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Sunday, 9 September 2007

Sunday 27 SHa`baan 1428 A.H.

Newsletter 0148

Ramadan Mubarak from CCN and Crescents of Brisbane


The Month of Ramadan is also the Month of Patience and Sympathy and one of sacrifice, reflection and contemplation.

The fast itself reminds us of those who go to bed hungry every day of their lives. It reminds us to be compassionate to those who are less fortunate than ourselves and it reminds us to strengthen our resolve to fight hunger and poverty.

And it reminds us to strengthen our bonds of unity and family and community ties.


CCN and Crescents of Brisbane wishes you and your family strength and health over the Holy month of Ramadan.



Ramadan Mubarak


Ramadan goodwill messages


Canberra, 3 September 2007

Assalamo Alaikum Warahamatullahi Wabarakatuh

It is indeed a great pleasure for me to extend to the Muslim Community of Australia the sincerest wishes of RAMADAN AL MUBARAK on behalf of the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils.

On behalf of the AFIC Executive Committee and AFIC Staff, it is my great pleasure to send our very best wishes and prayers during the holy month of Ramadan. May Allah (swt) grant His Choicest Blessings on all Muslims and all humanity and in particular those who are facing hardship and difficulty around the world.

During the holy month of Ramadan I request the Muslim community to share this holy month
with our fellow Australians by inviting them to Iftar and extending them our traditional Muslims hospitality and explaining the virtues of Ramadan to them.

It is important to impress on our non Muslim friends that Muslims throughout the world observe fast from dawn to dusk very strictly and try to reform their lives in conformity with the values of humanity and the wishes of God, our Creator and Sustainer.

May the blessings of this holy month of Ramadan permeate the entire human kind and bring
peace, security, stability and hope for all peoples of the world.



Ikebal Adam Patel
Australian Federation of Islamic Councils



It gives me great pleasure to extend to the Muslim Community of Queensland my sincere felicitations of Ramadan Mubarak on behalf of the Islamic Council of Queensland, the Management Committees and all its member Societies.

The holy month of Ramadan is a blessed month. It is not only a month of fasting, iftar, tarawi prayers in addition to the five obligatory prayers, tilawat of the holy Quran, but also a month of abstinence, of spiritual upliftment and charity.

I appeal to all my Muslim brothers and sisters to think of the plight of our Muslim brothers in Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, Kashmir and many other Muslim countries. I call upon my Muslim brothers and sisters to respond in a positive way to my appeal for the unity of the Ummah in Brisbane.

May almighty Allah accept your fast, prayers and good deeds and reward you in abundance. May the blessings of the holy month of Ramadan permeate the entire humanity and bring peace, security, stability and hope for all the peoples of the world.

Suliman Sabdia – President


As-salamu alaykum,

On behalf of the Qld Police Service, may I take this opportunity to wish you, your family, friends and loved ones a blessed and peaceful Ramadan.

The Muslim community and the Qld Police Service enjoy a close working relationship, and we support the many functions that are held in the community.


Sergeant Jim BELLOS
Cross Cultural Liaison Officer
Metropolitan South Region


Dia duit (dee-a-gwith) Irish for “God be with you”

We would like to this opportunity to wish our many friends and neighbours within our local Islamic community a blessed and spiritually-beneficial holy month of Ramadan. Multiculturalism, understanding and acceptance of each other’s differences and faiths, are vital ingredients in keeping strength within our broader community. But without our Muslim neighbours and friends, this strength of community would be greatly weakened.


David Forde and Dr Nadine Butler



On behalf of the Management Committee of Al-Nisa Youth Group Inc. We would like to wish all our Muslim brothers and sisters a blessed Ramadan. May Allah (SWT) grant us the ability to change ourselves for the better, during this blessed month, and not to be of those who are prevented from His Mercy and Forgiveness. Indeed He is the One who hears and He is the One to Respond.




Aliyah Deen

President: Al-Nisa Youth Group Inc.


O you who believe! Observing al-sawm (the fasting) is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, that you may become al-muttaqoon (the pious). (Qur’an al-Baqarah 2:183)



I want to take this opportunity to share in offering greetings to the Muslim community in Queensland and readers of CCN around the holy month of Ramadan.

I wish peace and security for everyone in the country, with a special hope that there will be real understanding and harmony across the country. I always enjoy meeting and working with members of the Muslim community and look forward to our shared future.

