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......a sometimes self-deprecating and occasional tongue-in-cheek look at ourselves and the world around us ......


Sunday, 20 July 2008

 .Newsletter 0193


News you won't find on CNN!



This week's CCN is kindly sponsored by

 G.M. Hair Design


Conference at the Governor's



The Muslim Women Conference Towards Common Ground held on Wednesday 16 July at Government House attracted some 140 delegates from many different agencies and organizations.


The conference was hosted by HE The Governor of Queensland (and Governor-General of Australia elect) Ms Quentin Bryce AC at her official residence and was the brainchild of Ms Faiza El-Higzi who coordinated the event.


A number of research papers were delivered during the course of the day highlighting the challenges and barriers that Muslim women faced in Australia. There were case studies that demonstrated the initiatives being undertaken by community groups and the government to address some of these issues.




It was also an opportunity to launch the Youth Affairs Network Queensland Annual Report to which Ms Shaima Khan and Ms Kareema Benjamin spoke.


Zuhr prayers were read (by all accounts for the first time within the hallowed walls of Government House) and lunch was served from the Governor's kitchen.


Dr Helen McCue of the National Centre for Excellence in Islamic Studies, University of Melbourne

Mr. Nick Earls introduces the panel on “Participation of Young Muslim Women in Sport”

Dr Kirsten McGavin of Youth Affairs Network Queensland


Tea Time in the Foyer


(Centre) Mr. Mehmood Surtie of Kuraby Mosque and Dr. Halim Rane of Griffith University

Ms. Nicky Allouche of Siitra, Ms. Eman Nasser of the Sudanese Youth Community and Ms. Heban Allouche

Dr. Rubana Moola of EidFest, Ms. Ann Jones of the Office for Women and Ms Agnes Whiten of ECCQ

Ms. Farzanah Ally of DLA Phillips Fox Lawyers

Ms Homa Forotan launches YANQ Annual Report

Ms. Faiza El-Higzi Conference Convener, Mr. Mustafa Ally of USQ, Dr Mohammed Hanief Khatree of MBN, Ms. Sushil Sami of ACCES Services and Ms Adele of Milpera State High School

(Foreground) Mr. Garry Page and Mr. David Forde of MAQ, Mr. Ari Heber of Queensland Jewish Community Services



An Aussie at 80


Mrs. Vazira Ally (80) (seen here being congratulated by Brisbane's Lord Mayor Campbell Newman) became an Australian citizen this week at the Brisbane City Hall.


At a glittering ceremony that saw the City Hall packed to capacity the 500 new citizens stood and repeated their pledges and were welcomed by Aboriginal dancers and the Brisbane Brass Band.


Trivia Night More that All Right!


Twenty seven teams of ten players took part in last night's inaugural MBN Trivia Night at the Sacred Heart Community Centre.


Halim Rane was the quiz master for the night with MBN President Hanief Khatree as the MC.


There were many individual prizes to be won, trophies for the winning teams and everyone was treated to a BBQ in the course of the programme.


CCN congratulates the MBN Team on a well organized and entertaining evening.



A section of the 300-strong participants

The winning team - Al-Andalus

Runners-up, Rane Brain, with Hassan Corane

Crescents Cubs

Team Warriors

Peer Katz


Muslim taxi drivers refuse blind fares with 'unclean' guide dogs


SOME Muslim taxi drivers are refusing to carry blind and disabled passengers with guide dogs - because their religion tells them the animals are "unclean".


Brisbane's Yellow Cab Company has been forced to sack drivers over their conduct towards passengers with assistance dogs.


Bill Parker, general manager of the firm, said the behaviour would not be tolerated and penalties will be imposed if drivers disobeyed.


The company has produced a booklet informing drivers of their duty towards blind and disabled customers with dogs.


Islamic Council of Queensland president Suliman Sabdia said dogs were considered a health risk for Muslims but "to use religion as a reason to refuse blind and disabled passengers is unjustified".

Source and comments on the subject: http://www.news.com.au/couriermail/story/0,23739,24031612-952,00.html


Farah's Story by Farah Safari


Farah Safari was born Farahnaz Safari Khatoonabad in Tehran, Iran, just 26 years ago and has already had about three whole lives.

