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Sunday, 23 December 2007

 .Newsletter 0163

This week's CCN is kindly sponsored by


Season's Greeting from CCN





The Team at Crescents of Brisbane also take this opportunity to wish you well over the holiday period in their own inimitable style............


CLICK HERE (at your own peril!)


Eid-ul-Adha Break Up in Brisbane



Imam Yusuf Peer delivering his lecture at the AIIC.


This Eid a number of venues in Brisbane made themselves available for the morning Eid salaat.


The two open-air school venues, the AIIC and the Islamic College of Brisbane, will henceforth both be playing hosts each Eid under the banner of the Islamic Council of Queensland (ICQ).


In the past the two annual Eid prayers were alternated between the two schools and Muslims from all parts of Brisbane congregated to make it a large contingent at the one venue.


This Eid, with some mosques in the area deciding to "go it alone", the attendance was somewhat fractured and spilt. The Islamic College of Brisbane in Karawatha drew the lion's share of mussallees, leaving the other venues to ponder over their quorums.


Little Sherrif Rajabu with cousin Sania getting ready to enjoy the day's festivities


Dr. Adam Stewart (left) and fellow worshiper after exchanging  greetings at the end of the early morning prayers


Here's hoping..........



Here’s hoping your biryani was tasty
And your tandoori was plump,
And your roti and your dhal
Didn’t have a lump.

Here’s hoping your khulfi was delicious
And your samoosas took the prize,
And that your Eid-ul-Adha lunch
Stayed off your thighs!

(Adapted for the occasion by our Man-on-the-Mussallah)


The ever politically correct CCN offers a Middle Eastern version here


Good on yer, Gary!



Members of the local Muslim community held a dinner at the Tandoori Village Restaurant last Sunday in honour of the former Liberal Member of Parliament for Moreton,  Gary Hardgrave, in recognition of the contributions that he and his partner, Lorraine Ralph, had made to the electorate and to the Muslim community in particular during his eleven and half years stay in Parliament.


Attendees were effusive in their praise of "Farouk Adam's Man" and for the rapport the former Minister had established with the community.


There was bi-partisan support for the occasion and even die-hard Labor supporters were hardly reticent when their turn came to heaping eulogies on the guests.


As someone on the night said: He was the right man who happened to be in the wrong party!


An inscribed leather organizer was presented to Hardgrave as a token of appreciation.


CCN also wishes Gary and Lorraine all the very best for the future.


DIAC Update


Senator the Hon Christopher Evans was sworn in as the Minister for Immigration and Citizenship on 3 December 2007. The Hon Laurie Ferguson MP was also sworn in as the new Parliamentary Secretary for Multicultural Affairs and Settlement Services.

Mr. Evan’s website: www.minister.immi.gov.au.

Mr. Ferguson’s website: www.minister.immi.gov.au/parlsec/.


A calendar of Cultural and Religious Dates for 2008 is being maintained on the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) website:


The calendar aims to raise awareness of key cultural and religious events, festivals and national days. The calendar will allow users to locate events by month, country or religion.



1,400 Irish volunteers build 200 houses in a week in South Africa


Image: Irish volunteer

Damian O'Driscoll, one of nearly 1,400 Irish volunteers, helped build 200 homes in a week in the Freedom Park slum, shown on the back left.

FREEDOM PARK, South Africa: Mona Miller's life will change this weekend.

For the first time, she will have a real roof, solid walls and glass windows. Lights will come on at the flick of a switch, water will flow from the tap and she will enjoy the dignity of a toilet.

Miller will move into her first proper home thanks to a building blitz by nearly 1,400 Irish volunteers, who completed their mission Friday to build 200 houses in a week in the depressing and dusty — and hopelessly misnamed — Freedom Park slum.

"It's a solid home, not something that people can drive though," says Miller, shuddering at the memory of the drunk driver who rammed into her shack four years ago, injuring her two young children in the sprawling Cape Town suburb.

"I look forward to hearing the rain on the roof because I will no longer have to get up and put buckets underneath the holes. I'm going to close my doors and sleep for a week," she grins, looking proudly at the builders putting finishing touches to her new mustard-colored house.

In the biggest ever project by foreign volunteers in South Africa, the Irish bricklayers, plasterers, painters and general helpers worked to make a tiny dent in South Africa's chronic housing crisis.

The initiative, now in its fifth year, was organized by Niall Mellon, a millionaire Irish entrepreneur who bought a holiday home near Cape Town but could not accept the squalor in the townships around the jewel in South Africa's tourist crown.

