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......a sometimes self-deprecating and occasional tongue-in-cheek look at ourselves and the world around us ......



Sunday, 30 May 2010

 .Newsletter 0290



QMHS at the Governor General's 


The patron of Queensland Muslim Historical Society, Governor of Queensland, Penelope Wensley AO, has invited the Society to set up a historical display at her residence on 6 June as part of her Open Day celebrations of the 100 years of Government House.

The members of the QMHS extend an invitation to everyone to come over to Government House between 10am and 3pm and pay them a visit.

The Ultimate Human Race 

Anver Omar and daughter Adila with Olesya and Elena Nurgalieva, the Russian twins who have taken first and second places every year at the Comrades since 2003




The 89km South African Comrades Marathon takes off today (Sunday, 30 May) at 5.30am (1.30pm Sunday 30th May Brisbane time) from the City Hall in Pietermaritzburg and finishes off at 5.30pm (1.30am Monday 31st) at Sahara Stadium, Kingsmead in Durban.


As he has done in previous years, Brisbane's Flying Doctor, Anver Omar, will once again fly the Aussie flag as he tackles the gruelling route (after having only recently completed the Two Oceans Marathon in Cape Town).


This will be Anver's 5th Comrades and his best time is 9hr and 25mins.


He told CCN that he expected to knock off a few minutes off this time in this year's run and go for the Bill Rowan Medal (see below) for sub 9 hours.


Anver's training has been mostly done in Toowoomba with the most common training routine a 4 times-a-week steep 5.5 km descent and then a 5.5 km climb back up again against prevailing winds in about 55 mins with a weekend longer run of about 21 km.


You can catch all the action of the event live by tracking runners and watching live video streaming through the Comrades Marathon website: www.comrades.com.







2000, the millennium year, saw the introduction a new medal, the BILL ROWAN for those achieving a time from 7hrs 30min to sub 9hrs 00min, a medal with a bronze centre circled by a silver ring and named after Bill Rowan the winner of the first Comrades in 1921. His winning time being 8hrs 59min, therefore anyone winning a Bill Rowan would have complete the event faster than the winner of the first race.


Park to pay for Muslim group's ban


PERTH: A Muslim woman has won $16,000 in compensation and a written apology after she and her friends were refused permission to go on water rides at Perth's Adventure World because of their religious clothing.

Pakeeza Shaikh won the money this month following a year-long court battle after her group was told they could not go on water rides because of inappropriate swimwear.

Ms Shaikh complained in a private conciliation at the Equal Opportunity Commission that the group had suffered discrimination, and had been humiliated about covering up their bodies in line with their religious beliefs.

The parties could not comment yesterday because of a confidentiality agreement, but it is understood the money has been divided between the five Islamic families visiting the park as a group in February last year. It is understood they had rejected earlier offers of financial compensation until a written apology was included.

Ms Shaikh told The West Australian last year the women in the group were told they were not allowed on the water slides because their three-quarter length pants and their long shirts were inappropriate.


We can never count victory in terms of dollars, but in terms of friendship and living harmoniously.



She said they were told if they were to enter the water, chlorine levels would have to be raised to counter the unhygienic effect from their clothes.

They were told their clothing could cause injury because it could get caught in the joints of the water slides. One woman in a head scarf was told to leave the baby pool.

The group had asked to see the rules that proved their swimwear did not meet the park's standards. Management could not produce such a document and there were no signs to indicate the swimwear was inappropriate.

The Islamic Council of WA has applauded the result as a victory for common sense.

"We can never count victory in terms of dollars, but in terms of friendship and living harmoniously," spokesman Rahim Ghauri said.

Adventure World general manager Grant Laidlaw said in February last year staff had made the decision after interpreting Health Department guidelines. He was satisfied they had complied with safety procedures.

The Equal Opportunity Commission said it could not comment on the case, but confirmed a recreation park had apologised to an Islamic group and paid $16,000 in compensation.

The commission said the recreation park had agreed to review its clothing guidelines, offered free entry passes to the group, and arranged a special welcome to restore the relationship with the families.


The West Australian


CresCafe  and the crème de la crème in cupcakes


Despite the inclement weather the Crescents of Brisbane's CresCafe did a roaring trade with its coffee, tea and cupcake stall at the Runcorn Heights State School's Harmony Day Fete on Friday.


The team led by Zuleiga Goder,Sameea Essof, Saadiya Essof, Hafizah Suleman, Fathima Adat, Ismail Essof, Ahmed Essof, Aakifah Suleman, Riaz Essof, Zahir Suleman and Zain Amod put together a vibrant stall that attracted crowds keen to try everything from cupcakes to the Mt. Egmont pavlovas.


Aisha Dennis, Community Liaison for the school, was full of praise for the CresCafe Team for raising over $400 for the school's Harmony House Project: "Thank you to all the team....... the cooks, the stall sellers all involved - it was another great effort on their part."

Trekkers pay their own way to the top

Togged-up Twiggy in tent

enduring freezing conditions in last year's successful bid for the Kilimanjaro summit




Following on from last week's appeal in CCN to support Muslim Hands in their efforts to raise funds for the children of Afghanistan by taking a team to the dizzy heights of Africa's Kilimanjaro, it must be pointed out that all monies raised go directly to the cause and that all other expenses are borne by the volunteer trekkers themselves.


