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Sunday, 5 August 2007

Newsletter 0143

لسلام عليكم

Oh yes we're still after your blood!







Pre-register by completing the online registration form.



Up Close and Personal with Rudd


(L to R) Mr. Dado Sacur, Mr. Yunus Omar, Mr. Reffik Dada,

Mr. Kevin Rudd, MP, Mr. Yunus Paruk, Mr. Faisal Hatia, Mr. Abdul Omar, Imam Yusuf Peer, Mr. Farouk Adam, Dr. Iqbal Sultan, Mr. Suliman Sabdia

(L to R), Mr. Kemal Omar, Dr Mohamad Abdalla, Kevin Rudd, MP,

Ms. Faiza El-Higzi, Dr Iqbal Sultan, Mr. Dado Sacur, Senator Clare Moore

Several Muslim community and business leaders met with Kevin Rudd, MP, Graham Perrett (Moreton Candidate), Senator Clare Moore and Michael Choi, MP yesterday (Saturday, 4 August) at a luncheon hosted by Faisal Hatia of Hatia Property Corporation.


One of the objectives of the meeting was to introduce some of the community leaders and entrepreneurs to the leader of the opposition and to sound out the concerns of the local Muslim community.


 Wine from Saudi


LONDON (AP) - An iPod from California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, coins from the emir of Kuwait and a tea set from Sri Lanka's president are among the gifts former British Prime Minister Tony Blair left behind when he resigned last month, government records released recently show.

Blair received the presents between April 2006 and March 2007. Other gifts include rugs from Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan, glassware from Austria and wine from the government of Saudi Arabia, where alcohol is banned.

Government ministers must declare any gift valued at more than $280, and either buy them or hand them over to their department for display or storage before leaving office.

Source: http://www.wtopnews.com/?nid=105&sid=1200233


A Winning Combination! Crescents' Chicks, Cup Cakes and Coffee!


Bilkish Omar, Safia Casoojee and Zubeida Abrahams





The Crescents of Brisbane stall at the Junior sports day at the Warrigal Road State School raised $360 for the school and $120 for the Crescents Emergency Relief Fund.


Thank you to all the wonderful ladies of the community who made the cup cakes.


They certainly went like the proverbial hot cakes!



Festival Nusantara


Click to enlargeThe largest festival of Indonesian arts ever staged in Australia will be held at the Brisbane Powerhouse from 8-12 August.


Experience contemporary Indonesia through the eyes of its most prominent artists and cultural leaders in this five-day festival packed with music, dance, photography, food and dialogue.


Explore the many faces of Australia’s largest and closest neighbour.


Some of the shows in the lineup:

One of Indonesia’s most celebrated actors brings his satirical genius to the Brisbane stage in a brilliant show that explores the role of the critic in democracy.


Direct from Bandung, West Java, comes this spectacular piece of physical theatre about the struggle for freedom, democracy and normality.


Generation Y Indonesia are in town. Catch the crazy, cool and original pop rock tunes of one of Indonesia’s
most popular bands in this exclusive one-off show!


What does the future hold for Indonesia and Australia? Join a range of leading academics, thinkers and social
commentators from Australia and Indonesia as they discuss social, political and spiritual perceptions of each nation.


Drawing influence from a thousand islands and as far away as Europe and New York, Indonesia’s most prominent contemporary gamelan ensemble is world music at its finest.


Visit http://brisbanepowerhouse.org/events/view/festival-nusantara/ for all the information.



BMBS class


The Brisbane Muslim Burial Services (BMBS) will be conducting a GHUSL class at the Kuraby Musjid on Saturday 11 August 2007 after Zuhr Salaah (1:30pm).


The class will be a practical demonstration by Moulana Uzair on how to perform Ghusl.


All Brothers are invited to attend Insha-Allah.


THE MESSENGER: the meanings of the life of Muhammad


PEOPLE whose knowledge of Islam comes only from the images of violence, repression and fanaticism that are shown by the western media today will have trouble recognising the Muhammad whom Tariq Ramadan portrays in this biography.

There must be almost as many biographies of Muhammad as there are of Jesus of Nazareth, but this latest one is full of surprises for anyone who thought that the Prophet (“Peace be upon him”, as all good Muslims say) was a warrior who advocated intolerance, conversion by the sword, and the subjection of women.