At the age of 21 she decided that she would escape Iran and, after accumulating as much hard currency as she could manage to hide, and slipped over the border under cover of darkness into Turkey. She had never spent a night away from her parents home before and she suddenly found herself alone in another country, totally foreign to her, without being able to speak a word of the language.

Undeterred she moved to Kayseri in central Turkey, found an apartment and set about finding friends, learning the language, and trying to get a visa into a western country. While she was in Turkey she unfortunately became very ill and faced the terrifying prospect of undergoing a serious abdominal operation, despite that she had no family to support her, little money and still didn’t understand the language well. Fortunately she survived the operation and was finally offered entry into both Canada and Australia. To our good fortune, she chose Australia.

She caught her first airplane from Turkey to Australia via Singapore and arrived in her third country in two years, again without knowing a word of the language. In the manner of her culture, she moved in with some distant relatives in Adelaide. Again however, she still dreamed of something more to life. She soon moved to Brisbane to stay with other relatives and started learning English under the Australian Migrant English Program. She became a very dinky-di Australian citizen on Australia Day 2007 and her Aussie passport is her proudest possession.

After she had learned enough English to survive, she enrolled in TAFE and completed a Certificate III in Accounting. Not satisfied with that, she then enrolled at the Queensland Hairdressing Academy and in 9 months completed a Certificate III in Hairdressing. She now believes that, at the age of 26, she has both the business training, trade skills and personality to be successful in business.

So, on February 1st this year, she took control of this, her first business, G.M. Hair Design. She has undertaken to re-capitalise the business by adding massage and make-up to her suite of services. Farah has extended the trading hours to include all-day Mondays and Saturdays and is hoping to build up a "Saturday Night Live Club" for people who would like a massage, eyebrow wax & tint, and hair styling before going out on the town. She has also re-modelled the salon with privacy curtains so that on special days she can service the very discreet female Muslim community who she believes is under-served by the hair and beauty industry in this city.

Farah would love everyone to know that G.M. Hair Design is under her management, has a new stylist, Ivy LiQin, on site and has a wider range of services for her customers, both former and new. She is looking forward to making many new friends at her salon, so come and join her!

[Editor] G.M. Hair Design is a sponsor of CCN.

Jas and Susan plan an Extravaganza of Entertainment


Ladies! After a highly anticipated return, Jas and Susan are back to bring you IWAQ's Annual Ladies Night 2008! This year they plan want to reunite our diverse community by bringing together our cultures and traditions into an evening filled with great fashion, entertainment, fine cuisine and let's not forget fun!


Tickets are available for sale and won't last long!

Jas told our CCN reporter: "Tickets are already running out the door so please tell your CCN readers not to leave purchasing their tickets until the last minute as they WILL miss out! "


Tables of 10 are also available to purchase.

Tickets can be purchased from Jas or Susan. 0404 433 702/0433 182 520.

Thousands attend UK's Islam Expo opening ceremony!


On Friday 11th July London Olympia hosted the launch of Islam Expo 2008, Europe’s largest celebration of Islamic culture, arts and innovation.


The four day event offered a unique opportunity for dialogue and developing good community relations; Islam Expo endeavours to promote awareness and understanding within Muslim and non Muslim communities.

The opening ceremony welcomed visitors to celebrate diversity within Islam.


A number of high profile personalities took part in the ceremony, including the former Mayor of London Ken Livingston; Yusuf Islam and Simon Hughes.

Also present were numerous academics, intellectuals and journalists.


Visitors to Islam Expo had the opportunity to choose from various activities; explore the extensive exhibition area, attend informative debates and participate in lively discussions, or simply enjoy the beautiful tranquillity of the Islamic Gardens (created by the charity The Religious Education and Environment Programme).


These stunning gardens are based upon the Garden of Paradise, as described in the Quran.


Visitors had the opportunity to discover the significant contributions the Islamic world has made to art over the centuries.