If you would like to sponsor Twiggy in this worthy cause call him on 0411 172 786 or email him at twiggy@ecn.net.au.


or you can donate directly to Muslim Hands via virginmoneygiving.com (please include the donor number 389928 in the message box).


Note that interest/zakkat/lillah monies qualify as donations.



Direct payments can also be made using Muslims Hands' International banking details:

Bank Name :Natwest Bank
Account name : Muslim Hands
Account # 22820000
Sort code – 60-11-33
Swift Code : NWBKGB2I


A funny thing happened on the way to the mosque


An increasing number of Britons are converting to Islam. Mosques are open to the public, so it is possible simply to wander in and try the religion for size?


London Central Mosque, near Lord’s cricket ground. I have passed it 1,000 times. Years ago, on the bus, I stared admiringly at the golden dome. More recently, pushing my daughter on the swings at nearby Regent's Park, I’ve noticed the gold needs touching up. But in the past few weeks I’ve been wondering whether I dared to step inside, as if it were a church, for a spot of peace and reflection.

Like many other people brought up in no particular religious tradition, I’ve dabbled - attended a wide variety of Christian churches, married into a substantially Jewish family and looked extensively into Buddhism. But I'd never tried Islam, although the Central Mosque is one of more than 1,500 in Britain, serving a fast-growing British Muslim community that already numbers some 2.4m people - rather more than the 1.7m Anglicans who attend church each week. And I am intrigued by the thought that there may be lessons I could learn. Like it or not, mosques are a part of our landscape that’s here to stay. And they're open to the public - so what stopped me before?

Despite thinking of myself as open-minded, I've come to believe that getting close to Islam can be dangerous. After all, extremists like Abu Hamza recruited through mosques such as Finsbury Park, and I've interviewed people who told me that went on at other mosques too. But one reformed extremist, Ed Husain, now runs a counter-extremist think-tank and strongly encouraged me to visit a mosque. Who knows, I might discover that the prayer mat and the pew have much in common.

And so, on a Friday in spring, I took myself to the Central Mosque for lunchtime prayers. A vast, largely male crowd gathered, like at football grounds. Inside the great hall, I sat on the carpet like everyone else, at the back. I admired the geometric design inside the domed roof and watched the men around me - poor Bengalis from nearby estates, prosperous Arabs up from Edgware Road, and assorted Kosovars and Bosnians. Here and there, small children rolled about quietly.

John-Paul Flintoff sticks his head out during prayer at his local mosque in Brent

After half an hour of Arabic, the imam spoke in English on the need to apologise after doing wrong. He addressed us as “dear brothers and sisters” - somewhere unseen, women were listening to him too.

Then the call to prayer began, and people behind me pushed forward to fill gaps. A few, having secured a place, turned and beckoned me to join them. But I was only here to observe, so I smiled and stayed where I was - until an angry-looking man stepped out of line and beckoned more forcefully. I meekly followed - only to find myself on a mat facing Mecca, bending at the hips as if to inspect my shoes, then dropping to my knees to rest my nose on the mat, bottom in the air, holes in socks for all to see, muttering “Allahu akbar” (God is great).

It wasn’t the most spiritual moment in my life. When it finished, I got up and joined 8,000 other people in a mad rush to retrieve shoes.


The past 15 years have seen a phenomenal growth of Islam within Britain’s indigenous and African-Caribbean communities, according to Batool Al-Toma, who runs the Leicestershire-based New Muslims Project. Born Mary Geraghty, she’s a former Catholic who embraced Islam three decades ago. She wears a headscarf and a long floral coat modestly buttoned up to her neck, but retains a feisty, bustling quality not uncommon in middle-aged Irishwomen.

Jemima Khan, perhaps the most prominent convert of recent times, spent six or seven months reading Islamic scholars such as Gai Eaton, Alija Izetbegovic and Muhammad Asad. “What began as intellectual curiosity slowly ripened into a dawning realisation of the universal and eternal truth,” she said. I tried those authors, and others too.

Hundreds of people have come to Al-Toma’s office to convert to Islam, which involves no more than reciting the shahada (a conviction that there is no God but Allah and that Muhammad is his prophet). "People ask how many I’ve converted," she said. "They ask that all the time, as if I'm out there with my net." She told me she discourages would-be converts if she thinks that they - or their families and friends - are not ready. And that can take a very long time: her own children were born into Islam and have embraced it as adults but when she went to Ireland recently to visit family with her son, he was constantly rebuked for wearing a beard “to promote Islam”.

Sarah Joseph is the editor and CEO of a Muslim lifestyle magazine, emel. Like Al-Toma, she was brought up Catholic but converted 22 years ago after losing her faith. It was very painful.


A priest said, don’t worry, we all have doubts." Meanwhile, her brother married a Muslim and converted. Joseph looked into Islam and was surprised to find “intellectually satisfying answers". Like Al-Toma, she knows it can be hard to keep the support of friends and family. “Some families can feel a degree of bereavement,” she says. “It’s as if your child has given up on the right path, the middle-class dream. People think, ‘Oh my God, what have they become?’”

Another convert, Yahya (formerly Jonathan) Birt - son of the former BBC director-general John Birt - agrees that embracing Islam can cause upset. “Converts can be labelled traitors or, more kindly, eccentrics.” So why bother? What can possibly be the attraction?

