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......a sometimes self-deprecating and occasional tongue-in-cheek look at ourselves and the world around us ......



Sunday, 5 July 2009

 .Newsletter 0243


News you won't find on CNN!



Radio 612's 'Common Sense Cabinet'


Many locals turned up to the Beenleigh PCYC to take part in 612's 'Common Sense Cabinet' on Tuesday morning (30 June).


The programme was broadcast live on ABC 612's Mornings with Madonna.


According to Madonna King, who hosted the forum, it was not about problems but all about SOLUTIONS - solutions to crime, unemployment, aged care and health.


The ideas were posted on a white board and the winning idea was to be presented to Deputy Prime Minister Julia Gilllard that very evening.


The winning idea, by quite some margin, was the unemployment suggestion which was "a work for the dole scheme that actually works".


Janeth Deen's plan to build a tough-love work for the dole scheme has been taken to the Federal Government after the idea won backing from a panel of local leaders and many others.


In support of this winning idea several compelling arguments were made.


"The idea is that....registered community groups could contact Centrelink and access the skills of people who are unemployed," Ms Deen said.


"Because with these community groups if they're volunteers and they can't do everything themselves they should be able to get people to paint, mow the grass and help out without cost."


Ms Deen said volunteering should be compulsory for dole recipients.


She said the program could reduce crime, teach unemployed people new skills and help groups with their day-to-day activities.

The idea, raised and finessed by several people including Janeth Deen who runs the Queensland Muslim Welfare Association OP shop, and Hetty Johnstone from Brave Hearts, was meant to get people working while they are receiving benefits.


Janeth Deen and Matthew Swift, just before presenting their idea to Deputy Prime Minister Julia Gillard


Madonna's hand-picked panel members:

President of the Queensland Muslims Welfare Association and op-shop owner Janeth Deen

Pam Parker, Logan City's first female mayor.

Bill Richards and Kerry Armstrong run the local chambers of commerce and represent business in the area.

Val French established Older People Speak Out to give a voice to our elderly.

State MP for Waterford, Evan Moorhead.

Dr Mason Stevenson, the president of the Australian Medical Association of Queensland.

Paul Stanley, whose son Matt was kicked to death outside a party, and now devotes his time to educating the public about preventing youth violence.

Retired primary school principal Jeff Small.

Former criminal Pastor Terry Walker who now helps people turn their lives around through the Tribe of Judah.

Career public servant Keith Hamburger.

Bill Richards, who has lived in the Logan area since 1970

Curtain finally closes on MYServices

by Shaima Khan


MYServices presented the outcomes of its two-year Muslim Youth and Community Development Project, on the 29th of June. Various organisations, government representatives, community leaders, Imams, youth and other stakeholders were invited to the presentation.

The project, funded by the Queensland Government, was part of the Muslim Community Engagement Strategy. It aimed to create and deliver effective responses to the needs of Muslim youth, to reduce the barriers of inclusion and engagement of Muslim youth in the social life of the Queensland community, to increase the acceptance of Muslims in the wider community, and, to build the capacity of the current system to better cater for the needs of Muslims.

With the mercy of Allah, and through the support of countless individuals and organisations who shared our passion and vision, MYServices was able to fill a gap in our youth community that was long overdue. A full report of the Muslim Youth and Community Development Project can be obtained by contacting Al-Nisa Youth Group on thesecretary@alnisagroup.com.au.

On behalf of Riyad Rahimullah and myself (as well as past workers), as Muslim Youth and Community Development Officers responsible for the delivery of the two-year project, I sincerely thank every single young person, organisation, Imam and school out there, who contributed to the success of the MYServices Project.

We are greatly indebted to the enormous amount of support received from, the literally innumerable, organisations and individuals, from within and outside the Muslim community. We have been humbled by your enthusiasm for the Muslim Youth and Community Development Project. Thank you for joining hands with us to positively impact the lives of young Muslims.

We request your forgiveness if we have ever said or done anything that may have offended you. This position is indeed a position of great trust and immense responsibility, which we hope we have at least come close to fulfilling, inshaAllah.


On a personal note, I would like to thank the Muslim community for giving me the honour to serve it in this capacity for the whole length of the Project. At times, I felt many of you had more faith in me than I had in myself. JazakaAllah khair.

