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......a sometimes self-deprecating and occasional tongue-in-cheek look at ourselves and the world around us ......



Sunday, 21 June 2009

 .Newsletter 0241


News you won't find on CNN!



Raeesa wins Literature Award


Raeesa accepts her award from Prime Minister Rudd


Raeesa Lambat, daughter of Iqbal and Farida Lambat, received an award from Prime Minister Kevin Rudd in recognition of a short fiction story that she wrote about Anzac Day.


The award, titled the Ernie Adsett ANZAC Day Art and Literature Award, is presented annually.

The ceremony was also attended by State and Council politicians and heads of a number of schools.

The award recognises students in three categories - lower primary, upper primary and secondary. The winning entries were chosen by an independent judging panel.

Raeesa won an award in the secondary category. She is a year 9 student at Our Ladies College in Annerley. She wrote a fictional story of a battle encounter and the friendship formed between two soldiers and the impact that it had on successive generations.


Read Raeesa's winning story 

Sounds of Light in Brisbane 10 July 2009


CCN is offering its readers a chance to win a "Group of Five" ticket to the Sounds of Light concert.


Watch the video below and email us at ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org with the answer to the following question:


How many members make up the group Seven8Six?


The winner will be drawn from the CCN Inbox on Saturday 27 June 2009 at 5pm and announced in next week's CCN.




Sounds of Light Concert is one of the finest campaigns in charity work in Australia offering children around the world a new hope, a new light. Over the last two years, Sounds of Light attracted well over 13,000 attendees resulting in the sponsorship of more than 1800 orphans. This was by far the most talked about event that the Australian Muslim Community has ever hosted.

Sounds of Light 2009 will once again focus on disadvantaged children, and all proceeds will go towards education, food and healthcare programs to provide them with hope for their future.

The Qur'an on ABC's Compass


The Qur’an has become one of the most ideologically influential texts in the world, but what does it actually say?


And how much do Muslims and non-Muslims understand its message and history?


By examining its actual text and providing comment from a wide selection of observers, award winning film-maker Antony Thomas takes us into the heart of the Muslim world - from Ayatollahs and Grand Imams to simple farmers; from women in positions of power to women living in veiled seclusion; from those who speak of its uncompromising message of peace and tolerance, to those who find justification in the text for violent conflict and suicide bombing.


  Part 1


  Part 2


Wedding Celebrations

Farouk and Razia Joosab are proud to announce the marriage of their eldest son, Mohammed, to Liyana (Linh) eldest daughter of Kiet and Mai Huynh

The nikah took place on 6 June at Algester Mosque and the waalimah lunch was held on 14tJune at the Greek Hall on Creek Road.

Farouk and Razia would also like to thank all families and friends for their well wishes and to all the hard workers that helped to make the wedding and walimah the success that it was.

For a chance to have your wedding pictures and stories published send them to ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org.

Sheik-speare Spiced

by Rayna Mishra


Budding charity organisation NS Charity is set to present the spiciest theatrical adaptation of Romeo and Juliet ever seen in Brisbane.


The play ‘Romeo and Juliet: Butter Chickened!’ is the second major event by the group, and will be staged at the University of Queensland’s Schonell Theatre in late July.


Producer Charlie Shandil says the play, thought traditionally a tragedy, will be seasoned with comedy, drama and excitement.


“It has everything you would expect a Bollywood rendition of Romeo and Juliet to have; dance, drama, laughter, tears and overacting, but also with a healthy dose of local flavour.”


Combining a diverse range of genres and cultures, the play centres around Hindu, Romeo Malhotra, and Muslim, Juliet Khan, and their struggle to unite under conflicting circumstances.


Though the idea for the play originally began with a small group of friends in a coffee shop, it has since grown to be a production with over fifty cast and crew members.


Since NS Charity is a not-for-profit organisation, all members of the team are giving up their own time to help put this production together.


Every cent collected by NS Charity will be equally donated to the Mater Children’s Hospital Little Miracles Appeal, as well as Youngcare.


Each year Mater Children’s Hospital provides treatment and care for thousands of children, from those just hours old to those battling long term diseases and conduct the Little Miracles Appeal to raise much-needed funds for their facilities.


Funds are also desperately needed for Youngcare, a noble charity dedicated to provide care for disabled youths currently forced to reside in aged-care facilities in order to receive fulltime care.


Mr. Shandil says that the “soul purpose” of the production is to raise as much money as possible for these worthy organisations.