Claire Moore
Senator for Queensland




It is with great pleasure that I take this opportunity to wish all the valued members of our Muslim community a very spiritually rewarding holy month of Ramadan. 


The latest census figures show that there are over 20,000 followers of the Islamic faith settled in Queensland.  The members of the Islamic faith have made a substantial contribution to all aspects of life in Queensland, and these contributions have resulted in rewards for all Queenslanders.  I see this first hand in my travels and meetings around the federal electorate of Moreton.


May peace be upon you and I look forward to continuing my very positive relationship with you long into the future.


Warm regards


Graham Perrett

Australian Labor Party Candidate for Moreton





I would like to take this opportunity to wish all your readers a very peaceful and spiritually rewarding time during the holy month of Ramadan.

The Queensland Government has the highest respect for the Muslim community and we acknowledge the economic and social contributions the community has delivered for Queensland.

The Queensland Government through its Multicultural Policy:"Multicultural Queensland - making a world of difference", actively supports the concept of multiculturalism and strongly supports and believes that freedom of religion is a crucial component of any democracy.
May peace be with you during this holiest of months. I along with my Parliamentary Secretary, Michael Choi MP, look forward to continuing our very positive relationship with you.
Lindy Nelson-Carr MP
Minister for Environment and Multiculturalism


May the gift of Ramdhan bring peace to our hearts, cleanse our imaan, and may Allah SWT bestow his mercy and infinite bounties upon our Ummah Insha-Allah


IFA Youth





Ramadaan Ramadaan - by Shaida Gutta

Ramadaan Ramadaan where have you been?

I've been away since 12 moons have been seen.


Ramadaan Ramadaan why have you come?

To bless you and cleanse you and ask you to come.


Ramadaan Ramadaan what do you mean?

For you to come closer to your Lord and Deen.


Ramadaan Ramadaan what do we do?

You fast and pray and pay Sadaqatul Fitr too.


Ramadaan Ramadaan how long do we fast?

The whole day until the sun has passed.


Ramadaan Ramadaan how long will you stay?

Until just before Eid Day.


Ramadaan Ramadaan will we see you again?

My destiny is written to come next year again.


Queensland Muslim Community Forum on Federal Election Issues: TODAY


Queensland Muslim Community Forum

Federal Election 2007


Sunday 9 September 2007

 Griffith University (Nathan Campus) N22 Northern Theatre



10:00 – 10:10            Organiser Welcome

10:10 – 10:20            Quran Recitation

10:20 – 10:30            Chair Ms Margaret Wenham – Journalist (Courier-Mail)


10:30 – 11:00            Senator Andrew Bartlett - Democrats Deputy Leader Democrats Senator and - Queensland

11:00 – 11:30            Senator Joe Ludwig - Shadow Attorney-General Labour Senator - Queensland

11:30 – 12:00            Senator Sue Boyce (TBC) Liberal Senator - Queensland

12:00 – 1:00              Lunch


1:00 – 1:30                Hon Arch Bevis - Member for Brisbane Shadow Minister for Homeland Security;

                                 Territories Shadow Minister for Justice and Customs

1:30 – 2:00                Hon Gary Hardgrave MP Member for Moreton

2:00– 2:30                 Mr Emad Soliman Democrats candidate for Moreton

2:30 – 2:45                Afternoon Tea

2:45 – 3:15                Mr Willy Bach The Greens’ candidate for Griffith

3:15 – 3:45                Dr Mohammad Abdalla – Director, Griffith Islamic Research Unit “Islam and Democracy”.     

3:45 – 4:00                Conclusion & Closing





From the CCN Cradle



Fatima Zahra was born to Yusuf Cajee and Aamena Nathie on the 10th of August at the Logan Hospital weighing 3.4kgs.


Fatima makes grandpa Ismail and Naseema Cajee grandparents for the 5th time and is the 9th grandchild of Ismail and Zohra Nathie.


"She looks like her Grandfather!", said a beaming Yusuf.


Tasneem and Jemele Deen are the proud parents of Zahara Amda Deen who was born at Logan Hospital on Friday, 31 August.


Zahara entered the world at a height of 52cm and weighed in at 3.28kg.


Shaamilah Samsodien is just coming to terms with being a grandmother for the first time.





On behalf of the readers of CCN we extend our deepest sympathies to Farouk and Amina Adam and family on the passing away of Mrs. Ayesha Moola mother of Amina in South Africa on Monday (3 September).


