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Sunday, 24 February 2008

 .Newsletter 0172


Perrett in Parliament


Graham Perrett - Member for Moreton





Mr Graham Perrett MP, Member for Moreton (Qld)

Extracts from First Speech To Parliament - 20/2/2008






Moreton is not all about business. It also has the best multicultural food in Australia. We have something to tickle your taste buds—whether it is the African restaurants of the Moorooka, the Asian cuisine of Sunny Bank or the Halal food of just about anywhere in Moreton. I especially acknowledge the representatives from the Chinese community who have flown down here to see me today: Ni hao ni hao, Lewis, Kenny and Jack. Xie xie xie xie ni. The Chinese diaspora is committed, like so many other groups in Moreton, to a harmonious, multicultural Australian society.


Just like the wonderfully warm Islamic people, like Moreton’s varied churches and community and environmental groups, they are dedicated to understanding and tolerance. This is what makes Moreton the best place in the world to live or to visit. Contrary to earlier misguided statements, I do not see an exhausted community. Instead, I see suburbs full of people who are committed to getting on with and helping their neighbours. I do not believe in any form of racism.




I do not believe in any form of discrimination or segregation. The Australian sense of the fair go is alive and well and living on the south side of Brisbane and I will work hard to make sure that unfair, racist accusations are never, ever again given oxygen in my neighbourhood.

I stand here as somebody of Irish, French and Italian heritage, representing an electorate where one in three voters was born overseas. I wish to remind all Australians that the price of harmony is hard work. Each and every one of us must be eternally vigilant when it comes to community relations.


We must knock on all our neighbours’ doors and offer a helping hand. We must build understanding, trust and friendship, irrespective of race, religion, age or political beliefs.

Thank you to the rest of the Moreton team: David Forde, the most passionate Irishman in Australia, which is saying something; Terry Wood from the ALP; the rest of the ALP team, Dallas Elvery, Brad Hayes, the irrepressible Kate Perry; and Braedan Hogan; all of the union and Labor Party members; family and friends; community leaders like Faisal Hatia, Father John Scarriott and Mustafa Ally; the elected representatives at the state level, Karen Struthers, Stephen Robertson, Anna Bligh, Phil Reeves, Simon Finn, Ronan Lee, Judy Spence and Gary Fenlon; Steve Griffiths, Helen Abrahams, Gail Macpherson and Kevin Bianci from the Brisbane City Council; and also to Craig Emerson, Tony Burke, Joseph Ludwig and Claire Moore from the federal parliament.


These people all worked to restore fairness in the workplace and install me in this chamber, where the people are the boss.


I especially remind the other side of the House of this fact: the people of Australia are our bosses and they spoke very loudly and very clearly.



Full speech

Kuraby Mosque Expansion Programme


Following on from its recent purchase of the adjoining property in Beenleigh Road, Kuraby Mosque is settling on a second property within the coming weeks (click on image on left to enlarge). The intention is to accommodate the growing Madrassah classes.


The trustees have made the following appeal to CCN Readers:




Assalamualaikum Brothers and Sisters in Islam,

Kuraby Masjid has changed over a very short period of time. We have had an increase in the number of Musallis and as our community has grown so have the number of children that attend Madrassah at our Masjid. We started infrastructure planning to accommodate and grow our facilities so we could become a more complete centre of learning.

Last year through the generosity of the community we were able to purchase the house next door to the Masjid (1412 Beenleigh Road). We also had a family generously donate a home next door to the purchased property (1414 Beenleigh Road). Our intention has been to amalgamate the two properties and make the houses on them available for Madrassah.

As our plans for refurbishment were being put into place we received rather unexpected news that the house backing onto the corner of the Masjid (14 Besline Street) had become available for sale. After much discussion and debate we acted on this and were able to secure this property for $361,000 excluding legal and other costs. This left us in a rather awkward position as we had only recently done a funding drive to purchase the property next to the Masjid.

As at today we have secured a loan for $300,000 and with expected refurbishment costs of $40,000 for 1412 and 1414 Beenleigh Road we have a shortfall of $100,000. Over the last three weeks we have done a door to door fundraising drive and have managed to collect $55,000. We now have a shortfall of $45,000 and a looming settlement date of 28th of February.

