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Sunday, 22 October 2006

Newsletter 0102

لسلام عليكم

Crescents of Brisbane and CCN wishes all our supporters and readers


a joyous Eid

and all the very best for the day


May Allah (SWT) accept your fasting and answer all your Du'as.

Mohammad Hossain's Intensive Care: Documentary

8:30pm, Thursday 19 October, 2006


Bangladeshi student Mohammad Hossain arrived in Australia with his wife Nahida in March 2005.

By July he was suffering from severe headaches and was admitted to Liverpool Hospital. Nahida was pregnant.


Hossain’s condition was diagnosed as tuberculous meningitis and in August he was admitted to the Hospital’s Intensive Care Unit.


This documentary focused on the two months that Hossain spent in the Unit and the intensive one-on-one care that he received there as Intensive Care specialists and neurologists collaborated to find the appropriate treatment for his illness.


During the interview Nahida revealed that all she had had to eat was a little rice and a piece of meat for her meal. As Hossain's life hung in the balance on a daily basis, Nahida prayed to Allah for her husband's recovery and prepared for the birth of her child.


Support for Nahida
CCN contacted the producer of the documentary, Jenny Day, about the current status of Nahida and her baby daughter Salwa. This is part of the response from Ms Day:


Dear Editor,


As depicted at the end of the documentary, Mohammed passed away in March. Nahida and her daughter Salwa are well and trying to make a new life in Australia. It is quite difficult for her.

On a practical level, Nahida needs help with childcare for Salwa while she is studying, ideally in the Riverwood area. She also needs a better place to live than her current, rundown, one-room flat. Ideally in the Lakemba area where her Bangladeshi friends live.

But most of all she needs money because she doesn't qualify for any government assistance and her
family in Dhaka can't help.


Many thanks for your support.
Jenny Day


If you can offer any assistance in the way of money, or clothing and toys for the baby, please contact Crescents of Brisbane at theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org.

Source: http://www20.sbs.com.au/storylineaustralia/index.php?pg=doc&id=54&ax=ar


One of the most celebrated murder victims of apartheid South Africa



Ahmed Timol is one of the most celebrated murder victims of apartheid South Africa — in the grim company of Solwande ‘Looksmart’ Ngudle, Joseph Mdluli, Dr Hoosen Haffejee, Steve Biko, Neil Aggett, the Imam Haroon and so many others.

The 27th of October 2006 marks the 35th anniversary of the death of this former teacher and trained underground activist.



Ahmed Timol was detained at a police roadblock on 22 October 1971. Five days later, he plunged ten storeys and hit the ground under bushes at Johannesburg’s notorious John Vorster Square police station, named after apartheid’s worst securocrat, the man who introduced the torture laws as Justice Minister in 1963, before becoming apartheid Prime Minister.


Police claimed that Timol had jumped to his death from the 10th floor during interrogation. The Inquest findings surrounding Timol's death found that he had committed suicide and that no one was responsible for his death.


The technique of ‘defenestration’ – being teasingly dangled and sometimes dropped by accident or on purpose, from a high police window — was immortalized in his own death. So was the chilling term that Security Police would use to mock his fate, “Indians can’t fly”.

Timol's ailing mother, Hawa, made an emotional testimony at the TRC Hearings held in Johannesburg on 30 April 1996. Hawa appealed to the commission to find her son's killers and requested that a school to be named after her son.


Former President, Nelson Mandela, paid a fitting tribute to Timol when he renamed the Azaadville Secondary School to the Ahmed Timol Secondary School on 29 March 1999.


None of the policemen responsible for arresting Timol or interrogating him applied to the TRC for amnesty nor were they called to testify.


Hawa Timol passed away in May 1997 without witnessing the renaming of the school and finding out who was responsible for her son's death.



A few copies of the book: "TIMOL - A Quest For Justice" by Imtiaz Cajee are available for sale at $25 each. Contact Saleem Cajee on 0423404647. 


From the CCN Cradle




A bouncing baby boy was born to Shaheen and Amira Mulla, on 23rd September.