A special thank you again to all the young people we have worked with. Each of you is truly brilliant and inspiring. Your yearning for change, and optimism for the future motivates us, and your energy charges us! We look forward to continue seeing you blossom into dynamic leaders of tomorrow as outstanding ambassadors of Islam, inshaAllah.

With best wishes to see you all succeed at the highest level!

Shaima Khan

MYServices' parent organisation, Al-Nisa Youth Group, will take on some of the activities that MYServices used to deliver, on a volunteer basis. If you would like to volunteer your time, please email thesecretary@alnisagroup.com.au or 0421 890 838, and ask how you may get involved in any capacity that suits you.

Help Orphans in Need


“The BEST Islamic Concert in Australia…..”


"A night that will change the life of many orphans and helpless children around the world….”



In 2008 Sounds of Light raised over $180,000 in aid for orphans all around the world.


These funds have had an enormous impact on the lives of children who have limited access to food and shelter and now have the opportunity to be educated.

In an effort to make an even greater difference, Human Appeal International (HAI), through the Sounds of Light concert asks everyone to support this worthy cause, because together we can bring about change and make a difference.


Sounds of Light 2009 will once again focus on disadvantaged children, and all proceeds will go towards education, food and healthcare programs to provide them with hope for their future.


Purchase tickets to Sounds of lights and help those in need.


For only $40 you can help make a poor child not go to bed on a hungry stomach.

Date/Time: Fri 10 Jul 2009, 6.30pm

Tickets: $40.00 to $80.00





To purchase tickets to help these needy orphans call 0422876171 or email mo@jangda.com.au.


Tickets are also available at at www.qtix.com.au


"Ranes finally meet their Peers" (Imam Yusuf Peer)




Abraham and Fatima Rane hosted the Nikah and wedding reception of their daughter Tahira to Asrar Peer, son of Imam Yusuf and Ayesha Peer on Sunday 28 June.


The garden Nikah was held at the home of Tahira's parents and the reception was held at Roma restaurant that evening.


The Walima was celebrated at the Chinese Catholic Hall in Runcorn.


Sixty of Imam Peer's family came over to Brisbane from South Africa, Canada and other parts of the world to attend the wedding. (Imam Peer is the youngest of 31 brothers and sisters).


Asrar, who is studying at QUT to be a civil engineer, and Tahira who is studying radiation therapy, are presently honeymooning in Malaysia


Abraham and Fatima Rane and Yusuf and Ayesha Peer would like to thank their respected guests for all their duas and good wishes.






To have your wedding pictures and stories published in CCN send them to ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org.

Rejected Islamic school in NSW court win


AN 800-student Islamic school planned for the middle of a housing estate has been given the final go-ahead.

The new campus for one of the top 10 schools in New South Wales, Malek Fahd Islamic, will be built in Sydney's southwest, The Daily Telegraph reports.

Residents of Hoxton Park led a nine-month campaign of rallies, protests, petitions and letter-drops against the school, but it was given approval by Liverpool Council on Monday night.

Residents said another school would worsen daily commutes as narrow cul-de-sacs became major thoroughfares, but Islamic groups feared there were racist undertones to the objections.

Other Islamic schools have had to struggle against similar protests to get their building projects approved.

A 1200-strong Al Amanah College will be built in Bass Hill after it was twice knocked back by Bankstown Council - a decision later overturned by the Land and Environment Court.

And plans for the 600-student Qaadiri school at Austral, which were knocked back by Liverpool Council, are due to go before the court this week.

Camden Council's rejection of the Quranic Society's 1200-student school at Camden was upheld last month.

Independent school development is slow, with only three in greater Sydney hitting planning tables each year.

NSW Association of Independent Schools executive director Geoff Newcombe said "traffic" had become code for "prejudice".

"It seems more than a coincidence that each time an Islamic school applies to set up, there are objections about traffic congestion," he said.

Most Islamic students go to public schools rather than try to squeeze in on a waiting list to one of only 14 Islamic institutions in Sydney. In the same area, there are 74 Anglican schools, 80 Christian, and 625 Catholic schools.

"There is a huge demand or we would not be doing this," said school spokesman Australian Federation of Islamic Councils president Ikebal Patel.

