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Sunday, 11 November 2007

Sunday 1 Thw al-Qi`dah 1428 A.H.

Newsletter 0157



So you think you know all about the electoral process for the Federal elections coming up on the 24th?


Test yourself with the following questions by filling in the missing words:


1. Each Member of the House of Representatives is elected to represent an area known as an __________ division.


2. How many ballot papers will you be given on the day to complete? _______________


3. To vote for a Member of the House of Representatives, an elector is required to write ______ in the box next to the candidate who is their first choice.


4. The colour of ballot paper of the House of Representatives is __________ and the colour of the Senate ballot paper is ____________.


5. Ballot papers which are not marked according to the rules for voting are called _____________ votes and are not considered for counting purposes.


6. The counting of the votes on election night is also known as _________________.


7. The Senate ballot paper is divided into two sections to distinguish the two alternative methods of voting for Senators. They are _____________ _______ __________ and _____________ _______ __________.


8. Some countries use the "first past the post" system. In Australia we use the ___________________ voting system of counting votes for the House of Representatives.


9. Unlike House of Representatives elections in which candidates have to gain more than _________% of the votes to be elected, Senate candidates must gain a quota of the formal votes to be elected.


10. When you vote below the line using the Senate ballot paper, you must put a number on every box. (True or False)




If you think you could do with a bit more help with the electoral process then why not attend the following informal workshop especially for the local community organized and sponsored by Crescents of Brisbane.


Find out everything you wanted to know (but were too afraid to ask) about the voting system and how it works and how to make the most of your vote in an apolitical, simple and practical free workshop!



Make the Most of YOUR Vote

Date: Saturday, 17 November 2007

Time: 6.30pm - 7.30pm

Venue: Kuraby State Special School, Winifred St, Kuraby

1. Dr Paul Williams, Lecturer at the School of Politics and Public Policy, Griffith University
2. Australian Electoral Commission Representative (TBC)


Tea, coffee and cakes will be served

Email theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org or call 0402 026 786 if you need any further information





Click here to go to the answers to the CCN Election Pop Quiz


Graduation of Huffaz




Abdullah Osman (left of photo) and Hisham Misraoui (12) graduated as Huffaz last night at the Kuraby Mosque.


Under the tutelage of Qari Fida ul Rahman the young men completed their final recitals at a well-attended graduation ceremony.


More than 35 young men in Brisbane have been trained by the Qari since he started with his classes at Holland Park Mosque a few years ago.








(A Hafiz - plural Huffaz - is an Arabic word literally meaning 'guardian', is a term used by Muslims for people who have completely memorized the Qur'an)


Support for burn victims from several quarters


Wasim Omar (11) and Amir Omar (13) raised $475 at Eidfest2007 selling off Crescents of Brisbane T-shirts.


They collected the funds to help Brother Rasmidin and his young family who suffered severe burns from a devastating fire arising from the 2005 earthquake that gutted their home in Banda Aceh, Indonesia.


The three sisters, all under 10 years of age, were trapped in the blazing house but were rescued by their father. Two of the sisters suffered severe burns.


Early this year a Rotary organisation called ROMAC (Rotary Oceanic Medical Aid to Children) brought the two sisters, Regika Sari and Uswatun Hasanah Rasmidin, aged 8 and 9, to Brisbane to have their operations at the Mater Royal Children Hospital, burns unit. The girls suffered burns contractures to their faces, hands and legs. They were accompanied to Brisbane by their father and are a regular sight at prayer times at the Kuraby Mosque. Their treatment is ongoing until May next year. Brother Rasmidin also suffered extensive burns and is currently undergoing treatment for them as well.

The Brisbane surgeons have performed their operations free of charge. The hospital charges were at a reduced fee. All the medicines were provided by ROMAC who raised the money to pay for them as they do for other overseas children.


Umar Batchelor and a small group of brothers took it upon themselves to raise money to help the family out and in no time at all collected over $5000 within the community to help with the rebuilding of the Rasmidin family home in their remote village as well as with the family's general living expenses and the children's education. 


