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......a sometimes self-deprecating and occasional tongue-in-cheek look at ourselves and the world around us ......



Sunday, 15 August 2010

 .Newsletter 0301



Ramadan Around the World


Muslims around the world started their first day of fasting to observe the month long Ramadan. 

The exact dates of the start and the end of Islam's holy month Ramadan depend on the sighting of the new moon.


Muslims offer Maghrib, the sunset prayer at Dar Al Hijrah Islamic Center in Falls Church, Virginia.




An official from the State Islamic University (STAIN), uses a telescope to observe the moon after sunset from the coast of Madura in East Java province of Indonesia on the eve of Ramadan.


A Palestinian blind boy reads Quran, Islam's holy book, in braille in the West Bank city of Jenin, ahead the upcoming month of Ramadan.



Children point to the new moon ushering in Ramadan, in Dhaka, Bangladesh


Customers at a roadside shop buy a meat dish on the first day of Ramadan in Kabul, Afghanistan.


Praying on the first day of Ramadan at a mosque in the southern Spanish town of Estepona, near Malaga.


An Indonesian woman reads a copy of the Quran next to

a young child on the first day of Ramadan in Jakarta.

Filipino Muslim students read the Quran on the first day on Ramadan inside an elementary school in Manila.


A Musaharati, dawn awakener, strikes his drum to wake observant Muslims for their early morning 'Suhoor', before the day's Ramadan fast in Sidon's Old City in southern Lebanon.

Malik Ghaus, a blind Pakistani flood-affected man, drinks tea with family members before they begin their fast at a makeshift camp in Sukkur.


Two merchants sit on a truck carrying boxes of dates during the first international Dates Festival in the city of Buraidah, north of Riyadh. The festival attracts farmers hoping to sell their produce ahead of Ramadan, the holiest month in the Islamic calendar.


Palestinian boys stand next to a shop, decorated with Ramadan festive lights, in the West Bank city of Nablus.




The exact dates of the start and the end of Islam's holy month Ramadan depend on the sighting of the new moon.













Meanwhile, at Brisbane's Kuraby Mosque (Masjid al Farooq) some 600 men, women and children will break their fast together every Friday, Saturday and Sunday night over meals sponsored by members of the local community.

Ramadhan  Messages


Stephen Robertson, MP

Queensland's Minister for Natural Resources, Mines & Energy and Minister for Trade

Imam Abdel Aziem Al Afifi


Australian national Imams Council


Ikebal Patel


Muslims Australia - AFIC



Australian International

Islamic College






Setting the record straight with Ayyan Hirsi Ali


Are Ayaan Hirsi Ali's opinions the result of direct insight into Islam, or are they based merely on centuries-old prejudice?



Ayyan Hirsi Ali recently wrote an article highly critical of Islam (pdf) which, among other things, called for a kind of alliance between secularists and Christians to oppose the common “Muslim threat” and severely attacked the endowment of chairs in Islamic studies in Western universities.


Rachel Woodlock from Monash University provided a response (pdf), and Assoc. Prof. Mohamad Abdalla of the Griffith Islamic Research Unit (GIRU) submitted his views (pdf) on the subject to the ABC's Religion and Ethics website.


Islamic School of Canberra Opening Ceremony of New Premises


The Chairman of the School Board, Mr Ikebal Patel announced the official opening of the Islamic School of Canberra’s new premises located at 33 Heysen Street, Weston, Canberra.


Mr Patel said this achievement was the result of much community effort and unwavering support, cooperation and generosity of the ACT government.


Mr Patel also expressed gratitude to the ACT Chief Minister, Mr Jon Stanhope MLA for his foresight and vision when it comes to providing education and educational facilities for all Canberrans.


After five years of endurance by the parents, staff and children of confined spaces in the former location, the new school site provides an appropriate learning environment for modern times in the nation’s capital.


Mr Patel extended an invitation to parents who wish to share in this opportunity to provide children with quality education provided by highly skilled educators in a friendly, Islamic environment to contact the school.


Are you handy with your hands and creative with your crafts?


The Brisbane Multicultural Arts Centre (BEMAC) is preparing for a women's arts and crafts project entitled Her Hands.

This project offers Muslim women from many different nations the opportunity to revive their traditional weaving, knotting and other craft skills.


Looms of all types will be available with many types of threads suitable to a variety of traditional practices.


Women may learn new skills if desired such as machine sewing (sewing machines and cloth will be available) and western style crafts, (for example knitting, western style embroidery (thread and yarn available).


This is an opportunity to participate in a landmark national travelling exhibition with the weaving, costumes, clothes, embroidery etc. the women will make in a range of workshops; and develop and be supported with small business skills and financial assistance with equipment and materials.


This is also outlined in the introduction brochure.



Joan Winter
Project manager and curator for BEMAC
3300 7464
0414 746 259

AMYN Inter-Uni Cup QLD 2010 – Action-packed!

By Ismail Mohamed, AMYN Staff Reporter












Sunday 1st August saw the second annual Australian Muslim Youth Network, AMYN Inter-Uni Cup.

Teams from all over Brisbane and the Gold Coast, from diverse ethnic and cultural backgrounds, converged for another action-packed AMYN tournament.

The weather conditions were superb and the atmosphere of competitive, yet brotherly spirit, built up throughout the day.

After a gruelling round-robin tournament, there were only two teams to proceed to the finals – Soccer Stars (of UQ) and Green Falcons (of the Gold Coast).

