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Sunday, 30 December 2007

 .Newsletter 0164

This week's CCN is kindly sponsored by


A Yuniquely Global Event in Brisbane


With two prominent South African chefs flown in especially for the occasion to tend to the very discriminating palates of the guests, and some 250 overseas family members and friends arriving from various parts of the world for a week of entertainment and ceremonies, the marriage of Zishaan, son of Yunie and Faiyaza Omar (Fabrico Wholesalers of Underwood, to Nadia, daughter of Amina and Omar Khan (Global Convenience in Kuraby) was solemnized at a Nikah ceremony on Friday at the Kuraby Mosque by Imam Peer.

The Gold Coast Convention Centre near Surfers Paradise served as a fitting reception venue last night (Saturday) for the 700 guests who revelled in the opulence, elegance and glamour of the Broadbeach landmark.


From the moment of entry to the final farewells early into the next morning the guests were indulged in every department by their hosts for the evening who spared neither detail nor style to make it a memorable event. 


The dramatic entrance of 20 young 'best' men decked in black served as a hint of what was to follow - with heart-rending poetry recitals and speeches to an impassioned song from the father of the bride that prompted an involuntary deluge of mascara runs amongst many a guest.    



CCN congratulates the dashing groom and lovely bride and wish them all the very best for the future, insha'Allah.

Nikah ceremony at the Kuraby Mosque



All hands on deck - South African style


"It's all in the stirring" imported chef Farouk Manjra (left)

explains to his resident offsider, Yusuf Chothia





 (L to R): Samir Latif, Arshad Hatia, Yaseen Sabdia, Riyaad Ally,

Zaahir Surtie, Mahmood Mayet

(L to R): Mohammed Rajah, Yusuf Hatia and Arshad Randeree



[Editor] With a number of prominent businessmen making the journey from overseas for the occasion, this one event will surely take full honours for any short, sharp, upward spike in the Australian economy over the next few weeks.




The Australian National Imams Council (ANIC) is an organization of Imams and Islamic Scholars. A Public Company limited by Guarantee, ANIC was established in November 2006 as an umbrella organization of Councils of Imams of Australian States and Territories.

ANIC seeks to unite the Councils of Imams of Australian States and Territories in order to streamline the activities of Imams in Australia.

ANIC is governed by the General Assembly and an Executive Board, which is elected from amongst its members. At the Councils inaugural General Assembly Meeting held in Sydney on 26th March, 2006, an Executive Board of 15 members representing all States and Territories was elected for a term not exceeding two years. A resolution passed at the GAM empowered the Executive Board to elect and appoint the Grant Mufti of Australia.

According to its website at http://www.anic.org.au ANIC is the only national organisation of Imams and Islamic Scholars, which places it in the unique position of being the only official representative of Australian Muslims. ANIC members are involved in the day-to-day affairs of the Muslim community, with direct access to the wishes and aspirations of the Australian Muslim community.

Membership is open to all qualified Imams who are active in the affairs of the Muslim community.

Currently there are in excess of 95 Imams registered with ANIC as active members.

To become a member of ANIC you must be a member of the state Council of Imams. In the case where there is no state Council of Imams, i.e. NT, SA, TAS and ACT, then you can apply direct to ANIC by completing the nomination form and forwarding it to by email to info@councilofimams.org.au, or by fax to 1300 765 964.



President: Abdul Moez Nafti
Secretary: Shady Alsuleiman
Vice Secretary: Burhaan Mahtir
Treasurer: Abdulazim Rahman
Vice Treasurer: Sabri Samson
Committee Members: Yahya Safi; Saeed Shah; Mohammad Nawaz; Imraan Husain; Mahmoud Omran; Amin Abou Samaha; Adam Konda; Mohammed Swaiti


Member Imams of the Council of Imams QLD

Uzair Akbar
Sifet Omerovic
Imraan Husain
Shamsuddin Makrani
Taufique Chowdhury
Fida Rahman
Muhammad Abdalla
Mabrouk Houadchia
Yusuf Peer
Junaid Akbar
Abdul Qudus
Shazad Khan
Tariq Syed
Ahmed Abu Ghazala
Abdul Kadir
Mohammed Nawaaz
Mohamed Aslam
Abdul Basit
Abdul Tauab

AFIC Press Releases


  Passing of Benazir Bhutto



Academic Publication


Academic journal book publisher Springer has started a new journal on Muslim issues.