If you would like to assist the family (who are currently residing a stone's throwaway from the Kuraby Mosque) in any way please email theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org or call 002 026 786.


The Pre-election Bash!


Take the stress out of the elections and relax over dinner with friends, good food, light entertainment and an inspirational talk on the night before the BIG DAY and support a worthy cause in the process.


Get your dinner tickets for Friday evening of the 23rd and give the Bike Track Appeal for the autistic and cerebral palsy children of our communities a leg up.


Catch all the details here.


Good doctor Googles up fresh challenges


ONE of Australia's leading researchers in artificial intelligence, who developed a computer system that can read sign language, is set to join internet giant Google in the US.


Google has snapped up Mohammed Waleed Kadous, from the University of NSW's school of computer science and engineering.


Mohammed Waleed Kadous, a senior research fellow at the University of NSW in the school of computer science and engineering, will be leaving this month after being offered a two-year contract to work in software engineering for the company.


"Google is one of the most exciting places to work in the world," Dr Kadous said. "There are a lot of very intelligent people who work for them who I am hoping to learn from.


"They do a lot of interesting things and are working on a lot of interesting products, and I am eager to get on board."


Dr Kadous's research areas include artificial intelligence, machine learning, robotics and human-robot interfaces.


In 2002, when he was a PhD student at UNSW, Dr Kadous developed a computer that could read sign language with 98per cent accuracy.


"My work has always focused on using computers to make it easier for people to communicate," he said.


Dr Kadous has dedicated his spare time to civil rights. In 2001 he founded the Australian Muslim Civil Rights Advocacy Network which, in conjunction with the University of Technology, Sydney, released a 2004 booklet ASIO, the Police and You, detailing anti-terror laws.


Dr Kadous said civil rights work helped further his career.


"My volunteer work has improved my ability to communicate ideas, especially under a lot of pressure," he said.


"I'm hoping to volunteer for several civil rights groups ... and when I come back to Australia use both the skills I learn from volunteering and from working for Google. Lobby groups in the US have done some amazing work for civil rights."


The third edition of ASIO, the Police and You is due for release early next year.


Source: http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/story/0,25197,22715014-27703,00.html


A Lifeline Offer


Do you live in or near Annerley, Moorooka, Stones Corner, Wooloongabba or Acacia Ridge?

Lifeline Community Care is running a competition and free community event to strengthen links in your local community and remind you about the fantastic Lifeline Shops in your area.

They are looking for stories and photographs of ordinary things with interesting true stories behind them.

Something like:

The teaspoon you bought on your trip to Sydney …
The hammer that belonged to your grandfather …
The coat you brought with you when you moved to Australia …
A favourite toy

Whether you’ve lived in the area for generations or moved here last month Lifeline wants to hear from you!


Click here for more details.


So you want to be an Imam?


If you had applied for the position of Imam of the Grand Mosque of Istanbul in the 1500s under Suleyman the Lawgiver you would have had to satisfy a rather demanding selection criteria.


Soliman Stands in Marginal Moreton


AS a devout Muslim originally from Egypt, married to a Catholic-raised Australian with possible Jewish roots, Brisbane father-of-three and civil rights campaigner Emad Soliman can claim allegiance with more than one community.


And that could prove crucial as he runs for one of the state's most multicultural and marginal seats in Queensland.


Soliman is vying for the seat of Moreton, currently held by the Liberal Party's Gary Hardgrave  with a 2.8 per cent margin.


Soliman, who is standing for the Australian  Democrats, will be the first  elected  Muslim in federal politics  if he wins.


The Griffith University Islamic Research Unit scholar and former engineer said he hoped to represent all of his  communities including families struggling to cope with rising  costs  despite the burgeoning  economy.


He said both Muslims  and migrants had been marginalised in Australia and he wanted to see their potential realised and better harnessed.


He said he planned to give his preferences to the Greens, with the Liberals last on his how-to-vote card.


Soliman launched his campaign at the Svoboda Park, Kuraby on Sunday.


