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......a sometimes self-deprecating and occasional tongue-in-cheek look at ourselves and the world around us ......



Sunday, 19 October 2008

 .Newsletter 0206


News you won't find on CNN!







CCN extends its deepest condolences to Mrs. Galila Abdelsalam and Mr. Emad El-Shemy on the passing away of their son, Mohammed Hosam (28), yesterday (Saturday) morning in a fatal motorcycle accident on the Logan Motorway.


He leaves behind his wife Nazmin and two daughters Hana (2) and Amina (6 months).


The Jannazah (funeral service) was held at 5pm yesterday at the Kuraby Mosque and the burial took place at the Mt. Gravatt cemetery immediately after.


A huge crowd of mourners, made up of many of the different Muslim communities as well as from the wider community, came to pay their respects. 


''Innaa lillah hi wa Innaa ilay hi Rauji'oon''
To Allah do we belong and to Him is our return


The Crescents Pink Ribbon Pamper Brunch this Saturday


October is internationally known as Breast Cancer month. There are lots of activities designed to promote awareness of breast cancer and to help raise funds to support research. 

This year Crescents of Brisbane will be hosting a Pink Ribbon Pamper Brunch to help raise funds for the National Breast Cancer Foundation.

The program for the day promises to be educational, fun, relaxing and enjoyable!


There are ONLY 10 of the 150 places available.


For more information call Saalihah Seedat on 0404 296 297


Note - tickets will not be available for sale at the door.


Here is just a little taste of what you can expect on Saturday!


Eid Nite at Darra






The Islamic Society of Darra held its annual 'Eid Nite' at the Mosque last night (Saturday). Over 400 people attended the function at which the President of AFIC, Mr. Ikebal Patel delivered a speech.


In addition to the splendid dinner there were a number of activities for the children.



Eid Sports Day

Dr. Adam Stewart


The Darul Uloom EId 2008 Sports Day and BBQ was blessed by near-perfect weather and keen sportspeople.


Following an amusing game of French-rules cricket won by Rizal (Dave) Palmer, the attendees played a game of volleyball which was won by the team captained by Mamduh Fakhrie.


A tiring soccer match ensued, which ended in a 3-3 draw.


The game was plagued by cheating on both sides - there was the incident of "the shrinking goalposts" (Mohideen) as well as numerous "offsides" (Mamduh).


After a penalty shootout by all players, victory went to the team with "no hats" - Balqis Azhari, Yusuf, Mohideen, Roslan Palmer, Susanna Palmer and Rizal (Dave) Palmer.


After lunch there was a game of English-rules cricket and most of the runs scored by both teams were sundries - wides and dead balls!

Nevertheless everyone had a whole lot of fun and congratulations went to captain Mohideen for his victory.


Finally there was a tug-of-war over many rounds for men, women and children in all combinations and everyone had a share at winning.

Spare Me the Sermon On Muslim Women

Mohja Kahf

Crimson chiffon, silver lamé or green silk: Which scarf to wear today? My veil collection is 64 scarves and growing. The scarves hang four or five to a row on a rack in my closet, and elation fills me when I open the door to this beautiful array. Last week, I chose a particularly nice scarf to slip on for the Eid al-Fitr festivities marking the end of the month of Ramadan.

It irks me that I even have to say this: Being a Muslim woman is a joyful thing.

"And the reasons for being a joyful Muslim woman go beyond the spiritual. Marriage is a contract in Islam, not a sacrament. The prenup is not some new invention; it's the standard Muslim format.

I can put whatever I want in it, but Muslims never get credit for that. Or for having mahr, the bridegift that goes from the man to the woman -- not to her family, but to her, for her own private use. A mahr has to have significant value -- a year's salary, say."

My first neighbor in Arkansas borrowed my Quran and returned it, saying, "I'm glad I'm not a Muslim woman." Excuse me, but a woman with Saint Paul in her religious heritage has no place feeling superior to a Muslim woman, as far as woman-affirming principles are concerned. Maybe no worse, if I listen to Christian feminists, but certainly no better.

