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Sunday, 28 October 2007

SHawwal 1428 A.H.

Newsletter 0155


Eidfest breaks records and new ground


There was something for everyone at Eidfest yesterday. An estimated crowd of over 5000 turned up at the Mt Gravatt Showgrounds on a gloriously sunny day and balmy evening.


The stalls were decked out in their finest and there was food and entertainment aplenty. Several new items were added to this year's event. The Eidfest Talkfest and Forum drew a large audience to the main tent, and CCN's embedded reporters revealed that the ladies only fashion parades were very professionally organzed and went off exceptionally well.


The Governor of  Queensland Ms Quentin Bryce opened the event in front of a bevy of local politicians prompting Eidfest's roving announcer for the day, Anwar Benjamin, to enquire as to who was left actually running the state at the time.


The entertainment in the main tent flowed throughout the day. Modern and traditional Indian dancers strutted their stuff while the ubiquitous Indonesian Saman troupe kept in predictable sync. The night culminated in a blaze of fireworks that lit the Brisbane skies. 



CCN issues this dire warning as its assessment of the event: Watch out Ekka! After yesterday's all round success your days as Queensland's premier showday are now certainly numbered!



Catch all the excitement, glamour and good natured fun of the day here:


Photo Gallery 1

Photo Gallery 2



Messages from stallholders:


Crescents of Brisbane thanks Farouk Adam and Shelving & Shop Displays for the loan of the display cabinets and the wonderful ladies of the community for making and donating the cakes for CresCafe.


The Islamic Society of Algester would like to thank everyone for their support, and in particular those customers who waited patiently for the delectable steak rolls, and the unforgettable Portuguese style chicken.




Share your thought and experiences of Eidfest2007 with CCN readers. 

Email theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org.


AMAA Mission of Hope(fuls)


The finalists of the Australian Muslim Achievement Awards (AMAA) for 2007 (chosen some 90 nominations) were announced on Friday.


The event is organized by the Mission of Hope and the winners will be announced at a function to be held in Bankstown, Sydney on 24 November.


Woman of the Year

Dr Alia Imtoual SA

Zuleyha Keskin NSW

Sharifa Khan SA


Man of the Year

Halim Rane QLD

Mehmet Ozalp NSW

Hassan Elkout NSW


Youth of the Year (16-26)

Bilal El-Hayek NSW

Dr Alia Imtoual SA

Mohammed Zaoud NSW


Role Model of the Year

Hazem El Masri NSW

Aheda Zanetti NSW

Halim Rane QLD

Sportsperson of the Year

Bilal El-Hayek NSW

Glenn Guzzo NSW

Bachar Houli VIC


Professional of the Year

Dr. Mahomed Hanief Khatree QLD

Hayley Kelloway NSW

Dr Khaled Zoud NSW


Event of the Year

Sounds of Light NSW-VIC

FAMSY Conference 2007 VIC-NSW

Crescents Blood Drive 2007 QLD


Media Outlet of the Year

Muslimvillage.net NSW

Crescents Community News QLD

The Message Magazine NSW


Business of the Year

RMB Lawyers NSW

Dougies Flame Grilled NSW

Fresh Poultry Company NSW

Ahiida NSW


Community Organisation of the Year

Crescents of Brisbane  QLD

Affinity Intercultural Foundation NSW

Islamic Women's Association of QLD


Best New Community Project / Initiative of the Year

RMB Lawyers NSW

Sounds of Light NSW

Australian Islamic Fund NSW


Moreton Muslims get the Election Bug


 Michael's Restaurant

(L to R) Dr. Yunus Solwa, Ms Naila Hussein, Dr. Rubana Moola, Dr Shamille Hussein, Dr. Iqbal Sultan, Shadow Federal Minister for Health, Nicola Roxon MP, Labor candidate for Moreton Mr. Graham Perrett, Dr. Hanief Khatree, Mr. Ismail Moola and Ms Ruhee Moola



Eid Gala Dinner

(L to R) Mr. Nizam Deen, Democrats candidate for Moreton

Mr. Emad Soliman and Democrats Senator for Queensland, Andrew Bartlett


Eid Gala Dinner

(Back Row L to R) Ms Yasmin Ahmed and Democrats candidate for Queensland Sharon Neill