"It is better that we teach Muslim students in a controlled environment, with our vision vetted by the NSW Education Department, than have them educated in backyard garages."

Liverpool mayor Wendy Waller said roads would be widened to cope with extra traffic.



Students enjoy flight of fancy


Justin Hooper (centre) with Year 3 students Mustafa Amin and Norjaida Subardi




THE Helicopters Australia vehicle and its two pilots touched down on Perth's Langford Islamic College oval recently, to the excitement of students.

The helicopter’s visit was part of the students’ learning about community helpers, with the helicopter pilots explaining how the vehicle was used to drop water during bushfires.

The visit also tied in with student’s lessons on transport and flight.

It was the latest in a series of events held at the school, which in the past have included a reptile road show and Constable Care.



Historic graduation at Algester Mosque


The Islamic Society of Algester hosted its very first Hifz graduation ceremony on Sunday 21st June 2009.


The two graduates were Hafiz Mohammed Burhaan Ismail, son of Adam and Halima Ismail and Hafiz Mohammad Mukhtar Patel, son of Hafiz Yaqoob and Rehana Patel.


They completed their Hifz under their teacher, Ml. Mohammed Aslam Al-Qaderi.


This historical event was attended by over 400 people.

The programme started with Surah Yaaseen, recited by Farouk Osman followed by Sheikh Ahmed Abu Ghazaleh who spoke about the significance of memorizing the Holy Qur’aan.


President of the Islamic Council of Queensland, Suleman Sabdia, conveyed his congratulatory message to the Hufaaz and their families.


Thereafter, the Imaams officially graduated the students by tying the traditional turbans on their heads and awarding them with their certificates and trophies.


The programme was conducted by Ml. Mohammed Nawaaz Ashrafi, Principal of the Algester Madrassah.

MBN News


Brisbane's Muslim Business Network (MBN) issues a fortnightly roundup of financial news.


You can download the latest edition here.









On Wednesday MBN held a very successful Careers Evening where over 100 MBN members, university students and graduates attended the information session.


The speakers provided insights into the status of the job market, preparation of CVs, preparation for and conducting of interviews and managing careers.


IBC Shopping Expo



THE IBC PRE-RAMADAN ISLAMIC SHOPPING EXPO 25th & 26th JULY (click on image for more details)

Ladies Clothing – Abbayahs, Full Body Muslimah Swimwear, Scarves, Caps, Shawls, Skirts, Pants, Jackets, Accessories, for all sizes
Men’s Clothing – Thobes, Pants, Hats, 2 piece sets, Tees with a Message
Children’s clothing – Boys - 2 piece sets, Thobes, Pants, Hats, Kufi’s; Girls - Abbayahs & Scarves
100’s of Books in English– Children’s Books, Quran/Tafseer, Hadeeth/Traditions, Seerah/Life of Muhammad (pbuh), Learning Arabic, Comparative Religion, Economics/Finance, Education/Textbooks, Family/Marriage, Fiqh, General, Hajj/Umrah, Hereafter/Jinn, History, Intro to Islam, Prayer/Dua, Psychology, Science/Medicine, Shariah/Law/Politics, Women's Issues
Children’s Books, Colouring Books, Fun Books
Books also available in Arabic, Turkish & Urdu
Games & Puzzles
Attar, scented perfumes
Sajadah – Prayer Mats
Brooches/Jewellery/Scarf Pins
DVD’s - Kids Cartoons, Lectures, Movies
Audio Cd’s - Nasheeds, Lectures, Qur'an
Qur’an on MP3


Kicking goals for Middle East peace


THE story of the Israeli-Palestinian Peace Team, which competed at last year's AFL International Cup, begins with an Australian woman of Jewish-Iraqi descent named Tanya Oziel.

I asked the Peace Team coach Robert "Dipper" Dipierdomenico to describe 41-year-old Oziel. "She's a female version of me," replied the former Brownlow medallist, a man not given to hiding his light under a bushel. "She's energetic and full of dreams."

Dipierdomenico told the Peace Team when they arrived in Australia that if they were only going to pretend to be a team, they were wasting their time as well as his own. And that was the Peace Team's victory — despite coming from both sides of one of the world's fiercest conflicts, they merged as a team.

