of health benefits


According to the Sunrise morning programme trends have changed remarkably over the last few decades.

When many were growing up in Australia, 90% of boys had the snip. These days it's very difficult to find information let alone a doctor prepared to do the procedure. Public hospitals refuse to touch it and doubt claims about the benefits.


>> Watch the original investigation by Monique Wright on SUNDAY NIGHT


Yet mounting evidence, and the advice of the World Health Organisation point to circumcision minimising STDs, certain cancers in men and health risks to women. Pro-circumcision doctors claim anesthetics make the procedure nearly pain-free.


Read the rest...

It's Time for Palestine


The World Council of Churches is inviting member churches and related organizations to join a week of advocacy and action for a just peace in Palestine and Israel. Those who share the hope of justice are invited to take peaceful actions, together, to create a common international public witness.

During World Week for Peace in Palestine Israel, 4-10 June 2009, churches in different countries will send a clear signal to policy-makers, interested publics and their own parishes about the urgent need for a peace settlement that secures the legitimate rights and future of both peoples. Participants are requested to plan their activities around these points:

1. Pray with churches living under occupation, using a special prayer from Jerusalem.
2. Educate about actions that make for peace and about facts on the ground that do not, especially, settlements in occupied territory.
3. Advocate with political leaders using ecumenical policies that promote peace with justice.

The week calls participants to seek justice for Palestinians so that both Israelis and Palestinians can finally live in peace. It is now more than 60 years since the partition of Palestine hardened into a permanent nightmare for Palestinians. It's more than 40 years since the occupation of East Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza overwhelmed the peaceful vision of one land, two peoples.

Yet the dream of one nation cannot be fulfilled at the expense of another.

The action week's message is that now:

It's time for Palestinians and Israelis to share a just peace.
It's time for freedom from occupation.
It's time for equal rights.
It's time for the healing of wounded souls.




3 bedroom house plus study; three doors away from Kuraby Mosque; available from 12 June; rental $425 per week; 12 month lease; call LeeAnne on 0423 031 359.



One fully furnished room is temporarily available for rent from 1st June  to 10 July 2009.

The other room is occupied by a Pakistani women living with her 6.5 year old child.

For further details call 0421 103 437.


From the IWAQ Desk...


Muna Ibrahim and Mirsada Hadzahmetovic with Laurie Ferguson Parliamentary Secretary for Multicultural Affairs and Settlement Services

(1) Funding for IWAQ's settlement services program has been renewed until 2010.

In a meeting with Laurie Ferguson, Parliamentary Secretary for Multicultural Affairs and Settlement Services, he indicated that there was awareness of IWAQ activities and the refunding was because of the work that IWAQ does in the area.

(2) IWAQ is holding a fundraising BBQ on Sunday, 7th June to raise funds to he

lp women, young ladies and children (especially those from refugee background) access a safe environment where they can go swimming. We have found that swimming as an activity is one of the best ways whereby this target group can meet, socialise and learn a very important skill.

There were touching stories of some of them never having been in water before and the idea of having an enclosed space to swim was very important.

The expressions of delight and freedom at the mere exercise of going into the water was very moving for us to see especially that for at least sometime they did not think of the trauma they would have gone through as refugees.
Please come and support them towards a journey of recovery.

Multicultural Business Dinner


(left to right) Shummis Rane (MBN President), Sultan Deen (MBN Executive), Lady Mayoress Lisa Newman, Maor Campbell Newman, and Zain Ghumra, Aamir Omar, Andy Ghosh, Kerry-Anne Russell and Natalie Bryant of Lighting Illusions

The Lord Mayor's annual Multicultural Business Dinner was held on Friday at which the winners of the Multicultural Entrepreneurs' Award were announced.


Amongst the short list of finalists was Lighting Illusions who were nominated by the Muslim Business Network for their rapid growth ( with stores in Macgregor, Sumner Park and Windsor) and their innovative approach to the selling of lighting goods through their website.