Since the end of apartheid, the government has built more than 2.4 million homes for needy families. But millions still live in shacks, and protests about bad living conditions and lack of services erupt almost weekly.

"The difference here is that the scale of the problem is such that nobody gets the chance to catch their breath and see what's been achieved," comments Mellon.

Source: http://www.iht.com/articles/ap/2007/11/09/africa/AF-GEN-South-Africa-Building-Blitz.php


Mother Constance Sibothos' Crèche in Delft


Unfortunately, Mother Constance Sibothos’s crèche in Delft, Cape Town missed out on a make over.


The crèche is one of the Outreach Programmes supported by Al-Noor Orphanage in Woodstock.


The Al Noor Orphanage itself is also struggling to effect repairs to their premises especially in respect of burglar bars and toilet and bathroom repairs.

But the Orphanage is lending support to Mother Sibotho’s Creche.


Any local builders fancy doing what the Irish did? Contact theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org and we'll send you the details.

Blankets for Africa Appeal

Congratulations are in order





Hasan Karimshah and Suraya Hussein were married last week at a Nikah and Civil ceremony by Imam Peer.


Hasan is the son of Shamene and Bashir Karimshah and is an operations consultant for Flight Centre.

Suraya is the daughter of Zeenat and Yunus Hussein and is a Nutritionist by profession.

The reception was held at the Hope Island Golf Resort.

"Both Hasan and Suraya grew up in Zimbabwe but came all the way to Australia to find each other," said brother of the groom, Hussein.

Little Mosque on the Prairie: Season 2 Episode 5


Part 1




Part 2




Part 3





Yelduz from Calgary, Alberta writes:
I just love this show; it is the very first time I have seen muslims on tv who don't have a message the are desperate to lay on everybody. Kinda reminds me of when segregation was ebbing away in the southern states - suddenly "black" people became ordinary people - I was overjoyed about that. I cheer CBC very loudly for presenting this show to the world at large; it is such a Canadian attitude, and please may it go on, and on. thank you for the opportunity to give this feedback.

Gina from Ottawa, Ontario writes:
I like the show very much, mostly because what it represents. At the very least tolerance and at best acceptance. I am a Jewish Canadian, and I am proud that such a show is produced in Canada. As a Jew who is currently living overseas in a Catholic country, I laugh when I watch it because I identify with some of the experiences relayed in the show. I love that the mosque and the church share premises and that the Imam and Pastor are friends. It is nice to see muslims portrayed as normal people, for "there but for the grace of god go I". That you can conceive such a show and many others find it funny and entertaining makes me hopeful.


Making Local News This Week



Southern Star, Saturday 19 December 2008


Legion of Haqq for gamers



If you are Muslim and play Halo, you can join up with competitive Muslim pros all over the world by joining www.legionofhaqq.com, and keep your gaming clean.



LegionofHaqq.com has a full community functionality, with instant messaging and public forums so you can communicate with your fellow Muslim gamers.

Registering is free.


From the site's FAQ:


Q - What does "Haqq" mean?
A - Haqq literally means "Truth". It also can mean "Fair" and "Justice".

Q - How can I join Legion of Haqq?
A - After registering in our website, the Legio Shura will examine whether you are eligible to join the XBOX Live clan or just be a member of our site.

Q - Who is the "Legio Shura"?
A - The Legio Shura is the administrative senate of the Legion. It consists of the elders of the council who create the overall direction, judgement, and vision of the Legion.

Q - It seems there is a spiritual sense to Legion of Haqq. What faith is observed by the members of the clan?
A - Islam. The majority of members in Legion of Haqq are Musilm, who have been admitted into the clan due to their moral character and skill level in Halo.

Q - Do I have to be Muslim to be in the clan?
A - Not necessarily. Good morality and conduct are the main emphasis upon review for the clan.


Season's Greetings from IWAQ




Statement by Australian Church Leaders in Bethlehem


In December 2007 a delegation of nine Australian Church leaders visited Jerusalem and the Holy Land to:

  meet with and express friendship and support for Christians in Palestine and Israel;

  meet with Jewish and Muslim faith leaders and representatives of the Israeli Government and the Palestinian Authority; and

  help Australians more fully understand and respond to the situation in Israel and Palestine.

