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......a sometimes self-deprecating and occasional tongue-in-cheek look at ourselves and the world around us ......


Sunday, 18 May 2008

 .Newsletter 0184


News you won't find on CNN!



This week's CCN is kindly sponsored by

Z&A Grill House








To catch all the action and images of the day click here



The passing of Haji Ebrahim Patel


Haji Ebrahim Patel (84) passed away at his home in Eight Mile Plains, Brisbane in the evening of Tuesday 13 May.


Haji Patel was well-known, well-liked and well-respected by everyone and his lasting legacy will be his invaluable contribution to the community as an educator, counselor and Imam.


He leaves behind his wife, Ruquyabai, and sons Dr. AK Patel and Dr. MS Patel and daughter Mrs. Sakina Naeem.


A positive, energetic, fiercely independent man ever generous with his advice, Haji Patel was a role model to all of us, and his passing leaves a huge gap in the community that will be impossible to fill.


He will always be remembered for having enriched and inspired many of us through the example he set for himself and through sharing with us his encyclopedic knowledge and wisdom on an endless range of topics from religion to politics through to health and social justice.


The impact of Ebrahimbhai's loss is impossible to overstate and he will be sorely missed by us all.


The Patel family compiled a short biography of Haji Patel for CCN.


Anna Bligh's Bollywood surprise


Queensland Premier Anna Bligh's son has earned a place studying film in Bollywood.

Ms Bligh's 20-year-old son Joe will move to Mumbai in June as part of his degree in film and television, the premier said today.

"He's a film and television student, he's halfway through his degree and he's been accepted to do his second semester as an international student at one of the studios there, at one of the colleges," Ms Bligh (last year's Brisbane Indian Times' Indian of the Year) told ABC Radio.

The budding film maker is keen to learn about editing, post-production and special effects, she said.

While she encouraged young people to pursue opportunities around the world, Ms Bligh admitted she was a little nervous about her son living in India.

"It's very exciting for him," she said.

"My head thinks it's wonderful, but my heart is panicking."


Source: http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/news/queensland/anna-blighs-bollywood-surprise/2008/05/09/1210131223772.html


Fun and animation film


Time to Pray with Zaky is an educational animation film for children of all ages, teaching them the most important pillar of Islam, the Prayer (Salah) plus Ablution (Wudu).


Features of the full DVD include:


- World’s first animation film teaching prayer and wudu, etc.
- Introduces 3 new cartoon characters – Kazwa the camel and Toofa & Teema birds
- Live actors mixed with animation
- 6 new children's songs written by One 4 Kids on prayer and wudu
- Approximately 60 minutes which includes quizzes, games, music video clips
- Gives a message of Unity to a young age group of below 8 years old, honouring differences of opinion in prayer and wudu
- Several added improvements and changes based on live audience preview in March 2007
- Improved quality of animation to be same as Story of Abraham
- Using premium quality “digipak” packaging allows the product to stand-out. Digipak is a one piece printed cardboard with plastic for DVD which is thinner than the 14 mm DVD case.
- English Subtitles available


To purchase the DVD, visit www.1islam.net.





Let Us Know Says ADCQ


The Anti-Discrimination Commission Queensland (ADCQ) has a research and consultation role in relation to human rights. An issue of concern to us is the extent to which Arab and Muslim people going about their daily lives have become targets for hostility and violence.


LET US KNOW your story if you have experienced an incident in a public place. Use the links at http://www.adcq.qld.gov.au/LetUsKnow/LetUsKnow.html to access more information in Arabic, Bahasa Indonesian, Bosnian, French, Malay, Somali, Turkish, Urdu or English.


From the Muslim Women and Friends Desk......


Hello and Salaams to everyone !

Thanks to all those who participated in our Glitz and Glam Workshop which saw in excess of 60 participants on the day.

Join us on Tuesday May 27th at 9:30am as we embark on our next journey of discovery in our role and responsibility to the planet, the creatures that inhabit it, and to our fellow humanity.  Learn how to make a difference one person at a time that can have a huge global impact.  Prepare to be motivated, inspired and empowered for positive change.  


This is an excellent opportunity to meet up with friends and break barriers and sterotypes while fostering friendships of women from various backgrounds whilst gaining knowledge from the expertise of our panel of speakers.  Learn more about our affiliation with the Logan Women's Health and Wellbeing Centre which is a women's only centre that hosts a variety of services including arabic speaking Medical Practisioner, Counsellors, Naturopath and a variety of activities and groups including Yoga, Anger Management, Self Esteem, Bellydance and more.


Please note our new location.  Additional parking is available at the train station carpark next door to the Centre.