You can read the abstracts of the 9 articles at:





Staying close by moving out. The contextual meanings of personal autonomy in the life stories of women of Moroccan descent in The Netherlands

Visions & visualizations: negotiating space for European Muslims

9/11 as a new temporal phase for Islam

Cyber-Islamophobia? The case of WikiIslam

The Egyptian movement for change: Intellectual antecedents and generational conflicts

Understanding political Islam in Somalia

Messages to the world: the statements of Osama Bin Laden

“Sexual ethics and Islam: feminist reflections on Qur’an, Hadith, and jurisprudence”


Little Mosque on the Prairie: Season 2 Episode 6


Part 1




Part 2




Part 3





....and now a word from this week's sponsor.......Tommarco's



Shop 6, Le Metro, 8 Station Road, Indooroopilly


Mention CCN when you place your order and you can claim a 5% discount


Kareema's Keep Fit Column


Q: Salaams Kareema, we're off on a family holiday and I was hoping you could give
us some guidelines on keeping fit while away.







A: Great You'll be pleased to know that there are many mini-workouts to be done, even on a relaxing holiday...

- Try a 30 minute frisbee toss with the kids - lots of fun and you will burn plenty of calories without even feeling the effort.
- A regular run on the beach is a great workout - you'll be surprised at how much harder 'soft sand running' is compared to a flat, hard surface.
- Hula-hooping is another exercise that the kids would love and doesn't feel like a  workout. It's great for toning your abs.
- If you're out shopping, take the stairs instead of the lift and take the long way back to the car.
- Always keep a ball in the car, the kids are sure to come up with some active games you can play using a ball (doesn't matter where you are or how much room you have)...
- And then there's the pool of course, hours of fun just simply splashing away!!! Have fun.


Need an answer to a fitness related matter? Send your question to Kareema at  fitness@crescentsofbrisbane.org.

All questions sent in are published here anonymously and without any references to the author of the question.


The Culinary Corner



There is nothing better on a warm balmy summer evening then a refreshing 'home-made' ice tea.

Tea, mint, sugar, orange and lemon juices make this a quick and easy, refreshingly delicious drink.


3 cups boiling water

12 sprigs fresh mint

4 tea bags

1 cup white sugar

1 cup orange juice

1/4 cup lemon juice

5 cups cold water

3 orange slices for garnish (optional)

3 lemon slices for garnish (optional)


Place the tea bags and mint sprigs into a large pitcher. Pour boiling water over them, and allow to steep for about 8 minutes. Remove and discard the tea bags and mint leaves, squeezing out excess liquid. Stir in sugar until dissolved, then stir in the orange juice and lemon juice. Pour in the cold water. Serve over ice cubes, garnished with orange or lemon slices.



Source: SANHA Halaal e-Bulletin 17. Send an email to helpline@sanha.org.za to subscribe.


Do you have a recipe to share with CCN readers?
Send in your favourite recipe to theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org and who knows, you could be our "guest chef" for a future edition of CCN.


The Inbox




I would like to take this opportunity to thank CCN for the excellent work done and service provided to the community -- another year has passed on .

Since my arrival to Brisbane (5.5yrs ago) I have seen and tried not to miss, the excellent contribution to community work which you have provided -- in actual fact you have become a source of supply of knowledge which we have "taken for granted" -- it has become part of our lives, if not only for the local "gossip" and happenings but also for the update on international events.


I can imagine a tremendous amount of work in research and entering to establish a weekly bulletin -- like I said, we only read and "take for granted" that the next issue will be there in our inbox -- thank you for a job well done guys .

A small suggestion if I may: Can we have a name attached to/or below each article -- I know most of the work gets done by a handful of people but we would like to know who sits up day and night providing that service which we so much "take for granted ".


Name withheld


[Editor]  Dear reader, thank you for your suggestion and your kind words. Unfortunately, our sense of modesty and humility, and our innate abhorrence of ostentation, fame and fortune that such information is almost certain to befall us deters us from exposing ourselves in the manner you have stated.


And, there is also the other issue with respect to CCN's public liability which does not extend to its editorial staff when it comes to matters of slander, innuendo, defamation and libel.