In the end there could be only one winner ... well done to Captain Hisham and the Green Falcons team!

Qu'ran and Recitations online


 "Quranflash" displays the Holy Quran (Medina layout), in an interactive way.


Among the main features on the website are the following:

•Increasing the page sizes to make reading easier
•Rescanning pages of the Quran more precisely to include side information such as page and chapter numbering, as well as chapter names
•Ability to magnify an area of the page using the magnifying glass
•Ability to bookmark up to 8 pages from each book
•Option to select between different books (such as Quran with tajweed, interpretations, etc)
•Ability to control the pages' quality and hence downloading speed
•Ability to change the background image to suit the reader
•Ability to jump to the supplication page of the Quran
•Ability to close each book
•Ability to navigate the Quran using the directional buttons of the keyboard





The 2010 ESQUIRE Ramadaan compilation, which comprises of Surah Fatiha, Surah Yaseen, Surah Rahman, Surah Waqiah, The Manzil, Naaths, Zikr and Duroods recited by Qari Ziyaad Patel of South Afrcia is available for listening and downloading here.



Listen to a sample.


The CCN Classifieds


Maths Tuition


I am a Maths teacher and Science.  My qualification are Master degree of Science (Applied Mathematics) University of Wales UK, Bachelor of Science (Math) and Graduate Diploma Of Education – Secondary (Griffith University).


I can teach Junior and senior Maths from year 6 to year 10, and Math A, B, C for year 11 and 12.


My phone number is 32191554
Email address is haddada5@hotmail.com


Ahlam Haddad

Runcorn Heights School Daring to be Different



Students working together to help refugee families

Runcorn Heights State School is moving forward with a new concept. The school announces the second stage of their innovative Harmony House Project.

The Runcorn Heights State School community is a melting pot of some 55+ language groups. It is an amazingly tolerant place. There is always a danger, however, that the languages and practices of these cultural groups will disappear under the age old banner of integration. The school community doesn’t wish to go there, but rather, appreciate all each culture brings. The community has grown from the various cultural identities, religious beliefs and practices of those who have gone and enmeshed them with the community of today. There is a saying: “You have to know where you have come from to know where you’re going”. The school is proud to acknowledge past and present community members. It is with this proud historical context from which the Harmony House concept originated.


Does this social and cultural imprint that we all carry around with us affect how we learn, grow, develop relationships and relate to others? Many believe it does. Individuals come into a school community with all their past experiences, their hopes and expectations looking for an opportunity to do well, to be accepted, to make new friends and to be appreciated. Some are in a better position to fulfil these expectations because they come from a safe, secure and loving environment where their family unit is able to meet most of their needs. But what of those who don’t? Harmony House will be another resource for students, parents and staff to show all cultures and religions are special.


Writing cards to send to earthquake victims in Indonesia

Each student comes to school from different social, emotional, cultural and religious backgrounds. As much as possible, teachers already take these factors into consideration making a real difference to student outcomes. Schools strive to be places where students are provided with every opportunity to learn and grow. Schools must keep challenging themselves to improve as our students’ life choices will largely depend on the skills, attitudes and values they have acquired at school. Runcorn Heights wants to aim even higher. It believes it can and must do more.

The school’s culturally inclusive teaching staff are wonderful examples of how various cultures can work together and support each other. In 2010 the school began its Ambassadorial Program which aims to involve students in experiences which promote that they too can make a difference. The year six students are involved in a leadership program during which they are asked to commit to spending some time helping others. Staff have visited Fiji to set up ongoing relationships between staff and students. Students have been involved in sending support packs and books to refugees in Indonesia. In developing their Harmony House project the school community appreciate that future generations walk their paths, learn and grow in their educational spaces. The school is the community’s springboard to the world. It is committed to encouraging and helping its students make a difference.


Enjoying Caring and sharing

The Harmony House Project evolved believing the school would like to continue what it already does really well, only better. It continues to help its students feel positive about their lives and provide them with opportunities to develop, succeed, to grow and to shine.

The Harmony House concept is a vision that acknowledges that the school is already making a difference, however, with an appropriate facility even more is possible. Beginning as a seed many years ago, the desire to do just that little bit more has grown and developed as each new family who is grappling with life’s pressures in their own way, enrols.

The first phase of the Harmony House concept recognises the schools multi- cultural community by providing a designated space to better cater for its English Second Language students. This teaching area will be available in early 2011. Plans have been finalised for the second stage of the project, a multi- faith area which will raise the bar for primary schools. This space will, also, house a religious and cultural library which will provide a space for religion classes and for students and staff to pray.

With a designated space, opportunities can be made available for parents and caregivers to meet for a variety of reasons depending on the needs of current community. It is hoped that in future, students might attend optional outside school hours classes that celebrate their membership in religious and cultural groups. These may take the form of community language classes or religious classes. There has been great interest in classes for parents. Many mothers, in particular, are unable to attend outside classes because they have little ones to care for or transport difficulties.

The Harmony House Project is all about the school supporting its whole community. This includes the students and their families. Currently the school funds a community liaison officer, Mrs Rhonda Dennis (Aisha) who works within English Second Language Program. Having an identifiable person to relate to has proven to be very effective in helping; in particular, new families adjust with life in a new area.

The school is looking for support either financial or in kind to make phase 2 a reality. Community members are invited to help make a difference in the lives of the Runcorn Heights’ school community. Find out how you can be a part of this exciting stage by contacting the Principal Glen Thomas (37118333 : TheOffice@runcheigss@eq.edu.au) or Rhonda Dennis (Aisha) 0402 438 077.


