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Sunday, 8 July 2007

Newsletter 0139

لسلام عليكم

The Crescents Come 'n Try Footy Fun Day



From the dusty bowl of Alexandra Township to the salubrious Svoboda Park, Aussie Rules will be all the rage next Sunday (15 July at 2pm) as Crescents of Brisbane and the Brisbane Lions bring footy right to your doorstep at the Kuraby Community Hall.


There will be ample opportunity for Moms, Dads and the kids to come and try the BIG 5 Skills of Footy – Kicking a Super Goal, Taking a Speccie, Using your Hands to Create, Chase Tackling an Opponent and even the Blind Turn.

So the next time a game comes on TV you can get stuck right into the action with the rest of your friends and family!


And wouldn't it be cool to know what your work colleagues and neighbours were on about the next time there's a discussion at the water cooler or over the fence over the weekend's game!


Don't forget the BBQ and the chance to win some autographed prizes and tickets to the Lions/Carlton game on Sunday 22nd.


There is a tight programme set out for the afternoon with many fun things happening starting promptly at 2pm.


Remember: If you're not in it - you can't win it!


If you need any further information email theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org or call 0402 026 786.


ICQ State Conference


The Islamic Council of Queensland is hosting a State Conference at the Holland Park Mosque today (Sunday, 8 July) starting at 9am and ending around 3pm.


Representatives from Mosques all around the State will be in attendance.


The main topics on the agenda are:


Formation of an Imams Council of ICQ

Vision for the future and establishment of an ICQ office

Halal Certification


Virtual Islamic School


The WP Virtual Islamic School is offering a course on International and Interfaith Relations: Islamic Perspectives which will start on July 21 and go on to October 20.


Course Details: HP101 International and Interfaith Relations: Islamic Perspectives


Classical theory of International relations (darul harb, darul Islam, darul sulh, other aspects),

Basis of modern international relations in Islamic perspective (justice, peaceful relations and keeping agreements),
Classification of states/territories in present circumstances,
Jihad and its implication,
Terrorism (definition, difference with Jihad, provisions of Islam about killing of civilians and innocents, its impact on Muslims and international relations),
Misinterpretation of Quranic verses regarding war and jihad,
Muslim and Non-Muslim relations,
Freedom of religion and issue of apostasy,
International relations in early Islam - battles during the time of the Prophet,
Battles during the Khulafa-e
Political rationale of Prophet
external relations,
Action against Banu Qurayza,
Time and space factor in the Quran and Sunnah,
Reform of usul methodology.

Course Instructor:
Prof. Abdullah al-Ahsan (Abdullah al-Ahsan is professor at the Department of History and Civilization, International Islamic University Malaysia . Graduated from McGill University , Montreal , Canada , and the University of Michigan , Ann Arbor , Michigan , USA , Dr. Ahsan has contributed many articles on the relationship between contemporary Islamic and Western civilizations. Two of his major books are: The Organization of the Islamic Conference: Introduction to and Islamic Political Institution (1988) and Ummah or Nation: Identity Crisis in Contemporary Muslim Society (1992). He is currently working on Muslim Nations in Contemporary History and Rise and Fall of Civilizations. )
SYED SERAJUL ISLAM is Professor and Chair of the Department of Political Science at Lakehead
University, Canada. He received his Ph.D. from McGill University and taught and lectured in many countries
McGill University-Canada, IIUM-Malaysia, Dhaka University-Banglade sh, and Singapore.
He was a visiting Fulbright Scholar in 1988 at the University of Iowa, U.S.A. He has published 8 books and nearly 70 articles in internationally refereed journals. His areas of expertise is international politics.
His recent book, The Politics of Islamic Identity in Southeast Asia has drawn worldwide attention.

Last Date for Registration:
July 14, 2007.

Registration for the courses can be done either directly from the course web page at http://www.witness- pioneer.org/ VSchool/registra tion.htm

Other Information:

No tuition fee for the course.
The instructor will notify the lecture plan at the beginning of the course. One lecture per week.
The instructors and teaching assistants will fix their official schedule for discussion.