On Friday we made a public announcement to raise awareness of our funding shortfall. We have an urgent need to secure the above funds to finalise our purchase.

If you have any questions or need any details please feel free to call any of the trustees.










Mahmood Surtie 0411 172 786
Imraan Nathie 0431 300 111
Muhsin Ally 0400 134 786
Mohammed Sayed Dawoodjee 0400 126 456
Mahmood Nathie 0433 182 015

Account name : Islamic Charitable Trust Fund
BSB/Acc Number : 064162 / 10311340
Institution : Commonwealth Bank

May Allah reward you for your generosity.




The Quran in A Flash Presentation




Visiting Moulana


Moulana Ebrahim Bham, Secretary General of the Council of Muslim Theologians, and Executive Member of the National Religious Forum in South Africa is scheduled to deliver lectures at the Kuraby, Holland Park and Gold Coast Mosques through the week starting Sunday 2 March.


Contact your local mosques to confirm times and dates.

Moulana Bham will also be delivering a lecture at the Griffith Islamic Research Unit 2008 Conference: The Challenges and Opportunities of Islam in the West: The Case of Australia where he will be speaking to the topic:

Muslims as a Minority Community: Lessons from South Africa.


Q News The Muslim Magazine


Diary - From Timbuktu to Vienna - via Johannesburg and Istanbul by Affan Chowdhry (extracts)
Page 11
Q-News, Issue 367
July 2006


......... Oh, by the way, I was in town to attend a conference on Xenophobia, Racism and the Media. It was, again, an opportunity to meet interesting media people. The conference was professionally executed but the recommendations, to be honest, were hardly earth-shattering.

South Africa’s Muslims are a weird product of political activism, social consciousness, sectarian madness and extreme ostentatiousness. This is a country which has produced more than its share of Muslim martyrs in the anti-apartheid struggle. But it has also seen some of its members seduced by the anti-Islamic ideology of race superiority.

Today, the struggle for the heart and soul of South African Islam is fierce: it is one between relevancy and dogmatism, engagement or disengagement, clarity or obscurantism. When it comes to Islam, there are so many similarities between what is going on in Britain and South Africa. But, alas, we do not have the likes of Cassiem Khan and Na’eem Jeenah - two outstanding young(ish) mujahids whose contributions in the field of humanitarian work and the debate over freedom of expression are exemplary.

It was a privilege to share platforms with the the charming Mufti AK Hoosen (Channel Islam), the combative Maulana Ebrahim Bham (Jamiatul Ulama, Transvaal) and the superbly elegant and noble Ferial Haffeejee (Editor, Mail and Guardian). The climate of tolerance, compassion and dissident with which our media workshop was conducted was splendid. And one never forgets the generosity of the South Africans - especially that of my dear friend Idris Khamisa.

Source: http://www.q-news.com/367-Diary.html


Can you help when disaster strikes?




Throughout the world, people turn to Red Cross for assistance in times of disaster. Events such as fires, floods or cyclones can be terrifying. Red Cross volunteers are trained to provide emotional and practical support to people who have been affected.




Here’s your chance to help when disaster strikes.


Australian Red Cross Emergency Services is conducting training in:


Thursday 6th March 2008
Sunnybank RSL Hall
Gager St, Sunnybank
commencing at 9am - 4:30pm


To register for training please, contact Liana at Red Cross on 1800 733 111, or at qldemergency@redcross.org.au


New MBN Executive


(Back row l to r) (obscured and left inset) Mumtaz Jeevaji , Hassan Qourane, Ebrahim Paruk

(Front row l to r) Yusuf Hussein, Farouk Adam, Mahomed Hanief Khatree, Sultan Deen, Shummis Rane

(Right inset) Naseem Abdul


Despite a poor turnout at the Muslim Business Network (MBN) Annual General Meeting last Sunday there were enough proxy votes to constitute a forum for the purposes of electing five new members onto the Executive.


The members elected as Directors on the night were Naseem Abdul, Farouk Adam, Mumtaz Jeevaji, Ebrahim Paruk and Sultan Deen.