Radio Islam: Common Questions Asked by Non-Muslims


On Monday 16 August, Radio Islam will broadcast a panel discussion from South Africa on the topic: Common Questions Asked by Non-Muslims.


The panellists will be Ml Ebrahim Bham and Ml Sulaiman Moola and the program will be hosted by Ml. Muhammad Kara.


The programme will commence at approximately 5:45am (AEST) and you can tune in on the web at http://radioislam.ndstream.net/


School Fete


A variety of activities and stalls at the Australian International Islamic College made the day an event to remember.


The international food stalls included Malaysian, Indian, Bosnian and Lebanese food, which is always popular at any fete, had delicious dishes for all to taste. Everyone worked up an appetite by just walking around the stalls.

The other stalls included many ladies fashion clothing, scarves, abayas, haj and umra accessories, Bollywood style clothing as well as an Islamic book stall.


The tea and coffee stall had homemade cakes which was a hot seller throughout the day. The ice-cream stall seemed popular among both adults and children. The lolly stall catered especially for those who wanted to be high on sugar and full of energy throughout the day.

The rides were ongoing with a break in between for popcorn and fairy floss.


Some chose to have a go at robotics and others just sat to get their faces painted. It was a must to carry a show bag, so everyone had a bag on their way home.


There were also lots of opportunities of meeting people whilst having a fun day out with the family.


Congratulations to Mrs Islam, who was the lucky winner of a family ticket to Dreamworld.

As part of the program Ms Diana Abdel Rahman was the special guest at the fete. She gave an inspiring talk on the contributions made by Islamic Scholars in Science, Medicine, Arts and Governance.


A well documented display of the various contributions were viewed and admired by the many visitors on the day.


The documents were generously donated to the school which will be used as a valuable resource.

"It surely was a very successful and well organized event and everyone who attended had a great time! We thank all the wonderful members of our school community for their support and contributions on Fete Day, including those who simply turned up on the day!"

Webcast with a stellar cast


The Celebrate Mercy Team brings you "The Man & Month of Mercy" which celebrates events from the Prophet's life that occurred in Ramadan.


It will also remind us of his sayings about Ramadan.


The line up of speakers/performers, include Imam Zaid Shakir, Sami Yusuf, Shaykh Nuh Keller, Imam Suhaib Webb, Maher Zain, and many more (see image on left).

Webcast Date: Sunday 15th August, 2010

Webcast to begin at 1.30pm

Venue: Al-Mustapha Institute of Brisbane
39 Bushmills St, Hillcrest

Contact Javed on 0403 295 127 or on email - javed@hotmail.com.au


NOTE: You can also register online and take part in this event in the comfort of your home for $USD5.


Launch of Unique, Global Matrimonial Website


The Half Our Deen match making website (www.halfourdeen.com) has recently been launched and proves to be an alternative to other matrimonial websites in terms of features, privacy and price to help individuals find their other half AND stay together.


Included in the website are 10 reminder videos dedicated to the topic of marriage (topics ranging from what to expect when you get married to tips on making your marriage successful).



Half Our Deen from Baba Ali on Vimeo.

From the IWAQ desk.......


• Ramadan Mubarak

The Islamic Women’s Association of Queensland would like to take this opportunity to wish the Muslim Ummah Ramadan Mubarak.

During Ramadan, may you find strength, sincerity and guidance in your prayers and may Allah accept your deeds and prayers.


From Management Committee and Staff

• New Home

'Alhamdulillah, IWAQ has finally moved premises.

Our contact details are as follows:
Ph: 3208 6333, 3208 3133, 3290 1433
Fax: 3208 6933
Postal: P.O. Box 412, UNDERWOOD, QLD 4119
Email: admin@iwaq.org.au

• 2010 Ramadan Hamper Drive:
Ramadan is upon us and with it the opportunity to share in the spirit of giving during Ramadan.

We are pleased to announce that IWAQ will be collecting non perishable goods for packing and distribution for the 2010 Ramadan Hamper Drive.

The hampers are distributed to families and individuals who are from refugee backgrounds, frail aged or people living on their own who are on limited income and are in financial hardship.

Non perishable goods include: Flour, sugar, rice, pasta, (preferably 1kg or 2kg bags), cereal, honey, canned tomato, oil, etc.

Also you can donate money for meat or grocery vouchers.

Please call IWAQ Office on 32086333 to arrange for drop off of your contributions.

May Allah bless you in this blessed month and reward you abundantly.

Saturday BBQs are back


Algester Mosque will hold a BBQ every Saturday after Taraweeh

Address 48 Learoyd Road Algester

Contact Yahya on 0403338040 for more information.

All proceeds will go towards the building of the new Mosque.

`Community Newsletters and Updates



The Al-Ghazalli Newsletter of the Sydney-based Al-Ghazalli Centre can be viewed here.





Topics include

• Crescent Sighting - Ramadhan
• Night of Remembrance - Brothers Only
• Celebrate Mercy
• The Ansaar Project @ Elizabeth Bay
• Night of Remembrance - Sisters Only 
• Mizaan Ecology - Newcastle
• The Ansaar Project @ Exodus
• Mizaan Ecology – Cooks River Regeneration Project

The Art of Spain-The Moorish South


The Art of Spain is a BBC Four documentary series on Spanish art presented by Andrew Graham-Dixon.


In this series Andrew Graham-Dixon explores art in Muslim and Christian Spain from 711 to 1492.