The Message Magazine



Articles on a wide range of Islamic themes and topics by the United Muslims of Australia available at www.messagemagazine.com.au.




CCN Cut n' Paste Column


Muslim TV preacher reaches out to youth


As he leaves a press conference in Egypt's swanky Intercontinental Hotel, the wildly popular Muslim preacher Amr Khaled is mobbed by a crush of admirers waving, giggling and snapping his picture with their cell phones and digital cameras. Unruffled and gracious, the 38-year-old Egyptian grasps hands and kisses cheeks like a movie star.

"I'm honored," he murmurs. "Bless you, thank you."

"He's so cultured and eloquent," says Egyptian university student Aya Mahmoud Samy, 18, as she gazes after him. "He speaks right to your heart and makes religion so easy to understand."

"Everyone loves him," adds her 25-year-old sister Mona, an interior designer. "It's because he's moderate and his style is very modern."

A charismatic charmer who moves his audiences to tears with stories about the life of the prophet Muhammad and God's merciful love, the young "tele-Islamist" with an engaging smile, smart mustache, chic suits and open-collar shirts markets a trendy, self-help Islam that has more in common with the likes of Dr. Phil or Billy Graham than Osama bin Laden.

Although Khaled is a lay preacher and not a religious scholar, he uses his television shows -- broadcast on Iqra, a Saudi-owned religious satellite channel -- to speak out against terrorism and despair. He emphasizes instead the importance of personal piety, political reform, social activism and coexistence with the West. His sermons promote charity work and job creation as a means of fighting extremism and despair among Arab and Muslim youth.

Already a super-celebrity across the Arab world, Khaled is gaining popularity among Muslims in Europe and the United States who tune into his "Life Makers" and "In the Steps of the Prophet" or listen to MP3 recordings of his lectures online at his Web site, www.amrkhaled.net.

He has at various times joined forces with the British government in promoting outreach to moderate Muslim leaders following last July's terrorist attacks on the London subway system; with the United Nations and World Health Organization in campaigns against drug and alcohol abuse; and even with Nike to promote job creation in the Middle East -- all part of his campaign to trigger a faith-based renaissance throughout the Muslim world.

Khaled's latest proposal is a conference to promote Muslim-Western understanding and tolerance. He wants to hold the event in Denmark, where cartoons lampooning Muhammad were published, igniting furious protests across the globe. He plans to follow up with a series of round-table discussions between Western and Arab youth across Europe and hopes to visit the United States for the first time this summer.

"There are extremists everywhere, on both sides, Muslim and Danish," Khaled told the recent press conference, describing his new idea with the same energized inflections and passionate gestures that he uses on TV. "They're pushing us toward isolation. Let me ask you, young Muslims: Do you want to alienate the Muslim nation? What kind of world do you want 25 years from now? Do you want Muslims isolated from the world community, or do you want to coexist with each other?"

As a moderate Muslim from Alexandria who grew up in a secular, upper-middle-class household, Khaled says he is proof that being religious does not have to mean being old-fashioned or fanatical. Although he is conservative on such matters as women's traditional dress and sexual abstinence before marriage, he favors a relaxed conversational style of preaching that uses the colloquial slang of Cairo youth.

"I speak their language," he said. "For a long time no one spoke to the youth in this way."

Criticized as a lightweight by some intellectuals and sheikhs, Khaled responds by citing his viewers' responses. Thousands have joined in his campaigns to collect clothes for the poor, boycott cigarettes and alcohol, plant trees in pollution-plagued Arab cities and write letters to record companies decrying the exploitation of women's bodies in music videos. Teenagers form clubs, wear T-shirts and carry key chains bearing slogans from his TV programs: "Together we make life" and "We are life makers not life takers." His DVDs, CDs and tapes are as popular as the albums of the hottest Arab pop stars and often are sold in the same stores.

Khaled's success is not just a matter of style, but of ideology, said Mohammed Hammam, the former head of Iqra's youth programming and now a consultant on Khaled's "Life Makers" program.