Birt is reluctant to talk about his own conversion, in 1989, because to people who are cynical about religion it can sound deluded or pretentious. It's a personal matter, he stresses. His own interest arose after meeting somebody who seemed to embody the religious life at its best: “It took me over three years to get past my own lack of interest in all things religious to ask him about his faith. I was presented with no argument but simply with holiness, with the possibilities of contentment, integrity and wholeness that the religious life offers. Saintliness is its own argument.”

Impressed, I wondered if it might be possible to get some taste of Islam - but without actually converting. To practise, if you like, some kind of Islam-lite - like dipping into Christianity by trying the Alpha course.




Found at CresWalk 







If this is yours, email theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org to claim it.



Peter Kavanagh says no to Yusuf Islam Cat Stevens 


THE Peace Train may not make it Down Under if a south-west MP has his way.

Western Victoria MP Peter Kavanagh yesterday called on the federal government to deny British singer-songwriter Cat Stevens, now known as Yusuf Islam, entry into Australia because he allegedly supports an order to murder controversial author Salman Rushdie.

The singer courted controversy in 1989 when he was asked about the fatwa calling for the death of author of The Satanic Verses ?? considered blasphemous by Muslims. Mr Islam has subsequently denied any support for a fatwa against Mr Rushdie.

"Yusuf Islam, previously known as Cat Stevens, is due to give a concert tour later this month," Mr Kavanagh said.

"Although Yusuf now denies supporting attempts to murder Rushdie, he is on record at the time for stating that he wanted to see Mr Rushdie himself burn, not just an effigy of him, and he would like to have reported Mr Rushdie's whereabouts to those who were trying to murder him.''

Mr Kavanagh said the Peace Train singer should be denied entry into Australia because he did not support freedom of expression.

"Yusuf has evaded on this matter for years," he said. ''I call on the Minister for Immigration to deny Mr Yusuf a visa to enter Australia unless he publicly and categorically states that he does not and will not support the murder of any person for the expression of views, no matter how offensive."

Yusuf Islam is due to tour Australia next month ? the first time in 36 years that he has performed a concert in the country.


The Standard

The Inbox Update 


In response to last week's CCN request, Mohammed Zakir, a Civil Engineer from Perth has volunteered to advise FAIR on Qatar working conditions and society having worked in the construction industry in Qatar, Abu Dhabi, and Dubai etc;


Pavlovas prepared to perfection 


The Gold Coast Halal Certification Services approved Mt Egmont Pavlova Bakery at Logan City in March this year.


According to owners Ian and Liz Parata:


“At Mt Egmont Pavlova we only use 100% Halal approved ingredients to create the all-time favourite Australian dessert with a golden crisp crust and soft sweet centre.


Gluten free Pavlova include traditional round sizes as well as unique single serves.


Also available by order are birthday numbers and a variety of heart and other shapes. Come in and have a chat with Ian & Liz about your party needs.

Mt Egmont Pavlova supplies the restaurant and catering industry across Queensland and delivers fresh to local customers by arrangement.


The State’s only specialist Pavlova Bakery is LCC Health Department approved and operates under the ‘FoodSafe Plus’ food safety program.”

The Bakery is in Shop 4 on the Corner of Herbert & Randall Streets, Slacks Creek in Logan City and they are open 9am to 5pm, Mon to Thurs and 9am to 1pm, Friday. Phone 3209 2533 anytime.



[Editor] Ian and Liz kindly donated 5 dozen pavlovas for sale at Crescents of Brisbane's CresCafe stall on the Harmony Day Twilight Festival held on Friday (28 May) at the Runcorn Heights State School.


One Crescents of Brisbane team member told CCN that the pavlovas were a big hit on the day and "literally went out the door".


CCN at the Movies 


The reviews are out and critics say that it is racist and just plain bad.

The film, which is set in the United Arab Emirates, has been called "anti-Muslim" by the Hollywood Reporter website's Stephen Farber.

"....it is blatantly anti-Muslim, which means that it might confound liberal viewers," Farber wrote.

The Guardian newspaper's feature writer, Hadley Freeman, says the film is "borderline racist."

"Not since 1942's Arabian Nights has orientalism been portrayed so unironically," Freeman wrote.

"All Middle Eastern men are shot in a sparkly light with jingly jangly music just in case you didn't get that these dusky people are exotic and different."

In another scene, Muslim woman are seen throwing off their burqas to reveal trendy Western clothing.

Freeman added the movie is so bad it's like a kick in the face.

"I'm not asking for much. I just don't want to be sick in my mouth," she wrote.

The New York Magazine called it an "epic eyesore" while the New York Observer says "it is to movies what fried dough is to nutrition".


Kuraby lecture series continues through June 

by Mohamad Abdalla


Alhamdulillah, the Saturday night lectures at Kuraby have been very successful.

The lectures for the month of June will be presented by convert brothers who will share with the community their inspirational stories of conversion.


Come and listen to how and when they accepted Islam, the motivations for doing so, the challenges that followed and their insightful advice to the community.


Make sure that you don't miss out on these unique lectures and make sure that you bring the entire family along.


Lectures run for 35-40 minutes only, followed by a scrumptious sausage sizzle and refreshments.


Don't miss out on this opportunity!