One member of the team, an impressive 16-year-old Palestinian named Leith Jaber, happened to be the nephew of the Australian Grand Mufti, Fehmi Naji el-Imam. Leith wasn't much of a footballer but he sure could dance. I saw him dance in a Warrnambool pub the night they lost to Nauru. Outside the pub, he and I talked about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. How far could the Peace Team go?, I asked. Never shall I forget his reply. "We've got this far," he said. He meant they'd got as far as Warrnambool, and that was a big achievement.

Tackling Peace, the film about the Peace Team that screens on Channel Ten next week, ends with Leith meeting Yonatan Belik, his roommate on the tour, after the war in Gaza. Yonatan is the son of a Melbourne Jewish doctor, who emigrated to Israel and took with him his love of the Carlton Football Club so that his son grew up with a lonely passion for a game not played in his country. The Peace Team was his chance to play footy and he came with fashionably long hair and a Carlton guernsey.


Read the rest....

The CCN Musical Interlude




Monthly Moon Sightings


The Australian National Crescent Sighting Coordination Centre (ANCSCC) carries out sightings of the moon each month.


To receive regular updates you can sign up here.


South Africa passes test


The Confederations Cup, which has come to a colourful climax, has served to dispel any fears or doubts over South Africa's ability to stage what promises to be a memorable 2010 World Cup.


With less than a year on the clock to kick-off at Soweto's stunning Soccer City, players, managers, fans and, crucially, FIFA's top brass all gave the rainbow nation the thumbs up.

United States coach Bob Bradley spoke for many when he concluded: "We have had an amazing time in South Africa.

"The way people have treated us like friends, their passion for the game, the security personnel who actually smile, the organisation - in all those ways it's been a great experience and to a man in our squad everyone would say they can't wait to complete the task of qualifying and get back here next year."

The Confed Cup has played an important role in helping South Africa prepare to greet the world next year, this two-week warm-up identifying a number of areas where there is still work to be done.

Read the rest....


Information session provides important insights for Saudi students


Professor Lovegrove with Deputy Ambassador
Hussain Alasari

Around 50 Saudi Arabian students, sponsored by their Government, were given an insight into life in Australia and the tools to succeed in their studies as part of a special information session at USQ this week.

A number of community representatives and University staff joined the Deputy Ambassador of the Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia to address the students, some of whom have recently arrived in Australia.

'This was all about making sure that these students are well prepared to study and also live in Australia,' Dean of Sciences and Pro Vice – Chancellor (Student Management) Professor Janet Verbyla said.

'The information session, supported by the student body, was organised through the Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Canberra in order to optimise these students success rate at the University and we were more than happy to host the event.

'As well as some of our own staff addressing the students about such things as surviving financially and study tips, we will also had other people from the community like the police here to talk about personal safety.

'It was all very pleasant and positive.'

With about 90 students sponsored by the Saudi Arabian Government studying at USQ, Professor Verbyla added that it was important that students were given a proper induction such as this, which covered all aspects of life in Australia.

'The University has an increased international student presence on campus so these kinds of inductions are essential.

'The students are mainly enrolled in Engineering and Nursing but we also have some who are studying Business and also Biomedical Science.

'At USQ we are all about fulfilling lives and giving these students the appropriate information to succeed in their academic study is just as important as giving them the tools to be able to live in this country.

'This was somewhat of a cultural induction for them.'


Ala-Din Opens in Kuraby


Hussain Assaf, Ml. Mohammed Nawaaz Ashrafi and Ray Deen open the restaurant with a prayer

After months of planning and preparations the new and exotic Ala-Din Restaurant opened its doors in 1307 Beenleigh Rd, Kuraby on Sunday (28 June) and if the fare served out during the opening ceremony is anything to go by then patrons are in for an absolute treat.


Caterer of the Year for 2008 and winner of a number of business awards, Hussain Assaf  has created a very Middle Eastern atmosphere here and offers dine-in, take-away and catering options with delectable dishes that range from Turkish delight sweets, gourmet confectionery and pies to fried rice, oven-baked lamb, kebabs and a whole lot more.

