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......a sometimes self-deprecating and occasional tongue-in-cheek look at ourselves and the world around us ......



Sunday, 15 February 2009

 .Newsletter 0223


News you won't find on CNN!



Victoria Bush Fire Appeals





Source: MBNC Newsletter






Members of the Islamic Council of Queensland can also send donations to the Council by 20th February when all monies raised will be forwarded to the Victorian Bush Fire Appeal Fund.







The AFIC Victorian Bush Fire Appeal press release also calls for donations.


The Open-Door Bailout



Leave it to a brainy Indian to come up with the cheapest and surest way to stimulate our economy: immigration.

“All you need to do is grant visas to two million Indians, Chinese and Koreans,” said Shekhar Gupta, editor of The Indian Express newspaper. “We will buy up all the subprime homes. We will work 18 hours a day to pay for them. We will immediately improve your savings rate — no Indian bank today has more than 2 percent nonperforming loans because not paying your mortgage is considered shameful here. And we will start new companies to create our own jobs and jobs for more Americans.”

While his tongue was slightly in cheek, Gupta and many other Indian business people I spoke to this week were trying to make a point that sometimes non-Americans can make best: “Dear America, please remember how you got to be the wealthiest country in history. It wasn’t through protectionism, or state-owned banks or fearing free trade.


No, the formula was very simple: build this really flexible, really open economy, tolerate creative destruction so dead capital is quickly redeployed to better ideas and companies, pour into it the most diverse, smart and energetic immigrants from every corner of the world and then stir and repeat, stir and repeat, stir and repeat, stir and repeat.”

Read the rest.....





Spa Day for Women: Fund Raiser for Gaza

Fa'izah Batchelor


A day for women to relax and be pampered while having a minimum of 10% of their spend go to humanitarian aid for the people of Gaza. Imagine having your hair done, followed by a massage and facial and maybe top it off with a manicure whilst enjoying the fashion parade of Australian Muslimah designers, all this while your children are being taken care of by the day care. Instead of going home to cook you can grab a meal for the family for a total day of relaxation and pampering. If this sounds like the perfect day call Fa'izah on 0404 713 624 to book your treatments now to avoid disappointment.

We are currently looking for professional women who are involved in the beauty industry (e.g. hair dressers, manicures, pedicures, massage, waxing, henna, facials, day care e.t.c.) to work on the day. We require that you donate a minimum of 10% of your total sales for the day to humanitarian aid for the people of Gaza. If you are interested you don't need to work for the whole day. Call Fa'izah on 0404 713 624 to discuss what you can provide and the time you are available.

We are also looking for women who have products for sale directly related to women for example clothing, make-up, perfume, household products and who would like to give a demonstration and sell their products on the day. The first demonstration is free with a minimum of 10% of the total sales for the day being donated to humanitarian aid for the people of Gaza. A second demonstration is also available at a cost of $25. Please call Fa'izah on 0404 713 624 for more details and to book a time for your demonstration.

If you are also interested in helping out with this worthwhile cause but are unsure of what you can do please call Fa'izah on 0404 713 624.

Check out the website at http://www.geocities.com/faizahbatchelor/ for a full range of services and prices. Don't forget to check back regularly as services are updated.

What: Spa Day for Women
When: Saturday 14th March
Time: 10am-10pm
Where: 182 Napper Rd. Parkwood Qld 4215 (Gold Coast)
Why: To raise money for humanitarian aid for Gaza.
Info: Phone Fa'izah on 0404 713 624


Umrah in April



OurWorld Travel is offering an April Umrah package and prospective travelers can register their interest as places are allotted on a first-come-first-served basis.

Cr Young's views scary

Extract from Graham Staerk's Weekend Gold Coast Bulletin Op-Ed

THE recognised leader of the council's eight-person majority, Cr Peter Young, says locating an Islamic school next to a Christian church and Croatian sports centre is potentially `scary' and `frightening'.


The thing that worries me is that this bloke IS the effective leader of our city - a body that ranks second in population size in the nation.


Young (pictured right) does have a genuine leadership role in the fastest-growing region in Australia and this is how he uses it.


The only things that scare and frighten me about this issue are his views.


Whatever possessed him to voice them in such an intemperate manner?


I can't believe he parades himself as green and left-leaning with links to Labor (they're tenuous at best if the truth be known and this won't improve them).


This fellow is clearly no progressive.