Continuing from last week's CCN........






Around the Muslim World with CCN


Contestants gear up for Quran award


Dubai: The Dubai International Holy Quran Award will host 75 contestants this year, with the event set to start on Ramadan 8 following a series of lectures starting on the first day of Ramadan.

The committee of the Dubai International Holy Quran Award (DIHQA) has so far approved the participation of 75 countries for this year's competition, which is 10 contestants fewer than last year.


The award, in its 14th session, is held under the patronage of His Highness Shaikh Mohammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai.

The lectures and the competition will be held at the Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Many of the aspiring young contestants — the youngest this year is a 10-year-old Rwandan contestant, come from poor backgrounds, but from an environment that gives an importance to culture and religion in their daily lives.

For them, learning and memorising the Quran earns them a high status in their community, said Ebrahim Mohammad Bu Melha, Chairman of DIHQA's Organising Committee.

The competition will also be covered by numerous international TV channels, said Bu Melha.

The women's association in Al Hamriya and a public tent in Jumeirah will host a number of lectures from the first of Ramadan until September 11.

The lecturers include prominent figures in the Arab and Islamic world such as world-famous Egyptian preacher Dr Omar Abdul Kafi, Dr Mohammad Al Nabulsi, and Dr Yousuf Juma Salama, preacher at the Al Aqsa Mosque.

The Quran award started in 1997 (1418 Hijri) with only two elements: the competition and the Islamic Personality of the Year award. Today it has six additional sections: a local Quran contestant, a programme on memorising the Quran for prisoners, Islamic lectures, a UAE national programme, a recitation contest and Quran sciences programme.

Personality of the year

The international contest is set to begin on August 19. Five Islamic scholars in Sharia studies and Quranic sciences and readings from Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and the United States will be judging the contestants this year.

Contestants should be able to completely memorise the Quran and have full knowledge of Quran recitation.

The Islamic Personality of the Year will be announced during the competition. The winner gets an award of Dh1 million for his contribution and achievements in the Islamic world. The first three winners of the Quran recitation receive Dh250,000, Dh200,000 and Dh150,000. The fourth to tenth positions receive Dh65,000, Dh60,000, Dh55,000, Dh50,000, Dh45,000, Dh40,000 and Dh35,000.

Meanwhile, winners below the tenth position will be rewarded according to their evaluations as those above 80 per cent are rewarded Dh30,000 each, from 70 to 79 per cent receive Dh25,000 each and below 70 per cent get Dh20,000 ea





Prophet's Mosque ready to welcome millions of visitors


Makkah: The Presidency for the Affairs of the Two Holy Mosques has charted an intensive plan to receive visitors to the Prophet's Mosque during Ramadan, which starts next week, Shaikh Saleh Bin Abdul Rahman Al Hussain, chief of the presidency in Makkah, has said.

Speaking to reporters, Al Hussain said 1,970 workmen, including engineers, technicians and workers have been working at the Prophet's Mosque in Madinah to keep it clean and provide services for visitors.

A power station, fitted with large transformers, approximately seven kilometres away from the mosque, keeps the entire building cool by pumping cold, fresh air through a network connected to the structure's colonnades.

The Prophet's Mosque has six two-way elevators to provide worshippers access from the first floor.

Two sections have been set aside for women, on the eastern and western sides of the mosque. These sections can accommodate more than 50,000 women and have been fitted with separate toilets. The toilet facilities are kept clean round the clock.

Gulf News



Harrow Council to 'review' halal-meat menus in schools after furore

UK: HARROW Council will review plans to introduce halal-only meat menus in the borough's primary schools after a raft of complaints from parents.

Proposals have been laid down for firm Harrison Catering to provide schools meals for primary schools, extending a contract already in place in all but one of the borough's secondary schools.

However, a subsequent furore when the news became public was followed by complaints lodged with the council, with many upset that a non-halal meat option would not be available.

The council has now said it will review the situation when the new school term starts, and has rejected some claims in the media that pupils were being forced to eat halal meat.

A statement put out by the council on Friday, August 6, insisted: “The use of halal meat is common practice across London in many schools, public organisations and indeed restaurants, because of the need to provide segregated meat preparation.


Harrow Times



Saudi Arabia hopes giant clock will establish 'Makkah Time'

The world's largest clock, which looms over the Grand Mosque, is seen under construction atop a skyscraper in Makkah. Image Credit: AFP

Makkah: Muslims around the world could be setting their watches to a new time soon when the world's largest clock begins ticking atop a soaring skyscraper in Islam's holiest city of Makkah.

Saudi Arabia hopes the four faces of the new clock, which will loom over Makkah's Grand Mosque from what is expected to be the world's second tallest building, will establish Makkah as an alternate time standard to the Greenwich median.

The clock is targeted to enter service with a three-month trial period in the first week of the holy month of Ramadan on or about August 12, according to the Saudi state news agency SPA.

It boasts four glimmering 46 metre-across faces of high-tech composite tiles, some laced with gold, sitting more than 400 metres over the Holy Haram compound.

The tower's height will reach 601 metres SPA said.

On its website, Premiere Composite, which is responsible for cladding the top section, including a shimmering spire topped by a golden crescent moon, puts the planned height at 590 metres.

That would make it the world's second tallest building - ahead of Taiwan's 509 metre Taipei 101, but well behind the Burj Khalifa, the 828 metre skyscraper inaugurated in Dubai in January.