(Front Row Lt o R) Ms. Shahina Omar and

Democrats candidate for Bonner, Vicki Stocks


 Stretton Home

(Standing L to R) Mr. Zaffar Iqubal Khan, Mr. Mohammad Ramzan Nasi, Mr. Aslam Aku, Mr. Ismail Khatrada, Mr. Farouk Adam, Mr. Muhsin Ally, Mr. Ghulam Jilani, Mr. Muhammed Saheed, Mr. Sabahat Mahmood


(Sitting L to R) Mr. Hussein Assaf , Master Assaf Jr., Mr Mahomed Noor Osman, Federal Minister for  Moreton Gary Hardgrave, Dr. Mubarak Ali Noor, Mr. Aref Khan Mohammadzai


Ilhan's funeral held at mosque



The funeral of multi-millionaire John Ilhan was the biggest held in Melbourne's Muslim community, with up to 4,000 mourners attending Broadmeadows mosque.


Mr Ilhan's funeral was held on Friday at midday at the mosque in Melbourne's north, which is mostly attended by Turkish Muslims.


There will be a public memorial on Monday.


The founder of the Crazy John's mobile phone empire died after suffering a heart attack while on a morning walk near his home in the southern suburb of Brighton on Tuesday. He was 42.


Traditional Islamic law requires a person to be buried within 24 hours of their death.


But Mr Ilhan's funeral had been delayed because an autopsy was still to be completed and his parents, Ali and Nezarket, were due to return to Melbourne on Thursday after rushing back from a holiday in their native Turkey.


Mr Ilhan migrated from Turkey with his family at the age of five and settled in Broadmeadows where his father became president of the mosque.


The Melbourne public, many of whom benefited from Mr Ilhan's wealth through his sponsorship of charities and sporting clubs, will also be able to pay their respect at a public memorial service on Monday.


A Crazy John's spokeswoman said the time and venue of the service would be advised as soon as possible.


Funeral of mobile phone millionaire John IlhanThere has been an outpouring of grief around Australia for the rags-to-riches migrant who ended up with a fortune worth $310 million after starting his mobile phone retail business with $1,000 and one shop in 1991.



"He was seen as an icon and a genuine achiever, the 'wog boy' come good, and had conquered a financial and business dream," Mr Ramzi Elsayed, Islamic Council of Victoria president said.


Family friend Neal Aykan said much coverage of Mr Ilhan's death had focused on his business success, but did not mention that he was devoted to his family.


"He managed to be a successful business and public person, but was also a great father, and his own father was the inspiration for that characteristic," he said.


Earlier on Wednesday, the Crazy John's mobile phone chain said it had been flooded with tributes and inquiries about donating money after Mr Ilhan's shock death.


A company spokeswoman requested that any floral tributes be left at the company's head office at South Melbourne.


Tax deductible donations can also be made to the Ilhan Food Allergy Foundation, which Mr Ilhan established with his wife, Patricia, last year after the couple discovered their daughter Jaida suffered a peanut allergy.


The father-of-four was ranked as Australia's 126th richest person, according to Business Review Weekly's Top 200 Rich List.


Mr Ilhan's 75 per cent stake in Crazy John's will now pass to family members including his wife, with the rest of the company's shareholders including members of the Smorgon family, Selpam Group and National Australia Bank.


Adapted from : http://www.theage.com.au/news/National/Ilhans-funeral-to-be-held-at-mosque/2007/10/24/1192941147937.html




JOHN Ilhan, a son of Turkish immigrants who  brought him to this country at three years of age, epitomises our multicultural society and the  opportunities it offers to all.


The mobile phone magnate's sudden death on  Tuesday sent shockwaves through the  business and  sporting communities of this country. 


This was a Turkish kid who grew up in the school of  hard knocks in  Broadmeadows in outer Melbourne,  and used his natural talent and desire for hard work  to build an empire employing hundreds  of other  Australians. 


He stands as a shining example of how our  immigration policies and our cultural diversity have  made  Australia a richer and more prosperous  country.


John Ilhan will be sorely missed.


Source: Courier Mail Editorial 25/10/07


CCN gets Up Close and Personal with..........


Ms. Salam El-Merebi


[CCN] Ever since the announcement of your recent nomination as a finalist for a Queensland Community Services Award CCN has received several emails from readers wanting to know more about you.


Thank you Salam for agreeing to be bare your soul here.


Let's start by telling us about your family.

