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Sunday, 27 January 2008

 .Newsletter 0168

This week's CCN is kindly sponsored by


Australia Day Awards


Two Crescents of Brisbane Team members were presented with Australia Day Awards on Saturday.


Amongst a strong list of contenders in the two categories, Zaheer Suleman won the Young Citizen of the Year Award and Mustafa Ally the inaugural 2008 Robbie Williams Multicultural Memorial Citizen of the Year Award.


The awards were presented at an Australia Day function at the Southside Sport and Community Club by Judy Spence MP and Phil Reeves MP before a large crowd who came to support the event and celebrate the day.


Mustafa Ally told our CCN reporter that these two awards reflected more the collective effort, hard work and dedication of the Crescents of Brisbane Team and the generosity and participation of the local Muslim community than on any single individual and that both he and Zaheer were proud to receive them on their behalf.


(L to R) Phil Reeves MP (State Member for Mansfield), Zaheer Suleman,

Mustafa Ally and Judy Spence MP (State Member for Mt Gravatt)

From Sandra to Salma




What is it like for a Jewish woman to convert to Islam and decide to wear the hijab?


Follow her journey.


Need a good doctor?



Sent in by Habib Jamal

(click on image to enlarge)


The CCN Cultural Corner


Vidhata: A Hindi social drama by Vipul Vyas

Does destiny dictate life or does man make his own destiny?
Find out in the most thrilling and entertaining drama of the year …

Where: Logan Entertainment Centre, 170 Wembley Road, Logan Central
When: Saturday, 02 February 2008
Time: 8.00-11.00pm (Doors open at 7.30pm)

Discount of $10.00 per ticket is available if booked for group of 10 or more

(click on image to enlarge)


[Editor] CCN has tickets to the show to give away. If you email theteam@crescentsofbrisbane with the answer to the following question you stand a chance to win a couple of them:


Who is the Director of the play?






Vusi Mahlasela (South Africa)



Vusi Mahlasela "When You Come Back" from Live 8


In South African singer-songwriter Vusi Mahlasela returns to Australia with his three-piece band to perform the soul-stirring music that has endeared him audiences across the globe.

Growing up in Mamelodi, Vusi taught himself to play on a homemade guitar made of tin cans and fishing line and was a seasoned performer and songwriter by age 17.

An accomplished guitarist, percussionist, composer, arranger and band leader, Vusi has wowed the world with his songs that interweave political and social themes.


He is featured in the film, Amandla! A Revolution in Four-part Harmony, about the importance of music and song in South Africa’s anti-apartheid struggle.


His latest album, Naledi Ya Tsela (Guiding Star), features special guests, Xavier Rudd, Ladysmith Black Mambazo and Dave Matthews.


“He was the voice during the revolution, a voice of hope like a Woody Guthrie or Bob Dylan of South Africa, and he still is” – Dave Matthews

“Vusi Mahlasela sings as a bird does in total response to being alive. Vusi’s music is here to stir and delight us. He is a national treasure” – Nadine Gordimer


Venue: Brisbane Powerhouse

Date: Tue 18 March

Booking details: http://www.brisbanepowerhouse.com.au/events/view/vusi-mahlasela-south-africa/






In this Adelaide Festival hit, spectacular life-size wooden puppets play out Georg Buchner's famed tragedy of jealousy, murder and the struggle of an individual against an uncaring society that ultimately destroys him.

In this adapted version of Buchner’s famous play, Woyzeck is a migrant worker in 1956 Johannesburg, a landscape of barren industrialisation. Rod-manipulated puppets, an arresting backdrop of ominous black-and-white film and haunting African music spectacularly convey Woyzeck's tortured mind as he tries to make sense of his external circumstances.

This legendary production is the first collaboration between Handspring and renowned artist and film maker William Kentridge. Since premiering at the Standard Bank National Arts Festival in Grahamstown in 1992, Woyzeck on the Highveld has played at the Market Theatre in Johannesburg, and toured to Germany, Spain, Belgium, Scotland, the UK, Hong Kong, Australia, New Zealand, France and US.

Woyzeck on the Highveld is performing at the 20th UNIMA Congress & World Puppetry Festival in Perth and Brisbane Powerhouse.