What are we to make of this man who, like the Suffering Servant in the Book of Isaiah, was despised and rejected of men, took counsel and inspiration from his wives, acknowledged both Jews and Christians as People of the Book, and who taught his Companions, his special followers, that they must go beyond blind obedience and mechanical mind-destroying imitation and take their own initiatives? This is very close to the teachings of Paul in the Christian tradition, when he utters the dictum that the letter of the law kills, but the spirit gives life.

The immediate conclusion from Ramadan’s sympathetic biography is that the founder of Islam, like many other religious figures, has been sadly misinterpreted by his followers, and that his often admirable precepts have been disregarded to suit his followers’ personal and political agenda. And this suggests a truth almost universally acknowledged, that all religions and their gods, no matter how worthy their foundation principles may be, can be tainted by later generations who seek fashion their god in their own image.

It hasn’t just happened in Islam – it’s happened in fanatical sections of Judaism and Christianity, those other Peoples of the Book, and it happens in non-monotheistic religions too.

Tariq Ramadan doesn’t make this point specifically, but for anyone who has studied religious history, the inference is there to be drawn.

And that’s one of the great achievements of the book, that by concentrating on the life of the Prophet and leaving us to work out for ourselves what has happened to his teachings, we can read his narrative on two levels, and be informed by the sub-text as well as the actual text.

Even on the surface level, it’s a fascinating read. The author is a renowned scholar – and the fact that he had to resign a proffered position as Professor of Islamic Studies at the University of Notre Dame because the US refused him an entry visa probably says more about US paranoia than it does about his qualifications, which are impressive. With a doctorate from the University of Geneva, one-on-one studies from Islamic scholars at the Al-Azhar University in Egypt, many years teaching Islamic Studies at Freiburg University in Switzerland, and his present position as a visiting fellow at St Antony’s College, Oxford, he can hardly be dismissed as a fanatic, even though he is a true believer.

He writes with authority and close attention to detail, and uncovers many facts - as opposed to myths – about the life of Muhammad that may not have been available to ordinary readers before. And the character who comes across in this biography is a man of wisdom, reason and compassion, not the sword-wielding fanatic that the enemies of Islam have portrayed him as.

The question he posits is whether the Prophet’s life, as opposed to the perversion of his teachings by others, can once again become an exemplar and an inspiration, and whether it’s possible to move Islam away from the current fixation on rules and rituals to a deeper spiritual and social understanding.

The author has been described as the Martin Luther of Islam, and his followers, who are legion, tend to be educated young Muslims from Europe and America. The book will surely bring more people in the West to an understanding of the foundation theories of Islam, but whether his cry for understanding, echoing the Prophet’s demand that his followers, in their dealings with other religious groups, must go beyond tolerance to learn, listen and recognise the dignity of others, will go down as well in some Muslim countries is another matter.

But perhaps the message can be projected beyond the Islamic world, for Christian nations and radical Jews need to learn this lesson as much as Muslims do. Those who have ears to hear, let them hear, as an earlier religious leader famously said – and was equally disregarded.

"The Messenger: the meanings of the life of Muhammad”, by Tariq Ramadan, is published in paperback by Allen Lane, an imprint of Penguin Books. RRP $29.95 (ISBN 978-1-846-14025-9)

Review first published in The Courier-Mail on 28 July 2007.

 Critics take aim at Bin Laden musical


LONDON: A satirical musical about Islamist terrorism and Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden has sparked protests in Britain, with critics blasting it as tasteless.

"Jihad: The Musical," which features songs including "I wanna be like Osama" and is described as "a madcap gallop through the wacky world of international terrorism," is on at the Edinburgh Fringe festival this month.

But a petition has been launched on Prime Minister Gordon Brown's Downing Street website.

"We the undersigned petition the prime minister to condemn the tasteless portrayal of terrorism and its victims in 'Jihad The Musical,' says the online protest.

The musical, by the Silk Circle Production company, had its world premier this week in the Scottish capital's Fringe festival, famous for satirical and off-the-wall shows.

It tells the story of a young Afghan peasant, Sayid, who dreams of making it as a flower farmer selling poppies to the West.

But his plans are thwarted by a jihadi cell seeking to blow up Western targets, in particular one known as the "Unidentified, Very Prestigious Landmark."


Source: http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/News/News_By_Industry/Critics_take_aim_at_Bin_Laden_musical/articleshow/2252187.cms


 The CCN Trading Post


PS2 Black console1 x PS2 black console with 1 control, memory card 8mb and DVD remote control. Very good condition.