Source: Courier Mail

Algester Mosque get off the ground


Proposed new buildings


The Islamic Society of Algester, in conjunction with The Islamic Council of Queensland, extends an invitation to everyone to participate in the ground breaking ceremony for the construction of the new Mosque to be built at 48 Learoyd Road, Algester.

Local residents, dignitaries, community leaders and the press have been invited to attend this auspicious occasion to commemorate the construction of this Mosque and Community Centre in our local area.

You are also invited to join in the lunch afterwards.

Place: Algester Mosque
Address: 48 Learoyd Road , Algester
Date: Sunday, 18th November 2007
Time: 9.45am for 10.00am sharp to 12.00 noon, followed by lunch

UK-based MBCOL receives Queen’s Golden Jubilee Award for Voluntary Service


On Wednesday 31 October 2007, a UK-based community organisation received a major royal award as a result of its work in providing bereavement services for local communities.

In front of nearly 200 guests, the Muslim Burial Council Of Leicestershire (MBCOL) was presented with the Queen’s Golden Jubilee Award for Voluntary Service by HM the Queen’s representative, the Lord Lieutenant of Leicestershire, Lady Jennifer Gretton.


The distinction was presented to MBCOL’s trustees at a special ceremony attended by dignitaries including the Lord Mayor of Leicester City, Councillor Hunt, Mayor of Oadby, Councillor Kaufman and leaders of both Leicester City and Leicestershire County Council’s.

Suleman Nagdi MBE, Chair of MBCOL said, “MBCOL was very proud to have received such a high honour. The superb turnout from individuals and organisations from across Leicestershire who shared the momentous occasion with us, was heartening. The evening was a major success not only for MBCOL but for faith-based charities as a whole because we work tirelessly to make a difference in our communities.

“For us, the award recognised the vital role played by our ‘unsung heroes’ who are our volunteers, who commit so much of their free time to provide essential services for the community. This has allowed us to receive recognition throughout the UK and Europe as a pioneering faith-based, social organisation”.

MBCOL was set up in 1994 to deal with the difficulties in accommodating the religious funeral preferences and requirements of the Muslim community. With the co-operation of statutory authorities, a successful programme of out of hour’s burials has been delivered.

PS: On his last visit to Brisbane a few year's ago, Mr. Nagdi gave several talks to local residents on his organization's various initiatives.


USQ Professor to present as keynote speaker at statistics conference


University of Southern Queensland (USQ) Statistics Associate Professor Dr Shahjahan Khan will be the keynote speaker at the First Arab Statistics Conference in Amman, Jordan.

Organised by the Arab Institute for Training and Research in Statistics (AITRS), the organisation was established to raise competencies and skills of the Arab Statistical Organisation by addressing different statistical problems and issues existing in the Arab countries.

The conference is organised with the Patronage of his Royal Majesty King Abdullah II Ibn Al-Hussain of Jordan, and the session in which Dr Khan will present his keynote speech will be chaired by the Minister of Planning of Jordan.

“My keynote speech is on the importance of statistics in development in line with the theme of the conference: No Development without Statistics,” Dr Khan said.

“I will also present two papers at the conference in the areas of improved statistical inference and predictive inference.”

Dr Khan also said that the conference was being held at an important time, with the world more reliant on statistics than ever before.

“We are living in a global information society where the flow of information is ever increasing and statistics is playing a major role in shaping and providing scientific information that is useful in almost every aspect of human life,” he said.

“Modern decision making, be it for an individual or a business or any national Government or international agency is increasingly using statistical methods to improve the quality of decisions.”

The keynote speech will also look at the use of statistics in developed nations and their influence on these countries.

“Every developed nation has adopted statistical methods in its diverse industries, local and national planning,” Dr Khan said.

“Statistics provide a much needed benchmark for current state of affairs, so that schemes could be undertaken to address any issues or to improve on specific aspects of the affair.”

“Moreover, statistical methods are capable of predicting or forecasting the future state of affairs, which are essential for effective development strategies, either for individuals or for groups.”