Blessings abound for me as a Muslim woman: The freshness of ablution is mine, and the daily meditation zone of five prayers that involve graceful, yoga-like movements, performed in prayer attire. Prayer scarves are a chapter in themselves, cool and comforting as bedsheets. They lie folded in the velveteen prayer rug when not in use: two lightweight muslin pieces, the long drapey headcover and the roomy gathered skirt. I fling open the top piece, and it billows like summer laundry, a lace-edged meadow. I slip into the bottom piece to cover my legs for prayer time because I am wearing shorts around the house today.

Read the rest....


[Mohja Kahf is the author of the novel "The Girl in the Tangerine Scarf."]


Eid Photogallery


Quest newspaper's coverage at the Australian International Islamic College in Durack can be viewed here.


Research report overwhelmingly constructive


A research report released on October 10 by the Parliamentary Secretary for Multicultural Affairs and Settlement Services, Laurie Ferguson, provides a generally positive picture of relationships between Muslim and non-Muslim Australians.

‘The report identified a range of positive activities undertaken at the local government level to encourage engagement between faith groups, while also suggesting where improvements might be made,’ Mr Ferguson said.

‘The report, Muslim Australians and Local Government: Grass-roots Strategies to Build Bridges between Muslim & Non-Muslim Australians, has identified a number of strategies for improving relations between Muslim and non-Muslim Australians through effective community-based activities.

‘I commend local government for the community-based work they have already undertaken and in particular I would like to thank Fairfield City Council, which has not only done some excellent work in this area but has considerably expanded its multicultural program.’

Researcher Dr Amanda Wise from Macquarie University was funded under the National Action Plan to Build on Social Cohesion, Harmony and Security, a joint Commonwealth and state and territory government initiative to investigate community-based activities for improving relations between Muslim and non-Muslim Australians.

‘It is by undertaking and evaluating research such as this that we become more responsive to our community’s changing needs. We all have a role to play in making our communities more inclusive and stronger for the future,’ Mr Ferguson added.

The report is on the Department of Immigration and Citizenship website.

See: http://www.immi.gov.au/media/publications/multicultural/grassroots/index.htm.

From the Kuraby Mosque Desk.......


BBQs and Lectures

Kuraby Mosque has re-commenced its highly successful Saturday evening BBQs after Magrib Salaah.


The aim of the BBQs is to create a social Islamic environment every Saturday night at the Kuraby Mosque for everyone, including the young, to meet with each other.


This will be followed up by relevant lectures which will take place after Ishaa every Saturday.


The lectures will be conducted by Moulana Akram Imaam of Kuraby Mosque, Dr. Mohammed Abdalla Director of the Griffith Islamic Research Unit (GIRU) at Griffith University, Mufti Ikraam Buksh Head of Religious Studies at the Australian International Islamic College(Durak) and Imaam at Baldhills.


Everyone is encourage to attend.


Quraan classes

Registration has commenced for the Quraan class for adults who want to brush up on their Quraan recitation and learn to read the Quraan with proper pronunciation (Tajweed).


More information and Enrolment form


Fiqh Course

Registration has commenced for the Fiqh classes. The course will provide an in depth study and explanation of Fiqh covering a number of topics.


More information and Enrolment form





The Islamic Women's Association of Queensland will be running a pilot program called the Muslim Marriage Toolbox from 7th Nov 2008 to 10th Nov 2008 inshaAllah.

The Muslim Marriage Toolbox (MMT) has been previously presented in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada; New York city, New York, USA; Newark, New Jersey, USA; Manhattan, USA and been very well received with 300 participants per workshop.




The Muslim Marriage Toolbox (MMT) is designed to assist:

  •  single sisters who are planning to get married and are looking for spouses - how to prepare for marriage (including filling a marriage matchmaking form for those interested)

  •  single brothers who are planning to get married and are looking for spouses - how to prepare for marriage (including filling a marriage matchmaking form for those interested)

  •  parents who have marriage-age children who are wanting to facilitate the search for spouses for their children - learn about their roles in promoting healthy marriages for their children

  •  strengthening the relationship between married couples - Q & A format

  •  parenting session - issues and challenges faced by Muslim parents living in the West.