Has been chipped (lifetime warranty)  to play burned & originals. Incl 25 games such as Shrek 2&3. Need 4 Speed. Pimp my Ride. Simpson.


$325 or nearest offer. Kuraby 0405 229 449


 Halal Mate: Inside Australia: SBS


Set amidst Melbourne's diverse Muslim community, Halal Mate is a four part series telling intimate and moving stories about some fascinating young Australians.

By following characters as they go about their day-to-day lives, the series challenges some popular misconceptions about Muslim Australians. In contrast to the fear often generated about Islam in news and current affairs programs, Halal Mate takes us on an excursion into the real lives of ordinary Australian Muslims. Afifa - an aspiring soccer player, The Brothahood - a Lebanese rap group, Houssam - a Halal butcher, and Margie - a Collingwood supporter and ex-Irish Catholic.

Halal Mate grapples with issues both large and small - from finding true love to simply getting a driver's licence. It follows a diverse bunch of characters who work, fall in love, play sport, and have dreams and ambitions, while living by the code of Islam in downtown Melbourne.

Houssam is a devout and respected member of the community, a businessman responsible for 30 staff and a growing Halal empire. Afifa is a fun loving, champion soccer player, struck down mid career with a serious love prospect. The Brothahood are brimming with attitude and energy, excited by the prospect of their music reaching out to the wider world. And Margie is an Aussie revert who is new to Islam and decides to move back to a rural life in country Victoria.

These fascinating characters tell simple yet compelling stories of warmth and passion as they struggle to prioritise career, family and faith, and live their lives with devotion and humility.


Part 1 of the 4 part series was shown on 1 August at 8pm


click here


The year of the Cat


Extracts from http://www.news.com.au/couriermail/story/0,23739,22175852-5003421,00.html



Yusuf Islam, formerly Cat Stevens

POP legend ... Yusuf Islam, formerly known as Cat Stevens, performs during the Live Earth concert in Hamburg, July 2007

The "Why now after 28 years?" question meets with a sweet answer. He and his wife, Fauzia Mubarak Ali, the daughter of a Surbiton accountant, have five children. One of them, his 21-year-old son Muhammad, brought a guitar into the house and started writing songs.


Islam had assumed that his religion frowned on music. "But my son helped me come to a better understanding of where music sits in Islamic culture and I found myself free to sing again."


So there was no taboo about it, after all? "My son broke the taboo for me, because he had no hesitation in buying a guitar. He is a Muslim, too. It made me realise again that music helps us to share moments."





It sounded as if he was a victim of religious profiling, but does he blame people for feeling nervous when they see bearded Muslims on planes?


"Even I get nervous when I see someone with a beard, if I don't know who that person is," he says. "It's true that some look a bit frightening. Some of these people, I know them, they look ferocious.


"The beard happens to give a masculine look, a more virile appearance, but what goes on behind it, well, I'm an example, if you listen to my music. Yes I had a beard as Cat Stevens but now I have grown wiser and my beard is longer."



"Because of the extremes that some people have gone to, on both sides, of wanting to start wars and polarise the world into two camps, and I think the natural instinct of humanity is to come to a balanced position after a while."


Does he feel his religion has been hijacked by extremists who don't represent what he thinks?


"There are extremists on both sides who are determined to create conflict, and so they have missed one of the great messages that Islam contained peace in its own name: salaam. Islam. That is one of the first things I learnt as a Westerner . . . didn't I write a song called Peace Train? A Muslim roughly translated is someone who has made peace with God and who has learnt to live with others."



His manager – bearing in mind this year there is a fresh album doing the rounds after 28 years and there's a career needing "managing" once more – comes in and says that his man doesn't want to answer questions about Iraq, which might seem a little eccentric, given that Yusuf Islam is a pop star.

But I know what he means. Whether he likes it or not, Islam has been cast in the role of unofficial ambassador for Britain's two million Muslims, and in recent years that has not been the easiest gig in the world.

On the CD box of this year's album An Other Cup, his former stage name is, perhaps with some weariness, acknowledged on a sticker. He can't get away from it, it seems. But even if it wasn't there, you would know straight away it was Cat Stevens you were listening to – a semitone lower, but the same folksy, fluid, easygoing vocals and acoustic guitar patterns, a patina familiar from songs such as Moonshadow, Father and Son, Peace Train, The First Cut is the Deepest and, that staple of school assemblies, Morning Has Broken.




