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......a sometimes self-deprecating and occasional tongue-in-cheek look at ourselves and the world around us ......



Sunday, 3 January 2010

 .Newsletter 0269


News you won't find on CNN!



Brisbane's Muslim community farewells drowned boy


Emergency services workers search for Salman Abdirahman Arte at Wishart on Tuesday. Photo: Daniel Hurst

Brisbane's Muslim and Somali community gathered to mourn a young Salman Arte, 13, who drowned while trying to cross a rain-swollen creek.

His body was found on Wednesday, more than 24 hours after he went missing.

He and three of his brothers got into trouble while crossing Bulimba Creek at Wishart, in Brisbane's south, on Tuesday afternoon, while trying to get to their local basketball court.

The boys were swept away in the swollen creek.

Three managed to get to the bank, but Salman did not make it.

His brothers last saw him going under, grasping on to a broken tree branch with one arm.

A funeral was held for Salman on Thursday afternoon at Holland Park Mosque, in Brisbane's southeast.

About 100 men and boys turned out for the janazah prayers, with many wearing traditional white dress.

Crews meticulously search Bulimba Creek, doubling back over the stretch of water where the missing 13-year-old boy was playing when he got into trouble. Photo: Daniel Hurst

United Somali Association of Queensland President Hussein Ahmed said the past two days had been very difficult for the Somali community, but the family was coping well.

"They have started the grieving process and all of the community are rallying behind them and offering them all the support necessary, emotionally and financially, whatever they can offer," Mr Ahmed told reporters outside the mosque.

Salman's father Abdirahman Arte kept a vigil by the creek during the ordeal, clinging to the hope that he would be found alive.

Salman was born in the Ifo refugee camp in Kenya after the family fled Somalia, and never had the opportunity to learn how to swim.

Mr Ahmed said the family of 12 arrived in Australia a year ago and the community was now working to raise funds for them.

After the funeral, Salman's casket was laid in front of the mosque, where the men gathered in a straight line and prayed.

Salman, who was to turn 14 on Friday, has been buried at Mt Gravatt Cemetery.


Source: BrisbaneTimes

AMYN Girls Holiday Fun Day

By The AMYN Sisters


Last Wednesday, 30th December, was the day for the girls!

The Australian Muslim Youth Network (AMYN) organised a “Girls’ Holiday Fun Day” for teenage and adolescent girls at the AMYN Islamic Centre, 16/157 North Rd, Woodridge.


The fun day kicked off at 1pm with the girls introducing themselves to each other.


There was an array of fun games and activities performed in groups. Games, puzzles, arts and crafts were part of the activity trail.


The games were interactive and allowed the girls (and mums) to get to know each other.


Each activity had its own prizes and even some mums had a bout of good fortune winning prizes too!

It was great to see all the girls having fun. The ones shy in the beginning, soon made friends with their sisters and got in the fun and activities.

There was heaps of food including chocolates, marshmallows, cakes and a hot sizzling juicy BBQ!

All in all, everyone had a great day..


It was a chance to build relationships based on love and sisterhood between the girls – teenagers and even the mums.


To so many sisters who helped and participated, thank you, jazakumullahu Khair for making this Girls’ Holiday Fun Day so enjoyable for all.

For more events in future please visit our site, www.AMYNweb.com.



Keep and eye out for INVICTUS - a graphic and stirring portrayal of Nelson Mandela's first term in office after his 27 years in prison.


The movie centres around the 1995 Rugby World Cup event that captured the imagination of the South African nation.


One South African who has just seen the movie had this to say about the film:

Matt Damon did a great job having been tutored by voice coaches and spending time with Francois Pienaar. But the incredible performance by Morgan Freeman in his portrayal of Nelson Mandela will send goose bumps all over your body. From the opening tense moment of a combi that is seen following Madiba on his early morning walk, the hope that is given by his release to the final scene at the stadium, it will have you cheering in your seat. The production and attention to detail is painstakingly accurate and that includes Jonah Lomu.

Whilst the sport of rugby may have no commercial interest to the American audiences who may shy away from this movie, in my estimation Morgan Freeman would be deserving of an Oscar for the impeccable performance of Nelson Mandela. In fact you might be forgiven for seeing him as the real Madiba. I hope you get a chance to see the movie and don’t be shy to sing along with the stadium crowd scene.

