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Sunday, 16 September 2007

Ramadhaan 1428 A.H.

Newsletter 0149

This week's CCN is kindly sponsored by

MnM Packaging Australia

Ramadan goodwill messages - continued


Message from the Right Honourable, the Lord Mayor of Brisbane, Campbell Newman


Ramadan is observed by Muslim people around the world. It is a time to strengthen the bonds of family and community.



I am proud to be Lord Mayor of an inclusive city of many cultures and faiths, where diversity and difference is valued. 


My best wishes to Crescents of Brisbane and the Brisbane Muslim community at this special time.


Campbell Newman



We wish all our family and friends Ramzaan Mubarak. May Allmighty Allah bless your homes and yourselves during this beautiful month of Ramzaan. Let us not forget the needy, distraught , powerless and above all the hungry.
May your duas be answered. Ameen

With fondest salaams

Abdulla, Aisha and Naz



It is with humility that we extend to one and all a very joyous Ramadhaan Mubaarak.

We sincerely hope  and pray that The Almighty Allah accept our humble efforts, supplications, and Ibaadaat in this Holy Month.


We will also remember our forefathers who embraced the Deen of Allah and also our forefathers who sacrificed so much to make our lives easier.

We make special dua for the Ummah in general and for those that have left this world - May Allah forgive them and grant them Maghfirat and elevate them in Jannatul-Firdaus.


We should also remember those who are ill - we again make supplications to Allah to grant them Shifa. 

Let us take time to Reflect in ths Holy Month of Ramadhaan when we will do some soul searching - Insha Allah.

Finally, let us remember each other with sincerety Insha Allah, Aameen.


Aboobaker Khatree and family

Brisbane, Australia



As salaam alaikum wrwb

May Almighty Allah SWT shower His choicest of blessing, Barakah, and Rahmah on you and your family and may all your duas be fulfilled in this Blessed month of Ramadhan inshallah.

Have a blessed Ramadhan and please remember us in your duas.


Habib  Jamal & Family


Today we see the start of Ramadan, an important time in the calendar for a great number of Australian citizens.


I would like to extend to the Muslims of Australia best wishes for this month of fasting, a ritual that many of the 340,000 Muslims around this country will undertake over the next 30 days.


During Ramadan Muslims will not partake of food or drink from sunrise to sunset and they will engage in extra prayers. The month of Ramadan marks the revelation of the Koran, the holy book of Islam, about 1,400 years ago.


Sue Boyce

Senator for Queensland


Part of a speech on citizenship delivered in Senate this week in which Senator Boyce also discussed the role and contributions of Muslims to Australian society.


Asalaamu Alaikum,

Ramadan Mubarak to all. Please remember us in your pious duas in this blessed month.

Yahya and Zaida Hasham and Family



Our dua for each and everyone of you is that the Almighty fill your homes with blessings, abundant sustenance and lots of love and laughter .

Ramadan Mubarak

Imrana Noormahomed & Family


I would like to take this opportunity to welcome Ramadan and wish you all a successful and fruitful Ramadan. I pray that you get all that you ask for and more. May Ramadan bring along with it happiness and may it cure you and your family from any illness and may it bring with it unity amongst you, your family and friends.

Please forgive me for my short comings and if I have I offended you in anyway.

Salam Alaikoum

Abdullah Ibrahim
Muslim Employment Worker
Acces Services Inc.


May this blessed month bring you and your family lots of Baraqah. Insha-Allah
May the Angels descend and make themselves comfortable in your home.
May all your sorrows be lifted and replaced with wonderful blessings,

May Allah give us the contentment and sabr we need for this month and always Insha-Allah.
May all Dua's made by you and for you be granted Insha-Allah Ameen.
I ask maaf for anything that I may have done or said that may have hurt or offended you in any way.
May this be a month of new beginnings INSHA-ALLAH.
With LOVE and the best of DUA'S always

Noor Osman & Family


Assalamu alaikum warahmatullah.

Ramadan Mubarak to you and your family. The blessed month is once gain at our door to remind us the generosity of Allah and his special favours for all of us. May Allah keep us well and enable us to fast and pray the way His messenger, peace be upon him, and his companions had done. We ask Allah for His forgiveness and favours for successes in both worlds. May Allah accept your fasting, charity and prayers and guide us to Jannat.