Muslim Women and Friends is divided into two parts: Sharing Circles Sessions (tackling more personal issues such as assertiveness and stress management which are held the 2nd Tuesday of each month), and Skills Building Workshops (which are held the 4th Tuesday of each month). Our current schedule for 2008 as well as the Global Responsibility Workshop flyer is attached. 


This is a ticketed event at only $5 per ticket, refreshments will be provided.  Contact the Centre or the Co-ordinator with details below to book your tickets now.  If you require child care on the day, you will need to contact our team so that we can make adequate arrangements.


The first 50 people to arrive will receive a gift bag.


Thanks for all your support and looking forward to seeing you!


Best wishes,
Farina Nayab
Co-ordinator, Muslim Women and Friends
Logan Women's Health and Wellbeing Centre
1 Mary Street, Kingston 4114

Ph: 3808 9233
Direct mobile: 0405 448 045


Islamic Awareness Week at Ipswich


OPEN DAY: At the Islam open day are (from left) Dave  Palmer, Imam  Tariq and Rashide Deen

PHOTO: Michelle Smith

AN ISLAM open day in Ipswich yesterday aimed to raise awareness of Islam and remove misconceptions surrounding the faith.


Part of Islam Awareness Week held in Brisbane, the Gold Coast and Townsville, the open day was held at the Ipswich mosque in North Ipswich.


Islamic Society of Ipswich president Amar Khan said the common image of Islam was the result of events associated with the "war on terror".


"People think it's all about killing and doing bad things but that's not the case," Mr Khan said. "We want to be part of Australia and help the country so education is very important.


We don't want anything special but we want Islam to be shown for what it is."


Leanne Dallinger, of West Ipswich, said she went to the open day because all she ever seemed to hear about Islam was bombings.


"I wanted to find the heart. The good stuff," Ms Dallinger said.


"We don't know what it is like to grow up in a Muslim country. I came here for a bit of understanding and knowledge. "I believe there is still good in the world."


Mark Grieveson, of East Ipswich, said Islam was possibly the fastest-growing religion in the  world so "it must offer something". 


"We came today to find out what that is," Mr Grieveson said.


"What appeals to me is that  Islam is a way of life, not just a one-day-a-week religion." 


Ipswich resident Dave Palmer said he had followed Islam for 30  years and its messages were valid for many people. 


"In  Islam we are constantly taught what's right and what's  wrong. If we can learn that and pass it on to our kids and if Islam keeps growing the way it  is, it can only be a better world," Mr Palmer said.


Dawn Chilton said she was first introduced to Islam many years ago when she bought a copy of the Qur'an.


"I was brought up a Christian but when I read of Allah being the one god, it spoke to me," Ms Chilton said.


"I feel like I've found my religion. "The warmth I've received has been wonderful. I moved from Brisbane and thought I'd have to go back to go to a mosque but I looked on the internet and saw there was a mosque in Ipswich."


Source: Queensland Times


Salam Cafe on SBS: All the reviews


Salam Cafe aims to bust misconceptions about Muslims, writes Sacha Molitorisz.

THE format is hardly ground-breaking. As a blend of The Chaser and The Panel, Salam Cafe aims to deliver laughs via sketches, vox pops and a discussion of the day's issues. The twist is that the panellists and interviewers are Muslim, giving Salam Cafe — which steps into SBS' Wednesday night slot previously filled by Newstopia — an endearingly subversive edge.


This edge can be seen on YouTube, where several clips survive from the three seasons the show spent cutting its teeth on Channel 31. One clip shows a series of vox pops conducted in Frankston.


"What do you know about Muslims?" one interviewer asks a passer-by.


"Not a lot," says the young man. "But I know that their beliefs are pretty dangerous"


"What do you think of Muslims?" another young man is asked.


"I hate 'em."


"What's Ramadan?" the interviewer asks a woman.


"Is that like a poppadam?"


The segment is funny but also poignant, giving an insight into the sort of prejudices and misconceptions faced by Muslim Aussies such as Susan Carland.


"Most of the misconceptions are about Muslim women," says Carland, a regular panellist on Salam Cafe. "A lot of them are about the headscarf. I'm often asked if I have cancer. And I have a badge that says, 'No, I don't wear it in the shower'. People really think we're aliens. It's just a piece of material, like a T-shirt. It doesn't have magic powers.


"For me, it's very important that this show is about Muslims, not about Islam. It's just showing that Muslims are normal people. We're not from Planet Islam. It's showing the human face of the Muslim community, same as Acropolis Now did (for the Greek community) in the '80s. People will see that we won't eat their babies."


Since the World Trade Center attacks, Muslims have had a serious image problem. "Obviously the whole world was turned on its head post-September 11," says Ahmed Imam, Salam Cafe's host. "There was a lot of heat in the kitchen."


