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Sunday, 29 October 2006

Newsletter 0103

لسلام عليكم

Catch you ........ at The Club!



Remember the Crescents Coffee Club at Eidfest last year?


It was the place to hang out at.


This year it's going to be even bigger and better than before!


Bring your family and friends over to the Club for some of the finest coffee, tea, cakes, sandwiches and pies you are ever likely to get this side of the hemisphere.


All profits on the day will go towards the Crescents Emergency Relief Fund.


So we'll see you over a coffee at the Club, right?!




Eid Morning: Through the Words and Lenses of Safet

By Safet Avdich (knocking our Man-on-the-Mussalaah off his rug once again!) 


Asselamu Aleykum Crescent visitors of the best web said in dunyaluk, you must admit that!

This year was crowd on the Islamic school in Brisbane. We estimated that was more then 2600 people to pray to Eid naamaz.

People star to coming before 5.40 am. About 6,30 am paddock was almost fool. Section of women a was fool. Mo children then ever. All faces so happy;

Imam Yousuf Pear lid beginning tekbir. Namaaz lid Fida-Ur-Rahman, Imam from Kuraby. Imam Abdul Quddoos gayv to crowd mining of Eid day. Weary nice explain to the people way we celebrating this day. Imam from Holland Uzair Akbar gayv history of Eid day.

This tame was whit us Brother Luqman Hakim Landly, ho work whit Indonesian Muslim Schools, he is one to supporting his teachers and all wilgas school in Indonesia. He collecting money for schools supporting. Hi is hones hard working Muslim. Work for Islam in the name of Allah. My Allah blessing him and he's work.


Amin! Imam from Darra Mosque Brother Shazad Kan, gayv so beautiful dawa. So soft and so happy whit wary nice woes. Closing praying tame.

I must to tell that all organization bin dun thru hands of President QIC brother Abdul Jalal. Thanks Brother Jalal Allah reword you for honestly work for Islam in Brisbane.


I so the Brother Mian Waqar in crud. Thanks to him for hard work every Friday he served halal food front of Kuraby Mosque. Hard work for the benefit of this Mosque. Sama tame I have cranky whit him, because he parking Wen-Car front of doorway of Mosque. I for giving hem because he cering food to seeled to working people.

In the photos you ken see happy faeces of the kids.


For Safet's Photo Story click here.


Of cost, ho alls, Hajji Safet ho wrote this batfowl story for nays people Crescent riders.
For benefit of yang generation I ma Hajji Safet Avdich Young Boy 78-only.

I law you all big end small in the name of Allah.
Asselamu Aleykum to you all and Eid Mubarek to Everyone.
Hajji Safet fro the best Mosque in Brisbane, Kuraby.

Crescents Nahida Fund (CNF)


Following our story in last week's issue regarding the plight of Nahida and her 6 month daughter Salwa, CCN received a number of emails and telephone calls from readers expressing how deeply touched they were by the circumstances of the young family and offering to help with money and in kind.


As a result of the many generous offers of financial help Crescents of Brisbane has set up the Crescents Nahida Fund (CNF) to facilitate the collection of financial donations.


If you would also like to contribute, you can do so as follows:


POST a cheque made out to Crescents of Brisbane (CNF) to:

Crescents of Brisbane Inc.

P O Box 4603

Eight Mile Plains 4113




EFT the funds to:

SUNCORP Garden City

BSB # : 484-799

ACC # : 160335037

ACC NAME: Crescents of Brisbane Inc.

Enter CNF followed by your surname as the reference


A local baby goods wholesaler has offered  to put together a parcel for baby Salwa as well as a cot, blankets and towels.


If you want any further information please email theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org or call 04020 026 786.


The Crescent in Brisbane


This year the wait to observe the moon, to find out whether Eid would fall on the Tuesday, proved less onerous on Queenslanders than it has been in the past.


This time round there was no need to wait for a reported and confirmed sighting of the moon from as far afield as Perth and less still of a need to hang around the corridors of the Mosques waiting late into the night for the mobile confirmation call.


Instead, a glorious Crescent was in full view for all to see on Monday evening.


All around the State Muslim communities celebrated Eid-ul-Fitr with friends and family.


The Eid prayer at the Islamic College of Brisbane went off as smoothly and as efficiently as it has ever done in previous years, and a record crowd in excess of 2500 men, women and children of many different ethic origins prayed together as one as Imam Peer exhorted the faithful to stand tightly together, shoulder to shoulder "squeezing out the nectar of unity".


Dressed to the nines, many of the congregation stayed back after the prayer to meet and greet friends and families and partake in a plate of hot and spicy curry and rice.