Fi amanillah.

Dr Shahjahan Khan


Ramadaan Mubarak 


The heavens have been flung open, the gates of Hell shut tight, the rains of Rahmah

have begun pouring down upon our hearts and our souls.

It is indeed, the month of ibadah, divine bounty and blessing in which the

reward of good deeds are multiplied greatly.


                     May Allah weigh your Ibadaat in gold, count your blessings with stars,

cover your entire soul in the barakat of dua’s,

grant you Sabr, Health and Guidance, Inshallah.

May all your Good Deeds, Heart's Desire's & Dua's be accepted in

this blessed month of Ramadaan,

May all your wishes be fulfilled and all your sins forgiven, Aameen... 

Remember us in your duas.


Ramadaan is a month of generosity. Ibn “Abbas said “ The Prophet (SAW) was the most generous

of people but he would be his most generous during Ramadaan.”


With best wishes from:

Yusuf, Sabera & Basheera Khatree

Zubair, Raeesa, Sahal & Aaliyah Khatree

Nazeera & Altaf Rasool


Message from our Man-on-the-Mussallaah



CCN will continue to publish Ramadan messages as we receive them.


A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum!

By CCN's Man-on-the-Mussallah



Despite Dr. Mohammed Abdalla's impassioned appeal at the Kuraby Mosque during his Friday sermon the previous

week exhorting the faithful to attend the Muslim political forum there was a disappointingly low turnout on the Sunday.


The prospect of a Hillsong style extravaganza with Howard and Rudd momentarily sneaking away from the APEC circus and ringmaster Bush to make a satellite appearance at the forum was doomed from the start and predictably failed to materialize. 


The less than 100 people who did bother to show up and spread themselves around the 400-seater lecture theatre at the Griffith University were given a well qualified rundown on the niceties of the electoral process by Dr. Paul William who explained the preferential system, the Senate quota, the voting cards for the House of Representatives and the Senate, the role of the Senate and much more on the subject.


Suliman Sabdia

Mr Suliman Sabdia, President of the Islamic Council of Queensland, opened the forum and was followed by Master Mohammed Peer (winner of the recent ICQ Quran recitation competition) with a rendition of Quranic verses that would have left even the uninitiated more than just a little impressed. Dr. Sadeq Mustapha was then called on to give a full translation of what had just been recited.

Mohammed Peer


Then came the Senators Ludwig and Barlett to lay on the Muslim spread both thick and fast. Things were going along rather hunky-dory until a certain Independent candidate Mr. James Baker came in search of the elephants in the room (as unlikely a euphemism for homegrown terrorists as you are ever likely to find) and, in so doing, almost, just almost spoilt the party. He accused politicians of ignoring fears of Islamic extremism to win votes. Brandishing copies of newspaper articles on terrorist threats, Mr Baker continued his crusade suggesting that terrorism fears among non-Muslim communities were rising because the Muslim community was not addressing extremism internally.


Presenters were awarded a Mars bar chocolate if, in the opinion of the the person who asked the question, it was answered competently and to the point, and a Freddo chocolate if the answer was deemed wanting and weak. The fact that there were more Mars bars being dispensed than Freddos reflected on the very convivial atmosphere that prevailed through most of the day. Even James Baker conceded a Mars bar for the response he got over his hitherto elusive elephants.



Joe Ludwig

The afternoon stage was now set for the showdown between the Moreton candidates, Hardgrave, Perrett and Soliman. With Hardgrave deciding not to make an appearance at the eleventh hour, it became a two-horse contest that, as one cynic argued, should have also been subjected to the same restrictions as were imposed by the equine flu epidemic.


Arch Bevis referred to the speech of a colleague (Tony Burke) to explain the difference between the concepts of integration and assimilation: Assimilation meant a melting pot. Ingredients from all over the world would produce soup and that soup was going to be one flavour. Integration, on the other hand, was the concept of the salad bowl. There would be a flavour, but each ingredient would continue to retain its identity. And we all know that salad's good for you, right?!

The Coalition was not very liberal with its candidates with virtually no one of note from either House turning up.

