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......a sometimes self-deprecating and occasional tongue-in-cheek look at ourselves and the world around us ......



Sunday, 23 August 2009




News you won't find on CNN!




Message from CCN

The month of Ramadan commenced yesterday with the sighting of the moon in Brisbane on Friday night.

This is a time when Muslims throughout the world remember those less fortunate than themselves and, in so doing, engender a sense of belonging to a greater community as they fast together and experience the pangs of hunger and thirst.


President Obama Gives Ramadan Message



Celebrating 250 issues of community reporting


CCN takes this opportunity on its 250th issue to thank our readers for their continued support and encouragement and especially to the many who contribute articles and photographs for publication.


Over the passed 5 years we have amassed a weekly readership of more than 2000 regular subscribers locally, nationally and internationally. CCN is also read as far abroad as the USA, UK, Japan and Sierra Leone to name but a few.


In the course of these years we have tried to be entertaining and informative while stimulating debate and highlighting issues of particular interest to Australian Muslims.


CCN has received a number of emails of congratulations and good wishes from readers and organizations and we entreat your indulgence for publishing a selection of them below:


Dear Editor


The weekly bulletin from CCN includes a good blend of local Queensland, National as well as international issues that interest Muslims.


The inclusion of humour, culinary delight, and exercise makes for a well rounded start to the week for most readers.


From the perspective of the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils, such initiatives as the weekly CCN bulletin and similar makes the Australian Muslims now much more savvy and able to articulate our interests more widely.


And now employing twitter and similar gives the ability to many more to engage with the greater Muslim community and having links to the web sites of different organisations is very inclusive.


From AFIC's perspective, we give full marks to the CCN team of dedicated volunteers and hope that they continue with this valuable work into the future so that in years to come we will celebrate 25 years and more of their bulletins.


To imagine that Mulla Nasruddin will be entertaining us and our future generations can only be a welcome relief to our fast lives.


Congratulations on reaching 250 issues and all the best for the next 25,000.


Ikebal Patel


Australian Federation of Islamic Councils (AFIC)


Dear Editor-in-Chief


CCN is a  wonderful independent publication that I always enjoy reading. 


I have to read, listen and watch a lot of media in this job and there is almost no other publication that I can say that about.


My office and I religiously (or should that be assiduously) read CCN each week. 


I find it a delicious mix of important news and views, debate, announcements, notices, community events, nutritional advice, gossip, and, most importantly, humour.


All of us are nourished, defined and confined by our roots.  And as a politician I am acutely aware of the constraints that come with my upbringing in the “white-bread” west of Queensland – particularly when it comes to representing one of the most multicultural electorates in Australia. 


Therefore, my weekly dose of CCN is invaluable in helping me keep in touch with the wonderful people on the south side who elected me.


Muslim Australia all too often has a spotlight put on it – usually by idiots, the ignorant, the uneducated or racists. 


I will always do my best to support and defend Australian Muslims – even those who do not live in the electorate of Moreton.  I will continue to do so– not only because I have been befriended and welcomed into the homes of many of your readership – but because it is the right thing to do!



Graham Perrett, MP

Ferderal Member for Moreton


P.S. Anybody who has heard me speak locally will know that CCN is the source of all my best (and cleanest Editor's insertion) jokes

Dear Editor


I have been an avid reader of CCN since I was introduced to this publication over a year ago.  The range of information it contains never ceases to amaze me.  There is something for everyone from current events, social gatherings, networking function, topics for debates,  announcement, health issues,  recipes, fashion,  advertisements,  and many more.


CCN plays a role in our culturally diverse society. 


For the many people who do not know or understand our fellow Australians who are from a Muslim background,  this publication will open your eyes to many things that they are  not aware of. 


Most of us tend to judge others from what we read in the newspapers or see on television. 


The information available from CCN may not be the sensational ones we are given by the media  but taken collectively they present a picture of a peaceful, happy, family and community oriented members of the Australian society. 


Having CCN is a very effective means of engaging with the community and CCN truly has earned its place in creating a harmonious society. 


Agnes M. Whiten OAM


Ethnic Communities Council of Queensland

Dear CCN


On behalf of the Muslim Business Network, I wish to congratulate you and all the others involved with CCN on the milestone of reaching the 250th issue of the CCN Newsletter.


CCN has played and continues to play a major role in keeping the Muslim community up to date with local, national and international news and events which are of interest to CCN's thousands of readers.


I wish to take this opportunity to thank CCN for its support of MBN and for attending and covering our events in CCN and wish you well for the future, Insha-Allah.


Ramadan Mubarak to you and all Muslim Brothers and Sisters who read and support CCN.




Shummis Rane & MBN Executive

Dear Editor

The success of good restaurants depends on the combination of several factors amongst which are a stirring menu, relaxed ambience, swift service, attention to detail, passion of the chef and consistency.

So what has a newsletter got to do with the restaurant?

The principles are the same and it comes as no surprise that the CCN news has reached its two hundred and fiftieth issue, Alhamdulillah!

Like the successful restaurant, CCN news continues to dish out a buffet of news bites to satisfy most palates week after week with attention to detail that keeps readers like me connected to the trial and tribulations of our Down Under families and friends.

Congratulation to CCN on reaching the milestone of this 250th issue. May Allah (SWT) accept the efforts and may the passion of the CCN Team continue burning brightly, Aameen

EBI Lockhat

South Africa

As salaam o’alaikum Dear CCN Team


I take this opportunity to express my humble opinion on this remarkable milestone of CCN reaching its 250th publication.


One can only imagine the time and effort involved in putting together a weekly “not to be missed” edition and all thanks and praise is to Allah swt for giving the CCN team the energy and drive to ensure that deadlines are met timeously.


On behalf of the Islamic Society of Gold Coast Inc I congratulate the CCN team on this fantastic achievement. 


Your weekly issues have given us a sense of belonging to the broader community of Muslims and it has been an excellent tool for us to promote the activities that take place in Gold Coast as well.