Others left soon after to more intimate gatherings for lunch and dinner.


CCN's Man-on-the-Mussallah captured just some of the joy and splendour of the day in the following images:


At the Movies with CCN


In South Africa, Patrick Chamusso is a charming and loving husband to his wife Precious, and a caring father to his two young daughters. He works as a foreman at the centrally located Secunda oil refinery, which is a symbol of South Africa's self-sufficiency at a time when the world was protesting the country's oppressive apartheid system.


In his spare time, Patrick coaches a local boys' soccer team. Carefully toeing the hard line imposed on blacks by apartheid, Patrick is completely apolitical. Nic Vos is a Colonel in the country's Police Security Branch.


The shrewd and charismatic Vos strives to maintain order in volatile situations, which have become more and more frequent as the outlawed activist organization African National Congress (ANC) rallies blacks against apartheid.


Vos is also concerned for the safety of his wife and two daughters. He and his family live a world away from the Chamusso family--until the innocent Patrick comes under suspicion and is arrested (in June 1980) for sabotage of the Secunda oil refinery. His alibi is compromised, and Patrick is desperate to shield Precious from a past indiscretion and keep his job. But he is ill-prepared to withstand brutal interrogations by Vos' men.


As Vos further insinuates himself into the lives of the Chamussos, to Patrick's shock and shame, Precious herself is jailed and tortured. Although he and Precious are soon released from custody, Patrick is stunned into action and completely reorients his sense of self and purpose. He leaves his family to join up with the ANC.


Becoming a rebel fighter and political operative, Patrick is radicalized on behalf of his people and his country. He ultimately envisions a formidable and dangerous follow-up strike against the Secunda refinery, risking his own life and future. Change must and will come, for Patrick and his family, and for South Africa itself.


Source: http://movies.yahoo.com/movie/1809233829/details


New Play with a Muslim Hero!

Taxi to Jannah, a comedy with a Muslim hero presents a positive view of Muslims in America.  Briefly, the plot is as follows.

Nasruddeen, a devout Muslim, is a taxi driver in a big American city. He has a dream--to establish a small mosque in his neighborhood.  He has a problem--the only site he can afford is an abandoned Baptist church.


The play follows Nasruddeen as he attempts to overcome an avalanche of obstacles in pursuit of his goal. The result has been described as both "hilarious" and "heart-warming."


Taxi to Jannah played to sold-out houses in New York.  


It was praised for breaking stereotypes and for its authentic Muslim content--"lovely rare detail about Islamic practice"--New York Sun.

The author, Mark Sickman, was assisted in the writing by Ghazi Khankan, Sheik Ahmed Dewidar, and Sheik Omar Abu-Namous.


Eidfest2006: Only Six Sleeps Left!




Gourmet Freezer Sandwiches

If you want to save money by making your own sandwiches for lunch in advance, here are some gourmet recipes you can make in bulk and freeze. It's guaranteed you will look forward to your lunch every day with this variety! Each recipe makes six sandwiches using twelve slices of bread.


Chicken & Celery:
3/4 cup (180ml) packaged light cream cheese
1 1/4 cups (250g) finely chopped cooked chicken
1 cup thinly sliced celery
1/4 teaspoon celery salt

1 1/2 tablespoons tomato paste
4 green shallots, chopped
50g button mushrooms, sliced
1 small (150g) green pepper, chopped
180g sliced salami, chopped
1 1/2 cups (180g) grated tasty cheddar cheese.
(You can do this without the mushrooms if you like)

Carrot & Sultana:
1 cup grated carrot
1/2 cup (60g) chopped walnuts
1 cup thinly sliced celery
1/3 cup (55g) sultanas
(You can add cream cheese)

Peanut Chutney Chicken:
1/4 cup (65g) crunchy peanut butter
1/3 cup (80ml) mango chutney
1 1/4 cups (250g) finely chopped chicken

Deli Delight:
2 tablespoons pesto
1 cup (200g) ricotta cheese
2 tablespoons finely chopped seedless black olives
1/4 cup (25g) finely chopped drained sun-dried capsicum
12 slices (100g) deli meat
(You can make it without the olives)

Curried Tuna:
2 x 185g cans tuna, drained
1 cup finely chopped celery
1/4 cup (60ml) coleslaw dressing
1 tablespoon curry paste
Combine all ingredients in bowl before making sandwiches.


Source: http://www.simplesavings.com.au


Andrew Denton: God On My Side



Interview with Andrew Denton on his documentary, God on my side, screening at the Dendy.