With opinion polls going the way they are Liberal politicians might have been, in all likelihood, spending every available moment regrouping and repositioning themselves for the upcoming elections.


Emad Soliman


And the one person they would have been more than pleased to have avoided was lawyer for Dr. Haneef, Peter Russo, who graced the occasion with his presence and cleared up a few issues in the process.


The presentation by the Greens candidate for Griffith, Willy Bach,  was followed by a lecture on Islam and democracy by Dr. Abdalla.


While the programme was intended to (and in fact did) give all parties an equal opportunity to present their cases and answer questions one could not avoid walking away with the feeling that the dominant hue on the day was a distinct shade of orange.


CCN gets Up Close and Personal with..........


Ms. Rashida Joseph

[CCN] Assalaamuilaikum and thank you Rashida for taking time out of your busy day to allow us to talk with you. Let’s start by asking you what your role in the Muslim Community Reference Group (MCRG) is.

[RJ] Currently I am one of the representatives in the Muslim Community Reference Group.  I am acting therefore, in an advisory capacity to State Government, representing the needs of the greater Queensland Muslim community. The participation of the community in approaching us with their advice is therefore, very important.  I urge members of the Muslim community to please be active, and as I do not know everyone, I must rely on them to approach me or other members of this vital group.

[CCN] Tell us a little about your family background

[RJ] I was born in Sydney to a Lebanese father and mother of mixed European background.  I grew up in a Catholic family that sourced its spiritual impulses from the radical Christian theologians who aligned themselves with the poor of the world and not so much the bureaucracy of the Church.  I have thus grown up in a left wing family, and to this day my activism is linked to my spiritual beliefs.  I am deeply indebted to my parents who gave me a sense of human dignity and a profound interest in those who suffer from existence at the hard edges of this world, regardless of ethnicity or religion. 

[CCN] How did you come about discovering Islam?

[RJ] I became intensely interested in Islam when I was around 19 years of age, after having been horrified by the Church’s support of the Vietnam war.  I was a committed Christian, so my conversion to Islam has been for me, not a big change as much as a continuation and intensification of my beliefs and practices.  My main inspiration has come from the great Sufi mystics who responded to Allah ta’ala from the depths of their being. 

[CCN] How has Islam influenced your life?

[RJ] Due to my Islamic faith, I have found myself opening pages in my life, that I am sure would not have opened in another life context.  Having begun my interest in Islamic culture and ‘exotic’ locations at an early age, I was very lucky to become a student of a great Shaykh in Morocco, who welcomed me into his home and taught me an Islam that is rare to see in the Modern world.  A husband and wife whose religion was indelibly marked into their soul, my faith was transmitted at a deep level, experiencing the beauty of Islam, not through books but through action and life, from moment to moment and oral teachings. 

[CCN] You have been a tireless worker for the underprivileged and the disadvantaged over the years. What are some of the projects you have worked on?

[RJ] I have travelled and worked overseas extensively in Aid and Development, including delivery of internal hygiene programmes in India, establishing support networks for Indian women working in the sex trade in Bombay, establishing universal education for Moroccan girls under 12, post-prison rehabilitation programmes for non-English speaking men and women in Sydney, various women’s activities programmes and the major work of my life working with refugee and displaced peoples in various places in the world, including here in Australia. I work now with refugee groups here in Brisbane, and also do cross-cultural consultancy and training.

[CCN] In between all of this you also notched up a number of qualifications and achievements.

[RG] I have formal qualifications in Sociology, Linguistics, Counselling and Mediation, with an unfinished degree in Mathematics.  I also was awarded a Centenary medal for Excellence in Service Provision to Migrants and Refugees in Australia. 

[CCN] This is a remarkable track record for any one person. What does the future hold for Rashida Joseph?

[RJ] After 30 years of work, I would now like to mentor some young people interested in this work, in order to pass on some of the skills that I have learned in my large experience of many cultural life discourses. I also care for my mother who is my only living relative and she is now 87 years of age.   

[CCN] When you do get a spare moment or two how do you spend them?

[RJ]  My hobbies are sports of many kinds (particularly rowing), writing, interfaith and peace studies, dhikr and meditation, Traditional Arts, cooking and eating and spending time with friends.    