The new committee met during the week and constituted themselves into the following positions:


President: Mahomed Hanief Khatree
Vice-President: Naseem Abdul
Secretary: Mumtaz Jeevaji
Treasurer: Yusuf Hussein
Committee Members: Hassan Quorane, Shummis Rane, Farouk Adam, Ebrahim Paruk, Sultan Deen



At the Movies With Madam Mumbai


Currently showing at Garden City's Birch, Carroll & Coyle is Jodhaa-Akbar.


It is directed and produced by Ashutosh Gowariker, the director of the Academy Award-nominated Lagaan (2001).


It stars Hrithik Roshan and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan in lead roles.

The film centers around the romance between the Muslim Mughal Emperor Akbar, played by Hrithik Roshan and his Hindu wife, Jodhabai, played by Aishwarya Rai,

Jodhaa Akbar is a sixteenth century love story about a marriage of alliance that gave birth to true love between a great Mughal emperor, Akbar, and a Rajput princess, Jodhaa.










BHOPAL: The Madhya Pradesh government on Friday issued orders to suspend the screening of the film Jodhaa Akbar with immediate effect.

According to an official statement here, screening of Jodhaa Akbar has been suspended in all cinemas across the State due to “agitations and disruption of peace at a few places.”

In the State Capital, the film was running in three theatres — Jyoti, Sargam and Sangam. The afternoon show had already commenced when the government issued orders suspending the screening.

Later in the day, the film’s posters were removed as word spread that the film had been “banned” in Madhya Pradesh.


Source: http://www.hindu.com/2008/02/23/stories/2008022360311700.htm


English-Arab Accent


From the Blog of Omar of Canada: http://omars2cents.blogspot.com/2005/04/english-arab-accent.html


Living in a multicultural country exposes a person not only to different cultures, but also to the accents associated with those cultures. If you watch The Simpsons, then you already know the Indian accent through Apu. Being an Arab I pay special attention to our accent, with the ultimate goal of deciphering what we say and how we should say it. To my surprise, people who have been here for over 10 years still have a heavy accent, as if they didn't even try to adapt to the culture. Here are some things which I think Arabs should tackle first when trying to change their accents.

First, Don't let your tongue do too much work when it doesn't have to. It's not RRRRR, it's R.
Rule number 1: R not RRRR

Second, this especially annoys me with "modern" Arab-Canadians. As we know it's not cool to say Thawra (revolution) in Arabic, but it is cool to say "Sawra." Um Kalthoum's name is Um Kalsoum, and the list goes on with any word containing A7rof Lathawaya (letters containing the sound THis, leTHal etc). Sadly Arabs continue this coolness into English. So we get people who say:

What is zis? Zat over zere?
And the classic
Habby birzday to you, Habby birzday to you?.. you are now sree years old!

Rule number 2: say THis, and say BirTHday, it's cool in English to pronounce these sounds.

Habby Birthday reminded of the most common mistake for us. There's the P, and there's the B. I know we don't have P in Arabic, but that doesn't mean we can't try to learn to pronounce it. For those who persist, just imagine saying Pandora instead of Bandora (tomato), see, it sounds odd.

Rule number 3: pay attention to your B and P, they can make a difference.

Oh, and this word was especially popular during the beginning of the war on Iraq. People would discuss the war saying "they drobbed BOMBs on the airport" what's wrong with that you ask? They pronounce the B at the end of Bomb. For those who have that problem, imagine the word was spelled Baum, and there, you have the perfect accent for that word.

I cannot come up with any more rules at the moment, but I'm sure there are more, which I may add later. I know that this was a bit satirical, but I do not intend to make fun of anyone here, I had many problems too. I am trying to get a point across. We should try to improve our accent, it's way a of submerging ourselves in the culture. With a better accent, you can be more convincing during interviews, you wouldn't get a bias towards you in everyday life, your communication will improve?

I hope that some of readers benefit from this, and I hope some of them live around here. Be honest with me now, do you notice the same problems with our accents? Do you think that it's crucial to improve our accents?


Why YOU need to come: AMARAH-MYServices-Brandon Road Bushcare Group Clean Up Day


Are you sick and tired of constantly being bombarded with negative portrayals of Muslims in the mass media, and the intolerant slurs and harassment that follows? Sick and tired of the common misconception that Muslims are a bunch of ‘unintegrated’ slackos, a burden and threat to the Aussie way of life?


Sick and tired of being sick and tired?


Well, join the club.