AMAL Line: The Muslim Answer to Lifeline



user posted image     user posted image


AMAL Helpline has launched


AMAL Helpline is a new telephone counselling/crisis line initiative designed to meet the unique cultural and religious needs of the diverse Australian Muslim community. It is a free service that will be staffed by volunteer telephone counsellors offering emotional support.


The AMAL website that is under construction is www.amal.org.au


For more information about the AMAL Helpline contact Shabnam Bhana, via mail s.bhana@missionofhope.org,au or leave a message on (02) 9709 4659.


Hours of Operation between August 1st - October 31st 2007

Monday - Thursday 10am-1pm   4pm-8pm

Friday-Saturday- Sunday 10am-1pm    4pm -12am

CALL 1300 787 257 for Hope and Help


The CCN Centre Link


The Australian International Islamic School has a vacancy for a Year 1/2  Primary Teacher. Must hold current Teacher Registration.
Please email CV to bmschool@bigpond.net.au  or phone the Principal Mr Peter Michalski on 3372-1400

The CCN Savings Tip

From a subscriber of simple savings


When confronted with a new product, it pays to find out about its origins before buying! I was intrigued and excited to read about a product called soapnuts, so did some background reading on the subject.


I discovered that these 'nuts' (the dried fruit of the Sapindus Trifoliatus tree) are of Indian origin and have been commonly used by Indian people for all manner of cleaning/washing purposes. Indians call the trees and fruit Aritha/Ritha/Reetha.


Once you know the original words for the product you can then bypass overpriced 'eco-friendly' suppliers selling Soapnut Powder at $48 per kg ($4.80 per 100g!) and ask your Indian grocer for the same product

- Aritha powder at $2.50 - $3 per 100g instead!


Source: www.simplesavings.com.au


Kareema's Keep Fit Column

Q: My baby is only a few months old but I really need help to start losing
the extra kilos I put on during my pregnancy.

A: Firstly, you need to visit your GP (6 - 8 week check-up). If all's ok, the best and easiest thing to do is to start walking. If you have a routine for your baby, try a daily walk in the park before sleeping time. You may even find that the fresh air will make baby sleep a little longer!
Secondly, start eating healthy (fruit and vegies included) and make sure to drink at least 8 glasses of water per day. Try 5 smaller meals instead of 3 large ones. Your main aim should be to move as often as possible.


Need an answer to a fitness related matter? Send your question to Kareema at  fitness@crescentsofbrisbane.org.

All questions sent in are published here anonymously and without any references to the author of the question.


This week is  NATIONAL HEALTHY BONES WEEK (5 - 11 Aug).  Take the initiative to follow these ideas and invest in some healthy bone building exercises.  Your challenge is to commit to a program that will strengthen your bones!

EveryBODY  needs healthy bones especially through our adult years.  Regular weight bearing exercises is one of the key aspects for preventing osteoporosis (brittle bones) in later life.  Sufficient intake of calcium (dairy products) is also very important for maintaining strong bones.  Vitamin D (absorbed from sunlight or UV light) is another key ingredient to strengthen the skeleton.

***    WALKING


***    HIGH IMPACT EXERCISES (eg. aerobics or running)

***    WEIGHT LIFTING (strength training)


***    PUSH-UPS, CHIN-UPS, etc (anything involving lifting your own body weight)

All of these exercises will improve on bone strength. Do your bones a favour and get moving...



How not to work out!


The Culinary Corner





  •   1 kg chicken fillet - cubed fine

  •   2 tablespoons maizena

  •   1 cup (250ml) sour cream

  •   1 tsp dhanna - jeero

  •   1 tsp lemon pepper

  •   1 tsp chicken spice

  •   salt to taste

  •   1 tablespoon crushed garlic

  •   1 tablespoon green chillies

  •   chopped green dhannia


  •   Mix everything together

  •   Roll into cutlet form

  •   Roll in breadcrumbs

  •   Freeze

  •   Dip in egg and fry in medium oil until done


Source: South African National Halaal Authority e-Bulletin No. 14 August 2007

For a free subscription email helpline@sanha.org.za


Do you have a recipe to share with CCN readers?

Send in your favourite recipe to theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org and who knows, you could be our "guest chef" for a future edition of CCN.


