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Sunday, 4 November 2007

Sunday 23 SHawwal 1428 A.H.

Newsletter 0156


Kuraby Special School Fund Raiser


A multicultural fundraising dinner will be taking place on Friday 23 November 2007 at Michaels restaurant, Eight Mile Plains in support of the Kuraby Special School, Bike Track Appeal Stage 2.
This event is a follow up to a very successful multicultural dinner held earlier this year to support the completion of stage 1.
The theme of this dinner will be; “Supporting the community through diversity”. 


Stage 2 which will comprise various obstacles will cost approximately $20,000 and it is hoped to raise a significant (if not all) of the required amount through this event. 
The Kuraby Special School is a classic model of diversity, with almost 80 students from 18 different cultural and at least 4 main religious backgrounds, including Christian, Buddhist, Islam and Hindi. 
This event is being organised through: Lions Clubs of Brisbane Chinese & Kuraby and Crescents of Brisbane.



The guest speaker is Gerrard Gosens who is recognised as one of the most outstanding young people in Australia today.

Congenitally blind, Gerrard became Queensland’s youngest Guide Dog recipient at age sixteen. Using a lap top computer with speech output to assist his studies, Gerrard achieved an exceptional TE score and gained entrance to the Bachelor of Business course at Queensland University of Technology. Gerrard’s commendable academic achievements are matched by his skill and success at sport.



Read the rest of Gerrard's bio......


For tickets please call 0402026786 or email theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org


Pair of Movers and Shakers get Due Recognition


Deen twins, Razak and Gaffar

Both Deen brothers, Razak and Gaffar, were inducted into the Australian National Road Transport Wall of Fame in Alice Springs in recognition of a lifetime of service and contribution to the Road Transport Industry of Australia.


CCN's Man-on-the Mussallah cornered the brothers together during the week and extracted the following information out of them.


By his 17th birthday, Gaffar (Louie) Deen had developed skills in operating earthmoving machines and mechanical repairs and obtained his driver's license for car, truck, semi-trailer, tractor, motor bike and bus.


In 1984, Gaffar hit the highway doing interstate low loader and road train work. He transported a Favco 1100 Tower Crane and two Truck Cranes to Darwin.


He did low loader 70 ton crane loads and train loads to a project in Darwin and a backload each trip.


There were no bitumen roads then and the stretch often found him stuck waiting for the road to dry.


After that the family business bought dozers and excavators in Perth which put Gaffar on the road to Perth - Kalgoorlie - Hall's Creek - Meekathra  and everywhere in between.


In those days, NSW would not allow travel on the Newell Highway or "Goat Track" as it was known then, so, to get to Perth with a 115 Ton he had to go to Brisbane down the New England Highway, to Sydney - Melbourne - Port Augusta and across the paddock which was a lot longer and more time consuming.


It was hot and dusty in summer and cold and wet in winter in those days, with none of the comforts of today. They purchased a Mach B1-Centenary superliner named Henry Lawson with 500HP V8 and it became a showpony of the highway with only 13 having been built then. Gaffar was given the honour of driving this magnificent Mach.


Deen Mean Machines

In 1992 he left the family business and started Sailmove Pty Ltd.


Today he has 6 trucks and prime movers and a host of other "accessories".


With a new workshop and yard Gaffar now also manufacturers trailers and dollies.


With an annual turnover of over $3M Gaffar is going strong and as committed to the transport industry as ever.


Brother Razak (DicK) had a similar start to life in the transport industry.


At 21, he left the family business to have a go on his own.


Razak started working out in the west, carting bag cement from Darra to Cunnamulla then gravel from Amby to upgrade rail culverts on the Charlesville to Cunnamulla line.


The bitumen stopped at Wyandra with rough dirt from there to Cunnamulla. Every second weekend Razak would cart kangaroo meat and skins to Brisbane


The skins went to the tannery at Narangba and the meat to Dinki-Di Dog Foods Lytton. With only one day off, he would load cement and head out again.


Razak started Richlands Heavy haulage, transporting over-dimensional wide loads and heavy earth moving equipment around the country.


He started to specialize in low loader work with his two sons (both truck crazy) and together they haul earthmoving and mining gear for machinery dealers and mining companies.