“History says Johan Christian Woyzeck died long ago… But Woyzeck, the tragic common man, seems never to die… In his latest incarnation, Woyzeck has found himself a new skin (black), a new homeland (South Africa during apartheid), a new job (servant) and, perhaps most fitting of all for a creature so bedevilled by society, a new medium of expression: he is now a puppet.” NY Times

“… an ample display of the power of puppetry … a captivating show … Woyzeck is clearly alive in South Africa. And so is the high art of puppetry.” NY Times


Venue: Brisbane Powerhouse

Date: Tue 15 April

Booking details: http://www.brisbanepowerhouse.com.au/events/view/woyzeck-on-the-highveld/


Little Mosque on the Prairie: Season 2 Episode 8


Part 1




Part 2




Part 3




Around the Muslim World with CCN


Afghanistan bans 'Kite Runner'

The Kite Runner













Zekiria Ebrahimi, right, and Ahmad Khan Mahmoodzada, left, star in a scene from “The Kite Runner.” The film explores Afghan society over three decades, from before the Soviet invasion through the rise of the Taliban, focusing on the friendship between the boys.



Afghanistan has banned the import and exhibition of "The Kite Runner," a film about the troubled friendship of two Afghan boys.

The decision was made "because some of its scenes are questionable and unacceptable for some people . . . and would cause trouble for the government and people," a government official said.

Paramount, the studio behind the adaptation of the 2003 bestselling novel by U.S.-based Afghan author Khaled Hosseini, last year had to get its three young stars out of their homeland before the movie premiered to protect them from a possible backlash.

The film is currently showing on the Brisbane film circuit and you can read reviews of the book at the CCN Readers' Book Club.





Source: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/22667048/



New Muslim movie about Prophet Jesus hits Iranian cinemas


Talebzadeh (L) leads actors during the making of 'Jesus, the Spirit of God'

Reaching “common ground” between Muslims & Christians is what Talebzadeh was hoping for when he created 'Jesus, the Spirit of God'.

Reaching “common ground” between Muslims and Christians is what Nader Talebzadeh was looking for when he created “Jesus, the Spirit of God”, the Iranian director told AFP.

The movie was described as an answer to Mel Gibson’s 2004 “The Passion of the Christ”, which portrayed the life of Prophet Jesus.

Talebzadeh explained to AFP that the two main mistakes in Gibson’s movie were the fact that Jesus is not the son of God but a prophet sent by Allah (SWT) and that he was not crucified according to the Holy Qur’an, which states that Prophet Jesus was taken to heaven and replaced by another man who was crucified.

"Gibson's film is a very good film. I mean that it is a well-crafted movie but the story is wrong -- it was not like that”, the 54-year-old director said.

Talebzadeh even delivered his movie to the Hollywood star’s mansion in Malibu, California but received no answer from Gibson.

Even though the movie did not generate a significant amount of revenue in Iran when it was displayed in 5 theatres last Ramadan, 20 spin-off episodes are scheduled to be broadcasted over state-run television this year.

Talebzadeh insists it aims to bridge differences between Christianity and Islam, despite the stark divergence from Christian doctrine about Christ's final hours on earth.

"It is fascinating for Christians to know that Islam gives such devotion to and has so much knowledge about Jesus," Talebzadeh said.

"By making this film I wanted to make a bridge between Christianity and Islam, to open the door for dialogue since there is much common ground between Islam and Christianity," he said.

Read the rest....



Prince Among Slaves




In 1828, Abdul Rahman Ibrahima Sori, an African prince enslaved for forty years in the American South, set out across the country to share his life story in an attempt to secure his family's freedom from slavery.

Little did he know that nearly two hundred years later, his remarkable journey full of dramatic circumstances and immeasurable odds would be pieced together to become a source of inspiration for millions of people.

Prince Among Slaves , a new documentary by Unity Productions Foundation, will air nationwide on America PBS on Monday, February 4, 2008.

The one-hour film, narrated by Mos Def, tells the tale of a little known African American hero, who despite enduring unimaginable indignities, managed to survive his long fall from royalty with character and integrity intact.