“Here at NS Charity, we start off with a zero bank balance and we finish with a zero bank balance.


“Everything we collect will be donated to these notable causes.”


‘Romeo and Juliet: Butter Chickened!’ will be on stage at the Schonell Theatre at the University of Queensland on July 24th and 25th. Tickets are available at www.nscharity.com.


Australia Sees Rescue in Islamic Finance

Darul Ihsan Islamic Services Centre, Sea Cow Lake, Durban


• Grappling with a chocking financial meltdown, Australia is eyeing a share of the booming Islamic finance market to beat a growing recession and create more jobs.

• "I think there's great opportunities such as Islamic finance," Chris Bowen, Minister for Financial Services, Superannuation and Corporate Law, told the Sydney Morning Herald. He said Sydney is seeking to take a portion of the booming Islamic finance market from Asia. "The majority of the world's Islamic population lives in Asia, and Singapore and Kuala Lumpur are trying to corner this market for themselves," he explained. "I think Australia can play a role."

• Islamic finance is one of the fastest growing sectors in the global financial industry. The Islamic banking industry, which began almost three decades ago, has made substantial growth and attracted the attention of investors and bankers across the world.

• Currently, there are nearly 300 Islamic banks and financial institutions worldwide with assets predicted to grow to $1 trillion by 2013.

• Islam forbids Muslims from usury, receiving or paying interest on loans. Islamic banks and finance institutions cannot receive or provide funds for anything involving alcohol, gambling, pornography, tobacco, weapons or pork.

• Bowen, who was formerly the assistant treasurer, said luring Islamic finance would help rejuvenate the Australian economy and create more jobs. "Even if we only take a small percentage of the market it could generate a lot of wealth and a lot of jobs in Australia."

• A global financial crisis has swept the US and the world since September and knocked down Australian markets. Thanks to its transactions that don't deal in toxic assets or pay interests, Islamic finance institutions have managed to largely survive the crisis.

• Minister Bowen regretted that Australia has not yet passed a law allowing the operation of Islamic finance institutions. "This is just one example of the untapped opportunities out there for Australia."

Eminent Professor to Visit Brisbane


On Monday 13 July Brisbane will host one of the world’s most eminent professors of Islam, Mohammad Hashim Kamali.


Prof Kamali is a world-renowned expert in Islamic law and is a leading scholar on the maqasid al-shariah (higher objectives of Islamic law).


He was a professor of shariah at the International Islamic University Malaysia and is now the Chairman of the International Institute for Advanced Islamic Studies Malaysia.


Prof Kamali is on the International Advisory Board of eleven academic journals published in Malaysia, USA, Canada, Kuwait, India, Australia and Pakistan.


He has served as a UN consultant on constitutional reforms in the Maldives, and as a shariah expert on the constitution of Iraq (2005–2006).


Prof Kamali is a member of the Global Expert Finder Network of the UN Alliance of Civilisations, Chairman of the CIMB Shariah Committee and Chairman of Shariah Board, Stanlib Corporation of South Africa.


He is the author of numerous books including Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence, Freedom of Expression in Islam, and Shariah Law: An Introduction.


On Monday 13 July, Prof Kamali will be delivering the keynote address at a symposium on ‘Shariah: A View from the Higher Objectives’ organised by the Griffith Islamic Research Unit. The symposium will take place in the Conference Room, Level 5, Social Science Building (M10), Griffith University (Mt Gravatt campus) from 9.00am to 3.30pm.


Seats are very limited and booking is essential. Contact Ms Gillian Warry on 3735 5821 or email g.warry@griffith.edu.au.


On Monday evening, 13 July, the Muslim Business Network and the Griffith Islamic Research Unit will be hosting a dinner at which Prof Kamali will give the main address. Enjoy an intellectually stimulating discussion over a superb three course meal (100% halal). Details as follows:


Date: Monday 13 July

Time: 6pm (for 6:15 start)

Venue: Function room, Runcorn Tavern, 124 Gowan Rd, Runcorn

Tickets: $35 per person

Contact: Jaaved Khatree 0402 779 425 or Halim Rane 0422 349 785


Ethnic names hinder job seeking: report


A new study has found job seekers with ethnic names are less likely to be considered for positions than those with Anglo-Saxon names.

Researchers at the Australian National University sent out more than 4,000 fake applications to employers, all containing the same qualifications but different names.