Podcast from WA 



You can download podcasts of lectures from http://www.jamiat.com.au/jamiat-podcast/


Muslims, Catholics step up ethics protest


The Islamic Council of NSW and the leader of the Catholic Church of Australia, Cardinal George Pell have joined Sydney Anglicans in their disapproval of the ethics trial in NSW primary schools.

Cardinal Pell has spoken out against the ethics course, which he believes is undermining the work done by the thousands of volunteers teaching SRE in schools around Sydney.

“I do think that we are suffering a bit of a push to radically diminish what is one of the glories of the Sydney Church,” he told a Sydney book launch.

On a recent episode of the SBS program, Insight, which aired May 25, parents, children and representatives of different religious organisations, voiced their opinions about the classes, touted as an option for children not attending Special Religious Education (SRE).
Mazen Fahme from the Islamic Council of NSW, and Ann Maree Whenman, a representative of the Australian Catholic Church, shared their organisations’ qualms with the course.



Sydney Anglican

Islamic School of Canberra moves to Weston

Muslims Australia Press Release


The President of Muslims Australia AFIC and Chairman of Islamic School of Canberra board, Mr Ikebal Patel announced the relocation of the Islamic School of Canberra to its permanent site in Weston.


“Students at the Islamic School of Canberra commenced term two classes at the new home with enthusiasm and great excitement”, he said. Mr Patel expressed appreciation to the Chief Minister of ACT, Mr Jon Stanhope MLA for his inclusive vision and recognition of community needs.


In a statement made previously, Mr Stanhope had stated "The Islamic School of Canberra has made a positive contribution to the diversity and quality of education in the ACT."


Mr Patel reiterated the importance of education in Islam and the duty and responsibility of community leaders, teachers and parents to work in collaboration with local and federal governments to ensure all reasonable steps are taken to provide adequate facilities to achieve this important objective.


Mr Patel said, “At the Islamic School of Canberra we aim to provide our children the highest quality education within an Australian curriculum and we certainly expect to see valued Australian citizens contributing positively and putting back into this beautiful land - an enduring legacy”.

The outstanding results of the very first NAPLAN tests for the Islamic School of Canberra in 2009 is a testimony to the level of education provided at the school, added Mr Patel.


"All Canberran’s are welcome to send their children to the Islamic School of Canberra."


The CCN Rentals and Commercials


Brand NEW double storey house in Eight Mile Plains

• 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom
• Spacious living area
• Double lock up garage
• Air-conditioning in master bedroom and living area
• Balcony and covered patio

For more information or for a viewing, please contact Nazeera on 0411 045 021


This could be the one you’ve been scouting for…

Brumby’s Underwood (Halal bakery) is being marketed for immediate sale with the added bonus of Naming Rights! Starting your own chain of bakeries has never been easier or more feasible. Why pay $400K for a new franchise store and start from scratch, when you could purchase one that has already done all the hard work for you?

Priced phenomenally at $285K, the opportunity to profit is tremendous:-
 Positive Cash Flow with Profits of approx. $10K per month
 No restrictions on Introducing New Products
 Well-Established & Thriving Cliental
 No Royalties payable
 Hands-on Training On-site
 $130K worth of Equipment
 Recipes & Suppliers in place

Inviting all expressions of interest by 16th June 2010.

Don’t kick yourself tomorrow, put your dreams into action and contact me today for more information on 0433 128 585 or Email sameer.gutta@raywhite.com.

Policies guaranteed to sink Abbott's ambitions says Patel


Mr Ikebal Patel, President of Muslims Australia – AFIC expressed astonishment at Federal Opposition Party’s views in relation to refugees and people seeking asylum.


Mr Patel said, Mr Tony Abbotts remarks indicates a return to the draconian and inhumane policies of the Howard era when Australia lost it’s humanitarian standing internationally.


Mr Patel further stated, the Federal Opposition under the leadership of Tony Abbott is seeking to score political points in an election year. The question of people seeking refugee and asylum is a very emotive subject and the source of much un called for discrimination and fear mongering in the past.


Mr Patel agreed with former federal Liberal leader Dr John Hewson in a statement to Sky News: "To go back ... the Pacific solution, without the detail, it's trying to score a short-term political point, position the party policy to the right,".


Former Liberal Leader Mr Malcolm Fraser also expressed his dismay to his former party wanting to go back to the bad old days of the Howard Era.


Mr Patel said voters should not be “hood winked” into facades that distract from fair and just policy.


"As Australians we care about our international standing and obligations and with regards to the refugees and asylum seekers, peddling the same old fear as Tampa and the like will certainly sink Tony Abbott’s ambitions."


The South African Soccer World Cup Corner




With the World Cup a few weeks away and many Australians making their way to South Africa, CCN will, over the next few weeks, bring readers, heading out to the Rainbow Nation, up to speed with world cup news, and the local politics, idiosyncrasies, personalities and culture of the country.



Visitors to South Africa are advised to become familiar with the local language:


A bathing suit is a "swimming costume".

A traffic light is a "robot".

An elevator is a "lift".

A car hood is a "bonnet".

A vehicle trunk is a "boot".

A pickup truck is known as a "bakkie'.

A Barbeque is fondly known as a "Braai".

"Now now" or "just now" can mean anything from a minute to a month.

"Takkies" are running shoes, trainers or sneakers.