Like Gaffar, Razak also owns a trailer building business building low loaders, drop decks, dollies, and tipper conversions. 







The New Jersey Chapter of MAS (Muslim American Society) put together this message dispelling some of the stereotypes of Muslims, calling for peace and unity and encourages Muslims to be proud of their faith.

Women artists seek to lift the veil on Islam


At recent UNESCO launch

An exhibition of work by 51 Islamic women artists has  opened at Melbourne's SPAN  Galleries, which its curators  hope will help improve people's  understanding of Islam. 


Titled Breaking the Veils:  Women Artists from  the Islamic World, the exhibition has been  brought to Australia by the  Interfaith Centre of Melbourne,  with funding from the federal  government, City of  Melbourne, Australian  Multicultural Foundation and National Australia Bank.


Interfaith director Helen Summers said the show had averaged about 80 visitors a day since opening a week ago. 


"I didn't know how many  people would be interested but I'm surprised by the constant flow of people and favourable comments," she said. 


Put together by the Jordan National Gallery of Fine Arts, the exhibition features artists from 21 countries including Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Turkey and Saudi Arabia.


Some are practising professionals with degrees in fine art, others are self-taught.


The work is mostly figurative but there is some abstract work, and six paintings, all by Palestinian artists, address socio-political themes.


"People think women in Islam have no freedom to express themselves, especially not in art," Ms Summers said.


The Jordan National Gallery of Fine Arts started in 1979 and about 40 per cent of its collection is by women artists.


"That's a far greater representation than you'd find in our public galleries," Ms Summers said.


The exhibition will travel to Shepparton in regional Victoria after its Melbourne season.


Source: Australian Financial Review Thursday 1/11/2007


Fethullah Gulen Chair


The AUSTRALIAN Catholic University has appointed Ismail Albayrak as its inaugural Fethullah Gulen Chair in the Study of Islam and Muslim-Catholic Relations, to be based at the university's Melbourne campus. 


The Fethullah Gulen Chair is a newly created position aimed at providing academic leadership  in research, teaching and community engagement in relation to the study of Islam.


It is  named in honour of Fethullah Gulen, a Turkish-born scholar, educator, spiritual and social leader, and renowned advocate for inter-religious dialogue  and  peace.


Dr Albayrak was born in Ankara, Turkey, and is currently an associate professor at the School of Divinity at
Sakarya University in Turkey.


Fethullah Gulen is one of the most important Islamic scholar, thinker, poet and a man of peace that the Islamic world has produced in this century. His unique vision and original approach to defeating ignorance with education and challenging fundamentalism with dialogue, tolerance and respect to everyone's beliefs by accepting them the way they are, have been embraced not only within his country of origin (Turkey) but it has also spread to the entire world. Many Australians have also been inspired by his peaceful approach to solving the world's problems. Read more....


Source: http://www.intercultural.org.au/events_2007/gulen_chair/index.htm


The IWAQ Update


• IWAQ is organizing a bus trip to Toowoomba on Tuesday 13/11/07. the cost is $15 per ticket. Please call the office on 3272 6355 for further details and to book your seat.

• This is your very last chance to buy tickets for the Fun Night. Very limited tickets are available. No tickets will be sold at the door. If you have children between 2-5 years, childcare will be provided at $10 per child. A reminder that this event is for females only, so no cameras including mobile phone cameras will be allowed. Please respect and adhere to this policy.

• IWAQ will be setting up a driving lessons service and is calling for expressions of interest for driving instructors to apply. We need a male and a female instructor to cater for the emerging need in the community for affordable lessons. For further information please contact IWAQ on 3272 6355.

AFIC responds



AFIC’s Press Release in response to the comments made by Mr Fadi Rahman in the Australian Newspaper.


AFIC’s Press Release in response to Cardinal George Pell’s comments on Australian Muslims.


MWAF Update


From the desk of Farina:


This Tuesday, November 6th, we will get cooking at our next Muslim Women and Friends gathering! We will be showcasing our cooking demonstration abilities (and shortcuts). So please come with your favorite ingredients or just to observe and learn.

There will also be a continuation of our arts project from the previous workshop setup for those interested and who missed out.

A few notices:
- There is a sister living in Kuraby/Underwood needing a ride to the next meeting. If anyone can help her, please contact me as soon as you can at the number below.