Not of moaning, groaning, ‘why-us?’ Maussies* - but join a dynamic group of proactive local Maussies, challenging the negative Muslim stereotype by displaying a visibly positive image of the local Muslim community. Apart from being an act of dawah, the Clean Up Day provides an awesome opportunity for the Muslim community to showcase the respectable Islamic principles of community service and good neighbourliness.


Who should come?

Everybody and anybody. Muslims and residents of Runcorn, Kuraby and surrounding areas are especially encouraged to attend.


What do I need to bring?

  1. An enthusiastic, positive attitude and a huge smile

  2. Gum boots or appropriate comfortable footwear

  3. Wear light, comfortable clothing.

Gloves and garbage bags will be provided.


What’s in it for me?

  •  An opportunity to do your bit of breaking barriers, promoting dialogue between local Muslims and non-Muslims

  •  A cleaner neighbourhood

  •  Make new friends, meet neighbours and of course, a free halal sausage sizzle


Count me in!

Register by emailing shaimak@myservices.net.au or shajaroh@gmail.com. See flyer for more info.


*‘Maussies’ (not mozzies!) are Muslim Aussies. Mozzies are mosquitoes!




Shaima Khan

Muslim Youth & Community Development Officer


0402 529 395


This Week on Compass (ABC1 TV)

COMPASS: THE NEW DAD (Australian Men: Pt 1)
Sunday 24 February at 22:05


Following the success of her three-part dinner series with women, Geraldine Doogue now turns her attention to Aussie men to find out what matters to them and what doesn’t in the 21st century.

In episode 1: The New Dad, Geraldine invites five men to the table to ask: What does it mean to be a dad in today’s modern world?


Gone are the days when men brought home the bacon and were the unquestioned head of the household.


Today the role of dad can be anything men choose to make it and in this episode we meet an eclectic group of dads who’ve come together to bare their souls about all things babies, bath-times and bedlam!


A lively and profound addition to the great Australian values debate.


Source: http://www.abc.net.au/compass/thisweek/


Around the Muslim World with CCN


Disabled Iraqi children get wheelchairs, big smiles


ABAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- Mothers cradle children in their arms. Fathers smile softly at the helpless bodies they hold. Other parents are bent over from the weight of their teenage kids whose legs fall limp, almost touching the ground. In the absence of basic medical equipment, these parents do this every day.

Khaled is a father of three. On this day, his young daughter, Mariam, is getting fitted for her new wheelchair. Her arms and legs are painfully thin, little more than skin and bone. She's 7 years old, but looks barely half that. She and both her siblings, a sister and brother, suffer from varying degrees of polio. None of them can walk.

Asked how he and his family cope, Khaled chokes up, fighting back tears.

"I am sick of life -- what can I say to you?" he says after a long pause.

One man, Brad Blauser, has vowed to try to make life a little easier for these families by organizing the distribution of wheelchairs, donated and paid for by his charity, Wheelchairs for Iraqi Kids. He first came to Iraq in 2004 as a civilian contractor. Struck by the abject chaos surrounding him and seeing helpless children scooting along the ground, he pledged to find a way to help.

Read the rest....



Story of Jesus Through Iranian Eyes


New Movie By Iranian Filmmaker Tells Story of Christianity From Muslim Perspective


A new movie in Iran depicts the life of Jesus from an Islamic perspective. "The Messiah," which some consider as Iran's answer to Mel Gibson's "Passion of the Christ," won an award at Rome's Religion Today Film Festival for generating interfaith dialogue.

The movie will be adapted into a television series to be shown on Iranian TV later this year.

Filmmaker Nader Talebzadeh spoke to ABC's Lara Setrakian in Tehran.

LS: Why did you feel a movie showing Islam's take on Jesus needed to be made?

Read the rest....



Woman claims to be world's oldest person


A woman has declared herself the oldest living person after her birth certificate was uncovered, showing she is 120.

Mariam Amash rises every morning at 5am, walks unaided, and attributes her longevity to a diet rich in vegetables.
"Yes, I am the oldest person in the world," she told the BBC, with her family crowding around her.

"I eat, I drink, and I take showers. I hope to keep going for another 10 years," she said.

According to her birth certificate, issued by the Ottoman Empire authorities, she was born near her current home in the village of Jisr az-Zarka in 1888.