Company directors, Atif Shafi and Zubair Syed were overseas but there was ample support at the event from their proud staff.

The main aim of the Business Dinner was to raise funds for student scholarships for new migrant and refugee arrivals in Brisbane.


Several success stories were highlighted by Mayor Campbell Newman:


Regina Loruma who came to Australia in 1999 as a refugee from Sudan and was awarded a scholarship to undertake a diploma in entrepreneurship at Southbank Institute of Technology. She now operates own business named Sudanese Nile Delights;


Tesfaye Tefera who migrated to Australia in 1992 and awarded a scholarship to participate in the business mentorship program with the Enterprise Centre, Southbank Institute of Technology. He now operates own business named Made in Africa;


Albert Ndagjjimana and Filbert Rwigema who arrived in Australia in 2005 from Rwanda and were awarded scholarships to complete a Certificate IV in Small Business Management with Sarina Russo Job Access.


Speak Out Forum


Mariam Essof explains what life is like for a young Muslim female working as a Senior Consultant at PricewaterhouseCoopers

Last Sunday over 100 young men and women attended the inaugural youth forum organized by MYServices, together with Alnisa, AMARAH, AMYN, Crescents of Brisbane and FAMSY at the Griffith University Mt Gravatt campus.


The morning session started off with Mohammad Nafeez Farouk-Yousuf who gave gave a heartfelt account of his spiritual journey and the lessons he learned along the way.


Riffat Gurdezi showed she had a ‘funny bone’ when relating her stories of how she developed self-confidence and initiative as a young Muslimah.


Omar Issadeen and Crescents of Brisbane's Mariam Essof spoke of their experiences growing up as Muslims firstly in Botswana and Zimbabwe and then in Australia.


Nazeem Hussain (of Salam Cafe fame) was invited over from Melbourne to share his philosophies on the role of Muslim youth in our society.


“I know I was expecting it, but I was still awestruck by the pieces of wisdom that left the lips of our young speakers. They spoke with insight that seemed beyond their years” said Riyad Rahimullah, master of ceremonies for the event.


The delegates to the forum broke out into parallel sessions to discuss such issues as discrimination, prejudice and social outcasting (facilitators Halim Rane and Anas Abdalla); youth activism in community issues (facilitators Nora Amath and Salam El-merebi) ; the wearing of the hijab (facilitators Nada Ibrahim and Emane El-mezin); and handling peer pressure (facilitators Umar Flynn and Ahmed Abou El-Yazid).


They then returned to the plenary session to share their key findings.


Riyad Rahimullah, who also co-ordinated the event, told CCN that a paper containing the insights gained from the speakers and discussion seminars will be released in due course.


Photo removed on request                                                                    

Discussion over the hijab


The Muslim Welfare Shop Update


Our newly wed couple, an Australian convert of four years and a university student from Jordan, were overwhelmed by the generosity of the people who donated goods for them to begin their married life.


They have had to store the goods in the garage of the shared house the groom lives in with other students, as they have not yet found a house to rent.

They have expressed their sincere gratitude to all those who donated goods.


Once again, the quality of the goods were first class.


The young couple will formulate their own message of thanks once they are in a house together and have the facilities to do so.

During the collection phase, we stored the goods in the shop next door and the local people were so impressed with the furniture, we received so many inquiries about where it came from and what we were doing with it, they were impressed and delighted to see it going to newly weds.


The Muslim men who helped deliver the goods, who themselves were migrants, were also impressed with the help given to the young couple whom they knew were worthy of our help.

This young couple did not ask for help, we ourselves, found out about their circumstances through conversation with the young lady when she came to our shop seeking clothing to be married in.


As usual, Janeth has a habit of asking questions and from the conversation they were then engaged in, took on the task of making this young couple understand they did not have to face their problems alone, and that they had a Muslim family to stand beside them.

Thank you once again for rallying to our cause and helping the Queensland Muslim Welfare Association do the work it set out to do, especially when people from the Muslim Community need our help.


The local people from many nations, including the indigenous people, have all benefited from our store and tell us so on many occasions.