- If anyone knows of a struggling individual or family in need of a baby cot and other household items, please contact myself or anyone on our team.

- We will be organizing a Certified First Aid Workshop early next year and are looking for expressions of interest. This is a 6 hour course and may take place on a weekend with possible child care. Please register your interest now.

- Our Sports for Sisters project is gaining momentum ! If you or anyone you know has some coaching or sports background and would like to be part of a support team within this project, please contact me.

Hope to see you all at the next meeting !

Thanks again,
Farina Nayab
Co-ordinator, Muslim Women and Friends
Logan Women's Health and Wellbeing Centre
25 Ewing Road, Woodridge (opposite Blackwood Road)
Ph: 3808 9233
Direct mobile: 0405 448 045


Taleem Time


The ladies Taleem Programme for this week will be held at 57 Dandelion Street, Eight Miles Plain between 11:00am -12:00pm. Call Nadima on 0401422592 for more details.

It's a real SNAP at $10!


By Leila Nur Riskiyandi, CPAC Secretary of the Islamic College of Brisbane, Karawatha


CPAC (our P&C) has been invited by Advanced Photography to participate in an excellent fundraising drive with their organisation.


They will offer anyone a 10” by 13” professionally photographed portrait at a cost of ONLY $10. And the great thing is that WE get to keep every dollar!!!


What do they get out of it??? The chance to sell you other photos etc – BUT you don’t have to buy any if you don’t want to.


The important thing is that we can make some extra money for the school and get something great out of it for ourselves at the same time.


Our photo shoot is scheduled for SUNDAY, 18th NOVEMBER. There is a limited number of spaces available and they are offering appointments from 9am til 8.30pm at night if required. PLEASE email me ASAP the time that suits you so I can book you in NOW. I recommend morning appointments to avoid the wait that may build up if people arrive late. IT ONLY COSTS $10.


Anyone is welcome to make a booking – they don’t have to be families of our school. BUT at least 2 generations must be present in the photo (EG parents and kids, grandparents and kids).


Call me on 0422 914 629 or email me for further information.



Leila Nur Riskiyandi

CPAC Secretary




How do you greet an Englishman?


Find out here.



The CCN Lost and Found


CCN is in possession of two gold rings found in the bathroom of the Chinese Catholic Hall left during the Eid Lunch held on Eid day.


If they are yours or you think you might know who they might belong to please call 0402 026 786.



The CCN Centre Link



Tiny Bubbles Babysitting from $7.00 per hour

Need a helping hand once in awhile, want to go shopping with out the kids, want a morning to catch up with friend, have a doctor's / dentist's appointment and need to leave the kids with someone or just need a break!


Then why not drop your kids off at my place for a play and to interact with other children!


~ Environment is child friendly

~ Air-conditioned

~ Reliable, caring, responsible carer

~ Age group 6 weeks to 6 years

~ Hours and days go according to needs of parents


For more information or an interview please contact me:-

Contact Name: Fatima                       

Telephone (H): 3219-8786    

(M) 0405229449

Website:  www.freewebs.com/tinybubblesdaycare




Muslim Employment Workshop Forums are back!


ACCES Services are holding Mini Employment Workshops similar to the one they held earlier on this year.


There are only 10 spots per workshop so RSVP’s are essential.


They want to know what barriers people from different regions face whilst seeking for suitable employment. This will assist the employment workers to map regions and identify which community needs assistance. This in turn will assist them to deliver a more customized service for the coming year.


Gold Coast Mosque. Held on 2/11/07.

Darra Mosque. 9/11/07 Starting after Juma prayers. From 2pm to 4pm. RSVP by 5/11/07. Registration from 1.50pm.

Ipswich Mosque. 30 Waterworks Rd, North Ipswich. 16/11/07. Starting After Juma. Registration from 1.50pm. From 2pm to 4pm. RSVP by 12/11/07.

ACCES Services INC. 14/11/07 from 12pm to 2pm. Registration from 11.30a.m. RSVP by 12/11/07.