On a personal level, CCN has helped to fill a certain void in my life.  Back in South Africa  it was a regular habit to wait for the Sunday Tribune and the Sunday Times to be delivered and the rest of the morning was spent lying around reading the Sunday papers before heading off to the once famous Curries Fountain to see and support non racial football. 


Those were the days…….


Now it’s getting up and heading for the computer to get the latest issue of ………..CCN.


Well done and keep up the great work!!!!


Habib Jamal

Islamic Society of Gold Coast Inc.

Dear Editor

Congratulations to CCN on reaching your 250
th edition of an online resource which keeps the finger on the pulse of the issues relating to the Muslim community, both locally here in Queensland and more broadly at a national and international level.


CCN doesn’t just celebrate local successes and events (for which there are many), but also provides humorous and very informative articles along with facilitating debate on a range of issues that creates positive dialogue that at times also involves the wider community.


As the member of the Queensland Parliament with a large constitute from the Islamic faith, I know first hand the wonderful social, cultural and economic contributions that the Muslim community has provided to Queensland society over many years.


May I wish CCN all the very best for the many years ahead in what is an excellent online publication.



Stephen Robertson MP
Member for Stretton

Minister for Natural Resources, Mines & Energy and Minister for Trade

Congratulations on your 250th edition OF CCN, well done! What a great achievement!


I eagerly await the transmission of the CCN newsletter each Sunday morning.  From it I can read about the achievements of members of the local Muslim community, find information about upcoming events within our community, have a chuckle over the latest comic strip, and find the latest cooking recipe and health hints.  Also I can read the news from around the Muslim world and find out about good books to read.


CCN is easy to read and is always on time. The CCN Team is to be congratulated on the end product and thanked for the many hours employed in producing this informative and appealing newsletter.


The CCN has played a vital role in informing the community of the formation of and work of the Queensland Muslim Welfare Association Inc. It has helped us appeal to the community for donation of goods to stock our shop and to help furnish the homes of those who were in urgent need. It has also informed the community of our success in acting when we were called upon.


CCN is a vital link for Muslims to contact and inform, appeal to and respond to  each other.


The committee and welfare recipients of the Queensland Muslim Welfare Association Inc. offer congratulations on the 250th edition and extend our sincere thanks for the time taken to include our segment in your newsletter, which has been at no cost to our organisation, yet it has reaped rewards for those in need and those who have donated goods.


Janeth Deen (President QMWA Inc)

"The CCN is like a good cup of coffee... every time I read the new issue I get energized!"

Also, on behalf of Sunnah Inspirations, I would like to sincerely thank you for your assistance and cooperation in advertising the various events organised by Sunnah Inspirations.

Best wishes to the whole CCN team,

Ismail Mohamed

As Salaam Alaikom from Cape Town


We enjoyed the latest issue of CCN .


Mubarak on your 250th issue and  Insha Allah may you go from strength to strength with your objective and informative publications.


Ramadan Mubarak to all and may The Almighty Allah satisfy all your hearts desires Insha Allah.


Abubaker and Noorjaha Amien


If you talk to the Muslims of the other Australian states on the topic of  services for the Muslim community, they might express a sense of envy (in the good sense) because we might be a little ahead of the rest.


May Allah assist your efforts

Umar Batchelor

Federation of Australian Muslim Students and Youth (FAMSY)

Dear CCN


Ramadan mubarak to all - 500 coming up soon - keep up the great work.



Nazir Choonara

Manchester, UK

Dear Editor


On behalf of Multicultural Affairs Queensland, I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate CCN on the wonderful achievement in reaching the 250th edition.


CCN has proved to be both very informative and interesting in the diversity of issues and events covered which also highlights the positive contribution that Queensland’s Muslim community has made to the social and cultural fabric of our society here in Queensland.


Kind Regards

Garry Page
Executive Director
Multicultural Affairs Queensland
Department of Communities


Dear CCN Team


Alhamdolillah, you have reached a significant milestone of the 250th. Edition.

The CCN is a very informative newsletter, coming out weekly, and providing for the much anticipated Sunday morning ritual.

The content is diverse, catering for every taste, for every age bracket, and for those wishing to gain a better insight into the
Muslim Community of Brisbane

The wide variety of subjects, the entertainment, the current affairs, and the community news, are all widely researched and printed for community needs.

The CCN has filled a void that has lingered within the local Muslim community.

I know for a fact that it is widely read out there in the general community, by Muslims, and by well wishers of the Muslim community.


I pray to Almighty Allah SWT, to continue to help you to produce such a newsletter, for all to enjoy.
Hj. Sultan M. Deen

Dear CCN


With our Theological Director, Moulana Navlakhi having visited you and the number of enquiries received from the SANHA link published on your newsletter weekly, we are a witness to your crusade in nurturing good community relations.


That the CCN newsletter has been delivered to several thousand computers every week without a break for two hundred and fifty weeks is testimony to this.


We offer our duas for the continuing success of the CCN for years to come, Aameen.


South African National Halaal Authority

Assalaamu alaykum

On behalf of the Lions Club of Kuraby I wish to congratulate CNN on the significant milestone in reaching the 250th edition, a wonderful display of commitment by providing a source of information and entertainment to the community via your weekly newsletter.


CCN is viewed with great interest among members of the local community, not least for the coverage of events and projects that assist others less fortunate.

May I also take this opportunity to wish all your Muslim readers a rewarding and spiritually fulfilling month in this the holy month of Ramadan, inshallah.


David Forde
Lions Club of Kuraby

To the CCN Team


The AMARAH team would like to wish all CCN volunteers and readers Ramadhan Mubarak.


We would also like to take this opportunity to congratulate CCN on reaching its 250th issue.


As Queensland’s only weekly newsletter, CCN is such an important resource for our community.


Indeed, many of us cannot imagine a Sunday without CCN in our inbox. Where else would we get our news about what is happening in the Muslim community (local, national and international) written in such a witty and insightful manner?

The AMARAH team would especially like to thank CCN for the support it has shown to our organisation in promoting and supporting our events and causes. We are able to reach many more in the Muslim and the wider communities because of your existence!