They found those with Anglo-Saxon names received more calls than those with Indigenous, Chinese, Middle Eastern or Italian names.

ANU economist Professor Andrew Leigh says it is not clear whether employers were being deliberately racist.

"It could be that a very small share of employers are behaving very badly," he said.

"Or possibly, a large share of employers are just subconsciously making the mistake of choosing the less qualified Anglo candidate over the more qualified Chinese candidate."

The Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI) has rejected the research findings.

ACCI director of economic policy Greg Evans denies employers are racist.

"We think its an unfair and misleading characterisation of Australian business," he said.

"Australian business actually values diversity amongst its workforce. and if you look at this is an elaborate experiment but unfortunately its disproven in reality."




In Australia, job seekers with ethnic names find it much harder to get a job than those with Anglo-Saxon names, according to a new academic study into job discrimination.

"Job applicants find it easier to get an interview if they have an Anglo-Saxon name," concluded the experiment study conducted by the Australian National University.

Researchers sent 4000 fake resumes using Chinese, Middle Eastern, Italian, indigenous and Anglo-Saxon ethnically distinct names, responding to online jobs ads in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane.

"By varying the names on the CVs, we were able to estimate precisely the extent of hiring discrimination," says economist Andrew Leigh, one of the study authors.

The study found employers much more likely to offer a job interview to applicants with Anglo Saxon names than those with foreign names or names referring to ethnic minorities.

"Because all other characteristics are held constant, we can be sure that we are really measuring discrimination."

The results showed a Chinese and a Middle Eastern must submit 68 and 64 percent more applications than an applicant with an Anglo-Saxon name to get the same number of interviews.

International reports have warned that racism is rife in all walks of life in Australia, a country where one quarter of the population was born overseas.

A hard-hitting report by the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission in 2007 found that racism became a part of all Australia's major sports and was "prevalent" among professionals, coaches, spectators and fans.

The UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination said in its 2005 that acts and incitement of racial hatred exists in most Australian States.

Sorry Ali, Hi Hannah

The study cited the story of Ragda Ali as a clear case of employers' prejudice.

"I applied for many junior positions where no experience in sales was needed – even though I had worked for two years as a junior sales clerk," said the Sydney resident.

After applying for every job she can find and getting no reply, Ali suspected that her distinctively Middle Eastern name may be the problem.

"I didn’t receive any calls so I decided to legally change my name to Gabriella Hannah," she recalled.

Expectedly, the job road for the new Ms. Hannah was much easier.

"I applied for the same jobs and got a call 30 minutes later."

The researchers further expanded their experiment to find out whether the kind of discrimination in the job market was found in the general population.

"In one experiment, we mailed letters to several thousand households, to see whether they returned them or put them in the bin," said Professor Leigh.

"We found that letters were slightly less likely to be returned if they were addressed to non-Anglo people."

The study concluded that the old maxim hailing Australia for its ability to absorb new migrants into its social fabric may be nothing more than a myth.

"The Australian melting pot may not be so successful after all."



Read the full report

End of MYServices


The MYServices two-year Muslim Youth & Community Development Project is concluding at the end of this month.


To celebrate its journey, MYServices is holding a brief presentation on the Project and if you would like to be a learn about the fine work carried out by them over the past years then RSVP to info@myservices.net.au or 0402 529 395.


Date: Monday, 29th June 2009

Time: 5.30-6.30pm

Place: Sovoboda Park Community Hall, Cnr Stiller Drv & Beenleigh Road


Refreshments will be provided.


At the Movies with CCN


Review by Des Partridge (Courier Mail)


THE film version of J. M. Coetzee's Booker Prize-winner has been handled with care and sensitivity by Australian screenwriter Anna-Maria Monticelli.

It's a film with the intelligence and insight demanded to faithfully move the widely read novel to the screen.

Near-flawless casting through the film ensures it will be recalled as one of the year's outstanding dramas from Australia, or anywhere.

The one-line synopsis - "Set in Cape Town, a twice-divorced literature professor retreats to his daughter's farm after having an impulsive affair with a student" - doesn't hint at the depth of the drama or the grandeur of Jacobs' filmmaking (shot on stunning locations in South Africa, with one interior restaurant scene filmed in Sydney).

American chameleon John Malkovich plays Professor David Lurie, a twice-divorced sensualist and Byron fan. When his weekly trysts with a prostitute end suddenly, he seduces a mixed-race student, Melanie (Antoinette Engel). As knowledge of this affair becomes widespread, Lurie's called to front a university committee hearing into his indiscretion.