A devout Muslim, she has made the haj pilgrimage to Mecca five times - most recently in 1990, when she was only 102.

Amash has 10 children, 120 grandchildren, 250 great-grandchildren, and 30 great-great-grandchildren. Her newest great-granddaughter is just one week old.

She attended the celebrations for the new baby, blessing her according to traditional Muslim custom.

Amash lives in the Arab village of Jisr az-Zarka near Hadera in northern Israel, surrounded by many of her family.

"She rises every morning around five for prayers," said one of her grandsons, Majid Amash, 46, an engineer.

"She then goes for a walk and then spends most of her day with the family. She recognises all of us." But he said his grandmother's long-term memory is fuzzy.

The world's oldest resident has one piece of cautionary advice for younger generations.

"They drink too much Arak," she said, referring to a popular Arabic alcoholic drink that is forbidden to devout Muslims.

Source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_article_id=515351&in_page_id=1770


King OKs Rail Link Between Holy Cities

JEDDAH, 21 February 2008 — Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah has ordered the implementation of the Makkah-Jeddah-Madinah railway project using Saudi local funds, Transport Minister Dr. Jabara Al-Seraisry announced yesterday.

He said the royal directive would speed up the implementation of the project known as Makkah-Madinah Rail Link (MMRL), which is estimated to cost SR20 billion ($5.33 billion) and bring about revolutionary changes in the transportation of pilgrims between the two holy cities.

The minister said the MMRL, designed to operate trains with a speed of over 300 km per hour, would reduce travel time between Jeddah and Makkah to 30 minutes and between Jeddah and Madinah to not more than two hours.

The MMRL includes the construction of approximately 500 km of new high-speed electrified railway lines between Jeddah and Makkah and between Jeddah and Madinah. Railway lines will be equipped with modern signaling and telecommunications systems.

“We have already finalized the route for the rail project and identified the locations for stations in Makkah, Jeddah and Madinah,” the Saudi Press Agency quoted the minister as saying. He said the project would improve the quality of public transport in the Kingdom.


An informed source told Arab News that special committees are currently surveying the land along the route to implement the project. The committees will also estimate the money to be paid to land owners in compensation after land acquisition.

MMRL will have stations at Jeddah Islamic Port, King Abdul Aziz International Airport and King Abdullah Economic City in Rabigh, the source said, adding that it would pass by the eastern border of Jeddah.



Source: http://www.arabnews.com/?page=1&section=0&article=107000&d=21&m=2&y=2008&pix=kingdom.jpg&category=Kingdom


The CCN Centre Link


Workshop for Muslim Males looking for Work




(Click on image to enlarge)

Locum Position for Counsellor / Advocate at IWSS

The opportunity for a position of Counsellor / Advocate exists now at IWSS.


It is a fixed term locum for six months in the Sexual Assault Program at Immigrant Women’s Support Service.


Some of the attractive opportunities in this job include:
o To work in a dynamic team and organisation where broader understandings of working with women from non-English speaking backgrounds will enrich your professional experiences;
o The position is remunerated at SACS Level 5.2 with salary sacrifice;
o The position is for 15 hours per week;
o IWSS has above Award conditions in place for staff; and
o IWSS maintains a supportive, professional learning environment where opportunities for further professional development and training are afforded.

Potentially interested women need to present an Expression of Interest considering the following:
• Provide a copy of your most recent Resume;
• Provide the names of two referees who can be contacted;
• A letter of no more than three pages addressing the Position Description’s Selection Criteria (Please note that you are not required to complete the Selection Criteria individually); and
• Closing date for this Expression of Interest is Monday 3rd of March 2008.


Position Description



The CCN Readers' Book Club: You are what you read!


Would you like to see the cover of your favourite book on our book shelves below?



Then simply email the title and author to thebookclub@crescentsofbrisbane.org



Double click a book cover to find out what others think of the book


CCN has set up an online Book Club at Shelfari to connect with CCN book readers at:


Using our book club you can see what books we at CCN have on our shelves, what we are reading and even what we and others think of them.

You can even create your own book shelf, find out what your fellow CCN readers are reading, get and give recommendations for what to read next, create book lists, and even share your opinion on a book with us.

Come see the books we have selected and see if we have any in common. 

Then pick our next book so we can all keep on reading.

