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......a sometimes self-deprecating and occasional tongue-in-cheek look at ourselves and the world around us ......



Sunday, 16 November 2008

 .Newsletter 0210


News you won't find on CNN!


“Violence against women is the great silent crime of our time.”

CCN supports the campaign to promote awareness of the problem

Basketball star 'witnessed beatings'


Brisbane Bullets basketball star Leroy Loggins has opened up about his mother's abuse at the hands of his violent father in a bid to raise awareness about domestic violence ahead of White Ribbon Day later this month.

Loggins spoke to a gathering of 150 people in Brisbane's Queen Street Mall today, where a pledge was signed decrying violence against women (men pictured signing pledge on right).

Speakers led by Loggins shared stories and personal accounts of domestic violence.

"It doesn't really matter what background you come from there is a lot of violence in this world and unfortunately a lot of it is men fighting women," Loggins said.

"Myself as a young man growing up in America, I saw a lot of the beatings my mom took from my dad and as a young kid there is nothing you can do. The only thing you really can do is resort to violence yourself and that is basically how a pattern starts.

"Let's take a stand today to say enough is enough."

Almost half of all women in Australia will suffer from domestic violence in their lifetime with one in 50 working women directly affected by violence each day.

Guest speaker and deputy director of the Griffith University Islamic Research Unit, Dr Halim Rane (pictured left), said Queensland's Muslim community faced its own challenges with violence in the home.

"There are Muslims out there that think that their religion gives them some sort of status above women and they think they can mistreat their partners or their children," Dr Rane said.

"That's completely erroneous and unacceptable and I think we have a responsibility within our community, culture and religions to point out the reality of the situation and point out when they are wrong."

Dr Rane works closely with the advocacy group Australian Muslim Advocates for the Rights of all Humanity (AMARAH) which aims to raise awareness of human rights and preach anti-violence in the community.

He said AMARAH had used the tactic of approaching Muslim clerics to include messages in their sermons to help encourage change.

"They can address this from the pulpit so the community can be aware and there can be a change in terms of their perspective on these issues," he said.

White Ribbon Day, also known as the United Nation's International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, is on November 25.




Along with Halim, other local Queensland Muslim men have also joined the ranks of appointed White Ribbon ambassadors.


White Ribbon Day was created by a handful of Canadian men in 1991 as a response to one man’s massacre of 14 women in Montreal. It is now the largest movement of men on the globe. While the day is commemorated each year on November 25th, the United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, men are urged to show their support to this cause throughout the entire month of November by wearing white ribbons or wristbands, and by educating others about this issue.


You can purchase a $2 ribbon from CCN by emailing





CCN extends its deepest condolences to the Dada family on the passing away on Tuesday in South Africa of Mr. Ayoob Dada (72).


Mr. Dada, wife Rashida and sons Narshad and Reza spent several years in Brisbane in the mid 1990s before returning to his home town and were very popular figures amongst the local South African community.


During his stay in Brisbane, Mr. Dada owned several commercial properties and started up Baby 'n Things in the Mt Gravatt Home Maker Centre.


He also leaves behind in Brisbane his nephew, Reffik Dada.


''Innaa lillah hi wa Innaa ilay hi Rauji'oon''
To Allah do we belong and to Him is our return


Get Gardening!


SPIRAL Community Hub are looking to connect with people from small and emerging communities who are interested in community gardening.  SPIRAL currently manages two community gardens in West End, and they have received funding from Department of Immigration and Citizenship to deliver a Living in Harmony project promoting participation in these community gardens.


Participants in the project will be involved in gardening workshops delivered by experienced horticulturalists, learn about Australian bush-foods, assist in the planning and planting of a cultural garden containing a range of cultural foods, and learn to maintain the community gardens.


They are hoping to hear back from interested people very shortly as they will commence planning for the garden in mid November (while the weather is a bit cooler).


For more information about the project or to express interest in the project, contact James Douglas, the Living in Harmony Project Worker, at jdouglas@spiral.org.au or phone SPIRAL  (07) 3844 7733 Monday to Friday.


Business and Life Mastery






Lyndsey Baigent (founder of Essentially for Women and guest speaker at the recent Crescents Pink Ribbon Pamper Brunch 2008) hosted the Business and Life Mastery event for women on 11 and 12 November.

Over 200 women attended the Shangri-La Gardens Resort, Wynnum for what many called a “life changing and thought provoking” event.


Saalihah Seedat (left in picture) attended the seminar and wrote this report on how the event went.