[SEM] I was born in Lebanon, but did not live there but both of my parents are from Lebanon however we moved to Saudi Arabia, Jeddah were I have spent 15 years of my life there then we moved to Australia and I have been living here for 5 years know.


I am engaged to Anas Abdalla who is form a Palestinian background, but lived all his life here in Australia.


I have 5 handsome brothers who are younger then me … yes I am the eldest… Essam El-Merebi-19 years old; Ahmed El-Merebi-16 years old; Ali El-Merebi-8 years old; Omar El-Merebi-7 years old and Hamza El-Merebi- the little Aussie is 3 years old.


We came to Australia as Skilled Migrants. My father (Azzam El-Merebi) has a Bachelor in Electric engineer were he studied at California State University in California. Dad got married to mom and then moved to Saudi Arabia and he completed his masters by correspondence. Later on he graduated with Masters in Electric engineer from Washington University.

Mom (Yomen Finj) was studying Islamic studies in Saudi Arabia before we came to Australia and unfortunately she was not able to finish it because of us migrating to Australia. Mom loves cooking so he had a little take away restaurant from home were people used to order from her menu over the phone. It was going very well but again unfortunately she had to close it down because we had to move. Mom is now waiting till my little brother goes to school so she can go and study interior design which she absolutely enjoys.

My brother Essam is studying Political Economy at Griffith Nathan and he already has a diploma in building.
Ahmed is still at high school, he goes to Runcorn states high school. Next year is his last year at high school and he is hoping to do dentistry.

Both Ali and Omar attend the Islamic college of Brisbane. Ali is in grade 3 and Omar is in grade 2.


Ali is the “Australian champion in Taekwondo” yellow belt for 2007.


Omar is the artistic one (he gets it from me!!!) and he loves art. He is extremely talented for his age (mashallah) I am still trying to find him an art school.

Hamza is a little cutie and is a little devil. He goes to childcare twice a week.


[CCN] Which school did you go to in Brisbane and what did you do after that?

[SEM] I completed year my Year 12 in 2004 at Macgregor State High School.


I am completing a Bachelor of Human Services at the Queensland University of Technology in Carseldine.


Prior to that I did a number of courses at the TAFE and earned a Diploma in Youth Work, Certificate IVs in Youth Work, in Mental Health Work (non-clinical), Youth Work (Juvenile Justice) and an Australian Red Cross Certificate.


[CCN] What was it like for you and your family settling in Australia

[SEM] It was not hard for us to fit in because we already had the language.


In Saudi Arabia we went to American schools, we also had American, British and Irish teachers so it was not hard for us to understand the Australian mentality and way of life, however saying that it was really hard for us to fit in from the appearance side of it.


We are not white and both mom and I wear the Hejab so I have experienced a lot of racism and I still do, but I don’t mind it anymore because it’s a daily ritual that is part of my life and I have learnt to live with it.


My Father has Arab features which made him an easy target.


My father was unemployed for two years even though he had 30 years of experience and Masters in his field.


Racism and discrimination taught me a lot about this world and how it works.


With the help of Allah I discovered this passion that I had in me, the passion of being a human rights activist. This passion grew into a talent of speaking out against racism and discrimination in front of hundreds of people which I enjoy and love doing.


[CCN] What do you do for a living?

[SEM] I am a counselor and a youth worker. I counsel youth that are at risk, that are mentally ill, suicidal, with identity problems, etc… however I am not working at the moment because I am a full time student, but I have applied to the Department of Child Protection for the position of a child protection officer, inshallah I'll get it.


[CCN] You belong to a number of community groups and organizations. What are they and what part do you play in them?

[SEM] In the MCRG ( Muslim community reference group) I am the female youth representative for the Al-Nisa Youth Group where I have been a board member ever since it first started. I am the Chair person of the Human rights sub-group and a board member of AMARAH (Australian Muslim Advocates for the right of All Humanity). I am a board member of FGFP (Fair go for Palestine), STWC (Stop the war Collective), SSJ (Social Students for Justice), and MSMPRG (Metropolitan South Muslim Police reference group). I am a member of the Australian Democrats and the Fair go for Palestine representative on APC (Australia Palestine Counsel). 

[CCN] I am exhausted just listening to you name them. I dread to think what it must take to be actually involved in each of these organizations as passionately as you no doubt do. What do you aim to achieve by being a part of them?