`Community Newsletters and Updates


The Bosnian Bulletin for Bosnian Readers in Bosnian

By Haji Safet Avdich  


Latest Bulletin:

30 May 2010


Previous Bulletins:


23 May 2010 18 April 2010
16 May 2010

28 March 2010

9 May 2010

21 March 2010

2 May 2010

14 March 2010

25 April 2010

  7 March 2010





The Al-Ghazalli Newsletter of the Sydney-based Al-Ghazalli Centre can be viewed here.




Topics include:

• Mizaan Living - Coastal Walk
• The Marriage Workshop Part 1 - Melbourne
• Mizaan Health & Wellbeing Seminar – Melbourne
• XpressO Movie Night - Prince Among Slaves
• Cyclone Tomas - Fiji Appeal
• Seerah of the Prophet
• The Ansaar Project @ Elizabeth Bay
• Mizaan Ecology - Cooks River Regeneration Project
• Night of Remembrance - Sisters Only
• Night of Remembrance - Brother Only
• Crescent Sighting – Rajab
• Mizaan Ecology - Newcastle

The CCN Middle Link


School Principal

The Australian International Islamic College invites applicants for the position of Principal.

The AIIC is a prep to year 12 College.

For the selection criteria and more information contact Mariam Ali on 07 3372 1400, email: admin@aiic.qld.edu.au or forward your application to:

The Chairman
724 Blunder Road, Durack QLD 4077

Applications close 20 June 2010.


Successful applicant needs to be ready to commence from Term 3 2010.


 I coordinate the Multicultural Employment Infrastructure Program (MEIP) at Brisbane City Council and I am keen to spread community awareness about this program and to find more migrant and refugee individuals who we can assist in their search for employment.

So what is MEIP?
MEIP is a program which assists Brisbane's skilled migrants and refugees to effectively compete for jobs that match their skills, experience and qualifications.

And how does MEIP work?
Our HR consultants firstly meet with each individual to assess their work readiness as well as their transferrable skills for relevant roles. (If an individual is not yet work-ready we will recommend other appropriate services, programs or further training to assist).

Once work-ready, MEIP participants are guided through the process of:
- preparing strong resumes & cover letters (tailored to each job they apply for);
- responding effectively to selection criteria; and
- preparing for interviews.

What does it cost?
MEIP is a free HR service and we also engage with employers as a free recruitment service. As the Australian economy continues to recover, some employers have already approached MEIP as a free source of talent, seeking individuals with in-demand skills and experience.

Am I eligible?
To participate in MEIP you need to be:
- a refugee or migrant to Australia, currently residing in Brisbane;
- eligible to work in Australia (not including a student, tourist or working holiday visa); AND
- unemployed, underemployed (i.e., working part-time or not in your field of expertise) or temporarily employed;

As MEIP is about helping those people most at risk of long term unemployment, you should also have:
- Less than 6 months paid work in Australia in your area of experience / qualification; AND
- Less than 24 months paid work in Australia in an area unrelated to your experience/qualification.

How do I join?
If you fit the eligibility criteria above and need help finding a job that is appropriate to your skills and qualifications, simply send your resume to the MEIP team (email MEIP@brisbane.qld.gov.au ), and one of our consultants will contact you.

We look forward to hearing from you

Iain Burley
Program Coordinator
Multicultural Employment Infrastructure Program (MEIP)
Brisbane City Council
Level 3, Green Square
505 St Pauls Tce, Fortitude Valley QLD 4006
T: 302 75763
F: 333 40081
M: 0417 768 621
E: MEIP@brisbane.qld.gov.au


New on ISLAM TV this week








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CCN tweeting on twitter!




round the Muslim World with CCN


South African Mail & Guardian Cartoon




On Friday May 21 2010 South African cartoonist Jonathan Shapiro, aka Zapiro, drew a cartoon depicting the Prophet Muhammad reclining on a psychiatrist's couch, bemoaning his followers' lack of humour.


It referenced the uproar in some Muslim communities over the Everyone Draw Muhammad Day campaign.

Muslim leaders failed in a court application to stop the newspaper publishing the article. In the uproar that followed, the newspaper and cartoonist met with community leaders from a cross-section of the South African Muslim community, to reach an amicable solution.


Mail & Guardian statement: May 26 2010

The Mail & Guardian on Wednesday met with leaders of the broader Muslim community from across South Africa to discuss its publication of a cartoon by Zapiro depicting the Prophet Muhammad.

The M&G communicated to the meeting its regret for the harm caused by the publication of the cartoon, and apologises for the effects thereof. The newspaper in no way intended to cause injury, or to associate itself with Islamophobia, which it repudiates in the strongest possible terms.

We have learned an enormous amount since the publication of the cartoon about the depth of reverence in which Muslims hold the Prophet. We invite community leaders and ordinary readers to communicate their devotion in our pages, as some have already begun to do.

In light of the injury caused by the cartoon we are reviewing our editorial policies on religious matters broadly, and the depiction of the Prophet in particular. This review process will be informed by consultation with religious leaders including, but not limited to, the United Muslim Forum of South Africa. We commit during the review period to honouring the prohibition on representation of the Prophet.

Any final policy that emerges from the review process will be informed by the experience of the past week, and by what we now know of the depth of feeling in the Muslim community on this matter.

The M&G is committed to editorial independence and press freedom. We are guided by the constitution and our own values of social justice in dealing with South Africa's diverse religious and secular communities.