Again, congratulations CCN on reaching this impressive milestone, and we look forward to reading the 500th issue!


Nora Amath


Dear CCN


On behalf of Alnisa Youth Group Inc, we would like to congratulate CCN on its tremendous achievement to date.


Mash'Allah CCN has assisted Al-Nisa Youth Group by allowing us to advertise all our events as well as any articles we have wanted to publish to the wider community.

We would like to thank CCN for its support over the years, and would not have been able to be as successful without your help via a means for us to advertise to the wider community.


May Allah SWT reward those who are behind the scenes of CCN.. we all look forward to our Sunday dose of the newsletter and to see what is happening in our community.

Again, thank you for everything, and we look forward to many more newsletters to come Insh'Allah.

Ramadan Mubarak to you all :)

Aliyah Deen
Alnisa Youth Group Inc.

Dear Editor,



Ramadan Kareem to you and your readers. 

I have been regularly receiving, and reading, your publication on Sundays. Thank you very much for sending me the publication with many valuable information, particularly issues related to the Muslim community, in and around Brisbane, which is often ignored by mainstream media.


Your publications keeps the readers abreast on the latest happenings in the community and various events that impacts on us.


I didn't agree on everything you published, but I communicated to you when I had any different opinion on some the contents of the publication. You treated them very professionally.


The community event calendar and forecasted dates for Islamic calendar have been useful to many readers.


I thank you and your team for including some stories from the Islamic Society of Toowoomba Inc and about my professional activities.  I could imagine how much time and efforts it take to maintain a regular commitment of this nature.


You have done, and I believe you will continue to do so, if not better.


I wish you and your publication a bright future.

Shahjahan Khan, PhD

President, Islamic Countries Society of Statistical Sciences
Department of Mathematics & Computin
University of Southern Queensland



Making the most of the month of Ramadan (Week 2)


Iqbal Lambat has compiled a series of articles to assist CCN readers with maximizing their benefits during the month of Ramadan.


The second in the series of articles summarizes accepted practice on fasting as codified by the Quran and Ahadith and interpreted/analysed by leading Islamic scholars and academics across the globe. The articles contain basic practical advice on all aspects on fasting.


The articles are arranged as follows:

·         Introduction – provides a classical outline of Quran and Ahadith pronouncements on fasting and the benefits/rewards for those who fast

·         Who should fast and who is exempt from fasting – provides practical guidance for those exempt from fasting – travellers, ill persons and menstruating women

·         How to commence and break a fast – contains advice on the conduct, content and timing of your intention to fast (niyyat), suhur (sehri) and iftar

·         What breaks a fast – provides practical guidance supported by classical references to the Quran and Ahadith and leading global scholars on the circumstances that either break or do not break a fast

·         Sexual relations in Ramadan – dispels a number of myths on what acts can and cannot be performed in Ramadan. Contains coverage on sexual acts, wet dreams and interpretation of the Prophet’s (PBUH) comments on kissing and cuddling your spouse.

·         What to do when fasts are broken or missed – outlines the rules pertaining to those who deliberately break a fast and those who are exempt from fasting

·         Miscellaneous provisions – covers the contentious topic of whether studying/working can gain exemption from fasting


Next Week 3: Zakat part 1 – the laws of zakat


Previous Week 1: Ramadan the month – what to do, what to pray and how to welcome Ramadan


Australian Ramadhan QUIZ 1430



Just answer 60 Questions correctly to be the Quizmaster of 1430.

1st Prize – brand new laptop & 10 Volume English translation of Tafseer ibn Katheer.
2nd prize –10 Vol. English translation of Tafseer ibn Katheer & 9 Vol. English translation of Sahih Bukhari
3rd prize – 10 Volume English Translation of Tafseer ibn Katheer.

* Quiz is open to all Australians.
* 1 entry from each address only.
* Total of 60 questions only
* All questions will be released on Monday August 24.

Quiz will cover Quran, Sunnah, Biography and History.

Answers can be submitted between the 7th – 13th of September. No answers will be accepted after 13th September.
* All answers must be submitted in one submission. Multiple submissions will be rejected.
* To qualify for prize please ensure that all questions are answered.

Start date – 24th August, 2009; End date 13th September, 2009


Queensland Muslims

We need a Bill of Rights


Muslim Leader Decries Erosion of Religious Liberties in Australia, calls for Charter of Rights


Dr Ameer Ali says government must pass a Charter of Rights to protect religious freedom

Dr Ameer Ali, former head of the Howard Government’s Muslim advisory group and a leading Islamic scholar, has called upon the Federal Government to pass a strong Charter (or Bill) of Rights to thwart real threats to religious freedom in Australia. Speaking to organisers of a forthcoming conference on the subject of a Charter of Rights, Dr Ali said such a charter was essential not only to save religious groups from vilification but also to strengthen our democracy.

“Muslims and members of other faiths are seeing their liberties corralled and restricted,” said Dr Ali. “For example, the freedom that religious schools have to choose their teachers on the basis of their adherence to a particular faith is under severe threat.”

Dr Ali, who is a visiting fellow at Murdoch University Business School and former president of the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils, said Australia is suffering because it does not have a Charter of Rights that clearly sets out individuals’ rights as well as obligations.



Halal Maps







Looking for a Mosque or mussalla in some part of the world or an Islamic school, a halal restaurant or butcher, or even an international grocer then www.halalmaps.com might be just the place to find it.


You can also add your own link to the map.

Art Exhibition


The ARC 'Across the Gulf Exhibition' open on the 4th of September. The Exhibition runs from the 5th till the 27th of September, as part of the Brisbane Arc Biennial 09.

There is a forum at 10:00am the 5th of September, where international guests will be speaking about their personal art practice and the project.

There are group tours running from the 5th till the 27th twice a day starting at 1:00-2:00pm and 4:00-5:00pm and evening tours twice a week from 5:30-6:30.


Tours outside of gallery hours can be arranged on request.

Gallery times are 12:30-6:30pm.