[CCN] What would it take to make our world a better place?

[RJ] I am strongly concerned with the modern person’s inability to concentrate, to keenly observe phenomena and their lack of patience. Out of these weaknesses, come most of our world problems.  

[CCN] You not only work on the MCRG but with other communities as well.

[RJ] I have a strong connection with many Catholic, Christian and Buddhist groups. I have also been profoundly affected by a life long association with Australian and American Indigenous communities, having grown up in the inner Southside of Brisbane and been intimately involved in the early Land Rights movement here in Australia. I am currently a Board Member of the Multicultural Development Association and an active member of the international Anti-Slavery movement.

[CCN] You have done a fair bit of travel over the years.

[RJ] Yes, I have worked and lived in the Middle East, North Africa and India. As a tourist I have visited Italy, France, England and Malaysia. I am very interested to travel to Northern Europe now, as I am fascinated by cold climate cultures.

[CCN] What's your favourite food?

[RJ] Although in my childhood home I ate mainly Lebanese food, I now mainly like Asian food, although I like European food as well, especially good English and French cuisine. I spend quite a bit of my time with friends, eating and talking.

[CCN] You must spend a great deal of time reading

[RJ] Books are probably my best friends (along with cups of tea!) and my private library is a rather vast collection of books on spirituality and faith of many traditions. I am, however, at the moment reading a wonderful book called the ‘The Shadow of the Silk Route’ by Colin Thubron, who has written so intelligently and beautifully about amazing places in the world.

[CCN] I hear you have quiet an eclectic taste in music

[RJ] I love music but don’t like to become too dependent on the emotional sides of music. However, I like live music and attend concerts when I can. My interest is in traditional music from all over the world, some modern music like Nick Cave, Eva Cassidy, KD Laing and a few others. I also love some European and Asian classical music.

[CCN] Rashida, thank you for giving CCN readers the opportunity to get so up close and personal with you.  We appreciate your willingness to talk with us and we wish you every success for the future, inshaAllah.





[Editor] If you would like CCN to get Up Close and Personal with anyone drop us a line.


Bush Bloopers


...that would have made any Johnny blush!


Watch the video


The CCN Cut 'n Paste Media Monitor


Islamist students 'spreading hate'

RADICAL international university students are posing a greater security threat than hardline sheiks by spreading extremist messages at Australian mosques and prayer halls.

Moderate Muslims warned yesterday that international students should be forced to undergo training about the Australian way of life to counter their radical interpretations of Islam.

The former chairman of John Howard's Islamic reference board, Ameer Ali, said some international students needed to be stopped from poisoning the minds of local Muslims.

"The danger here is that universities are becoming the hotbeds for fundamentalist views among students," he told The Australian.

"They (international students) go to the mosque and they mix around with the community and bring those same views into Australia. They have a negative influence on student attitudes towards religion.

"The students who come here, they come with the views (they've developed) in their own countries - it can be Shia Islam in Iran or Wahabbi Islam in Saudi Arabia. These are the agents of change we are facing now."

...... read the rest.









ABC National Radio Interview:


How do religious communities understand their role in connecting with the wider society - particularly in working with people in need? Australian Muslims and Christians face different issues - one group's perceived isolation from the mainstream, the other's wealth and institutional focus.


CLICK HERE to listen.



FAIR Media Awards hailed as a great success


Michael Vincent formerly from ABC radio PM and AM program receives the Meccan Award for excellence in Journalism (radio) from Monica Attard from ABC Media Watch program.
Michael has produced dozens of reports on the Muslim community and particularly impressed the FAIR selection committee with his report about an ethnic Uygur Australian who was the first person to be arrested after September 11 2001 on terrorism related charges in Kazakhstan. He is still being held in prison in that country.

Over the past five years the media has reported on the Muslim community in an unprecedented volume of reportage. While the bulk of it has been negative and the Muslim community has felt under siege, amongst the frenzy there has been some positive reportage in the print media, radio and television, reporting the issues in a very informative, balanced and responsible way.

Selected members of the media profession were presented with special awards in recognition of the work that they do in promoting community harmony and awareness of the issues.