It was a profound privilege to visit Palestine and Israel. We felt very welcome and safe, and greatly appreciated the friendship and hospitality extended to us. We consulted widely, visiting the Old City of Jerusalem, West and East Jerusalem, Hebron, Jenin, Ramallah, Bethlehem, and refugee camps where churches are providing humanitarian support. We met with Jewish, Christian and Muslim leaders, Israeli government and Palestinian National Authority representatives, and civic and human rights leaders.

We have been encouraged by international efforts toward a just peace renewed at Annapolis, and by the desire for negotiations between the Government of Israel and the Palestinian National Authority.

We were distressed to hear Palestinians, both Christian and Muslim, relate the suffering and fear experienced daily by large numbers of their people. We saw and heard evidence of systematic harassment, physical and psychological oppression, widespread unemployment, poverty, and economic deprivation, resulting directly or indirectly from Israeli military occupation of the West Bank. Their suffering compels us to respond, and we assure Palestinians of our compassion and concern.

We visited Yad Vashem and laid a wreath in memory of the victims of the Holocaust. We heard of Israeli grief and pain resulting from violent attacks and continuing fear of terrorist activity. We condemn all acts of terrorism and assure Israelis of our compassion and concern.

We recognise the complex nature of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. We strongly affirm the right of both Israel and Palestine to political autonomy, security and self-determination. We join with a large majority of the people of Palestine and Israel in longing for a just and lasting peace. We understand the reluctance to make concessions or to trust those who are the source of fear and oppression, but the time for courageous and inspiring leadership has come.

In the light of what we have seen and heard during this visit, we support actions to enable Israel and Palestine to negotiate just outcomes on borders, settlements, water, refugees, prisoners, Jerusalem, and security.

We are particularly concerned by the imprisonment of teenagers, mothers with dependent children, and those detained without trial for long periods. We encountered the debilitating effects on the Palestinian economy and impacts on daily life of the segregated road system, the proliferation of checkpoints and road blocks throughout the West Bank, restrictions on movement of people and goods, and the effective isolation of Palestinian communities from one another. We were repeatedly told that these matters stand in the way of a just peace.

We are heartened by important signs of hope in the face of persistent difficulties. The emergence in Jerusalem of the Council for Religious Institutions promises greater understanding and cooperation among Jewish, Christian and Muslim leaders and communities. Human rights organisations in both Palestine and Israel undertake significant and sometimes dangerous work with courage and passion. Vibrant educational and cultural initiatives are evident in oppressed communities and refugee camps.

We ask Australian Churches to:

pray for a just and lasting peace for Jerusalem and the Holy Land;
encourage the Australian Government to take more action to support a just and lasting peace for Israel and Palestine;
hear the stories of the suffering and oppression, perseverance and hope of the people of the Holy Land;
sponsor aid and development projects in the West Bank and Gaza;
support the status of Jerusalem as an open city for all faiths and peoples;
encourage Australian Christians to visit the Holy Land and foster relationships with Palestinian Christians;
build stronger relationships with Jewish and Muslim communities in Australia.

Our common humanity and legitimate desires for security and freedom can drive the peace process forward. We are confident that a just and lasting peace for Palestine and Israel can be realised.


Archbishop Phillip Aspinall – Primate, Anglican Church of Australia, and Archbishop of Brisbane
Revd Rod Benson – Ethicist, National Council, Baptist Union of Australia
Dr Kevin Bray – National Council, Churches of Christ in Australia

Archbishop Francis Carroll – Roman Catholic Archbishop emeritus, and Immediate Past President of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference
Revd Terence Corkin – Assembly General Secretary, Uniting Church in Australia
Lyndsay Farrall – Presiding Clerk, Australian Yearly Meeting, Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)
Revd Gregor Henderson – President, Uniting Church in Australia
Revd John Henderson – General Secretary, National Council of Churches in Australia
Revd Merrill Kitchen - National Council, Churches of Christ in Australia

Source: http://www.journeyonline.com.au/showArticle.php?categoryId=2&articleId=1338


Letter from Pakistan


Her reason for being here, writes Jenny (right)









Jenny Horton of the Kenmore Rotary Club who is on contract with the WHO in Pakistan helping with eradicating Polio sent in her newsletter from which we have taken some extracts.














Another Christmas in Pakistan

This year will be a unique year, when we have a holiday over the Christmas period as EID ul Azha falls on the 21st here and the 25th is a national holiday for the birth and death of the founder of Pakistan Quad-e-Azam.


Amazingly, yesterday I had to go and buy some warm shawls, as I do not have anything warm. Living in Karachi has been like living in Brisbane, tropical. Now in Islamabad we are at the foothills of the Himalayas and the wind from the snow definitely cools the place down. All the trees have lost their leaves and I have a heater on in my guest house room all night. Any excuse to get new clothes made. I now need a heavier fabric and long sleeves!


