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......a sometimes self-deprecating and occasional tongue-in-cheek look at ourselves and the world around us ......



Sunday, 7 December 2008

 .Newsletter 0213


News you won't find on CNN!




Eid-ul-Adha: Tuesday 9 December 2008



The Council of Imams Queensland confirms and announces that Eid-ul Adha will be celebrated on

Tuesday 9th December 2008 in Queensland.


We wish all Muslims a happy Eid-ul Adha Mubarak. May Allah shower His blessings on the Muslim Ummah.

Assalaamu Alaykum

Imaam Peer
Chairman of Council of Imams Queensland


Eidgah Programmes at a Suburb Near You



Click on image to enlarge


Islamic College of Brisbane


Darra Mosque


Takbeer 6.45am

Salaat 7am



Algester Mosque


Australian International Islamic College


Takbeer 6.30am

English Bayaan 7.00am

Salaat & Khutbah 7.10am



Gold Coast Mosque



If you would like your Mosque's programme posted here please email ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org


The Method of Performing Eid Salah

One should first make an intention verbally, or in one's heart that one is performing 2 rak'at salah of `Eid that are wâjib with 6 extra takbîrs behind the imam.

Thereafter one should recite Allah u akbar, fold his hands and recite thana

Then he should recite Allah u akbar for the 2nd and 3rd time raising his hands to his ears and placing it to his sides each time. After reciting Allah u akbar for the 4th time, he should fold his hands and continue with his salah as normal.

In the 2nd rak'ât after the imâm has recited the qirat, he should recite Allah u akbar thrice each time, raising his hands to his ears and leaving them at his sides.

After saying Allah u akbar for the 4th time he should go into ruku' without raising his hands.


After the salâh the people should listen to the khutbah.



Allahu Akbar – Allahu Akbar – La Ilaha Illallahu – Wal Lahu Akbar – Allahu Akbar Wa Lil Lah Hil Humd



The 9th day of Dhul-Hijjah (the Month of Hajj) is called the Day of Arafat which in Saudi Arabia is today (Sunday). This day is the culminating event of the annual Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca, Saudi Arabia.

The Day of Arafat falls on the 2nd day of pilgrimage rituals. At dawn of this day, nearly 2 million Muslim pilgrims, amongst them many from Australia, will make their way from Mecca to a nearby hillside and plain called Mount Arafat and the Plain of Arafat. It was from this site that the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, gave his famous Farewell Sermon in his final year of life.

During the entire day, from dawn until sunset, Muslim pilgrims stand in earnest supplication and devotion, praying for God's abundant forgiveness. Tears are shed readily as those who gather make repentance and seek God's mercy, recite words of prayer and remembrance, and gather together as equals before their Lord. Muslims around the world who are not participating in the pilgrimage often spend this day in fasting and devotion. (Source)



CCN wishes all our hajjis and our readers a happy Eid-ul-Adha

Qurbani Options


Muslim Aid Australia


  Wanted food for families around the world

  Ways to donate


To purchase your Quran online simply click on the link below, then as a Donation Type, select 'Qurban for Life’.

You can then choose the number of Qurban you would like to purchase. Enter your payment details as usual.


To purchase your Qurban online



Imam Akram and Ml Shazad Khan


Operation Qurbani


School under Scrutiny

Some of the 40 Muslim primary students who live on the Gold Coast and commute to Brisbane every day. Picture: Michael Ross

If you have missed the saga over the past few days over the proposed Islamic College in Carrara (Gold Coast) and the singing of the national Anthem at the Australian International Islamic College (Durack) then the following links will get you up to speed:


  Muslims say protests over planned school are un-Australian


  Meet the children they fear

THESE are the faces some Carrara residents fear.
The small group are some of the 40 Muslim primary students who live on the Gold Coast and commute to Brisbane every day to attend school.
Their names have been withheld because of their families' concerns.
The students' parents say they just want the best education for their kids.