FAIR Executive Director Kuranda Seyit said, "I genuinely believe that we are seeing a turning point in the reporting of Muslim issues. The journalists themselves are aware of the immense impact that they have on communities and there has been an observable change in the general reporting. So we want to recognise those who have made a real contribution to reporting on Muslim issues over the past several years."

These awards were based on research about journalists who have reported on Muslim community affairs or issues and attempted to portray the issues in a fair and balanced way.


Amongst the recipients was one of Australia's most respected investigative journalists Mark Davis. Presently he is the senior journalist on SBS Television's award winning current affairs program Dateline. He has covered many issues pertaining to Islam in the Middle East and South East Asia and his work has always been exemplary.

"The key word here is balance and generally speaking they have achieved that. The other recipients are equally applauded for their consistency and high level of output. I want to mention SBS news reporter Ashleigh Nghiem as one of the outstanding journalists of her time and The Sutherland Leader's Murray Trembath. Likewise, The Sydney Morning Herald ran a very informative and positive series about the Faces of Islam, and Hamish McDonald will be recognised as one of the outstanding reporters in this series." Mr Seyit said.

The inaugural 2007 FAIR media awards dinner was held on Saturday, 8 September 2007 at the Bosphorus Lounge in Auburn, Sydney.


The night began with Rumi poetry recitations by Kuranda Seyit accompanied by Kim Sanders on the neyy. This was followed by a welcome by Sheikh Naeem Abdul Wali and Lesley Gissane from the MCCA.

The Hon Tanya Plibersek (Shadow Minister for Women and Youth) spoke about the future directions of Australia's youth. There was a performance by Linda Marr and then the launch of the Into the Looking Glass Report on Muslim youth by Hon Paul Lynch (Minister for Local Government) before the formal proceedings went underway.

Professor Jake Lynch (former BBC presenter) was the MC for the awards presentations and Hanifa Deen (Melbourne author of Broken Bangles) addressed the audience on relations with the media.

The recipients for the awards were:

Taghred Chandab Sun Herald Crescent Award
Murray Trembath Sutherland Leader Al Bukhari Award
Linda Morris Sydney Morning Herald Hafsah Award
Eddie Abd SBS Arabic Radio Ummah Award
Mike Steketee The Australian Ibn Battuta Award
Hamish McDonald Sydney Morning Herald Al Quds Award (Faces of Islam)
Michael Vincent ABC Radio Medinan Award
Peter Kirkwood ABC TV Compass Ibn Battuta Award
Geraldine Doogue ABC Compass Astrolabe Award
Mark Davis SBS TV Dateline Mevlana Award
Ashleigh Nghiem SBS TV News Meccan Award

A special address by Jeff McMullen on "Who the bloody hell's country is this anyway" was quite fascinating.
Of course the Skoody was launched and even Laurie Ferguson had a cucumber chopped on his chest with a samurai sword.

Feedback from all and sundry was that this was a great event and promoted great relations with the media. People were impressed by the array of journalists who attended in support of the event and the quality of the speakers and award recipients.

Source: Adapted FAIR media release


Indian becomes Chief


Ms Bligh is seen introducing herself to Dr Rubana Moola, the Secretary General of the Muslim Business Network and member of the Eidfest organizing committee

If you're wondering who the unfamiliar face on the right of the photograph is, it happens to be that of the very newly appointed Premier of Queensland, Anna Bligh, who was also recently anointed as the Indian of the Year at a gala awards function.

CCN congratulates Ms Bligh on her appointment and wishes her and her family strength and success during the challenging times ahead.

"Behind that affable, easy-going personality lies a strong and determined woman with great resolve and conviction", said our Man-on-the-Mussallah on hearing of her promotion, having met with Ms Bligh on several occasions at social and business events while she was Deputy Premier and Treasurer.



The Algester Alert


The Algester Mosque continues with its tradition of serving up its famous barbequed chickens and steak rolls after taraweeh every Saturday night in Ramadan.


The Mosque courtyard has been a popular watering hole on Saturday nights after a hard week of fasting and prayer.



Muslim Youth and Volunteering


Volunteering Australia and the Australian Multicultural Foundation, together with ORIMA Research, conducted a number of focus groups with Muslim youth and not for profit organisations.