Directed by Clint Eastwood, the title of the movie comes from a poem written on a scrap of paper that Mandela had in his prison cell. In the movie, Mandela gives the "Invictus" poem to Springbok captain, Francois Pienaar, before the start of the Rugby World Cup. In reality (and according to Wikipedia), Mandela provided Pienaar with an extract from Theodore Roosevelt's "The Man in the Arena" speech from 1910.


FAMSY call for comment

By FAMSY's Umar Batchelor

FAMSY is revamping its mailing service for you. The improvements will come through a number of means. Some of the ideas include a monthly professional bulletin, including quality articles, Famsy’s news, editor's comments and possibly special topics bulletin.


However, the end product depends on your contribution.

We highly value your opinion. There is also an option for you to win a $50 voucher for www.mybookstore.org.au.

The survey link is http://www.eSurveysPro.com/Survey.aspx?id=2cd2d942-15a5-445a-b219-7a60d65cfaf6


Little Mosque on the Prairie: Season 4 Episode 4


 Break and Enter     


Part 1





Part 2




Part 3




Abdalla Appointed Associate Prof





Dr Mohamad Abdalla, the Founding Director of the Griffith Islamic Research Unit (GIRU) and Director of the National Centre of Excellence for Islamic Studies Australia (NCEIS) at the Key Centre for Ethics, Law, Justice and Governance at Griffith University has been appointed as an Associate Professor in the Faculty.

The Australian Journey: Muslim Communities - DIAC publication

Adapted from Australian Journey - Muslim communities


The Australian Journey – Muslim communities, a new DIAC publication, is characterised by contributions of Muslims from all over the world who have made Australia home.


In this and following issues of CCN we highlight one of the successful Muslims in Australia from the report and their thoughts about what it means to be both a Muslim and an Australian.


Fadle El Harris Theatre & Film

Many Muslims in Australia are also carving out successful careers behind the camera, such as Fadle El Harris who has run his own film production, video, multi-media and animation company since 1999.

As a professional filmmaker, I was inspired by the contributions Muslims have made over the centuries.

It was not until I was involved in such a documentary that I realised Muslims are not new in Australia and have been one of the oldest and most successful communities ever established.

I believe it’s my obligation to continue to be part of this tradition through my own filmmaking and excel in a society that is full of opportunities.

Fadle El Harris

Around the Muslim World with CCN


No beer money in Amla's coffers

Hashim Amla (pictured left), the Muslim Protea who does not wear a Castle logo on his cricket shirt, on Sunday said that he did not pocket a cent from his match fee.

Nor did he profit from his share of money pooled from awards that the team won in Test matches.

But Amla, 26, a veteran of 38 Tests who was granted permission by South African Breweries and Cricket South Africa not to wear the Castle logos on his clothing in five-day matches, refused to comment further on wearing the sponsors' logos and utilisation of earnings from Test matches.

Promoting beer is against the teaching of Islam and as such Amla became the first player to be the exception.

On Sunday the batsman referred the Daily News newspaper to his agent, Ismail Kajee, when he was asked to comment on his financial gains from Test matches.

Kajee categorically said: "Hashim does not and will not at any time in his career consume the earnings from Test matches."

As a Muslim, Amla was forbidden liquor or to take interest money or gamble, Kajee said.

"Since Hashim is a devout Muslim, he understands his religion well, his beliefs are staunch and knows what is right and wrong. At the outset he made the decision not to wear the Castle logo on his clothing, which went public, and at the same time he also took the decision that the money earned from the Tests, sponsored by Castle, were forbidden for his use.

"The money has been given away - Islam teaches us to give it away without having to make a song and dance of it."

Kajee, also a devout Muslim, said that he, too, did not derive a cent from Amla's Test earnings.

"As an agent I do not take a commission from the revenue that Hashim earns in Test matches. The money earned from the Castle Tests is not pure, according to our Islamic beliefs, and as such I also am forbidden to use it," he said.

"I cannot give you any figures as to how much Hashim has earned since his first Test for South Africa. It's not something we are proud of - the money is dispensed as soon as it comes in.

"I think the bottom line is that everyone wants to know how much he takes from the Test matches, or have been keen to find out whether he uses money from the Castle Tests while not wearing their logos in matches. The questions are now answered well."

Dr. Mohammed Moosajee (pictured left), manager of the Proteas, and Goolam Rajah (pictured right), the logistics manager, also do not personally pocket any money from the Castle Tests.