The proud academic doesn't barter for his professional life, and admits his guilt.

Resigning, he heads to the mountainous Eastern Cape district to visit his lesbian daughter, Lucy (Jessica Haines, so good it's hard to believe this is her first film).

South Africa's decades of sanctioned apartheid have ended and Lucy, who sells her produce at a local farmers' market, has set up a co-operative with an African farmer, Petrus (Eriq Ebouaney) who is building a house on the farm.

Petrus is curiously missing on a day when three young black men turn up, claiming they need to use a telephone.

They launch a violent assault during which Lucy is raped (off-screen), and her father is beaten and doused in methylated spirits before being set alight.

The assaults, and Lucy's refusal to involve police in bringing her attackers to justice, cause Lurie to examine his own life, the racism that's been part of him, and to accept sacrifices have to be made to survive in the new South Africa.

The novel's ending has been adapted to provide a powerful metaphor for black and white living together without divisions.

The spot-on casting flows even into small roles in the film, such as Australian actor Fiona Press as the animal welfare worker Bev Shaw whose agency puts down dogs.

Australian cinematographer Steve Arnold fills the widescreen handsomely, and even achieves dramatic shots when the actors aren't in close up.

Watch the trailer


The CCN Musical Interlude


 Yusuf - The Rain


About Speed Intros

by Zuleka Latif


Speed Intros for Muslims.....it's really a brief introduction of yourself to others, whereby you may meet a potential marriage partner or at least make new friends.


This event is planned to help bring together the many Muslim brothers and sisters of all communities who are interested in marriage partners.


It's a proven concept in London and I believe in other countries as well.


As it is a new here, it has probably made many people nervous, and understandably so.


However, this event will be kept very informal and friendly and everyone who will attend, will attend with the same purpose in mind.


Also complete confidentiality is assured
What it involves is a few minutes "chat" across a table, and if any interest is sparked then it can be taken further by either participants or through me.
Imam Tariq has endorsed this event and has offered his full support as he has also helped in the one in London.


Parents and community leaders have also encouraged it, confirming the need here to bring together all the Muslim communities
People interested should apply as soon as possible as numbers need to be confirmed

E-mail muslimintros@hotmail.com for application forms or call me Julu on 0400142786



Muslim Speed Intros in the UK 


Maradona's Mates Updates

by Ismail Essof 


For the purpose of this report and the ones that will follow over the season, the terms: Maradona’s Mates, the Saints and Sunnybank will be used interchangeably when reference is made to the team.

Last week, due to unforeseen circumstances the write up for Maradona’s mates did not reach the CCN headquarters. This week’s write up will include a double dose…

Saturday 13th June 2009
Sunnybank Saints aka Maradona’s Mates v North Pine Mavericks
Venue: Calamvale College. Kick off – 3pm
Result: 2-1 to the Mavericks

A convincing 7-1 win two weeks before, coupled with a week’s break of football due to the long weekend, meant the boys at Maradona’s Mate’s were eager to get back onto the soccer field. The game started off well for the boys, dominating possession and creating several opportunities in front of goals. The only thing missing were the finishing touches. Five minutes before the interval the goal finally came courtesy of a Nawaaz Malik tap in.

The second half started off brightly for the lads, still holding the lion’s share of possession. However, with a one nil score line the game was still in the balance. Fifteen minutes from time, the away team grabbed an equalizer against the run of play after a defensive mix up. Five minutes later, disaster struck, after a North Pine cross from the sidelines found its way into the back of the goals. With the final whistle, the score line read 2-1 to North Pine, and a shattered Sunnybank team could only lament on what might have been had they only taken their chances. A loss in concentration and a failure to kill off the game resulted in the Saints downfall that day.

Saturday 20th June 2009
Sunnybank Saints aka Maradona’s Mates v North Pine Kalangaroos
Venue: Calamvale College. Kick off – 1pm
Result: 1-0 to the Saints

With last week’s disappointment behind them, Maradona’s Mates shifted their attention to a clash with top of the table; North Pine Kalangaroos. The Kalangaroos (Roos) only previous loss in 9 games came at the hands of the Saints and this promised to be an interesting game of football. A win was vital for the Saints, in a bid to keep with the title race.