Ismail Patel, Executive Director of Islam Expo, stated “The primary purpose of Islam Expo is to build bridges between Britain’s Muslim communities and the rest of society; Islam Expo brings together a wonderful array of exhibitions and interactive thematic zones; we hope every visitor will leave with new ideas, greater understanding and an appreciation of what Islam has to offer.”

From Dundee with Love






Shanaaz, daughter of Yousuf and Amina Meer and Mohammed, son of Faisal and Fatima Koya were married at the Kuraby Mosque on Sunday 13 July by Imam Yusuf Peer.



Around 400 guests attended the reception that afternoon at the Riverside Reception Centre.



Friends and family flew in from South Africa for the occasion.



It must have been a case of divine intervention that both Shanaaz and Mohammed who attended the same Madressah as 5-year-olds in the town of Dundee in Natal should meet up here again in Kuraby, Brisbane.


'More than a comrade, more than my leader' 

A letter to Nelson Mandela from Ahmed Kathrada on his 90th birthday


Dear Mdala,

As you turn 90 today my mind turns back to 1945 when we first met. Little did I know then that the tall, lean man who walked into Ismail Meer's flat in Market Street that day would shape my life like you have. But even if I had known I wouldn't have changed a thing.

It's not often that I tell you the things I am about to say now. And it's rare that I would print them for the world to see. But then again, it's not often that my leader celebrates such a milestone. At 90, you're a legend, Mdala.

You are more than a comrade, more than a fellow prisoner, more than a brother, more than my leader. That should make you my greatest friend, but it would be presumptuous of me to call you that. You're still my senior, by 11 years, and as the junior I respect that. But that doesn't take away from the special place that I will always hold for you in my heart.

In all these 63 years, you've never allowed our age gap to come between us. You've always treated me, like many more before me, as your equal. You've never dismissed me as the youngster, or inferior in any way, despite the icon you went on to become when freedom became ours. And that's one of the qualities I admire most in you.

But it doesn't stop there. For me you're a man of foresight, a person of great compassion, a caring soul, a statesman, a courageous sort, and a natural-born leader.

And that reminds me of the famous four-and-a-half-hour speech you gave at the Rivonia Trial in the so-called Palace of Justice in Pretoria all those years ago. You told the court that even in the face of death, we would not apologise for our commitment to a non-racial, non-sexist democratic South Africa. You reminded us of our responsibilities to the oppressed people of this country, to those who fought alongside us for democracy.


Read the rest.....



Ahmed Mohamed Kathrada (Kathy) is a South African politician and was an anti-apartheid activist and political prisoner.

In addition to being a veteran of the anti-apartheid movement, Kathrada is best known for being one of the famous Rivonia Trialists as well as a long-serving political prisoner on Robben Island and in Pollsmoor Prison. He was also an African National Congress (ANC) leader and a South African member of parliament.

Yusuf Islam accepts libel award

LONDON (AFP) — Yusuf Islam, the singer-songwriter formerly known as Cat Stevens, on Friday accepted substantial libel damages and an apology for articles that claimed he was sexist and bigoted, lawyers said.

London's High Court was told the World Entertainment News Network news agency and an entertainment website contactmusic.com agreed to pay "substantial damages" for allegations made about him at an awards ceremony in Germany.

The articles, published in March last year, falsely claimed he had refused to speak to or even acknowledge any women who were not veiled and was not prepared to speak to women other than through an intermediary, Islam's lawyer said.

Adam Tudor said his client was caused "considerable embarrassment and distress" at the allegations, which had created an "utterly false impression of his attitude to women" and cast aspersions on his faith.

"In fact, Mr Islam has never had any difficulties working with women, whether for religious or for any other reasons. Women feature among some of the most influential people in his professional team," he added.

"All of the damages secured by Mr Islam will be paid to his charity, Small Kindness. The defendants have also agreed to pay Mr Islam's legal costs."

A spokeswoman for law firm Carter-Ruck told AFP that no details of the exact award would be made public.