Some 250 "highly qualified Muslim workers" were completing welding work on the clock's frame, SPA said.

More than six times larger in diameter than London's famed Big Ben, the clock faces, with the Arabic words "In the Name of Allah" in huge lettering underneath and will be lit with two million LED lights.

Some 21,000 white and green coloured lights, fitted at the top of the clock, will flash to as far as 30 kilometres to signal Islam's mandatory five-times daily prayers.

On special Muslim occasions, 16 bands of vertical lights will shoot some 10 kilometres up into the sky.

"Everyone is interested to see the clock, despite the lack of sufficient information about it, and its mechanism," said Makkah resident Hani Al Wajeeh.

"We in Makkah hope to be the world's central time zone, and not just have a clock to look at, to show off," he said.

The developer of the massive seven-tower Abraj Al Bait complex had kept the details of the clock a secret, but it is visibly in place now, adorned with the green crossed sword and palm symbol of the Saudi state.

Mohammad Al Arkubi, the manager of the Royal Mecca Clock Tower Hotel in the building below, said the installation of the clock, its faces made by the German-owned Dubai company, Premiere Composite Technologies, has been "a huge operation."

The clock reflects a goal by some Muslims to replace the 126-year-old Universal Time standard - originally called Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) - with Makkah mean time.

At a conference in Doha in 2008, Muslim clerics and scholars presented "scientific" arguments that Makkah time is the true global meridian.

They said that Makkah is the centre of the world and that the Greenwich standard was imposed by the west in 1884.

Big does not begin to describe the Abraj Al Bait complex just across the street from the south gate of the Grand Mosque, the Muslim world's most sacred site.

Built by a government-controlled fund, the complex sits seven huge towers atop a massive podium. Six are between 42 and 48 stories, and in the middle is the clock tower, appearing nearly twice as tall as the others.

Moreover, the entire complex, with 3,000 hotel rooms and apartments, a five-story shopping centre and gigantic prayer and conference halls, will give it 1.5 million square metres of floor space, according to architects and construction industry reports.

At that it will tie Dubai International Airport's newest terminal three for the world's largest building by floor space.

The complex will sport three top-class hotels, the Fairmont, Raffles and Swiss Hotel. It will also have hundreds of luxury apartments, most of them designed to have a direct view of the Grand Mosque.

The project is part of the Saudi government's plan to develop Makkah to be able to receive as many as 10 million hajj Pilgrims every year, up from the current three million capacity.

That is necessary to accommodate a rapidly growing global population of Muslims, who have a duty to make a pilgrimage to Makkah at least once in their lifetimes, if possible.

At the peak of the Haj, according to architect Dar Al Handasah, the complex should accommodate 65,000 people.

The clock will be the focus. Elevators will take visitors up to a huge viewing balcony just underneath the faces, and also a four-story astronomical observatory and Islamic museum.

"The construction of the biggest clock in the world in the purest spot on the earth is a dream-come-true for Muslims," said Atif Felmban, who lives in the city.

"Before, we heard and saw famous clocks in the West. But today we can as Muslims be proud of this giant project," said Ahmad Haleem, an Egyptian living in the Muslim holy city.

"I might leave Makkah before the opening ceremony for the clock. But I will be keen to follow it and set my watch to it as soon as it is working," Haleem said. "It means an honour for a place, and time for me."




Response to Dove threat

US: Pastor Terry Jones of The Dove Outreach Church, Gainesville, Fl is planning to commemorate September 11 by calling for “International Burn The Quran Day.".


The Islamic Centre of Southern California (ICSC) spokesperson Dr. Maher Hathout responded during the Friday prayer sermon on August 6, 2010.


Click here to listen to Dr Hathout.



Islam the new anti-communism?






Islam Centre near Ground Zero gets support from some quarters



Obama Strongly Endorses Islam Center Near 9/11 Site

President Obama delivered remarks at a White House dinner celebrating Ramadan

WASHINGTON — President Obama delivered a strong defence on Friday night of a proposed Muslim community centre and mosque near ground zero in Manhattan, using a White House dinner celebrating Ramadan to proclaim that “as a citizen, and as president, I believe that Muslims have the same right to practice their religion as anyone else in this country.”


After weeks of avoiding the high-profile battle over the centre — his press secretary, Robert Gibbs, said last week that the president did not want to “get involved in local decision-making” — Mr. Obama stepped squarely into the thorny debate.

“I understand the emotions that this issue engenders. Ground zero is, indeed, hallowed ground,” the president said in remarks prepared for the annual White House iftar, the sunset meal breaking the day’s fast.

But, he continued: “This is America, and our commitment to religious freedom must be unshakable. The principle that people of all faiths are welcome in this country, and will not be treated differently by their government, is essential to who we are.”

In hosting the iftar, Mr. Obama was following a White House tradition that, while sporadic, dates to Thomas Jefferson, who held a sunset dinner for the first Muslim ambassador to the United States. President George W. Bush hosted iftars annually.

Aides to Mr. Obama say privately that he has always felt strongly about the proposed community centre and mosque, but the White House did not want to weigh in until local authorities made a decision on the proposal, planned for two blocks from the site of the Sept. 11 attack on the World Trade Center.

Last week, New York City removed the final construction hurdle for the project, and Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg spoke forcefully in favour of it.

The community centre proposal has led to a national uproar over Islam, 9/11 and freedom of religion during a hotly contested midterm election season.

In New York, Rick A. Lazio, a Republican candidate for governor and a former member of the House of Representatives, issued a statement responding to Mr. Obama’s remarks, saying that the president was still “not listening to New Yorkers.”