Baby weighed in at 2.85kgs and has been named Rayaan.

Details submitted by a very proud grandmother, Mrs. Aisha Mulla, of Springfield, Brisbane.

Brother Azeem & Zahra

On 29 September, Yasmeen Seedat and Shaheem Towner became the proud parents of baby Zahra, and in the process making Dr. Mahomed and Shireen Seedat grandparents for the second time.

All 3.3kg were delivered at the Wesley Hospital.



On behalf of all the readers of CCN we extend our hearty congratulations

to the parents and grandparents.


If you have any similar good news to report at any time please email us with the details.

AMMF Review by Waleed Ali


Allah Made Me Funny

The Official Muslim Comedy Tour 


Extracts sourced from The Sydney Morning Herald

by Waleed Ali


Perhaps, then, it is to be expected that Allah Made Me Funny is shooting for the mainstream. What began in mosques and Islamic community centres has now ventured successfully into some of the US's best-known comedy clubs, such as The Improv. This is a calculated step, designed to force Muslims and non-Muslims to come together and interact through laughter.

Also, this is a comedy tour with a pedigree. It is the brainchild of Preacher Moss, a veteran of the industry who has written for Damon Wayans, George Lopez and Saturday Night Live. Azeem has shared the stage with Steve Harvey, Adam Ferrara and John Pinette.


Moss and Azeem are black American Muslim converts of about 20 years and their roots have left an unmistakable imprint on their acts. Much of their material trades on the kind of racial observational humour mastered by Eddie Murphy and Richard Pryor.

The result is a kind of black-Muslim fusion. Azeem recalls being 17 and telling his grandmother, a devout southern Baptist, that he had become a Muslim. "I said, 'Grandma, I'm a Muslim.' She looked up and said, 'No, you're not. You ain't never been to jail."'


In many ways, Usman is the odd one out. The Chicago-born former lawyer is the only one of the trio born into a Muslim family. He is also probably the least experienced, having started performing what he calls his "Muslim schtick" only a few months before September 11. His act hasn't changed substantially since. "The main difference," he says, "is now people care."

Usman is right.


To borrow from John Howard, the times suit him. Muslims in the West find themselves in an intense spotlight, and this can be thoroughly exhausting. "Muslims need a laugh," Usman says, and Moss quips that after September 11 the tension and paranoia were so high that you couldn't even tell a Muslim a knock-knock joke. Try it, he says. "Knock knock." "Don't answer it!"


This environment guarantees no shortage of stereotypes waiting to be given the stand-up treatment. "Muslims are the most peaceful people on the planet Earth," retorts Azeem to the common perception that Muslims are violent. "Y'all don't believe it? Think about it. Mike Tyson ain't won a fight since he became a Muslim."


Like all good comedians, Azeem, Usman and Moss are quite prepared to laugh at themselves. Usman's character comedy brings us "Sheikh Abdul, the radical imam", who intersperses vitriolic lectures with announcements about double-parked cars and meetings to re-elect the mosque committee that has remained unchanged for 37 years.


There's also "Uncle Letmesplainyou", an antique Muslim who barely speaks English, has crazy political views and a voracious desire to share them, elbowing others aside to embarrass the community in television interviews. He also brags about the growth of Muslim America to people who don't care. "He's bragging to his friends at work: 'Can you believe it, Bob? Seven million Muslims in America!' He thinks Bob is impressed. He's not; he's scared."


Muslims connect immediately with these characters because they, and the elements of internal community dysfunction they represent, are so achingly familiar. Usman recounts a conversation with a friend who says he is completely uninterested in organised religion. "I said: 'Great! Become a Muslim. We're the most disorganised people on Earth!"'


In this way, Allah Made Me Funny gives Muslims permission to acknowledge and laugh at the problems in their own community, as well as to celebrate who and what they are, and to share the process with non-Muslims. "It is therapy," Usman says.


The BEST AVAILABLE seats have been released to CCN.