Source: http://afp.google.com/article/ALeqM5jTF7vJwmRIwe9857QQuWSMHETvWQ


Religious leaders speak of sacrifice, tolerance


THEY filed in, some in the hijab, others wearing the yarmulka. There were Buddhist robes, the white and red tunic of the Zoroastrians, a young Hindu man and his revered Mataji, or Reverend Mother. All sat quietly in the golden sandstone embrace of St Mary's Chapter House beneath enormous, gilt-framed portraits of Sydney's past cardinals.


By the time Pope Benedict XVI left to have lunch with a group of pilgrims at the cathedral next door, the world's great religions seemed at one, if only for an hour.


Sydney had once again turned on her brilliant sunshine, the bright light a perfect backdrop for so many enlightened words.


"Faith is a teacher, a healer and a wellspring of peace," said Rabbi Jeremy Lawrence, of Sydney's Great Synagogue.


"Let us replace the fundamentalism of hate with the fundamentalism of love," responded Sheik Mohamadu Saleem, an executive member of the Australian Imams Council.


Both leaders spoke thoughtfully about the similarities between belief rather than the divisions.




"Last week I was honoured to accept an olive plant from a young Christian student … this symbolism is significant for all to understand and appreciate that peace is one of the noblest ideals in Islam," Sheik Saleem said.


"Muslims should become more inclusive and universal in their understanding of their religion … at the same time, significant segments of the Christian and other religious communities should overcome their misconceptions and prejudices of Islam."


Rabbi Lawrence spoke of all faiths' common concern for the environment and for social justice.


"For the sake of humanity, we must turn the strangers in our neighbours into our neighbours and our neighbours into friends."


The Pope, looking more meditative than during his high-octane harbour appearance on Thursday, listened attentively to Rabbi Lawrence and Sheik Saleem.


But when he took the lectern, his message was clear: religion is the way that humanity must come to understand that personal fulfilment does not lie with "selfish gratification of ephemeral desires".


"[Religions] teach people that authentic service requires sacrifice and self-discipline, which in turn must be cultivated through self-denial, temperance and a moderate use of the world's goods.


"In this way, men and women are led to regard the environment as a marvel to be pondered and respected rather than a commodity for mere consumption.


"More importantly, [religion] arouses within the human spirit a thirst for truth and a hunger for virtue," he said.


"May we encourage everyone, especially the young, to marvel at the beauty of life, to seek its ultimate meaning, and to strive to realise its sublime potential."


Source: http://www.smh.com.au/news/world-youth-day/religious-leaders-speak-of-sacrifice-tolerance/2008/07/18/1216163156839.html


A World Youth Day official, Father Mark Podesta, tours the Malek Fahd school with students.


POPE Benedict XVI may have raised the ire of the Muslim world almost two years ago when he invoked a harsh medieval description of Islam during a speech in Germany, but for almost 300 Catholic pilgrims, an Islamic school will be home during World Youth Day.

"Pope Benedict clarified his comments on Islam," said Pinad Elahmed, a teacher in charge of inter-religious activities at Malek Fahd school in Greenacre. "Anyway, no one here even thought of it when we decided to offer hospitality to the pilgrims.

"We are Muslims but we are also very committed Australians and that means living in a multicultural, multi-faith country. We want to be a role model of generosity for all Muslims.

"This is not unusual. After all, the prophet himself opened his house to Christians."



The 281 pilgrims will bunk down in the gymnasium and several classrooms. "They will basically have the run of the place," Ms Elahmed said.


Source: http://www.smh.com.au/news/national/school-of-the-prophet-welcomes-lords-flock/2008/07/10/1215658037562.html


A CCN Musical Interlude


Outlandish performed at the recent Islamic Expo in the UK



Around the Muslim World with CCN


Obama Camp Slams Satirical ‘New Yorker’ Magazine Cover   


Aides to Barack Obama are blasting a New Yorker magazine cover that depicts “President Obama” in the Oval Office, wearing a Muslim-style outfit and doing a fist-bump with his wife, Michelle, who is dressed in camouflage with an automatic rifle slung over her back.

A picture of Usama bin Laden hangs above the mantel of the fireplace, which has an American flag burning in it.