While in the Middle East, Dr Khan will also take time to visit one of the regions’ best universities, University of United Arab Emirate, Al-Ain and present an invited seminar in the College of Business on “Statistics in Decision Making – Sample and Non-sample Issues.”


As the current President of ISOSS, and the main organiser of the forthcoming 9th Islamic Countries Conference on Statistical Sciences (ICCS-IX) to be held in Shah Alam, Malaysia from 12-14 December 2007, Dr Khan has also been asked to highlight on the ICSS-IX.

The conference will be held in Amman from Monday November 12 to Tuesday November 13 2007.


A Message from the Principal


“IF YOU CAN READ THIS YOU CAN THANK A TEACHER” was a bumper sticker that I saw a few years ago on a car in Brisbane. It made me think. Have I ever thanked my teachers who helped me to learn to read, write and count? My teachers did even more than just teach me to read, write and count. Teachers were my parents “loco parentis” for at least six hours per day for forty weeks per year for at 12 years. I was in the presence of  teachers for  14 440 hours. I can only thank them because their collective influence was very positive in my life 


The teachers in my life not only taught me to read, write and count, but they supported my  parents in  reinforcing the beliefs and values that my parents tried to impart to me. My  teachers were there when I was  hurt in the playground; they put a band-aid on with love and  care. Teachers were there to help me resolve  conflict with my friends. Teachers were there to  listen to my excuses when I did not do my homework. 


Teachers were there to inspire,  encourage and support me to achieve. One of my teachers saw the potential in  quietly  rebellious teenager and encouraged me to think about being a teacher. 


Last Friday, 26 October  2007, Australian International Islamic College celebrated  International Teachers Day.


The day provided us as a College community with the opportunity to express our thanks and appreciation to a group of very dedicated,  caring and competent group of individuals who make up our teaching team. Each teacher makes an  invaluable contribution to our College and to each student. I know that some students don’t  appreciate it now.


I didn’t when I was a child. I appreciate teachers now because I have been able to see the work they so faithfully carry out each day in and out of school hours. Thank you teachers and teacher aides for your work at Australian International Islamic College.


Your dedication, professionalism, love and care of each student is valued and appreciated. Thank you teachers and teacher aides, my Allah richly reward you.


PS A little Joke. I didn't do it! A little girl came home from school and said to her mother, "Mummy, today in school I was  punished for something that I didn't do.” The mother exclaimed, "But that's terrible! I'm going  to have a talk with your  teacher about this ... by the way, what was it that you didn't do?" The little girl replied, "My homework."



Fundamental Sounds







If you missed the Saman dancers at Eidfest you can catch them, and several other performers, at the Fundamental Sounds concert.



Media Release





UK Muslim groups draw up rules to fight extremists and allow women's rights


British mosques will be expected to modernise and do far more to outlaw extremist Islamic teaching under new rules drawn up by Muslim leaders.
For the first time, a code of standards will allow mosques and their imams to be supervised and regulated. At present, there is no set of rules governing the running of Britain's 1,500 mosques.

Among the core standards set out in the draft, and seen by The Observer, is the stipulation that members must offer programmes that 'actively combat all forms of violent extremism within the society at large'. All mosques will have to carry out regular checks on their staff, and offer mainstream religious teaching.


But the code, drawn up by members of the four main Muslim organisations, will also offer Muslim women much greater protection. Imams will be expected to make it clear to their followers that forced marriages are completely 'unIslamic', as are violence or harassment in domestic disputes.
The move comes against the backdrop of growing concerns about extremist ideology being propagated within mosques. Last week, it was revealed that pamphlets advocating the suppression of women's rights, hatred for non-Muslims and the execution of lapsed Muslims had been found at some large centres.

The new standards, set out by the Mosques and Imams National Advisory Board, Minab, will be introduced next year. The Muslim groups have opted for a form of self-regulation rather than government-imposed rules. Mosques which join will face random checks by trained teams to ensure that standards are met - but those which don't sign up will come under pressure to explain their stance.