CCN readers can get them at the special rate of $43.90 (normal price $49.90).


Email us with your name, quantity and address and either:


POST a cheque made out to Crescents of Brisbane Inc. to:

Crescents of Brisbane Inc.

P O Box 4603

Eight Mile Plains 4113


EFT the funds to:

SUNCORP Garden City

BSB # : 484-799

ACC # : 160335037

ACC NAME: Crescents of Brisbane Inc.

Use your surname as reference

On your mark, get set......



Time to break your fast



BMBS Ghusl Class




The GHUSL session arranged for by the Brisbane Muslim Burial Society (BMBS) at the Kuraby Mosque on Sunday was very well attended with over 60 turning up to learn the ropes from Qari Fida-ur-Rahman.  


CCN Quote-of-the-Week


"I have sought to recruit many competent black people, and no sooner have we recruited them than they leave. I get so upset.... I am stopping this recruitment of black people. I am okay with my Afrikaners. they stay and do the work and become experts."


-Reserve Bank Governor Tito Mboweni, at a breakfast meeting in Johannesburg last week.


Eidfest2006: For the time of your life!



If you missed out on what Items 1, 2 and 3 were, click here and for Items 4, 5 and 6 click here


Ifthaar at Roma Street Parklands: A Show Stopper


The Queensland Multicultural Festival held last Sunday at the Roma Street Parkland catered especially for an Iftaar Dinner, bringing the day's proceedings to a brief halt as invited guests of Premier Beattie broke fast under the light of dusk and a white tent.

Dr. Rubana Moola rubs shoulders with recently appointed State Minister of Multicultural Affairs, Lindy Nelson-Carr MP.

Kyser on Constructivism


Keyser Trad will be delivering two talks in Brisbane this week (see the CCN Date Claimer below for details).

The first of them is entitled Constructive Islam, Effective Muslims.


Summary: We all know that our faith is the very salvation of humanity, it has enriched our lives as Muslims and can enrich the lives of all people.  How do we as Muslims become effective advocates of this great faith?  As our faith and values are being constantly challenged, what options are available to us as Muslims to be able to continue to enjoy our faith and share it?


The second talk will cover "the impact and aftermath of the US/Israeli war on Lebanon and the attack on Islam under the guise of Australian Values."

Your Chance to Nominate Muslim Achievers


A call for nominations for the second annual Australian Muslim Achievement Awards is being made by Mission of Hope. The aim of the awards is to recognize the achievements of Australian Muslim Individuals and Organizations.


The awards are open to any Muslim/Organization within the following 11 categories.

1) Woman of the year
2) Man of the year
3) Youth of the year (Ages 16-26)
4) Business of the year
5) Sportsperson of the year
6) Event of the year
7) Media Outlet of the year
8) Role Model of the year
9) Humanitarian/Charity agency of the year
10) Professional of the year
11) Best New community project/Initiative of the Year


A panel of interstate judges will nominate three in each category and the winners will be announced at a glittering function in Auburn, Sydney on 2 December.

You can also nominate individuals, events and organizations for the awards.

Details are available online at http://www.missionofhope.org.au/events_moredetails.php?event=18

You can help the Muslim community recognize fellow Muslim individuals and organizations, and in recognizing their achievements empower our growing community.

Nominations for Awards close on October 27th 2006.


Apple Founder is Son of an Arab


With all the stories going around (urban myths, as they turned out to be) about Apple's "Mecca Project" a cube-like structure in New York City, CCN dug up this bit of useless/interesting information.......


Steven Paul Jobs (born in 1955) is the co-founder and CEO of Apple Computer and was the CEO of Pixar until its acquisition by Disney. He is considered to be a leading figure in both the computer and entertainment industries. Silicon Valley entrepreneur, emphasizing the importance of design and understanding that aesthetics is a crucial factor in product appeal. His work driving forward the development of products that are both functional and elegant has earned him a devoted cult following.


