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......a sometimes self-deprecating and occasional tongue-in-cheek look at ourselves and the world around us ......


Sunday, 27 July 2008

 .Newsletter 0194


News you won't find on CNN!



This week's CCN is kindly sponsored by

 Acro Accounting & Financial Planning


Mosque Gets Extreme Makeover


In preparation for the 100 Years Celebration of Holland Park Mosque on 30 August, the Holland Park Mosque is getting a whole new facelift.


Seen inspecting the construction are the members of the 100 Years Celebration Organizing Committee (left to right) Sultan Deen, Gaffar Deen, Faisal Hatia, Mustafa Ally, Shaheed Ali, Rahman Deen, Sadiq Deen, Ali Deen, Habib Deen, and Fazal Deen



The compilation of the 100 Year History of the Holland Park Mosque is very near completion.


This is a final call for any information, anecdotes or photographs you may have that might merit a place for posterity in the annals of the Mosque.


Please email Mustafa Ally at ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org or call 0402 026 786 before Wednesday 30 July to get it in before it heads off to the printers.


AMMA 2008




Nominations for the Australian Muslim Achievement Awards (AMAA) 2008 are now open.


Nominations close on September 30th, 2008.


Visit http://www.missionofhope.org.au/nominations/ for nomination forms and the submission process.






Woman of The Year


Man of The Year


Youth of The Year (Ages 16 - 26)


Sportsperson of The Year


Role Model of The Year


Professional of The Year


Event of The Year


Media Outlet of The Year


Business of The Year


Community Organisation of The Year


Best New Community Initiative / Project of The Year


New Categories for 2008**Special Rules Apply


Researcher/Academic of The Year


Volunteer of The Year


Creative Artist of The Year


The Abyssinian Award - awarded to an Australian Non-Muslim who has made both a significant and positive contribution towards the Australian Muslim Community.


AFIC Executive Committee Re-instated

AFIC Press Release


As most would be aware, the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils Inc (AFIC) has been under Administration since May 2008 following its 44th Congress in which the Haset Sali faction tried to wrench control of the organization from the elected Executive Committee.


The matter has been before the Supreme Court of NSW and halfway through the proceedings those who attempted to stage the coup in the Congress, capitulated.


Yesterday, the Court ordered the reinstatement of the old Executive Committee – the Patel Committee, elected in February 2007 under the supervision of the Australian Electoral Commission.


Mr Haset Sali does not hold any official position in the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils, is not the Honorary Legal Advisor for AFIC, and is not the spokesperson for this organization.


Mr Ikebal Patel, President of AFIC said yesterday that he was happy that his position was once again vindicated in the Court.


He said that he was looking forward to carrying out the urgent agenda of rebuilding AFIC after the huge damages, financially and politically that AFIC and the entire Muslim community suffered during 2006, 2007 and this year at the hands of the same people.


The Australian Muslims can now continue working with the greater community in addressing collectively the many issues facing all Australians.



Young Muslim Parliamentarians Shooting For the Stars

by Shaima Khan


The YMCA Queensland Youth Parliament, a civics education and youth engagement forum, brings together a Youth Member from each of the 89 electorates in Queensland Parliament. This year, three of the 89 electorates, are represented by young Muslims: Yassmin Abdel-Magied (Stretton), Omar Issadeen (Springwood) and Abdul-Kadir Obied (Mt Gravatt).


Recently, Youth Members of 87 electorates gathered in Brisbane for the week long Residential at YMCA Camp North Pine.


“The Youth Members held fiery debates in Parliament House,” Youth Parliament Coordinator, Jennifer O’Brien, reported. ”They met the Governor, elected their own leaders, developed practical plans for tackling issues in their regions and made many new friends. The week provided an opportunity to experience political life and advocate for change in an apolitical way in the company of other very talented young people. For many young people, this program provides a life-changing experience.”


MYServices asked the young Muslim Parliamentarians to tell us what it was like.


MYServices-sponsored, Omar Issadeen, Youth Member for Springwood shares:


(Queensland Youth Parliament) is a great experience that I feel has allowed me grow in responsibility and leadership. Over the five days, I got to know most of the 87 Youth Parliamentarians and the 10 organisers. The highlight of the program for me was debating in the Green Chamber in Parliament House. Just the atmosphere in there with everyone dressed up and actual MPs present, made you feel like you are making a difference.