What does one do when out of vegemite?


On Dec 30, I will be returning to Australia having finished my contract here in Pakistan.


Aussie Flag Flying High

This will for me be a sad time as I leave a country that has challenged me in every way and to leave the hands on field work that I have enjoyed for the past years. I have made some really good friends and am thankful that I have had the opportunity to serve as part of this most incredible program. I ask your prayers for Pakistan right now.


There are many problems and I do not believe they will solve those issues in the near future. It also is a challenging time for  polio eradication as this final milestone is being the most difficult. I cannot tell you  the anguish we feel as a new  case is announced by the lab.


It is a real sense of frustration tied in with  disappointment and challenge. I can  assure you our  team here is working long hours to “fill the gaps”. 


I wish each of you a Merry Christmas and pray  for a  time of love and safety for all.


Thanks to each of you  for your commitment to the eradication of polio  globally and remember that it takes all of us to make this happen.


I am in awe when I think of those who  have  served this program in so many capacities since  it was first conceived and I feel honoured to have met  many of  those pioneering people who made this  possible.


I can never think of Polio Eradication  without thinking of PRIP Sir  Clem Renouf, who told  us “Rotary gives ordinary people the opportunity to  do extraordinary things”. How  true!  Many Blessings and Happy Christmas.

Allah hafiz,
Jenny, WHO Team in Pakistan



The full newsletter.






Mr. Mian Waqar, who coordinates the Friday food at the Kuraby Mosque every week, is collecting sadaqa and zakaat for his Pakistan project. Call him on 0434141997 for more information.


Islamic school's debut in HSC top 10


THE Sydney Islamic school Malek Fahd has swept into the top 10 HSC performers this year, joining James Ruse Agricultural High, which has maintained first position for the 12th consecutive year.

State selective schools hold seven positions in the Herald's list of top HSC performers.

Although Malek Fahd Islamic School is not selective, like some other private schools, it has been known to encourage underperforming students to repeat a year or consider another school.


Malek Fahd is ranked ninth this year and was 15th last year.


Malek Fahd and Sydney Boys' High are each ranked in the top five schools for their performance in maths, but close to 40th in English.


Malek Fahd, established in 1989 with a $12 million gift from the Royal Family of Saudi Arabia.


Malek Fahd at Greenacre received $ 8,560,571 from the Australian government and $ 3,560,571 from the NSW government in financial year 2005-06. That amount goes up every year. This school is categorized as one of the poorest in Australia, receiving the highest grants from Australian governments.






The Australian Federation of Islamic Councils operated Islamic College of Brisbane has also followed in the tradition of Malek Fahd Islamic School by being one of the top six schools in Queensland for the second year running.



AFIC congratulates schools on their academic excellence


Around the Muslim World with CCN


Women battle on with mosque plan


Muslim women in a small town in southern India have come together to form a community of elders or jamat, traditionally dominated by men.


Women's jamat

The women say their jamat is already

making a difference

This is the first step towards their ultimate goal, building a mosque exclusively for women.

A jamat has traditionally almost always consisted of men, who meet in mosques to adjudicate on family matters.

At present women are not represented in jamats and are allowed to pray inside the mosques only on special days.


In the small town of Pudukottai in the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu, a big revolution is underway.

In a two-storey, red-brick house, a group of Muslim women are sitting together, discussing plans to build India's first women's mosque.

Daud Sharifa is the head of Steps, a women's development organisation, and she is leading the campaign for the mosque.

An unassuming woman in her late 30s, she sits cross-legged on the floor, addressing a couple of dozen women.
"A mosque is not just for prayer, it's also a community centre," she says.

"A Muslim woman has no space, she's confined to the kitchen, the bedroom and the delivery room. And if a woman petitions the jamat, she's not allowed to appear before it.

Article continues



Obama can’t hide his Muslim past

For many Americans, his Muslim roots make Barack a Bad Guy


There is something in 'rock star' Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama's life story that is not an appropriate target in polite society, but won't quite go away, and is absolutely certain to come trumpeting into view when the race gets rough.

The elephant in the room is the Muslim bit. Obama's middle name is Hussein, as in Saddam Hussein. We know that; so what? Well, there are an awful lot of Americans who fervently believe the nation belongs to God, as in the fellow you find in Church. And in their 'war of civilisations', the Muslims are the Bad Guys.

