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......a sometimes self-deprecating and occasional tongue-in-cheek look at ourselves and the world around us ......

Sunday, 16 March 2008

 .Newsletter 0175


CoB + WGS = (a whole lot of) FUN


The Crescents of Brisbane World's Greatest Shave was held on Saturday at the Kuraby Community Hall.


Sponsorships are still rolling in, and while not anywhere near last year's collection of $50K, there was no shortage of enthusiasm for this year's cause.


Under the deft hands of a medical practitioner and the firm fingers of a fitness expert, men had their heads shaved and children coloured their hair in patterns of red, green, blue, yellow and pink and purple.


Crescents of Brisbane thanks all those who participated in Saturday's drive and the many well-wishers and sponsors.



Dr Naadir Gutta on the receiving end of Dr Iqbal Sultan's shears

Jameela Omarjee and new Crescents of Brisbane Team members

Zuleiga Goder and Fathima Adat

All we are leaving are his memories!

Sultan Deen gets the demolition job done on him

Something else to crow about

Nandos Festival Towers' Ayoob Ismail

Never too young for tax deductible receipts

Lewis MP Lee (left) and Kenny Puang (right) keep a close watch

on new Crescents of Brisbane Team member Ismail Kathrada

as their mate, Jack Sun, goes under the clippers


Another Deen goes Clean






Javed and Mohammed Khatree

Saleem Benjamin

Fund Raiser Exceeds Target


A full house addressed by Master of Ceremonies, Ms Nora Amath


Last night (Saturday) AMARAH and Muslim Aid Australia (MAA) held a fund raising dinner for the widows of Iraq at Michael's Oriental Restaurant.


Over 350 people attended the event and a staggering sum of $60 000 was raised on the night through donations, auctions and entrance fees.


The very many diverse Muslim cultures of Brisbane were well represented on this occasion, united in a common cause.


A great deal of effort went into raising these monies and the young AMARAH team did themselves proud in exceeding their initial target.

(Foreground) Mr. Hussin Goss and Imam Imran Hussain

of the Gold Coast Mosque


(Standing) MAA's Mr Mohammed Mayet, Operations Manager; Mr. Iman Partoredjo, Executive Director; and Ms. Habsah Marjuni, Fund Raising and Marketing Manager

(Seated) Mr. Anwar Benjamin, Mr. Faisal Hatia and Mr. Mustafa Kemal Omar

JP Course


The Department of Immigration and Citizenship is funding, as part of The National Action Plan to Build on Social Cohesion, Harmony and Security iJustice of the Peace training courses. The courses are offered together with the Queensland Department of Justice and Attorney-General.

The Justice of the Peace training courses will be offered at no cost for those who wish to enrol.

The Justice of the Peace training course is open to Brisbane's Muslim communities and other culturally diverse communities. Participants will undertake three days of course work to be delivered by staff from the Department of Justice and Attorney General.

To be eligible participants should be

Australian citizenship by birth, descent or naturalisation
Enrolled on the Queensland State Electoral roll
Have no more than two fines (speeding, seat belt etc) within the last four years (excludes parking).
Clear of drink driving offences for a period of five years from the date of conviction.

For further enquiries please contact Ms Nina Cianci or Mr Fil Ah San on:
Phone: 07 31367655 or email: fil.ah.san@immi.gov.au


Tariq Transcript


Oxford based Muslim scholar, Tariq Ramadan, spoke to an International audience in Brisbane in March 2008.


He was keynote speaker at a conference sponsored by the Queensland Government, Griffith University and the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils. Its theme - "The Challenges and Opportunities of Islam in the West: The Case of Australia".

Read the transcript of his speech.


Algester Celebrations


The Islamic Society of Algester is inviting you and your family to it's annual Meelad-Un-Nabi (Saw) celebrations.

This takes place on Sunday 06 April at the Wineglass Community Hall, Wineglass Drive, Browns Plains.

The Programme will start at 2pm and end with a Niyaaz (Supper) at 8pm.

Mr. Yahya Hasham, spokesman for the organizing committee, told CCN: “We invite the community to take this opportunity to be a part of a great event and to listen to our national and international Ulema and Qaaris who will be gracing this function, inshaAllah.”

For more Information contact:

Ml. M. Nawaaz Ashrafi on 37116097
Ml. M. Aslam Alqaderi on 32197326

Algester Auxiliary Small Kindness Seminar

An on-the-spot account by Salma Ismail


On Friday 7th March Algester ladies auxiliary held their first seminar of 2008 at Springwood Community Centre which saw 120 ladies in attendance.