We were also taken to Government House, where we met the Governor and her husband. Each Youth Member was given two minutes where they could speak on any issue that affected them. I chose to speak on the media’s misrepresentation of Islam and Muslims. The speech was here here’d (No clapping in Parliament House!) and the Deputy Chair and others complimented me on my speech.

I urge youth aged 15 to 25 to consider participating in next year’s
Youth Parliament. Now, more than ever, Muslim participation in such events is needed to change the negative perception of Islam. The support and respect shown by everyone including the organisers towards me, really makes me feel we have no excuse not to play an active role in society.”


Yassmin Abdel-Magied, Youth Premier and Member for Stretton, agrees more young Muslims should take advantage of the countless youth leadership development opportunities available.

“The Queensland Youth Parliament experience was definitely one of a kind. Learning the parliamentary process, nominating and voting for youth leadership positions and engaging with fellow motivated youth from all over Queensland was an opportunity that alhamdullillah, I am very thankful to receive. 


Like Omar, I encourage anyone interested to check out the website and get involved.  There are a number of other opportunities in similar fields available; Youth Peace Parliament and the United Nations Security Council competition are just a few. 


In addition, Youth Without Borders (www.youthwithoutborders.com.au ) has opportunities available to get involved in working and collaborating with community.” 


For more info on Youth Peace Parliament, email peaceparliament@idpa.org.au .

For info on Security Council, please email: qldsecuritycouncil@unya.asn.au.


It wasn’t all work and no play, as Abdul-Kadir Obeid, Youth Member for Mt Gravatt, told us, he had a lot of fun too!

Queensland Youth Parliament Residential for me was an experience like no other. From standing up and presenting our views in front of the Hon. Mr Speaker, Mike Reynolds, to getting wet and sliding down tarps saturated with detergent! 


The first few days they had us doing the chicken dance, so naturally, I felt like escaping. However I endured the 'ice breakers' and before I knew it we were playing soccer on a field about the size of an average backyard with 87 people - I loved it!


We had straw building competitions, water fights, bingo nights and went bowling at night while watching State of Origin. It’s not easy supporting NSW when there are 80 people bidding against you. The fun did not stop, even presenting ourselves at Parliament House was entertaining, with witty interjections being yelled out constantly.


I believe that due to some stereotypes constructed by the media, Muslims question the integrity of the Australian people excessively.


As Muslims we should honour this country for allowing us to practice our religion and thank Allah for our freedom.


I believe all Muslims, while holding onto to our Islamic principles, should engage in social affairs, and excel so that Muslims who come after us, will see that it is possible to contribute to Australian society and live in harmony.


I now work for the Minister of Police, Corrective Services and Sport, Judy Spence; and on the 24th level of the State Law Building they have even allocated a place for prayer for me.”


The core message from these brilliant young people seems clear: make the choice to be proactive, not reactive – the opportunities are aplenty, so make the initiative and just do it!


Everybody is a leader. You don’t have to be a Yassmin, Omar or Abdul-Kadir.


Stay informed of upcoming leadership development opportunities, email shaimak@myservices.net.au with ‘add to list’ on the subject line.

The New York Subway Ad Campaign Debate





Al-Nisa Management Committee

Al-Nisa Media Release


Al-Nisa has great pleasure in announcing the election of three new management committee members, Alia Rane, Amina Ghafoor and Ayesha Orozco.


We also take great pleasure in announcing the newly appointed President, Aliyah Deen.


The Al-Nisa membership approved their appointment at the 2008 Annual General Meeting.


They each bring a repertoire of skills and experience from different fields that will add value to the organisation and its members.


The group meets once a month at the Muslim Youth Service premises in Sunnybank Hills to discuss its activities and various projects they are involved in.

Al-Nisa’ Youth group was founded in July 2005 and is a not-for-profit organisation providing young women in the Muslim community with opportunities to express themselves, become empowered and influence their own futures through programs, activities, networks and services.


Al-Nisa’s values stem from the Islamic principles of equity and include Access, Equity and Advocacy for young women of the Muslim community and their families.


Be informed about Al-Nisa’s exciting events coming up in 2008/09 by registering your email online at www.alnisagroup.com.au or contact thesecretary@alnisagroup.com.au or 0403 009 003.