Mail & Guardian Online


Jamiatul Ulama Editorial: Where we Draw the Line

SOUTH AFRICA: The publication of blasphemous cartoon that appeared in the 21 May edition of Mail & Guardian is the latest leg in the labyrinth of Muslim provocation that is littered with stereotyping snares and trapdoors.

Unfortunately for the cynics, Muslims have large and by seen through it and have not fallen for the bait. For now, it doesn’t make good script for the detractors who would have loved reading headlines of ‘fundamentalist Muslim violence in the streets of Johannesburg.’ However, people of goodwill, non-Muslims included, have noted and lauded the restraint and responsible reaction on the part of Muslims to the open provocation.

Muslims have been deeply hurt and feel offended. Their beloved Prophet Sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam has once more been mocked. A depiction of a prophet as someone who has lost his mind, seeking psychiatric help and attributing words to him which he never said, is unacceptable.

The protest to such an insult does not apply to Muhammad only but the whole spectrum of the Messengers of Allah such as Abraham, Moses and Jesus, just to mention a few.


South African Jamiatul Ulama Editorial



Editor's comments


M & G's editor, Nic Dawes, explains how his underestimated the reaction the cartoons generated in the country:


I have been asked repeatedly, and often angrily, over the past week "Why did you do it? Why run a cartoon that you knew would cause such profound anger, and just ahead of the World Cup at that".

The short answer is I did not expect the reaction to be so intense. Chalk it up to naivety, if you like, but when I first saw the cartoon, around 3pm on the Thursday before publication, I thought "this will ruffle a few feathers", not "this will ignite a firestorm".


Mail & Guardian Online


Elton John in Morocco


ELTON John's latest gig has tested the limits of one country's drive for modernity, probing this Muslim nation's complex and ambiguous attitudes toward homosexuality like rarely before.

Islamists in the North African kingdom were outraged by the gay pop star's visit, while the royal palace, government and his many fans backed his appearance Wednesday night.

No riots or violence was reported, said Rabat's governor, Hassan Amrani. Authorities had beefed up security with thousands of police and plainclothes officers.

In a sign of John's popularity, several thousand of his fans appeared to know his lyrics by heart even though most people in this French and Arabic speaking country know little or no English.


"He is a very big name in the music world, he's a great artist. And his private life is nobody's business," said Leila Hassan, a 43-year-old housewife.


The Daily Telegraph


Facebook rival launched in Pakistan after blasphemous Prophet images published

Six young IT experts in the city of Lahore have set up MillatFacebook – using the Urdu word for nation – which they hope will become a hub for Muslims around the world.

Omar Zaheer Meer (seen left on MillatFacebook), one of the founders, said the site was launched on Wednesday and had already attracted 8,000 users.

The aim, he said, was to register their disapproval of the images of the Muslim prophet and to offer an alternative to a site that has also been criticised for its lax and confusing privacy controls.

"We are saying that we are technologically independent and that you can't make money from us and then not respect our views," he said.

Thousands of people in Pakistan have demonstrated against the US-based social networking site for hosting a contest calling for cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed.

The country's courts ordered internet service providers to block the social networking site last week, along with others that featured sacrilegious content. YouTube, Wikipedia and hundreds of other pages have all been subject to temporary bans.

Muslims argue that any representation of the Prophet Mohammed is blasphemous.


Millatfacebook is Pakistan's very own, first social networking site. A site for Muslims by Muslims where sweet people of other religions are also welcome



The Facebook ban has led Pakistanis to find alternative ways of keeping in touch with friends.

Many have joined other social networking sites - Rehman Malik, the country's interior minister, has even signed up to twitter. Others have found proxy servers that get around censors and allow access to Facebook

MillatFacebook's designers hope the site will attract people of all faith, and admit it shares some of the same features as its better-known template. In fact, from the blue navigation panel to the map of the world, the login page bears a remarkable similarity to Facebook.

"Millatfacebook is Pakistan's very own, first social networking site. A site for Muslims by Muslims where sweet people of other religions are also welcome," the website tells people interested in signing up.

However, tech reviews in the local media have criticised its homemade feel.

The Express Tribune said: "The quality of user experience is so abysmal that it does not merit the humble title, 'Facebook clone.'"

But its technological shortcomings do not seem to have deterred web-literate young Pakistanis.

Rana Adeel, a 21-year-old law student in Lahore, signed up after receiving invitations via SMS and email from friends.

"In two days, I got more than seven friends. If the Facebook ban is lifted, I'll keep networking on both," she said.



CCN Reader's Discussion Forum


Have your say on www.ccnforum.ning.com


CCN Readers' Book Club: You are what you read!


This week

 a CCN Reader



  City of Djinns



 William Dalrymple



Sparkling with irrepressible wit, City of Djinns peels back the layers of Delhi's centuries-old history, revealing an extraordinary array of characters along the way-from eunuchs to descendants of great Moguls.


With refreshingly open-minded curiosity, William Dalrymple explores the seven "dead" cities of Delhi as well as the eighth city-today's Delhi.


Underlying his quest is the legend of the djinns, fire-formed spirits that are said to assure the city's Phoenix-like regeneration no matter how many times it is destroyed. Entertaining, fascinating, and informative, City of Djinns is an irresistible blend of research and adventure.


Would you like to see the cover of your favourite book on our book shelves below?