The IWAQ Diaries


The IWAQ Dream Team

(L-R) Muna Ibrahim (IWAQ Coordinator), Maha Hijazi (CACP Coordinator), Safia Raza (EACHD Coordinator), Naima Estrada (Finance Officer), Tasneem Smyth (Front Desk Administrator)
* CACP – Community Aged Care Packages, EACHD – Extended Aged Care at Home Dementia


The Islamic Women’s Association of Queensland (IWAQ) organized a number of activities during the past few weeks:



The Annual Camp held over the 20th July – 22nd July weekend at Kindilan, Redland Bay

Oh! no! Yasmeen Abo Wafa takes a topple!




The participants enjoyed themselves immensely taking part in a host of different activities including canoeing, kayaking, abseiling, flying fox while simply taking in the serenity of nature without the hustle and bustle of the outside world.



Participants included some ladies from the Christian faith who thought the whole experience was "absolutely marvelous".


Everyone loved the food which was cooked by Sr. Wimarat.


Thank you to all who organised and participated.






Client Carer dinner on Friday 31st August at MacGregor State School Hall






















Macgregor School Hall decked out for dinner


The feedback was very positive and those who came were enthralled by the performances from Imam Ahmed Ghazaleh as well as the Indonesian Saman Dance Group.



The evening was well attended and the unanimous consensus was that the dinner was delicious.



All the guests received a lovely gift for attending.


The Bosnian Connection


The delightful Saman dancers draw a line at synchronized dining!


An upstaged Ahmed Ghazaleh (left) plays

second fiddle (or should that be duff?)

to another nasheed exponent Mohammed Naaman


(Foreground) Vazira Ally and (L-R) Fatima Mohamed, Janet Nadeem, Soraya Nadeem, Farah and Bebe Ali


Morning Tea with Coles

An Islamic awareness morning tea was held by the Muslim Dialogue group and this was hosted by Coles where staff from Coles and sections of Muslim community attended. The staff was very interested in knowing more about Muslims and enjoyed the dialogue session so much so that the Regional Manager asked to host a similar event this time at the Pick’n’pay Sunnybank Hills.


Morning Tea with Residents

On Tuesday, the 7th of August, our ladies from the Tuesday Group attended a morning tea at Acacia Ridge Community Hall where they were joined by others from the Acacia Ridge community. Various people spoke about their life experiences and it was a chance to increase awareness about Islam and learn about other cultures.


Sydney Trip

A group consisting of clients and workers went to a trip to Sydney.


IWAQ hopes to set up an Outreach office at the Gold Coast mosque. At present a few ladies are meeting up on Tuesdays and Fridays at the Mosque.

IWAQ plans to organise a weekend getaway after Ramadan for clients and their families.


The CCN Cut 'n Paste Media Monitor


Hilali coverage takes premier prize

RICHARD Kerbaj of The Australian lwon the $15,000 John Curtin Prize for Journalism at the Victorian Premier's Literary Awards.

Melbourne-based Kerbaj won the prestigious award for his coverage of Muslim cleric Taj Din al-Hilali, and in particular uncovering an inflammatory sermon the sheik delivered to his followers in Arabic in which he likened immodestly dressed women to "uncovered meat".

The cleric's Ramadan remarks, which also alluded to the infamous Sydney gang rapes of 2000, unleashed a public outcry and vigorous debate among Muslim and non-Muslim communities. Ultimately, Sheik Hilali was replaced as mufti of Australia - the nation's Muslim spiritual leader.

"Clearly, it was a great piece of newsbreaking," publisher Eric Beecher, convenor of the judging panel, said yesterday. "It reset an already-important agenda, and it prompted not only Australians, but lots of people around the world to talk about the subject."

...... read the rest.


Increase population


Australia should aim for a population of 50 million through "significant migration", says Queensland Premier Peter Beattie.



UWS draws the line at mosque

THE University of Western Sydney has knocked back a request that it build a mosque for its Muslim students.

"We said, 'We are a secular university, we don't do these kinds of things'," said Sev Ozdowski, UWS director of equity and diversity, and chairman of the first national conference on Muslim university students, held this week at UWS.

He said a local Muslim spiritual leader had made an informal suggestion of a mosque at UWS about six months ago, after Muslim students complained about the desecration of a prayer room on campus. Dr Ozdowski declined to provide more details.


...... read the rest.