By highlighting this amazing historical period, Prince Among Slaves also attempts to create discussion and awareness about slavery, race relations, societies of Africa, and the lessons of American history.

Read the rest....



Tablighi Jamaat: An Indirect Link to Terrorism


Spanish police conducted a series of raids on apartment buildings, a mosque and a prayer hall in Barcelona on Jan. 19, seizing bombmaking materials and arresting 14 men who allegedly were planning to attack targets in the city.


Spanish Interior Minister Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba said the detainees were Islamists belonging to a “well-organized group that had gone a step beyond radicalization.”

A Muslim leader in Barcelona was quoted in some media reports as saying the 14 suspects — 12 Pakistanis, an Indian and a Bangladeshi — were members of a “Pakistani-based group called Tablighi Jamaat.”


Read the rest....



A Cutting Tradition



Female circumcisers and their attendants waiting

in an elementary-school classroom, where they do their work.


When a girl is taken — usually by her mother — to a free circumcision event held each spring in Bandung, Indonesia, she is handed over to a small group of women who, swiftly and yet with apparent affection, cut off a small piece of her genitals.


Sponsored by the Assalaam Foundation, an Islamic educational and social-services organization, circumcisions take place in a prayer center or an emptied-out elementary-school classroom where desks are pushed together and covered with sheets and a pillow to serve as makeshift beds.


According to Lukman Hakim, the foundation’s chairman of social services, there are three “benefits” to circumcising girls.

“One, it will stabilize her libido,” he said through an interpreter. “Two, it will make a woman look more beautiful in the eyes of her husband. And three, it will balance her psychology.”

Read the rest....



Straighten up, dad - bin Laden Jr


Mrs. Felix-Browne and Mr. bin Laden met while horseback riding at the Great Pyramid in Egypt.


ONE of Osama bin Laden's sons said he wishes his father would find "another way" to pursue his goals but does not believe his father is a terrorist, it was reported today.

Omar bin Laden, 26, told CNN in broken English that he disagreed with the killing of civilians.

"I try and say to my father: 'Try to find another way to help or find your goal. This bomb, this weapons, it's not good to use it for anybody'," he said in Cairo where he lives.

Wearing his hair in braids and appearing with his British wife, Omar bin Laden said he had not spoken to his father since 2000, when he left an al-Qaeda training camp in Afghanistan.

Read the rest and watch the video....



Forced Annulment Keeps Couple Apart

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia (AP) -- Two years ago, a knock on Fatima and Mansour al-Timani's door shattered the life they had built together.

It was the police, delivering news that a judge had annulled their marriage in absentia after some of Fatima's relatives sought the divorce on grounds she had married beneath her.

That was just the beginning of an ordeal for a couple who - under Saudi Arabia's strict segregation rules - can no longer live together. They sued to reverse the ruling, publicized their story and sought help from a Saudi human rights group.

AP Photo

Read the rest....


Just for our Hindi speaking readers.....


An an event organized in Delhi on the topic "Misconceptions and it's clarification on Islam"


Dr. Zakir Naik speaks on Islam



President of Arya Samaj speaks on ISLAM




The CCN Centre Link



Expression of Interest Employment Pathways Coordinator Project

Brisbane City Council, Employment Services is starting a new project called the Employment Pathways Coordinator.

Employment Pathways Coordinator project will employ six participants from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds and train them to become Multicultural Employment Advisors.


During this employment, the Multicultural Employment Advisors will get extensive training in recruitment and retention of migrants and refugees so that they can become the link between jobseekers and employers.


The participants will be placed in relevant Council sections to gain practical knowledge of recruitment and selection process.

The following expressions of interest are being called for:
• Project Supervisor (Band 6)- for up to 6 months.
• 6 applicants (Band 5)- for up to 5 months

This project is due to commence on 18 of February so they are looking for a supervisor to start immediately. Successful applicants will start on 18 February.

For more information, contact Lilly Matich, Community Employment Programs Coordinator, on 3403 5582 and see the following documents.