Communities Secretary Hazel Blears, who last week announced she would make £25m available to train imams to spot signs of dangerous fundamentalism, said she also wants to see how policy can be shaped to encourage a bigger role for women. 'We need a new generation of women leaders, and that is quite a cultural challenge,' she said.

Blears is dismissive of critics who say the veil or hijab is holding women back. 'I think we talk too much about what women wear, not enough about what they do. We need to listen to people from all walks of life and find a way of giving them a stronger voice.'


Source: http://observer.guardian.co.uk/uk_news/story/0,,2205152,00.html


Clothes Collection Drive


Janet Deen is collecting clothes for the needy.


You can drop them off at 24 Janice Street, Sunnybank or call her on 3344 5330.



The CCN Book Club



Your Country Needs Them

By Philippe Legrain


Philippe Legrain will be in Brisbane for The Queensland Multicultural Summit 2007 on 19 November at the State Library of Queensland.


A straightforward argument in favour of increased and better-regulated immigration

from one of the UK’s leading commentators on globalisation and trade



While governments are making it easier for goods and capital to circulate around the globe, they are seeking to erect ever-higher barriers to the free movement of people.  It is almost impossible for people from poor countries to migrate legally to work in wealthier countries, so it is not surprising that illegal immigration is on the rise.  Would-be migrants have a huge incentive to relocate, but we need them as much as they need us.  Migrants come to do the jobs that people in rich countries no longer want to do, others come to do the jobs that not enough people in rich countries can do.  The supply of potential migrants in poor countries is likely to continue rising, but so is the demand for migrants in rich countries, as ageing populations and shrinking workforces put a strain on businesses, economics and government finances.   


Legrain argues that opening our borders to migrants could transform our world for the better.  Economists believe that the potential gains from freer migration are huge and greatly exceed the benefits from freer world trade. The World Bank has estimated that if rich countries allowed their workforce to swell by a mere 3 per cent by letting in an extra 14 million workers from developing countries between 2001 and 2025, the world would be $356 billion a year better off, with the new migrants themselves gaining $162 billion a year, people who remain in poor countries $143 billion, and natives in rich countries $139 billion.  And those figures grossly underestimate the likely economic gains from the added diversity and dynamism that immigrants bring. 


In this challenging and powerful new book advocating increased global immigration Philippe Legrain looks at the global issues surrounding immigration and how these issues affect us on a global and individual level. Legrain discusses the hidden costs of immigration controls; the case for low-skilled migration; the pros and cons of high-skilled migration; the economic benefits of diversity; whether immigrants displace local workers; how migration helps poor countries; whether immigration threatens national identity; and how to integrate immigrants into society. Legrain shows why this rapidly growing global trend is here to stay and how it can benefit us all.



Frequently citing Australian policies, facts and statistics Philippe Legrain’s argument is straightforward, lucid and enlightened.



Philippe Legrain is the author of Open World: The Truth about Globalisation (Abacus, 2002). He is a contributing editor to Prospect magazine and a freelance writer for a variety of publications such as the Financial Times, The Guardian, The New Republic and Foreign Policy. He blogs at www.philippelegrain.com. In 1999, he was highly commended as Young Financial Journalist of the Year in the Harold Wincott Press Awards. He is also a commentator for BBC TV and radio on globalisation and trade. He was previously trade and economics correspondent for The Economist and special adviser to World Trade Organisation director-general Mike Moore. He has a first-class honours degree in economics and a masters in politics of the world economy, both from the London School of Economics. Philippe is thirty-two and lives in London.