Obama, says PR man Robert Gibbs, happens to have had a dad from Kenya, so Islam and Hussein are just part of the family legacy. "Senator Obama has never been a Muslim, was not raised a Muslim and is a committed Christian who attends the United Church of Christ in Chicago."

Clear? The Los Angeles Times sent a reporter to Jakarta in Indonesia where Obama's mum, Ann Dunham, took him with husband number two, Lolo Soetoro, when he was six. His name then was Barry Soetoro, and he stayed until he was 10 years old.

"Barry was a Muslim. He went to the mosque," revealed boyhood buddy Zulfin Adi. His primary school teacher said he was registered as a Muslim and so he attended Koranic religious class.

Americans have nightmares about fervent young men who grew up in Muslim religious schools. At the very least, and however unfairly, this is dynamite material for Republicans as new national opinion polls show Obama cutting Hillary Clinton's lead to single digits.

Obama is hurriedly shifting ground. Now he was a Muslim; but never a "practising Muslim".


Source: http://www.thefirstpost.co.uk/index.php?menuID=2&subID=1683


Saudi king pardons rape victim


1KING Abdullah of Saudi Arabia pardoned a teenage girl sentenced to six months in jail and 200 lashes after being gang raped.


The girl, who was 18 at the time she was raped, was attacked at knifepoint by seven men after she was found in a car with a male companion who was not a relative, in breach of strict Saudi law.


Article continues


....and now a word from this week's sponsor.......Tommarco's



Shop 6, Le Metro, 8 Station Road, Indooroopilly


Closed (Xmas Day) open 11am for lunch Boxing Day. Trading as normal all other days.

Mention CCN when you place your order and you can claim a 5% discount


Kareema's Keep Fit Column


Q: Salaams Kareema, a while ago you gave my husband and I some tips on team training and you asked us to keep you updated on our progress. Well, we haven't looked back since and are still challenging each other daily!! My next goal is to strengthen and tone my arms.
Any suggestions?




A: Great team work guys!! It's all about enjoying the challenge and achieving your goals.

Boxing is an inexpensive and great form of exercise for duos (like yourselves) and will definitely strengthen and tone your arms.


Invest in a pair of boxing gloves and pads, be consistent and reap the rewards.

After your warm-up, alternate between punching and holding the pads, paying special attention to your posture and technique.


A good idea would be to punch for a few minutes, followed by a jog, then punch again.


This will give your arms some time to recover while you're still doing some cardio.


Add in a few push-ups in between and challenge (and strengthen) your arms even more.


ENJOY guys, and keep up the good work!




Need an answer to a fitness related matter? Send your question to Kareema at  fitness@crescentsofbrisbane.org.

All questions sent in are published here anonymously and without any references to the author of the question.


The Culinary Corner












45 ml milk - 0.50 slice bread, crust removed - 250 g beef mince - 1 small onion, finely chopped - 2 ml parsley, finely chopped - 1 egg, lightly beaten - 60 ml grated Parmesan cheese - 1 garlic clove, finely chopped - 2 fresh red chillies, finely chopped - salt and freshly ground black pepper - 65 ml oil - 410 g canned, whole peeled tomatoes - 45 ml fresh basil, chopped - 200 g spaghetti.


Put the milk and bread in a small saucepan and place over low heat. When the bread has absorbed the milk, remove from heat and mash with a fork to cool. Combine mince, onion, parsley, egg, Parmesan cheese, garlic, half the chilli, bread mixture and plenty of salt and black pepper in a large bowl. Gently mix with your hands, and then shape into small balls. Heat oil in a large frying pan over medium heat and add meatballs. Brown meatballs on all sides, turning carefully. Drain off any excess oil. Add tomatoes, remaining chilli, basil, salt and pepper. Bring a large saucepan of water to the boil; add spaghetti and cook, according to instructions, until al dente. To serve, spoon spaghetti into a bowl and top with the meatballs and sauce.




Source: SANHA Halaal e-Bulletin 20. Send an email to helpline@sanha.org.za to subscribe.


Do you have a recipe to share with CCN readers?
Send in your favourite recipe to theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org and who knows, you could be our "guest chef" for a future edition of CCN.


The Inbox


Hello to the whole CCN team,


First of all thanks so much for your great newsletter. I really look forward to hearing all the news, events and fitness tips each week. I’m especially pleased to hear what Mula Nasruddin is doing. I grew up hearing Hodja stories from a book given to us by a family friend. I also work as a storyteller so I sometimes tell them as well. (No, sorry, I don’t tell seven in a row!)