Alhamdulillah the seminar was a huge success. Guest speakers were the eloquent and very popular Imam Ahmed Abu Ghazaleh and Mrs. Jilu Latif, who is well known in both the Gold Coast, where she currently lives, and the Brisbane communities.

Imam Ghazaleh spoke on the great importance of charity, sadqa and that the smallest of kindnesses can sometimes have the greatest rewards. He spoke of how a simple charity as a smile can be beneficial and rewarding!


The ladies of all age groups who graciously attended were treated to a very informative, inspirational and thought-provoking speech followed by an opportunity for questions.

After the first speech there was a short break where a wide spread of sumptuous “small” finger foods were on offer to the ladies and guests, providing a great opportunity for all to mix and mingle!


Jilu Latif, spoke on her recent and important work in Peshawar in Pakistan. It was a heart-wrenching personal account on the grave situation in remote Pakistan and Inshallah she will succeed in her important work there.

This year’s first seminar which was a follow on from the Body, Mind and Soul seminars proved to be popular.


From the feedback, most of the ladies enjoyed the night and most importantly gained some inspiration of what “small kindnesses” mean.


We hope to have many more seminars and a date for the next one in a couple of months will Inshallah be announced soon.

Hope for Happiness Show: A Fusion of Fashion and Food


It was the ultimate ladies night out – a fusion of fashion and food, a designer catwalk amongst elegantly laid out pink and black décor.


On arrival, guests were welcomed with a delicious fruit mocktail, appetisers were served to tables and, after all were settled in, the night began. First on the program was an inspiring presentation from Human Appeal International representative Gulcan Caliskan who brought to light the true reason we had all come together. The show then kicked off with designer labels including Witchery, Corfu, Raeesa Couture and Funk Me. This was followed by Eastern favourites such as Kimaya, Rani and Roopam and a select collection of elegant evening wear.


The models looked amazing and the choreography kept all guests entertained well into the night. The platters of food followed by beautifully laid out pastries pleased even the most discerning of food critiques.


All-in-all the evening was a great success. Over $19,000 dollars in profit was raised as a result of ticket sales, auction sales, sponsorship and private donations. The funds are to be used in aid of the world’s poorest, with the bulk of monies going to the Human Appeal International’s Urgent Gaza Appeal, and approximately $5,000 to aid in support of non-governmental schooling projects in the North of Pakistan.


Hope for Happiness fashion show organisers have been flooded with compliments on all aspects of the evening, having managed to mingle fashion, food and fun with a much greater purpose. As a result, organisers hope to make this evening an annual part of our charitable and social calendar and would like to thank all for their support and encouragement.


Blinkers off for the other side of story


Alan Ramsey
March 15, 2008

At 11.58am on Wednesday one half of the Australian Parliament "celebrated" the 60th anniversary of the state of Israel. More than a third of that one-half was absent, whatever their reasons. A number of MPs deliberately excluded themselves. Labor's Kevin Rudd, as the host, did not. He spoke for eight minutes. "Celebrate" was the word Rudd used to begin his remarks. "Congratulations" was the word he used to end them. The Liberals' Brendan Nelson spoke for seven minutes in supporting the Prime Minister. He concluded: "Shabat shalom forever."

Nobody else spoke. The whole affair, carefully orchestrated, carefully bi-partisan, lasted just 15 minutes. The press gallery was almost empty.

So, too, were the two public galleries. About 100 invited guests, each wearing a security pass, filled the first three rows of the Speaker's gallery upstairs and spilled into the fourth. These were the people who, after Rudd's seven-part, 191-word motion had been "put and passed" without a vote, applauded enthusiastically. The only other person who spoke - or attempted to - was a middle-aged woman.

She got to her feet, in the seats behind the VIP guests, and held up a T-shirt, exclaiming, "What about UN resolution 242?", as Rudd had begun speaking. Two attendants moved in quickly. Taking her by the arm, they escorted the woman outside, without fuss. Unlike what is still happening in Israel's military occupation, after 41 years, of the Palestinian people of the West Bank and its siege of the Gaza strip, it was a very civilised eviction.

On this day, in the Australian Parliament, normal legislative business resumed at 12.13pm. The VIP guests upstairs in the Speaker's gallery filed out. Most of the MPs downstairs drifted away to their offices. At 4pm the Israeli ambassador hosted a reception in the Parliament's second-floor Mural Hall for invited guests only. Rudd and Nelson reappeared, as suitably Uriah Heepish as their midday speeches had been.