This research looked at the experiences and attitudes to volunteering of young Muslim men and women in Lakemba (Sydney), Melbourne and Shepparton ( Vic).


The research found that was significant scope to increase the participation of Muslim youth in volunteering activities, as Muslim youth tend towards a positive predisposition towards volunteering.


The idea that volunteering forms a significant part of being a good community member emerged as a common cultural norm among Muslim youth.


Download full research report (24 pages)

Download Research Bulletin (4 pages)



Saheri program on the wireless


A Saheri program prepared and sponsored by the Queensland Association of Fiji Muslims will be broadcast on Radio Brisvaani 1701AM throughout the month of Ramadan starting from 3.30 am.


This program broadcasts Quran Tilawat in English making it easy for all to understand.


The program can also be heard simultaneously on the Internet at www.brisvaani.com.


A perfect way to start your day for Ramadan.


Ramadan Timetables for Downloading


Need a Ramadan timetable for your area then go to www.islamicfinder.org and search for your city or town. Then click on the Ramadan Prayer Times link on the page.


Ramadan Timetables for major Queensland cities prepared earlier by QMT:

Gold Coast
Mount Isa


Brisbane - by Australia International Islamic College



AMARAH a big hit at Brisbane Writers Festival

Report by Halim Rane


(L to R) Jasmine Khan, Nora Amath and Halim Rane

This year’s Brisbane Writers Festival featured Reflections: Young Muslims on the Contribution of Islamic Civilisation to Humanity, which was written by Muslim youth from Brisbane and edited by Nora Amath and Halim Rane.


On Thursday 13 September, the opening day of the Festival, a capacity crowd were in attendance to hear AMARAH members Halim Rane, Nora Amath, and Jasmine Khan discuss the role of women in Islam, Islamic civilisation, and the impressive array of contributions Islam has made to humanity.

BWF sell out crowd


Festival organisers were overwhelmed by the public response to the AMARAH session, which was not only ‘sold out’ but, according to the organisers, ‘could have been sold out three times over’.


Halim, Nora, and Jasmine spoke on the history and essential teaching of Islam, the development and contributions of Islamic civilisation, and the important role that Muslim women historically played in Muslim societies.


They also responded to questions from the audience concerning women in Islam today, Islamic law, governance and public administration, conflict and violence, prejudice and racism against Muslim, and a number of other issues.


457 Visa holders


Muslim Journalist Refused Entry

Brisbane Writers' Festival Media Release Wednesday 12 September


The Brisbane Writers Festival is disappointed to announce the cancellation of international guest Abdel Bari Atwan as the Department of Immigration and Citizenship has not been able to process his visa application in time for the Festival. 


Editor-in-Chief of al-Quds al Arabi, a major Arabic newspaper published in London, Abdel Bari Atwan is a journalist of international reputation.  Palestinian born, he has been a UK citizen for the past 30 years.  


Festival director Michael Campbell says, “I am appalled and embarrassed in equal parts by this situation.  His latest book The Secret History of al-Qa’ida is a book which in no way endorses al-Qa’ida or any of its objectives but rather makes the important point that if we are to combat terrorism, we must understand those who advocate it.” 


Michael Campbell explains, “Mr Atwan has not been able get a visa to visit this country as a guest of the Brisbane Writers Festival.  It is bizarre that DIMA in Australia say they have no record of his application, even though it was submitted in the UK.   To my knowledge Mr Atwan has never been refused a visa to visit any other country.  He has travelled internationally, including as a guest of Boston, Chicago and Harvard Universities in the United States – most recently in April this year.”


Speaking from his home in the UK, Abdel Bari Atwan says, “ I am seeking legal advice and I am talking to a top international human rights lawyer. If there are legal grounds I will sue the Australian government.  I consider this as racial discrimination against me as a Muslim, as an Arab.  The use of this delaying tactic is tarnishing my image.  It is the worse type of censorship and intimidation and it has never happened to me before.”