The Algester Alert


The Islamic Society of Algester will be celebrating miraj un nabi (sallalahu alaihi wassalam) on 30th July after ishaa salaat (7.40pm).


You and your family are cordially invited to participate.


Imams will be delivering lectures on the significance of the event.


Kuraby Mosque BBQ


The Saturday evening BBQ at the Kuraby Mosque carpark is proving increasingly popular with the local residents and the Mosque-goers.


Imam Akram Buksh serves up a steak and sausage in lieu of a sermon

Having a go at table football



Help for Family



Kuraby Mosque is carrying out a collection to help Mohammed and Muzzamil who suffer from a debilitating degenerative disease.

If you would like to donate to this cause (described below) you can contact Imam Akram Buksh on 0431 672263 or 32197994.

Zakaat monies are also being collected for these persons.

If more information is required you can contact Rozina or Elias Ali directly on 0433 388675 or 3805 3918.




The CCN Pick of the Brisbane International Film Festival


Where in the World is Osama bin Laden?

After gorging himself on McDonalds for a month in Super Size Me (2004), Morgan Spurlock attempts another risky feat, travelling to the world's most volatile region to locate Al-Qaeda's chief honcho.


Confronted by impending fatherhood, Spurlock falls prey to paternal concern for the welfare of his offspring-to-be and resolves that it is his responsibility to make the world a safer place.


He figures that Osama bin Laden is by far the biggest threat his child will face.


After preparing himself by learning about the enemy and undertaking self-defence courses for war zones, he heads off. Granted, most of the places Spurlock visits a Saudi Arabian shopping mall; the Cairo home of one of bin Laden's wealthy relatives; and the poorer backstreets of a Middle Eastern town, where, as is customary in Islamic culture, hospitality reigns supremedo not seem too threatening.


But he gets pretty close to some action in Jerusalem, when he is all but assaulted by angry elderly Orthodox Jews who resent media disturbance.


When Spurlock finally comes face-to-face with a sign at the border of Pakistan's hostile tribal areas warning foreigners not to enter the inhabitants' lands, he wisely decides it is time to go home.


Wisely, because Spurlock (playing the innocent abroad) has confirmed that, despite a different political perspective, most Muslims aspire to the same things as most Westerners.


Moreover, he demonstrates that Middle Easterners are generally more generous in not tarring the people of a country with the same political brush as the country's regime.


Like Westerners, they have a multiplicity of viewpoints. Spurlock shot nearly 800 hours of digital footage while exploring 'every nook and cranny of the Middle East' on his quest.


His political message is tastily wrapped in lashings of humour, throw-away lines, imaginative animated sequences, and toe-tapping raps.


A hugely entertaining doco with a timely political message.


31 July 2008 7:00 PM, The Regent Cinema

3 Women

Six years after her controversial Women's Prison (2002), Manijeh Hekmat returns with a strong, naturalistic drama about Iranian women searching for their roots amid questions about their country's heritage.


With a rebellious daughter reaping the problems of contemporary youth, a middle-class mother standing for the 'burned generation' that came of age with the Islamic Revolution, and a grandmother symbolising traditional ways, 3 Women offers a compelling sociological portrait that ranks among the cream of the current Iranian crop and should be appreciated abroad.


Combative, 40-ish carpet conservator Minoo is searching for college-age daughter Pegah, who's been away from home for several days and doesn't answer her mobile.


Minoo is taking her senile mother to a doctor's appointment when she makes a detour to Tehran's main bazaar to confront a merchant who sold an historically important piece promised to the National Carpet Museum.


Minoo audaciously snatches up the carpet but ends up losing it, as well as her mother. Meanwhile, Pegah is speeding along dusty desert roads when she picks up young hitchhiker Babak, who's part of a nearby archeological excavation.


Spiritual Babak immediately recognises Pegah's existential crisis. Divorced Minoo's fruitless search for mother, daughter, and carpet proves more revealing of her own life and her lack of knowledge about Pegah's.


An encounter with Pegah's musician friends features a short number by underground alt-rock band 127 and perfectly encapsulates the disaffection of Iran's young generation.


6 August 2008 5:00 PM, The Regent

10 August 2008 4:30 PM, Palace Centro Cinemas

Lemon Tree

The rare ability to make intelligent, entertaining cinema from hot-button current issues is beautifully illustrated... a multi-faceted drama straddling the Palestinian Israeli chasm that's marbled with irony, generosity, anger and pure crowd-pleasing optimism.