The matchmaking process is designed to assist single sisters and brothers and their parents in finding approximate matches in the process of the workshops and the follow-up meeting to initiate the next steps, with strict accordance of the shariah.

The Muslim Marriage Toolbox incorporate the present realities of our Muslim culture and communities, the psychology of human nature and human relationships, and authentic Islamic teachings about the subject, through an interactive process.

This is an opportunity for you to:

  1. think about your own personal, family and cultural realities

  1. check your expectations of marriage, marital life, and spouse-to-be

  1. understand the nature of marital relationsip - what makes it healthy or unhappy

  1. correct your beliefs in light of proper teachings of Islam and your personal, family and cultural realities

Please be aware REGISTRATION IS ESSENTIAL for the workshop session you wish to attend by calling

(07) 3272 6355 / 3272 6422

The lecture series (no registration required) are free-of-charge and include the following topics:

  •  Friday, 7th Nov 2008: Marriage: the strength and weakness of a community

  •  Saturday, 8th Nov 2008: Marriage: avoiding common pitfalls

  •  Sunday, 9th Nov 2008: Marriage matters specific to reverts (Q&A)

Please RSVP immediately on (07) 3272 6355 / (07) 3272 6422 for catering purposes.  Interstate registrations are welcome.


[CCN Editor] And if ever you needed convincing why these workshops can be of help see our story below.



Registration Form


$7 million for new International Research Centre at UniSA


The Hon Julia Gillard MP announced this week that the Australian Government will provide a $7 million towards the establishment of an International Centre for Muslim and non-Muslim Understanding at the University of South Australia.

The Centre is being established under the leadership of former Prime Minister, the Hon Bob Hawke AC and aims to be a leading global institution recognised for research excellence.

The Centre’s unique profile will promote understanding and respect through international scholarship and leadership.

The International Centre for Muslim and non-Muslim Understanding will support critical engagement and dialogue at the local, national and global levels and the development of effective policy solutions that can be considered and utilised by governments.

The Centre will probe the basis of tensions between the Muslim and non-Muslim worlds, including the role of the media, with a socio-cultural rather than an exclusively religious focus.

The Centre, which will be located within the Bob Hawke Prime Ministerial Centre, will also examine and propose ways of diffusing tensions and ameliorating relationships at the political, civil and social level both in Australia and internationally.

The Centre seeks to become, over time, a leading world policy institution and build cultural and social bridges with major international bodies such as the UN.

The Australian Government will contribute $7m towards the establishment of the Centre from the established Diversity and Structural Adjustment Fund.

At the Movies with CCN



Now showing only at the AMC Noosa Cinema in Queensland


Beneath the financial crisis waits a nastier beast

Waleed Aly

The most lasting fallout of the global financial crisis is unlikely to be economic. This is the nature of true financial disaster: in the long run it brings down ideas, recasts societies and redistributes power in a way that resonates far beyond its lifespan. One day, the markets will stabilise and even recover, but the political terrain will likely be altered irrevocably.


The Netherlands witnessed a series of riots, increased xenophobia, and the emergence of the National Socialist Party. And most infamously of course, there was Germany. With the national economy overwhelmingly financed by American loans, the collapse of the New York share market had a devastating impact. A desperate working-class sought solace in communism, while an emasculated middle class leapt sharply to ultra-nationalism. The familiar consequence was the ascension of the Nazis, whose support base suddenly broadened.

This is what happens in times of great insecurity. As the foundations of our lives erode, we search for an anchor, and social politics very often provides it. When all else fails, we may still rally around old certainties: nation, culture, religion, race. We crave strong authority figures that can imbue us with certainty and articulate for us a sense of self. That often involves fabricating a scapegoat who becomes a mortal enemy.

In Germany, of course, Jews principally fulfilled that function, becoming the victims of an entire mythology that blamed them for the economic difficulties of "real" Germans. Such virulent prejudice soothes the insecure.