[SEM] My goals and passions are to try to voice the issues of young Muslim Australian youth in the Australian community and raise Islamic awareness in the mainstream Australian society and raising awareness about Human rights into the Australian society as a whole and start to demolish the idea of “racism” and discrimination against the Aboriginals, Muslims and any oppressed minority in Australia; saying that I also try to raise awareness about Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Guantanamo bay etc…


I also help in organizing peaceful rallies and demonstrations against the war and against anything that jeopardizes human rights adding to that I also tend to speak at rallies, public meetings and demonstrations.


[CCN] I know you don't spend all your time only in meetings.

[SEM] Not at all.


I do educational sessions on Human rights issues that are taking place around the world, Multi faith events, women dinner nights, Islamic Awareness and fundraiser events, e.g : for Palestine and inshallah I will be working on one soon for Iraq. I just need the approval of one of the groups I am a part of.


I also help in organizing peaceful rallies and demonstrations against the war and against anything that jeopardizes human rights adding to that I also tend to speak at rallies, public meetings and demonstrations.


[CCN] What do your achievements mean to you?

[SEM] Hamdullila I did achieve heaps in my life thanks to Allah (Subhanaho wa taala), but not recognition because I never did it for the recognition and I never wanted to be recognized for it; until Shaima Khan came along and nominated me for the Queensland achieves award where I came a finalist for the Community services award.


[CCN] You hold strong views on politics and religion. tell us about them.

[SEM] Have you got all day? Seriously, to keep it short, I oppose the occupation of Palestine and Iraq, I oppose the western Imperialist + capitalist powers that are imposed on Muslim countries around the world, e.g.: Indonesia.


I believe in ONE state solution for Palestine and not TWO state solutions that is governed by the Palestinian people.


I do not believe that democracy exists, not in Australia, not in US and not in Iraq (off course).


I oppose the government’s stand on Aboriginal issues which are totally unfair and very bias, and I know that Muslims and the Aboriginal people are the scapegoats (AGAIN) for this Federal elections.


I think you have gathered by know the idea of what my political stands are by reading what I do… but saying that I do believe that religion and politics should not be mixed because the moment you do mix them you will have a clash of views that can actually be against the religion itself.


I am extremely grateful to Allah that I was born as a Muslim and that I am a practicing Muslim and I try to enjoy every bit of being a Muslim in my life by the guidance of Allah and by practicing the traditions (Sunna) of the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH)


[CCN] What do you see as the future of the Ummah?

[SEM] Inshallah one day Muslim countries will be governed under Islam with out the West’s imperialist input and that will happen by uniting and education Muslims on Islam.


I really want to see Muslims educated  about Islam and not Muslims that follow culture and forget about the Islamic values and ethics.


I hope that inshallah in the Future Muslims would understand the importance of Islam in there life before it’s so late.


[CCN] And the position of women?

[SEM] No one degrades women except for a degraded man; said by: (Prophet Mohammed)

[CCN] You're also passionate about travel.

[SEM] Yes, I am. I have traveled to Morocco (loved it, you have to go there); Tunisia, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Jordan, Malaysia… and I really want to go to Fiji, South America + Mexico, Italy, south Africa, Rwanda, Cambodia, India, China and Tokyo.


I really want to go to Cambodia because the poorest people in Cambodia are Muslims … I want to visit them and see what Muslims over here can help them out with, I want to see their needs and try to find a way or a program that we can implement that would help them out with their every day needs which they can access and inshallah utilize. Inshallah one day ill do it.


Mecca was and is still one of my favorite places to visit because I lived one hour away form Mecca so I was able to visit it a lot and in Ramadan visiting Mecca was the best thing a Muslim could ever think of doing… it gives you the feeling of full and ultimate eman in Allah. You become so devout and spiritual and it feels like you got so close to Allah … best feeling ever…

[CCN] Tell us about the people who have played a part in shaping your thoughts and actions

[SEM] Prophet Mohammed off course is a role model for me and I try to follow in his footstep.


My Parents have played a big role in my inspiration and they have taught me to not give up on anything in life.


Halim Rane and Nora Amath were two people that really believed in me and inspired me to follow my passions.


My best friend Salma Mousali helped me and was always there for me when ever I needed her.