Derek Elley, Variety A middle-aged Palestinian widow, Salma, is living on her family lemon grove when the Israeli defence minister moves in next door.


The trees are deemed a security threat by the powers that be, who issue orders for them to be cut down.


Watch towers are set up and the area is kept under surveillance.


In trying every legal avenue to defend her family inheritance and livelihood, Salma establishes a close friendship with her young lawyer and unwittingly wins the empathy and respect of the defence minister's wife.


Powered by a standout performance from Hiam Abbass (seen previously in Riklis's The Syrian Bride [2004]), this allegorical drama is a well-judged and finely performed film with, despite the seriousness of the setting, some light comic relief.


A true crowd-pleaser.


6 August 2008 7:00 PM, The Regent

8 August 2008 12:00 PM, The Regent


In Persepolis, French-Iranian émigré Marjane Satrapi adapts her stylish and incisive autobiographical graphic novel into a hand-drawn animated feature about a young girl growing up in Tehran.


By turns humorous and tragic, the film integrates the personal with the political in its portrayal of the life of a spirited young girl born under the Shah but growing up in the Islamic Republic.


Persepolis champions resistance on a personal level, something Marjane learns by example from many members of her intellectual family most inescapably from the political resistance by her uncle who was persecuted under both regimes and ultimately executed for his convictions, and from her beloved grandmother's individualistic moral resistance.


Consequently, we see the young Marjane debating issues with both Karl Marx and God!Although the film employs some of the popular ciphers for women living in the Islamic Republic headscarves and the moral police, speaking out against propaganda in class, and embracing rock music and Western clothing it transcends these codes with an astuteness born of first-hand experience.


No less incisive is the representation of Marjane's alienation in Austria, where her parents send her when they begin to fear for the safety of their rebellious only child; when she returns to Iran after some years abroad, she encounters the identity crisis that confronts many émigrés no longer sure where they belong.


Persepolis has received boisterous popular and critical applauseon aesthetic grounds for its striking black-and-white animation, and for the sensitivity and authenticity of its story, which has resonated among expatriate Iranians.


1 August 2008 12:00 PM, The Regent

8 August 2008 7:00 PM, The Regent


The morally repulsive invasion and colonisation of Iraq by the 'Coalition of the Willing' has resulted in horrendous bloodshed and political instability reverberating throughout the world.


Brian De Palma's astonishing polemical response to the Iraqi 'conflict', the US military's thuggery, and those on YouTube who have beamed the atrocities onto our desktops pulsates with requisite rage and a kind of dazzling formal experimentation far closer to Hi, Mom! (1970) than De Palma's recent mainstream productions.


The film plugs into a host of media forms of which we are all too aware in the 'information age' YouTube protest posts, video diaries, CCTVas it follows the members of a military unit on their daily grind.


The soldiers' sexual frustration and pent-up aggression eventually spills over into rape and murder as they target a teenage girl and her family (inspired by a true story).


The growing sense of horror at the actions of the soldiers and the broader network of senior military figures and politicians finally reaches a crescendo with a photo montage of wounded and deceased Iraqis a bracing reminder of the everyday victims still suffering as the occupation drags on.


Redacted is the film we need right now to ensure warmongering politicians and murderous soldiers are held to account for the rivers of innocent blood spilled on Iraqi soil.


De Palma is a filmmaking institution, a shining light in current US cinema, and with Redacted he has fused perfectly and precisely his striking formal stylishness with political content of immense importance.


Mandatory viewing.


Fri 1 Aug 5:00:PM The Regent
Sat 9 Aug 7:00:PM, The Regent

Son of a Lion

Sitting on the boundary between documentary and fiction, this partly scripted, partly improvised Australian film shot in Pakistan made a stunning début in Pusan last year.


Son of a Lion is set in the tribal areas of the North West Frontier Province of Pakistan (bordering Afghanistan), home of the Pashtuns, an ethnic Afghan group.


A widowed gunmaker and his son pass the days in their workshop.


Sher Alam expects Niaz to take over the family business, but Niaz wants to go to school.


Although he has the support of his city-dwelling uncle, he is reluctant to confront his father.


A paramedic by profession, Australian writer-director Benjamin Gilmour spent eight months living in the province researching and forging relationships with locals before returning two years later to shoot an inspired collaborative effort.