The bad news for us is that malignant social politics have been slowly returning for a while in Russia, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium, Italy, Britain, Denmark and Norway. And it is an affliction that spreads well beyond Europe in the form of radicalism in the Muslim world and Hindu and Buddhist nationalisms in Asia.

Ours is an age of hostile identity politics. These are not all directly referable to economic crises (even if they clearly have a relationship with the anxieties of globalisation), but they suggest something deeply troubling: that the world is rich in the kinds of xenophobic resources so easily amplified by economic turmoil.
Should the financial crisis become a global recession, there is no telling precisely what forms of extreme social politics might be unleashed. An explosion of anti-Americanism across Asia and Europe? Possibly. But what about America itself? Here, the seeds of xenophobic resentment are being sown.

Writing in The National Review, Michelle Malkin blames the crisis on illegal immigrants and Hispanics who were "greedy" enough to seek subprime loans. Blogging for the same publication, Mark Krikorian wonders if Washington Mutual's demise was caused by its propensity for employing Latinos and gays. On Fox News, Neil Cavuto blames congressmen who were "pushing for more minority lending" without disclosing that "loaning to minorities and risky folks is a disaster".

The audacity is extraordinary. Suddenly, this crisis is something poor blacks and Hispanics have inflicted on rich white people. That is beginning to sound, well, Germanic.

A reaction is inevitable: one that sees in the crisis the exploitation of poor black people who will lose their homes, by white fat cats who skip away from the rubble with millions. The potential cycle of conflictual identity politics is terrifying. And that is to say nothing of developments we cannot predict.

Full article


Waleed Aly is a lecturer in politics at Monash University.


Going on Hajj?






While the journey might be lot a easier than it was back in 1953 you should find the Tips for Hajj compiled by Faisel Essof very instructive.



The Message Magazine


The latest issue of The Message Magazine has just been released entitled 'The Journey'.
To download a softcopy visit www.messagemagazine.com.au.


A landmark event in relations with Abu Dhabi, UAE


Trade Queensland hosted a function at the Conrad Treasury Hotel during the week at which the Honourable John Mickel MP, Queensland Minister for Trade (right in picture) and His Excellency Mohammed Omar Abdullah, Under Secretary, Department of Planning and Economy, Government of Abu Dhabi (left in picture) signed a Memorandum of Understanding between the Queensland Government and the Government of Abu Dhabi.


Forum presenters included senior representatives from the United Arab Emirates, His Excellency Dr Saeed Mohammad Al-Shamsi, Ambassador of the United Arab Emirates to Australia and senior representatives from the Queensland Government, the Honourable Mike Ahern AO, Advisor, Trade Queensland, Loftus Harris, Trade Queensland, Special Representative to the Middle East and India, Susan Rae, Trade Commissioner, United Arab Emirates, and Hassan Miski, Trade Commissioner, Saudi Arabia.





(l to r) His Excellency Mohammed Omar Abdullah, His Excellency Dr Saeed Mohammad Al-Shamsi, Mr. Mehmood (Twiggy) Surtie and the Honourable John Mickel MP

From the IWAQ Desk.....


Sincere condolences to Br. Emad Elshemy, Sr. Galila Abdelsalam and the whole family on the sad death of their son Hussam Elshemy.  May Allah grant him paradise and the family patience. Aameen.

From IWAQ Management Committee and Staff.  Our duas are with you.


Some common misconceptions about IWAQ:


1.      IWAQ has plenty of money

The majority of funds (99%) that IWAQ receives are government grants (local, state and federal) and these are tied up in service delivery which includes direct client care that involve wages, superannuation, equipment etc for workers providing the service.


2.      IWAQ conducts fundraising functions

IWAQ has never had a fundraising function.  The social activities and annual ladies fun night are targeted at those most vulnerable in the community – Muslim women who are isolated and in financial hardship to have some social interaction as these opportunities are the only time they can go in a safe environment and enjoy themselves.  None of the events have to date made any profit for the organisation; in fact the organisation has incurred losses through the heavily subsidised activities and tickets.