The July 21 cover, titled “The Politics of Fear,” is intended to be a parody, an attempt to show how “scare tactics and misinformation” are being used to try to derail Barack Obama’s campaign, says cover artist Barry Blitt.

“I think the idea that the Obamas are branded as unpatriotic [let alone as terrorists] in certain sectors is preposterous,” Blitt wrote in an e-mail to the Huffington Post. “It seemed to me that depicting the concept would show it as the fear-mongering ridiculousness that it is.”

The Obama campaign has had to fight an intensive e-mail spam campaign that claims Obama is secretly a Muslim, and his wife is a black radical. Campaign spokesman Bill Burton called the New Yorker cover over the top.

“The New Yorker may think, as one of their staff explained to us, that their cover is a satirical lampoon of the caricature Senator Obama’s right-wing critics have tried to create,” Burton said.

“But most readers will see it as tasteless and offensive. And we agree.”

Obama did not reply to a question about the cover when he answered reporters’ questions on Sunday in San Diego. John McCain’s campaign also slammed the cover as “tasteless and offensive.”The New Yorker editors also issued a statement Monday saying the cover “combines a number of fantastical images about the Obamas and shows them for the obvious distortions they are.”

“The burning flag, the nationalist-radical and Islamic outfits, the fist-bump, the portrait on the wall? All of them echo one attack or another. Satire is part of what we do, and it is meant to bring things out into the open, to hold up a mirror to prejudice, the hateful, and the absurd. And that’s the spirit of this cover,” reads the statement.

Read the rest......


Islam and the great Turkish headscarf war   


Mrs Hayrunisa Gul, wife of the Turkish president

Turkey's increasingly Islamic Government wants to relax a ban on the Muslim headscarf as traditional secularists fight to maintain it - and Turkish women are caught in the crossfire.


Zeynep tugs the knitted cotton hat down over her headscarf. “Secular!” she says.


Then she pulls off the hat, leaving just the orange fabric around her pale, earnest face.


“Now, not secular!” I'm relieved that she is laughing, sees the funny side of having to look like a Smurf to complete her MA in history.


The headscarf war in Turkey is so grave and bitterly entrenched that it has brought angry millions onto the streets.


It is why the country's constitutional court this month decides whether the democratically elected AKP Government should be removed from office.


A square of coloured silk may yet cause a military coup.

Read the full story.......



British citizenship lessons for young Muslims   


Muslim children will be taught British citizenship in mosque schools as part of a Government attempt to keep them away from the influence of Islamist extremism.

A trial of the new lessons will begin in several cities at the start of the new school year in September, according to Hazel Blears, the Communities Secretary.

The initiative, designed to show young Muslims that there is no conflict between their religion and being British, is part of a package of measures being published today.

It also includes a new independent board of academic and theological experts, and a group of community leaders to advise on local responses to tackling extremism.

Read the full story.......



Dubai bans cross-dressing   


Dubai has banned cross-dressing in public places after complaints of dozens of "transvestite tourists" in the city's shopping centres.

Police this week detained 40 "cross-dressing tourists", the Gulf News reported, quoting police as complaining that transvestites were frequently being spotted.

"This is against the UAE's traditions and social values," said General Dhahi Khalfan Tamim, adding that action would be taken against any man or woman who behaved like the opposite gender in public.

The rulers of Dubai, which is part of the United Arab Emirates, have invested heavily in attracting foreign tourists and overseas investment as it moves away from an oil-led economy.

More than half the population of Dubai are expatriates, with 100,000 of them hailing from Britain. More than one million British people visited as tourists last year.

Bikinis are allowed on public beaches and alcohol is available. However, despite its western and cosmopolitan outlook, Dubai is a conservative Muslim society.

The move against tranvesticism comes after a British couple were arrested for allegedly having sex on a public beach.

Since then undercover police have been patrolling beaches to crack down on nudity and other forms of indecent behaviour, with a reported 80 people being detained in recent days.

Source: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/howaboutthat/2306956/Dubai-bans-cross-dressing.html#continue



Ban on minarets   


Switzerland braced itself for a troubled campaign of Islamophobia last week after the far right drummed up enough support to force a national vote to ban minarets.