The Bali bombings of 2002 and 2005 didn't help. Which is ironic, given that Islam — contrary to the rantings of some extremists — is essentially a tolerant religion. "Islam says to Christians and Jews, 'We worship the same God you do'," says Carland. "Islam is a continuation. We feel the prophets all came with the same message."


Salam Cafe's Ahmed Hassan, Ahmed Imam and Waleed Aly.




These Muslims have no trouble laughing at themselves and the way they are misrepresented.


Salam Cafe is a 10-week comedy panel and sketch show aimed at young Australian Muslims. Clearly intended to influence perceptions of young Muslims in the current global climate, this series wants to show that being a Muslim can be as much about going to the footy as to the mosque and that Muslims have no trouble laughing at themselves and the way they are misrepresented.

There are gags about Muslims flying on one-way tickets, owning mobile phones with extra room on the SIM card and playing footy for the Essendon Bombers. Panel member Susan Carland is introduced by host Ahmed Imam as 'the Imelda Marcos of hijabs', there's a "Where's Osama" segment, and the Idol rip-off "Australian Imam, the search for Australia's most controversial Imam".

Non-Muslims, of course, could never make these jokes but it's refreshing to see Muslim comics and community leaders taking ownership of the prejudice they feel to make it funny and entertaining.

Source: http://www.theage.com.au/news/tv-reviews/salam-cafe/2008/05/06/1209839627629.html

TV's lighter side of Islam a hit but not everyone's laughing


"GO home, Osama," was not a particularly clever insult. "Go to hell, you educated pigs," was much better, although a little unexpected.

Waleed Aly, a counter-terrorism expert and founding member of the new SBS comedy Salam Cafe, reckons there came a point where the racist insults he received in the street stopped offending him and started making him laugh.

"The funniest thing is the one-liners you get," he said. "How can you compete with comedy like that? After a while it stops being offensive and just starts being funny."

Salam Cafe, the brainchild of the show's regular panel members Mr Aly, Ahmed Imam and Susan Carland, takes a rare look at the funnier side of the issues that affect Muslims.


Read the rest......


The CCN Readers' Book Club: You are what you read!




Would you like to see the cover of your favourite book on our book shelves below?


  Then simply email the title and author to thebookclub@crescentsofbrisbane.org



Double click a book cover to find out what others think of the book


CCN has set up an online Book Club at Shelfari to connect with CCN book readers at:


Using our book club you can see what books we at CCN have on our shelves, what we are reading and even what we and others think of them.

You can even create your own book shelf, find out what your fellow CCN readers are reading, get and give recommendations for what to read next, create book lists, and even share your opinion on a book with us.

Come see the books we have selected and see if we have any in common. 

Then pick our next book so we can all keep on reading.

The CCN Readers' Book Club

..and now a word from this week's CCN sponsor..... Z & A Grill House




Kareema's Keep Fit Column




After the last 5 week's training programme and today's CresWalk you certainly have earned a break.


Enjoy the rest the rest of the day!






My Health and Fitness

Tel: 0404 844 786

(Accredited Member of Fitness Queensland)



Need an answer to a fitness related matter? Send your question to Kareema at  fitness@crescentsofbrisbane.org.

All questions sent in are published here anonymously and without any references to the author of the question.

The Culinary Corner





·         2 Boxes Finger Biscuits (Cuppachino)

·         3 Large Eggs (Separated)

·         3 tbl Spoons Castor Sugar

·         1 tsb Vanilla Essence

·         250ml Fresh Cream

·         250ml Mascaponi Cheese


  1. Beat yolk, Sugar and Vanilla, until white and fluffy (use electrical beater)

  2. Add Cheese and Beat Lightly

  3. Beat Egg white until stiff

  4. Fold the Egg white to the above mixture

  5. Beeat Fresh Cream and fold lightly into the above



  1. 400ml Boiling Water

  2. 4 tsp Coffee (Nescafe)

  3. 2 Tbl Spoon Sugar



Grated Chocolate / Flake

Dip Biscuits into Coffee and layer in dessert bowl and add the mixture and layer again, then the topping. Allow to refrigerate for at least 6 hours.


Source: South African National Halal Authority: Halaal e-Bulletin 28


Do you have a recipe to share with CCN readers?
Send in your favourite recipe to theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org and who knows, you could be our "guest chef" for a future edition of CCN.


The CCN Chuckle



So, how did you do?" the boss asked his new salesman, Mula Nasruddin, after his first day on the road.

"All I got were two orders."

"What were they? Anything good?"

"Nope," Mula Nasruddin replied. "They were 'Get out!' and 'Stay out!"



The CCN Notice Board


Click on image to enlarge


MBN Cancer Dinner


Muslim Women in Logan

World Environment Day

Sounds of Light


Sisters' Souk

Rotary Dinner


Benefit Concert



Relationships Seminar

Islam Exposd!