Recruitment Flyer

Selection Criteria

Expressions of Interest


Muslim Employment Project Support Worker

Required for Multicultural community organisation. Part-time position (3 days /week).
Applicants must identify with the Muslim faith. Multi-region project based at Logan,
aims to support unemployed and underemployed Muslim people. Licence essential.
Selection criteria available from ACCES Services Inc. - 3808 9299 or contact Sushil at ACCES Services INC
accessinc@accesservicesinc.org.au  Applications close on 11/01/08.



....and now a word from this week's sponsor.......Tommarco's


Table Menu

(Click image to enlarge)


Now open for lunch on Saturdays from 11am

Also open for lunch & dinner on AUSTRALIA DAY

(Monday 28 January)

with an Oz theme


Shop 6, Le Metro, 8 Station Road, Indooroopilly


Mention CCN when you place your order and you can claim a 5% discount


The CCN Readers' Book Club: You are what you read!



CCN has set up an online Book Club at Shelfari to connect with CCN book readers at:




Using our book club you can see what books we at CCN have on our shelves, what we are reading and even what we and others think of them.


You can even create your own book shelf, find out what your fellow CCN readers are reading, get and give recommendations for what to read next, create book lists, and even share your opinion on a book with us.


Come see the books we have selected and see if we have any in common. 


Then pick our next book so we can all keep on reading.

The CCN Readers' Book Club

Kareema's Keep Fit Column


Q: Salaam Kareema, I am trying to implement a well balanced exercise regime and need some guidance as to how I should structure it. Any advice?





A: Great to see that you're planning before acting......


One of my favourite sayings is: THOSE WHO FAIL TO PLAN, PLAN TO FAIL!!!!


So good on you!

Anyway, a well balanced fitness program should include three components: Cardio, Strength and Flexibility.


It doesn't matter how or when you fit exercise into your busy lifestyle, as long as you include activities that benefit you in the
following ways:

Cardio/Aerobic It helps the heart and lungs function better  Treadmill, stepper, cross trainer
  Relieves stress   Walking, running
  Controls blood pressure                                            Cycling
Strength Shapes and tones your muscles                                Machine weights
  Strengthens bones                                                    Light hand weights
  Reduces risk of osteoporosis     Push-ups, sit-ups
      Resistance bands
      Squats, lunges
Flexibility             Provides relief from stiffness and stress                        Stretching exercises
  Keeps muscles loose                                                  Yoga, pilates, balance classes
  Reduces risk of injury    





Need an answer to a fitness related matter? Send your question to Kareema at  fitness@crescentsofbrisbane.org.

All questions sent in are published here anonymously and without any references to the author of the question.


The Culinary Corner




(Makes 1 large cake)



4 extra large eggs, separated. 125 ml Castor Sugar (105 g). 60 ml Snowflake self-raising flour (35 g). 60 ml cocoa powder (25 g). Castor sugar for rolling.

Beat egg yolks and castor sugar until light and pale. Sift flour and cocoa powder and add to egg mixture, beating well. Beat egg whites until soft-peak stage and fold in with a metal spoon. Spread in a lined and greased 23 cm x 32 cm Swiss roll tin. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 °C for 10-12 minutes. Remove from oven and leave to cool slightly. Turn out onto a clean, dry tea towel sprinkled well with castor sugar. Trim edges to ensure rolling without breaking. Remove paper carefully and roll it up with the sugared cloth. Leave it for about 5 minutes, then unroll and leave it to cool further.

For filling
Beat cream and sugar until thickened. Spread over the Swiss roll and sprinkle peppermint crisp over it. Roll up.


Source: Radio Islam Newsletter - Friday, 11 January 2008


Do you have a recipe to share with CCN readers?
Send in your favourite recipe to theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org and who knows, you could be our "guest chef" for a future edition of CCN.


The Inbox


Dear CCN


My compliments for initiating the CCN Readers' book club.
The Kite Runner is available at Sunnybank Library in audio format.
It is absorbing with 9 cassettes running for 12hours.

Kind regards


Dear CCN


Do you know if there is a dictionary of Dari to English and English to Dari (Afghani) as I have a student who speaks Dari and Farsi?





[Editor] If any reader has access to such a dictionary please email us at theteam@crescentsofbrosbane.org

The CCN Chuckle



Mula Nasruddin phoned the police to report that thieves had been in his car.