Together with Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, Jobs helped popularize the concept of the personal computer in the late '70s. In the early '80s, still at Apple, Jobs was among the first to see the commercial potential of the mouse-driven GUI. After being pushed aside in 1985, Jobs founded NeXT, a platform development company whose 1997 buyout by Apple served as his triumphal return. He was also the chairman and CEO of Pixar until its purchase by Disney, where he now sits on the board of directors.


Steve Jobs was born in San Francisco, California to an American woman and a Syrian man—Joanne Carole Schieble and Abdulfattah John Jandali, a graduate student who later became a political science professor. One week after birth, Jobs was put up for adoption by his unmarried mother, who was also in graduate school. He was adopted by Paul and Clara (née Hagopian) Jobs of Mountain View, Santa Clara County, California. They gave him the name Steven Paul Jobs. His biological parents later married and gave birth to Jobs' sister, the novelist Mona Simpson, whom Jobs did not meet until they were adults. The marriage of his biological parents ended in divorce years later.


Are You Bubbling with Creativity and Imagination? Al-Nisa Needs YOU!


The Al-Nisa Youth Group Inc. was successful in obtaining a grant for a project under the Multicultural Affairs Queensland Muslim Community Engagement Strategy.


The project, entitled Hadarah, will be a research activity about Islam as a civilisation and its contribution to our modern society in fields such as science and medicine. 


The project will be done in two stages:


(1) The findings of the research will firstly be produced in a booklet form.

(2) They will then be presented in a mobile exhibition such as a banner or a wall hanging that can be displayed in a range of settings, such as city councils, libraries, schools, etc.


If you are between the ages of 15-25 (male or female) and would like to build up your research, artistic, communication and leadership skills, you are the person Al-Nisa wants on their team. 


Join them for an introductory meeting on the Sunday 29th October 2006 11am, at Sunnybank Hills Library, inside of the Sunnybank Hills Shopping Town (Calam and Compton Road) to find out about this exciting venture. 


Nora Amath-Rane and Halim Rane are the research leaders.


For more information, contact Nora Amath-Rane on 0422 349 786. 


It's Oil about the Oil?



The CCN Inbox




As salaam alaikum

Eid Mubarak to all our family and friends in Brisbane.   We hope  Ramadan has been has been enjoyable for all and we wish you the happiest of Eids.

Lots of best wishes, 

Farooq, Sultana, and Furqan



Dear Family and Friends around the World,

This is to wish you all a very happy Eid Mubarak, may Allah Almighty bless you all in your daus and prayers during this holy month of Ramadaan. And may you always walk the straight line. Ameen.

Fondest Salaams

Aisha, Abdulla And Nazeer Mulla

To all at CCN,

Eid Mubarak!
May Allah (SWT) fill your Eid Day with Joy & Happiness!


Shafiq Allahwala & Family



Dear CCN Team
Keep up the good work!
Best wishes from Sunny Dubai
Sarah, Kamil and Hannah Zubair




Eid Mubarak to you all and keep up the good work.





May Allah Accept your fasting and all your good Deeds for this glorious month of Ramadaan and bless you with a Day of Eid filled with love, happiness and unity.

Yaghya & Shaida Kahn



May we take this opportunity to wish you, your family, friends and loved ones,
A Happy, Blessed and Peaceful Eid …
May May Allah’s mercy and blessings be with you on Eid day and throughout the year, Insha-Allah.
May all your good deeds & dua's be accepted, wishes fulfilled and all your sins forgiven,
Have a splendid day!!
Lots Salaams and best wishes
Naziem & Azgeri Kapadi and family





Assalamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullaahi Wa Barakatuhu
May Allah-taallah grant us his Rahmat and his Maghfirat on this auspicious day.
May he accept our Ibadat and all of our Duas.
May the Almighty forgive all of our sins and unite us as one Muslim Ummah, insha-Allah.
Was Salaam,
Feisal, Fathima, Zakariyya and Zaheera Paruk




Salaams and blessings from Medina to all our Brothers, Sisters & Families in Brisbane. You are all remembered in our duas.