That night, back on the floor of the House of Representatives, the woman MP who took Tim Fischer's southern NSW seat off the Nationals in 2001 and, in two elections, turned it into safe Liberal territory, did an extremely courageous thing.

Her name is Sussan Penelope Ley.

She is the daughter of a British colonial police officer who served in British-mandated Palestine in the 1930s, before the United Nations ceded half of it to become a Jewish state in May 1948. Born in Nigeria in 1961, Ley spent most of the first 13 years of her life in what was then the Trucial States, later the United Arab Emirates. Her family migrated to Australia in 1974. She has lived here ever since, working as an air traffic controller, a commercial pilot, a shearer's cook, a farmer, and a senior taxation department official. She has a bunch of degrees, three children and is now a member of the Nelson shadow ministry.

What Sussan Ley did in Parliament on Wednesday night was speak for the Palestinian people. She was the only MP who did. In fact, the only MHR of the House's 150, apart from the two leaders, to even raise the issue.

When Rudd and Nelson had spoken at midday I counted 53 Government MPs present, including six ministers, and 39 Coalition MPs. When Ley got the call 7½ hours later, at 7.38pm, to speak on the adjournment, there were five people in the public gallery, four Labor MPs and two Coalition MPs in the chamber, and one journalist in the press gallery. She was the fourth-last speaker before Parliament shut down for the day, after 11 hours, and she was allowed five minutes.

Here is an edited version of what she said:

"Today the Parliament passed a motion honouring Israel's 60 years. My purpose tonight is not to diminish Israel's achievements but to note the interests and legitimate aspirations of the people of Palestine.

"Israel has many friends in this country and in this Parliament. The Palestinians, by comparison, have few. Theirs is not a popular cause. But it is one I support, in part out of knowledge that the victors of World War II, including Australia, wrote a 'homeland' cheque to cover the sins of the holocaust and centuries of anti-Semitism in Europe, but it was the Palestinians who had to cash it.

"Israel has much to celebrate after 60 years. It has built a modern, accomplished and intelligent society, one whose scientific and technological expertise offers a great deal to the world. It has a robust democracy, a free press, a secular state with freedom of faith, and an unfettered opposition, regrettably rare in the Middle East. If there were peace between Israelis and Palestinians, one can only imagine the achievements of these two cultures today.

"Israel's 40-year occupation of the Palestinian territories, its continued expansion of [illegal Israeli] settlements [on Palestinian land] and its refusal to allow the return of expelled refugees have caused deep resentment in the Arab world. Palestinian corruption in government and failure to abandon violence against civilians as a political tool have meant Israel does not feel secure behind secure borders. Sixty years have seen a great deal of bloodshed - Arab, Israeli and others, including 34 US soldiers killed by Israeli forces on the USS Liberty during the 1967 war. I do not find it helpful to engage in a forensic apportionment of blame; each side has legitimate grievances.

"The current blockade of Gaza, confiscation of Palestinian land, and the expansion of settlements must be mentioned in the context of today's motion. Gaza is besieged, contained and on the brink of starvation. Rockets are fired into Israel every day, and Israel has a right to self-defence, but the crushing economic embargo feeds fury and resentment both in Gaza and the West Bank. [A total] 2679 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli [military] forces in the Gaza Strip since September 2000, [while] an Israeli human rights organisation reported 1259 of those were not participating in hostilities when they were killed, and 567 were minors …

"We ought not be naive or simplistic about the challenge faced by the Israelis in moving towards peace with a [popularly elected] counterpart, in Hamas, that is funded and supported by a foreign power [Syria] and which retains an explicit commitment to [terrorism] as a political instrument. But may I remind the House of the example of the Northern Ireland peace process [which succeeded] after a more than 40-year struggle.

"There are signs the Israeli people are developing a renewed hunger for peace. A recent Tel Aviv University poll indicates 64 per cent of Israelis believe the [Israeli] Government must hold direct talks with the Hamas government in Gaza towards a ceasefire. Military occupation, blockades and hostility against civilians in the name of security will result in [more] violence and terror. We must think what we can do [for] ordinary Israelis and Palestinians to give them some faith in the peace process …

"We are the leaders of our generation. We are accountable for results. If the principal protagonists and the rest of the world community hand Palestine on to the next generation as a twisted mess of grievance, hatred and retribution, then we have failed. The last two generations of leaders have failed to produce peace. Let us renew our efforts."