Assalamu Alaikum W. W.
After I had seen TOMMARCOS regularly sponsoring the CCN, I decided I should give it a try. 
I ordered the STEAK, with a bit of chilli and garlic on it.
To my surprise, within about 10 minutes my meal was presented to me. IT WAS HUGE!!!!!!!!!!!
The meal was delicious, and well presented. I would recommend this place to everyone.
While I was there, I noticed the servings of PIZZA that were being dished out to other diners, and listening to their remarks. Well it was always the same "The pizza is huge and tastes great". And that was also from non-Muslim patrons. Shows that even in competition with other Pizza places, that TOMMARCOS is very well regarded.
I was invited to check out the kitchen and facilities. The kitchen and prep area were very clean, and a check of all the ingredients proved that everything was HALAL as stipulated.
The NON MUSLIM owners, Michael and Steve,  had been very thorough in sourcing all the HALAL products and ingredients, to ensure that all MUSLIMS can order from the whole menu, with the confidence that everything is HALAL.
I commend Michael and Steve for their initiative in setting up a fully HALAL restaurant and takeaway.
Hj. Sultan M. DEEN 

The CCN Chuckle


Mula Nasruddin had a nephew whom he thought a lot of and who worked at a Saudi oil refinery.


About four years ago they moved his nephew down to South America and Mula Nasruddin hadn't seen him since.


But the nephew still thought of Mula Nasruddin and Mula Nasruddin's wife, Khadija.


Every Eid he sent Mula Nasruddin a nice present.


This Eid the nephew sent Nasruddin a LIVE bird. A green bird, a yellow top and with some red on it's beak.


"That was absolutely delicious," said Mula Nasruddin wiping his mouth after the Eid lunch.


Well, after Eid the nephew called wanting to know if Mula Nasruddin had got the bird that he had sent.


Nasruddin said, "We got him."


"How did you like him?" asked the nephew. To which Nasruddin replied truthfully: "It was delicious."


"You don't mean you ate the bird, do you?", asked the incredulous nephew.


Nasruddin said, "Off course we did!"


The nephew was visibly upset by this.


"I paid a fortune for that bird!", exclaimed the nephew. "That bird was worth a fortune."


He said, "That bird could speak two different languages."


Mula Nasruddin said, "Well - he should have said something."


What's happening in our neck of the woods......


Click on image to enlarge

MYServices Girls Swimming Day

Lifeline Far from Ordinary Stories Event

GIRU Conference


The CCN Date Claimer





(Click on link)





2 January


Girls Holiday Fun: Bowling

Alnisa & MYServices

533 Kessels Rd, MacGregor



3 January


MYServices Girls Swimming Session


Sam Riley Pool, 1 Lexington Street, Springwood



24 January


Far from Ordinary Stories Event

Lifeline Community Care Qld

Marymac Community Hall
616 Ipswich Road

3392 7305

6pm to 7.30pm

17 February


MBM AGM (for members)


Muslim Business Network (MBN)


Runcorn Tavern



23-25 February

Saturday - Monday

Asia-Pacific Interfaith Symposium
Women, Faith
and a Culture of Peace

Griffith University Multi-faith Centre and AMARAH

Multi-Faith Centre
Griffith University, Nathan Campus

Griffith University Multi-faith Centre

Saturday 23rd mid-afternoon to
Monday 25th mid-afternoon

3-5 March

Monday - Wednesday

Griffith Islamic Research Unit 2008 Conference: The Challenges and Opportunities of Islam in the West: The Case of Australia


Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, Cnr Merivale and Glenelg Streets, South Bank

0402 819 197

10am to 10pm

11 October 2008



Eidfest Committee

Mt Gravatt Showgrounds

0402 819 197

10am to 10pm



To claim your date for your event email theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org.


Write For Us

The best ideas and the best feedback come from our community of readers. If you have a topic or opinion that you want to write about or want seen covered or any news item that you think might be of benefit to the Crescents Community please e-mail



Share your thoughts, feelings and ambitions for our community through CCN.


If there is someone you know who would like to subscribe to CCN please encourage them to send an e-mail to theteam@crescentsofbrisbane.org with the words “Subscribe Me” in the subject line.


Articles and opinions appearing in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Crescents of Brisbane Team, CCN, its Editor or its Sponsors, particularly if they eventually turn out to be libelous, unfounded, objectionable, obnoxious, offensive, slanderous and/or downright distasteful.


It is the usual policy of CCN to include from time to time, notices of events that some readers may find interesting or relevant. Such notices are often posted as received. Including such messages or providing the details of such events does not necessarily imply endorsement of the contents of these events by either CCN or Crescents of Brisbane Inc.