Moosajee and Rajah, like Amla, do not wear the Castle logos on their clothing during the five-day game. Moosajee, who referred the Daily News to Amla's agent on Sunday, said: "We do not get any share of prize-money from the Castle Tests."

Source: IOL



Nigerian Muslims disown alleged Detroit bomber

London, (IRNA): Nigerian Muslims living in Britain have disassociated themselves with having any links with the alleged attempted bombing of an airliner in Detroit on Christmas Day perpetrated by Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab.

Such acts are “not in our character,” the Council of Nigeria Muslim Organisations (CNMO) said in a statement in conjunction with Muslim Association of Nigeria UK (MAN).

“We wholeheartedly condemn the vicious and cowardly act of terrorism as a complete violation of the teachings of Islam,” their statement said.

“The act of inciting terror in the hearts of defenceless civilians, the wholesale destruction of buildings and properties, the bombing and aiming of innocent men, women, and children are all forbidden and detestable acts according to Islam and the Muslims,” it said.


The Muslim News



Woman in burqa turned away from clinic

HOLLAND: A 23-year-old Muslim woman from Utrecht who says she was not allowed into a first aid clinic on Christmas Day with her three-month old baby because she was wearing a burqa has submitted a complaint to the equal opportunities committee.

According to media reports on Tuesday, the doctor was prepared to examine the baby with his father but would not allow the mother to be present.

Last year the government announced plans to ban the wearing of burqas in schools and said it might consider bringing in a similar ban for hospital and other healthcare staff.  

Source: Dutch News.nl


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CCN Reader's Discussion Forum


Have your say on www.ccnforum.ning.com


CCN Readers' Book Club: You are what you read!


A classic is something that everybody wants to have read and nobody wants to read.
- Mark Twain


This week




The Mother of Mohammed: An Australian Woman's Extraordinary Journey into Jihad



Sally Neighbour


In The Mother of Mohammed, Four Corners journalist Sally Neighbour tells the extraordinary story of how a dope-smoking beach bunny from Mudgee, Robyn Hutchinson, became Rabiah-a member of the jihadist elite. Known among her peers as 'the mother of Mohammed', and as 'the Elizabeth Taylor of the jihad' in CIA circles, Rabiah lived for twenty years on the frontlines of the global holy war.

With a reputation for tough investigative journalism, Sally Neighbour persuaded Rabiah to tell her story.

She investigates how Rabiah became a trusted insider to the Jemaah Islamiyah, Taliban and al Qaeda leaderships, and married a leading figure in Osama bin Laden's inner sanctum.

In The Mother of Mohammed Sally Neighbour discovers a world of converts and true believers. This unique and confronting account from inside the jihad helps us to understand the magnetism of the Islamist cause.


Would you like to see the cover of your favourite book on our book shelves below?

Then simply email the title and author to thebookclub@crescentsofbrisbane.org


Double click a book cover to find out what others think of the book


CCN has set up an online Book Club at Shelfari to connect with CCN book readers at:


Using the book club you can see what books fellow CCN readers have on their shelves, what they are reading and even what they, and others, think of them.

The CCN Readers' Book Club

KB's Culinary Corner


KB's Cannelloni

with Chicken and Béchamel Sauce – Indian style






½ kg Chicken breasts cubed
Fresh Lasagne sheets – cut into 3
1 bottle of Béchamel sauce
1 tsp green chillies
1 cup Tomato Chutney (see recipe below)
1tsp salt
1tsp ginger and garlic
1 tab olive oil
1 tsp chilly powder
½ cup water
1 cup of pizza cheese (a mixture of cheddar and mozzarella cheese)

1. Place ginger garlic in olive oil
2. Add cubed chicken, salt and chilly powder and cook until chicken is done.
3. Add chutney and braise until mixture is fairly dry but still a little saucy.
4. In a casserole layer tomato chutney to cover the base.
5. On a third of the lasagne sheet place 1 tab chicken filling on the edge and roll.
6. With the seam side down place the cannelloni in the casserole and continue until the casserole has been filled.
7. Place ½ cup of water into it.
8. Mix the béchamel sauce with the green chillies and pour over the cannelloni to cover it completely – as any exposed cannelloni will dry out.
9. Top with cheese and cover with foil.
10. Bake on 180deg for half an hour, then remove the foil and bake for further 5 mins until cheese is light brown.