Too bad he can't take a leaf out of Ron Clarke's highly principled and admirable stand in favour of the school, and ignore the extremist views of the scary Christian far right.


Young should be taking the heat out of the whole event, not stoking it up with loose and disturbing gibberish. 


If Ron Clarke says that local bigots fighting against the school have no place on the Coast, where does that leave Cr Young?


In my view, these statements disqualify him from sitting on the council.


This is just one of the many disquieting things about this guy, who has never offered himself to the entire populous at a general election.


After this rant, I suspect he'll never get the chance.


What he conveniently ignores is the reality that mixing communities together, in this case Muslims, Christians and Croatians, IS good planning.


It breaks down barriers and demystifies cultures.


Good  planning dictates that we blend our various groupings and not segregate them.


The other thing he ignores is the nature and character of our highly regarded, local Islamic community, which can only be described as moderate and secular. 


For Cr Young to deliberately try to connect the dots between the creation of an Islamic school at Carrara and terrorist events internationally is one of the most despicable political  acts I've seen in a long time.




The Wedding Scene with CCN


The nikah (wedding) of Sousun, daughter of Fakhri and Rashida Shamsodien of Kuraby, Brisbane, and Wasief Chilwan of Cape Town (South Africa) took place on 7 February at the Zinatul Islam Muir Street Mosque in South Africa.


The wedding reception, held at Pegulls Restaurant in Greenpoint, Cape Town, was a glittering affair attended by over 270 guests and many friends and family from Brisbane.


Sousan's exquisitely designed gown was the work of a Brisbane couture.


The happy couple are presently honeymooning in Turkey.




For a chance to have your wedding pictures and stories published send them to ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org.

$2.3 million for unity


A PUBLIC high school, an Islamic college and a Catholic primary school are breaking down religious barriers towards the common goal of a new performance and multifunction centre.

The Federal Government has recognised the united efforts of Plumpton High, Australian Islamic College (Western Australia) and Good Shepherd Primary School by granting almost $2.3 million towards the project under the Local Schools Working Together pilot program.

This was one of 15 projects in Australia that will share in $31.7 million under the program.

The aim is to encourage government, Catholic and independent schools to work together to develop shared educational facilities.

This pilot program was one of three NSW projects that were granted funding.

The centre will be at Plumpton High School and it's hoped to be finished this year.

The centre will have tiered seating for 430 people, technological facilities and rehearsal rooms for music tuition.

It will also have service facilities that will include a kitchen, toilets and storage for costumes and props.

Plumpton High School principal Eric Jamieson hopes the centre will be built within 12 months.

He said the hall would be for the wider community as well as for use by its feeder public primary schools Plumpton, Hebersham, Glendenning, Plumpton House and William Dean.

"We're delighted about the project,'' Mr Jamieson said.

"Our ultimate goal is for the whole community to take advantage of it.''

Mr Jamieson said the project would boost the rebuilding of the school's performing arts curriculum.

"Performing arts have always been strong at Plumpton High, but it's fallen away in recent years, so we're working very hard to rebuild it,'' he said.


Muslims furious at Gaza 'bias'


AUSTRALIAN Muslims are "seething with anger" at what they perceive as the Australian Government's one-sided treatment of last month's Israeli incursion into Gaza, a Melbourne leader said yesterday.

Ramzi Elsayed, president of the Islamic Council of Victoria, said he had never seen the community so hurt or aggrieved, especially after acting Prime Minister Julia Gillard said Israel was responding to Hamas aggression after Hamas broke the ceasefire.

"It's as though they think one Jewish life is worth 100 Palestinians," he said. "Enough's enough. It's time to call the facts as they are. Israel broke the ceasefire on 4 November."

Responding to a Jewish threat to sever ties with Australia's Muslims if the president of its peak body did not withdraw a comparison between Gaza and the Holocaust, Mr Elsayed said a cooling-off period was inevitable anyway.

"There's going to be some open wounds which will take time to heal. Tension and hatred has built as never before in the Middle East, and that's the danger in Australia."

Mr Elsayed said the Victorian council would not have made the Holocaust comparison because they understood Jewish sensitivities, referring instead to the "massacre" of Palestinians.

Recently The Age reported a row between the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils and the Executive Council of Australian Jewry — the main bodies for each faith — over the refusal of AFIC chairman Ikebal Patel to recant his claim that the former victims of the Holocaust were perpetrating "much worse atrocities" in Gaza.

