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Sunday, 24 December 2006

Newsletter 0111

لسلام عليكم

Eid Mubarak & Hajj Mabroor


On Sunday 31 Dec or 1 January Eid-ul-Adha, the 'Celebration of Sacrifice', will mark the international finale to the sacred 10-day Hajj ceremony. Well over two million people – women and men of all ages, languages, colours and backgrounds – will have congregated in the holy city of Mecca to commemorate the sacrifices made by Abraham.



CCN and the Team at Crescents of Brisbane wish you and your family a joyous Eid-ul-Adha and congratulate those who have successfully performed their Hajj this year.


May this day of sacrifice be also commemorated by our own acts of sacrifice and charity to the less fortunate, inshaAllah.



Best wishes over the Festive Holidays


CCN and Crescents of Brisbane wishes all our non-Muslim friends and readers celebrating over this festive period a wonderfully joyous occasion with their families and friends.


Eid Day Prayer Times & Venues



The Islamic Council of Queensland (ICQ) in consultation with the Islamic Societies has announced that Eid-Ul Adha will be celebrated as follows


Date               SUNDAY  31 December 2006

Venue :           Australian International Islamic College

                      724 Blunder Road, Durack



6 : 30 am               Takbir

6 : 40 am               President's Address

6 : 45 am               Address by Imam Tariq                   

6 : 55 am               Salaah Procedures

7 : 00 am               Salaah and Khutabh  Qari Mahbub-ul Haq

7 : 20 am               Dua  Master Abdul Razak


                                                IMPORTANT !!!


The Salaah Inshaallah will commence on Time and you are requested to be early.

Please bring your prayer mats.

In the event of rain Eid Salaah will be held at respective Masjid.


Br Abdul Jalal

President of Islamic Council of Queensland.




Algester Mosque

Sunday 31st December 2006.


Start at 6.30am, Eid Salaat at 7.00am

Venue: 48 Learoyd Road, Algester



Festival to shed light on Islam


The annual Woodford Folk Festival gets underway this week. Amongst the eclectic collection of artists at the festival is Brisbane's very own Sheikh Ahmad Abu Ghazaleh who will perform Nasheeds (Islamic devotional songs), Qur'aan recitations and the Maqamaat Arabic singing style.


Sheikh Ghazaleh was born in Syria and educated in Jordon and has achieved international recognition for his extraordinary vocal abilities. He is the principal of the Kuraby Madrasah and teaches at the Islamic School of Brisbane.

You can catch him on stage on the Friday (10:30, 13:15) and the Sunday (17:45).


Also appearing on Sunday (11:30) is George Negus, one of Australia's most respected journalists. For 25 years George has traveled throughout the Middle East, camping in goat hair tents, partying in marble palaces, wandering the ancient streets of Jerusalem in his quest to decipher the way of life that is Islam.


He will talk on "The World of Islam" with a supporting cast that will include members of the local Muslim community. 


The Algester Jalsah

By our Man-at-the-Madrasah


The Islamic Society of Algester held their annual Madrassah Jalsah on last week at Springwood Community Hall.


Students from Grade One to Grade Seven participated in the programme taking part in speeches, Qassa’ids and class plays.


Parents and visitors were impressed by the standard of the presentations.


Special guests were the Principal of Kuraby Madrassah, Sheikh Ahmed Abu Ghazala and Sheikh Abdul Qadir from the Logan Masjid who were given the honour of handing out prizes in each of the grades.


Project helps Muslims get leg up in workforce


Government and community have combined to employ two specialised project officers to help jobseekers from the Muslim community overcome employment barriers and increase their involvement in Queensland’s workforce.


Minister for Employment and Industrial Relations John Mickel said the Muslim Labour Market Participation Project had it’s foundations in the State Government’s $700 000 two-year Muslim Community Engagement Strategy  which is overseen by the Minister for Environment and Multiculturalism, Lindy Nelson-Carr.


“The two employment officers are an integral part of the strategy and build on its aim to promote positive relations between the Muslim and wider Queensland communities,” Mr Mickel said.


“There is no better way to learn, understand, and break down the barriers many Muslim people face than by being work colleagues.