Mr Atwan’s UK Publisher, Little Brown Director, Richard Beswick says, “Mr Atwan brings a Muslim’s sensibility to the most important story of our times, while remaining cool and detached in its telling.  In the week when Osama Bin Laden has appeared again on our televisions Mr Atwan – who met Bin Laden in the Tora Bora caves – has vital advice for Western governments and their allies in their approach to terrorism.  That anybody should be prevented by hearing that advice is a real cause for outrage and a shocking instance of a government ignorantly patronising its citizens.” 


Campbell says Atwan’s event with journalist David Marr on Thursday morning will proceed without him. He also says if Abdel Bari Atwan’s visa application is processed after the Festival, he would still be very happy to host an event.


Ramadan Video Series


"In the Shade of Ramadan" is a video series of short educational and motivational reflections on the month of Ramadan produced by the Muslim American Society (MAS) featuring different speakers from around America.  


Thirty episodes are being produced and are being uploaded daily on the MAS Youth web site, http://www.masyouth.net/ramadan. The first season (2006) of the series  received more than 19000 views. 

Logon to http://www.masyouth.net/ramadan to view the videos.


The Alphabet Soup of Muslim Organizations and Institutions





No completely correct entries were received.



The answers are:





 1. GIRU

Griffith Islamic Research Unit


Australian Federation of Islamic Councils


Australian Muslim Advocates for the Rights of All Humanity


Islamic Women's Association of Queensland


Islamic College of Brisbane

6. COB

Crescents of Brisbane

7. ICQ

Islamic Council of Queensland

8. MBN

Muslim Business Network


Muslim Community Reference Group

10. MY Services

Muslim Youth Services

11. CCN

Tough one!

12. QMT

Queensland Muslim Times


Federation of Australian Muslim Students and Youth

14. MSA

Muslim Students Association

15. AIIC

Australian International Islamic College

16. IFA

Islamic Females Association

17. IRL

Islamic Rugby League



19. BMBS

Brisbane Muslim Burial Society

20. I-CARE

Islamic Care


The CCN Centre Link


Free Certificate 2 in business, 9am-2.30, call Sushil at Access Services Inc on 38089299


What's happening in our neck of the woods......


Click on image to enlarge



Hajj Package presentations

by OurWorld Travel

Hajj Seminar

by Kuraby Mosque

Ramadan Programme

at the Darul Uloom

Iftaar with IFA,

Al-Nisa & MYServices


Crescents' Health


Breast Cancer Awareness

register online

MBN Eid Dinner QMT Unity Cup (Futsal) Eidfest2007      


Kareema's Keep Fit Column



Q: Kareema, during Ramadan I generally lose a few kilos but tend to put it straight
back on after Eid. What can I do to curb this?





A: Make walking a part of your daily routine. Allow yourself to 'feast' on Eid (keep it as healthy as possible)! The weeks following Ramadan is when you should start controlling your meal portion size. Try 5 smaller meals throughout the day, instead of 3 big ones. This will help with your metabolism (body's ability to convert food to fuel) as well. Remember, the more you eat, the more you need to move.

THINK OF MOVEMENT AS AN OPPORTUNITY, NOT AN INCONVENIENCE - and slowly but surely, you'll see and feel the difference!!!



Need an answer to a fitness related matter? Send your question to Kareema at  fitness@crescentsofbrisbane.org.

All questions sent in are published here anonymously and without any references to the author of the question.


The Inbox


Dear CCN,


Jazaak Allah for putting my appeal for Fitrah in last week's CCN. It is very much appreciated. However, there has been a slight change. In my appeal I mentioned "Proceeds of which are used to make food hampers for distribution".

Due to the severe food shortages the Fitrah Committee has decided that this year instead of making Food Hampers, they will give out cash to the needy Muslims.

One may ask what will they do with cash when there are food shortages.
1) They will have cash available when food does become available.
2) Others now go across the border to buy food.

Hence the decision by the committee to give out cash.

Jazaak Allah for your support.

Was Salaam
Faisel Essof



[Editor] We have been informed that Fitrah is $10 this year.