"The problem with Islamic TV shows was that they used to have sheikhs, 60 or 70 years old, speaking in a very monotonous way and sitting in a room with books on the shelves -- very cheap books, in fact -- handing down their wisdom to the audience," Hammam said in an interview. "This was the people's perception of Islam. Amr Khaled managed to create a new product. It's a concept he's building from nowhere. He's trying to pass his enthusiasm through people's souls in order to awaken them from this long spiritual death."

"He makes us feel self-worth and see powers within us that we might have misused," said Miriam Nasr El Shenawi, a 22-year-old student at the American University in Cairo. "Instead of sitting bored in front of the TV, we can do something good for our society. And he makes you more in love with God. He makes you feel nothing's impossible -- that you can solve your problems with the right attitude."

For Nashwa Awad, a 34-year-old Egyptian tour guide and working mother, Khaled's programs are attractive because his sermons defy the stereotype that Islam represses women.

She likes his emphasis on the importance of women's leadership in the Arab world. Khaled tells his television audiences that Muslim culture produced great female poets, a woman founded the first hospital, and Islam gave women the right to their own money centuries before the West accepted that idea. "He's not strict, and Islam is really like that," Awad said.

"Women in the Arab world face very great oppression and, unfortunately, this oppression is in the name of Islam, but Islam is innocent," Khaled said. "This injustice is due to old traditions and wrong ideas that wear the guise of Islam. Who says a woman cannot be a president of a state? Who says a woman cannot be a judge? Who? Who says not allowing women these rights are ideas or rules of Islam? Unfortunately, some traditional sheikhs defend this idea using flawed logic."

Despite his studiously apolitical discourse, Khaled was forced to leave Egypt in 2002. He was attracting crowds in the tens of thousands at Cairo's mosques, and jittery Egyptian authorities, wary of his popularity and growing influence, told him he either had to stop preaching or leave.

Khaled moved to the United Kingdom with his wife and young son Ali, but continued to beam his TV programs into Egypt and the rest of the Arab world. Rather than stifling him, the Egyptian ban helped Khaled's popularity soar.

"The absence of Amr Khaled and other popular preachers and their forced exile was not a smart move on the part of the regime, which has a very strong vested interest in maintaining influential, moderate Islamic preachers," said Emad Shahin, a political science professor at the American University in Cairo. "The vacuum created by their absence is now leading to a state of polarization between the regime and the Islamists."

The Egyptian government seems to be reconsidering its stance toward Khaled. Shortly after a string of terrorist attacks on Egyptian soil last year, he was allowed back into the country for the first time in three years. Since then, he has visited regularly and opened a new Cairo office for his British-based charity Right Start, though he still cannot preach in public.

He says the West must be willing to listen to the majority of Muslims who, like him, are moderates, but who nevertheless feel oppressed and misunderstood.

"Bin Laden is saying he is talking on behalf of Muslims," Khaled said. "Who asked him to talk on behalf of us? Nobody. But now I'm talking on behalf of millions. They asked me to carry their voice to the world. So please, please listen to these people. Right now the extremists are a minority, but if you don't do anything, they will be a majority."


 New, improved SLP Bounces Back


IFA Press Release


Islamic Female Association - Girls Youth Group Brisbane


What a Crowd!



IFA Youth's much awaited SLP definitely made a lasting impression for all the right reasons!


If you ask the more than 50 ladies who attended, they will tell you the interactive SLP is one you don't want to miss, and we are just warming up!


The session held on Wednesday 4th July, at Kuraby Masjid was one of a series for the year, aimed at promoting Islamic education and discussion.


The new and improved SLP is headed by Sister Nora Amath, a graduate of the International Islamic University in Malaysia, who spoke on The Muslim Woman and her Rabb. The topic proved to be an intriguing one with enthusiastic discussion and conversation among the sisters.


Also in attendance was Sister Farina from the Logan Woman's Group, who introduced the program's run at the Woman's Wellbeing Clinic.


But don't worry if you did miss out on the SLP kick off join us the 1st Wednesday of every month!


SLP Dates


4th July: The Muslim Woman and her Lord
1 August: Muslim Woman and Society, Part 1
5 September: Muslim Woman and Society, Part 2


IFA Youth would like to thank all the ladies who attended session one, we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did.