Unlike earlier in the day, nobody applauded - though I wished I could have. Many Australians, too, had they been present, surely would have wanted to acknowledge such a speech of such honesty and sensibility, about the Israelis as much as it was about the Palestinians. Ley put the grovelling Rudd and Nelson to shame. The truth is there is no real debate in this country about the travesty of what is happening in the Middle East, and there are those in the community who, with their money and influence, do all they can to ensure no such open debate occurs, either in the national Parliament, in the media or anywhere else.

So why was the Rudd Government, in its first four months of office, doing what no Australian government or parliament had done, to acknowledge any of the decades of Israeli statehood since the Six-Day War in 1967 saw the Israeli military occupy the Palestinian territories of the West Bank and Gaza and ignore 40 years of mutual violence and barbarity as well as 40 years of United Nations resolutions, to withdraw?

The Howard government did not "honour" Israel's 50th anniversary in 1998, nor the Hawke government the 40th anniversary in 1988, nor the Fraser government the 30th anniversary in 1978. Why the 60th in 2008 the instant a Labor Government comes to power?

When the Labor caucus met on Tuesday, as it does every week the Parliament sits, Sydney's Julia Irwin asked Rudd this very question.

Why? Irwin never takes a backward step in her defence of Palestinian rights, but all she got from Rudd this time was waffle. He did not explicitly respond as to why 60 might be different from earlier decades when the Parliament had done nothing and neither had earlier governments. And no Labor MP supported Irwin in pushing it.

She was a lone voice in the Labor caucus as Sussan Ley was in the Parliament. How's that for political ticker?

Leaders vie to ladle on the gush

When our Prime Minister spoke in the Parliament this week before a select audience of 100 VIP guests, including the Israeli ambassador, he was speaking to a 191-word proposal he had drafted, in consultation with a range of people, which read:

"That the House [of Representatives]

"(1) celebrate and commend the achievements of the state of Israel in the 60 years since its inception;

"(2) remember with pride and honour the important role which Australia played in the establishment of the state of Israel as both a member state of the United Nations and as an influential voice in the introduction of Resolution 181 which facilitated Israel's statehood [in 1948], and as the country which proudly became the first to cast a vote in support of Israel's creation;

"(3) acknowledge the unique relationship which exists between Australia and Israel, a bond highlighted by our commitment to the rights and liberty of our citizens and encouragement of cultural diversity;

"(4) commend the state of Israel's commitment to democracy, the rule of law and pluralism;

"(5) reiterate Australia's commitment to Israel's right to exist and our ongoing support to the peaceful establishment of a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian issue;

"(6) reiterate Australia's commitment to the pursuit of peace and stability throughout the Middle East; and

"(7) on this, the 60th anniversary of independence of the state of Israel, pledge our friendship, commitment and enduring support to the people of Israel as we celebrate this important occasion together."

Make of this splendid piece of mutual back scratching what you will, but know that the supposed virtue of Australia "proudly" becoming "the first to cast a vote in support of Israel's creation" at the United Nations in 1948 is sophistry. We were the first for no other reason than, in voting by alphabetical order, Australia was the first country to vote.

Some excerpts from the speeches of the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition in support of the bipartisan motion make the point that when politicians seek to trowel on the gush, Australia loses nothing now that Rudd and Nelson have replaced Howard and Beazley.

Rudd: "… The 60 years since the establishment of Israel have been full of challenges and full of trials. Similarly, the process for the emergence of a Palestinian state has come along a tortuous path. There has been too much bloodshed. But over those 60 years there has also been cause for hope.

"We think today of prime minister Menachem Begin standing with Jimmy Carter and Egypt's Anwar Sadat at the White House on March 26, 1979 at the signing of the Israel-Egypt Peace Treaty that followed the Camp David accords. Prime minister Begin used both the Hebrew and Arabic words for peace when he urged: 'No more war, no more bloodshed, no more bereavement. Peace unto you. Shalom, salaam, forever.' "

Nelson: "In a region of the world that is characterised more by theocracies and autocracies, the state of Israel is the custodian of the most fragile yet powerful of human emotions, and that is hopeful belief in the freedom of man, freedom of speech, freedom of religion and freedom of assembly. There are many things for which Israel stands and which characterise the modern state of Israel, but included among them is the celebration of knowledge for its own sake and knowledge as the driver of economic development and emancipation from human poverty…