Robert Goot, president of the Jewish council, said the Jewish community would not be able to work with AFIC if the remarks were not withdrawn.

Mr Patel said he would be happy to meet Mr Goot any time. He agreed with Mr Elsayed that Muslims had never been angrier, even during the war in Lebanon in 2006, because Hamas had not been able to resist as Hezbollah did.

He said the Australian Government should have tried to encourage both parties to cease hostilities, and then to hold talks.

Mr Goot said the Government's response had been appropriate and principled, calling on both sides to stop fighting and try to resolve the issue. "It's all very well to say people should sit down and talk, but Hamas won't talk to Israel because it doesn't recognise it and is dedicated to its annihilation. There's no one to talk to."

The Jewish Anti-Defamation Commission yesterday strongly condemned the "disgraceful statements" by Mr Patel and the controversial former Mufti of Australia, Taj al-Din al-Hilali, that "what we are seeing (in Gaza) is another Holocaust".

ADC vice-chairman Alain Grossbard said the statements were entirely false and showed "an immoral willingness to engage in the sort of Holocaust denial that is so repugnant to all Australians".

He said it was of great concern that Mr Patel claimed his views represented the mainstream Muslim view.


People behind the Protests

A.R. Keri


Spearheading the Gaza rallies last month was a group of political activists who are determined to educate the masses about the Palestinian struggle against Israel.

Bonded by their plight for Palestinians, Justice for Palestine was formed in Brisbane to collectively condemn Israel and mobilise support for Gazans.

Gathered at an inner-city building, activists from different backgrounds and beliefs planned multiple rallies, intending to make the Palestinian cause, the people’s cause.

Socialist Alliance activist and peace-keeping veteran, Hamish Chitts (pictured left) was instrumental in the planning process. Disillusioned by flawed intelligence leading to the Iraq war, Mr. Chitts discharged from the army and became a political activist. A moral imperative motivates his support for Palestinians deprived of their ancestral lands.

‘Once you know the truth of these issues it’s hard to ignore, we need to educate the people’, says Mr. Chitts.
‘Most people don’t know and they’re just being fed by the corporate media’.

Activists networked and tapped into grass-roots organisations such as unions, mosques and churches, mustering different communities for a single cause. Their combined efforts yielded over 2500 people who attended rallies, roughly $9,625 in donations, and a petition with over a thousand signatures.

Fair Go for Palestine activist, Susan Al-Maani whose parents were uprooted from Palestine as children, promoted the rallies extensively, organising fliers and posters but said dua or prayers are just as important.

‘Two-thousand [pro-Palestinian] protesters has never been done before [in Brisbane]’, said Mrs. Al-Maani, ‘but the impact was not as much as the work we put in’.

‘It’s never enough for the cause of Palestine’.

Fellow activist, Anas Abdullah, the most vocal and passionate speaker at the rallies, said protesting was like a pressure valve that released his frustration against double-standards, saying ‘Palestinian and Arab blood was cheaper than other blood’.

He was disappointed with a news report claiming the ‘Palestinian community’ was protesting; inaccurately assuming that the protesters were only Palestinian.

Crescents of Brisbane's, Mustafa Ally, who experienced apartheid South Africa, shares a ‘deep concern’ for Palestinians enduring injustices by Israel.

He admired how people from different religions and ideologies overcame differences to form Justice for Palestine, Mr. Ally was ‘initially skeptical that we could put together a rally with people we had never seen before let alone worked with’.

‘But I was most impressed by how forthcoming and generous everyone in the committee was’, he said.

Throughout this month Justice for Palestine is hosting a series of film nights about the Palestine-Israeli conflict, launching a boycott of Israeli products and public meetings, for more information contact Abdulla 0413 783 853 or Hamish 0401 586 923.


Wedding Reception Paraphernalia for sale







Wedding Reception Paraphernalia for sale at give away prices including:

125 chair sashes
7 tall metal candle holders
85 glass tea light holders
45 bonbonair brocade snap purses

Call Khadija on 3341 1128.

Unveiling Al-Nisa's 2009 Events Line-Up

Azima Omar


Assalamu alaikum! Peace be upon you all!


After holding a fun bowling event for all the young sisters to build awareness amongst the youth on the critical issues in Gaza and to kick start the New Year we'd like to set the scene for our upcoming activities early on so you can get it into your diary now.