The game began with the Roos on the offensive and taking the game to Sunnybank. Sunnybank stood firm in this opening onslaught and slowly began to find their feet in the game. With a makeshift defensive line up due to injuries, there was always a little concern for the team with every attack that was thrown at them. Despite this, the defense held firm and both sides went into the half time break at nil all.

The second half was a more even contest, with the Saints showing more aggression and playing better football. The Roos continued to press forward but some strong defensive work ably aided by a tireless midfield and some brilliant goalkeeping, kept the Saints in the game. In the 60th minute, a slick interchange of passes presented Kamal Hassan (Maradona’s Mates) with a good opportunity in front of goals. His curling shot went agonizingly wide. Ten minutes later though, Kamal made no mistake when he found the back of the net, after a training ground routine paid dividends for the boys. The Roos had one last attempt on goals in the closing stages which was effectively dealt with by the Saints, who have now recorded the double over the league leaders.

Next week the team travels to John Oxley to face second placed Lifehouse. After today’s result, next week promises to be a blockbuster.

Following on from a fantastic team performance, mention of one outstanding player would not do justice to the performances of the team as a whole.



The line up of the team that produced a great performance reads: Imran Danka (gk), Azahar Omar, Mohammad Raja; Arshad Hatia;  Ismail Essof, Riaz Essof; Nawaaz Malik; Muhammad Sabdia; Ziyaad Hassan; Musa Goder; Kamal Hassan; Yaseen Saffruddin; Yusuf Hatia
(click on thumbnail image on left)

The CCN Inbox


Assalamualaikum Editor,

MashaAllah. Alhamdulillah. Congratulations! Last week's CCN (CCN240) was so far the best issue of the newsletter I've read.


Keep up the fabulous work.


May Allah guides us all with His Love & Light. Ameen.

Sister Abduyah Ya'akub, PhD

Around the Muslim World with CCN


H1N1 flu epidemic threatens Muslim pilgrimage

The hajj might be canceled due to fears over the spread of the H1N1 virus.

While the World Health Organization (WHO) discusses whether to increase precautions over the H1N1 virus, also known as swine flu, the illness has led to another discussion for Muslims: The hajj, the pilgrimage to the Islamic holy city of Mecca, might be canceled this year due to fears over the spread of the virus.


The WHO may want organized events that are attended by large numbers of people to be canceled as a precaution against swine flu. The events include international fairs, panel discussions and conferences as well as the Muslim hajj and umrah. The Turkish Ministry of Health has also confirmed that the hajj, which will take place in October this year, and umrah, a form of pilgrimage from Mecca to Medina, may be canceled this year.

"I don't know what this would mean from a theological point of view, but it is possible that the pilgrimage might be canceled this year, or at least some restrictions introduced," Undersecretary of Health Turan Buzgan said yesterday.


Read the rest....



French women may face ban on head-to-toe Islamic dress

Veiled women demonstrating in Paris in 2004 against the law banning the covering of heads in state schools

France could bar Muslim women from wearing full veils in public, a government minister said yesterday as parliament took action over concerns about an increase in women who are wearing the niqab and burka in big cities.

The latest controversy over dress habits among France’s six million Muslims follows public differences this month between Presidents Obama and Sarkozy over the merits of legislating on religious clothing.

A group of 58 MPs from the Left and Right called on Wednesday for parliament to react to the phenomenon of women who are adopting what they called oppressive head-to-toe Islamic dress that “breaches individual freedoms”.

Luc Chatel, the Industry Minister and government spokesman, supported the MPs. “If it were determined that wearing the burka is a submissive act, and that it is contrary to republican principles, naturally parliament would have to draw the necessary conclusions,” he said

Read the rest....



Muslim waitress awarded £3,000 for being made to wear low-cut dress

A Muslim waitress has been awarded a £3,000 pay out for sexual harassment after being made to wear a revealing red dress for work.

Fata Lemes, 33, quit her job after claiming that the low-cut dress was “disgusting” and made her look like a “prostitute”.

Miss Lemes, a Bosnian Muslim, had told an employment tribunal that she “might as well have been naked” in the dress.

“I was brought up a Muslim and am not used to wearing sexually attractive clothes,” she said.

Read the rest....



Muslim mother banned from parents' evening

A MUSLIM mother was banned from her son’s parents' evening because she was wearing a veil.

The 32-year-old was told she could not enter the school hall wearing her niquab on Tuesday evening for security reasons.

Our Lady and St John Catholic Art College in Blackburn say it is school policy for visitors faces to be visible at all time.