Abdullah Ibrahim

Muslim Employment
Acces Services Inc
4/2 Carmody Street, Woodridge. 4114
Mob: 0407 698 312; Phone: 3808 9299; Fax: 3208 9319
Email: abdullahi@accesservicesinc.org.au


A House in FEZ


Suzanna Clarke and Sandy McCutcheon invite you to the launch of


There will also be an exhibition of Suzanna’s Moroccan photographs.

Place & time:

A Day on Earth 18 Arthur Street, Fortitude Valley

Friday 9 November, 5.30 – 7.30pm



Canada's federal parliament this week officially declared October as Islamic History Month in Canada.


Member of Parliament for Ottawa-Vanier and Official Opposition Critic for Canadian Heritage, Francophonie and Official Languages, Hon. Mauril Bélanger, presented the following motion in the House of Commons:


"That, in the opinion of the House, due to the important contributions of Canadian Muslims to Canadian Society; the cultural diversity of the Canadian Muslim community; the importance of Canadians learning about each other to foster greater social cohesion; and the important effort now underway in many Canadian communities in organizing public activities to achieve better understanding of Islamic history, the month of October should be designated Canadian Islamic History Month."


The Ottawa-Vanier MP was delighted that the House of Commons adopted this motion which highlights the important contribution of the Muslim community in Canadian society. "I encourage cultural exchanges between Canada's diverse communities, which make us a vibrant and dynamic society. I believe that by having a better understanding of our fellow Canadians from various communities and backgrounds that we will achieve a stronger and more cohesive country", said MP Bélanger.


"October 2007 is the inaugural celebration of Islamic History Month Canada.


IHMC has been a long dreamed-of intercultural and educational project of Canadian Muslims. We are thrilled at how positively Canadians are responding to our IHMC activities and programs," said today's CIC statement.


To date, several Canadian cities have proclaimed October as Islamic History Month in their civic jurisdictions - including Victoria BC, Kingston ON, Ottawa ON, Calgary AB and Burnaby and Port Coquitlam BC - with others planning to follow their example.


For more information visit: www.islamichistorymonth.com


The Clash of the Other Titans!


Ball by ball coverage by Abdul Khan


On Sunday, 21st October the Gold Coast Muslims travelled to Brisbane to take on the more fancied Holland Park in a limited overs game, with each side playing a maximum of 25 overs.

The Holland Park side were firm favourites going into the game led by Mufti Junaid and Moulana Uzair, and boasting a long batting line-up. Holland Park elected to bat first after winning the toss (this was to be their only victory for the day).


The Gold Coast bowlers put in a strong effort, however the batting line up proved very strong, as Holland Park managed to score 193 runs from their 25 overs.


The fielding could have been better, but Gold Coast managed to hold onto some crucial catches at important times.


At the start of the game, Gold Coast were looking to chase a total under 160, so having to make 194 to win was looking a bit daunting as the boys sat down for lunch.

Gold Coast's openers were sent out with instructions to play their natural game, and that's exactly what they did.


The boys managed 18 off the first over, and this set the tone for the rest of the innings.


The century partnership came up in less than 10 overs, and the first wicket did not fall till 113, but the damage had been done.


The winning runs were achieved in the 19th over, with the loss of just 4 wickets, in a classic David and Goliath encounter.

The Gold Coast boys are now looking for another team to take on, and would like to invite anyone who thinks they maybe able to offer some competition.


If you think your team has what it takes to take on the best of Queensland, please call Abdul Khan on 0433-175-134

ICQ has a Home









The Islamic Council of Queensland (ICQ) kicked of proceedings in its new home at View Street (Holland Park) yesterday (Saturday) afternoon with a meeting of community leaders and Imams to work on venues for Eid Salaat.



Kareema's Keep Fit Column


Q: Kareema, I had something to eat just before my workout the other day and actually struggled throughout my routine. Is it better to eat before or after exercising?




A: The best time to eat would be after your workout (the next 45 - 60mins).

This period is known as the golden hour - when muscles absorb the most nutrients and glycogen (the fuel we burn while exercising).

Taking advantage of this window of opportunity will ensure that you are fuelled for your next workout (providing you have a nutritious meal).

Your metabolism is also elevated after exercising, so eating after your workout is a way of taking in calories while burning them at an accelerated rate.

If you workout while your stomach is full your body will be too busy digesting the food which could leave you lacking in energy (this is probably what you were experiencing during your workout).