The entire film was shot undercover, with the scenes filmed in the gun market posing a particular risk of being caught by the Pakistani authorities.


Executive producer credit goes to Hayat Khan Shinwari, a local man who was instrumental in making the shoot possible and whose son appears in the lead role of Niaz; Gilmour also gave a script credit to the local people.


Impressively authentic, the characters and situations seem natural and ring true a sure reflection of Gilmour's empathic insightfulness.


Even-handed direction captures the contradictions of fundamentalism, the day-to-day gossiping and political chitchat in the barbershop, and the craft and skill of the local artisans.


Impressive visual composition and a score composed of authentic ethnic sounds of the region make this a balanced and accomplished début.


Fri 8 Aug 4:30:PM, Palace Centro Cinemas
Sat 9 Aug 2:00:PM, The Regent



Turbans trigger threat response - study


A MUSLIM-style turban is seen as a threat by the average Australian, even to those who think they are free from racial prejudice, psychologists have found.

A study of university students playing a computerised shoot 'em up game has revealed strong stereotyped bias against Muslim-looking people.

Innocent figures in the game were more likely to be shot at if they were wearing turbans or hijabs, the University of New South Wales researchers said.

Dubbed the "turban effect'', the trend was seen in both male and female shooters.


Read the rest....



You can download a copy of the full academic paper here.


Looking for a Spouse Online


What to watch out for when considering to tie the knot



Featured articles: Illume Magazine


  Tea With The Taliban


Join Naeem Randhawa as he takes you behind the scenes of ILLUME, on a powerful photo journey that introduces you to the sites and sounds of Afghanistan.


  The Muslims Of Cham


Followers of the religion of Islam make up less than one percent of the predominantly Buddhist population of Cambodia. Roughly 80 percent of Cambodia’s Muslims belong to the Cham ethnic group.

“There are two types of Muslims in Cambodia,” said Sary Abdulah, president of the Islamic National Movement for Democracy of Cambodia. The two groups include: Sunni Muslims, and Fojihed Muslims, who follow an ancient Cham interpretation of the religion.

“They only pray once a week. They speak Cham, and keep the old Cham traditions,” Abdulah said, explaining that the Fojihed maintained many of their pre-Muslim beliefs, particularly in the super-natural, and magical powers. “They believe that they can pray and achieve great internal power, called Chai. It is similar to what Chinese martial artists call Chi.”

Read the rest...


A Snapshot of Turkey


Richard Posener of Outlook Photography took some breathtaking photographs on his recent visit to Turkey (Istanbul/Cappadoccia).


The photographs give an unusual and exotic perspective of the country that go beyond the common, everyday images of this stunning place.


Click on the link at the bottom left hand corner of http://www.outlookphotography.com.au/photobox/voyager.html


Seminar on Retirement




Islamic wills


The Muslim Business Network held a workshop on Islamic Wills.


The speakers, Iqbal Lambat and Rafik Sabdia gave an indepth explanation of the Islamic law and Australian law as far as drawing up a will is concerned.


It was stressed that everyone has to have a will and Muslims are given clear injunctions by Allah in the Quran as to who can inherit and in what proportion.


An Islamic will is not optional, it is compulsory upon every Muslim.


Those that attended were provided with an Islamic Will Kit and a CD which explains the details of drawing up an Islamic Will.


Around the Muslim World with CCN


'Allah meat' astounds Nigerians


Diners have been flocking to a restaurant in northern Nigeria to see pieces of meat which the owner says are inscribed with the name of Allah.

What looks like the Arabic word for God and the name of the prophet Muhammad were discovered in pieces of beef by a diner in Birnin Kebbi.

He was about to eat it, when he suddenly noticed the words in the gristle, the restaurant owner said.

A search of the kitchen's meat revealed three more pieces which bore the names.

The meat was boiled and then fried before being served, owner Kabiru Haliru told newspaper Weekly Trust.

"When the writings were discovered there were some Islamic scholars who come and eat here and they all commented that it was a sign to show that Islam is the only true religion for mankind," he said.

The restaurant has kept the pieces of meat for visitors to see.

Thousands of people have already gone to the restaurant to see them since they were discovered last week.

A vet told the newspaper the words "defied scientific explanation".