In a country that is home to more than 300 000 Muslims but boasts only three minarets, a series of court cases and votes in regional parliaments has recently dismissed attempts to have minarets outlawed.

But a campaign, led by the right-wing populists of the Swiss People’s Party, to enshrine a ban on minarets in the Swiss Constitution mustered more than enough signatures to warrant a referendum on the sensitive issue.

Disputes over mosque and minaret-building are rife across Europe, with controversies in Germany, Austria, Italy and The Netherlands.

Read the rest.......


The CCN Readers' Book Club: You are what you read!


This week



God, Actually by Roy Williams


Why should we believe in God? It's a question that has exercised the minds of sceptics and unbelievers for centuries, and one that, given the current state of the world, seems more timely than ever. Former lawyer Roy Williams contends that belief should be based on logical deductions from known facts: it is not a matter of blind faith.

Using many examples drawn from science, politics, history, sociology and the arts, he tackles all the biggest questions by appealing to evidence and to reason.

Rebutting the arguments of atheists such as Christopher Hitchens and Richard Dawkins, Williams explores the role of faith, which he considers a much-misunderstood concept. Part reasoned apologia, part testament to Williams personal journey towards faith, God, Actually will appeal to sceptics and to people of all faiths.

Would you like to see the cover of your favourite book on our book shelves below? 

Then simply email the title and author to thebookclub@crescentsofbrisbane.org


Double click a book cover to find out what others think of the book


CCN has set up an online Book Club at Shelfari to connect with CCN book readers at:


Using the book club you can see what books fellow CCN readers have on their shelves, what they are reading and even what they, and others, think of them.

The CCN Readers' Book Club

............and now a word from this week's CCN sponsor.....  G.M. Hair Design



Read Farah's Story in this issue of CCN


Kareema's Keep Fit Column





Q: Dear Kareema, I've been putting off my exercises because my knees seem to be troubling me more and more. Any suggestions? 






A: Studies have shown that women are more likely than men to have weak knees. 


I've suffered from this as well. 


My joint saving solution:  DEVELOP HIPS OF STEEL!  


Why,  you ask?  Because the stronger you make your hip muscles, the better you can control your femur (thigh bone), which in turn helps to stabilize your knees.


Try this easy hip strengthening move and go from strength to strength:  Tie a resistance band around your ankles, squat slightly and  step side to side with a wide stride.  Easy As!!!





My Health and Fitness

Tel: 0404 844 786

(Accredited Member of Fitness Queensland)


Need an answer to a fitness related matter? Send your question to Kareema at  fitness@crescentsofbrisbane.org.

All questions sent in are published here anonymously and without any references to the author of the question.

The Culinary Corner


Tamarind Chutney (Aamli)

6 Dry Red Chillies (Soak over night in water) - 6 Cloves Garlic - 1/4 Cup Vinegar - 1/4 Cup Tamarind - - Juice - Salt to taste - 1 Tbsp. Oil - 1 Tsp. Mustard Seeds.


Liquidise Garlic and Chillies with Vinegar until a very smooth sauce result. Add tamarind and salt to sauce. Mix very well. Fry Mustard Seeds in oil and when they stop spluttering add to chutney. Cool and bottle tightly. Serve with dry meats and savouries.


Add Tomato Sauce to Chutney. Absolutely Delicious!!!



Source: Radio Islam Newsletter - Friday, 18 July 2008


Do you have a recipe to share with CCN readers?
Send in your favourite recipe to theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org and who knows, you could be our "guest chef" for a future edition of CCN.


The CCN Chuckle


Mula Nasruddin took time from their village to visit a modern city for the first time in their lives.


They were amazed by almost everything they saw, but especially by two shiny silver walls that moved apart and back together again by themselves.

Mula Nasruddin's son asked, "What is this, father?"

Mula Nasruddin, having never seen an elevator, responded, "I have no idea what it is."

While Mula Nasruddin and his son were watching wide-eyed, an old lady in a wheelchair rolled up to the moving walls and pressed a button.


The walls opened and the lady rolled between them into a small room.


The walls closed and Mula Nasruddin and his son watched as small circles lit up above the walls.