RSVP to mariam@artworkers.org


Ifthars and community engagement

AFIC Media release


During the holy month of Ramadan, Fast Break Dinners (Iftars) will be organized through out Australia by many Muslim families, Islamic
organisations, Islamic Schools, mosques, members of the Diplomatic missions and different Government organisations, Universities and
Interfaith bodies.

The President of the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils, Mr Ikebal Patel encourages the Australian non Muslim community to attend and take active part in these Iftars and share in the spirit of Ramadan with our fellow Australians who are Muslims. And similarly, Mr Patel urges the Australian Muslims to be much more welcoming during this years Ramadan by opening their homes so that the experience of Ramadan Iftar can be shared as widely as possible.

These events can also be used as a forum for Muslim leaders to inform the guests from the wider community of the religious beliefs and practices of Islam. "The Iftar dinner will also be an opportunity to renew old friendships and to make new acquaintances." said Mr Patel

Mr Patel added that the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils encourages the Muslim Community to use the month of Ramadan to actively show case one of the pillars of Islam thorough acts of charity, sharing and caring within the community: "We believe that these strong relationships will be of mutual benefit to all Australians and together we will be able to set the foundations of a truly harmonious nation that exemplifies the term 'pluralistic society'".


AFIC Ramadan Message


Citizenship Ceremony


The Mayor of Brisbane, Campbell Newman, invited representative of the Muslim Business Network to a Citizenship ceremony held during the week at the City Hall.


If you're not quiet sure which one in the photo is The Right Honourable The Lord Mayor of Brisbane, he's the one on the left of the picture. MBN executive member, Mr Farouk Adam, is on the right.

Taraweh in the USA

By Laura El Alam, IFN Columnist

Please wear proper safety equipment upon entering the masjid


Imagine this scenario: There is a group of young children. Many of them have not eaten anything all day; however, one hour ago, they bolted down two chicken kebabs and a few tablespoons of rice, chased by three cans of Coke, two syrup-soaked ethnic pastries and eight miniature Snickers. Right around their regularly scheduled bedtime, these sugar-saturated children have been herded into a huge hall with about 100 other youngsters.

There is little to no adult supervision, because all the grown-ups are too busy. What would you call this situation? Chaos? Madness?

Go ahead and call it by its name: Taraweeh prayers at the local masjid.

I have heard brothers and sisters from nearly every masjid complain about the same issues during Ramadan.
Our taraweeh prayers are continuously disturbed by uncontrolled children running amok.

Even the mosques that are organized and generous enough to offer babysitting seem to be thwarted somehow by unsupervised children who weave in and out of rows of praying people, cavort in dark parking lots, scream, squirm, squeal and crash into prostrating people with their Razor Scooters.

That last example is, unfortunately, not a figment of my imagination.

Apparently, Razor Scooters were last year’s must-have accessory for children attending taraweeh prayers in the outdoor musallah of a local masjid.

Perhaps this year their parents will let them bring badminton equipment, a trampoline, or maybe a few Frisbees for their enjoyment. After all, we wouldn’t want our children to get bored during prayer.

In fact, I can see that many parents are bored with those “annoying” suggestions that everyone keeps making during Ramadan, like having spouses take turns praying at the masjid so their children can get a good night’s sleep.

Or the crazy idea of keeping our children right next to us during prayer – clearly impossible. And to suggest that someone break their prayer or even – gasp! – leave the masjid and pray at home when their children get out of hand?! No way!

The people have spoken, and they are clearly saying, “Let the masjid volunteers skip their sunnah prayers and attempt to supervise our children all night long so we can rack up our rewards!”

Given the prevailing laissez-faire attitude toward parenting during taraweeh prayers, I feel compelled to suggest the following ideas for Ramadan this year:

1. Each mosque can set up a giant inflatable bouncer right in the middle of the prayer hall. Anyone who wants to pray taraweeh can squeeze in around the bouncer and do his/her best to hear the Qur’an over the loudspeaker. The mosques can start advertising these events as “Taraweeh Fun Nights.”

2. At the entrance of the masjid, volunteers will hand out helmets and pads for adults to wear during prayer. That way, when we get trampled by children or crashed by Razor Scooters, it will not hurt quite as much.

3. Children will all be equipped with glow-in-the-dark wristbands so that when their parents let them play unsupervised in the dark parking lots and streets near the masjid, they are slightly less likely to be hit by a car.

4. Each masjid can provide a cordoned-off area especially for cell phone and Blackberry use, right in the middle of the prayer hall. Clearly, our technologically-advanced brothers and sisters need a place where they can simultaneously text and pray.

5. Cozy coffee and tea lounges will be established near the prayer hall so that parents who like to chat and relax will not be disturbed by the sounds of their children screaming in the lobby or, worse yet, by the worshippers.

With implementations like these, taraweeh prayers are bound to be more exciting, user-friendly, indulgent and entertaining. They might end up being so much fun that we’ll all forget why we’re in the masjid in the first place.

Or have we forgotten that already?

InFocus News

PNG's Muslim Community




AFIC President, Ikebal Patel, recently returned from a visit to Papua New Guinea where he met with the young and growing local Muslim community.


"AFIC acknowledges the hard work and dedication displayed by the local PNG Muslim community to further their knowledge and practise of Islam."


"Their enthusiasm is impressive and it remains our duty to assist this young Muslim community in all respects to achieve their full potential as an exemplary Muslim community."





From the QMWA Desk.........


The Queensland Muslim Welfare Association Inc. wishes all its supporters and donors Ramadhan Mabarak.

We thank you for all the support in making the welfare shop a successful enterprise in that it is capable to respond instantly to give support to the needy who enter our store. May Allah grant you all your wishes and forgive any wrongdoing. We will offer duas for all our supporters during this holy month and beyond.

We are happy to report another success story from our welfare shop.


Our Pakistani brother who was retrenched from his job whilst on a 457 visa, has met with a firm in Toowoomba who have offered him a permanent contract.


This will allow him to remain in Australia once the sponsorship is approved and he has applied for permanent residency.