ECCQ/QPS Cup 2008






The CCN Date Claimer






(Click on link)





21 May


MBN Dinner Meeting: Cancer Can Be Beaten

Muslim Business Network

Runcorn Tavern Function Room

0422 191 675


23 May


Archerfield Rotary Fund Raiser Dinner

Rotary Club of Archerfield

Gambaro's Seafood Restaurant, Caxton, Petrie Terrace

0418 738 432


24 May


Benefit Concert Phil Monsour: Middle Easter Dinner


AHIMSA House, 26 Horan St West End

0421 637 172


24 May


Sisters' Souk


Arundel/Parkwood Comm. Centre, Napper Rd, Arundel (UBD ref 28 E2)

0423 474 807

10am to 5pm

27 May


Global Responsibility Workshop

Muslim Women and Friends

Logan Women's Health and Wellbeing Centre (new location: 1 Mary Street, Kingston)

0405 448 045


30 May


Relationships Seminar

Ladies Auxiliary of Algester

Springwood Community Centre

3219 0232


31 May


Wally Tate Park: Tree Planting

Kuraby Lions supported by Muslim Groups

Wally Tate Park, Kuraby (alongside Kuraby Mosque) 0402 026 786

8am to 12noon

8/9 June






QLD LIONS, Pine Rd, RICHLANDS 0438 114 619


13 June


IWAQ Client/Carer Dinner




MacGregor Primary School 3272 6355


14 June


IWAQ/ACCESS Fun night for women




Kimberley Park Hall, Rosalie St, Shailer Park 3272 6355


14 June


MBN Business & Professional Trivia

Muslim Business Network


0422 191 675


19 June




Queensland Police Service


QLD Police Service Regional Office, Level 1, 1993 Logan Road, Upper Mt Gravatt 0438 114 619

6.30pm to 7.30pm

22 June


Islam Exposed!

(Event mainly for non-Muslims)

Discover Islam

Brisbane City Hall

1800 0-ISLAM

1.30pm  to 3pm

22 June


Annual Qur'an Recitation Competition

Islamic Council of Qld

Islamic College of Brisbane, 45 Acacia Rd, Karawatha

0433 354 786

9am to 2pm

22 June


Public Lecture: Yusuf Estes 

Discover Islam

Brisbane City Hall

0401 819 887


28 June


Sounds Of Light Concert

Human Appeal International

Vodafone Arena, Melbourne

1300 760 155


29 June


Sounds Of Light Concert

Human Appeal International

Acer Arena, Sydney

1300 760 155


19 July


“Celebrating the Muslim woman" Fund Raiser Ladies Only Dinner

Kuraby Madrassah

124 Gowan Rd
Sunnybank Hills

0410 705 743


22 August


IWAQ Client/Carer Dinner




Kuraby Special School 3272 6355


23 August


Annual School Fete

Islamic College of Brisbane

Islamic College of Brisbane, Karawatha

0402 794 253

All day

30 August


Holland Park Mosque Centenary Celebrations

Holland Park Mosque Management Committee


0431 300 111


1/2 September



Start of Ramadaan

29/30 September



End of Ramadaan

30 Sept. / 1 Oct.




4 October


Annual Eid Dinner

Muslim Business Network (MBN)


0418 722 353


11 October



Eidfest Committee

Mt Gravatt Showgrounds

0402 819 197

10am to 10pm

18 October


Annual Eid Nite

Islamic Society of Darra

Darra Mosque 219 Douglas St Oxley

0418 757 157


25 October


Crescents 'Pink Ribbon Breakfast'

Crescents of Brisbane


0404 296 297

10am to 1pm

25 October


Ladies Eid Gala

Jas & Susan


0404 433 702


8/9 December




To claim your date for your event email theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org.


Write For Us

The best ideas and the best feedback come from our community of readers. If you have a topic or opinion that you want to write about or want seen covered or any news item that you think might be of benefit to the Crescents Community please e-mail



Share your thoughts, feelings and ambitions for our community through CCN.


If there is someone you know who would like to subscribe to CCN please encourage them to send an e-mail to theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org with the words “Subscribe Me” in the subject line.


Articles and opinions appearing in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Crescents of Brisbane Team, CCN, its Editor or its Sponsors, particularly if they eventually turn out to be libelous, unfounded, objectionable, obnoxious, offensive, slanderous and/or downright distasteful.


It is the usual policy of CCN to include from time to time, notices of events that some readers may find interesting or relevant. Such notices are often posted as received. Including such messages or providing the details of such events does not necessarily imply endorsement of the contents of these events by either CCN or Crescents of Brisbane Inc.