Praise for Philippe Legrain’s previous book

Open World: The Truth about Globalisation:


‘The world did need another book about globalisation; Open World is it’

The Economist


‘One of those rare books that grabs the conventional wisdom and turns it on its head. With brio and verve, and the unique insight of the insider, Philippe Legrain examines the bogeyman of globalisation close up – and decides the scaremongers have got it wrong. The result is an accessible, passionately argued case for the defence: anyone who cares about our world and its future should read it’

Jonathan Freedland


‘At last a good book on globalisation . . . lucid and persuasive’

Financial Times


‘[Legrain] engages with the big issues much more convincingly than Klein’

Sunday Times


‘If you have been convinced by Naomi Klein or Noreena Hertz,

you owe it to yourself to hear Legrain’s persuasive defence’

New Statesman


‘a rapid rebuttal of the flimsy critique of anti-globalisation activists’



‘In this wonderfully lucid and intelligent book, Philippe Legrain takes on the many mistakes of the anti-globalisers. Globalisation, he argues, is neither a label for Americanisation, nor an excuse for worldwide corporate domination. It does not eliminate local cultures. Still less does it make governments irrelevant.  It is a chance for mutual enrichment, not a route to global impoverishment’

Martin Wolf


Multi-faith Choir


A special choral presentation by Christians, Jews and Muslims will be held at the Griffith University Multi Faith Centre as part of the Interfaith Dialogue.

It is called "One God, many Voices".

It will be on Thursday, 15 November, starting at 7pm.


Entry is free, and there will be free parking in the Ridge Carpark.

Dinner will be provided after the programme, which is expected to go for about an hour.


Contact Sultan Deen on 0418722353 for more information.

Leadership Australia – A New Generation


Do you want to use your voice to engage and influence key Australian identities from all different sectors of the community?

Do you want to strengthen your skills and experience and use them to make a difference within the community?

You could be one of 16 young Australian Muslims from around Australia to be selected to participate in Leadership Australia – A New Generation.


This is an intensive three day national program delivered in Melbourne, to assist young Australian Muslims in developing and strengthening their ability to play an active role in the community.

Following the program the participants are expected to implement project tasks within their state or territory.


All the details


Application form



A-R-A-B: The Rap





Kareema's Keep Fit Column


Q: Kareema, I have a knee injury and therefore struggle to do my lunge exercises as it can be quite painful at times. Is there any other exercise you can suggest that
that will work my leg muscles?



A: A great alternative to the lunge (in case of injury) is the squat. Legs about shoulder width apart with toes pointing out slightly, bend the knees and transfer your weight into your heels by taking your core to the floor (as if you were going to sit on a chair behind you). Be sure to keep your chest up!
The difference between this exercise and the lunges is that there is no weight/pressure put on the knees as it is all transferred to the heels.

Water (aqua aerobics) is another great alternative as the resistance of the water ensures no jarring on the joints, so too with cycling, there is no impact with the floor which means your knees are not being strained...


Need an answer to a fitness related matter? Send your question to Kareema at  fitness@crescentsofbrisbane.org.

All questions sent in are published here anonymously and without any references to the author of the question.


The Culinary Corner



4 Medium apples - 40 grm golden syrup - 100grm brown sugar - ½ tsp lemon juice - 12g butter - 40ml water

Wash apples in very hot water – dry thoroughly. Remove stalks and push wooden skewers into the stalk end of the apple. Grease a baking tray. Put ingredients in a heavy based pot. Heat slowly stirring until sugar has dissolved. Bring to the boil and cover with lid for 2 mins on medium low heat then uncover. Boil for another 4 mins. Dip apples into toffee then plunge immediately into a dish of ice cold water to harden the surface. Transfer to the greased tray and leave till completely set.


Source: Radio Islam Newsletter - Friday, 02 November 2007


Do you have a recipe to share with CCN readers?
Send in your favourite recipe to theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org and who knows, you could be our "guest chef" for a future edition of CCN.


The CCN Chuckle




Mula Nasruddin just finished his English exam and came out of the exam room.


His friends asked him how did he do his exam?

He replied: "The exam was okay, but for the past tense of THINK, I thought, thought and thought... and could only come up with THUNK!!!"


What's happening in our neck of the woods......