Brisbane's Deputy Mayor, Graham Quirk, Mrs Hardgrave, Gary Hardgrave and Sultan Deen admire the decor

Yasmin Khan and David Forde get stuck into the exotic sweets



Golf Comp Results


Report on the Robina game this last weekend.
The golfer who won a 490cc Driver was Younus Omar with a credible 36 points; Reyaz Suleman was second with 34, and Ayoob Ismail had a commendable 33 points for a third place finish.


The weather was excellent and after a 11 o'clock start the first groups finished by 4pm. There were 16 participants, who appeared to enjoy themselves on a really beautiful Sunday in the Gold Coast.
This weekend a second game has been booked at COLONIAL GOLF CLUB. The format will be paired teams (drawn out of a hat) playing Better Ball Stableford.


For more information contact Shahaad Suleman at shahaadbuns@hotmail.com.


Around the Muslim World with CCN


The Emerging Emirate



Emirates Islamic Bank CEO Ebrahim Fayez Al Shamsi and Dubai Multi Commodities Centre (DMCC) CEO David Rutledge tell Business Spectator's Isabelle Oderberg: The bank is considering creating a presence in Australia through either acquisition or partnership; The meltdown in traditional banking markets didn't affect the Islamic banking world, but the contraction in liquidity has; The DMCC is examining whether the infrastructure it has developed could be deployed here;  Commodity traders in the Middle East are finding it difficult to secure financing


Isabelle Oderberg: I want to start by asking what sorts of opportunities you see in Australia for Islamic banking.

Ebrahim Fayez Al Shamsi: I think there is a huge opportunity for Islamic banking – and the demand for Islamic banking, globally, has been pleasing, especially after the recent international financial crisis. People believe that Islamic finance can provide a better solution for the financial environment.

IO: Are you targeting primarily the Muslim community or are you looking more broadly?

EA: The Islamic finance is not only for Muslims. Even in our own country, most of our customers have come to us not because of belief issues, but because of the variety of products and the service quality.

IO: Okay. Can you tell me a little bit about what sorts of opportunities have arisen in Islamic banking as a result of the financial crisis?

EA: The solutions and the products of Islamic by nature are based on trading – and assets trading always gives better solutions than trading in debts and using the currency as a commodity.

Read the rest and h
ave your say on www.ccnforum.ning.com


Fashion gurus lure wealthy Muslims

Top European fashion labels, including John Galliano and Blumarine, have sent models in couture abayas down the runway in an effort to lure wealthy Muslim women.

A horsewoman in a flowing, made-to-measure Islamic gown atop a snorting steed opened the fashion show at the George V Hotel in Paris.

Abayas are the body-covering black robes some Muslim women don over their clothing in public, usually accompanied by a head scarf or niqab, the face veil that covers all but the eyes.

Designers who tried their hand at making over the abaya, which is required in Saudi Arabia, included Christian Dior's artistic director John Galliano, French luxury labels Nina Ricci and Jean Claude Jitrois and Italian houses Blumarine and Alberta Feretti.

The show began with a bang, as the carrot-topped cavaliere - decked out in a Galliano-designed abaya exploding with firework of coloured sequins and dangling fringe - rode her mount into the hotel's subterranean salon.

Twenty models followed on foot, wearing abayas heavy with rhinestones or airy in gauzy fabrics.

"I realised that most of the Saudi clients are wearing designer brands, but they're covered by a black abaya," said Dania Tarhini, the show's organiser and a general manager of Saks Fifth Avenue in Saudi Arabia. "It is an obligation to wear the abaya there, but let them feel good about it."

The timing of the Paris show was propitious: four days earlier, Nicolas Sarkozy, the French president, struck a nerve in the Muslim world by declaring that full-body veils such as the burka are "not welcome" in France, saying they make women prisoners. A top Muslim group in Britain called Mr Sarkozy "patronising and offensive." Lebanon's most influential Shia cleric called on Mr Sarkozy to reconsider his comments.

Ms Tarhini, a Lebanese who has lived in Saudi Arabia for the past seven years, acknowledged "it wasn't easy" to convince designers to take part in the project.

At first, "they couldn't imagine how to make a designer abaya," she told The Associated Press in an interview. "I explained to them the concept is to (make women) look good and also to promote their brands .... Then they accepted."

She said the initial batch of made-to-measure abayas - worth between $A7000-$A13,000 - would be given as presents to Saks' most faithful Saudi clients.