3.      IWAQ only employs people who are from Arabic-speaking backgrounds

Any vacancies have always been advertised internally and externally and the process is very transparent.  Applicants apply, are shortlisted, interviewed by an interview panel and the most suitable person for the job is employed.  IWAQ employs people from 22 different cultural backgrounds who are a mix of female and male and Muslim and non-Muslim staff members.


Extract from the UAE Itihad newspaper on feed the fasting (Arabic)


Imran Khan on Andrew Denton & at Eidfest



Full transcript of the ABC 1 Interview with Andrew Denton





At Eidfest2008






Around the Muslim World with CCN


Arranged marriages: a new trend for Western women to find Mr Right?

In an age of uncertainty, women need an alternative to the Western style of selecting a marriage partner, the author Reva Seth argues


Read the full article...


[CCN Editor] A compelling argument for joining in the IWAQ Marriage Toolbox Workshop..........



Dial M for Mufti 


One of the most distinguished muftis in the Gulf switches on his computer, dons a headset and prepares to issue yet another fatwa.

Abdulrahman Ammoura, 48, usually dispenses his religious advice to the faithful at a nearby mosque but today he is in a cramped cubicle in Abu Dhabi, answering the telephone at the world's first call centre for people seeking a fatwa, or religious edict.


The popularity of the service easily eclipses attendance at his Friday prayers; it is used by Muslims all over the world, and its organisers say it now takes about 3,700 calls a day, including queries from Britain.

“I am tired, so tired,” the mufti says, midway through a six-hour shift. “I hear ringing in my ears.” He is distressed by his most recent caller, a married woman whose alcoholic husband had turned violent, hitting her and forcing her to have sex. Should she seek a divorce, the woman asked. “I said, ‘No - it is better for him to find help'. A woman living alone with children could face too many problems.”

His advice now counts as an official fatwa in the United Arab Emirates, under new rules issued by the General Authority for Islamic Affairs and Endowments.


The UAE Government established the call centre three months ago in an attempt to root out extreme interpretations of Islam issued by unqualified scholars.


All fatwas issued through the call centre comply with the Government's moderate religious stance. Any others are considered invalid instructions.

Read the rest.....



For French Muslims, a Catholic education


MARSEILLE: The bright cafeteria of Saint Mauront Catholic school is conspicuously quiet: It is Ramadan and 80 percent of the students are Muslim. When the lunch bell rings, girls and boys stream out past the crucifixes and the large wooden cross in the corridor, heading for Muslim midday prayer.

"There is respect for our religion here," said Nadia Oualane, 14, her hair covered by a black headscarf.

"In the public school," she added, gesturing at nearby buildings, "I would not be allowed to wear a veil." Oualane, of Algerian descent, wants to be the first in her family to go to a university.

France has only four Muslim schools. So the 8,847 Roman Catholic schools have become a refuge for Muslims seeking what an overburdened, secularist public sector often lacks: spirituality, an environment in which good manners count alongside mathematics and higher academic standards.

Read the rest....



London I`tikaf

LONDON — Outside East London Mosque goes a typical bustling day in busy London, with cars racing by and people going about their daily routines.

But inside, tens of devout Muslim men performed i`tikaf (spiritual retreat) during the last ten days of the holy fasting month of Ramadan.

"Look around you. These people come from different backgrounds and ethnicities. You have Arabs, Indians, Pakistanis and Somalis," Ayoub Khan, the mosque's secretary-general, told IslamOnline.net.

The landmark mosque, which lies at the heart of London's east end, was only able to accommodate 100 Muslim men for i`tikaf.

When more than two hundred men applied for a place the mosque decided to conduct a ballot.
Read the rest.....



London's Multicultural `Eid

LONDON — Different attires. Different cuisines. Different languages. Still, one `Eid Al-Fitr celebrated by Britain's sizable, multiethnic Muslim community.
Muslim Londoners dressed differently for the celebration of the three-day `Eid, which began on Tuesday, September 30.

In East London, home to a concentration of Pakistani community, the traditional sari and punjabi suits hold sway.

Across the city to the north in Edgware Road, where the Arab community dominates, women wear their new abayas and men are in their best jilbabs.