Then simply email the title and author to thebookclub@crescentsofbrisbane.org


Double click a book cover to find out what others think of the book


CCN has set up an online Book Club at Shelfari to connect with CCN book readers at:


Using the book club you can see what books fellow CCN readers have on their shelves, what they are reading and even what they, and others, think of them.

The CCN Readers' Book Club

KB's Culinary Corner




125g Butter
1 cup Sugar
3 Eggs
1 tsp Peppermint essence
½ tsp green food colouring
2 ½ cups cake flour
3 tsp Baking Powder
Pinch salt
1 cup milk
1 cup desiccated coconut
Chocolate spread (Nutella or Rolo chocolate)
Grated peppermint crisp chocolate to decorate

Line 24 muffin tins with paper cases.

Cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy, add essence and colouring.

Add eggs gradually, beating well after each addition.

Fold in sifted flour, baking powder, salt and coconut.

Spoon half the batter evenly into 24 paper cases.

Top centre of each muffin with half a teaspoon Nutella or chocolate spread or a rolo chocolate.

Spoon remaining batter evenly over the chocolate spread.

Bake at 180 for approx 15 minutes until done.

When cool spread with nutella and sprinkle grated peppermint crisp.


Do you have a recipe to share with CCN readers?

Send in your favourite recipe to ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org and be our "guest chef" for the week.


Kareema's Keep Fit Column


F U E L    Y O U R    B O D Y



Make sure you're giving your body the right fuel at the right time to help you train and perform at your best, day after day!

PRE-TRAINING (morning):
If you'll be training for longer than 60mins before breakfast, have half a glass of low-fat milk with some crackers and an energy bar. This will give you some energy for your workout and optimise your ability to burn fat during your training session.

The number 1 rule of sports nutrition is that fuel stores need to be replaced within 60 minutes of your training session. The quicker you get the fuel in, the better your recovery will be. If you will not be having breakfast for some time after your morning training, or a couple of hours before dinner, keep a small protein and carbohydrate-rich snack handy to quickly refuel in the meantime. Options include a low-fat milk drink or yoghurt.

Steer clear of lollies and sugar-based drinks as they are not good options. Try energy bars or liquid meal replacements and get the most out of your workout, and putting some good back into your body for muscles to be replenished before your next training session.






My Health and Fitness

Tel: 0404 844 786


Need an answer to a fitness related matter? Send your question to Kareema at  fitness@crescentsofbrisbane.org.

All questions sent in are published here anonymously and without any references to the author of the question.


The CCN Chuckle


After they had brought their first baby home from hospital, Begumbhanu suggested to her husband, Mula Nasruddin, that he try his hand at changing diapers,


"I'm busy," Mula Nasruddin said. "I'll do the next one."


The next time the baby was wet, Begumbhanu asked if he was now ready to learn how to change diapers.


Mula Nasruddin looked puzzled.


'Oh,' he replied finally. "I didn't mean the next diaper. I meant the next baby!"


Notice Board


Click on image to enlarge

Events and Functions


Queensland Madrasa Cup Competition:

Soccer Tournament


Mad Hatters Tea Party


Inter-Uni Cup

Family Fun Night

Sounds of Light


Get Set for Work Program

Orphans of Afghanistan Fundraiser

Islamic Programmes, Education & Services


Brisbane  Muslim Burial Society (BMBS)

pdf version

Spirituality, Conversations & Community-Building


Seerah Classes UMB

Maths Tutoring service

From years 6-10

Math A, B and C for years 11 &12
Ahlam Haddad

Tel: 32191554

email: haddada5@hotmail.com.


Australian International Islamic College (DURACK)

Qu'ran Reading & Islamic Studies

Kuraby Mosque

Businesses and Services

Mt Egmont Bakery

for the best in halal pavlovas

Forex Coaching by Azhar Khan

pdf version


FULL MENU pdf version

Brisbane Diagnostics



Jamal Naouri

Real Estate Agent

Junaid Ally

Ray White

The Quran Pen Reader is available online at www.hussana.com.au

Flight Star Travel & Tours



Islamic Couture

Phone: (07) 3397 6863
Mobile: 0431 446 528
Address: 910 Logan Rd, Holland Park West

New clients get 15% off
Email: vanise@glamoroushair.com.au
Website: www.glamoroushair.com.au

AK Surtie


Brumby's Bakery

Big Gun Shopping Centre, Underwood

South African Naan available

every Sunday and Tuesday


Where Style meets Modesty

INWear Fashions

Mina Collection

Nando's Calamvale Central
Shop 60-61 662
Compton Road

Tel: 07 3272 2299


Healthy Life



Body & Beauty

Brochure 1; Brochure 2

Lezzet Restaurant

FAMSY Bookstore



Naadiya Karim



Mr. India

Indian Cuisine


Table & Chair Hire


Additional contact:

Ahmed Hassan

0433 531 593

Hussana Australia

Halal Body Care range


Hydrotherapy & swimming classes for Muslim women

pdf version


The CCN Date Claimer






(Click on link)





30 May


Queensland Madrasa Cup Competition: Soccer Tournament

QLD Madaaris

Islamic College of Brisbane, Karawatha

0402 579 136


30 May


Al-Nisa Tea Party


Runcorn Function Room, 124 Gowan Rd, Runcorn

0410 617 178


6 June


Queensland Muslims Historical Society Exhibition @ Government House

Governor of Queensland

Government House

0435 086 796

10am to 3pm

13 June


International Food Festival

Islamic Society of Gold Coast

Gold Coast Mosque

0412 601 152

10am til late

19 June


Family Fun Night


Blunder Rd, DURACK

3372 1400

6pm to 8.30pm

9 July



Lailatul Mehraj

23 July


Sounds of Light Concert

Human Appeal International

Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre

0422 349 786


28 July



Lailatul Baraat

31 July


Orphans of Afghanistan Fundraiser

Al-Nisa Youth Group Inc.