Eid mubaruk from

Siki, Sharifa & Farah Gutta


CCN News Teasers from around the Muslim World


Click on the title for more.


Muslim Scholars Give Open Letter to Pope In an unprecedented move, an open letter signed by 38 leading Muslim religious scholars and leaders around the world was sent to Pope Benedict XVI on Oct. 12, 2006. The letter, which is the outcome of a joint effort, was signed by top religious authorities such as Shaykh Ali Jumu'ah (the Grand Mufti of Egypt), Shakyh Abdullah bin Bayyah (former Vice President of Mauritania, and leading religious scholar), and Shaykh Sa'id Ramadan Al-Buti (from Syria), in addition to the Grand Muftis of Russia, Bosnia, Croatia, Kosovo, Slovenia, Istanbul, Uzbekistan, and Oman, as well as leading figures from the Shi'a community such as Ayatollah Muhammad Ali Taskhiri of Iran. The letter was also signed by HRH Prince Ghazi bin Muhammad bin Talal of Jordan and by Muslim scholars in the West such as .........
Source: Islamica



WASHINGTON DC — President Bush marked the end of the daily fast during the Islamic holy month of Ramadan Monday night by honoring Muslims living in the United States and Islamic nations that are helping in the war on terror.

Bush has hosted an iftar dinner annually for the last six years in the State Dining Room. This year, he opened with the traditional Ramadan greeting of "Ramadan Karim" and praised Islam for bringing "hope and comfort to more than a billion people around ..............


Bush Marks Ramadan at White House
President Bush welcomed Muslim leaders to the White House Monday evening for the traditional meal that marks the end of the daily Ramadan fast. The guests also included Muslim-Americans who serve as fire-fighters...
Source: VOA News


President, First Lady Celebrate With Muslims
The end of the Muslim month of fasting is 'a good time to reflect on the values we hold in common,' US President George W Bush said Monday night while hosting an Eid al-Fitr dinner at the White House. The Muslim guests of...
Source: dpa


Woman Wins First Parliament Seat in Bahrain
A Bahraini woman has won a seat in parliament for the first time after a deadline for candidates to contest upcoming polls in one constituency closed with only one female contender, state news agency BNA said. The...
Source: Reuters


Blair Calls Face Veil 'Mark of Separation'
Prime Minister Tony Blair stepped into the debate over the integration of Muslims into British society on Tuesday, calling the full veil worn by some Muslim women 'a mark of separation.' The use of the veil has prompted a lively...
Source: Reuters


Nobel winner may enter politics
The Bangladeshi Nobel Prize winner Muhammad Yunus has announced that he may form his own political party. Mr Yunus said he was disillusioned with the two main...
Source: BBC News


U.S. Treasury Secretary notes Muslim contributions
U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson hosted a Ramadan fast-breaking meal on Tuesday as part of administration efforts to reach out to the Muslim and Arabic community. 'Muslims play a broad and diverse role in our society...
Source: Reuters


Rich, poor pilgrims fill Mecca during Holy Month
To many pilgrims, sleeping and eating on the cool white-marbled floor of the Grand Mosque in Mecca is a heavenly luxury. For others, the luxury hotels overlooking the mosque are the place to be. Muslims flock to Mecca...
Source: Reuters


American Muslims seeking marriage, not dates
Many American Muslims - or at least those bent on maintaining certain conservative traditions - equate anything labeled 'dating' with hellfire, no matter how...
Source: New York Times


UK: Muslim wins veil lawsuit
A Muslim teaching assistant suspended after she refused to remove a veil during lessons won a victimization suit Thursday against her school. But Aishah Azmi, 24, who had insisted on wearing a veil called a niqab during...
Source: Associated Press


Extra Crispy Chicken: KFC style recipe


1 whole frying chicken, cut up

6−8 cups shortening


1 egg, beaten

1 cup milk

2 cups all−purpose flour

2 1/2 teaspoons salt

3/4 teaspoon pepper

3/4 teaspoon MSG

1/8 teaspoon Garlic Powder

1/8 teaspoon Baking Powder


Trim any excess skin and fat from the chicken pieces. Preheat the shortening in a deep−fryer to 350 degrees. Combine the beaten egg and milk in a medium bowl.