"They've stolen the dashboard, the steering wheel, the brake pedal, the radio, and even the accelerator," Mula Nasruddin cried out.

However, before the police investigation could start, the phone rang a second time and the same voice came over the line.


"Never mind," Mula Nasruddin said with a obvious embarrassment, "I got in the back seat by mistake."


What's happening in our neck of the woods......


Click on image to enlarge


Muslim Youth Day Out


MBN Dinner

GIRU Conference


The CCN Date Claimer





(Click on link)





27 January


Open & Enrolment Day

AIIC: Gold Coast

19 Chisholm Road

5579 9070

10.30am to 2.30pm

27 January


Muslim Youth Day Out!

Discover Islam Australia

College Crossing, Karana Downs

1300 788 526

1pm to 6pm

29 January



Muslim Business Network (MBN)

Brisbane Abruzzo Club
150 Fursden Rd, Carina 4152

0439 617 786


30 January


Fund Raiser: Movie - Kite Runner

Mahboba's Promise

Palace Centro

James Street


0419 022 576


10 February


Documentary: The Imam & the Pastor




The Meeting Room
Garden City Library
0422 349 786

4pm to 6pm

17 February


MBM AGM (for members)


Muslim Business Network (MBN)


Runcorn Tavern

0439 617 786


23-25 February

Saturday - Monday

Asia-Pacific Interfaith Symposium
Women, Faith
and a Culture of Peace

Griffith University Multi-faith Centre and AMARAH

Multi-Faith Centre
Griffith University, Nathan Campus

Griffith University Multi-faith Centre

Saturday 23rd mid-afternoon to
Monday 25th mid-afternoon

3-5 March

Monday - Wednesday

Griffith Islamic Research Unit 2008 Conference: The Challenges and Opportunities of Islam in the West: The Case of Australia


Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, Cnr Merivale and Glenelg Streets, South Bank

0402 819 197

10am to 10pm

8 March


The "Hope For Happiness" Fashion Evening

Hope for Happiness in association with Human Appeal International Australia

Runcorn Tavern Function Centre
124 Gowan Rd, Runcorn

0415 180 065  0405 230 305



15 March


Crescents of Brisbane: World's Greatest Shave

Crescents of Brisbane & The Leukemia Foundation

Kuraby Community Hall, Stiller Drive, Kuraby

0402 026 786

9am to 1pm

15 March


Charity Dinner for Iraqi widows and orphans

AMARAH and Muslim Aid Australia

Michael's Oriental Restaurant

0422 349 786


30 March


Kuraby Madrassah fundraising BBQ

Kuraby Mosque


0431 300 111


18 May 2008


CresWalk2008: Annual Fun Run

Crescents of Brisbane

Orleigh Park, West End

0402 026 786

7.30am to 12pm

25 June


Kuraby Madrassah fundraising DINNER

Kuraby Mosque


0431 300 111


1/2 September



Start of Ramadaan

29/30 September



End of Ramadaan

30 Sept. / 1 Oct.




4 October


Kuraby Madrassah fundraising (Ladies Only) DINNER

Kuraby Mosque


0431 300 111


11 October



Eidfest Committee

Mt Gravatt Showgrounds

0402 819 197

10am to 10pm

8/9 December






To claim your date for your event email theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org.


Write For Us

The best ideas and the best feedback come from our community of readers. If you have a topic or opinion that you want to write about or want seen covered or any news item that you think might be of benefit to the Crescents Community please e-mail



Share your thoughts, feelings and ambitions for our community through CCN.


If there is someone you know who would like to subscribe to CCN please encourage them to send an e-mail to theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org with the words “Subscribe Me” in the subject line.


Articles and opinions appearing in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Crescents of Brisbane Team, CCN, its Editor or its Sponsors, particularly if they eventually turn out to be libelous, unfounded, objectionable, obnoxious, offensive, slanderous and/or downright distasteful.


It is the usual policy of CCN to include from time to time, notices of events that some readers may find interesting or relevant. Such notices are often posted as received. Including such messages or providing the details of such events does not necessarily imply endorsement of the contents of these events by either CCN or Crescents of Brisbane Inc.