And my fiancé Anas Abdalla; my other half, helped shape my life and that is by completing my life by sharing it with me, for inspiring me to do what I love, for encouraging me and for helping me out by advising me on what to do when I need his advise.


[CCN] As an activist you must read very widely and avidly. What are some of your more favourite ones?

[SEM] A book written by Karen Armstrong called Islam: A short history. She takes you through all the Islamic history since Gabriel (alayhi elsalam) visited prophet Mohammed (PBUH) in the cave till September 11 which is absolutely amazing. She is not a Muslim and she was a nun for over 7 years and she writes about Islamic factual events and she breaks the ignorance barrier that is build up by the western media about Islam and Muslims.


Another book is called “Dinning with Terrorist” written by Phil Rees. This book is also amazing because Phil takes you through a journey around the world where he dines with people such as Hezbulla in Lebanon, terrorist in Ireland, France, Colombia, Algeria etc… This book basically goes through all the terrorist list that is placed by the US, however Phil tries to show the point of view of the “Terrorist” explaining that a Terrorist for the US is not a Terrorist for a lot of people around the world but on the contrary they are freedom fighters for their lands and people that are being occupied by imperialist powers such as the United States of America. In his book Phil Rees also takes us through the meaning of the word Terrorist which is actually hard to define.

[CCN] Salam, thank you for taking the time and trouble to talk with CCN and being so honest and forthright with us. It's hard to imagine that you have done all that you have done in this short space of time and at such a tender age. We wish you all the best for the future and look forward to talking with you again soon, insha'Allah.


Celebrating Eid in Church



The West Uniting Church in West End was the venue for last week's interfaith celebration of the end of Ramadhan and Eid.


It was a well attended dinner with Muslims and Christians sitting alongside each other, dipping into homous and extolling the delights of Middle Eastern cuisine while getting a better understanding on Islamic issues in the process.


The event was organised by AMARAH together with the Brisbane City Council and the West Uniting Church.


Imam Ahmad Ghazaleh explained the significance and meaning of Ramadhan and Eid and Ms. Nora Amath kept a tight handle on things as MC for the night.


A quartet of local musicians provided the entertainment on African and Middle Eastern instruments.



Body, Mind & Soul





The first two seminars dealt with the BODY and the MIND which were both a huge success. The guest speakers were qualified professionals from within our community.


Body (Part1) Seminar dealt with the health and nutrition. We learnt about essential dietary needs, the need for sunglasses and how a simple $2 donation can change a persons life, the fun in fitness, and the importance of educating the wider communities about Islam.


The Mind (Part 2) Seminar delved into the ‘mind‘. This record-reaking attendance seminar proved to be an eye-opener. We heard a heartfelt personal story on depression, and learnt about the various support services that are readily available to all.


The final (Part 3) and not to be missed seminar will be on the SOUL.


Don’t miss this spiritual journey which unites the three parts of our existence. 


A Ladies Only Event
To purchase tickets phone Farah on 32190232

There will be male guest speakers during the first hour of the seminar.


A Musical Interlude: Mountains of Makkah by Zain Bhikha




The CCN Book Club



The institutionalization of Islam in the West continues to raise many questions for a range of different constituencies. Secularization represents much more than the legal separation of politics and religion in Europe; for important segments of European societies, it has become the cultural norm. Therefore, Muslims’ settlement and their claims for the public recognition of Islam have often been perceived as a threat.

This volume explores current interactions between Muslims and the more or less secularized public spaces of several European states, assessing the challenges such interactions imply for both Muslims and the societies in which they now live. Divided into three parts, it examines the impact of State-Church relations, ’Islamophobia’ and ’the war on terrorism’, evaluates the engagement of Muslim leaders with the State and civil society, and reflects on both individual and collective transformations of Muslim religiosity.




Read the book online.


Kareema's Keep Fit Column


Q: Kareema, a few weeks ago you gave my husband and I some tips on team training. We're going great! Is there anything else we can do to 'break' the training routine?




A: There certainly is, try and fit in a weekly game of squash or tennis - or even golf (minus the cart of course), you'll be surprised at how much walking is involved! The enjoyment aspect of your chosen sport should keep you on track as it won't be a part of your exercise routine but rather some 'quality' time spent together - and we all need that time together don't we?!!!

Like I said previously, train smart - not hard. Keep it enjoyable - keep it ongoing


Need an answer to a fitness related matter? Send your question to Kareema at  fitness@crescentsofbrisbane.org.