"Supposing only one piece of meat was found then it would be suspicious, but given the circumstances there is no explanation," Dr Yakubu Dominic said.

Source: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/7520149.stm


Prophet’s Mosque Gets New Umbrellas


As part of the on-going expansion of the Prophet’s Mosque in Madina, five out of a total 182 new umbrellas were installed in its courtyard yesterday.

This is in implementation of the order of King Abdullah, Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, said Sheikh Abdul Aziz Al-Faleh, Vice President for the Affairs of the Prophet’s Mosque.

Each of these umbrellas will cover about 600 square meters and provide shelter from the sun and rain to about 900 worshippers.

The umbrellas will surround the Prophet’s Mosque from three sides after covering the eastern expansion that was ordered by the King. Six passages will also be covered on the southern side.

Read the rest......



JSE launches Shariah investments index


The Johannesburg Stock Exchange has launched the FTSE/JSE Shariah Top 40 Index, which will open up many opportunities for those interested in Shariah compliant investment, including the 850 000-strong South African Muslim community.

The FTSE/JSE Shariah Top 40 Index is a selection of Shariah-compliant companies from the FTSE/JSE Shariah All-Share Index, with the calculation of the index and the treatment of corporate actions being similar to the FTSE/JSE Top 40.

"Internationally the market for Islamic investment products is growing exponentially, at an estimated 15-20% per annum," said JSE information product sales senior GM Ana Forssman in a company statement issued this week.

"This index gives Muslim investors access to the top performing listed companies in South Africa without compromising religious beliefs."

Read the rest......



7 killed in China mosque collapse


A mosque under construction in north-west China has collapsed, killing at least seven people with others possibly buried under the rubble, Xinhua news agency said.

The accident happened on Thursday (local time) in a town in Qinghai province - which is home to more than 18,000 Muslim ethnic Hui people, Xinhua said.

"About 20 people received injuries of different degrees and the casualties may increase as more people could be buried in the debris," Xinhua quoted rescuers as saying.

An investigation into the accident, which happened just a few days before the building was due to be completed, was underway.

Source: http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2008/07/25/2314399.htm


The CCN Readers' Book Club: You are what you read!


This week




The Dark Side: The Inside Story of How The War on Terror Turned into a War on American Ideals
by Jane Mayer


A dramatic and damning narrative account of how America has fought the "War on Terror"

In the days immediately following September 11th, the most powerful people in the country were panic-stricken. The radical decisions about how to combat terrorists and strengthen national security were made in a state of utter chaos and fear, but the key players, Vice President Dick Cheney and his powerful, secretive adviser David Addington, used the crisis to further a long held agenda to enhance Presidential powers to a degree never known in U.S. history, and obliterate Constitutional protections that define the very essence of the American experiment.

THE DARK SIDE is a dramatic, riveting, and definitive narrative account of how the United States made terrible decisions in the pursuit of terrorists around the world-- decisions that not only violated the Constitution to which White House officials took an oath to uphold, but also hampered the pursuit of Al Qaeda. In gripping detail, acclaimed New Yorker writer and bestselling author, Jane Mayer, relates the impact of these decisions—U.S.-held prisoners, some of them completely innocent, were subjected to treatment more reminiscent of the Spanish Inquisition than the twenty-first century.



THE DARK SIDE will chronicle real, specific cases, shown in real time against the larger tableau of what was happening in Washington, looking at the intelligence gained—or not—and the price paid. In some instances, torture worked. In many more, it led to false information, sometimes with devastating results. For instance, there is the stunning admission of one of the detainees, Sheikh Ibn al-Libi, that the confession he gave under duress—which provided a key piece of evidence buttressing congressional support of going to war against Iraq--was in fact fabricated, to make the torture stop.

In all cases, whatever the short term gains, there were incalculable losses in terms of moral standing, and our country's place in the world, and its sense of itself. THE DARK SIDE chronicles one of the most disturbing chapters in American history, one that will serve as the lasting legacy of the George W. Bush presidency.


Would you like to see the cover of your favourite book on our book shelves below? 

Then simply email the title and author to thebookclub@crescentsofbrisbane.org


Double click a book cover to find out what others think of the book


CCN has set up an online Book Club at Shelfari to connect with CCN book readers at:


Using the book club you can see what books fellow CCN readers have on their shelves, what they are reading and even what they, and others, think of them.