We are now requesting help to find single and queen size beds, two refrigerators, chests of drawers and a bassinet for some of the customers in our store.

Please do not leave goods outside the shop when it is closed as they will be vandalized ir stolen.


Please note: The shop is not open on Thursdays after 12 noon.


Janeth Deen Mobile 0435 086 796 Home 3344 5330
Shop 5, Parkland Shopping Centre, 91-101 Ewing Road, Woodridge (at the back of the shopping centre)

CCN Reader's Discussion Forum


Have your say on www.ccnforum.ning.com


Recent topic of discussion: When is halal meat not halal meat? CCN 237


The CCN Centre Link



Job Seeker

New migrant to Brisbane looking for a job vacancy.  Willing to do almost anything.  For more information please contact Faisel Essof on 0402 575 410



Kareema's Keep Fit Column





Q: Dear Kareema, my daughter is a keen athlete and needs to build up some strength through her calf muscles. Are you able to help us with this please?





A: She needs to try and mix up her workout. A couple of step classes at the gym will certainly help, and if she is more of an outdoor person, a jog on the beach will do the trick for a more intense calf / cardio workout. You'll find that her calves work much harder than normal when they encounter a surface that gives!

All the best and N-JOY!


Ladies, please take full advantage of the following: TIME IS RUNNING OUT!!




Suburb: Sunnybank

Park: Conondale Park

Activity: Women's walk n talk group challenge Improve your posture with walking while challenging yourself with mini exercise drills in the park. Bring a towel, hat and bottled water.

Age: 10+ years

Cost: FREE

When: Every Sat 9 May to 13 Jun

Time: 9-10am

Meeting Point: Park entry


Please contact Kareema if you need any additional information.




My Health and Fitness

Tel: 0404 844 786

(Accredited Member of Fitness Queensland)


Need an answer to a fitness related matter? Send your question to Kareema at  fitness@crescentsofbrisbane.org.

All questions sent in are published here anonymously and without any references to the author of the question.


CCN Supporting Local Enterprise










Our Umrah Ramadan package for 2009/1430h has been finalised.


A brief summary of our package can be found below.


Bookings are open and we advise you to book early as seats are limited.


We appreciate your support and we look forward to be of service to you again, your family or friends.


Thank you again and look forward to hearing from you.




Nadimah Abdat

Ourworld Travel Wollongong



Nadimah Abdat
Ourworld Travel Wollongong
Hajj/Umrah Division
119 Crown Street Wollongong
Ph: 02 4228 6055
Fax: 02 4228 9060


An Islamic bookstore has opened up. It is shop 1 on 51-55 Station Road, Logan Central 4114, (opposite Woodridge train station). It is the first of its kind!

Some of the items on sale include:

Authentic quality books
Men, women and children's clothing
Black seed
Prayer mats
Children's books and toys
DVDs and audio CDs
And much more!

Your shop owner is Omar and he can be contacted on

04342 87133.

CCN Readers' Book Club: You are what you read!


Would you like to see the cover of your favourite book on our book shelves below?

Then simply email the title and author to thebookclub@crescentsofbrisbane.org


Double click a book cover to find out what others think of the book


CCN has set up an online Book Club at Shelfari to connect with CCN book readers at:


Using the book club you can see what books fellow CCN readers have on their shelves, what they are reading and even what they, and others, think of them.

The CCN Readers' Book Club

KB's Culinary Corner


   Pumpkin, Sage and Ricotta Lasagne


(serves 4)

* 2 tbs olive oil;
* 1/2 tsp dried chilli flakes;
* 1 tbs chopped sage, plus 12 whole leaves to serve;
* 1/4 tsp freshly grated nutmeg;
* 350g ricotta;
* 1 egg;
* 1 cup grated parmesan, plus extra to serve;
* 8 fresh lasagne sheets;
* 100g unsalted butter;
* 2 tbs chopped walnuts;