Ready-to-wear versions of the robes by the 21 designers featured in the Paris show are expected to go on sale in Saks stores the Saudi Arabian cities of Jeddah and Riyadh in September. The gowns, which are to retail for $A3500, could later be sold in the store's branches in neighbouring Bahrain and Dubai, she said.

Most of the gowns on display adhered to standards considered appropriate for wear in Saudi Arabia: all were black, most were floor-length and many had a built-in head covering or matching veil.

The few translucent abayas, like a bell-sleeved gown embroidered with white and yellow flowers by Carolina Herrera, the Venezuelan designer favoured by Renée Zellwegger, were meant to be worn over evening gowns, Ms Tarhini said.

"Everybody's waiting for a change in a good way," she said. Some women in Saudi Arabia "don't want to feel obliged (to wear the abaya). They want to wear it to look fashionable, as well."



The CCN Centre Link



Muslim Employment Advisor (Female)

The Muslim Employment Worker (Female) is one of two Muslim Employment Workers at ACCES Services engaging in activities to support unemployed Muslim people who are disadvantaged in the labour market. The Muslim Employment Worker (Female) has a particular focus on examining the barriers to employment for Muslim women and engaging in strategies to overcome these barriers in order to increase the involvement of Muslim women in training and the workforce.


Full Description and Details




CCN Reader's Discussion Forum


Have your say on www.ccnforum.ning.com



Kareema's Keep Fit Column





                                   ENTER THE COMING SEASONS IN BETTER  SHAPE  THAN THIS ONE!


Exercise is one of the most effective forms of anti-ageing.  Aerobic exercise not only keeps weight within a healthy range,

it will also improve your cardiovascular system.  Aim for 30 - 60 minutes of aerobic exercise such as brisk walking, 5 or more days a week.


Equally as beneficial is strength / resistance training with weights or resistance bands at least twice or thrice a week.  It increases muscular strength, endurance and bone density.  Unfortunately, studies show that only 11% of older adults meet strength training recommendations. 


Exercise  is also shown to maintain our mental health and active adults have higher concentration skills, which may help memory and combat dementia.


Let's start moving and slow the ageing process......




My Health and Fitness

Tel: 0404 844 786

(Accredited Member of Fitness Queensland)


Need an answer to a fitness related matter? Send your question to Kareema at  fitness@crescentsofbrisbane.org.

All questions sent in are published here anonymously and without any references to the author of the question.


CCN Readers' Book Club: You are what you read!


This week

 a CCN Reader



Stranger to History: A Son's Journey Through Islamic Lands


Aatish Taseer



Editorial Review

As a child, all Aatish Taseer ever had of his father was his photograph in a browning silver frame. Raised by his Sikh mother in Delhi, his Pakistani father remained a distant figure, almost a figment of his imagination, until Aatish crossed the border when he was twenty-one to finally meet him. 

In the years that followed, the relationship between father and son revived, then fell apart. For Aatish, their tension had not just to do with the tensions of a son rediscovering his absent father — they were intensified by the fact that Aatish was Indian, his father Pakistani and Muslim. It had complicated his parents’ relationship; now it complicated his.

The relationship forced Aatish to ask larger questions: Why did being Muslim mean that your allegiances went out to other Muslims before the citizens of your own country? Why did his father, despite claiming to be irreligious, describe himself as a ‘cultural Muslim’? Why did Muslims see modernity as a threat? What made Islam a trump identity? 

Stranger to History is the story of the journey Aatish made to answer these questions — starting from Istanbul, Islam’s once greatest city, to Mecca, its most holy, and then home, through Iran and Pakistan. Ending in Lahore, at his estranged father’s home, on the night Benazir Bhutto was killed, it is also the story of Aatish’s own divided family over the past fifty years. Part memoir, part travelogue, probing, stylish and troubling, Stranger to History is an outstanding debut.

I had sought out my father because I couldn't live with the darkness of not knowing him. If I hadn't, all my life I would have had to cover it up with some idea of him taken from my mother on faith. I felt it would have limited me. History should never be taken on faith.’


More reviews: Guardian


Would you like to see the cover of your favourite book on our book shelves below?