`Eid cuisines also reflect the different cultural and ethnic backgrounds of Muslim Londoners.

In the region around East London Mosque, Pakistani and Bengali families celebrate are cooking Jalebi, a puffy fritters fried and then soaked in syrup.

In North London, the traditional Turkish dessert Hazer Baba is the favorite `Eid desert.

In East London's West Ham street, the scene sums it all.

On one side, Pakistani-origin Shaban sells Karachi-made sari to last-minute `Eid shoppers.

In the shop right door, Shaker, who has Iraqi background, is busy selling different kinds of traditional Arab sweets.

Britain is home to a sizable, multi-ethnic Muslim minority of nearly 2 million, mainly from Pakistani, Bengali and Indian backgrounds.

United in Park

But irrespective of cuisines and clothes differences, Muslim Londoners are united in one big `Eid celebration.

Thousands will pack Trafalgar Square in central London on Saturday, October 11, for a `Eid gala organized for the third year on.

The celebration is organized by the umbrella Muslim Council of Britain (MCB), supported by the Mayor of London and produced in association with the London-based international charity Islamic Relief.

Londoners from all racial backgrounds, Muslims and non-Muslims, are invited to the gala which will include a street bazaar, various food stalls and exhibitions.

Visitors this year will be able to enjoy live entertainment from many performers, nasheed groups and singers, including the world renowned Sami Yusuf.

This year's gala will also feature interactive workshops about Islam in Britain.

Video displays will introduce to the audience how multicultural and diverse the British Muslim community is.

Shaker, the sweets vendor, cites the `Eid gala as a manifestation of diversity and unity.

"The differences in our food, clothes and tongues do not matter.

"What is important is that we all celebrate `Eid together."



The CCN Readers' Book Club: You are what you read!


This week



First Comes Marriage: Modern Relationship Advice from the Wisdom of Arranged Marriages


Reva Seth

   Would you like to see the cover of your favourite book on our book shelves below?

Then simply email the title and author to thebookclub@crescentsofbrisbane.org


Double click a book cover to find out what others think of the book


CCN has set up an online Book Club at Shelfari to connect with CCN book readers at:


Using the book club you can see what books fellow CCN readers have on their shelves, what they are reading and even what they, and others, think of them.

The CCN Readers' Book Club

Kareema's Keep Fit Column



Covert you activities into steps






   Fun & fitness with fitballs combined with a challenging boxing routine

WHERE:  YIMBUN PARK,  Padstow Rd, Eight Mile Plains

WHEN: Every Saturday morning -  7:30 to 8:30 am

DATES: Saturday 18th OCT. through to the end of November. 

COST: $10 per session 

CONTACT: Kareema - 0404844786



 PREGNANT PAUSE PROGRAM - Low impact, gentle exercise classes for all our mums-to-be out there!! 

Keep your eye on CCN for the start of this great new program..





My Health and Fitness

Tel: 0404 844 786

(Accredited Member of Fitness Queensland)


Need an answer to a fitness related matter? Send your question to Kareema at  fitness@crescentsofbrisbane.org.

All questions sent in are published here anonymously and without any references to the author of the question.


KB's Culinary Corner






1/3 Cup sugar - 4 Tbsp butter - ½ cup almonds- sliced
125g butter - 1 cup sugar - 2 eggs - ½ tsp

bicarbonate of soda - 1tsp Cream Of Tartar - 1 ½ cups flour - ¾ cup milk.


1cup milk - 80g icing sugar - ½ tsp vanilla - ¼ cup water - 2 Tbsp corn flour - 2 eggs separated.


Place topping ingredients in a pot and cook until light gold.

Pour into one greased 20cm baking tin and leave to cool.

Cream butter and sugar.

Add eggs one at a time.

Beat well.

Add cream of tartar and Bicarb Soda and beat.

Lastly alternate the milk and flour and fold in.

Pour half cake mixture over the topping.

Pour the other half of cake mixture into the other 20cm greased baking tin.

Bake at 200 c for 20-25 minutes.