The CCN Readers' Book Club

............and now a word from this week's CCN sponsor.....  Acro Accounting & Financial Planning




WE HAVE MOVED.... Our new office is located at Underwood and we are keen to service our local community and professionally meet their Accounting, Taxation and Financial Planning needs.


Apart from our core business services we have an association with a Professional Bookkeeper in-house to help you get your 2008 accounts ready for the Accountant.


During this month, we are offering discounts on incorporation services; Company Setup $990, Family Trusts $495 and Self Managed Superannuation Funds $495 includes GST, ABN and TFN registration.


Further, our Individual Tax Returns starts from $79 + GST and we will offer 10% discount to all CCN readers for their personal tax returns, Company & Trusts.


We wish you all success in this world and the hereafter!!


Mohammed Saheed

Kareema's Keep Fit Column



Q: Salaams Kareema

I have had a cesarean birth 5 months ago. I have suffered with abdominal muscle separation. So doing just any exercises is not safe for me. What would you recommend so i can tighten my abdominals and get back to my pre-pregnancy weight of 57kg? I am 161 in height.
thank you


A: If you have a Caesarean birth, the surgeon needs to pull the abdominal muscles to each side, in order to access the uterus and deliver the baby. This can accentuate abdominal muscle separation experienced during pregnancy. 


I'm sure you would've had your 6 - 8 week check-up after delivery and if you have the all clear, it is time to get to work. Walking would be the easiest and safest form of exercise to start with.  Aim to walk for about 20mins daily during your first week, then increase to 30mins the following week. 


It is important you start easy and increase either the distance or choose a more difficult route to walk as the weeks go by.  You also need to listen to your body, if you feel pain at any time, you need to stop and consult with your doctor.  Similarly, if you're tired, have a rest day and continue your program the following day.  Remember to stand tall, gently draw your belly button in and tighten through the mid-section.  Heel-toe when walking and stretch after every workout.    


Your healthy weight range for your height is between 52 and 65kg.  Try not to focus too much on getting back to your pre-pregnancy weight, but rather to get back into  the healthy range for your height.  Try the following abdominal exercises to further strengthen the core.


Lie on your back with knees bent. Tighten your tummy muscles by pulling your belly-button in towards your spine. Hold for 5 seconds while breathing normally. Rest and repeat 7 times.

This exercise can be done in other positions such as lying on your tummy or side, sitting, or standing. It should be done as often as possible.


Tighten tummy muscles as above, then flatten lower back to the floor, tucking bottom under and tilting pelvis towards ribs. Repeat this exercise 7 times, holding for  about 5seconds while breathing normally. Gradually increase the number of exercises to 12 repetitions and then hold for 10 seconds.


NB. Sit ups are not recommended in the first 6 weeks after giving birth.

ENJOY and keep it safe!



The advice given in this column is not a substitute for personal professional medical advice.






My Health and Fitness

Tel: 0404 844 786

(Accredited Member of Fitness Queensland)


Need an answer to a fitness related matter? Send your question to Kareema at  fitness@crescentsofbrisbane.org.

All questions sent in are published here anonymously and without any references to the author of the question.


KB's Culinary Corner



CCN is delighted to take on board Ms. KB who will be providing us each week with cooking tips and recipes from her prodigious hoard of tried and tested delights that are guaranteed to suit a variety of palates.


Ms. KB also welcomes any recipes that CCN readers may have to share, and will attempt to answer any questions of a gastronomic purport that you may wish to pose to her.


Ms. KB kicks this week off with her variation on .......



Chicken Pin Wheels


4 cups Flour – 125g Butter - 2 tblsp Sugar - 1 tsp Salt – 10g Yeast - 1 1/2 to 2 Cups - lukewarm Milk.


Cook 1 Kg cubed chicken with green chilies, ginger garlic, salt, lemon juice and jeeru. Add 1 Grated tomato and braise, just before its done add frozen corn and grated carrot or mixed vegetables.


1.1/2 cup milk. 1 tblsp corn flour. ¼ tsp pepper. Add to filling.


Method for Dough
Sift Flour and salt and add sugar. Rub in butter and then add yeast. Make a soft dough with lukewarm milk & leave to rise. Divide dough into 6 equal portions. Roll each ball out and then fill like a swiss roll. Slice & sprinkle with tal.


Bake in a moderate oven until light brown.