  Brisbane Islamic college reviews national anthem ban



  Courier Mail Editorial: Time for a lesson in tolerance

.....................It must be remembered that this is not so much an Islamic school as a religious school. In the same way that countless thousands of Australian parents choose to send their children to schools teaching a particular faith -- be that Anglican, Catholic or Jewish -- so too should Australian Muslims have the right to send their children to a local educational institution steeped in their faith. Remember, too, that there are countless thousands of expatriate Australians who choose to send their children to Christian or international schools in foreign countries. And this includes expats residing in predominantly Muslim countries such as Indonesia...........................


A happy, united family thanks to our community


The Little Lailis

The twins in the basket are from left to right Heikel Rahman and Haiszrul Rahim..

Behind the basket from left to right are Nur Reqeena May (2), Raihan Said (3), Zachariah Daud (6) and Darius Hassan (8).

Thanks to the generosity of many of our Community members, Kirsty and Sadhzli Laili have set themselves up in a rented home in Toogoolawah.


This young couple had lived in Rockhampton prior to the illness of Sadhzli's father. When the father had a stroke, Sadhzli who is an only child, had to sell up and move his wife and four children to Singapore so he could help his mother care for his father. They lived there for two years.


Kirsty flew back home due to her pregnancy, as she was expecting twins and wanted them born in Australia.


The babies became due prematurely and she was transferred to the Royal Women's Hospital in Brisbane where they were born on 30th October.


She had to stay in the Ronald MacDonald house and had to find accommodation for her family to move to Brisbane.


Two of her children who had accompanied her home from Singapore were boarded out with her sister in Toogoolawah.

The Imam from Rockhampton contacted CCN to ask us to help the family.


Members of the local Brisbane Muslim community stepped into action and the husband was sent the money to fly to Australia to help care for his wife and two sons here.


Two children were left in Singapore with Sadhzi's parents who have now recovered from their trauma.


The twin boys were left in the Women's hospital to gain weight.

Sadhzli found a house to rent in Toogoolawah as rents in Brisbane were too expensive. Members of the community donated furniture and other necessary items to equip the family with necessities for everyday life. A local prominent businessman kindly donated the money to buy a new refrigerator for this needy family.


The whole family were re-united on 27th November and will live in a rented home in Toogoolawah.


PS: Kirsty wrote to CCN:


I would like to express my sincere thanks to everyone that has helped make what would have been a very difficult time so much easier for me and my family.  I have been overwhelmed by the level of help given and would especially like to thank Jenny (Janeth Deen) for all her help, as none of this would have happened without all her hard work.  Inshallah one day I will be given the chance to help someone else as much as I have been helped now.  Thank you also for taking the time to write this article and I hope you can convey my gratitude to everyone.



The Lailai case has stressed the need for an organisation to be formed to address the needs of families who find themselves in stressful circumstances. They need to be referred to an organisation that can act immediately to relieve the stress and help with practical assistance.

The very recently established Queensland Muslim Welfare Association Inc. is now operating to fulfill that need.

Anyone who finds themselves (or knows of someone) in unfortunate circumstances should contact Janeth Deen on 3344 5330 or 0435 086 796 or via email at janethdeen@gmail.com


QMWA also welcomes any help and support you can give it while it is getting off the ground.

The Queensland Muslim Welfare Association Inc. will be raising money by selling second hand goods at local markets, in order to set up their own Welfare Shop to cater for the needs of the community in Brisbane (initially) and then later to other parts of Queensland.

Donations of goods can still be left at 24 Janice St, Sunnybank in the interim while the location of a suitable warehouse is being investigated


Photographic Exhibition Launched


The Wan Whun Photographic Exhibition on the Kashmir War Widows was launched on Friday (5 December) at Light Space in Light Street, Fortitude Valley.


Marisol Da Silva, who took the photographs, described the plight of the War Widows of Kashmir and Diana Rah talked about her experiences living in region.


The exhibition runs until Thursday 11 December between 10am and 3pm.


The event is supported by a number of organizations including AMARAH and the Queensland Muslim Times.