“To this end Abdullah Ibrahim and Sushil Sami have recently been appointed as Muslim Employment Officers under the Skilling Queenslanders for Work initiative’s Muslim Labour Market Participation Project.


“Both are working out of Logan based ACCES Services Inc, providing support, professional development, supervision and training to jobseekers from the Muslim community.


“They will identify the employment needs of up to 80 disadvantaged jobseekers and help them access employment related training and assistance.


“Mr Ibrahim and Ms Sami will help link unemployed Muslim people with work and educate, train and raise awareness among employment service providers about the specific needs of workers.


“It’s all about dispelling society’s misconceptions about Muslim workers and removing the barriers they currently face.”


The $146 000 Muslim Labour Market Participation Project has been funded from the Queensland Government’s Skilling Queenslanders for Work initiative with $150 000 contributed over two years by the Australian Government’s Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs.


ACCES Services general manger Gail Kerr said both Abdullah and Sushil identified with the Islamic faith and are working at the grass roots level to increase the Muslim community’s involvement in Queensland’s workforce.


“They will support unemployed Muslim people by working directly with employment service providers and employers, and provide education, and training to them to raise awareness of the employment needs of Muslim people and the barriers they face in finding work.“ Ms Kerr said.


“They will work in South Brisbane, Woodridge, Kingston, Beenleigh, Eagleby, Kuraby, Darra and Mt Gravatt, but we also hope to offer some outreach services in Ipswich, Gold Coast and Beaudesert.”


“Many members of the community have reportedly experienced some form of discrimination in obtaining, and retaining work.


“Our aim is to work towards helping eliminate that discrimination.”


ACCES Services is a community based, not-for-profit organisation which has operated since 1987 delivering a range of settlement services, employment and training programs and welfare support assistance to some of the region’s most seriously disadvantaged and marginalised people.


Skilling Queenslanders for Work and its predecessor the Breaking the Unemployment Cycle initiative have helped to create more than 115 000 jobs across Queensland since 1998.


The initiative is part of the $1 billion Queensland Skills Plan which aims to provide the skills needed for the 21st Century.


Mysterious Spice: Answers to last week's questions


I am an item for whom men have gone to the ends of the earth, fought wars and I have become indispensable to the food industry. You will find me in your home. Do you know me?

  I am a “legendary” spice obtained from the dried stigmas of the “Crocus-sativus.” The dried stigma is of intense yellow/orange colour and is in small hair-like strands. It has a powerful bitter taste and is used in Spanish rice, saffron rice, some bread and even in sauces. I am associated with the two famous Mediterranean countries of Spain and Portugal.

Do you know me?

Plucked as a berry from the vine “Piper nigrum” when fully ripe, dried and with the outer hull removed, I am used in whole or ground form in most creamed soups, mayonnaise, meats and also salads. I derive income for countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia and Brazil.

Have you guessed my identity?


Source: SANHA e-Bulletin

To subscribe to the SANHA newsletter Click here

Best wishes


Mr. Faisel Essof is recovering from heart bypass surgery at the Greenslopes Hospital in Brisbane.

We wish him a very speedy recovery, inshaAllah.


A bit more polish and a little less spit

A southern Indian state has banned spitting and blowing the nose in public to curb the spread of disease.

The Government of the state of Kerala has gone on a mid-winter health offensive to stop the spread of tuberculosis, influenza, pneumonia, chicken pox and other diseases that are easily spread by phlegm and spittle.

A notice issued to government officials declares that foreign tourists view with revulsion the local custom of spitting and blowing one's nose in public without a tissue or handkerchief.

From the new year, public spittoons are to be installed on roads and public places.

Billboards will also be used to promote better hygiene practice.

Source: http://www.abc.net.au/news/newsitems/200612/s1814349.htm


Scholarship for Finance and Economics Students


The Australian Islamic Foundation (AIF) in association with the National Australia Bank (NAB) is pleased to announce that applications are invited for the inaugural NAB Sheikh Fehmi El-Imam Scholarship.


If you're an undergraduate student in your final year of study and intend pursuing a Masters or PhD in finance and economics, you are invited to apply for this scholarship which encourages the study and development of Shariah compliant financial products and services.