Police were called after the woman, who has asked not to be identified and is a former pupil at the school, refused to leave or remove the veil and she eventually walked away in tears.

She told the Daily Mail: “'I don't like going to the school any more because I leave crying.

“I can understand that people should be identified but I am just a normal person, trying to lead a normal life.

"Why should how I dress make a difference?"

Read the rest....



Mother dressed in 'burka' denied French citizenship

A Muslim member of the French Government has attacked the head-to-toe Islamic dress as a prison, applauding a court decision to deny citizenship to a Moroccan woman who wore it.

“The burka is a prison, a strait-jacket,” Fadela Amara, the Minister for Urban Affairs and a longstanding women's rights campaigner, said yesterday. “It is not religious. It is the insignia of a totalitarian political project for sexual inequality.”

The court decision denying Faiza Mabchour, 32, French citizenship has drawn approval from both Left and Right, highlighting a rejection of Muslim customs that conflict with the values of the secular French republic.

“The affair of the burka”, as it has become known, began in late June when the Council of State, the highest civil court, endorsed a decision to refuse nationality to Ms Mabchour because her practices conflicted with French society and especially sexual equality.

Read the rest....



The Muslim World 



CCN Reader's Discussion Forum


Have your say on www.ccnforum.ning.com



CCN Readers' Book Club: You are what you read!


This week





J. M. Coetzee


See movie review above


Would you like to see the cover of your favourite book on our book shelves below?

Then simply email the title and author to thebookclub@crescentsofbrisbane.org


Double click a book cover to find out what others think of the book


CCN has set up an online Book Club at Shelfari to connect with CCN book readers at:


Using the book club you can see what books fellow CCN readers have on their shelves, what they are reading and even what they, and others, think of them.

The CCN Readers' Book Club

KB's Culinary Corner


   Vegetable Bake

• Gem squash
• Sweet potato
• Butternut
• Corn on cob
• Carrots
• Potatoes
• Brussels Sprouts

Wash and cut veggies and microwave individually until soft.

• 1 tin cream-style corn
• 250 ml fresh cream
• 2 teaspoons brown sugar
• 1 oz butter (melted)
• Handful of grated cheese
• 1 teaspoon ground green chillies
• 1 teaspoon garlic flakes
• 1 teaspoon black pepper
• Salt to taste

1. Mix together and pour over veggies
2. Top with grated cheese
3. Bake in oven at 180degrees for 15 mins.
4. Serve hot.

Do you have a recipe to share with CCN readers?
Send in your favourite recipe to ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org and be our "guest chef" for the week.


The CCN Chuckle


Mula Nasruddin receives a call from his Credit Card Company,


"Sir, we have detected an unusual pattern of spending on your card, and we are calling to see if everything is alright."

"Yes," replied Mula Nasruddin. "My card was stolen over a month ago."

"Why didn’t you report your card as stolen?" asked the card company representative.


Mula Nasruddin replied, "Well, whoever stole my card is spending a lot less than my wife!"

Notice Board


Click on image to enlarge


Sounds of Light

Pakistan Crisis Dinner

World Refugee Day

USQ Islamic Centre Open Day

Islamophobia Conference

Speed Intros

Course: Road to Recovery

Parenting Workshop

Unity Cup Indoor Soccer Tournament

Romeo & Juliet

butter chickened!

MBN Careers & Employment


Golf Weekend



Islamic Classes for Teenagers

AMAL Muslim Helpline

Achieving Wellness


The CCN Date Claimer







(Click on link)





27 June


Parenting Workshop (1st of three)


Rochedale Mosque, 2674 Logan Rd.

0430 511 637


28 June


World Refugee Day Festival

Multicultural Development Assn

Annerley Soccer Grounds

333 7 5400

All day

1 July


Careers & Employment Issues

Muslim Business Network

Runcorn Tavern

0411 625 462


19 July



Lailatul Me'raj

10 July


Sounds of Light Concert 2009

Human Appeal International

QPAC, Southbank

1300 760 155


13 July


Symposium: Prof. Kamali - ‘Shariah: A View from the Higher Objectives’


Function Room, Runcorn Tavern, 124 Gowan Rd, Runcorn

0422 349 785


17 July


Speed Intros for Muslims

Julu Latif

Sebel Citigate Hotel, Brisbane

0400 142 786


19-21 July


National Social Cohesion Symposium & Conference: Challenging Islamophobia

Affinity Intercultural Foundation

Auditorium, Law Building, Sydney University

0400 142 786

see details

24-25 July

Fri & Sat

Romeo & Juliet: butter chickened!