Ismail Suleman and Sadek Mustapha one of the many striking images on display

Visitors to the Photo Gallery

Shamime Mustapha, Marisol Da Silva, Farah Suleiman and Diana Rah

'Simpsons' Episode Challenges Islamophobia


The Simpsons episode, which aired in the US Sunday evening and is titled "Mypods and Boomsticks," highlights anti-Muslim sentiment by featuring a young Muslim character named Bashir and his family who face prejudice after moving to Springfield. In the program, Homer Simpson wrongly suspects that Bashir's family is involved in a terror plot. Bart Simpson befriends Bashir and defends him from bullies.


CAIR's Greater Los Angeles Area office (CAIR-LA) sent a letter to the show's creator Matt Groening thanking him for challenging anti-Muslim prejudice.

The letter said Sunday's episode "brought to light how Americans can work toward mutual respect and inclusion by getting to know their neighbors." It went on to state: "The episode also builds on the values that have made America the great nation it is a nation in which citizenship is about finding common ground and building a better society. American Muslims have been doing just that by making daily contributions to our society that often go unrecognized."

"Because of its acceptance in popular culture, comedy is often one of the best vehicles for challenging stereotypes and intolerance," said CAIR Executive Director Nihad Awad. "Fox and Matt Groening are to be congratulated for tackling the disturbing phenomenon of Islamophobia."


The program is not available yet outside of the US and the following trailer will give you a taste of what to expect.


(But watch this space for when the episode does eventually make it to Youtube).



ILM Course at Kuraby Mosque



Moulana Akram of Kuraby Mosque has initiated a new course for young teenagers Grade 8 and up.


The course will address a variety of issues facing Muslim teenagers today, including dating in Islam, drugs, violence, music, gangs, etc.


The cost for the course for one hour, 2 days a week is $40 per term.





See flyer for details.

Enrolment form (pdf)

Enrolment form (Excel)


Madressah in Bald Hills Update


The DS Arabic Tutoring Centre, under the direction of Moulana Ikraam Buksh, provides Islamic studies to young Muslim children on the north side of Brisbane.

The centre has been running since June 2008 and and present enrolments stand at approximately 33 students, 17 of whom are now reciting the Quran.


Classes are held from 5pm to 7pm, Monday to Thursday.


An adult class is held from 7pm to 9pm.


Subjects taught at the centre include Quran recitation, Islamic History, Fiqh, Tawheed and basic Arabic.


If you would like to donate any funds to the madrassah contact Moulana Mohammed Ikram Buksh on 0431672263 or email: principal@kurabymosque.org.au.


A comprehensive report on the Centre is available here.


CCN Supporting Local Enterprise



From the MYServices Desk......


A New Generation of Leadership: Yes We Can!

32 young Muslim leaders recently attended MYServices’ dynamic first Ameer/Ameera Muslim Youth Leadership Development Program.

Instructed by a lively Dr Andrea Baldwin, the hands-on, fun and interactive workshop highlighted that leadership is also about the choices we make.

We can either choose to develop leadership skills, or, sit on our hands and wait for someone else to take lead. We can choose to engage with the media and politicians, or, just complain about them. We can choose to dream big, or, settle for mediocrity. We can choose to choose, or, choose not to choose! But it is all about choices.

For some young Muslims, the workshop was also about discovering hidden talents.

“I got tremendous confidence in my abilities as a leader,” said a 19 year old participant

“I discovered that every one of us has the potential to become good leaders,” noted a 22 year old attendee.

Some topics covered over the intensive weekend workshop, included the leadership qualities of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and applying these in our daily lives; interacting with the media; conflict resolution skills; public speaking; building bridges with other communities; and, being a leader in the workplace.

Public speaking was an all-round favourite.

“Wow! I learned to speak in public and actually feel more confident!” a 12 year old participant commented. “We should be taught this at school as well.”

“I liked public speaking the most,” remarked a 19 year old. “The use of microphones and the interactive nature of the whole weekend allowed us to put our skills to the test.”

A huge thank you to guest presenters Dr Daud Bachelor, Abdul Rahman Keri, Ahmed El-You, Safia Casoojee and Val French for their valuable contributions.

MYServices thanks all the 32 attendees for their enthusiastic support that made this program a huge success, alhamdullillah. Thank you also for your valuable feedback, which will ensure future workshops are even more successful, inshaAllah! (By the way, yes, brothers we hear you, no more application forms for the boys!)