Designed to help strengthen the links between the NAB and the Muslim community this scholarship includes a one-off scholarship payment of $25,000 towards further study and employment with NAB (full time or part-time) for 12 months during or at the conclusion of their post-graduate studies (NAB's standard governance procedures in relation to recruitment will apply.)


For more details include application criteria and details visit the NAB website on http://www.national.com.au/About_Us/0,,83557,00.html.


All applications and enquiries should be submitted to scholarship@nab.com.au.



"Intensify your knowledge!" A week of Islamic knowledge in one weekend

Covenant Keepers Weekend retreat – conducted by esteemed scholar Sheikh Naeem Abdul Wali

Topic : Imam Al Ghazali's BOOK OF FEAR & HOPE

Friday 19th, Saturday 20th & Sunday 21st January 2007 in the lovely and serene environs of Kangaroo Valley 2 hours from Sydney

REGISTER ON-LINE www.fair.org.au

Cost: $175 (employed) / $140 (Student) includes 2 nights accommodation, food and Covenant keepers pack.
Couples and children can request separate accommodation
Lectures are segregated
Recreational activities will be available (including Horse riding, canoeing, bushwalking, night walks and swimming)

Call 02 9649 3303 for more info

Go on-line and register before 5th January to receive a 15% discount
Email info@fair.org.au for registration and more details

Abu Hamid Muhammad al-Ghazali (1058-1111) wrote his greatest work, The Revival of The Religions Sciences, while he was living the life of an ascetic in Damascus c. 1096 A.D. He had been prostrated by a tremendous inner crisis and had been swamped by intellectual doubt and spiritual debility.
Relinquishing his theological chair in Baghdad and turning his back on a brilliant academic career, he gave up wealth and position and announced his intention of going on pilgrimage to Mecca. The aim of the itinerary which he now purposed, in the course of which he was to submit himself to the most rigorous of ascetic disciplines, was to follow the Sufi path to "the light of unveiling", and to discover a `knowledge' which had eluded him while he was employed with the categories of systematic theology. It was thus he came to Damascus and found leisure to write his magnun opus. [See especially W. M. Watt, The Faith and Practice of al-Ghazali, 1953. This contains a translation of al-Ghazali's autobiographical work, al-Munqidh min ad-Dalal (pp. 19-85).]
The Book of Fear and Hope, is concerned with The Means of Salvation, that is, the techniques or therapies by which the cure of the soul is achieved.

The Deen Intensive will be exclusively on this body of work as interpreted by Sheikh Naeem Abdul Wali. The 2 day intensive will be held in Kangaroo Valley on 20th & 21st January 2007.

KS Seyit
Executive Director

Tel: +61-2- 412 318 045
PO Box 1013
Strawberry Hills 2012
NSW Australia


Call for nominations - nominate a young volunteer for an award


Young Queensland volunteers aged 12 to 25 have the opportunity to be recognised for their efforts with the launch of the call for nominations for the Queensland Young Volunteer Awards 2007.


The Queensland Young Volunteer Awards celebrate and recognise the voluntary contributions of young Queenslanders, provide role models to inspire and encourage other members of the community, and challenge traditional assumptions about young people.


Nominations close at 5pm on Friday 23 February 2007 and awards will be presented during National Youth Week 2007.


Download the nomination form.


Contact:  Leonie Sanderson, Community Engagement and Development Policy Unit, Ph 3224 7487


The CCN Centre Link



As part of its strategic policy on social integration of Australian communities, the Department of Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (FaCSIA) has commissioned the Islamic Council of Queensland (ICQ) to co-ordinate a symposium designed to promote awareness and understanding of the culture and values of Australian Muslims and to provide the Muslims of Queensland a forum in which to share their achievements and success stories on their social integration in the wider Australian community.


To this end ICQ is calling for expressions of interest from prospective event coordinators for the purpose of organizing and managing the symposium to be held in early March 2007.


Applicants are required to

·   Possess relevant experience in the organizing of events

·   Work in consultation with the ICQ steering committee

·   Work to deadlines and under minimal supervision

·   Use initiative, imagination and creativity where necessary to ensure a professional outcome


Duties include, but are not restricted to,

·  Planning and managing all aspects of the event in order to fulfill the aims and objectives of the symposium;

·  Communicating, coordinating and liaising with the relevant communities, organizations and individuals; and

·  Marketing and promoting of the event to ensure maximum exposure.