This doesn't mean that you should be working out on an empty stomach. Depending on your workout, try to eat at least 1 - 2 hours before.


If you are not planning a big workout, a light meal about an hour before should suffice.



Need an answer to a fitness related matter? Send your question to Kareema at  fitness@crescentsofbrisbane.org.

All questions sent in are published here anonymously and without any references to the author of the question.


The Inbox


Assalaam Alaikum

Eidfest 2007

The Qld Eidfest Association wishes to thank the people of Brisbane, and especially the Muslim community for supporting this year’s Eidfest. This year for the first time we broke the 15000 people barrier, with 15385 people coming through the gates on the day.

The Eidfest committee has worked hard over the last 2 years to bring together the community for a public Eid gathering, and thanks to everyone’s help, we are well on the way. To our stallholders and suppliers a big thank you for your effort in making Eidfest a success. To all our sponsors, big and small, without who we could not operate, a very big debt of gratitude.

Eidfest is gathering its own momentum and is well on the way to being established on the festival calendar of Brisbane. The mix of non-Muslims to Muslims was great to see, because at the heart of it that is the purpose, to showcase who we are and what we do, to our non-Muslim neighbours, and to have pride and celebrate our special day with our own brothers and sisters.

Thanks to all those that worked in the Fashion Parade tent, they were terrific in every way, and it was certainly appreciated by the standing room only crowd in attendance. Unfortunately the very strict water restrictions meant that the snow tent could not operate properly, and for that we are sorry – maybe that is why it doesn’t snow in October in Brisbane!

I know that the Saman Dancers and the Bhangra Boys were very well received and the Talkfest was very entertaining and informative.

I hope that you all enjoyed yourselves, we certainly enjoyed having you there. Please write to info@eidfest.com.au, if you have any suggestions, complaints etc about Eidfest, or if you want to be involved for next year.

Thanks to all who came and participated, look forward to a bigger and more exciting Eidfest 2008, Insha’Allah.


Yasmin Khan
Qld Eidfest Association Inc.



















Sultan Deen, Governor Quentin Bryce QC, and Yasmin Khan


The Culinary Corner



1 ½ to 2 kg fresh line fish (Hake/white) - Marinate fish in 1½ tsp salt and ¼ up lemon juice for 1½ hours.


Make a paste of: 2 tsps fresh ground garlic - 1 tsp salt - ½ tsp white pepper - 1½ tsp ground green chillies - 3 tblsps olive oil - 1 tsp fish spice.


Smear paste well over the fish and into cuts. Before baking dot fish with ¼ lb (125grm) of margarine and slivered garlic and onion rings. Bake at 180 for approximately 40 minutes.


Or make a Butter Lemon sauce: Butter - Lemon Juice – Parsely - Pepper and Salt.

Melt all above together and pour over fish and grill just before eating. Serve with lettuce, veggies & salads. 


Source: Radio Islam Newsletter - Friday, 26 October 2007


Do you have a recipe to share with CCN readers?
Send in your favourite recipe to theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org and who knows, you could be our "guest chef" for a future edition of CCN.


The CCN Chuckle


Farmer Mula Nasruddin had a camel accident.


In court, the camel company's fancy hot shot lawyer, was questioning Mula Nasruddin.


"Didn't you say, at the scene of the accident, 'I'm fine,'?" asked the lawyer.

Mula Nasruddin responded, "Well, I'll tell you what happened. I had just loaded my favourite horse, Arabia, into the..."

I didn't ask for any details, the lawyer interrupted. "Just answer the question, please. Did you, or did you not say, at the scene of the accident, 'I'm fine!'?"

Mula Nasruddin said, "Well, I had just got Arabia hitched to the caravan  and I was riding down the road...."


The lawyer interrupted again and said, "Your Honour, I am trying to establish the fact that, at the scene of the accident, this man told the people at the scene that he was just fine. Now several weeks after the accident he is trying to sue my client. I believe he is a fraud. Please tell him to simply answer the question."

By this time, the Judge was fairly interested in Mula Nasruddin's answer and said to the lawyer, "I'd like to hear what he has to say about his favourite horse, Arabia".

Mula Nasruddin thanked the Judge and proceeded.