The walls opened up again and a beautiful twenty-four-year-old woman stepped out.

Mula Nasruddin  looked at his son anxiously and said, "Go get your mother."

The Notice Board


Click on image to enlarge


Jalsah for Tajweed Course

African Safari

Ladies & Girls Adventure Day


IWAQ Annual Ladies Night 2008

Tree Planting

 Brisbane Islamic Soccer

 Gardens of the Righteous


The CCN Date Claimer






(Click on link)





26 July


Ladies & Girls Adventure Day


KINDILAN: Cnr. Days and German Church Roads Redland Bay

0412 878 812

All Day

26 July


Islamic Wills


Darul Uloom, Agnes St, Buranda

0422 191 675

2pm to 5pm

22 August


IWAQ Client/Carer Dinner




Kuraby Special School 3272 6355


23 August


Adult Quran Tajweed Course Jalsah


Kuraby Mosue


Kurabu Mosque 0431 672 263

after Isha

30 August


Holland Park Mosque Centenary Celebrations

Holland Park Mosque Management Committee

Holland Park Mosque

0431 300 111


1/2 September



Start of Ramadaan

29/30 September



End of Ramadaan

30 Sept. / 1 Oct.




4 October


Annual Eid Dinner

Muslim Business Network (MBN)


0418 722 353


11 October



Eidfest Committee

Mt Gravatt Showgrounds

0402 819 197

10am to 10pm

18 October


Annual Eid Nite

Islamic Society of Darra

Darra Mosque 219 Douglas St Oxley

0418 757 157


18 October


IWAQ's Annual Ladies Night 2008

A Jas & Susan Production for IWAQ

Greek Orthodox Hall, Creek Road

0404 433 702

6.30pm til late

25 October


Crescents 'Pink Ribbon Breakfast'

Crescents of Brisbane


0404 296 297

10am to 1pm

7-10 November

Friday to Monday

Marriage Toolbox Series: Dr. Mohammed Sadiq



3272 6355


8/9 December




To claim your date for your event email ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org.





Taleem for ladies are held every Thursday from 11am-12pm.

This week taleem will be held at Sister Khatija Essof House No.33 Diamond Place, Sunnybank, Approach, Runcorn.Tel:33443009.


Every Monday

Event: Weekly Learning Circle:

More Details: http://www.sunnahinspirations.org/index.php?view=article&id=82

Organizer: Sunnah Inspirations (www.SunnahInspirations.org)

Venue: University of Queensland, 323 Hawken Drive, St. Lucia

Contact: 0421 731 797 Time: 6.45pm to 7.45pm

Every Friday

Subject: Fiqh Made Easy

More Details: http://www.sunnahinspirations.org/index.php?view=article&id=87

Organizer: Sunnah Inspirations (www.SunnahInspirations.org)

Venue: Room S201, University of Queensland, 323 Hawken Drive, St. Lucia

Contact: 0421 731 797 Time: 6.45pm to 9.00pm


Sunnah Inspirations is a non-profit organisation to cater for Muslim social support and supplying information to Muslims and non-Muslims.  They have been doing various activities around Australia, and have organised Da'wah information stalls at various universities in Brisbane.  More info can be found on their website above.


Write For Us

The best ideas and the best feedback come from our community of readers. If you have a topic or opinion that you want to write about or want seen covered or any news item that you think might be of benefit to the Crescents Community please e-mail



Share your thoughts, feelings and ambitions for our community through CCN.


If there is someone you know who would like to subscribe to CCN please encourage them to send an e-mail to ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org with the words “Subscribe Me” in the subject line.


Articles and opinions appearing in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Crescents of Brisbane Team, CCN, its Editor or its Sponsors, particularly if they eventually turn out to be libelous, unfounded, objectionable, obnoxious, offensive, slanderous and/or downright distasteful.


It is the usual policy of CCN to include from time to time, notices of events that some readers may find interesting or relevant. Such notices are often posted as received. Including such messages or providing the details of such events does not necessarily imply endorsement of the contents of these events by either CCN or Crescents of Brisbane Inc.