Please send a detailed CV to manager@jzrevents.com.au by 5 January 2007.


For more information call 0402 026 786 or email manager@jzrevents.com.au.





Part-time SACS Award level 6.1

An exiting position has been created to address issues of family violence within specific CALD communities.
Applicants must have qualifications in whichever psychology, social work, social or behavioural science degree with relevant experience in the multicultural field, understanding of domestic violence, project management and community development.

The ability to work from a holistic approach within a multicultural framework is highly desirable. People from diverse cultural backgrounds are encouraged to apply.


Additional information can be obtained from Annabelle (07) 3846 3490 and Mercedes (07) 3808 9299. Closing date: 2 January 2007- 5:00 pm.

For position description & selection criteria please call (07) 3808 9299 or download the information from www.accesservicesinc.org.au


Who is Sheikh Maktoum?


Age: 57
Nationality: United Arab Emirates
Position: Vice-president UAE, ruler of Dubai
Wealth: Estimated £7bn. Add in 'family money' and some reports rate him

world's 5th richest man
Hobbies: Horse racing, camel racing. Patron of Dubai events

including golf and tennis


Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum - to give him his full name - has built the biggest bloodstock empire there's ever been.

And now he is the central figure in one of football's biggest takeovers as the investment arm of Dubai's government seeks a buy-out of Liverpool FC.

Comparisons have already been made with Chelsea's billionaire Russian owner Roman Abramovich, but the Sheikh is a man apart - one who has helped revolutionise the world of horse racing.




Read more at:





The Inbox


Jazakallah to all our family and friends for the overwhelming support and duaas while our father/husband underwent bypass surgery. Your support is greatly appreciated. May The Almighty reward you and your families in abundance!

Our father/husband is now out of ICU and in ward 25 at Greenslopes Hospital.

A heartfelt and sincere thank you from the Essof Family!


To all CCN Readers and members of the Muslim community,


Eid Blessings. Our thoughts go out to our friends during Eid-ul-Adha.



Honourable Stephen Robertson, Member for Stretton and the Electorate Staff



The CCN Chuckle


The Muslim Aid Charity (MAC) organization realized that it had never received a donation from the city's scrooge, Mula Nasruddin. So a MAC volunteer paid Nasruddin a visit in his lavish office.

The volunteer opened the meeting by saying, "Our research shows that even though your annual income is over two million dollars, you don't give a penny to charity. Wouldn't you like to give something back to your community through the Muslim Aid Charity?"

Mula Nasruddin thinks for a minute and says, "First, did your research also show you that my mother is dying after a long, painful illness and she has huge medical bills that are far beyond her ability to pay?"

Embarrassed, the MAC rep mumbles, "Uh... no, I didn't know that."

"Secondly," says Nasruddin , "my brother, a disabled veteran, is blind and confined to a wheelchair and is unable to support his wife and six children."

The stricken MAC rep begins to stammer an apology, but is cut off again. "Thirdly, did your research also show you that my sister's husband died in dreadful car accident, leaving her penniless with a mortgage and three children, one of whom is disabled and another that has learning disabilities requiring a huge array of private tutors?"

The humiliated MAC rep, completely beaten, says, "I'm so sorry, I had no idea."

And Mula Nasruddin says, "So...if I didn't give any money to them, what makes you think I'd give any to you?"


Write For Us

The best ideas and the best feedback come from our community of readers. If you have a topic or opinion that you want to write about or want seen covered or any news item that you think might be of benefit to the Crescents Community please e-mail



Share your thoughts, feelings and ambitions for our community through CCN.


If there is someone you know who would like to subscribe to CCN please encourage them to send an e-mail to theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org with the words “Subscribe Me” in the subject line.


Articles and opinions appearing in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Crescents of Brisbane team, CCN, its Editor or its Sponsors, particularly if they eventually turn out to be libelous, unfounded, objectionable, obnoxious, offensive, slanderous and/or downright distasteful.


It is the usual policy of CCN to include from time to time, notices of events that some readers may find interesting or relevant. Such notices are often posted as received. Including such messages or providing the details of such events does not necessarily imply endorsement of the contents of these events by either CCN or Crescents of Brisbane Inc.