Media Demonize Muslims: US Rabbi

CAIRO — The president of the US largest Jewish movement has accused US media and politicians of demonizing Islam and portraying Muslims as "satanic figures", reported Haaretz on Saturday, September 1.

"There exists in this country among all Americans, whether Jews, Christians, or non-believers, a huge and profound ignorance about Islam," rabbi Eric Yoffie, head of the Union for Reform Judaism (URJ), told the opening session of the annual convention of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA).

"... there is no shortage of voices prepared to tell us that fanaticism and intolerance are fundamental to Islamic religion, and that violence and even suicide bombing have deep Qur'anic roots," he said.

"There exists in this country among all Americans, whether Jews, Christians, or non-believers, a huge and profound ignorance about Islam," said Yoffie


...... read the rest.

...... full speech to the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA).







Now for the Mega Mosque (ABC Radio Nation Religion Report)

In cities all over Europe - Marseilles, Lyons, Cologne and London - there's controversy over plans to build large mosques. The proposed 'mega' mosque in East London would cover 17 acres and may end up housing 70,000 worshippers, and 200,000 people have signed a petition against it on the website of 10 Downing Street.

...... read the transcript or listen to the interview








Tuesday 08:30 pm Cutting Edge: Europe's 9/11 (SBS)
Europe is home to more then 20 million Muslims. Many remain on the margins of society and Spain is considered to be the Islamic gateway to Europe. Europe's 9/11 explores the alarming phenomenon of home grown terrorism through the lens of the metro bombings in Madrid, Spain, on Thursday, 11 March 2003, two and a half years after 9/11. Showing unique footage of the actual explosions and interviews with the key heads of state in Spain at the time, this documentary goes to the heart of trying to understand how such horrific events have come to pass. The documentary also explores the connections between those bombers in Spain, Al Qaeda activities in Milan, the Van Gogh murder in the Netherlands and the subsequent bombings in London on 7/7. (From the UK, in English and Spanish, English subtitles) (Documentary) M CC WS

Tuesday 10:00 pm Hot Docs: Protocols Of Zion (SBS)
Filmmaker Marc Levin embarks on a personal journey to discover why the myth of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion has proven such an enduring lie. The anti-Semitic text, which originated in Russia a century ago, purports to reveal how and why Jews are seeking global domination. Throughout history, the "world's greatest conspiracy theory" has fuelled much of the world's anti-Semitism, despite being first debunked by the Times of London in 1921. Adolf Hitler believed in it, as do many militant Muslims today. Protocols Of Zion aims to distinguish fact from fiction, as Levin circled the globe debating the book's hypothesis. He contends that the events of September 11 and continuing conflict in the Middle East have left fertile ground for resurgent anti-Semitic sentiment. (From the US, in English and Arabic) (Documentary)

Tuesday 11:40 pm Movie: September (SBS)
Berlin, 11 September 2001 and how the events of that day change the lives of three very different families. Ashraf, a Pakistani, owns a pizzeria. His German girlfriend, Lena, is pregnant with their child. She is shocked and disturbed by Ashraf's support of the Taliban and lack of sympathy for the victims after the attack. Ashraf does become more of a sympathiser and this change is also propelled by the hatred directed at him for coming from a country supportive of the Taliban. Helmer (Jorg Schuttauf) is a policeman in a special police force and is an admirer of the American ideal and way of life. Directed by Max Farberbock, and stars Nina Proll and Rene Ifrah. (From Germany, in German and English, English subtitles) (Drama)


Crescent Sighting Guidelines for Brisbane



The Al-Ghazzali Centre for Islamic Sciences & Human Development in Sydney has provided guidelines for the sighting of the Moon on Wednesday 12 August.


Sighting Instructions


The Kabah for Kids


Ms. Shaida Gutta has produced a delightfully illustrated book for the little 'uns on the Kabah.


At $10 it will make an ideal Eid present for the kids.


Contact Shaida at shaidagutta@yahoo.com.au to inspect, reserve or purchase a copy.


Ramadan Timetables for Downloading


Ramadan Timetables for major Queensland cities by QMT




Gold Coast



Mount Isa



Brisbane - by Australia International Islamic College



The Alphabet Soup of Muslim Organizations and Institutions




Identify the full names of the following 20 acronyms and send them to theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org.


The first correct entry drawn from the CCN mailbox will receive a mystery prize from the CCN treasure trove.


Entries close Friday 14 September at midnight.