If you’d like to be a part of a new generation of positive change, email us info@myservices.net.au to keep informed of upcoming developmental opportunities and events.

Can we see a better future for all young Muslims? Yes, we can!


Thank You, Taufan

Al-Nisa Youth Group Inc. would like to thank previous Male Youth and Community Development Officer, Taufan Mawardi for his services, and wish him well in his future endeavours.

Shaima Khan
Muslim Youth & Community Development Officer

0402 529 395


SANHA on Halaal


Extracted from South African National Halaal Authority Editorial (e-Bulletin 39)


No one can deny the innumerable and countless favours that we all enjoy and the provision of Halaal food and services is just one of them.

That there are divergent views globally with varying standards, cultural and national barriers that hinder progress is not denied but progress continues nevertheless.

This is the picture that emerged after the latest meeting of the World Halaal Council held in Bangkok, Thailand on 28th November 2008 of which SANHA has a seat on the Executive Council and heads the WHC Shari'ah / Fatwa Committee.

There is unity in diversity and with dialogue the move towards a global standard progresses slowly but most importantly steadily.

In the field of poultry for example, member certifying organisations have different standards as prescribed by the Ulama.


Some countries such as Malaysia permit the use of machine slaughter, some others will unconditionally accept slaughter by "People of the Book", some will accept the recitation of the Tasmiyah at the start of the process and some who are importers from non-Muslim countries rely on a certificate by any issuing authority without establishing these bonafides.
Muslims in South Africa are indeed fortunate in that they are aware of the origins of the meat and it's Halaal status through structures and organisations established and encouraged by our pious predecessors even though most if not all of the producers are non-Muslims.

There is nothing to stop Muslim communities from establishing abattoirs according to Islamic values and teachings. But divisive bickering will not lay a single brick.

It has even been suggested by the Majlis and its coterie that Muslims slaughter their own poultry and livestock as they believe that all meat from commercial abattoirs sold by Muslim butchers is Haraam. Not only is this inaccurate in view of the Halaal programs in place but impractical and a disservice to at least 90% of the community who rely on this.

Hot-Seat Forum: The Middle East and Australia


Michael Shaik

Below is a link to the forum aired on SBS World View last Thursday with interviewer Rebecca Lewis.


The original panel comprised Michael Shaik,  Vic Alhadeff and Matthew Gray.  


Just  days before the interview was recorded, SBS contacted AFP to say  that the Jewish Board of Deputies had insisted on having Lynda Ben-Menashe join the forum to support Vic Alhadeff.  The balance of the panel was thus compromised, but it did not stop Michael from giving a substantive defence on behalf of Palestine. You can judge for yourself.

The panel consisted of:


Michael Shaik - Public advocate, Australians for Palestine
Vic Alhadeff -  CEO, Jewish Board of Deputies
Lynda Ben-Menashe - Education manager, Jewish Board of Deputies
Matthew Gray -  Senior Lecturer, Centre of Islamic Studies, ANU

AUDIO (click on link) http://sbs.com.au/elg/worldview-081126-fd0.mp3

PS: Michael Shaik was the keynote speaker at a workshop hosted by Crescents of Brisbane during September.


Multicultural Garden

By James Douglas (SPIRAL Garden Project Organizer)

The Multicultural Garden event last Saturday was a great success. A really diverse garden has been planted and we all shared in some great food and entertainment. It was also amazing for me to hear new information about plants and what people use them for. Thoroughly enjoyable.

Everyone is welcome to come and contribute to the garden on any Thursday or Saturday morning.


Don't forget the Bush tucker and Bush Foods Day this Sunday 8th December. It is a chance to learn more about foods that grow native to Australia, and to taste some gourmet foods which are made from these plants.

Bush Foods Day at Lions Park, Paradise St (near corner of Paradise St and Sankey St West End – See map: http://www.whereis.com/qld/highgate-hill/114-dornoch-tce?id=41EF2A93E4C002)
























Around the Muslim World with CCN


U.S. church hosts Muslim worshippers

A church in the north-central U.S. state of Wisconsin is hosting Muslim worshippers to perform prayers twice a day, reported the Journal Sentinel on Saturday.