Click on image to enlarge


IWAQ Fun Night Out

Crescents of Brisbane

Fund Raiser Dinner

for Kuraby State School

 Bike Track Appeal





Night of

Dinner & Entertainment


Algester Mosque

Ground Breaking Ceremony

The CCN Date Claimer





(Click on link)





13 November


Alternative Investment Opportunities


Muslim Business Network

Runcorn Tavern, 124 Gowan Rd

0401 006 430


18 November


Algester Mosque Ground Breaking Ceremony


Islamic Society of Algester

Algester Mosque

48 Learoyd Road, Algester

0419 786 092

All day

19/20 November

Monday & Tuesday

Queensland Multicultural Summit ‘07



State Library of Queensland

3844 9166

All day

23 November


Kuraby Special School Bike Track Fund Raiser Dinner


Crescents of Brisbane, Kuraby Lions & Chinese Lions

Michaels Oriental Restaurant

Cnr Warrigal & Padstow Roads, Eight Mile Plains

0402 026 786

6.15pm for 7.00pm

24 November


Annual Muslim Achievement Awards

Mission of Hope, Sydney

Fontana Di Trevi
53 Raymond St Bankstown, NSW



14 December


Untold Stories: An Insight into Afghanistan - Dinner and Entertainment

Samia Ahmad,
Reena Randhawa,
Simin Rawi

Roundhouse Theatre, Musk Ave Kelvin Grove


6:30pm to 9pm

20/21 December


Thursday or Friday


23-25 February

Saturday - Monday

Asia-Pacific Interfaith Symposium
Women, Faith
and a Culture of Peace

Griffith University Multi-faith Centre and AMARAH

Multi-Faith Centre
Griffith University, Nathan Campus

Griffith University Multi-faith Centre

Saturday 23rd mid-afternoon to
Monday 25th mid-afternoon

3-5 March

Monday - Wednesday

Griffith Islamic Research Unit 2008 Conference: The Challenges and Opportunities of Islam in the West: The Case of Australia


Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, Cnr Merivale and Glenelg Streets, South Bank

0402 819 197

10am to 10pm

11 October 2008



Eidfest Committee

Mt Gravatt Showgrounds

0402 819 197

10am to 10pm





Madrasah Classes: Kuraby

Where: Islamic Society of Kuraby; 1408 Beenleigh Rd Kuraby 4122 QLD
Contact: Sheikh Ahmad Abu Ghazaleh
Phone: (07) 3219 7994
Mobile: 0401 331 298

When: Monday - Thursday, 3:00 - 8:00pm


Quraan Classes For Youth and Adults

Where: Islamic Society of Rochedale Inc; 2674 Logan Rd Eight Mile Plains 4113 QLD
Contact: Qur’an Classes by Sheikh Ahmad Ghazaleh (07) 3841 2504

When: Tuesdays 7:30pm


Sister's Tafsir Classes

Where: Islamic Society of Algester; 48 Learoyd Rd Algester 4115 QLD
Contact: (07) 3272 4111
When: After Isha (around 8pm) every 2nd Wednesday night.


To claim your date for your event email theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org.



1. electoral

2. 2

3. 1

4. green and white

5. informal

6. scrutiny

7. above the line; below the line

8. preferential

9. 50

10. True


Go back to the questions


Write For Us

The best ideas and the best feedback come from our community of readers. If you have a topic or opinion that you want to write about or want seen covered or any news item that you think might be of benefit to the Crescents Community please e-mail



Share your thoughts, feelings and ambitions for our community through CCN.


If there is someone you know who would like to subscribe to CCN please encourage them to send an e-mail to theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org with the words “Subscribe Me” in the subject line.


Articles and opinions appearing in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Crescents of Brisbane Team, CCN, its Editor or its Sponsors, particularly if they eventually turn out to be libelous, unfounded, objectionable, obnoxious, offensive, slanderous and/or downright distasteful.


It is the usual policy of CCN to include from time to time, notices of events that some readers may find interesting or relevant. Such notices are often posted as received. Including such messages or providing the details of such events does not necessarily imply endorsement of the contents of these events by either CCN or Crescents of Brisbane Inc.