"Israel, like all democracies, is far from perfect, but it is, in every sense of the word, on the front line of the struggle for the things that we hold dear, not only as Australians and free people but as human beings. And it is far too frequently on the front line of the struggle against all the things repugnant to universal human ideals …

"Israel is home to many things that are spiritual, but it is home in the end to the human spirit of resilience, of confidence, of determination and of respect for one another, irrespective of political, religious or other affiliations … No Australian who believes in the dignity of man, in freedom and in democratic principles should ever, through neglectful indifference, allow Israel to be a stranger. To do so would be to diminish ourselves and our own true security …"

How can you top that lot?


Source: http://www.smh.com.au/news/opinion/blinkers-off-for-the-other-side-of-story/2008/03/14/1205472079215.html?page=fullpage#contentSwap1


Bligh keen to bring Bollywood back


On the set of Bollywood film 'Singh

is King' at Evandale Parklands, Gold Coast. Leading Indian actress Katrina Kaif.

PREMIER Anna Bligh wants to bring Bollywood back to the Gold Coast and will talk with Indian film-makers to try to get the cameras rolling again.

The meeting, to be held in India next month, comes after a major production set for the Gold Coast was canned, with Indian filmmakers saying it was 'too expensive' to film here because there was no state government incentive scheme for Indian films.

Ms Bligh will talk with the Whistling Woods School of Film, Radio and Television in Mumbai as part of her 13-day trade mission to Japan, China and India.

Queensland's incentive scheme under the Pacific Film and Television Commission, which is designed to encourage off-shore film-makers to shoot in Queensland, will be high on Ms Bligh's agenda.

The cancelled Bollywood film, which would have had 'Gold Coast' in the title and viewed by 10 million Indians, was to be shot on the Coast in October, but last month it was decided to film it in India.

Gold Coast Tourism spokesman Ben Pole said the fact Bollywood films were on the Premier's agenda was proof of their importance to Queensland and the Gold Coast.

Gold Coast Tourism is waiting to reap the benefits of the Indian movie, Singh Is King, one of the most expensive Bollywood movies ever shot outside India. It was filmed on the Gold Coast and is due for release later this year.


Read the rest.....

Visit by the Jamaat of Algester Mosque to Holy Spirit Anglican Church

By Salma Ismail


As part of the inter-faith dialogue, the Algester community was cordially invited to attend a service held at the Holy Spirit Anglican Church in Kenmore on Sunday 9 March.


The Jamaat consisting of both male and female representatives were warmly welcomed by the church congregation. The church congregation, many of whom had never met Muslims in a social environment, showed a keenness to learn about Islam and its practices. The men and women had the opportunity to introduce one another and learn about each other’s backgrounds and religious etiquettes. Interestingly, many had met Zimbabweans or new of Christian families who had migrated from Zimbabwe, and given that most of those who attended from the Algester Mosque were migrants from Zimbabwe, this provided them with a start for a dialogue. 


The Reverend started the service with a Hymn which was followed by a welcome note to “our brothers and sisters, fellow-Australians, people of God, who share with us the Abrahamic tradition.” Imam Ahmad Ghazaleh, one of the representatives present then addressed the group by returning this greeting and thanking them for their invitation. He stressed the need for dialogue such as these to improve understanding and tolerance amongst each other, as fellow humans who share the same desires for this world and the hereafter.


The service continued with more Hymns and prayers which in essence showed the commonalities by asking God for forgiveness and guidance. The final Hymn was followed by Imam Ghazaleh singing two Islamic songs. Imam Ghazaleh translated the Arabic recitation first, explaining that the songs were praising all the Prophets from Adam (a.s) right through to Prophet Mohamed (s.a.w). The beautiful rendition was appreciated by all present.


After the service we were invited to stay for tea and coffee, which gave us all a chance to continue discussions and in doing so taking a very important step in the much needed inter-faith dialogue. We thank the Holy Spirit Anglican Church for their hospitality and for providing this opportunity.


Dangerous Ground: ABC Doco



Reporter: Sally Neighbour


Pigs' heads are dumped under cover of darkness by persons unknown, but the intent is clear: no Islamic school for this neighbourhood. At rowdy public rallies against the school, traffic and planning concerns are drowned out by anti-Muslim tirades amid choruses of "Aussie Aussie Aussie, oi oi oi!"