 1. GIRU









6. COB


7. ICQ


8. MBN




10. MY Services

11. CCN


12. QMT




14. MSA


15. AIIC


16. IFA


17. IRL




19. BMBS


20. I-CARE


Halal Guide for Caterers



The Good Caterers Guide to Halal Food Preparation and Supervision has had a few recommendations from readers and these have been attended to.


While the guide is now ready for distribution it remains open for comment and suggestion and update should the need arise.


The latest pdf version is now available here.


Harvest Festival on today



Presented by Brisbane City Council in association with Brisbane Multicultural Arts Centre (BEMAC) and Northey Street City Farm, the sixth Harvest Festival is a community event that celebrates the rich and diverse cultural contributions that migrants, refugee artists and families have made to Brisbane.

Set amidst the colourful surrounds of Northey Street City Farm, the Harvest Festival is an event where diverse communities share experiences, traditions and cultural stories that combine to create our dynamic city. It promises to be a meeting place for lovers of organic food and cross-cultural celebrations.

There will be world music and dance presentations from multicultural performers that now call Brisbane home. A variety of delicious foods, crafts from around the world, children's activities, organic gardening demonstrations and cooking workshops will be on show. It will be a fun-filled day for all the family.



A Diversity Forum will discuss perspectives from Muslims in Brisbane.


Abdel Bari Atwan is coming to town



The Brisbane Writers Festival will be presenting Palestinian-born Abdel Bari Atwan as one of its international voices this year.



Editor-in-chief of London-based Arabic newspaper al-Quds al-Arabi, the only western journalist to have had an extended interview with Osama Bin Laden and author of The Secret History of al-Qa'ida, Atwan will appear in three sessions during the festival.



•    Reporting the Real World - Is ‘Balance’ a Delusion?
Thursday 13 September 2.45pm-3.45pm SLQ Queensland Terrace
Abdel Bari Atwan and David Marr. Chair: Michael Owens. Bookings essential. Tickets $10/$8 from qtix.

•    Religion, Society and the Individual
SLQ Queensland Terrace Saturday 15 September 3.20pm-4.20pm
Abdel Bari Atwan, John Carroll and Margaret Simons. Chair: Rachael Kohn. Bookings essential. Tickets $10/$8 from qtix.

•    The Secret History of al-Qa’ida
Sunday 16 September 11.20am-12.20pm SLQ The Edge
Abdel Bari Atwan. Chair: Deborah Terrie. Bookings essential. Tickets $10/$8 from qtix. Presented by The University of Queensland.

The Festival will bring together approx 260 writers from around the world – from Mongolia to Mt Isa: Some of the world’s leading authors including Damon Galgut, one of South Africa’s most esteemed writers; Man Booker Prize shortlisted author and extreme athlete, Michael Collins; Abdel Bari Atwan, the only ‘western’ journalist to have conducted an extended interveiw with Osama Bin Laden; Raj Patel who examines at the world economy through the distribution of food; Anthony Elliott who looks at the emotional impact of globalisation on individuals; David Gibbins, bestselling author and underwater archaeologist; Baba Brinkman, a Canadian Chaucerian rapper; Galsan Tschinag, a Mongolian Shaman; Kevin J. Anderson, the holder of the Guinness Book of World Record’s record for the largest single book signing; Armistead Maupin, the author of much beloved Tales of the City series and biographer extraordinaire Victoria Glendinning as well as many of Australia’s leading thinkers, commentators and literary greats.

BWF is on from 12-16 September at the State Library of Queensland.

Visit www.brisbanewritersfestival.com.au to find out more.

Melbourne's Virgin Mary Mosque


Watch the ABC News

Transcript of an interview with Imam Sheikh Isse Musse.
First Broadcast 27/08/2007
Muslim communities around the world have come under increasing scrutiny since the terrorist attacks of September 11. Some imams have been criticised for inflammatory speeches promoting jihad and religious hatred. But one mosque in Australia has taken the inter-faith message to heart, and is seeking to highlight the similarities between Islam and Christianity.

The Virgin Mary Mosque is next door to a church, its congregation includes people from East and West, and it's the only mosque in Australia with a woman on its board. Sue Lannin speaks to the Imam, Sheikh Isse Musse.

Sue Lannin: In the western suburbs of Melbourne, a unique mosque is led by a unique mufti.

Sheikh Isse Musse, Imam, Virgin Mary Mosque: How are you? Good to see you.