“With over 100 mosques in New York City, this is not an issue of religion, but one of safety and security,” he said.

Sarah Palin, the former governor of Alaska and the Republican vice-presidential candidate in 2008, has called the project “an unnecessary provocation” and urged “peace-seeking Muslims” to reject it.

The Anti-Defamation League, a Jewish organization, has also opposed the center.

In his remarks, Mr. Obama distinguished between the terrorists who plotted the 9/11 attacks and Islam. “Al Qaeda’s cause is not Islam — it is a gross distortion of Islam,” the president said, adding, “In fact, Al Qaeda has killed more Muslims than people of any other religion, and that list includes innocent Muslims who were killed on 9/11.”

The site of the proposed Muslim community center.

Noting that “Muslim Americans serve with honor in our military,” Mr. Obama said that at next week’s iftar at the Pentagon, “tribute will be paid to three soldiers who gave their lives in Iraq and now rest among the heroes of Arlington National Cemetery.”

Mr. Obama ran for office promising to improve relations with the Muslim world, by taking steps like closing the detention center at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, and more generally reaching out. In a speech in Cairo last year, he vowed “a new beginning.”

But Ali Abunimah, an Arab-American journalist and author, said the president has since left many Muslims disappointed.

“There has been no follow-through; Guantánamo is still open and so forth, so all you have left for him to show is in the symbolic field,” Mr. Abunimah said, adding that it was imperative for Mr. Obama to “stand up to Islamophobia.”

Once Mr. Bloomberg spoke out, the president’s course seemed clear, said Steven Clemons of the New America Foundation, a public policy institution here.

“Bloomberg’s speech was, I think, the pivotal one, and set the standard for leadership on this issue,” Mr. Clemons said.

Mr. Bloomberg, in a statement, said: “This proposed mosque and community center in Lower Manhattan is as important a test of the separation of church and state as we may see in our lifetime, and I applaud President Obama’s clarion defense of the freedom of religion tonight.”

Sharif el-Gamal, the developer on the project, said, “We are deeply moved and tremendously grateful for our president’s words.”

A building on the site of the proposed centre is already used for prayers, and some worshipers there on Friday night discussed the president’s remarks.

Mohamed Haroun, an intern at a mechanical engineering firm, said, “What he should have said was: ‘This is a community decision. Constitutionally, they have the right to do it, but it’s a community decision and we should see what the local community wants to do.’ ”


The New York Times



Mayor’s Stance on Muslim Center Has Deep Roots

Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg on Governors Island on Aug. 3 after his speech in support of a plan to build a Muslim community centre at a site that is two blocks from ground zero.

Michael R. Bloomberg is a former Wall Street mogul with a passion for the rights of a private property owner. He is a Jew whose parents asked their Christian lawyer to buy a house and then sell it back to them to hide their identity in an unwelcoming Massachusetts suburb. And he is a politician who regards his independence as his greatest virtue.


That potent combination of beliefs and history, those closest to Mayor Bloomberg say, has fuelled his defence of the proposed Muslim community centre in Lower Manhattan — a defence he has mounted with emotion, with strikingly strong language and in the face of polls suggesting that most New Yorkers disagree with him.

“Something about this issue just really hooked into him,” said Howard J. Rubenstein, the powerful public relations executive, who is a friend of Mr. Bloomberg. “It deeply upset him.”

Mr. Bloomberg’s forcefulness has won him new admirers, but also a chorus of both familiar and fresh detractors. Reliable newspaper editorial allies have turned against him. Conservative pundits have mocked him (one called him “self-deluding”). Even some of his closest friends have angrily differed with him.


The New York Times


The Inbox


Dear CCN Readers

Many people are wanting to donate to the flood victims in Pakistan, and unfortunately don't know where to send their money. There are many aid organisations that are doing great work in Pakistan, and one should look at any number of those organisations. There is the Edhi Foundation, Mercy Corps and Red Crescent to name a few.

There are also many personal efforts that are going on and one that is being organised at the moment is through Aleem Dar, the Pakistani cricket umpire and today, a recipient of the Pride of Performance medal - one of the top civilian honours in Pakistan.

One shipment of water and ready made meals have already left for the town of Nowshera - unfortunately things like flour, rice, sugar and other staples are not required at this stage as there are no cooking facilities and no housing in some areas. They need things like biscuits and water and other foodstuffs that are ready made.

Aleem's brother is a Brigadier in the Pakistan Army and he has at his disposal, trucks and helicopters that are making the drops to stranded people in the area. This drop is fully supervised by an army brigade under his direct control, re-assuring us all that it is getting to who needs it. The truck load that was just sent yesterday cost around 17 lakh rupees (around AUD$22 000), so you can imagine how much all this is going to cost as time goes on - they will need tents, mattresses, clothes etc as the waters recede and life goes back to some sort of normality.

If you have any money you wish to donate, please let me know, I would love to get one shipment together to say that is from the people of Brisbane - however whatever we send it will be due to Allah's grace and mercy.

Please contact me for further information and may Allah reward you all for your efforts.

Yasmin Khan
0419 025 510

Dear Editor

Please be see below Karratha Muslim website.  Anyone would like to meet and greet Muslim Community working or looking to work in Karratha about 1500 km from Perth north of Western Australia.

All are encouraged to find opportunities in large construction and trading projects and contribute to nation building and economy of Australia.


Zakir Ali
East Perth



New on ISLAM TV this week









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CCN tweeting on twitter!