Nearby in Sydney’s south-west, Aussie-born sons of the Middle East bitterly complain of being treated like enemies in their own country. They say they're harassed by police and security agencies. They cop abuse from strangers. "F….ng Arab, go back to your own country… you don’t belong here," Ghaleb is told. "Every time you go somewhere you think people are looking at you," says Yahya, "or someone is going to spit in your food."


Now some community leaders are warning of a nasty backlash due to the hostility that young men like these feel is aimed against them. "You’re going to see a generation of young people who have so much hatred and so much anger and so much frustration within them - and when that happens you’re on basically dangerous grounds," a prominent youth worker tells Four Corners.


A recently completed three-year study found that Australia's tough stance on counter-terrorism and security could actually be increasing the threat of breeding home grown terrorists. Erring on the side of aggression – just to be on the "safe" side - can radicalise and alienate the people who are targeted, analysts tell Four Corners. The danger is that some may then graduate to violence, disengaging from society before taking the next step to terrorism.


One specialist warns of pockets of growing Muslim radicalisation in Australia's big cities, the result of young people feeling under siege from police and wider public. His fear is this could morph into an agenda for violent change.


Four Corners reports that some police are awake to this concern and have begun tempering their approach to young Muslims. But as Four Corners reporter and author on terrorism Sally Neighbour illustrates, defeating terrorism presents not just a policing issue but also a challenge to core community values of pluralism and tolerance.


View the documentary


Muslim Aid Australia Seminar





MAA Reps Visit Brisbane







Representative from Muslim Aid Australia (MAA), Mr. Iman Partoredjo,  MAA's Executive Director; Mr Mohammed Mayet, Operations Manager; and Ms. Habsah Marjuni, Fund Raising and Marketing Manager traveled to Brisbane from Sydney last week and met with a group of Brisbane's 'movers and shakers' at Curry in Kuraby to explain the mechanics of the Muslim Aid Australia operations.


They dealt with such issues as the use of interest money, zakaat and tax deductions, MAA's vision and plans for accreditation.

Around the Muslim World with CCN


Middle Name Phobia! 

Despite a history in America as old as the history of first European settlers, Islam is still viewed with fear and suspicion in America ..


Each day in America over 100,000 Muslim physicians, surgeons, and therapists devotedly report to their clinics and hospitals providing the best health care they can to their patients.


Each day in America, several thousand Muslim engineers are part of the nations engineering staff, managing and running infrastructure facilities to ensure that water, electricity and critical services are supplied in an efficient manner.


Several thousand software engineers use their skills on a daily basis ensuring that the businesses that provide the lifelines of this country are managed smoothly.


Even in securing the security of our country and US embassies abroad, about 5000 Muslim military personal provide valuable services to the nation.

Over 2 million Muslims work hard to contribute more than $30 billion annually to various taxes and revenue agencies.

The Muslim dependence on welfare is minimal. The number of alcoholics, child abusers, drug users and pushers and criminals involved in big or small crimes is unnoticeable.

Yet, when a political candidate's middle name is announced as "Hussein", all kinds of doubt are raised about his links with Muslims and Islam. People are urged to reject him because his presence might contaminate the sanctity of the seat of power in Washington.

Lets not beat around the bush! The issue is not about a middle name, the issue is about Islam and Muslims.

Read the rest....




The Crystal Mosque is part of Terengganu's new tourism project of building miniature representatives of popular mosques

Malaysia’s newest icon, the Islamic Civilisation Edutainment Park was officially launched by Prime Minister, YAB Dato’ Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi at Kuala Terengganu, the capital of Terengganu State on 3rd February 2008.

GHD professionals were involved in the design of the state-of-the-art Islamic Civilization Edutainment Park situated on an island called Wan Man, which covers an area of 23 hectares.

This impressive development is a showcase of Islamic Civilization, featuring 21 scaled replicas of famed historic Islamic monuments all over the world, a “floating” Crystal Mosque, a Convention Centre, a custom made Port of Entry, Commercial Complexes, an Entrance Complex and theme parks.

The replicas include the famed Al-Haram Mosque in Mecca, National Mosque in Malaysia, Dome of Rock in Jerusalem, Taj Mahal Mosque in India, Al-Hambra Mosque in Spain, Suleyman Mosque in Turkey, Xian Mosque in China, Kalyan Minaret in Uzbekistan, and Aleppo Citadel in Syria, to name a few.