It was fortunate that this brother remained in Australia in spite of not being permitted to do any paid work, and that our welfare funds could help support him while he was in such a vulnerable position, as the Australian government cancelled entry on trade visas in July.


There is nothing more frightening to be stranded in a foreign country with a wife and three children through no fault of your own.


Our brother wishes to thank the Muslim community for your contributions which helped him in his time of need.


He and his family will offer duas for you all.


The QMWA Team

Social - Hectic being a mother & wife in Ramadaan! 


Question: I am a Muslim mother of 5 children aged between 2 & 15 years. Ordinarily it is a hectic task to tend to their upbringing and ensure that all their needs are looked after including my husband.

In Ramadaan the pressure heightens to such a degree that I sometimes wonder whether I will cope.


At times it becomes very difficult to exert oneself in ibadah and also to perform the 20 rakaats taraweeh at night. Every mum like me will know what I am talking about. However, I do it for my family and the pleasure of Allah.


I feel as women we miss out on many of the benefits of Ramadan due to our household chores. Please advise me on how I could spend Ramadaan in a way that I will be achieve the objectives of Ramadaan with fulfilling my household duties. I am very grateful .

Answer: Darul Ihsan Islamic Services Centre (South Africa)


Digital Qur'an for Downloading


The Audio Islam website provides access to High Quality Downloadable audio Islamic sounds in mp3 format.


The files are uncompressed and of high CD quality sounds.


Their charges cover downloading costs.

With the audio files you would be able to listen to Islamic sounds on your computer. You may also copy them onto a blank CD and listen to them on your CD player in your car, home and office or listen to them on your ipod or mobile phone or use them as ring-tones.


There are two complete Qur'an sets available and you can listen to a juz a day with Sh Muhammad Jibreel and Sh Nabeel Rifaa'ee.


Click here to listen to a sample of Sh Nabeel Rifaa'ee's recitation:

And, click here to listen to a sample of Sh Muhammad Jibreel's recitation:


UK Ramadan Health Guide





The UK Ramadan health guide provides information and advice on maximising health gain during the Muslim fast.



pdf document

Pakistani’s Celebrate!

By: Momina Ahmed Allahwala

Last Saturday, over 250 members of Brisbane’s Pakistani community turned out in full force to celebrate the country’s Independence Day (14th August). The gala dinner event was held at the Kimberly Park Community Centre in Shailer Park.

The programme began with a recitation from the Holy Quraan by Imam Aslam (of Algester Mosque), followed by the national anthems of Pakistan and Australia respectively. The programme consisted of a children’s presentation and national songs, as well as a quiz about Pakistan, its rich culture and history.

The occasion, celebrating the independence of Pakistan from British rule in India and subsequently from India itself, was organised by the Pakistan Australian Cultural Association of Queensland (established 1988).

The committee organises two major dinner functions every year, on Pakistan Day (23rd March) and Pakistan’s Independence Day (14th August), as well as various picnics, BBQs and Eid events.

Many thanks to the 2008-09 Management Committee consisting of Mr Adnan Khalid (President), Mr Nizam Deen (Vice-President), Mr Javed Rahman (Secretary), Mr Fazal Karim Muhammed (Treasurer), Dr Shafiq Ahmed Allahwala (committee member), Dr Tariq Masood (committee member) and Dr Ishtiaq Rashid (committee member) for all their hard work, making the event a success.

If anyone would like to know more about PACAQ, the events that they organise or would like to become a member, please contact Mr Javed Rahman on 0413 140 610.


Check the CCN Gallery for enlarged images


Chinese Muslim cuisine


Xinjiang province, in the remote north-west corner of China, is home to many ethnic groups, several of them Muslim.


It borders a number of central Asian countries, which, in turn, border middle eastern ones.


This means the area has a fascinating mix of culinary influences, most notably in spicing, not seen elsewhere in China.


And, unlike most Chinese restaurants, these Muslim ones are pork-free zones.



173 Forest Rd, Hurstville, 9570 8588


Level 1, 8 Dixon St, Sydney, 9283 3223


13/8 Quay St, Haymarket, 9281 9658


The Sydney Morning Herald

From the MBN Desk......


We would like to remind CCN readers about the MBN Annual Gala Eid Dinner that will be held on Sunday 27 September 2009 at the Coffee Club Auditorium at the RNA Showgrounds, Insha Allah.

Tickets are: $50 for adults and $25 for kids 4-15 years.

We only have 600 tickets available and they are selling fast! So get in quick so you don't miss out! You can register for a table of 10 if you wish.

We have a classier, more upmarket venue this year and we've also taken care of parking costs - so parking for our guests will be completely FREE!

As usual, we will have a sumptuous dinner prepared for you and your family and our programme will be short and sweet so you can spend more time enjoying your meal and socialising in the great spirit of Eid!

Be there by 4.30 for a prompt 5pm start. There'll be entertainment for the kids too!

How to book:

Send us an email: secretary@mbn.net.au and tell us how many tickets you require and the best way to arrange for ticket drop off.
Register on our website: Click here

Or contact any of the following people::


Shummis Rane: 0402 794 244
Farouk Adam: 0422 191 675
Bilal Rauf: 0411 625 462
Naseem Abdul: 0419 797 862 (Gold Coast)
Jaaved Khatree: 0402 779 425
Sultan Deen: 0418 722 353

Eid Dinner Booklet: If you would like to advertise in this year's MBN Eid Dinner Booklet, please get in touch with Jaaved Khatree (0402 779 425) or e-mail: secretary@mbn.net.au:

If you have any questions, send us an e-mail: secretary@mbn.net.au

We look forward to seeing you all there at the MBN Annual Gala Eid Dinner 2009!


Ramadaan E-mails: MBN will be sending out a daily e-mail to all members during Ramadaan with a Hadith and the times for Sehri and Iftaar - Insha Allah. This information will also be available on our website (www.mbn.net.au) for easy reference.