This year brings a flavour of different sorts including our much anticipated Al-Nisa Parenting Program bringing you all the tips, tricks, Hadith and information for young mothers and mothers to be. There are plenty of parenting programs around but not many designed just for our sisters so this program hopes to bring the best of most of those programs along with the correct information on raising bright Muslims for the next generations to come and all in harmony with our beloved Prophet's (saw) way insha'Allah.


If you are creative by default, or not! then join us at the Art De La Femme expo to encapsulate all our sisters' flair in a workshop and exhibition, sister-style of course!


We then proceed with an Islamic Education Seminar to fill your employers, teachers, friends and non-Muslim organisations in on what our Ummah is really about.


Early in the year we will be hosting the delightful and highly delectable Mother|Daughter High-Tea event fostering all things motherly and daughterly. In fact the High-Tea will be held in early March insha'Allah so be quick to book your seat and one for your mother/daughter and sisters too.


Those ladies who've followed our activities over the past four years will know about our famous Girls Day Out which is going to be back again in 2009. For some adrenalin pumping action to release that daily stress (not that we sisters are oppre.. uh stressed thank you very much) compete with us at our Sports Day Series competitions.


Last but not least we will finish the year off insha'Allah with an Exquisite Dinner.


We invite you to join us through our array of events this year and remember that Al-Nisa exists to effortlessly plan these activities for you and to provide you with a Halal avenue to enjoy yourself, learn and to be with your sisters in safer environments. Therefore we highly encourage you to scrutinise what we have on offer and give us your feedback and comments.


Furthermore, why not actually take a lead role and join in to organise these events.


Sponsorship opportunities are still available.


Visit www.alnisagroup.com.au to register your interest online or

Contact secretariat@alnisagroup.com.au or 0403 009 003



The Parenting Workshop


The Al-Nisa Youth Group are planning to conduct a parenting workshop in the mid-year designed for Muslim parents, parents-to-be or anyone wanting to learn important lessons on rearing children and dealing with difficult situations.

A survey is being conducted to understand what Muslims in Brisbane want in a parenting workshop, as well as the time and location.


If you are interested in a parenting workshop you can help out by completing the following survey to help Al-Nisa in the planning of these workshops.


Go to:


Tonight on SBS Dateline


Tonight (Sunday) at 8.30pm Sophie McNeill travels to the remote tribal regions of north-west Pakistan, to see how the country's new civilian government is coping with the Taliban insurgency.

Despite the Pakistani army's seemingly determined efforts to root out the militants – they're making little headway.

The fighting is fierce and has already claimed the lives of around 1,500 Pakistani soldiers – three times the number of American soldiers who have died fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan.

The troops are also accused of using excessive force - killing innocent civilians and displacing over half a million people.

Find out more about Pakistan's fight against the Taliban at Dateline's new time of 8:30pm on Sunday.



Also on the programme George Negus interviews former British Prime Minister Tony Blair.

Since he left Number 10 Downing Street, Mr Blair has been heavily involved in efforts to broker peace in the Middle East.

But some are wondering what effect Mr Blair's support of the Iraq War will have on his ability to negotiate effectively in the super-heated Israel/Palestinian arena.

And as the UK slips deeper into economic crisis, what does the former Prime Minister have to say about his legacy in Britain? With the boom times over, does he accept any responsibility for the UK's current state?

AFIC Activities




The CCN Centre Link


Web Manager & Information Officer

The Web Manager & Information Officer is responsible for overall content management of the websites for ECCQ and PiCC (Partners in Cultural Competence). The position also involves a range of information management tasks for the organisation including ongoing development of the organisation’s resource library and activities relating to organisational communication.


Full Details


Around the Muslim World with CCN


Dutch MP refused entry to Britain

A Dutch MP who called the Koran a "fascist book" has been sent back to the Netherlands after attempting to defy a ban on entering the UK.

Freedom Party MP Geert Wilders had been invited to show his controversial film - which links the Islamic holy book to terrorism - in the UK's House of Lords.

But Mr Wilders, who faces trial in his own country for inciting hatred, has been denied entry by the Home Office.

Read the rest.....



China to build Makkah monorail

Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah receives Chinese President Hu Jintao at the Riyadh airbase on Tuesday. The children accompanying the president are survivors of a devastating earthquake that hit China last year.

RIYADH: Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah held wide-ranging talks with Chinese President Hu Jintao, who arrived here yesterday with a mission to strengthen strategic ties between Riyadh and Beijing, especially in the oil and petrochemical sector.