Obama, Being Called a Muslim Is Not a Smear


Hillary Clinton denied leaking the photo of Barack Obama wearing a turban, but her campaign manager says that even if she had, it would be no big deal. “Hillary Clinton has worn the traditional clothing of countries she has visited and had those photos published widely.”

Sure she did. And George W. Bush put on a fetching Chamato poncho in Santiago, while Paul Wolfowitz burned up YouTube with his antimalarial African dance routines when he was World Bank prez. The obvious difference is this: when white politicians go ethnic, they just look funny. When a black presidential contender does it, he looks foreign.


And when the ethnic apparel in question is vaguely reminiscent of the clothing worn by Iraqi and Afghan fighters (at least to many Fox viewers, who think any headdress other than a baseball cap is a declaration of war on America), the image is downright frightening.

The turban “scandal” is all part of what is being referred to as “the Muslim smear.”


Read the rest....


The CCN Centre Link


Legal position

A Brisbane-based law firm is seeking a person with some conveyancing experience.


This is a small law firm in South Brisbane that specializes in a range of legal and migration matters.


This is an opportunity for a recently arrived migrant who is looking for Australian experience in this sector.

Please contact Robyn Cameron on 3229 7300 if you are interested in more information.


The CCN Readers' Book Club: You are what you read!



Would you like to see the cover of your favourite book on our book shelves below?



Then simply email the title and author to thebookclub@crescentsofbrisbane.org



Double click a book cover to find out what others think of the book


CCN has set up an online Book Club at Shelfari to connect with CCN book readers at:


Using our book club you can see what books we at CCN have on our shelves, what we are reading and even what we and others think of them.

You can even create your own book shelf, find out what your fellow CCN readers are reading, get and give recommendations for what to read next, create book lists, and even share your opinion on a book with us.

Come see the books we have selected and see if we have any in common. 

Then pick our next book so we can all keep on reading.

The CCN Readers' Book Club

Kareema's Keep Fit Column





Q: Hi Kareema, you mentioned in the past that varying our workouts will get us faster results. What are the benefits between strength versus cardio?




A: Great question!


Cardio’s edge – kilojoule for kilojoule, cardio has an advantage. You’ll burn up to 50kj a minute while running or cycling, compared with up to 42kj lifting weights.

Strength’s edge – Lifting weights gives you a metabolic spike for about an hour after your workout as your body works to help the muscles recover. If you lift heavier weights with less rest between sets, you can annihilate (burn) even more. Roughly, for about every kilo of muscle you build, you’ll burn an extra 400 kj a day (by doing nothing / relaxing), because muscle takes more energy to sustain!!




My Health and Fitness

Tel: 0404 844 786

(Accredited Member of Fitness Queensland)



Need an answer to a fitness related matter? Send your question to Kareema at  fitness@crescentsofbrisbane.org.

All questions sent in are published here anonymously and without any references to the author of the question.

The Culinary Corner








BASIC CURRIED STEW (‘Westernised’)







750g boneless beef neck, cubed, or beef ‘curry pieces’ 30 ml cooking oil


1 onion, chopped. 15 ml curry powder


15 ml turmeric


1 chilli, seeded and coarsely chopped


5 black peppercorns. 2 bay leaves


1 apple, cut in wedges. 1 tomato, skinned and cubed


3 carrots, sliced. 200 ml meat-stock


15 ml cake flour


Brown meat in heated cooking oil. Add onion and sauté till transparent. Add curry, turmeric and chilli and fry for 1 minute. Add peppercorns, bay leaves, tomato and heated meat stock. Lower heat, cover with lid and simmer for 1 ½ hours or till meat is tender. Thicken with cake flour and water paste if necessary. Serves 4.




Always set puddings, jellies, etc. until very firm, but do not allow them to freeze hard. They will Lose their original lightness by doing so. Chill until well set in freezer, then transfer to chiller Or lower section of fridge. Return to freezer for just 10 minutes before serving.


Source: Radio Islam Newsletter - Thursday, 13 March 2008



Do you have a recipe to share with CCN readers?
Send in your favourite recipe to theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org and who knows, you could be our "guest chef" for a future edition of CCN.


The Inbox


Dear CCN

Assalam o alikum

I am a Chartered accountant and an associate member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan. I have five years experience of working with Pricewater House Coopers in Pakistan. I also hold Certificate IV in training and assessment which is an eligibility requirement for trainers/tutors at Registered Training Organisations in Australia.