Greek Orthodox Hall, 269 Creek Rd, Mt Gravatt

0433 182 520


31 July-1 August

Sat & Sun

Inter-Uni Cup: 7-aside Outdoor Soccer Tournament


Rochedale State High, Priestdale Rd, ROCHEDALE

0412 298 531


12 August



Start of Ramadhan

6 September



Lailatul Qadr

9 September



End of Ramadhan

10 September




11 September




Mt Gravatt Showgrounds

0418 722 353

10am til late

9 October


Annual Event  (TBA)



0418 757 157


17 November




20 November


2010 Women's Only Eid Ul Adha Ball


The Vibe Hotel, Surfer's Paradise



7 December



Islamic New Year

16 December



Day of Ashura


To claim your date for your event email ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org.




Ladies Taleem


Taleem this week will be held on Thursday 3 June from 12pm-1pm at the residence of


Sharifa Gutta

50 Caribbea Street

Eight Mile Plains

Tel: 32190587

All ladies welcome


Inspiration Talk, BBQ and Youth Hour

Topics that are relevant, Iman-boosting and mind-capturing.
Where: AMYN Islamic Youth Centre, 16/157 North Road, Woodridge
When: Every Sunday, 7pm
Info: www.AMYNweb.com
Everyone is invited



CCN @ Facebook


Catch Crescents Community News at


Please feel free to post an entry on our Wall, start up a Discussion thread and/or become a Fan.


Useful Links


Crescents Community News (CCN) Readers' Forum

 Discussion Forum & Social Network for CCN Readers

Queensland Muslim Historical Society Inc.

Promoting the study and awareness of the rich history of the Muslims of Queensland

Young Muslims of Queensland

Social network for young Muslims of Brisbane

Sunnah Inspirations

Providing information about Islam - its beliefs, culture, practices, dispelling misconceptions

Kuraby Mosque

Holland Park Mosque


Provide young Muslim women in Queensland with support and opportunities to express themselves

Australian Federation of Islamic Councils (AFIC)

Islamic Schools, Halal Services and a whole lot more...

AFIC Schools

www.mfis.com.au (Malek Fahd Islamic School, Sydney, NSW)
www.islamiccollegeofbrisbane.com.au (Islamic College of Brisbane, QLD)
www.icosa.sa.edu.au (Islamic College of South Australia, SA)
www.afic-lic.com.au (Langford Islamic College, Perth, WA)
www.islamicschoolofcanberra.act.edu.au (Islamic College of Canberra, ACT)

Karratha Muslims (Muslims in Western Australia)

Islam TV

Recording of lectures and events in and around Queensland

The Muslim Directory


Gold Coast Mosque

South African National Halaal Authority (SANHA)

Muslim Womens' Convert Support Group (MWCSG)

Network of Muslim women converts from the Brisbane and Gold Coast areas of Queensland.

Australian International Islamic College (Durack)

Eidfest 2009

Kotku Mosque - Dubbo NSW

Islamic Society of Algester

Jamiatul Ulama Western Australia

Body of Muslim Theologians (Ulama, Religious Scholars)

Islamic Women's Association of Queensland (IWAQ)

Community based, not-for-profit organisation providing Settlement, Aged Care, disability, social activities and employment opportunities.

Federation of Australian Muslim Students and Youth (FAMSY)

Queensland Intercultural Society (QIS)

GIRU – Griffith Islamic Research Unit

          Qld Stories link or YouTube link

Gold Coast Halal Certification Services (GCHCS)

Muslim Aid Australia

Serving Humanity

Human Appeal International Australia  

Always with you on the road to goodness

Australian Muslim Youth Network (AMYN)
Find out about the latest events, outings, fun-days, soccer tournaments, BBQs organised by AMYN. Network with other young Muslims on the AMYN Forum

Al-Mustapha Institute of Brisbane  

Preserving the Past, Educating the Present to Create the Future

If you would like a link to your website email ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org.

Write For Us

The best ideas and the best feedback come from our community of readers. If you have a topic or opinion that you want to write about or want seen covered or any news item that you think might be of benefit to the Crescents Community please e-mail ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org.


Share your thoughts, feelings and ambitions for our community through CCN.


If there is someone you know who would like to subscribe to CCN please encourage them to send an e-mail to ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org with the words “Subscribe Me” in the subject line.


Articles and opinions appearing in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Crescents of Brisbane Team, CCN, its Editor or its Sponsors, particularly if they eventually turn out to be libellous, unfounded, objectionable, obnoxious, offensive, slanderous and/or downright distasteful.


It is the usual policy of CCN to include from time to time, notices of events that some readers may find interesting or relevant. Such notices are often posted as received. Including such messages or providing the details of such events does not necessarily imply endorsement of the contents of these events by either CCN or Crescents of Brisbane Inc.