The Kingdom and China later signed five bilateral agreements.

During the meeting, King Abdullah highlighted the strong friendly relations between the two countries and peoples.


He expressed his desire to further strengthen Saudi-Sino relations. "China was the first country I visited after becoming the king," Abdullah told the Chinese president.

On his part, Hu commended King Abdullah's efforts to strengthen relations.


"We appreciate the continuous contacts between leaders and officials of the two countries," he added.


The two leaders called for a just and comprehensive Middle East peace settlement that would ensure the Palestinians an independent state.

Read the rest.....



Saudi princess speaks out in support of lifting the country's ban on women drivers






China warns on Guantanamo inmates     


China urged Canada on Thursday not to take in up to three members of its Uighur minority held at Guantanamo Bay, saying the issue should be solved according to international law.

The three, whose lawyers have filed applications for refugee status in Canada, are among a group of 17 Uighurs captured in the wake of the US invasion of Afghanistan and held at Guantanamo for the past seven years.

"We have expressed our position many times about those Chinese terrorists detained in Guantanamo. We are opposed to any country accepting those people," Chinese foreign ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu told reporters in Beijing.

"We hope the parties concerned can resolve conveniently this issue according to the international laws and regulations".

Uighurs, who are mostly Muslim, form the largest ethnic group in northwest China's Xinjiang region that borders Central Asia. Some hope for independence from China.

Jiang was asked to comment on an appeal from Amnesty International, a Canadian Uighur group and several churches for Canada's government to take in the three Uighurs.

Read the rest.....


Young Muslims Raise Funds for Church Gaza Appeal       


A group of young Muslims are backing a Church in Wales appeal for humanitarian aid in Gaza.

They have raised more than £1,000 for a mobile dental clinic delivering frontline medical aid around the bombed out streets of Gaza. The clinic, which has been funded totally by the Church in Wales since 2000, is part of the work of family health centres in Gaza run by the Near East Council of Churches.

Members of the Young Muslim Community Organisation in Newport, South Wales, held a bazaar to raise money following an appeal by the Archbishop of Wales, Dr Barry Morgan, for urgent aid for the work of the NECC clinics. The appeal was intensified after a direct missile attack destroyed one of the family centres in Shij’ia two weeks ago.

Ifthir Ahmed, chair of the YMCO, said the group was pleased to support a Welsh appeal for humanitarian aid.

He said, “We read about the destruction of the family clinic and the invaluable service the mobile dental clinic provides for so many people in the Strip. We felt that some of the money we raised had to go to this very noble cause.


Read the rest.....



Jolie urges Thailand to welcome Muslim refugees      


Angelina Jolie, a goodwill ambassador for the United Nations refugee agency, has urged Thailand to welcome Muslim refugees fleeing Burma.

Thailand's treatment of the Rohingyas, an oppressed Muslim minority from mainly Buddhist Burma, has been widely condemned as evidence emerges that hundreds were rounded up by the Thai military and towed out to sea.

Read the rest.....


CCN Reader's Discussion Forum

CCN Readers' Book Club: You are what you read!


This week



 Leaving Microsoft to Change the World: An Entrepreneur's Odyssey to Educate the World's Children


John Wood


John Wood discovered his passion, his greatest success, and his life's work—not at business school or leading Microsoft's charge into Asia in the 1990s—but on a soul-searching trip to the Himalayas. Wood felt trapped between an all-consuming career and a desire to do something lasting and significant. Stressed from the demands of his job, he took a vacation trekking in Nepal because a friend had told him, "If you get high enough in the mountains, you can't hear Steve Ballmer yelling at you anymore."

Instead of being the antidote to the rat race, that trip convinced John Wood to divert the boundless energy he was devoting to Microsoft into a cause that desperately needed to be addressed. While visiting a remote Nepalese school, Wood learned that the students had few books in their library. When he offered to run a book drive to provide the school with books, his idea was met with polite skepticism. After all, no matter how well-intentioned, why would a successful software executive take valuable time out of his life and gather books for an impoverished school?

But John Wood did return to that school and with thousands of books bundled on the back of a yak. And at that moment, Wood made the decision to walk away from Microsoft and create Room to Read—an organization that has donated more than 1.2 million books, established more than 2,600 libraries and 200 schools, and sent 1,700 girls to school on scholarship—ultimately touching the lives of 875,000 children with the lifelong gift of education.