In another medium bowl, combine the remaining coating ingredients (flour, salt, pepper and MSG). When the chicken has marinated, transfer each piece to paper towels so that excess liquid can drain off.


Working with one piece at a time, first dip in egg and milk then coat the chicken with the dry flour mixture, then the egg and milk mixture again, and then back into the flour. Be sure that each piece is

coated very generously. Stack the chicken on a plate or cookie sheet until each piece has been coated.


Drop the chicken, one piece at a time into the hot shortening. Fry half of the chicken at a time (4 pieces) for 12−15 minutes, or until it is golden brown.


You should be sure to stir the chicken around halfway through the cooking time so that each piece cooks evenly. Remove the chicken to a rack or towels to drain for about 5 minutes before eating.


If you would like more of the KFC styled recipes email theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org for the complete collection.


The CCN Chuckle



Mullah Nasruddin was in trouble. He forgot his wedding anniversary. His wife, Begum,  was really angry. She told him "Tomorrow morning, I expect to find a gift in the driveway that goes from 0 to 200 in 6 seconds AND IT BETTER BE THERE!"


The next morning Nasruddin got up early and left for work. When his wife woke up, she looked out the window and sure enough there was a small box gift-wrapped in the middle of the driveway.



Confused, the wife put on her robe and ran out to the driveway, brought the box back in the house.


She opened it and found a brand new bathroom scale.


What happened to Mullah Nasruddin soon afterwards, does not bear telling!


The CCN Date Claimer


Date Day Event Organizer Venue Contact Time
23 October (provisional) Monday Ramadaan fast end        
24 October (provisional) Tuesday Eid-ul-Fitr        
27 October Friday The Multicultural Fun Night Spectacular IWAQ Logan Entertainment Centre 0422585179 6pm
27 October Friday Public Forum: Kyser Trad on Constructive Islam, effective Muslims Southside Peace Group Darul Uloom 0415710613 after Magrib
28 October Saturday Public Forum: Kyser Trad on Middle East conflict and Australian values Southside Peace Group Auditorium, Yeronga State High 0418715803 3pm
28 October Saturday Eid Nite Darra Mosque Darra Mosque, 219 Douglas St, Oxley 0418757157 after Magrib
28 October Saturday Refugee Community Picnic and Fun Day! Amnesty International Australia  Yeronga Park   from 10:30am
4 November Saturday Eidfest  Eidfest Mt Gravatt Showgrounds 0402819197 from 10am to 10pm
23 November Thursday Forum Discussion: Mysticism in Religion Sunshine Coast Interfaith Network Lecture Theatre 4, University of the Sunshine Coast ajhasemi@hotmail.com 10am to 12 noon
23 November Thursday Allah Made Me Funny: The Official Muslim Comedy Tour featuring Azar Uthman & Preacher Moss Crescents of Brisbane Inc.               with                        Arasta Productions The Main Auditorium, Brisbane City Hall 0402026786 7pm
15 December Friday Russell Peters Qld. Performing Arts Council Concert Hall 136246 7pm
31 December (provisional) Sunday Eid-ul-Adha        


Email theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org to claim a date for your event.


Write For Us

The best ideas and the best feedback come from our community of readers. If you have a topic or opinion that you want to write about or want seen covered or any news item that you think might be of benefit to the Crescents Community please e-mail



Share your thoughts, feelings and ambitions for our community through CCN.


If there is someone you know who would like to subscribe to CCN please encourage them to send an e-mail to theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org with the words “Subscribe Me” in the subject line.


Articles and opinions appearing in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Crescents of Brisbane team, CCN, its Editor or its Sponsors, particularly if it eventually turns out to be libelous, unfounded, objectionable, obnoxious, offensive, slanderous and/or downright distasteful.