The CCN Readers' Book Club

Kareema's Keep Fit Column





Q: Dear Kareema, my mum has just been diagnosed with Osteoporosis and I was wondering if you could give us some ideas on bone strengthening exercises as we now have the task of getting mum fitter and stronger for a better quality of life.




A: Osteoporosis is a condition in which the bones become fragile and brittle, leading to a higher risk of fracture than in normal bones.


Women are at greater risk as we generally have less bone stock than men do to begin with.


Hence one of my favourite sayings: “let’s put some bone in the bank!” – meaning strengthen your bones for a better / stronger future.

Ladies, I cannot stress enough how important weight-bearing (body weight) exercises are, complimented
with a diet high in calcium.

Following are some examples of bone strengthening exercises:

Weight-bearing (body weight) exercises:
- Walking, push-ups, triceps dips, squats, lunges, step-ups, etc. (basically anything involving holding up
or supporting your own body weight.

Using light weights (dumbbells):
- Straight arm raises, shoulder presses, upright rows, etc.

Using resistance bands:
This is a safer option (than using the dumbbells) for your mum as the bands are lightweight.
- bicep curls, shoulders and back can also be strengthened using these.

Indoor cycling and using a fitball will also be beneficial for your mum.



Need an answer to a fitness related matter? Send your question to Kareema at  fitness@crescentsofbrisbane.org.

All questions sent in are published here anonymously and without any references to the author of the question.

The Culinary Corner









Safia Casoojee's Cinnamon Rolls








Mix together:
4 ½ cups flour
¼ teaspoon salt
1 pkt instant dry yeast

Mix together and warm:
½ cup soft butter
½ cup sugar
1 egg
1 cup + 2 Tablespoon milk
¼ cup + 2 Tbls water

Combine warmed liquid mixture into flour mixture to form soft sticky dough. A little extra flour would be needed.
Leave to rise until double in size.

¼ cup soft butter X 2

Mix together:
½ cup brown sugar X2
2 Tablespoon Brown sugar X 2

Allow dough to rise. Punch down and divide into 2.
Roll out +- 25cm X 35cm rectangles. Spread soft butter onto rolled out dough then sprinkle with sugar mixture.
Roll up as per Swiss roll and cut into 2cm slices each.
Place into non stick baking tray and bake at 180 deg until done.

½ block cream cheese
½ cup soft butter
1 ¾ cup icing sugar

Beat together for ½ hour until soft

Spread topping as soon as cinnabons come out of oven.
Sprinkle with flake or sliced pecan nuts.





Do you have a recipe to share with CCN readers?
Send in your favourite recipe to theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org and who knows, you could be our "guest chef" for a future edition of CCN.


The Inbox


Dear CCN,



My Muslim name is Ibrahim Abdullah, I took Shehada in May 2007

I am a trainee Tutor in, "English as a Second Language" (TESL) at Logan TAFE. I also act, in a voluntary capacity, as a Tutor, in basic I.T., and Conversational English.

I have been approached by the co-ordinators with a proposition for extending English classes, off Campus, into the wider Muslim Community, on the Southside.

Basically, what is required is a room, and a minimum of 20 students. The Department will provide teaching and Tutorial Staff. The cost to the student would depend on the individual student's status. For many the course would be either free of charge or at minimal cost, ($1 - $5) per session.

There are both male and female teachers, and tutors, available.

If you are interested in this idea, please do not hesitate to contact me, and I will provide further details.

Phone : (07) 32082307
Mobile : 0422438800
Email rojuan46@optusnet.com.au



Dear CCN,


Assalaam Alaikum,


I read and watched the clips from your previous article regarding female circumcision. I think this information I'm sending you is valuable information regarding this delicate topic.


Thorough researched articles should be published as some delicate topics like this could be interpreted in the wrong way by readers.





Jazak Allah

Amra D.

The CCN Chuckle




One day Mula Nasruddin was walking down the beach with his friend Jalaluddin when someone shouted...."Look at that dead bird!"


Both looked up at the sky and said..."where???"







What's happening in our neck of the woods......