I’m writing to invite all CCN readers to our free community stories event (the outcome of the project you included in CCN 0157). As well as checking out the stories music and food will be available (both Halal and vegetarian options included).


The flyer for the event is attached.


Thanks so much,  


Alexandra McCallum

Far From Ordinary

Project Supervisor

Lifeline Brisbane 

3392 7305


Mondays and Tuesday 8.30 a.m. - 4.30 p.m.


This is a congratulation message to Sister Sahar Ghazag, her daughters and her new husband Brother Mustafa Ali from the Gold Coast for their new bundle of joy that will join us inshallah in 7 months time. May Allah (SWT) make this pregnancy easy for you Ameen!!!!

Please if you can publish this in this Sunday's CCN it would be great.


The CCN Chuckle


Mula Nasruddin and his wife find a man with only a head and no body resting on the pavement.


Feeling very sorry to see the man in such a state, Mula Nasruddin invites him into a nearby Boost Juice shop for a drink. 


The man orders a wheatgrass shooter with extra zinc, guarana, ginseng and vitamin E, and while waiting for his order explains to Mula Nasruddin how tough it has been being born with just a head.


The juice booster arrives and the man takes a sip.


Suddenly he sprouts a body.


The man takes another sip and, lo and behold, out shoots a hand.


Another sip and out comes the other hand.


Each time he takes a sip of the booster a limb springs out until suddenly he has a complete body.


Beside himself with joy, the man jumps around excitedly, runs into the street and is hit by a ten tonne truck and is killed instantly.


Mula Nasruddin turns to his wife and says, "He should have quit while he was ahead!"


What's happening in our neck of the woods......


Click on image to enlarge

Alnisa & MYServices Girls Holiday Fun

MYServices Girls Swimming Day

Lifeline Far from Ordinary Stories Event

GIRU Conference


The CCN Date Claimer





(Click on link)





24 December


Girls Holiday Fun: Ice Skating

Alnisa & MYServices

Ice World, Acacia Ridge



2 January


Girls Holiday Fun: Bowling

Alnisa & MYServices

533 Kessels Rd, MacGregor



3 January


MYServices Girls Swimming Session


Sam Riley Pool, 1 Lexington Street, Springwood



24 January


Far from Ordinary Stories Event

Lifeline Community Care Qld

Marymac Community Hall
616 Ipswich Road

3392 7305

6pm to 7.30pm

17 February


MBM AGM (for members)


Muslim Business Network (MBN)


Runcorn Tavern



23-25 February

Saturday - Monday

Asia-Pacific Interfaith Symposium
Women, Faith
and a Culture of Peace

Griffith University Multi-faith Centre and AMARAH

Multi-Faith Centre
Griffith University, Nathan Campus

Griffith University Multi-faith Centre

Saturday 23rd mid-afternoon to
Monday 25th mid-afternoon

3-5 March

Monday - Wednesday

Griffith Islamic Research Unit 2008 Conference: The Challenges and Opportunities of Islam in the West: The Case of Australia


Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, Cnr Merivale and Glenelg Streets, South Bank

0402 819 197

10am to 10pm

11 October 2008



Eidfest Committee

Mt Gravatt Showgrounds

0402 819 197

10am to 10pm



To claim your date for your event email theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org.




Here’s hoping your lahm mashwi was tasty
And your shish taouk was plump,
And your pita and your harissa
Didn’t have a lump.

Here’s hoping your agee was delicious
And your baba ghannouj took the prize,
And that your Eid-ul-Adha lunch
Stayed off your thighs!



Write For Us

The best ideas and the best feedback come from our community of readers. If you have a topic or opinion that you want to write about or want seen covered or any news item that you think might be of benefit to the Crescents Community please e-mail



Share your thoughts, feelings and ambitions for our community through CCN.


If there is someone you know who would like to subscribe to CCN please encourage them to send an e-mail to theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org with the words “Subscribe Me” in the subject line.


Articles and opinions appearing in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Crescents of Brisbane Team, CCN, its Editor or its Sponsors, particularly if they eventually turn out to be libelous, unfounded, objectionable, obnoxious, offensive, slanderous and/or downright distasteful.


It is the usual policy of CCN to include from time to time, notices of events that some readers may find interesting or relevant. Such notices are often posted as received. Including such messages or providing the details of such events does not necessarily imply endorsement of the contents of these events by either CCN or Crescents of Brisbane Inc.