Sue Lannin: Sheikh Isse Musse, or Jesus Moses, has been blind since childhood. He left war-torn Somalia as a refugee and settled in Australia 14 years ago.

Sheikh Isse Musse: Mosques generally named by ... named after males, so we said let us also break the tradition and give a female name to the mosque, and the Virgin Mary was the choice.

Sue Lannin: At first, the name raised eyebrows in the Muslim community.

"Virgin Mary, exactly in that name, it is there in the Koran."

Sheikh Isse Musse: Initially, some people were incredulous. They were saying, "What? Virgin Mary, this is Catholic, Catholic name". And I kept saying, "Well Mary, Virgin Mary, exactly in that name, it is there in the Koran". The Koran describes her as a virgin and Mary is her name, so what is wrong in adopting that name?

Sue Lannin: Sheikh Isse did his religious training in Saudi Arabia, but he gives his sermons in English, and they are like something you may hear at a church.

Sheikh Isse Musse: Islam always says, "Live in peace, and in harmony and do always what is good to others".

Sue Lannin: Sheikh Isse is on the National Council of Imams, which elects Australia's most senior Islamic leader. The former mufti of Australia, Sheikh Taj Al Din Al Hilali, was a controversial figure who stepped down a few months ago.

Sheikh Isse Musse: We took a break from Sheikh Hilali's continuous outbursts and the reaction of the politicians and so in that sense, the community now is at ease.

Sue Lannin: Sheikh Isse says governments do need to be cautious when it comes to terrorism, but should not exaggerate the threat. He says many Muslims in Australia have suffered discrimination in the wake of the attacks on September 11.
"Most Muslims …think they are being targeted."

Sheikh Isse Musse: Most Muslims are not comfortable, to tell the truth, they are not comfortable. They think they are being targeted. In relation to employment, they think they are being marginalised, they don't get the right employment. So, when people have such a story to tell, they feel that they are not being supportive enough.

Sue Lannin: The mosque is one of the most multicultural in Australia.

Sheikh Isse Musse: About 17 nationalities congregate in this mosque, all Asian countries, many African countries, Middle East, some Aussies are here.

Sue Lannin: The mosque has rules to prevent a single ethnic group dominating, and it says it is the only mosque in Australia with a woman on its committee.

Saima Azhar, Virgin Mary Mosque: They do have a say, they can [take] part in the decision-making process. They can, you know, portray what they think is going on, is not right or not wrong. So, it's a good mixture.

Sue Lannin: The Virgin Mary Mosque is also challenging the status quo by teaching its members how to use the Internet. There are swimming classes for women as well as classes for kids on how to read the Koran. Sheikh Isse's idea of diversity and inter-faith dialogue seems to be bearing fruit, and he is leading the way by breaking down barriers.

Sheikh Isse Musse: Yeah, it's not difficult as such, except in when I wanted to have some information, read a book or consult a manual or certain questions when I'm researching something, that's the only difficulty that I may face. But apart from that, I love being Imam, leading the prayer, telling the people what is right about Islam and it's good to do that.

Helen Vatsikopoulos: Sue Lannin reporting.

Source: http://australianetwork.com/focus/s2015868.htm

Kuraby Mosque Buys Property


Kuraby Mosque successfully bidded at an auction last week for the house next to it.


The purchase price was $270,000.


The intention of the trustees is to use the site for expanding the Madrassah, and putting up an Imam's residence, a library, and a Dawah Centre etc.


It is estimated that the cost to do this will be about $500,000. 


Donations towards this project can be made by contacting one of the trustees..


Sadaqatul Fitr for the needy in Zimbabwe

by Faisel Essof


Muslims in this country and the World over have always admirably observed the discharging of Sadaqatul Fitr.


Shariah has stipulated this little monetary observance for those who have the means in order to bring some delight to those less fortunate.  It is the infinite wisdom of Allah that while He has blessed certain people with tremendous wealth and prosperity, there are others who live on the other extreme with barely no food to nourish themselves nor their offspring.


Fuqaha (jurists) stress that Sadaqatul Fitr should be discharged before the day of Eid.  This will enable the recipients to make maximum use of the money afforded to them.  However, many people have the tendency of delaying in discharging their Fitrah and subsequently end up dropping it in some organization’s box on the way to Eid Salaah.  The deadline for discharging Sadaqatul Fitr is before Eid Salaah.  It is therefore appropriate to say that discharging Sadaqatul Fitr at the last hour will not fulfil its due objective.