CCN Reader's Discussion Forum


Have your say on www.ccnforum.ning.com


CCN Readers' Book Club: You are what you read!


Would you like to see the cover of your favourite book on our book shelves below?

Then simply email the title and author to thebookclub@crescentsofbrisbane.org


Double click a book cover to find out what others think of the book

The CCN Bookshelf

CCN has set up an online Book Club at Shelfari to connect with CCN book readers at:


Using the book club you can see what books fellow CCN readers have on their shelves, what they are reading and even what they, and others, think of them.

The CCN Readers' Book Club

KB's Culinary Corner




Chicken Squares – a healthy alternative


KB SAYS:  If you are hoping to maintain your weight this Ramadan (or even to lose a bit) then this recipe is a scrumptious alternative to the traditional fried savouries.


500g chicken fillet, finely cubed
1 tsp ground green chillies
1 tsp salt
½ tsp lemon pepper
2 tab lemon juice
1 tsp aromat
1 tab olive oil
1 ¼ low fat milk
4 slices of brown/light rye bread
2 eggs
2 tsp baking powder

1. Combine milk and beaten eggs and soak bread in this mixture.
2. Braise chicken in olive oil with ingredients 2 to 6, cook over medium heat until chicken is tender and mixture is dry.
3. Combine both the mixtures with a hand beater, beating for approx 30 seconds, lastly add baking powder.
4. Pour mixture into a greased ovenproof dish, sprinkle with kus kus, sesame seeds and slivered almonds and bake at 180degrees for approx half an hour.
5. Cut into squares and serve warm with chutneys


Do you have a recipe to share with CCN readers?

Send in your favourite recipe to ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org and be our "guest chef" for the week.


Kareema's Q&A Keep Fit Column


Q: Dear Kareema, my baby is 3 month old and I've got clearance from my doctor to start exercising. My problem is I don't know where to start and how to continue... I'd love to get back into shape and get some energy back into my body. Any suggestions?

A: Caring for your baby means caring for yourself too! The first thing you should try and do is rest while baby has a nap.

Keep your exercise routine simple by starting with short walks to raise your fitness level. This will also aid recovery, improve circulation and strengthen pelvic floor and tummy (core) muscles.

When you feel ready to move on, gradually increase your time and intensity of the walks. Always be aware of your posture by lengthening your spine and drawing your shoulders back and down. Gently draw in your tummy as well.

Try introducing a few different exercises into you routine as the weeks go by, eg. sit-ups, tricep-dips, push-ups, etc. These can be done at home, after your walks. Weight training will be good for toning your muscles as well.


Be sure to have rest days and stay hydrated at all times. A few Yoga sessions will do your deep muscles a world of good too and soon, if you are consistent and committed to your routine, you'll feel stronger and have more energy than before!








My Health and Fitness

Tel: 0404 844 786


Need an answer to a fitness related matter? Send your question to Kareema at  fitness@crescentsofbrisbane.org.

All questions sent in are published here anonymously and without any references to the author of the question.

The CCN Chuckle


After she woke up, Begumbibi told her husband, Mula Nasruddin: “I just had a dream that you gave me the most beautiful diamond necklace. What do you think it means?”

“You’ll know tonight.” Mula Nasruddin said with a smile.

Begumbibi could hardly think of anything else all day and she couldn’t wait for her husband to return home.

That evening, Mula Nasruddin finally came home with a small package and gave it to his wife.

Delighted, she opened it excitedly to find a book entitled…

“The Meaning of Dreams”

Notice Board


Click on image to enlarge


Events and Functions

Al-Nisa: 1920s Feathers & Lace






Islamic Programmes, Education & Services

R.A.H.M.A.4 Women

Brisbane  Muslim Burial Society (BMBS)

pdf version

Spirituality, Conversations & Community-Building


Seerah Classes UMB


Maths Tutoring service

From years 6-10

Math A, B and C for years 11 &12
Ahlam Haddad

Tel: 32191554

email: haddada5@hotmail.com.

Blanket Appeal  

Australian International Islamic College (DURACK)

Qu'ran Reading & Islamic Studies

Kuraby Mosque

Moreton Cemetery Survey


Muslim Aid Australia

Ramadan Appeal


Islamic Hostel

for students

Hajj Seminar

Kuraby Mosque


Businesses and Services


1300 126 122

Brochure pdf version

Forex Coaching by Azhar Khan

pdf version

INWear Fashions

Eid Range

Lezzet Restaurant



Jamal Naouri

Real Estate Agent

Sunrise Pizza


During Ramadan Sunrise Pizza is extending opening hours on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays till 10pm

Love ur Body

Brisbane Diagnostics

Stick On Labels



FULL MENU pdf version

Islamic Couture

Phone: (07) 3397 6863
Mobile: 0431 446 528
Address: 910 Logan Rd, Holland Park West

New clients get 15% off
Email: vanise@glamoroushair.com.au
Website: www.glamoroushair.com.au

AK Surtie


Brumby's Bakery

Big Gun Shopping Centre, Underwood

South African Naan available

every Sunday and Tuesday


Where Style meets Modesty

Hummy's Automotive

Mina Collection

Nando's Calamvale Central
Shop 60-61 662
Compton Road

Tel: 07 3272 2299


Healthy Life



Body & Beauty

Brochure 1; Brochure 2

Mt Egmont Bakery

for the best in halal pavlovas

FAMSY Bookstore



Naadiya Karim


Mr. India

Indian Cuisine


Table & Chair Hire


Additional contact:

Ahmed Hassan

0433 531 593

Hussana Australia

Halal Body Care range


Hydrotherapy & swimming classes for Muslim women

pdf version

Flight Star Travel & Tours



The Quran Pen Reader is available online at www.hussana.com.au


Junaid Ally

Ray White



Migration Agent


Rawlins Taekwondo





The CCN Date Claimer






(Click on link)





6 September



Lailatul Qadr

9 September



End of Ramadhan

10 September




11 September




Mt Gravatt Showgrounds

0418 722 353

10am til late

25 September


Eid Night Dinner

Islamic Society of Darra

Darra Mosque, 219 Douglas St, Oxley

0403 284 647

Between Magrib and Isha

9 October


1920s Feathers & Lace


Greek Orthodox Hall

269 Creek Road, Mr Gravatt

0410 617 178


17 November




19 November


Eid Fair & Fun



0418 722 353


20 November


2010 Women's Only Eid Ul Adha Ball


The Vibe Hotel, Surfer's Paradise



7 December



Islamic New Year

16 December



Day of Ashura


To claim your date for your event email ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org.




Ladies Taleem


Taleem this week will be held on Thursday 19 August from 11am-12pm at the residence of:


Nazima Hansa

11 Bauhinia Close

Eight Mile Plains

Tel: 0407 037 928
All ladies welcome


Inspiration Talk, BBQ and Youth Hour

Topics that are relevant, Iman-boosting and mind-capturing.
Where: AMYN Islamic Youth Centre, 16/157 North Road, Woodridge
When: Every Sunday, 7pm
Info: www.AMYNweb.com
Everyone is invited



CCN @ Facebook



Catch Crescents Community News at


Please feel free to post an entry on our Wall, start up a Discussion thread and/or become a Fan.


Useful Links


Crescents Community News (CCN) Readers' Forum

 Discussion Forum & Social Network for CCN Readers

Queensland Muslim Historical Society Inc.

Promoting the study and awareness of the rich history of the Muslims of Queensland

Young Muslims of Queensland

Social network for young Muslims of Brisbane

Sunnah Inspirations

Providing information about Islam - its beliefs, culture, practices, dispelling misconceptions

Kuraby Msque

Holland Park Mosque


Provide young Muslim women in Queensland with support and opportunities to express themselves

Australian Federation of Islamic Councils (AFIC)

Islamic Schools, Halal Services and a whole lot more...

AFIC Schools

www.mfis.com.au (Malek Fahd Islamic School, Sydney, NSW)
www.islamiccollegeofbrisbane.com.au (Islamic College of Brisbane, QLD)
www.icosa.sa.edu.au (Islamic College of South Australia, SA)
www.afic-lic.com.au (Langford Islamic College, Perth, WA)
www.islamicschoolofcanberra.act.edu.au (Islamic College of Canberra, ACT)

Karratha Muslims (Muslims in Western Australia)

Islam TV

Recording of lectures and events in and around Queensland

The Muslim Directory

Carers Queensland

Free service for multicultural clients who are carers, elderly and people with disabilities

Brisbane Muslim Burial Society (BMBS)

Gold Coast Mosque

South African National Halaal Authority (SANHA)

Muslim Womens' Convert Support Group (MWCSG)

Network of Muslim women converts from the Brisbane and Gold Coast areas of Queensland.

Australian International Islamic College (Durack)

Eidfest 2009

Kotku Mosque - Dubbo NSW

Islamic Society of Algester

Jamiatul Ulama Western Australia

Body of Muslim Theologians (Ulama, Religious Scholars)

Islamic Women's Association of Queensland (IWAQ)

Community based, not-for-profit organisation providing Settlement, Aged Care, disability, social activities and employment opportunities.

Federation of Australian Muslim Students and Youth (FAMSY)

Queensland Intercultural Society (QIS)

GIRU – Griffith Islamic Research Unit

          Qld Stories link or YouTube link

Gold Coast Halal Certification Services (GCHCS)

Muslim Aid Australia

Serving Humanity

Human Appeal International Australia  

Always with you on the road to goodness

Australian Muslim Youth Network (AMYN)
Find out about the latest events, outings, fun-days, soccer tournaments, BBQs organised by AMYN. Network with other young Muslims on the AMYN Forum

Al-Mustapha Institute of Brisbane  

Preserving the Past, Educating the Present to Create the Future

Islamic Medical Association of Queensland (IMAQ)

Network of Muslim healthcare professionals

Al-Imdaad Foundation (Australia)

If you would like a link to your website email ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org.

Write For Us

The best ideas and the best feedback come from our community of readers. If you have a topic or opinion that you want to write about or want seen covered or any news item that you think might be of benefit to the Crescents Community please e-mail ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org.


Share your thoughts, feelings and ambitions for our community through CCN.


If there is someone you know who would like to subscribe to CCN please encourage them to send an e-mail to ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org with the words “Subscribe Me” in the subject line.


Articles and opinions appearing in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Crescents of Brisbane Team, CCN, its Editor or its Sponsors, particularly if they eventually turn out to be libellous, unfounded, objectionable, obnoxious, offensive, slanderous and/or downright distasteful.


It is the usual policy of CCN to include from time to time, notices of events that some readers may find interesting or relevant. Such notices are often posted as received. Including such messages or providing the details of such events does not necessarily imply endorsement of the contents of these events by either CCN or Crescents of Brisbane Inc.