IFA Youth




Algester Alert


The Islamic Society of Algester will be hosting the world famous Qari Sayyid Sadaaqat Ali at the Algester Mosque on Wednesday evening after 7:20 pm.

Ladies also welcome to attend.

Qari Sayyid Sadaaqat Ali  is a student of Shaikh Abdul Baasit As-Samad (R) and will recite from the Holy Quran.

For more details contact: Ml. M. Nawaaz Ashrafi on 32197415.

Gold Coast Mosque Lecture


Abu Hamza one of Australia's foremost speakers on Deen and founder of I1SNA (Islamic Information & Services Network of Australia) www.iisna.com will be speaking on the topic of Marriage at the Gold Coast Mosque on Friday 13 July at 6:40pm.


His message is for the young and the not so young. Admission is free and dinner is included.

Winter Deen Fest! Islamic Workshop


The Darul Uloom Brisbane is presenting an "Islamic Intensive Course Winter 07" starting on July 28 over three weekends.


The course are open for both males and females between the ages 14-25.


Boarding and lodging will be provided for inter-state students.


Fees to cover the cost of the course is $50. For more information, call 3392 1310 or 0402 207 594.


The final date for enrolment is Friday July 20th.


Ahmed Abdullah Azhari, Mohammed Trad and Mohammed Abdul Rahman Azhari will be conducting the programme.


Workshop topics will include Islamic Jurisprudence; The life of the Prophet (PBUH); Essentials of belief and practice; and Islamic history and civilizations.


Kareema's Keep Fit Column

Q: What can I do to encourage my child to be more active? I am concerned as he/she seems to be gaining weight rapidly.

Follow my KISS principle - KEEP IT SIMPLE and SAFE!

Being active can be fun - especially if you are involved. Parental role modeling is a great way to teach kids that being active is not a chore! If mum or dad is involved, then the kids are going to show an interest too... They love nothing more than spending time with mum and dad (while they're young) - so make it count! Think HEALTHY HABITS - teach them the skills to build a healthy lifestyle... Play some backyard games, eg. running, skipping, ballgames, etc; go for a walk or cycle in the park, the list goes on...

Incorporate physical activity into everything you do and be CONSISTENT!

Let them get involved in the kitchen too. They are more likely to eat healthy if they had a hand in the cooking process!

REMEMBER: small steps = big results! Start making changes slowly and reap the rewards almost immediately...


Need an answer to a fitness related matter? Send your question to Kareema at  fitness@crescentsofbrisbane.org.

All questions sent in are published here anonymously and without any references to the author of the question.


Bridge-to-Brisbane Sunday 5 August 2007

The Gold Coast 7.5km walk last Sunday was a great day out.


Even better news - we've got another one coming up!!!       


Week 1 of our 4 week Bridge to Brisbane training program:


Please note that the following program is suitable for beginners. For the more competitive or serious athlete,

intensity, duration and frequency of exercises need to be increased!





DAY 1:

If you did the Gold Coast walk last week and felt ok, you should be able to do a 5k jog today!

If not, aim for a 7k walk!!  CHOOSE YOUR OPTION!


Healthy Tip: Always keep your body hydrated - carry a bottle of water with you daily!

DAY 2:

Take a dip..  Try some laps in a heated pool if possible (either swimming or walking).  This will have

a soothing effect on our tired leg muscles and should prepare them for our next workout.


DAY 3:
Straight back into it.... 
Try some leg strengthening exercises : - Do some stair-climbing (about 20 stairs - 3 times up AND down)

                                                         -  Lunges (15 repetitions - 3 times, alternating the legs)

                                                         -  Squats (15 repetitions - 3 times, squatting lower every time) 




DAY 4:
Relax and recover - Do an activity that you enjoy (low impact). Include your stretching routine.

DAY 5:

Try some activities in the park.  Walk / jog for a minimum of 45 mins: (walk 5 mins. at a moderate pace,
jog 10 mins, walk briskly for 5 mins, jog 10 mins, 5 mins. moderate or brisk walk (depending on how you feel), 5 min. jog and 5min. cool down / slow pace. 