Rasulullah (s.a.w.) said,

The fast remains suspended between the heavens and the earth until Fitrah is discharged”. (Targhib)

A collection of Fitrah is being made for distribution in Zimbabwe, proceeds of which are used to make food hampers for distribution to the needy Muslim families.  Those wishing to give their Fitrah towards this cause are kindly asked to contact: 


Faisel Essof

Tel:  3423 0116 – H

        3800 7811 – B 

Mob: 0402 575 410





What is Ramadan and Fasting all about?



A quick guide for non-Muslims. Topics include:


What is Ramadan?
The significance of Ramadan?
Fasting: What is it? Who fasts? Why?
Typical Ramadan Activities
Eid-ul-Fitr: Marking the End of Ramadan
Working with Muslim Colleagues
Travelling to Muslim Countries


View the presentation




Mission of Hope has also put out a broadsheet on the subject.


The CCN Centre Link


ACCES Services Inc. is a multicultural community based not for profit organization based in Logan City. 


Our key services include settlement, training/employment and counseling. 


A qualified, experienced Office Manager is required to support expanding organizational operations. 


Salary 6.1 SACS award with the opportunity to salary sacrifice.


People from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds encouraged to apply. 


Application Kit call 3808 9299 or on the website www.accesservicesinc.org.au


Resume and Selection Criteria due by closing date 14/9/07.  


Sushil and  Abdullah are available to assist Muslim jobseekers with further details.


Senior Case Worker (HACC)


The purpose of the position is to provide quality case managed aged care services to older frail people and their carers from diverse cultural, linguistic and faith backgrounds, ensuring that their needs, abilities and choices are met.


The position provides direct services to clients through individual assessment, casework, referral and follow-up, task supervision of personal care assistants, networking and effective collaboration with the wider community and aged care sector.



Call Abdullah on 38089299 for help in applying

Certificate 3 in childcare at ACCES Services INC.


Free training.


2 days per week.


Starting after school holidays in October.


Other free training available as well.


Call Abdullah or Sushil on 38089299


What's happening in our neck of the woods......


Click on image to enlarge

Hajj Package presentations

by OurWorld Travel

Queensland Muslim Federal

Election Forum

Ramadan program

at the Darul Uloom

QMT Unity Cup (Futsal)

Crescents' Health


register online



The IFA Update

Media Release

The inclement weather was not enough to discourage a large number of people from attending our Sister’s Learning Program. This final SLP before Ramdhan was held on Wednesday 5th September and summed up the series of lectures on Woman and Society.

The SLP will be back after Ramdhan, Insha-Allah, and the interactive nature of the program, which received much praise for its unique learning style will be continued.



All lecture notes are available for download from our website: www.ifa.qmt.org.au

IFA Youth would also like to thank Nora Amath for her dedication to the program. May Allah SWT reward her abundantly Insha-Allah


IFA & Al-Nisa Iftar

Once again the month of Ramadhan is just around the corner.


So gather up your friends and join us, IFA Youth & Alnisa for an iftar that you will not want to miss!


IFA Youth and Al-nisa annually host an iftar in the spirit of Ramdhan, and we would like to share the company of all the female youth (and those young at heart) to join us during this auspicious month.


 We will keep you updated on the details as they come to hand!  

IFA Youth




Ruqayyah Paruk - Yusra Adams - Naadirah Chenia - Shaima Khan - Nadia Limbada - Maryam Issadeen


Kareema's Keep Fit Column



Q: Kareema, I’m taking a chance here, but with Ramadan upon us, can you set us a few challenges?





A: THANKS FOR THE OPPORTUNITY! I love a challenge – whether setting it, or undertaking it…

These are some simple Ramadan Rules. Try incorporating them into your schedule:

- Move it or lose it! In order to maintain muscle tone / strength, you need to keep moving.
- Adhere to your current exercise regime where possible. Alter it by reducing the intensity and time, or stagger it (10 -15mins at a time).
- If going to the gym is out of the question, take the initiative to exercise at home.
- Compliment your exercise with a healthy diet – no fried foods.
- Drink water instead of soft drinks and notice your skin looking healthier.
- Don’t rush your meal at Iftar, savour it.
- Enjoy a healthy meal in the morning (sehri) to get you through the day.
- Involve a family member and stay fit together.
- Train smart, not hard - stay out of the sun and keep cool!

Ramadan Mubarak to all.