Leaving Microsoft to Change the World chronicles John Wood's struggle to find a meaningful outlet for his managerial talents and entrepreneurial zeal. For every high-achiever who has ever wondered what life might be like giving back, Wood offers a vivid, emotional, and absorbing tale of how to take the lessons learned at a hard-charging company like Microsoft and apply them to one of the world's most pressing problems: the lack of basic literacy.


Would you like to see the cover of your favourite book on our book shelves below?

Then simply email the title and author to thebookclub@crescentsofbrisbane.org


Double click a book cover to find out what others think of the book


CCN has set up an online Book Club at Shelfari to connect with CCN book readers at:


Using the book club you can see what books fellow CCN readers have on their shelves, what they are reading and even what they, and others, think of them.

The CCN Readers' Book Club

Kareema's Keep Fit Column





Q: Dear Kareema, I've been exercising regularly for the past 3 months but can't seem to shift the weight. I've been varying my exercises but it doesn't seem to make any difference. Any advice?






A: Focussing on exercise alone is a common mistake many people make.


Remember that diet and exercise go hand in hand. Iin fact, the ratio is about 70% diet, 30% exercise.


So start eating healthier and include a dose of high-intensity strength training sessions into your routine to build muscle mass.


This, in turn, will help you burn fat faster.





My Health and Fitness

Tel: 0404 844 786

(Accredited Member of Fitness Queensland)


Need an answer to a fitness related matter? Send your question to Kareema at  fitness@crescentsofbrisbane.org.

All questions sent in are published here anonymously and without any references to the author of the question.


KB's Culinary Corner







3 cups flour

2 Tab sugar

1 tsp salt

2tsp yeast (10g)

¼ cup oil

1 egg

½ cup milk and ½ cup water



  1. Sift the flour and the salt, then add all other dry ingredients.

  2. Beat the egg and oil and very gently rub into the dry ingredients.

  3. Mix the milk and water and add to the flour mixture and knead to form a soft dough.

  4. Cover the dough and leave to rise until almost double in size.



3 cups of chicken fillet cubed

1 tsp ground cumin (jeeru)

1 tsp salt

¼ cup lemon juice

1 tsp ground green chillies

1 tsp lemon pepper

1 tsp garlic

2 tab olive oil



Heat the olive oil and add all the above and cook the chicken until tender and then make a mixture of 1 ¼  cup cold milk and 2 tab corn flour and add to the chicken and let it simmer for a few minutes and then allow it to cool.


To make the calzone:

Punch the dough down and then using half the dough at a time, roll it out, using an 8cm cutter, cut out circles, brush with beaten egg, place the filling in the one half and then fold over, Brush with beaten egg and sprinkle with cheese and cubed tomatoes and green peppers and bake at 180 degrees until light brown.

Do you have a recipe to share with CCN readers?
Send in your favourite recipe to ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org and be our "guest chef" for the week.


The CCN Chuckle



Jalalludin had just finished installing carpet for a lady.

He stepped out for a smoke, only to realize he'd lost his cigarettes.

In the middle of the room, under the carpet, was a bump. "No sense pulling up the entire floor for one pack of smokes," he said to himself.


He proceeded to get out his hammer and flattened the hump.

As he was cleaning up, the lady came in.


"Here," she said, handing him his pack of cigarettes. "I found them in the hallway."

"Now," she said, "if only I could find my parakeet. "

Notice Board


Click on image to enlarge


Victoria Bush Fire Appeal

Gaza Memorial Service

Islamic Beliefs & Working

with Muslim Clients

Interfaith Summit

ICoB Springfete

IWAQ Swimming


Short Course for Reverts

"Take a Chill Pill"

Harmony Day

Fund Raiser

Girls Outdoor Adventure


AMAL Muslim Helpline


The CCN Date Claimer







(Click on link)





18-21 February


Interfaith Summit

Griffith University Multi-faith Centre

Brisbane City Council
Conference Hall

3735 7051/2

All day

18 February


MBN: Annual General Meeting

Muslim Business Network

Runcorn Tavern, Gowan Road




28 February & 1 March

Sat & Sun

Girls Outdoor Adventure

MYServices & Al-Nisa

Numinbah Valley Trails

0402 529 395

from 6am

7 March


Take a Chill Pill: Anger Management & Go Carting

MYServices & Al-Nisa

Kingston Park
Raceway, 20 Mudgee
St, Kingston

0432 271 601


10 March



Birthday of Prophet Mohammed (SAW)