All questions sent in are published here anonymously and without any references to the author of the question.


The Culinary Corner



Tapioca Pudding
½ cup small pearl tapioca - 3 cups full cream milk or skim milk with cream added - ¼ tsp salt - 2 eggs - ½ cup sugar - ½ tsp vanilla.


Combine tapioca, milk and salt in pan on medium heat. Stir until boiling. Simmer for 5 minutes uncovered at the lowest possible heat adding sugar gradually. Beat eggs in a separate bowl and mix a little of the tapioca mixture very slowly to equalize the temperature. Return eggs to the pot with the tapioca and bring to the boil. Stir for 3 minutes more over lowest possible heat. Stir constantly, you may cook a little longer than 3 mins if needed to get a nice thick pudding consistency. Cool for 15 minutes add vanilla. Serve either warm or chilled.


Source: Radio Islam Newsletter - Monday, 22 October 2007


Do you have a recipe to share with CCN readers?
Send in your favourite recipe to theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org and who knows, you could be our "guest chef" for a future edition of CCN.


The Inbox


Dear Crescents of Brisbane

Congratulations on the women's health workshop on Saturday…it was a wonderful event.


The numbers were great and there was a real interest and support for the very informative and practical speakers.


I am sure that the women really enjoyed the workshop, and learned important information that could make a difference to their health.


Thank you for the opportunity to share the day….Claire


Senator Claire Moore

Labor Senator for Queensland


The CCN Chuckle


Mula Nasruddin came home to find his wife Khulsumbibi crying. "Your mother insulted me," she sobbed.

"My mother? How could she do that when she is on vacation on the other side of the world? Mula Nasruddin asked."

"I know. But this morning a letter addressed to you arrived. I opened it because I was curious."



"At the end of the letter she wrote: PS. Dear Khulsumbibi , when you have finished reading this letter, don't forget to give it to my son."


What's happening in our neck of the woods......


Click on image to enlarge

IWAQ Fun Night Out

Crescents of Brisbane

Fund Raiser Dinner

for Kuraby State School

 Bike Track Appeal



Night of

Dinner & Entertainment

The CCN Date Claimer





(Click on link)





9 November


Body, Mind & Soul


Islamic Society of Algester

Springwood Community Centre


7.306pm to 10.30pm

10 November


Annual Fun Night for Women


Islamic Women's Association of Queensland

Clairvaux MacKillop College Hall, Klumpp Rd, Upper Mt. Gravatt

3272 6355

6pm til late

19/20 November

Monday & Tuesday

Queensland Multicultural Summit ‘07



State Library of Queensland

3844 9166

All day

23 November


Kuraby Special School Bike Track Fund Raiser Dinner


Crescents of Brisbane, Kuraby Lions & Chinese Lions

Michaels Oriental Restaurant

Cnr Warrigal & Padstow Roads, Eight Mile Plains

0402 026 786

6.15pm for 7.00pm

24 November


Annual Muslim Achievement Awards

Mission of Hope, Sydney

Fontana Di Trevi
53 Raymond St Bankstown, NSW



14 December


Untold Stories: An Insight into Afghanistan - Dinner and Entertainment

Samia Ahmad,
Reena Randhawa,
Simin Rawi

Roundhouse Theatre, Musk Ave Kelvin Grove


6:30pm to 9pm

20/21 December


Thursday or Friday



To claim your date for your event email theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org.


Write For Us

The best ideas and the best feedback come from our community of readers. If you have a topic or opinion that you want to write about or want seen covered or any news item that you think might be of benefit to the Crescents Community please e-mail



Share your thoughts, feelings and ambitions for our community through CCN.


If there is someone you know who would like to subscribe to CCN please encourage them to send an e-mail to theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org with the words “Subscribe Me” in the subject line.


Articles and opinions appearing in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Crescents of Brisbane Team, CCN, its Editor or its Sponsors, particularly if they eventually turn out to be libelous, unfounded, objectionable, obnoxious, offensive, slanderous and/or downright distasteful.


It is the usual policy of CCN to include from time to time, notices of events that some readers may find interesting or relevant. Such notices are often posted as received. Including such messages or providing the details of such events does not necessarily imply endorsement of the contents of these events by either CCN or Crescents of Brisbane Inc.