Remove the cake without the topping and place on a cake platter.

Make the custard and pour cooled custard over the cake.

Remove the cake with the topping and place over custard.

Dust with icing sugar and serve.


To make the Custard
Heat milk and add icing sugar and vanilla essence. Beat egg whites stiff and set aside. Mix the water, corn flour and yolks, add to the milk. Cook until mixture forms custard. Remove from heat and fold in egg whites. Leave to cool and then pour over cake.



Do you have a recipe to share with CCN readers?
Send in your favourite recipe to ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org and be our "guest chef" for the week.


The CCN Chuckle



While attending a marriage seminar on communication, Mula Nasruddin and his wife, Shabnum, listened to the instructor declare:

"It is essential that husbands and wives know the things that are important to each other.

"For instance, gentlemen, can you name your wife's favourite flower?"

Mula Nasruddin leaned over, touched his wife's arm gently and whispered,

“Self-Raising, no?”


The Notice Board


Click on image to enlarge




Pink Ribbon

Pamper Brunch

AIIC Open Day

IWAQ Swimming


Marriage Toolbox

AMAA Awards


The Imam & The Pastor


The CCN Date Claimer






(Click on link)





25 October


Crescents 'Pink Ribbon Pamper Brunch'

Crescents of Brisbane

Kimberley Park Community Centre, Shailer Park

0404 296 297

11am to 2pm

26 October


AIIC Open Day & Enrolment

Australian International Islamic College

Blunder Rd, DURACK

3372 1400

10.30am to 2.30pm

29 October


MBN Dinner Meeting with Federal MPs


Runcorn Function Centre, Gowan Rd, Runcorn

0402 032 56


5 November


The Imam and the Pastor

Initiatives of Change & GIRU

Griffith University, Mt Gravatt, Room M10_5.01

373 55821

6.15pm – 9.30pm

7-10 November

Friday to Monday

The Muslim Marriage Toolbox with Dr. Mohammed Sadiq


See brochure

3272 6355

See brochure

8/9 December





To claim your date for your event email ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org.





This week taleem for ladies will be held on Thursday 23 October at the home of Sharifa Gutta, 31 Stiller Drive, Kuraby from 11am-12pm.


 Gardens of the Righteous

Every Monday

Event: Weekly Learning Circle:

More Details: http://www.sunnahinspirations.org/index.php?view=article&id=82

Organizer: Sunnah Inspirations (www.SunnahInspirations.org)

Venue: University of Queensland, 323 Hawken Drive, St. Lucia

Contact: 0421 731 797 Time: 6.45pm to 7.45pm


Every Friday

Subject: Fiqh Made Easy

More Details: http://www.sunnahinspirations.org/index.php?view=article&id=87

Organizer: Sunnah Inspirations (www.SunnahInspirations.org)

Venue: Room S201, University of Queensland, 323 Hawken Drive, St. Lucia

Contact: 0421 731 797 Time: 6.45pm to 9.00pm


Sunnah Inspirations is a non-profit organisation to cater for Muslim social support and supplying information to Muslims and non-Muslims.  They have been doing various activities around Australia, and have organised Da'wah information stalls at various universities in Brisbane.  More info can be found on their website above.


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Write For Us

The best ideas and the best feedback come from our community of readers. If you have a topic or opinion that you want to write about or want seen covered or any news item that you think might be of benefit to the Crescents Community please e-mail



Share your thoughts, feelings and ambitions for our community through CCN.


If there is someone you know who would like to subscribe to CCN please encourage them to send an e-mail to ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org with the words “Subscribe Me” in the subject line.


Articles and opinions appearing in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Crescents of Brisbane Team, CCN, its Editor or its Sponsors, particularly if they eventually turn out to be libelous, unfounded, objectionable, obnoxious, offensive, slanderous and/or downright distasteful.


It is the usual policy of CCN to include from time to time, notices of events that some readers may find interesting or relevant. Such notices are often posted as received. Including such messages or providing the details of such events does not necessarily imply endorsement of the contents of these events by either CCN or Crescents of Brisbane Inc.