Tomato Chutney
Braise 2 chopped onions in 1 tab olive oil until light brown add 2 tsp garlic, braise for a minute before you add 6 chopped tomatoes, 2 tsp salt 1 tsp chilly powder and ¼ tsp turmeric, 1 tab tomato paste, 1 tab vinegar and allow it to simmer until the sauce thickens.

Puree the chutney and its ready to use in pizzas, pastas or as base for curries, baked beans, fish curry etc

Note: I normally double this quantity and keep some aside in the fridge for unexpected guests who may drop by.

Do you have a recipe to share with CCN readers?
Send in your favourite recipe to ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org and be our "guest chef" for the week.


Kareema's Keep Fit Column



All the best for the year 1431 and 2010 -- Time to clean up your act and eat your words....

We all want to live healthier, happier lives and there is no QUICK FIX! It's time to commit and sign a contract with yourself to put in some serious YOU-time. Here are a few pointers to get you started:



• Don't wait for tomorrow or the next day, YOUR TIME IS NOW.. so start exercising today!
• Eat yourself healthy - eat what you love, just look at alternative/healthier ways to prepare it
• Cut down on portion size
• Aim high - set some realistic goals for yourself and watch your fitness levels soar
• Make gentle exercise / incidental exercise a part of your daily routine
• Believe in yourself - nothing is impossible
• Boost your energy even more by staying hydrated - energy levels tend to drop if you're dehydrated, especially in the warmer months
• Set some good sleeping habits - consider going to bed a little earlier if you don't tend to get enough sleep every night
• Sleep yourself slim - a good night's sleep could help you lose weight
• Reward yourself every time you reach a goal you've set
• Plan a few mini-holidays to break up your busy schedule
• Make your Sunday a sun-day, take a 15 minute break to sit out in the sun and take in some vitamin D (preferably before 10am or after 3pm)
• Love yourself and what you do - find your passion and take control of your destiny



My Health and Fitness

Tel: 0404 844 786


Need an answer to a fitness related matter? Send your question to Kareema at  fitness@crescentsofbrisbane.org.

All questions sent in are published here anonymously and without any references to the author of the question.


The CCN Chuckle



Mula Nasruddin was a millionaire, who collected live alligators.


He kept them in the pool in the back of his mansion.


He also had a beautiful daughter who was single.


One day he decides to throw a huge party, and during the party he announces, "My dear guests . . . I have a proposition to every man here. I will give three million riyaals or my daughter to the man who can swim across this pool full of alligators and emerge alive!"


As soon as he finished his last word, there was the sound of a large splash!! There was Jalaaluddin in the pool swimming with all he could and screaming out of fear.


The crowd cheered him on as he kept stroking as though he was swimming for his life. Finally, he made it to the other side with only a torn shirt and some minor injuries.


Mula Nasruddin was impressed.

He said, "Brother Jalaaluddin that was incredible! Fantastic! I didn't think it could be done! Well I must keep my end of the bargain. Do you want my daughter or the three million riyaals?"

Jalaaluddin says, "Listen, I don't want your money, nor do I want your daughter! I want the person who pushed me in that water!"

Notice Board


Click on image to enlarge

Events and Functions

Al-Nisa Bowling

AMYN Youth

Weekend Out









Islamic Programmes & Education

Qu'ran Reading & Islamic Studies

Kuraby Mosque

December Islamic Classes


Imam Ahmad Abu Ghazaleh


Seerah Classes UMB

Dawah Course

Australian International Islamic College (DURACK)

Spirituality, Conversations & Community-Building 

Businesses and Services

Kuraby Dentists

Opening Promotion

Hussana Australia

Halal Body Care range


Pitter Patter 


Body & Beauty 



Naadiya Karim


Siitra Gold Coast


Table & Chair Hire

Brumby's Bakery

Big Gun Shopping Centre, Underwood

South African Naan available

every Sunday and Tuesday

FAMSY Bookstore

Healthy Life


Mr. India

Indian Cuisine

Nando's Calamvale Central
Shop 60-61 662
Compton Road

Tel: 07 3272 2299



Where Style meets Modesty


The CCN Date Claimer






(Click on link)