Dates Distribution: MBN will be distributing dates to all Masjids and Musallahs this Friday 21 August 2009 - this is an MBN initiative in conjunction with Human Appeal International (from Sydney). This is part of our effort to foster a strong spirit for Ramadaan.

Ramadaan Mubaarak once again from MBN!

MBN Executive Committee

Cash windfall to guard against terror, race attacks

Springvale Islamic school Minaret College has received $100,000 for security improvements, bringing its windfall from federal grants this year to more than $5 million. This includes $3 million for a primary school library and $1.9 million for a science and language centre.


Director Mohamed Hassan said the college had upgraded its fencing and installed security cameras as a precaution against attacks.


"It cost us more than what we got (in security grants)," he said.


Other Islamic schools to get security funding included Ilim College in Dallas, which received $249,000. Ilim has also benefited from a $1.97 million science and language centre and $200,000 for refurbishments from the stimulus package.


VICTORIAN Jewish and Islamic schools are getting millions of taxpayer dollars to upgrade their security against possible terrorist attacks and racially based vandalism.

It has been a bumper year for the schools, with most already swimming in grants from the Rudd Government's $14.7 billion stimulus package for education.

Eleven Melbourne religious schools will share about $3.5 million for security measures including fencing, CCTV, alarm systems and glass protection, under the federal Secure Schools Program.

The biggest grant, $600,000, goes to Burwood-based Jewish school Mt Scopus College for fencing and security camera upgrades.

This is on top of $325,000 it received in April for other capital works under the Rudd stimulus package.



The Herald Sun


Ramadan Appeal

Sunnybank Saints go down to Tigers


After last week’s success against the top ranked team Sunnybank Saints now faced a ’Tigers’ football outfit who needed a win to assure themselves of a place in the top 4. In what was the final round of games before the semi final play offs, Sunnybank went down 4-1.

Having dominated possession in the early period of the game, Sunnybank were unfortunate to go down 1-0 in the 20th minute after the ball took an awkward bounce and found its way into the back of the goal. 10 minutes later and the referee awarded a penalty to Tigers after adjudging a Sunnybank player to have held back the Tigers front man during a corner kick. A well taken penalty added a 2nd to the score line.

2-0 down at half time… chasing the game in the second half against a strong Tigers team would always prove a difficult task. Things got worse early in the second half when come poor communication between the Saints goalkeeper and their centre back resulted in a 3rd goal for Tigers. To compound the misery Sunnybank were then reduced to 10 men for ill-discipline.

Tiger made sure of the win with a 4th goal with 20 minutes still remaining on the clock. The Saints kept their heads up and pulled one back a couple minutes later through Naseer Ahmid, but that goal proved only to be a consolation.

The Saints now face the Tigers in next week’s semi finals clash. Having failed to beat the Tigers on all three occasions this season, next week’s game promises to be a tough dual. Despite the stats stacked against them, the Saints coaching staff and players still believe they have the ability to beat the Tigers. Team coach Iqbal Esat believes that despite the score line, tonight’s performance still brought out many positives. He also mentioned that next week’s game will be tough but the Saints definitely have the capability to win it.

Ramadan Timetables


Kuraby Mosque

Islamic Society of Toowoomba



If you would like to have your Mosque's Ramadan timetable posted on CCN email an electronic version to ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org

Largest Mosques of the World


Number 11


The CCN Inbox


Salaam CCN

For the month of Ramadan I will offer a free service to any CCN reader on the compilation of their Islamic will, estate planning from an Islamic perspective and advice and assistance on the calculation of their zakat.

Readers can call me on 0410 786 227 to make a booking.

Iqbal Lambat

Around the Muslim World with CCN


Iran's very Islamic embrace of science


Mohammad Ali Shomali's clerical robes are immaculate, his manner urbane.


Fluent in English, with a Ph.D. from Britain's Manchester University, he spends his days in the holy city of Qum studying advanced stem-cell research and the mapping of the genome.


Shomali, at 44, is clearly not your run-of-the-mill mullah, even if he insists that he is.


"We live in a religious country with a religious government," says the turbaned Shia cleric, "so we have to know what our religion tells us about modern issues."


Along with hundreds of other mullahs in Qum, Shomali is at work trying to define an Islamic context for advanced scientific work from nanos to, yes, nuclear technology.




I was Inspired by my grandfather, says 8 A-level boy


An 18-year old Muslim boy from north-east England has passed no less than eight A-levels, including six A grades in Mathematics, Further Mathematics, Physics, History, Critical Thinking, and Urdu and two B’s in Arabic and Religious Studies.

Ibrahim Khan, who has also memorised the Qur’an, said he was inspired by his grandfather, a historian who recently passed away, and encouraged by his parents to study from an early age dueto the importance Islam puts on gaining knowledge.

Coming from the north-east, of Pakistani origin and being a Muslim, he believed were statistically three of the worst performing groups in education that he had to overcome.


“I think my success shows that if you keep your aspirations high, you can achieve anything, whatever your background,” he said.

“Caring for my bedridden grandfather, and seeing the patience with which he put up with the intense pain, showed me that there were much harder things in life than exams,” Khan told The Muslim News, who attended the Macmillan Academy in Middlesbrough.

He is now taking a gap year after securing an offer to study Philosophy Politics and Economics at Brasenose College, Oxford University. During his time out, he is to get the first book of his WW3 trilogy published, do investigative journalism across the Middle East and Indian subcontinent, learn three languages, and start a business.

Ibrahim said that he was “very pleased” with his results although “slightly disappointed with the B in Arabic” being one of three subjects, along with Urdu and Religious Studious, which were self-taught. “I merely did my best, then I left the rest up to God to decide.”

The Muslim News



20 Muslims honoured by the Queen


Twenty (2 CBEs, 4 OBEs, 11 MBEs, 1 BEM, and 1 QPM) Muslims were recognised in the Queen’s Birthday Honours this

Jamila Aftab (pictured left) received an MBE in recognition of her 23 years of work with Bristol based Pakistani families. Aftab who is Pakistani arrived in the UK in 1972. By 1985 she noticed a lack of care facilities for young families and founded a centre which evolved to become the St Paul’s Asian Women’s Group.