"We're very grateful to the church," said local Muslim leader Ajaz Qhavi.

The Faith Presbyterian Church in Franklin city in southern Wisconsin has allowed Muslims to perform prayers five days a week.

Since last week, Muslims have gathered at the Church's Sunday school space to perform the Fajr (Dawn) and `Isha` (night) prayers.

The Islamic Center of Milwaukee pays a nominal rental fee to cover church expenses.

The move was taken as there are no close mosques for Muslims to perform their prayers.

Read the rest....



Mido Blames FA for Islamophobic Abuse

UK: Middlesbrough striker Mido has blamed the Football Association for the Islamophobic chanting he suffered against Newcastle last weekend.

The FA are set to look into reports of abuse directed at the Egyptian striker during the Tees-Tyne derby after Mido was targeted for the second time in as many seasons.

And the Boro forward believes the FA's lack of action when it happened last year contributed to a repeat this season.

"They kept chanting disgusting words, racist words about Islam and unfortunately, this is the second time that the same fans have done this," Mido told Egyptian television station Al Hayat.

"It happened again because after the first time the English FA did nothing. I considered this as an invitation from the English FA to the Newcastle supporters to repeat such shameful acts.

"I can assure you that nothing is going to happen this time again. The English FA said that they will be investigating the issue and will make use of the latest technology to stop such racist abuse of players but I feel that nothing will happen.

"I am asking the English FA to take serious action to stop such things. These chants are not directed at me as a person but it is directed at Islam."



Lego-style terrorist fighting figures launched in United Kingdom

A RANGE of Lego-style fighting figures - including an al-Qaeda terrorist - has been launched in the UK.

The tiny figures - decked out as a follower of 9/11 mastermind Osama Bin Laden - have a removeable mask and are fully kitted out with a rocket launcher, assault rifle and grenades.

The range has been slammed by religious leaders.

Mohammed Shaffiq, of Muslim organisation The Ramadhan Foundation, branded the toy “absolutely disgusting”.

He said: “It is glorifying terrorism — the makers should be ashamed. 

Read the rest.....


Film increases risk of attacks

The release of a film earlier this year critical of the Koran could provoke terrorist attacks in the Netherlands, the Dutch national anti-terrorism coordinator said in a newspaper interview.

Quoted by Dutch daily De Volkskrant, Tjibbe Joustra said the threat of terror activities remained more than 'substantial'.

The March release of "Fitna", a film by Dutch lawmaker Geert Wilders which urges Muslims to tear out "hate-filled" verses from the Koran, has made the Netherlands a target for terror activities, Joustra said.

Read the rest.....



Top doctors in Azamgarh are Muslims

New Delhi: Though just 15% of the population of the district, Muslims of Azamgarh have made their presence strongly felt in the health sector. Top ten doctors of the district are Muslims. They are also running some big hospitals.


And credit for this goes to Aligarh Muslim University. Most of the present prominent doctors have done medical courses at Aligarh. Some also got education at Lucknow, Kanpur and Varanasi.

Some of them are so popular because of their higher success rate and low or no fee that even a rickshaw puller can take you to them.

Read the rest......



Hebron settlers desecrate mosque

Jewish settlers protesting against an official Israeli eviction order have desecrated Muslim buildings in the flashpoint West Bank town of Hebron.

They sprayed "Death to Arabs" and an insult to the Prophet Muhammad on a mosque wall and vandalised a cemetery.
Israeli troops were seen painting over the graffiti. A soldier was injured in scuffles with settlers, the army said.

The high court has ordered dozens of hardline settlers to leave a house in the overwhelmingly Palestinian town.


Read the rest....



Hong Kong On Islamic Banking Track

"There should be no doubt about our determination to establish a platform for Islamic finance in Hong Kong," Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) Deputy Chief Eddie Yue told a forum on Islamic finance, reported Bernama news agency.
"Our priority is to push ahead with the development of an Islamic bond market," he explained.

Sukuk, which conform to Islam's prohibition of receiving or paying interest, typically work as profit-sharing vehicles.