1. Preheat the oven to 190°C.
2. Place the pumpkin on a baking tray, drizzle with oil, sprinkle with chilli flakes and season with sea salt and freshly ground black pepper. Cover with foil and roast for 25 minutes or until the pumpkin is tender. Allow to cool slightly.
3. Puree pumpkin in a food processor with the chopped sage and nutmeg. Set aside. Clean processor, then process the ricotta, egg, parmesan, salt and pepper.
4. Lightly grease a 24cm-square baking dish. Lay 2 Lasagne sheets over the base and spread with half the pumpkin. Add another layer of Lasagne sheets, then spread with half the ricotta. Repeat process, then sprinkle final layer of ricotta with extra parmesan. Lay a sheet of baking paper over surface, cover with foil and bake for 35 minutes. Uncover and bake for a further 15 minutes or until golden. Stand for 5 minutes.

5. Meanwhile, heat the butter, sage leaves and walnuts in a pan for 1-2 minutes over medium heat until the butter starts to foam. Remove from the heat.
6. Serve the lasagne drizzled with sage butter, scattered with extra parmesan.

Do you have a recipe to share with CCN readers?
Send in your favourite recipe to ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org and be our "guest chef" for the week.


The CCN Chuckle


One day when Mula Nasruddin was little boy at kindergarten school his teacher handed out a colouring page to her class.


On it was a picture of a duck holding an umbrella.


The teacher told her class to colour the duck in yellow and the umbrella green,


However, our Mula Nasruddin, the class rebel, coloured the duck in a bright fire truck red.


After seeing this, the teacher asked him: "Nasruddin, how many times have you seen a red duck?"


Young Mula Nasruddin replied: "The same number of times I've seen a duck holding an umbrella."

Notice Board


Click on image to enlarge



International Food Festival GC Mosque

Everything Turkish'09

MBN Trivia Night

World Refugee Day



AIIC Annual Fund Raiser

Course: Road to Recovery

Women in Afghanistan

Hajj Workshop



Speed Intros

Parenting Workshop

GUMSA Seminars


Golf Weekend


Tafseer at Bald Hills

Islamic Classes for Teenagers

AMAL Muslim Helpline

Achieving Wellness



The CCN Date Claimer







(Click on link)





31 May



Islamic Society of Gold Coast

Gold Coast Mosque

0412 601 152

10.00am till late

31 May


Everything Turkish'09

Queensland Intercultural Society

428 Algester Rd, Algester

0422 318 531

10.00am till late

6-8 June


Golf Weekend

Shahaad Suleman

Coral Cove Golf Resort

0404 280 582

All Day

6 June


Trivia Night

Muslim Business Network

Sacred heart Community Centre, 80 Nemies Rd, RUNCORN



7 June


Fund Raiser for Swim Program


Svoboda Park, Kuraby

3423 3022

10am to 3pm

14 June


Haj Workshop: Abu Muneer Ismail Davids

Lutwyche Mosque

Lutwyche Mosque

18000 ISLAM

10am TO 5pm

16 June


Women in Afghanistan: Challenges & Hopes

Griffith Uni

Multifaith Centre

Griffith Uni

Multifaith Centre

0404 280 582

7.15pm TO 9.30pm

20 June


Annual Fund Raiser

Australian International Islamic College

724 Blunder Rd. DURACK

3372 1400

6pm TO 8.30pm

27 June


Parenting Workshop


Rochedale Mosque, 2674 Logan Rd.