Click on image to enlarge

Clean Up Campaign


GIRU Conference

The "Hope For Happiness" Fashion Evening

Introduction to 'Aqeedah Course


Charity Dinner for Iraqi

widows and orphans


'A Day Out on the Northside': Opening of the Madrassah



The CCN Date Claimer






(Click on link)





23-25 February

Saturday - Monday

Asia-Pacific Interfaith Symposium
Women, Faith
and a Culture of Peace

Griffith University Multi-faith Centre and AMARAH

Multi-Faith Centre
Griffith University, Nathan Campus

Griffith University Multi-faith Centre

Saturday 23rd mid-afternoon to
Monday 25th mid-afternoon

2 March


Clean up Australia Day


MYServices Brandon Road & Bushcare Group

Brandon Road Williams Park, Runcorn 0432 081 792


3-5 March

Monday - Wednesday

Griffith Islamic Research Unit 2008 Conference: The Challenges and Opportunities of Islam in the West: The Case of Australia


Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, Cnr Merivale and Glenelg Streets, South Bank

0402 819 197

10am to 10pm

7 March


IWAQ Client/Carer Dinner




Mt Gravatt Show grounds 3272 6355


8 March


The "Hope For Happiness" Fashion Evening

Hope for Happiness in association with Human Appeal International Australia

Runcorn Tavern Function Centre
124 Gowan Rd, Runcorn

0415 180 065  0405 230 305



8/9 March



Discover Islam Australia

Darul Uloom, 6 Agnes St, Buranda

1300 788 526

9am to 1pm

10 March


Public Forum: Breaking the Siege of Gaza - Eyewitness report from Gaza

Brisbane International
Women’s Day Collective

CEPU Building, 41 Peel St (cnr Merivale St) South Brisbane

0400 720 757


15 March


Crescents of Brisbane: World's Greatest Shave

Crescents of Brisbane & The Leukemia Foundation

Kuraby Community Hall, Stiller Drive, Kuraby

0402 026 786

9am to 1pm

15 March


Charity Dinner for Iraqi widows and orphans

AMARAH and Muslim Aid Australia

Michael's Oriental Restaurant

0422 349 786


16 March


'A Day Out on the Northside': Opening of the Madrassah

Bald Hills Mosque

119 Telegraph Road, Bald Hills

0402 139 997

11am to 1pm

30 March


Kuraby Madrassah fundraising BBQ

Kuraby Mosque


0431 300 111


10 May


IWAQ/ACCESS Fun night for women




Clairvaux Mackillop College 3272 6355


18 May


CresWalk2008: Annual Fun Run

Crescents of Brisbane

Orleigh Park, West End

0402 026 786

7.30am to 12pm

8/9 June






QLD LIONS, Pine Rd, RICHLANDS 0438 114 619


13 June


IWAQ Client/Carer Dinner




MacGregor Primary School 3272 6355


25 June


Kuraby Madrassah fundraising DINNER

Kuraby Mosque


0431 300 111


22 August


IWAQ Client/Carer Dinner




Kuraby Special School 3272 6355


23 August


Annual Spring fete

Islamic College of Brisbane

Islamic College of Brisbane, Karawatha

0402 794 253

All day

1/2 September



Start of Ramadaan

29/30 September



End of Ramadaan

30 Sept. / 1 Oct.




4 October


Kuraby Madrassah fundraising (Ladies Only) DINNER

Kuraby Mosque


0431 300 111


11 October



Eidfest Committee

Mt Gravatt Showgrounds

0402 819 197

10am to 10pm

8/9 December






To claim your date for your event email theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org.


Write For Us

The best ideas and the best feedback come from our community of readers. If you have a topic or opinion that you want to write about or want seen covered or any news item that you think might be of benefit to the Crescents Community please e-mail



Share your thoughts, feelings and ambitions for our community through CCN.


If there is someone you know who would like to subscribe to CCN please encourage them to send an e-mail to theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org with the words “Subscribe Me” in the subject line.


Articles and opinions appearing in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Crescents of Brisbane Team, CCN, its Editor or its Sponsors, particularly if they eventually turn out to be libelous, unfounded, objectionable, obnoxious, offensive, slanderous and/or downright distasteful.


It is the usual policy of CCN to include from time to time, notices of events that some readers may find interesting or relevant. Such notices are often posted as received. Including such messages or providing the details of such events does not necessarily imply endorsement of the contents of these events by either CCN or Crescents of Brisbane Inc.