The organisation benefits some 250 families and offers sewing classes as well as play sessions for children. Despite her years of hard work Atfab said she initial “thought somebody was playing a prank.”

“It is an enormous sense of pride for us that from often isolated, housebound women with no English they have become confident enough to achieve"

year along with 15 members of the Hindu and Sikh communities (1 Knighthood, 1 MVO, 3 CBEs, 1 OBE, 10 MBEs and 1 BEM) and thirteen members of the Jewish community (1 Damehood, 3 CBEs, 4 OBEs, and 5 MBEs).

The majority of Muslims honoured gave their expertise to charities and the voluntary sector and six worked to advance social cohesion or Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) standard of living.

One of three Muslims to be made a Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE) is Chair of the Association of Muslim Social Scientists UK, Dr Anas Al-Shaikh Ali. Ali gained his PhD on American studies and is a founding trustee of FAIR and Executive Director of Legacy Publishing. Ali, who is also an academic advisor to the International Institute of Islamic Though, told The Muslim News the award would work as “a motivational factor bringing additional impetus to continue the work of developing better understanding and trust as well as peaceful relationships between our different communities and societies.”


Fiyaz Mughal, Director of extremism tackling Faith Matters has been given an Order of the British Empire (OBE). Mughal has been appointed by the Secretary of State for the Department for Communities and Local Government a member of the Local Delivery Advisory Group on preventing violent extremism. He has also been appointed as the advisor to Lib-Dem Leader Nick Clegg. Mughal, who has over 15 years experience in the voluntary sector, told The Muslim News the award “is testament to the various social champions that I have met within different communities.”

The Muslim News


CCN can now twitter too!

CCN Reader's Discussion Forum


Have your say on www.ccnforum.ning.com


CCN Readers' Book Club: You are what you read!


Newsweek's Top 100 Books


Would you like to see the cover of your favourite book on our book shelves below?

Then simply email the title and author to thebookclub@crescentsofbrisbane.org


Double click a book cover to find out what others think of the book


CCN has set up an online Book Club at Shelfari to connect with CCN book readers at:


Using the book club you can see what books fellow CCN readers have on their shelves, what they are reading and even what they, and others, think of them.

The CCN Readers' Book Club

KB's Culinary Corner


KB's Recipes for Ramadan


Cheezy Chicken Kebabs 

by Guest Chef Razia Desai


1 kg chicken mince
4 slices of brown bread (soaked in water)
1 egg
¼ tsp salt
1 tab green chillies
1 tab Chopped Coriander leaves
1 tsp aromat
1 tsp black pepper
1 tab ground almond meal
1 tab shredded coconut

Mix all the above ingredients, form into finger shaped kebabs and place a piece (the length of the kebab) of Colby Coon cheese in the middle and wrap the mince mixture firmly around it.

Brush with beaten egg, roll in bread crumbs and fry in shallow oil. Serve hot with chutney.

Razia's repertoire of Ramadan recipes

Ms Razia Desai (pictured above) is a well regarded chef from South Africa and has been in Brisbane for the past few weeks bringing the flavour of Durban to a number of Brisbane households in time for Ramadan.


She told CCN that she has been very warmly accepted by the local community and thanked them for their support and making her feel so welcome in their homes.


Amongst Ms Desai's vast "repertoire of Ramadan recipes" (click on image on right) are plated cottage cheese pies, mini-burgers, sharwamas,  spring rolls, mini-pizzas, chicken cutlets, cheezy kebabs, tortillas, and savoury croissants.

Do you have a recipe to share with CCN readers?
Send in your favourite recipe to ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org and be our "guest chef" for the week.


Kareema's Keep Fit Column




Q: Dear Kareema, I exercise regularly and also weight train, but find during Ramadan I need to cut back on both. I'm ok when it comes to cutting back on my exercise routine. What can I do instead of using weights though, as I find it tires me out really quickly?

A: It's great that you're still following your exercise routine, try and stick to it throughout the month! Substitute your weights with a resistance band as it will be just as effective for your needs.


The fitball is a great tool as well as it tends to get heavier as you go through your workout..


Most of the exercises you do with free weights can be done with one of the above tools.


Always make sure you set yourself up in great training posture before starting. N- JOY!!



My Health and Fitness

Tel: 0404 844 786

(Accredited Member of Fitness Queensland)


Need an answer to a fitness related matter? Send your question to Kareema at  fitness@crescentsofbrisbane.org.

All questions sent in are published here anonymously and without any references to the author of the question.


The CCN Chuckle


An ageing Mula Nasruddin and his wife, Kulthoom noticed that they were beginning to forget many little things around the house.


They were afraid that this could be dangerous, as one of them may accidentally forget to turn off the stove and thus cause a fire.


So, they decided to go see their doctor to get some help.


Their physician told them that many people their age find it useful to write themselves little notes as reminders.


The Mula Nasruddin and Kulthoom thought this sounded wonderful, and left the doctor's office very pleased with the advice.

When they got home, the Kulthoom said, "Dear, will you please go to the kitchen and get me a dish of ice cream? And why don't you write that down so you won't forget?"

"Nonsense," said Mula Nasruddin, "I can remember a dish of ice cream!"

"Well," said Kulthoom , "I'd also like some strawberries on it. You better write that down, because I know you'll forget."

"Don't be silly," replied Mula Nasruddin. "A dish of ice cream and some strawberries. I can remember that!"

"OK, dear, but I'd like you to put some whipped cream on top. Now you'd really better write it down now. You'll forget," said Kulthoom .

"Come now, my memory's not all that bad," said Mula Nasruddin. "No problem, a dish of ice cream with strawberries and whipped cream."

With that, Mula Nasruddin shut the kitchen door behind him.


Kulthoom could hear him getting out pots and pans, and making some noise inconsistent with his preparing a dish of ice cream, strawberries, and whipped cream.


He emerged from the kitchen about 15 minutes later.

Walking over to his wife, he presented her with a plate of korma curry.