I wish to give free tuition to commerce students in Muslim Community particularly females. I have two years experience in tutoring financial accountancy, business studies, management accounting, human resource management, marketing and micro/macroeconomics. I live in CBD and available from Monday to Friday from 10 am to 4 pm.

I will be glad to help anyone in the subjects mentioned above.

Contact details: 07 3210 2431

Wajeeha Bukhari

Dear Crescents of Brisbane

Many thanks for your email.
Your comments are greatly appreciated.
Regards to all at the Crescents of Brisbane Inc.




Dear Ms Julia Irwin

As a community group involved in social and charity projects, we wish to place on record our deepest admiration for the stand you took today over the vote on the 60th anniversary of Israel.

Many of the members of our community voted for the Labor Party in the last election on the promise of an Australia that would take the lead on matters of social justice.

With members of Parliament of your conviction in government, your principled position on this issue has reassured us that our faith in the Party has not been misplaced.

We wish you well for the future and please do not hesitate to contact us if there is any way we can be of assistance to you.

Kind regards
Crescents of Brisbane Inc.


[Editor] Letter sent to Ms Julia Irwin, MP in response to:


The CCN Chuckle



Mula Nasruddin was telling his friend Jalaluddin that he had just lost his job. “

Why did the foreman fire you?” Jalaluddin asked in surprise.

“Oh,” Mula Nasruddin said, “you know how foremen are. They stand around with their hands in their pockets watching everybody else work.”

“We all know that,” replied Jalaluddin . “But why did he let you go?”

“Jealousy,” answered Mula Nasruddin. “All the other workers thought I was the foreman


What's happening in our neck of the woods......


Click on image to enlarge

'A Day Out on the Northside':

Opening of the Madrassah

Meeladun Nabi

Muslim Women in Logan


The CCN Date Claimer





(Click on link)





16 March


'A Day Out on the Northside': Opening of the Madrassah

Bald Hills Mosque

119 Telegraph Road, Bald Hills

0402 139 997

11am to 1pm

29 March


Eid - E - Milaadun Nabi (SAW)

Islamic Society of QLD

Logan Community Centre, Jacaranda Avenue, Logan Central

0413 194 131

4.30pm to 8pm

30 March


Kuraby Madrassah fundraising BBQ

Kuraby Mosque


0431 300 111


10 May


IWAQ/ACCESS Fun night for women




Clairvaux Mackillop College 3272 6355


18 May


CresWalk2008: Annual Fun Run

Crescents of Brisbane

Orleigh Park, West End

0402 026 786

7.30am to 12pm

19 April


Open Day for Muslim Women and Launch of ‘Kara Aktiv’ Fitness Gear

Kareema Benjamin & Fernwood Underwood

Fernwood Underwood

0404 844 786

2pm to 4pm

8/9 June






QLD LIONS, Pine Rd, RICHLANDS 0438 114 619


13 June


IWAQ Client/Carer Dinner




MacGregor Primary School 3272 6355


25 June


Kuraby Madrassah fundraising DINNER

Kuraby Mosque


0431 300 111


22 August


IWAQ Client/Carer Dinner




Kuraby Special School 3272 6355


23 August


Annual Spring fete

Islamic College of Brisbane

Islamic College of Brisbane, Karawatha

0402 794 253

All day

1/2 September



Start of Ramadaan

29/30 September



End of Ramadaan

30 Sept. / 1 Oct.




4 October


Annual Eid Dinner

Muslim Business Network (MBN)


0418 722 353


11 October



Eidfest Committee

Mt Gravatt Showgrounds

0402 819 197

10am to 10pm

8/9 December






To claim your date for your event email theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org.


Write For Us

The best ideas and the best feedback come from our community of readers. If you have a topic or opinion that you want to write about or want seen covered or any news item that you think might be of benefit to the Crescents Community please e-mail



Share your thoughts, feelings and ambitions for our community through CCN.


If there is someone you know who would like to subscribe to CCN please encourage them to send an e-mail to theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org with the words “Subscribe Me” in the subject line.


Articles and opinions appearing in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Crescents of Brisbane Team, CCN, its Editor or its Sponsors, particularly if they eventually turn out to be libelous, unfounded, objectionable, obnoxious, offensive, slanderous and/or downright distasteful.


It is the usual policy of CCN to include from time to time, notices of events that some readers may find interesting or relevant. Such notices are often posted as received. Including such messages or providing the details of such events does not necessarily imply endorsement of the contents of these events by either CCN or Crescents of Brisbane Inc.