Companies that issue Islamic bonds make payments to investors using profits from the underlying business, instead of paying interest.

But money can not be invested in alcohol, gambling, pornography, tobacco, weapons or pork.

Yue insisted time is ripe for Hong Kong to get a foothold in the globally-thriving Islamic banking industry.

"We believe that this is a good time to do the groundwork of installing the necessary legal, taxation and market infrastructure," told the one-day forum.


Read the rest....



Italian Muslims hail Muntari

Ghanaian Muslim footballer Sulley Ali Muntari has received a positive response from Italian Muslims after celebrating a goal by performing the Muslim 'Sujud' or prostration to God during an important Italian football match.

Muntari, who plays for Italy's Inter Milan, scored the winning 1-0 goal against Juventus on Saturday and thanked God on the field.

"Not because we root for Inter, but because we are Muslims, we cannot do anything but rejoice for the 'Sujud ash-Shukr', of Sulley Ali Muntari who reminded all of us how you honour Allah, even on a football field," said the Italian Muslim website, Islam Online.

"We are certain that Muntari's example will be important for thousands of young Muslims that make up an important part of the sport in Italy," said Hamza Piccardo director of Islam-Online in an interview with Adnkronos International (AKI).

The position of Sujud - usually performed during prayers - involves having the nose, forehead, hands, knees and toes touching the ground together. 
The 'Sujud' of thankfulness used to be performed by Islam's Prophet Mohammed, whenever he heard good news that made him happy by his total submission to God in this act. 

He would then perform 'Sujud' to thank God for it.

"We always see football players and other athletes who do the sign of the cross when they enter the field, and it pleases us that players from the top league remember their spiritual dimension in the moment of rejoicing," said Piccardo.

"Contrary to what critics say, Islam is wholly compatible with all healthy lifestyles in the West and Muntari's case is the proof in its most strong and spectacular way," concluded Piccardo.

Meanwhile, another Muslim football player, Mohammed Sissoko who plays for Juventus, says he feels proud of being a Muslim and says he fasts during the holy Muslim month of Ramadan.

"I am proud of being a Muslim and I follow Ramadan even during the football tournament," the Malian-born with French citizen, Sissoko, told the Dubai-based Arab TV network al-Arabiya.


Read the rest....



Dutch Islamic schools need to shape up

A recent report from the Dutch Ministry of Education says that half of the 42 Islamic primary schools in the Netherlands don't meet the minimum education standard


Fake names on the payroll; entire schools taking trips abroad with school funds; school boards fired for incompetence. Just a few of the problems the government has found at Islamic Schools in the Netherlands. Radio Netherlands visited an Islamic School in Amsterdam to find out why these schools are doing so poorly.


The As Soeffah school is in one of the poorer neighbourhoods of Amsterdam. Founded just a few years ago, the school already has 400 children and opened a sister school in The Hague. Director Rahmat Khan Abdur Rahman sums up the characteristics of a Muslim school:

"If you would come to the school in the morning for the start of the day, you'd see the kids recite the Qur'an, sing Islamic songs, have a talk, things like this. 

The kids pray at school. We celebrate Muslim holidays. Of course, Dutch holidays are also normal at the school. We give them attention, too."


Accounts of fraud at other Islamic schools point to more obvious misuse like trips to Mecca and payments to board members for non existing tasks.


Read the rest....


The Inbox


Dear Editor


.... it's nice to see Brisbane continuing its trend in the top awards: Man of the Year and Women of the Year and Volunteer of the Year...it must be the water up there that produces people of excellence!

Hanan Dover
Psychologist BSSc, PGDip, MA (Hons)

[CCN Editor] They’re starting to put fluoride in it as from this month. I hope this doesn’t mess with the formula.



I felt that I should bring this to your readers attention so as they can make their own decision as to whether or not they should buy cakes from Michael's Patisserie. A friend of mine was told by a franchise in the Underwood / Kuraby area that most of the cakes contain no animal fats. However I phoned the Head Office and was told that all of the products which would ordinarily contain shortening of some sort, that is all cakes and scones, are made with margarine which contains animal fat.