DAY 6:
Rest your legs and opt for some upper-body strength and resistance training (push-ups, chin-ups, sit-ups,etc.).


DAY 7:

Take a well earned rest - RELAX AND RECOVER...


PLEASE NOTE: The above training program assumes a healthy participant. Those with medical conditions,

injuries or who are not physically active, need to seek clearance from their GP before starting any form of exercise.


Glasgow Terror condemned by Australian Muslim Doctors

The Australian Muslim Doctors Association strongly condemns last week’s heinous attacks in the U.K. AMDA finds it inconceivable that some members of the medical profession would be so callous and ruthless to be involved in such reprehensible acts of violence.

Founding member of AMDA, Dr Mahmoud Khan said today, “We are all deeply shocked and relieved that the planned attacks were foiled and there were minimal casualties. Muslims in Australia must rally to condemn these atrocities and fight this scourge of terrorism.”

The entire global Islamic medical fraternity would condemn such breaches of the fundamental oath to preserve and protect all life. The law must be applied to its full force when dealing with such acts of barbarism .

Dr Khan stated, “Whilst it may be true that many people believe that the US and its allies had created chaos and mayhem by the invasion of Iraq, no-one has the right to take reprisals in such a brutal manner. The attacks against governments which have given immigrants safety and sanctuary is not only an act of cowardice but an act of treason.”

AMDA fails to understand that the very people trained to save lives would become so driven by hate as to embark in such outrageous behaviour to cause mass casualties.

“Our organization is dedicated to saving lives wherever it is needed and to educating our community about the dangers of extremism and violent acts in the name of religion.” Dr Khan added.


AMDA contact details: Dr Mahmood Khan on 0411116555 and AMDA Media Officer on 0412 318045




ABC Lateline Interview with Britain's Ed Husain: http://www.abc.net.au/reslib/200707/r158069_573942.asx


Link: http://www.cdla.co.uk/husain.html


Mexican 'world's richest person'


Carlos Slim

Mexico's telecoms tycoon Carlos Slim has overtaken Bill Gates to become the world's richest person, according to a respected Mexican financial website.

Mr Slim is now worth $67.8bn (£33.6bn), above Microsoft founder Mr Gates' $59.2bn, Sentido Comun says.

It said Mr Slim's wealth has rocketed into top place after the recent 27% surge in the share price of his largest company, America Movil.



He has a 33% stake in the firm, Latin America's largest mobile phone network.
Mr Slim, whose business interests are based in Mexico City, is the 67-year-old son of Lebanese immigrants.

Read the rest.......


The Culinary Corner




1kg Lamb cut into small pieces 1 tsp crushed Jeeru - 1 tbls Oil 1 tsp red chilli powder, fine - 1 tblsp freshly grated garlic 1 tsp crushed chillies - 1 tblsp freshly grated ginger 2 tsps crushed coriander seeds - 2/3 green chillies sliced ½ tsp turmeric - 1 tsp salt or to taste 2 medium onion chopped - 4/5 tblsps ghee 1 tblsp tomato paste/puree - Corinder leaves, spring onion to garnish A few cardamom pods, cloves, stick cinnamon.

1. Marinate the lamb with oil, garlic, ginger, green chillies and salt for about two hours.
2. Sauté onions, cinnamon, cardamom, cloves and cumin seeds in ghee until brown.
3. Stir in chillie powder, crushed chillies, coriander seeds and turmeric and braise for 1 minute.
4. Add meat and braise well, lower the heat and cook till the meat is tender.
5. Stir in tomatoes and tomato paste/puree. Simmer for about 10 minutes.
6. Adjust salt to taste.
7. Garnish and serve with rice and Butter Naan.

If a grater is not handy, cut ginger or garlic into small bits. Crush with the back of a steel or wooden ladle. It will easily crush.


Source: Radio Islam Newsletter - Thursday, 05 July 2007


Do you have a recipe to share with CCN readers?

Send in your favourite recipe to theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org and who knows, you could be our "guest chef" for a future edition of CCN.



The CCN Chuckle


Mula Nasruddin arrived at the immigration barrier in Australia


The officer in charge asked: ‘Where are you from?'