Need an answer to a fitness related matter? Send your question to Kareema at  fitness@crescentsofbrisbane.org.

All questions sent in are published here anonymously and without any references to the author of the question.


The Culinary Corner




My children love the 'Giant Choc Chip Cookies' available through their school canteen but at $2.00 per cookie I couldn't justify the cost so found an alternative to make my own for only 13 cents each! This recipe makes on average 24 Giant Cookies and they are so delicious. Each cookie is about 10-13cm in diameter. To further increase my savings I only use Home Brand ingredients. Quite a saving from $2.00!


The recipe is as follows:-


1 cup white sugar

1 cup brown sugar

1 teaspoon vanilla essence

250g margarine

2 eggs

3 1/2 cups SR flour

1 packet choc chips


Method: Cream together white sugar, brown sugar, vanilla and margarine. Add eggs, self raising flour and choc chips and mix well. Leave for about 15 minutes before rolling into palm sized ball and then placing on Glad Bake (on a tray). Cook at 180 degrees Celsius for 20 to 25 minutes.


Hint: After 12 minutes I swap the bottom and top trays around in the oven to avoid the bottom tray of cookies burning.



Source: www.simplesavings.com.au




Do you have a recipe to share with CCN readers?
Send in your favourite recipe to theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org and who knows, you could be our "guest chef" for a future edition of CCN.


The CCN Chuckle



After a two-week criminal trial in a very high profile bank robbery case involving Mula Nasruddin, the judge turns to the jury foreman and asks, "Has the jury reached a verdict in this case?"

"Yes, we have, your honour," The foreman responded.

"Would you please pass it to me," The judge declared, as he motioned for the bailiff to retrieve the verdict slip from the foreman and deliver it to him.

After the judge reads the verdict himself, he delivers the verdict slip back to his bailiff to be returned to the foreman and instructs the foreman, "Please read your verdict to the court."

"We find the defendant Not Guilty of all four counts of bank robbery." stated the foreman.


The family and friends of Mula Nasruddin jump for joy at the verdict and hug each other as they shout expressions of divine gratitude.

Mula Nasruddin's attorney turns to his client and asks, "So, what do you think about that?"

Mula Nasruddin, with a bewildered look on his face turns to his attorney and says, "I'm real confused here. Does this mean that I have to give all the money back?"

The CCN Date Claimer





(Click on link)





9 September


Great Australian Bushwalk

National Parks Association of Qld




9 September


Harvest 2007


Northey Street City Farm
16 Victoria Street Windsor
(off Bowen Bridge Road).

3391 4433

9am to 5pm

9 September


Qld Muslim Federal Election Forum

Emad Soliman

Griffith University Nathan Campus

0421 898 134 / 3735 6990


13/14 September



Start of Ramadaan

11/12 October



End of Ramadaan

12/13 October




14 October


Queensland Multicultural Festival

Multicultural Affairs Queensland

Roma Street Parkland

3872 0756(ext:21756)

All day

20 October


Womens' Health Workshop: Breast Cancer Awareness

Crescents of Brisbane

Kuraby State Special School Hall


1.30pm - 5pm

21 October


QMT Unity Cup (Futsal)


Acacia Ridge Futsal Centre, 1391 Beaudesert Rd.

0412 786 168

All day

27 October


Qld Eidfest 2007

Qld Eidfest

Mt Gravatt Showgrounds


10am to 10pm

19/20 November

Monday & Tuesday

Queensland Multicultural Summit ‘07



State Library of Queensland

3844 9166

All day

20/21 December




To claim your date for your event email theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org.


Write For Us

The best ideas and the best feedback come from our community of readers. If you have a topic or opinion that you want to write about or want seen covered or any news item that you think might be of benefit to the Crescents Community please e-mail



Share your thoughts, feelings and ambitions for our community through CCN.


If there is someone you know who would like to subscribe to CCN please encourage them to send an e-mail to theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org with the words “Subscribe Me” in the subject line.


Articles and opinions appearing in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Crescents of Brisbane team, CCN, its Editor or its Sponsors, particularly if they eventually turn out to be libelous, unfounded, objectionable, obnoxious, offensive, slanderous and/or downright distasteful.


It is the usual policy of CCN to include from time to time, notices of events that some readers may find interesting or relevant. Such notices are often posted as received. Including such messages or providing the details of such events does not necessarily imply endorsement of the contents of these events by either CCN or Crescents of Brisbane.