So I am not sure which is correct but I needed to inform as many as possible of this so they can make their own decisions about whether or not they should continue buying from this company.

Zeenat Hussain

Assalamu Alaikum W. W.
Inshallah, there will be a FREE EID picnic/BarbQ on Sunday 14 December 2008, at the Australian International Islamic College, 724 Blunder Rd Durack, from 11am to 3pm as well as entertainment for the kids.
All the meat for the function is derived from the Qurbani, for distribution to the community. Whatever is left over at the end of the day will be distributed.
Volunteers are required to assist in manning the barbq's.
Hj. Sultan M. Deen


The CCN Readers' Book Club: You are what you read!


This week



  Celebrating India: Reflections on Eminent Indian Muslims (1857-2007)


Meher Fatima Hussain


Author Meher Fatima Hussain, Lecturer at Jamia Millia Islamia, talks to Mumtaz Alam Falahi of TwoCircles.net on her book.



Would you like to see the cover of your favourite book on our book shelves below?

Then simply email the title and author to thebookclub@crescentsofbrisbane.org


Double click a book cover to find out what others think of the book


CCN has set up an online Book Club at Shelfari to connect with CCN book readers at:


Using the book club you can see what books fellow CCN readers have on their shelves, what they are reading and even what they, and others, think of them.

The CCN Readers' Book Club

Kareema's Keep Fit Column





Q: Dear Kareema, you've mentioned before that we can't spot reduce but should rather target specific muscle groups. What can I do to tighten the area around my mid-section?





A: The key is to burn off fat with cardio and work your core from every angle so you'll have toned your whole waist - front, sides and back!

Why not get your 'best buds' together and motivate each other while trying some the following activities - don't 'waist' another minute:

- Tennis: Recruit your core muscles - stretching, twisting and contracting your abs with every shot. Running around the court for shots will also burn kilojoules and fat.

- Soft-sand running: This offers more of a core challenge because you're constantly stabilising on the uneven sand. You're forced to use your obliques (muscles on the side of your waist) to balance yourself with every step.

- Swimming: Water provides natural muscle-toning resistance.

- Cycling: This works your glutes, thighs and usually your lungs, but if you want to recruit more ab and back muscles, try off road biking.

- Rowing: A rowing machine works your whole body, burning major kilojoules and has great back-toning benefits.

I'm sure you'll have some great fun-and-laughs with a few of the above activities - just remember to keep your abs in tight while you're at it!!

Eid Mubarak to all


Logan cycling club is starting a novice program for cyclists in January 2009.

Click on the link to find out more: http://logancyclingclub.org.au/novice_programme.htm


You can also join a group of casual Kuraby cycling enthusiasts who travel a 30-50km route on Sunday mornings from Kangaroo Point.


Contact Hashim Hatia on 0423 827 111 for more information.





My Health and Fitness

Tel: 0404 844 786

(Accredited Member of Fitness Queensland)



Need an answer to a fitness related matter? Send your question to Kareema at  fitness@crescentsofbrisbane.org.

All questions sent in are published here anonymously and without any references to the author of the question.


KB's Culinary Corner





• 2 cups cooked pumpkin
• 2 eggs, lightly beaten
• ¼ cup sugar
• ¼ tsp salt
• ¼ tsp cinnamon or nutmeg
• 2 cups self-raising flour
• oil for deep frying
• cinnamon sugar as required


1. Beat pumpkin, eggs and sugar
2. Add salt, spice (cinnamon or nutmeg) and fold in flour
3. Mix lightly
4. Heat oil and fry teaspoonsful until puffed and golden
5. Drain on absorbent paper

Roll in cinnamon sugar and serve warm



Do you have a recipe to share with CCN readers?
Send in your favourite recipe to ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org and be our "guest chef" for the week.


The CCN Chuckle


A smart engineer married Mula Nasruddin's daughter.