Nasruddin said: ‘Grrrrrrrr… the east.'

‘Name?' ‘ssssssssssssss, Nasrrrrrrrrrgrrruddin!'

‘Have you an impediment in your speech?'



‘Then why do you talk like that?'

‘Pip-pip-pip – I grr – learnt my English by radio!'

The CCN Date Claimer





(Click on link)





5 July


Discrimination Law – An Introduction to the Act


Queensland Police Service
1993 Logan Rd, Mt Gravatt

3364 3217

10am to 2pm

8 July


ICQ State Conference

Islamic Council of Qld

Holland Park Mosque


from 9am

11 July


Lecture: Qari Syed Sadaqat Ali

Islamic Soc. of Algester

Algester Islamic Centre





Lecture: Abu Hamza

Islamic Soc. of Gold Coast

Gold Coast Mosque, Cnr Allied Dr & Olsen Av, ARUNDALE



15 July


The Crescents Aussie Rules Family Workshop

Crescents of Brisbane & Brisbane Lions

Kuraby Community Hall

0402 026 786

2pm to 4pm

18 July


Muslim Jobseeker Forum

A.C.C.E.S. Services Inc.

Logan Entertainment Centre, Wembley Rd. Logan Central

3808 9299


20 July

Friday to Sunday

Girls Camp Outing


Kindilan, Redland Bay

3272 6355 / 3272 6422

Friday night to Sunday

22 July


AIIC School Fete

Australian International Islamic College

Blunder Rd, Durack

3372 1400

All day

26 July


Islamic Legal Perspectives Conference

School of Law & Justice, Southern Cross University

Lord Byron Resort, Byron Bay

02 6620 3375


27/28 July



Sounds of Light Concert

Human Appeal International Australia

Vodafone Arena (Melbourne)

Acer Arena (Sydney)




29 July


Gold Coast Annual Fund Raiser BBQ


Gold Coast Mosque


From 10am

1 August


Sisters Learning Program: Muslim Woman and Society, Part 1

IFA Youth

Kuraby Mosque



5 August


ICQ Quran Competition

Islamic Council of Qld

Darra Mosque


from 9am

5 August


Bridge to Brisbane Fun Run

Sunday Mail & Suncorp

Gateway Bridge to New Farm Park


Staggered start times

1 September


Spring Fete

Islamic College of Brisbane

45 Acacia Rd, Karawatha


11am to 7pm

5 September


Sisters Learning Program: Muslim Woman and Society, Part 2

IFA Youth

Kuraby Mosque



9 September



Australian International Islamic College

Blunder Rd, Durack

3372 1400


13/14 September



Start of Ramadaan

11/12 October



End of Ramadaan

12/13 October




14 October


Queensland Multicultural Festival

Multicultural Affairs Queensland

Roma Street Parkland

3872 0756(ext:21756)

All day

20 October


Breast Cancer Awareness

Crescents of Brisbane



2pm - 5pm

27 October


Qld Eidfest 2007

Qld Eidfest

Mt Gravatt Showgrounds


10am to 10pm

19/20 November

Monday & Tuesday

Queensland Multicultural Summit ‘07



State Library of Queensland

3844 9166

All day

20/21 December





To claim your date for your event email theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org.


Write For Us

The best ideas and the best feedback come from our community of readers. If you have a topic or opinion that you want to write about or want seen covered or any news item that you think might be of benefit to the Crescents Community please e-mail



Share your thoughts, feelings and ambitions for our community through CCN.


If there is someone you know who would like to subscribe to CCN please encourage them to send an e-mail to theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org with the words “Subscribe Me” in the subject line.


Articles and opinions appearing in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Crescents of Brisbane team, CCN, its Editor or its Sponsors, particularly if they eventually turn out to be libelous, unfounded, objectionable, obnoxious, offensive, slanderous and/or downright distasteful.


It is the usual policy of CCN to include from time to time, notices of events that some readers may find interesting or relevant. Such notices are often posted as received. Including such messages or providing the details of such events does not necessarily imply endorsement of the contents of these events by either CCN or Crescents of Brisbane Inc.