The CCN Chuckle


Abdul Jalalludin gets on a train at Kuraby to go to Brisbane. 


In his cabin is sitting Mula Nasruddin.


To pass the time Abdul Jalalludin decides to play a game with the our Nasruddin.

"I will ask you a question and if you get it wrong, you have to pay me 1 dollar. Then you ask me a question, and if I get it wrong, you get 10 dollars. You ask me a question first."


Mula Nasruddin thinks for a while.

"I know. What has three legs, takes 10 hours to climb up a palm tree, and 10 seconds to get back down?"

Abdul Jalalludin is confused and thinks long and hard about the question.


Finally, the train ride is coming to an end. As it pulls into the station, Abdul Jalalludin takes out 10 dollars and gives it to Mula Nasruddin.

"I don't know. What has 3 legs, takes 10 hours to get up a palm tree and 10 seconds to get back down?"

Mula Nasruddin takes the 10 dollars and puts it into his pocket.


He then takes out 1 dollar and hands it to Abdul Jalalludin.

"I don't know."


The CCN Date Claimer





(Click on link)





5 August


ICQ Quran Competition

Islamic Council of Qld

Darra Mosque


from 9am

5 August


Bridge to Brisbane Fun Run

Sunday Mail & Suncorp

Gateway Bridge to New Farm Park


Staggered start times

7 August


Muslim Women and Friends Meeting: Beauty Therapy and Pampering

Logan Women's Health and Wellbeing Centre

25 Ewing Road, Woodridge

0405 448 045


8 August


Dr. Haneef visa hearing


Federal Court, Quay Street, Brisbane



11 August


GHUSL class

Brisbane Muslim Burial Society (BMBS)

Kuraby Mosque



14 August


Employer Breakfast Forum

A.C.C.E.S. Serivices

Brisbane Technology Park

3808 9299


14 August


Healthy Living: Dinner Meeting

Muslim Business Network

Acacia Room, Acacia Ridge Hotel
1386 Beaudesert Rd, Acacia Ridge



18 August


USQ Islamic Centre Open Day

Islamic Society of Toowoomba Inc

Islamic Centre, University of Southern Queensland, TOOWOOMBA


10am -3pm

21 August


International Year of Rumi

Several organizations

Multi-Faith Centre, Griffith University


7.15pm to 9.30pm

25 August


The Crescents BLOOD DRIVE

Crescents of Brisbane & Red Cross

Kuraby Community Hall


9am to 5pm

25 August


Brisbane Indian Times Multicultural Community Awards Night

Brisbane Indian Times

The Main Auditorium, Brisbane City Hall

3284 7315


1 September


Spring Fete

Islamic College of Brisbane

45 Acacia Rd, Karawatha


11am to 7pm

5 September


Sisters Learning Program: Muslim Woman and Society, Part 2

IFA Youth

Kuraby Mosque



9 September



Australian International Islamic College

Blunder Rd, Durack

3372 1400


13/14 September



Start of Ramadaan

11/12 October



End of Ramadaan

12/13 October




14 October


Queensland Multicultural Festival

Multicultural Affairs Queensland

Roma Street Parkland

3872 0756(ext:21756)

All day

20 October


Breast Cancer Awareness

Crescents of Brisbane



2pm - 5pm

27 October


Qld Eidfest 2007

Qld Eidfest

Mt Gravatt Showgrounds


10am to 10pm

19/20 November

Monday & Tuesday

Queensland Multicultural Summit ‘07



State Library of Queensland

3844 9166

All day

20/21 December





To claim your date for your event email theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org.


Write For Us

The best ideas and the best feedback come from our community of readers. If you have a topic or opinion that you want to write about or want seen covered or any news item that you think might be of benefit to the Crescents Community please e-mail



Share your thoughts, feelings and ambitions for our community through CCN.


If there is someone you know who would like to subscribe to CCN please encourage them to send an e-mail to theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org with the words “Subscribe Me” in the subject line.


Articles and opinions appearing in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Crescents of Brisbane team, CCN, its Editor or its Sponsors, particularly if they eventually turn out to be libelous, unfounded, objectionable, obnoxious, offensive, slanderous and/or downright distasteful.


It is the usual policy of CCN to include from time to time, notices of events that some readers may find interesting or relevant. Such notices are often posted as received. Including such messages or providing the details of such events does not necessarily imply endorsement of the contents of these events by either CCN or Crescents of Brisbane Inc.