Chinese Muslims celebrate conclusion of Ramadan






Uygurs dance and play music during the celebration of Eid al-Fitr in Urumchi, in China's western Xinjiang region

Women's Self Defence Course


Personal Safety Australia is offering a 10 hour Women's Self Defence Course to be held at Oxley over four consecutive Wednesday evenings, commencing mid-November.


This course provides a range of effective self defence techniques and practical personal safety advice to increase participants' confidence, knowledge and skills to reduce the risk of attack and to learn how to effectively respond should an attack ensue.



The techniques taught are non-strength related and are effective against attackers who are bigger, stronger and heavier than the victim/target.  The techniques are easy to commit to memory, enabling participants to retain the skills learnt over a life time. 


A range of preventative safety topics are also covered during the 10 hour course, including confidence, body language and awareness of surroundings. 


Details as follows:


Dates:   Wednesday 15/11; 22/11/ 29/11; 6/12


Times:    6.30pm - 9.00pm


Venue:  Oxley Uniting Church Hall (Ground Floor Hall), cnr Premier Street and Oxley Station Rd, Oxley


RSVP:   Monday, 6/11/06 (advise via return email or phone to book your place.  A registration form and joining instructions will then be emailed to you).  Note: Places are limited and bookings are essential. 


Cost:    $160 per person; $110 concession (pensioners, students)


Please contact Kim Jackson, the Director of Personal Safety Australia on Ph/Fax: 61 7 3379 4475 or email: kimjackson@personalsafetyaust.com and visit their website at www.personalsafetyaust.com.



Barbie in a burqah


"Finding God in a Nightclub"

Southern Star: Wednesday, October 25 2006



Quiz to get you up to speed


How much do you know about Multicultural Australia.

Test your knowledge.


Why Muslim Women Wear the Veil


The Koran, Islam's holy book and treated as the literal word of God, tells Muslims - men and women - to dress modestly. Male modesty has been interpreted to be...


Find out about different styles of Muslim headscarf


Source: BBC News

The CCN Centre Link


There is a a permanent position (six months probation) available as a Police Liaison Officer at the Upper Mt Gravatt Police Station.


The position objective requires the successful applicant to establish and maintain effective liasion between the Queensland Police Service, Muslim and Multicultrural communities in identifying the needs of communities and to enable appropriate policies and strategies to be developed to ensure equitable service delivery with the South Brisbane District of the Metropolitan South Region


For more information...


You'll Be So Sari If You Miss This

Apologies for the rather overworked pun, but we just couldn't resist!



Indian percussionist David Fernandez and Peter Dividian, one of Australia's foremost sitarists, will open the Sari Sari Night concert in Cascade Court with a blend of Indian tabla rhythms and extraordinary sitar tunes, as duo Raasa.

Vocalist Rajyashree Josyer Shrikanth will perform a selection of Indian classical music and will play the veena, a plucked, stringed instrument related to the lute.

The Bollywood Dreams Dancers and Bhangra Dance Band will round off the show.


Source: QPAC


So You're Good At Geometry?


How many sides does a circle have?


Find out



The Inbox



Salaams and (a belated) Eid Mubarak to all at CCN from South Africa.

I'm looking forward to trying out the KFC recipe soon. Is there any substitute for MSG, though? Can I just leave it out?

Please send me the full collection as well.




[Editor] As our collective knowledge here at CCN extends little beyond our ability to follow the instructions on the back of a packet of two-minute noodles, can any reader please shed light on the question of MSG?


I was heartbroken when I saw this story on television. The poor woman to have to go through all of this with no family around. I would like to make a donation to help her cause. Perhaps money is easy then there is no postage for goods which are sent to her.
Please contact me so I can make arrangements. If you would prefer baby clothes etc I am happy to help out.

[Editor] For details of the Crescents Nahida Fund see our update on the story in this Newsletter.



To all our family and friends in Brisbane
Wishing you a blessed Eid Mubarak.

May Allah accept your fasting and all your duas over Ramadaan. We hope you had a lovely day.
Abdul Aziz, Zuleikha Gutta and family (South Africa)




I would like to offer support for Nahida, let me know some details....
Many Thanks! & Regards,



Assulamo Alikum
I'm writting with regard of baby Salwa the daughter of the Bengladeshi student Mohammad Hossain and his wife Nahida. The story you put in the last Sunday issue of crescents of Brisbane. I have some new baby clothes for Salwa. Inshaallah i'll be going to pray Gomaah in Masjed of Darol-uloom in Buaranda. Please email me about your response. Thank you.