14 March


Spa Day for Women: Fund Raiser

Fa'izah Batchelor

Napper Rd. Parkwood, Gold Coast

0404 713 624

10am to 10pm

21 March


Harmony Day Fund Raiser Dinner: Milperra High School

Crescents of Brisbane, Kuraby and Chinese Lions

Michael's Restaurant

0402 026 786


2 May



Islamic College of Brisbane

ICOB, Karawatha

0402 794 253

11am to 7pm

17 May



Crescents of Brisbane

Orleigh Park, West End

0402 026 786

7am to 1pm

19 July



Lailatul Me'raj

6 August



Lailatul Baraat

22 August



Start of Ramadhan

16 September



Lailatul Qadr

19 September



End of Ramadhan

20 September




26 September


MBN Eid Dinner

Muslim Business Network

RNA Showground



3 October


QPS/EECQ Cup: 2009 Qld Multicultural football tournament



0438 114 619

9am to 5pm

3 October


Eid Dinner

Islamic Society of Darra

Darra Mosque, 219 Douglas St, Oxley

0418 757 157


4 October







0438 114 619

9am to 5pm

10 October



Eidfest Committee

Mt Gravatt Showgrounds

0418 722 353

All day

24 October


Breast Cancer Awareness

Crescents of Brisbane


0404 296 297


27 November




18 December



Islamic New Year


To claim your date for your event email ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org.




This week's ladies taleem will be held at the home of Nadima Peer, 49 Stiller Drive, Kuraby.

Call 3219 8150 for more information.

Sunnah Inspirations


Contact: 0408 270 421

University of Queensland,
323 Hawken Drive, St. Lucia

Every Monday

Event: Weekly Learning Circle: Sharh Riyad-us-Saliheen (An Explanation of 'Gardens of the Righteous'

Venue: Prayer Room, University of Queensland

Time: 6.45pm to 7.30pm


Every Friday

Subject: Fiqh Made Easy

Venue: Room E215 Building 1 (Forgan Smith), University of Queensland

Time: 6.30pm to 7.35pm

Every Friday

Subject: Tafseer al Qur'an (Explanation of the Qur'an)

Venue: Room E215 Building 1 (Forgan Smith), University of Queensland

Time: 7.45pm to 9pm


Sunnah Inspirations is a non-profit organisation to cater for Muslim social support and supplying information to Muslims and non-Muslims.  They have been doing various activities around Australia, and have organised Da'wah information stalls at various universities in Brisbane.  More info can be found on their website above.


CCN @ Facebook


Catch Crescents Community News at


Please feel free to post an entry on our Wall, start up a Discussion thread and/or become a Fan.


Useful Links


Crescents Community News (CCN) Readers' Forum

     Discussion Forum & Social Network for CCN Readers

Queensland Muslim Historical Society Inc.

     Promoting the study and awareness of the rich history of the Muslims of Queensland


Young Muslims of Queensland

     Social network for young Muslims of Brisbane


Sunnah Inspirations

     Providing information about Islam - its beliefs, culture, practices, dispelling misconceptions


Kuraby Mosque


Holland Park Mosque



    Provide young Muslim women in Queensland with support and opportunities to express themselves


Gold Coast Mosque


South African National Halaal Authority (SANHA)


Muslim Womens' Convert Support Group (MWCSG)

     Network of Muslim women converts from the Brisbane and Gold Coast areas of Queensland.



If you would like a link to your website email ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org.


Write For Us

The best ideas and the best feedback come from our community of readers. If you have a topic or opinion that you want to write about or want seen covered or any news item that you think might be of benefit to the Crescents Community please e-mail



Share your thoughts, feelings and ambitions for our community through CCN.


If there is someone you know who would like to subscribe to CCN please encourage them to send an e-mail to ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org with the words “Subscribe Me” in the subject line.


Articles and opinions appearing in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Crescents of Brisbane Team, CCN, its Editor or its Sponsors, particularly if they eventually turn out to be libelous, unfounded, objectionable, obnoxious, offensive, slanderous and/or downright distasteful.


It is the usual policy of CCN to include from time to time, notices of events that some readers may find interesting or relevant. Such notices are often posted as received. Including such messages or providing the details of such events does not necessarily imply endorsement of the contents of these events by either CCN or Crescents of Brisbane Inc.