NS Charity

Schonell Theatre, University of Queensland

0450 769 803

10.30am to 3pm

25 July


USQ Islamic Centre Open Day

Islamic Soc. of Toowoomba & USQ Multicultural Centre

USQ Islamic Centre, TOOWOOMBA

3735 7051

10am to 3pm

26 July


Mini Tennis Tournament

Shabir Elias

Griffith University, Mt Gravatt Campus

0415 467 868


6 August



Lailatul Baraat

9 August


Unity Cup Soccer Tournament

Queensland Muslims

Acacia Ridge Futsal Centre

0412 786 168


22 August



Start of Ramadhan

16 September



Lailatul Qadr

19 September



End of Ramadhan

20 September




26 September



Eidfest Committee

Mt Gravatt Showgrounds

0418 722 353

All day

27 September


MBN Eid Dinner

Muslim Business Network

The Coffee Club, RNA Showground



3 October


QPS/EECQ Cup: 2009 Qld Multicultural football tournament



0438 114 619

9am to 5pm

3 October


Eid Dinner

Islamic Society of Darra

Darra Mosque, 219 Douglas St, Oxley

0418 757 157


4 October







0438 114 619

9am to 5pm

24 October


Breast Cancer Awareness

Crescents of Brisbane


0404 296 297


27 November




18 December



Islamic New Year

27 December



Day of Ashura


To claim your date for your event email ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org.




The ladies Taaleem programme this Thursday will be at the home of


Juleikha Masie

33 Gungurru Crescent



 All Ladies Welcome!

Sunnah Inspirations


Contact: 0408 270 421

University of Queensland,
323 Hawken Drive, St. Lucia


Every Monday

Event: Weekly Learning Circle: Sharh Riyad-us-Saliheen (An Explanation of 'Gardens of the Righteous'

Venue: Prayer Room, University of Queensland

Time: 6.45pm to 7.30pm


Every Friday

Subject: Fiqh Made Easy

Venue: Room E215 Building 1 (Forgan Smith), University of Queensland

Time: 7pm to 7.50pm

Every Friday

Subject: Tafseer al Qur'an (Explanation of the Qur'an)

Venue: Room E215 Building 1 (Forgan Smith), University of Queensland

Time: 8pm to 9pm


Sunnah Inspirations is a non-profit organisation to cater for Muslim social support and supplying information to Muslims and non-Muslims.  They have been doing various activities around Australia, and have organised Da'wah information stalls at various universities in Brisbane.  More info can be found on their website above.


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Useful Links


Crescents Community News (CCN) Readers' Forum

 Discussion Forum & Social Network for CCN Readers

Queensland Muslim Historical Society Inc.

Promoting the study and awareness of the rich history of the Muslims of Queensland

Young Muslims of Queensland

Social network for young Muslims of Brisbane

Sunnah Inspirations

Providing information about Islam - its beliefs, culture, practices, dispelling misconceptions

Kuraby Mosque

Holland Park Mosque


Provide young Muslim women in Queensland with support and opportunities to express themselves

Gold Coast Mosque

South African National Halaal Authority (SANHA)

Muslim Womens' Convert Support Group (MWCSG)

Network of Muslim women converts from the Brisbane and Gold Coast areas of Queensland.

Australian International Islamic College (Durack)

Eidfest 2009

Kotku Mosque - Dubbo NSW

Islamic Society of Algester


If you would like a link to your website email ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org.


Write For Us

The best ideas and the best feedback come from our community of readers. If you have a topic or opinion that you want to write about or want seen covered or any news item that you think might be of benefit to the Crescents Community please e-mail ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org.


Share your thoughts, feelings and ambitions for our community through CCN.


If there is someone you know who would like to subscribe to CCN please encourage them to send an e-mail to ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org with the words “Subscribe Me” in the subject line.


Articles and opinions appearing in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Crescents of Brisbane Team, CCN, its Editor or its Sponsors, particularly if they eventually turn out to be libelous, unfounded, objectionable, obnoxious, offensive, slanderous and/or downright distasteful.


It is the usual policy of CCN to include from time to time, notices of events that some readers may find interesting or relevant. Such notices are often posted as received. Including such messages or providing the details of such events does not necessarily imply endorsement of the contents of these events by either CCN or Crescents of Brisbane Inc.