16 January


Girls Bowling Day


AMF Bowling Mt Gravatt

533 Kessels Rd


0422 954 902


16 & 17 January

Sat & Sun

Youth Weekend Out



0412 298 531

All day

23 January


Motivational & Leadership Workshop

Muslim Business Network

Function Room at the Runcorn Tavern (Gowan Road, Runcorn)

0411 625 462

9.30am - 3.30pm

10 February


Rise and Shine Ladies Dance Fitness classes

Crescents of Brisbane & Rise & Shine

Kuraby Community Hall, Svoboda Park, KURABY

0432 665 987


26 February




16 May



Crescents of Brisbane

Orleigh Park, West End

0402 026 786


9 July



Lailatul Mehraj

28 July



Lailatul Baraat

12 August



Start of Ramadhan

6 September



Lailatul Qadr

9 September



End of Ramadhan

10 September




11 or 18 September




Mt Gravatt Showgrounds

0418 722 353

10am til late

17 November




7 December



Islamic New Year

16 December



Day of Ashura


To claim your date for your event email ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org.




Ladies Taleem is closed for the school holidays.

It will re-open, Insha Allah, in January.

Further notice will be given via CCN.


CCN @ Facebook


Catch Crescents Community News at


Please feel free to post an entry on our Wall, start up a Discussion thread and/or become a Fan.


Useful Links


Crescents Community News (CCN) Readers' Forum

 Discussion Forum & Social Network for CCN Readers

Queensland Muslim Historical Society Inc.

Promoting the study and awareness of the rich history of the Muslims of Queensland

Young Muslims of Queensland

Social network for young Muslims of Brisbane

Sunnah Inspirations

Providing information about Islam - its beliefs, culture, practices, dispelling misconceptions

Kuraby Mosque

Holland Park Mosque


Provide young Muslim women in Queensland with support and opportunities to express themselves

Australian Federation of Islamic Councils (AFIC)

Islamic Schools, Halal Services and a whole lot more...

AFIC Schools

www.mfis.com.au (Malek Fahd Islamic School, Sydney, NSW)
www.islamiccollegeofbrisbane.com.au (Islamic College of Brisbane, QLD)
www.icosa.sa.edu.au (Islamic College of South Australia, SA)
www.afic-lic.com.au (Langford Islamic College, Perth, WA)
(Islamic College of Canberra, ACT)

Karratha Muslims (Muslims in Western Australia)


Gold Coast Mosque

South African National Halaal Authority (SANHA)

Muslim Womens' Convert Support Group (MWCSG)

Network of Muslim women converts from the Brisbane and Gold Coast areas of Queensland.

Australian International Islamic College (Durack)

Eidfest 2009

Kotku Mosque - Dubbo NSW

Islamic Society of Algester

Jamiatul Ulama Western Australia

Body of Muslim Theologians (Ulama, Religious Scholars)

Islamic Women's Association of Queensland (IWAQ)

Community based, not-for-profit organisation providing Settlement, Aged Care, disability, social activities and employment opportunities.

Federation of Australian Muslim Students and Youth (FAMSY)

Queensland Intercultural Society (QIS)

GIRU – Griffith Islamic Research Unit

          Qld Stories link or YouTube link

Gold Coast Halal Certification Services (GCHCS)

Muslim Aid Australia

Serving Humanity

Human Appeal International Australia  

Always with you on the road to goodness

Australian Muslim Youth Network (AMYN)
Find out about the latest events, outings, fun-days, soccer tournaments, BBQs organised by AMYN. Network with other young Muslims on the AMYN Forum


If you would like a link to your website email ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org.


Write For Us

The best ideas and the best feedback come from our community of readers. If you have a topic or opinion that you want to write about or want seen covered or any news item that you think might be of benefit to the Crescents Community please e-mail ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org.


Share your thoughts, feelings and ambitions for our community through CCN.


If there is someone you know who would like to subscribe to CCN please encourage them to send an e-mail to ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org with the words “Subscribe Me” in the subject line.


Articles and opinions appearing in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Crescents of Brisbane Team, CCN, its Editor or its Sponsors, particularly if they eventually turn out to be libellous, unfounded, objectionable, obnoxious, offensive, slanderous and/or downright distasteful.


It is the usual policy of CCN to include from time to time, notices of events that some readers may find interesting or relevant. Such notices are often posted as received. Including such messages or providing the details of such events does not necessarily imply endorsement of the contents of these events by either CCN or Crescents of Brisbane Inc.