Kulthoom  took one look at the plate, glanced up at her husband and said, "Dear, where's the roti?"

Notice Board


Click on image to enlarge


MBN Eid Dinner

Quranic Arabic Lessons


Mini World Cup

Reporting Islam: Representation and Reality

Quran Competition: Sydney

Islamic Classes for Teenagers

ARC: Across the Gulf

Al-Nisa Desert Night: Pearls & Curls


OurWorld Hajj Travel Package


hamdi Hajj Package

Zamzam Hajj Group

AMAL Muslim Helpline


The CCN Date Claimer






(Click on link)





22 August


Start of Ramadhan

29 August

thru Ramadan


Quranic Arabic Course Starts

Darul Uloom & The Islamic Friendship Assoc. of Australia

Darul Uloom, BURANDA

0423 950 596

1.30pm to 3pm

29 August


Lecture: Zakaat

Muslim Business Network


0407 731 682

Mid Afternoon (TBC)

4-6 September

Fri to Sun

Mini World Cup soccer tournament

Queensland Police Service

Brisbane Olympic, Cansdale Street, Yeronga

0438 114 619

9am to 9pm

5-6 September

Sat & Sun

Sydney's 5th Annual Quran Competition

Albayan Institute, Sydney

1/40A Ferndell St, Granville, SYDNEY

0424 810 689


16 September



Lailatul Qadr

19 September



End of Ramadhan

20 September




25 September


Gold Coast Eid Dinner

Islamic Society of Gold Coast

Southport Sharks Footbal Club

0412 601 152


26 September



Eidfest Committee

Mt Gravatt Showgrounds

0418 722 353

All day

27 September


MBN Eid Dinner

Muslim Business Network

The Coffee Club, RNA Showground



3 October


Eid Dinner

Islamic Society of Darra

Darra Mosque, 219 Douglas St, Oxley

0418 757 157


10 October


Ladies Desert Night: Pearl & Curls


84 Nemies Rd, RUNCORN

0410 617 178


24 October


Breast Cancer Awareness

Crescents of Brisbane


0404 296 297


27 November




18 December



Islamic New Year

27 December



Day of Ashura


To claim your date for your event email ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org.




The ladies Taaleem programme this Thursday will be at the home of

Shaheena Dudhia

20 Delaney Court c


Tel: 3849 3685

 All Ladies Welcome!

Every Monday

Event: Weekly Learning Circle: Sharh Riyad-us-Saliheen (An Explanation of 'Gardens of the Righteous'

Venue: Prayer Room, University of Queensland

Time: 6.45pm to 7.30pm

Sunnah Inspirations


Contact: 0408 270 421

University of Queensland,
323 Hawken Drive, St. Lucia

Every Friday

Subject: Fiqh Made Easy

Venue: Room E215 Building 1 (Forgan Smith), University of Queensland

Time: 7pm to 7.50pm

Every Friday

Subject: Tafseer al Qur'an (Explanation of the Qur'an)

Venue: Room E215 Building 1 (Forgan Smith), University of Queensland

Time: 8pm to 9pm


Sunnah Inspirations is a non-profit organisation to cater for Muslim social support and supplying information to Muslims and non-Muslims.  They have been doing various activities around Australia, and have organised Da'wah information stalls at various universities in Brisbane.  More info can be found on their website above.


CCN @ Facebook


Catch Crescents Community News at


Please feel free to post an entry on our Wall, start up a Discussion thread and/or become a Fan.


Useful Links


Crescents Community News (CCN) Readers' Forum

 Discussion Forum & Social Network for CCN Readers

Queensland Muslim Historical Society Inc.

Promoting the study and awareness of the rich history of the Muslims of Queensland

Young Muslims of Queensland

Social network for young Muslims of Brisbane

Sunnah Inspirations

Providing information about Islam - its beliefs, culture, practices, dispelling misconceptions

Kuraby Mosque

Holland Park Mosque


Provide young Muslim women in Queensland with support and opportunities to express themselves

Australian Federation of Islamic Councils (AFIC)

Islamic Schools, Halal Services and a whole lot more...

AFIC Schools

www.mfis.com.au (Malek Fahd Islamic School, Sydney, NSW)
www.islamiccollegeofbrisbane.com.au (Islamic College of Brisbane, QLD)
www.icosa.sa.edu.au (Islamic College of South Australia, SA)
www.afic-lic.com.au (Langford Islamic College, Perth, WA)
(Islamic College of Canberra, ACT)

Gold Coast Mosque

South African National Halaal Authority (SANHA)

Muslim Womens' Convert Support Group (MWCSG)

Network of Muslim women converts from the Brisbane and Gold Coast areas of Queensland.

Australian International Islamic College (Durack)

Eidfest 2009

Kotku Mosque - Dubbo NSW

Islamic Society of Algester

Jamiatul Ulama Western Australia

Body of Muslim Theologians (Ulama, Religious Scholars)

Islamic Women's Association of Queensland (IWAQ)

Community based, not-for-profit organisation providing Settlement, Aged Care, disability, social activities and employment opportunities.

Federation of Australian Muslim Students and Youth (FAMSY)


If you would like a link to your website email ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org.


Write For Us

The best ideas and the best feedback come from our community of readers. If you have a topic or opinion that you want to write about or want seen covered or any news item that you think might be of benefit to the Crescents Community please e-mail ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org.


Share your thoughts, feelings and ambitions for our community through CCN.


If there is someone you know who would like to subscribe to CCN please encourage them to send an e-mail to ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org with the words “Subscribe Me” in the subject line.


Articles and opinions appearing in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Crescents of Brisbane Team, CCN, its Editor or its Sponsors, particularly if they eventually turn out to be libelous, unfounded, objectionable, obnoxious, offensive, slanderous and/or downright distasteful.


It is the usual policy of CCN to include from time to time, notices of events that some readers may find interesting or relevant. Such notices are often posted as received. Including such messages or providing the details of such events does not necessarily imply endorsement of the contents of these events by either CCN or Crescents of Brisbane Inc.