The Culinary Corner






½ kg mutton or one chicken (deboned)

2 tsp mashed ginger & garlic

1 tsp salt

1sml finely sliced onion

4 medium sized green chillies

½ cup oil or ghee (clarified butter)

1tsp tumeric powder

green shallot

dhania & mint leaves to taste

1 Box Haleem Mix



  1. Boil the box of Haleem Mix in 2 ½ litres of water on low heat.

  2. Use a separate pot to heat oil or ghee

  3. Braise onion adding neatly cut and washed meat or chicken

  4. Mash together garlic, ginger, green chilli, tumeric and salt

  5. Cook meat dry stirring gently for 25/30 minutes then add a cup of water and cook until tender.

  6. Add tender meat to Haleem mixture and cook for an 1 ½ hours.

  7. Add packet of oats enclosed (with Haleem Mix) and cook for approximately half hour or more.

  8. Finally add cut up dhania leaves, shallot and mint.


Serve hot with a dash of lemon juice!!

Source: South African National Halaal Authority Halaal e-Bulletin 15 (September 2007 / Ramadaan)

Send an email to helpline@sanha.org.za to subscribe to the SANHA newsletter



Do you have a recipe to share with CCN readers?
Send in your favourite recipe to theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org and who knows, you could be our "guest chef" for a future edition of CCN.


The CCN Chuckle



Mula Nasruddin had serious hearing problems for a number of years.



He went to the doctor and the doctor was able to have him fitted for a set of hearing aids that allowed him to hear perfectly well again.


He went back to the doctor a month later and the doctor said, "Mulu Nasruddin, your hearing is perfect. Your family must be really pleased that you can hear again."



Mula Nasruddin replied, "Oh, I haven't told my family yet. I just sit around and listen to the conversations. I've changed my will three times!"


.....and now a word from this week's sponsor........... MnM Packaging Australia



Contact Yahya on 0403 338 040 or Abdul on 0412 268 665


The CCN Date Claimer





(Click on link)





14 September


Start of Ramadan

18 September


Lecture: 'Emergency Techniques; Safety in and around the Home'

Logan Women's Health and Wellbeing Centre

25 Ewing Road, Woodridge

0405 448 045


23 September


Annual General Meeting

Islamic Council of Queensland

Rochedale Mosque

0407 19 7768


23 September


Hajj Seminar

Kuraby Mosque

Kuraby Community Hall

0431 300 111


29 September


Girls Iftar

IFA, Al-Nisa, MYServices

Kuraby Community Hall

0422 954 902


12 or 13 October

Friday or Saturday

End of Ramadan

13 or 14 October

Saturday or Sunday


14 October


Queensland Multicultural Festival

Multicultural Affairs Queensland

Roma Street Parkland

3872 0756(ext:21756)

All day

20 October


Womens' Health Workshop: Breast Cancer Awareness

Crescents of Brisbane

Kuraby State Special School Hall


1.30pm - 5pm

20 October


Gala Family Eid Dinner


RNA Showgrounds

0402 032 506


21 October


QMT Unity Cup (Futsal)


Acacia Ridge Futsal Centre, 1391 Beaudesert Rd.

0412 786 168

All day

27 October


Qld Eidfest 2007

Qld Eidfest

Mt Gravatt Showgrounds


10am to 10pm

19/20 November

Monday & Tuesday

Queensland Multicultural Summit ‘07



State Library of Queensland

3844 9166

All day

23 November


Kuraby Special School Bike Track Fund Raiser Dinner


Crescents of Brisbane, Kuraby Lions & Chinese Lions


0402 026 786


20/21 December


Thursday or Friday


To claim your date for your event email theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org.


Write For Us

The best ideas and the best feedback come from our community of readers. If you have a topic or opinion that you want to write about or want seen covered or any news item that you think might be of benefit to the Crescents Community please e-mail



Share your thoughts, feelings and ambitions for our community through CCN.


If there is someone you know who would like to subscribe to CCN please encourage them to send an e-mail to theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org with the words “Subscribe Me” in the subject line.


Articles and opinions appearing in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Crescents of Brisbane team, CCN, its Editor or its Sponsors, particularly if they eventually turn out to be libelous, unfounded, objectionable, obnoxious, offensive, slanderous and/or downright distasteful.


It is the usual policy of CCN to include from time to time, notices of events that some readers may find interesting or relevant. Such notices are often posted as received. Including such messages or providing the details of such events does not necessarily imply endorsement of the contents of these events by either CCN or Crescents of Brisbane.