Then simply email the title and author to thebookclub@crescentsofbrisbane.org


Double click a book cover to find out what others think of the book


CCN has set up an online Book Club at Shelfari to connect with CCN book readers at:


Using the book club you can see what books fellow CCN readers have on their shelves, what they are reading and even what they, and others, think of them.

The CCN Readers' Book Club

KB's Culinary Corner


   Muska Biscuits (Indian Style Rusks)

Ideal as Tea Dunkers

1. 25og grated butter (frozen)
2. 3 Cups flour
3. 8 tsp Baking Powder
4. ½ tsp salt
5. 2 Tab Castor Sugar
6. 1 ½ Tab whole jeeru (cumin seeds)
7. Approx 1 ½ cups of milk

1. Sift the flour, Baking Powder and salt.
2. Toss the butter into the flour, working quickly so the butter does not melt.
3. Add the sugar and the jeeru (cumin seeds) and toss lightly with a fork.
4. Add milk to make soft scone like dough.
5. Pat the dough into a rectangle approx 10mm thick.
6. Cut into strips or squares and place on a baking sheet.
7. Brush with milk and sprinkle with sesame seeds.
8. Place in the Freezer for 1 hour.
9. Bake at 220 degrees for 5 minutes then reduce to 200dgrees and bake for another 5minutes.
10. Then reduce to 180 degrees and bake until light brown.
11. Reduce the temperature to 100 degrees and allow to dry out for 3 to 4 hours or until crispy.
12. Pack in an airtight container.

Do you have a recipe to share with CCN readers?
Send in your favourite recipe to ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org and be our "guest chef" for the week.


The CCN Chuckle




Mualima: "Isaac Newton was sitting under a tree when an apple fell on his head and he discovered gravity. Isn't that wonderful?"


Mula Nasruddin Jr.: "Yes Apa, if he had been sitting in class looking at books like us, he wouldn't have discovered anything."

Notice Board


Click on image to enlarge


Sounds of Light

Reverts Course

Parenting Workshop

USQ Islamic Centre Open Day

Islamophobia Conference

Pre-Ramadan Islamic Expo

Speed Intros

Course: Road to Recovery

Annual Quran Competition

Prof Kamali Lecture

Romeo & Juliet

butter chickened!


Quran Competition: Sydney

Unity Cup Indoor Soccer Tournament


Golf Weekend



Islamic Classes for Teenagers

AMAL Muslim Helpline

OurWorld Hajj Travel Package


The CCN Date Claimer







(Click on link)





19 July



Lailatul Me'raj

10 July


Sounds of Light Concert 2009

Human Appeal International

QPAC, Southbank

1300 760 155


13 July


Symposium: Prof. Kamali - ‘Shariah: A View from the Higher Objectives’


Function Room, Runcorn Tavern, 124 Gowan Rd, Runcorn

0422 349 785


17 July


Speed Intros for Muslims

Julu Latif

Sebel Citigate Hotel, Brisbane

0400 142 786


19-21 July


National Social Cohesion Symposium & Conference: Challenging Islamophobia

Affinity Intercultural Foundation

Auditorium, Law Building, Sydney University

0400 142 786

see details

24-25 July

Fri & Sat

Romeo & Juliet: butter chickened!