0430 511 637


28 June


World Refugee Day Festival

Multicultural Development Assn

Annerley Soccer Grounds

333 7 5400

All day

19 July



Lailatul Me'raj

10 July


Sounds of Light Concert 2009

Human Appeal International

QPAC, Southbank

1300 760 155


17 July


Speed Intros for Muslims

Julu Latif

Sebel Citigate Hotel, Brisbane

0400 142 786


25 July


USQ Islamic Centre Open Day

Islamic Soc. of Toowoomba

USQ Islamic Centre, TOOWOOMBA


10.30am to 3pm

26 July


Mini Tennis Tournament

Shabir Elias

Griffith University, Mt Gravatt Campus

0415 467 868


6 August



Lailatul Baraat

22 August



Start of Ramadhan

16 September



Lailatul Qadr

19 September



End of Ramadhan

20 September




26 September



Eidfest Committee

Mt Gravatt Showgrounds

0418 722 353

All day

27 September


MBN Eid Dinner

Muslim Business Network

The Coffee Club, RNA Showground



3 October


QPS/EECQ Cup: 2009 Qld Multicultural football tournament



0438 114 619

9am to 5pm

3 October


Eid Dinner

Islamic Society of Darra

Darra Mosque, 219 Douglas St, Oxley

0418 757 157


4 October







0438 114 619

9am to 5pm

24 October


Breast Cancer Awareness

Crescents of Brisbane


0404 296 297


27 November




18 December



Islamic New Year


To claim your date for your event email ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org.




The ladies Taaleem programme this Thursday will be at the home of

Ayesha Goder

14 Persse Villas Runcorn


 All Ladies Welcome!

Sunnah Inspirations


Contact: 0408 270 421

University of Queensland,
323 Hawken Drive, St. Lucia


Every Monday

Event: Weekly Learning Circle: Sharh Riyad-us-Saliheen (An Explanation of 'Gardens of the Righteous'

Venue: Prayer Room, University of Queensland

Time: 6.45pm to 7.30pm


Every Friday

Subject: Fiqh Made Easy

Venue: Room E215 Building 1 (Forgan Smith), University of Queensland

Time: 7pm to 7.50pm

Every Friday

Subject: Tafseer al Qur'an (Explanation of the Qur'an)

Venue: Room E215 Building 1 (Forgan Smith), University of Queensland

Time: 8pm to 9pm


Sunnah Inspirations is a non-profit organisation to cater for Muslim social support and supplying information to Muslims and non-Muslims.  They have been doing various activities around Australia, and have organised Da'wah information stalls at various universities in Brisbane.  More info can be found on their website above.


CCN @ Facebook


Catch Crescents Community News at


Please feel free to post an entry on our Wall, start up a Discussion thread and/or become a Fan.


Useful Links


Crescents Community News (CCN) Readers' Forum

 Discussion Forum & Social Network for CCN Readers

Queensland Muslim Historical Society Inc.

Promoting the study and awareness of the rich history of the Muslims of Queensland

Young Muslims of Queensland

Social network for young Muslims of Brisbane

Sunnah Inspirations

Providing information about Islam - its beliefs, culture, practices, dispelling misconceptions

Kuraby Mosque

Holland Park Mosque


Provide young Muslim women in Queensland with support and opportunities to express themselves

Gold Coast Mosque

South African National Halaal Authority (SANHA)

Muslim Womens' Convert Support Group (MWCSG)

Network of Muslim women converts from the Brisbane and Gold Coast areas of Queensland.

Australian International Islamic College (Durack)

Eidfest 2009

Kotku Mosque - Dubbo NSW

Islamic Society of Algester


If you would like a link to your website email ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org.


Write For Us

The best ideas and the best feedback come from our community of readers. If you have a topic or opinion that you want to write about or want seen covered or any news item that you think might be of benefit to the Crescents Community please e-mail ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org.


Share your thoughts, feelings and ambitions for our community through CCN.


If there is someone you know who would like to subscribe to CCN please encourage them to send an e-mail to ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org with the words “Subscribe Me” in the subject line.


Articles and opinions appearing in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Crescents of Brisbane Team, CCN, its Editor or its Sponsors, particularly if they eventually turn out to be libelous, unfounded, objectionable, obnoxious, offensive, slanderous and/or downright distasteful.


It is the usual policy of CCN to include from time to time, notices of events that some readers may find interesting or relevant. Such notices are often posted as received. Including such messages or providing the details of such events does not necessarily imply endorsement of the contents of these events by either CCN or Crescents of Brisbane Inc.