Do you have a recipe to share with CCN readers?
Send in your favourite recipe to ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org and be our "guest chef" for the week.


The CCN Chuckle



Mula Nasruddin noticed that nearly every bill from his son's doctor included the line item “Behavior modification reinforcers.”


Alarmed that the doctor was engaging in some unapproved, experimental psychological treatment on his son, Mula Nasruddin called the doctor’s office to inquire, “What on earth are behavior modification reinforcers?”


“Lollipops,” was the reply.



The Notice Board


Click on image to enlarge


Jalsah for Tajweed Course

 Sheikh al-Jibaly Tour

Annual College Fete



IWAQ Annual Ladies Night 2008

Tree Planting

 Brisbane Islamic Soccer

 Gardens of the Righteous


The CCN Date Claimer






(Click on link)





7 & 8 August

Thursday & Friday

Sheikh al-Jibaly Lectures


Discover Islam

Lutwyche Mosque (7th)

Gold Coast Mosque (8th)




10 August


Annual College Fete



724 Blunder Rd, DURACKl 3372 1400


22 August


IWAQ Client/Carer Dinner




Kuraby Special School 3272 6355


23 August


Adult Quran Tajweed Course Jalsah


Kuraby Mosue


Kurabu Mosque 0431 672 263

after Isha

30 August


Holland Park Mosque Centenary Celebrations

Holland Park Mosque Organizing Committee

Holland Park Mosque

0431 300 111


1/2 September



Start of Ramadaan

29/30 September



End of Ramadaan

30 Sept. / 1 Oct.




4 October


Annual Eid Dinner

Muslim Business Network (MBN)


0418 722 353


11 October



Eidfest Committee

Mt Gravatt Showgrounds

0402 819 197

10am to 10pm

18 October


Annual Eid Nite

Islamic Society of Darra

Darra Mosque 219 Douglas St Oxley

0418 757 157


18 October


IWAQ's Annual Ladies Night 2008

A Jas & Susan Production for IWAQ

Greek Orthodox Hall, Creek Road

0404 433 702

6.30pm til late

25 October


Crescents 'Pink Ribbon Breakfast'

Crescents of Brisbane


0404 296 297

10am to 1pm

7-10 November

Friday to Monday

Marriage Toolbox Series: Dr. Mohammed Sadiq



3272 6355


8/9 December




To claim your date for your event email ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org.





This week taleem for ladies will be held on Thursday at the home of Naseema Hassan of 36 Diamond Place, Runcorn at 11am-12pm.Tel No:33452650


Every Monday

Event: Weekly Learning Circle:

More Details: http://www.sunnahinspirations.org/index.php?view=article&id=82

Organizer: Sunnah Inspirations (www.SunnahInspirations.org)

Venue: University of Queensland, 323 Hawken Drive, St. Lucia

Contact: 0421 731 797 Time: 6.45pm to 7.45pm

Every Friday

Subject: Fiqh Made Easy

More Details: http://www.sunnahinspirations.org/index.php?view=article&id=87

Organizer: Sunnah Inspirations (www.SunnahInspirations.org)

Venue: Room S201, University of Queensland, 323 Hawken Drive, St. Lucia

Contact: 0421 731 797 Time: 6.45pm to 9.00pm


Sunnah Inspirations is a non-profit organisation to cater for Muslim social support and supplying information to Muslims and non-Muslims.  They have been doing various activities around Australia, and have organised Da'wah information stalls at various universities in Brisbane.  More info can be found on their website above.


Write For Us

The best ideas and the best feedback come from our community of readers. If you have a topic or opinion that you want to write about or want seen covered or any news item that you think might be of benefit to the Crescents Community please e-mail



Share your thoughts, feelings and ambitions for our community through CCN.


If there is someone you know who would like to subscribe to CCN please encourage them to send an e-mail to ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org with the words “Subscribe Me” in the subject line.


Articles and opinions appearing in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Crescents of Brisbane Team, CCN, its Editor or its Sponsors, particularly if they eventually turn out to be libelous, unfounded, objectionable, obnoxious, offensive, slanderous and/or downright distasteful.


It is the usual policy of CCN to include from time to time, notices of events that some readers may find interesting or relevant. Such notices are often posted as received. Including such messages or providing the details of such events does not necessarily imply endorsement of the contents of these events by either CCN or Crescents of Brisbane Inc.