NS Charity

Schonell Theatre, University of Queensland

0450 769 803

10.30am to 3pm

25 July


USQ Islamic Centre Open Day

Islamic Soc. of Toowoomba & USQ Multicultural Centre

USQ Islamic Centre, TOOWOOMBA

3735 7051

10am to 3pm

25-26 July

Sat & Sun

IBC Islamic Shopping Expo


Kuraby Special School

(03) 93862771

10am to 5pm

26 July


Mini Tennis Tournament

Shabir Elias

Griffith University, Mt Gravatt Campus

0415 467 868


26 July


Annual Quran Competition

Islamic Council of Queensland

Islamic College of Brisbane, Karawatha

3849 4876

9am to 1pm

6 August



Lailatul Baraat

8 & 9 August

Sat & Sun

New Muslim Reverts Course

Sunnah Inspirations

UQ, St Lucia campus


9.30am to 5.15pm

9 August


Unity Cup Soccer Tournament

Queensland Muslims

Acacia Ridge Futsal Centre

0412 786 168


22 August



Start of Ramadhan

4-6 September

Fri to Sun

Mini World Cup soccer tournament

Queensland Police Service

Brisbane Olympic, Cansdale Street, Yeronga

0438 114 619

9am to 9pm

5-6 September

Sat & Sun

Sydney's 5th Annual Quran Competition

Albayan Institute, Sydney

1/40A Ferndell St, Granville, SYDNEY

0424 810 689


16 September



Lailatul Qadr

19 September



End of Ramadhan

20 September




26 September



Eidfest Committee

Mt Gravatt Showgrounds

0418 722 353

All day

27 September


MBN Eid Dinner

Muslim Business Network

The Coffee Club, RNA Showground



3 October


Eid Dinner

Islamic Society of Darra

Darra Mosque, 219 Douglas St, Oxley

0418 757 157


4 October







0438 114 619

9am to 5pm

24 October


Breast Cancer Awareness

Crescents of Brisbane


0404 296 297


27 November




18 December



Islamic New Year

27 December



Day of Ashura


To claim your date for your event email ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org.




The ladies Taaleem programme this Thursday will be at the home of

Aneesa Kathrada

42 Altoft Street

 All Ladies Welcome!

Every Monday

Event: Weekly Learning Circle: Sharh Riyad-us-Saliheen (An Explanation of 'Gardens of the Righteous'

Venue: Prayer Room, University of Queensland

Time: 6.45pm to 7.30pm

Sunnah Inspirations


Contact: 0408 270 421

University of Queensland,
323 Hawken Drive, St. Lucia

Every Friday

Subject: Fiqh Made Easy

Venue: Room E215 Building 1 (Forgan Smith), University of Queensland

Time: 7pm to 7.50pm

Every Friday

Subject: Tafseer al Qur'an (Explanation of the Qur'an)

Venue: Room E215 Building 1 (Forgan Smith), University of Queensland

Time: 8pm to 9pm


Sunnah Inspirations is a non-profit organisation to cater for Muslim social support and supplying information to Muslims and non-Muslims.  They have been doing various activities around Australia, and have organised Da'wah information stalls at various universities in Brisbane.  More info can be found on their website above.


CCN @ Facebook


Catch Crescents Community News at


Please feel free to post an entry on our Wall, start up a Discussion thread and/or become a Fan.


Useful Links


Crescents Community News (CCN) Readers' Forum

 Discussion Forum & Social Network for CCN Readers

Queensland Muslim Historical Society Inc.

Promoting the study and awareness of the rich history of the Muslims of Queensland

Young Muslims of Queensland

Social network for young Muslims of Brisbane

Sunnah Inspirations

Providing information about Islam - its beliefs, culture, practices, dispelling misconceptions

Kuraby Mosque

Holland Park Mosque


Provide young Muslim women in Queensland with support and opportunities to express themselves

Gold Coast Mosque

South African National Halaal Authority (SANHA)

Muslim Womens' Convert Support Group (MWCSG)

Network of Muslim women converts from the Brisbane and Gold Coast areas of Queensland.

Australian International Islamic College (Durack)

Eidfest 2009

Kotku Mosque - Dubbo NSW

Islamic Society of Algester

Jamiatul Ulama Western Australia

Body of Muslim Theologians (Ulama, Religious Scholars)


If you would like a link to your website email ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org.


Write For Us

The best ideas and the best feedback come from our community of readers. If you have a topic or opinion that you want to write about or want seen covered or any news item that you think might be of benefit to the Crescents Community please e-mail ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org.


Share your thoughts, feelings and ambitions for our community through CCN.


If there is someone you know who would like to subscribe to CCN please encourage them to send an e-mail to ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org with the words “Subscribe Me” in the subject line.


Articles and opinions appearing in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Crescents of Brisbane Team, CCN, its Editor or its Sponsors, particularly if they eventually turn out to be libelous, unfounded, objectionable, obnoxious, offensive, slanderous and/or downright distasteful.


It is the usual policy of CCN to include from time to time, notices of events that some readers may find interesting or relevant. Such notices are often posted as received. Including such messages or providing the details of such events does not necessarily imply endorsement of the contents of these events by either CCN or Crescents of Brisbane Inc.