After two years of a very tough life with her, the son-in-law could not take it any longer and sent Mula Nasruddin the following note:




Mula Nasruddin responded with:




The Notice Board


Click on image to enlarge


Stories of

Kasmir's War Widows

Coverts BBQ


IWAQ Youth Info

& Activity

Camp Day

Al-Nisa AGM

Boys Weekend Awa


IWAQ Swimming



The CCN Date Claimer






(Click on link)





5-11 December


Wan Whun: Stories of Kashmir’s War Widows

Marisol Da Silva

Cnr Light & Scanlan Streets,
Fortitude Valley

0422 349 786

10am to 3pm

7 December


Al-Nisa AGM


Garden City Library




9 December



12-14 December


Boys Weekend Away

Kuraby Mosque


0431 672 263

All Day

13 December


Converts BBQ

Islamic Society of Gold Coast Inc.

Glindemann Park, Holland Park

0413 067 160

11am to 2pm

13 December


Eid-ul-Adha Dinner Evening

Islamic Society of Gold Coast Inc.

Southport Sharks Club -Gold Coast

0412 601 152


14 December


Free Eid BBQ & Kids Entertainment: All welcome

Australian International Islamic College

Blunder Rd, DURACK

3372 1400


14 December


Somayo: Youth, Identity, Career Paths and Education

Supported by Al-Nisa & MYServices

Griffith University

0402 529 395


20 December


Youth Info & Activity Camp Day

IWAQ and the Queensland Police Service

Kindilan Outdoor Education and Conference Centre
Redland Bay

3272 6355



To claim your date for your event email ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org.





The ladies taleem has concluded for this year. Further notice will be given in the new year.


Sunnah Inspirations


Contact: 0408 270 421

University of Queensland,
323 Hawken Drive, St. Lucia

Every Monday

Event: Weekly Learning Circle: Sharh Riyad-us-Saliheen (An Explanation of 'Gardens of the Righteous'


Venue: Prayer Room, University of Queensland

Time: 6.45pm to 7.30pm


Every Friday

Subject: Fiqh Made Easy


Venue: Room E215 Building 1 (Forgan Smith), University of Queensland

Time: 6.30pm to 7.35pm

Every Friday

Subject: Tafseer al Qur'an (Explanation of the Qur'an)


Venue: Room E215 Building 1 (Forgan Smith), University of Queensland

Time: 7.45pm to 9pm


Sunnah Inspirations is a non-profit organisation to cater for Muslim social support and supplying information to Muslims and non-Muslims.  They have been doing various activities around Australia, and have organised Da'wah information stalls at various universities in Brisbane.  More info can be found on their website above.


CCN @ Facebook


Catch Crescents Community News at


Please feel free to post an entry on our Wall, start up a Discussion thread and/or become a Fan.


Useful Links


Queensland Muslim Historical Society Inc.

     Promoting the study and awareness of the rich history of the Muslims of Queensland


Young Muslims of Queensland

     Social network for young Muslims of Brisbane


Sunnah Inspirations

     Providing information about Islam - its beliefs, culture, practices, dispelling misconceptions


Kuraby Mosque


Holland Park Mosque



    Provide young Muslim women in Queensland with support and opportunities to express themselves


Gold Coast Mosque


South African National Halaal Authority (SANHA)


Muslim Womens' Convert Support Group (MWCSG)

     Network of Muslim women converts from the Brisbane and Gold Coast areas of Queensland.



If you would like a link to your website email ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org.


Write For Us

The best ideas and the best feedback come from our community of readers. If you have a topic or opinion that you want to write about or want seen covered or any news item that you think might be of benefit to the Crescents Community please e-mail



Share your thoughts, feelings and ambitions for our community through CCN.


If there is someone you know who would like to subscribe to CCN please encourage them to send an e-mail to ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org with the words “Subscribe Me” in the subject line.


Articles and opinions appearing in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Crescents of Brisbane Team, CCN, its Editor or its Sponsors, particularly if they eventually turn out to be libelous, unfounded, objectionable, obnoxious, offensive, slanderous and/or downright distasteful.


It is the usual policy of CCN to include from time to time, notices of events that some readers may find interesting or relevant. Such notices are often posted as received. Including such messages or providing the details of such events does not necessarily imply endorsement of the contents of these events by either CCN or Crescents of Brisbane Inc.