CCN News Teasers from around the Muslim World


Click on the title for more.


Indian Muslims: Where did our holiday go?
Faraz Shere knew exactly what he would do for the biggest holiday on the Muslim calendar. The night before the feast-day of Eid-ul-Fitr, he and his family would...
Source: Christian Science Monitor


Mayor: London's Muslims Suffer Discrimination
London's Muslims suffer 'serious discrimination and prejudice,' mayor Ken Livingstone said Tuesday, as he published the first- ever report into their position in...
Source: AFP


There has been much sound and fury in certain circles about the American Muslim community's support for Keith Ellison and his campaign to represent Minnesota's Fifth Congressional District. A handful of right-wing bloggers...
Source: IBN


Why This Fear of Islam?
An astute Egyptian friend recently forwarded an article that appeared in last Sunday's Independent newspaper titled 'Drunk and Disorderly: Woman in UK Are the Worst Binge Drinkers in the World...' This trend affects one...
Source: Iviews


Cabbies' Refusal to Carry Alcohol Stirs Debate
Over the past few years, a growing number of Somali taxi drivers in the Twin Cities have been interpreting Koranic prohibitions on carrying alcohol to include ferrying...
Source: Washington Post


French PM glad to see Britain debating Veil
French Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin welcomed Britain's debate about limiting Muslim veils, saying on Thursday he was glad to see London come around to...
Source: Reuters


ARCHBISHOP: Let people wear the veil
The Archbishop of Canterbury today warns politicians not to interfere with a Muslim woman’s right to wear the veil in public...saying...any ban on the veil would be 'politically dangerous...' His comments came as the Education...
Source: The Times


The CCN Classifieds



Photocopy machine valued at more than $900.  Urgent sale. Money to be sent to a youngster in Bosnia waiting for an operation in hospital.


The machine is guaranteed to make 7,000 copies with the existing ink. Written guarantee for 6 months (labour and parts).




Call  Safet on 07 3341 3323  or 04 22 171 919 or

email plana8@dodo.com.au.


The CCN Chuckle


A young boy had just gotten his driving permit. He asked his father, Mulla Nasruddin, if they could discuss his use of the car. His father said to him, "I'll make a deal with you. You bring your grades up, study hard, and get your hair cut, then we will talk about it."


A month later the boy came back and again asked his father if they could discuss his use of the car. His father said, "Son, I'm real proud of you. You have brought your grades up, you've studied diligently, but you didn't get your hair cut!"


The young man waited a moment and replied, "You know Dad, I've been thinking about that. You know Samson had long hair, Moses had long hair, Noah had long hair, and even Jesus had long hair."


Mulla Nasruddin replied, "Yes son, and they walked everywhere they went!"


The CCN Date Claimer


Date Day Event Organizer Venue Contact Time
28 October Saturday Eid Nite Darra Mosque Darra Mosque, 219 Douglas St, Oxley 0418757157 after Magrib
28 October Saturday Refugee Community Picnic and Fun Day! Amnesty International Australia  Yeronga Park   from 10:30am
4 November Saturday Eidfest  Eidfest Mt Gravatt Showgrounds 0402819197 from 10am to 10pm
18 November Saturday Brisbane Muslim School FETE   BMS 724 Blunder Road, Durack 3372 1400 10.30am to 2.30pm
23 November Thursday Forum Discussion: Mysticism in Religion Sunshine Coast Interfaith Network Lecture Theatre 4, University of the Sunshine Coast ajhasemi@hotmail.com 10am to 12 noon
23 November Thursday Allah Made Me Funny: The Official Muslim Comedy Tour featuring Azar Uthman & Preacher Moss Crescents of Brisbane Inc.               with                        Arasta Productions The Main Auditorium, Brisbane City Hall 0402026786 7pm
15 December Friday Russell Peters Qld. Performing Arts Council Concert Hall 136246 7pm
31 December (provisional) Sunday Eid-ul-Adha        



Email theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org to claim a date for your event.


Write For Us

The best ideas and the best feedback come from our community of readers. If you have a topic or opinion that you want to write about or want seen covered or any news item that you think might be of benefit to the Crescents Community please e-mail



Share your thoughts, feelings and ambitions for our community through CCN.


If there is someone you know who would like to subscribe to CCN please encourage them to send an e-mail to theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org with the words “Subscribe Me” in the subject line.


Two sides: inside and outside




Articles and opinions appearing in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Crescents of Brisbane team, CCN, its Editor or its Sponsors, particularly if it eventually turns out to be libelous, unfounded, objectionable, obnoxious, offensive, slanderous and/or downright distasteful.