"Well, as I was saying,

I had just hitched Arabia, my favourite horse, to the caravan and was riding down the road when this huge caravan came smack bang into us.

I was thrown into one ditch and Arabia was thrown into the other.

I was hurting, real bad and didn't want to move.

However, I could hear old Arabia moaning and groaning.

I knew she was in terrible shape just by her groans. Shortly after the accident a Patrolman came on the scene. He could hear Arabia moaning and groaning, so he went over to her.

After he looked at her, and saw her fatal condition, he took out his gun and shot her between the eyes.

Then the Patrolman came across the road, gun still in hand, looked at me, and said, "How are you feeling?"


"Now tell me, what would you say?"


What's happening in our neck of the woods......


Click on image to enlarge


IWAQ Fun Night Out

Crescents of Brisbane

Fund Raiser Dinner

for Kuraby State School

 Bike Track Appeal





Night of

Dinner & Entertainment



The CCN Date Claimer





(Click on link)





6 November


Muslim Women and Friends Meeting: Cooking Demo

Logan Women's Health and Wellbeing Centre

25 Ewing Road, Woodridge

0405 448 045


9 November


Body, Mind & Soul


Islamic Society of Algester

Springwood Community Centre


7.306pm to 10.30pm

10 November


Annual Fun Night for Women


Islamic Women's Association of Queensland

Clairvaux MacKillop College Hall, Klumpp Rd, Upper Mt. Gravatt

3272 6355

6pm til late

13 November


Alternative Investment Opportunities


Muslim Business Network

Runcorn Tavern, 124 Gowan Rd

0401 006 430


19/20 November

Monday & Tuesday

Queensland Multicultural Summit ‘07



State Library of Queensland

3844 9166

All day

23 November


Kuraby Special School Bike Track Fund Raiser Dinner


Crescents of Brisbane, Kuraby Lions & Chinese Lions

Michaels Oriental Restaurant

Cnr Warrigal & Padstow Roads, Eight Mile Plains

0402 026 786

6.15pm for 7.00pm

24 November


Annual Muslim Achievement Awards

Mission of Hope, Sydney

Fontana Di Trevi
53 Raymond St Bankstown, NSW



14 December


Untold Stories: An Insight into Afghanistan - Dinner and Entertainment

Samia Ahmad,
Reena Randhawa,
Simin Rawi

Roundhouse Theatre, Musk Ave Kelvin Grove


6:30pm to 9pm

20/21 December


Thursday or Friday








Madrasah Classes: Kuraby

Where: Islamic Society of Kuraby; 1408 Beenleigh Rd Kuraby 4122 QLD
Contact: Sheikh Ahmad Abu Ghazaleh
Phone: (07) 3219 7994
Mobile: 0401 331 298

When: Monday - Thursday, 3:00 - 8:00pm


Quraan Classes For Youth and Adults

Where: Islamic Society of Rochedale Inc; 2674 Logan Rd Eight Mile Plains 4113 QLD
Contact: Qur’an Classes by Sheikh Ahmad Ghazaleh (07) 3841 2504

When: Tuesdays 7:30pm


Sister's Tafsir Classes

Where: Islamic Society of Algester; 48 Learoyd Rd Algester 4115 QLD
Contact: (07) 3272 4111
When: After Isha (around 8pm) every 2nd Wednesday night.


To claim your date for your event email theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org.


Write For Us

The best ideas and the best feedback come from our community of readers. If you have a topic or opinion that you want to write about or want seen covered or any news item that you think might be of benefit to the Crescents Community please e-mail



Share your thoughts, feelings and ambitions for our community through CCN.


If there is someone you know who would like to subscribe to CCN please encourage them to send an e-mail to theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org with the words “Subscribe Me” in the subject line.


Articles and opinions appearing in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Crescents of Brisbane Team, CCN, its Editor or its Sponsors, particularly if they eventually turn out to be libelous, unfounded, objectionable, obnoxious, offensive, slanderous and/or downright distasteful.


It is the usual policy of CCN to include from time to time, notices of events that some readers may find interesting or relevant. Such notices are often posted as received. Including such messages or providing the details of such events does not necessarily imply endorsement of the contents of these events by either CCN or Crescents of Brisbane Inc.