Complimentary tickets to Bulls match


Queensland Bulls vs South Australia
Ford Ranger Cup One Day match

Wednesday 3 December

Day/Night match - starting at 1.15pm

First Innings: 1.15pm - 4.45pm
Tea Break: 4.45pm - 5.15pm
Second Innings: 5.15pm - 8.45pm


If you would like complimentary tickets to this match email ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org



This is an offer to CCN readers from Queensland Cricket (QC), in partnership with ECCQ as part of their Indigenous and Multicultural Day



The Social Scene with CCN


Dinner hosted by Minister for Heath, Stephen Robertson MP held at Michael's Restaurant on Sunday 9 November at which Queensland Premier Anna Bligh was the guest of honour

Members of Al-Nisa with Stephen Robertson MP


Members of Al-Nisa and Crescents of Brisbane with Minister of Police, Judy Spence MP

Members of Al-Nisa and IWAQ with Premier Anna Bligh

Mr. Faisal Hatia, one of the speakers at the event, with Premier Anna Bligh

Ms. Farzanah Ally introduces Stephen Robertson MP

Mr. David Forde event organiser and Stephen Robertson's campaign manager

Dinner hosted by Member for Moreton, Graham Perrett MP held at Michael's Restaurant on Friday 14 November at which Queensland Senator Chris Evans, Minister for Immigration and Citizenship was the guest of honour

Senator Chris Evans (second from right) alongside Graham Perrett MP (right) with members of the Muslim Business Network (MBN) and Hope for Happiness

Mr. David Forde (left), Senator Chris Evans and Graham Perrett MP with members of the Muslim community


Members of the Turkish Community

Graham Perrett MP with members of the Muslim Business Network

Members of ACCES, MYServices and A-Nisa with Mr izzat Abdulhadi, Head of the General Delegation of Palestine to Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific

The Senator, The MP and The President



IWAQ held its annual Management Committee/ Staff dinner on Tuesday 11/11/08. Invited guests included Karen Struthers, MP, Dr. Sadiq and members of the Marriage Toolbox steering committee. It was an opportunity to acknowledge the dedication and commitment of staff members at IWAQ and to present Dr. Sadiq with a token of appreciation.

From the CCN Cradle....


Fahim and Fatima Gutta had a baby girl last night at 11.15pm.


The new arrival will be the 7th grandchild of Sikander and Sharifa Gutta.


From the FACE Desk.....


Our 'Second-hand Souq' will be going ahead at the Kuraby Community Centre, corner of Stiller Dr and Beenleigh Rd, Kuraby on Saturday 22nd November, from 10am onwards.


Mens, womens, and childrens clothes will be available.


All proceeds will go towards the Care for Education Project: Chad (CfE), the ultimate aim of which is to establish an Islamic School.

We have been donated a massive amount of goods for the sales and are still sorting to distill quality from quantity in order to present the best for sale on the day.

The rest we will be storing and sending to a country where they are needed by shipping container. (Fundraising to pay for shipping will be on the agenda soon.)
To update on FACE Inc's 'Care for Education Project: Chad' activities:


A small mosque has almost been completed in Farm Belila, north of the Capital 'Ndjamena. All that remains is to furnish the interior with ceiling, carpet, and a speaker. All of which will cost about $2000AUD. InshaAllah we will have pictures soon.

The Madrassa classes are continuing next door to the mosque, and the class is growing. We need to employ a second teacher in order to allow more children to attend. This costs about $150AUD per month. The classes include Qur'an, adab (character and manners) and general Islamic studies.


We still have opportunities for sponsoring students to the local French-language school and Madrassa classes and a meal a day for less than $2 a day.
In the coming months, we are hoping to travel to Chad to research the requirements (government compliance, curriculum etc) for setting up a School. I want to stress that this trip will be funded by ourselves, no donated money will be used for travel or administration purposes. We send ALL donated or raised money to Chad for use in the Projects. Administration time and costs as well as requirements for clothes sales (eg racks etc) are paid for privately.
Thank you for reading, inshaAllah we will see you on Saturday 22nd.
Khadijah Hurst

Secretary FACE Inc


Sponsorship form

About FACE Inc.

Help for Hajjis







A excellent set of resources has been made available from a Hajj Workshop held recently in Perth.




You can download them from this site: http://www.azbits.com/hajj/


UN vote: Rudd breaks with Howard on Israel


AUSTRALIA has switched its position to vote against Israel on two resolutions at the United Nations, ending the Howard government's unswerving alignment with the United States and raising concern from the Jewish community.

The move also signals to the incoming Obama administration that the Rudd Government plans to take a different approach to the Howard government on the international stage.

In the weekend vote in New York, Australia supported a resolution calling on Israel to stop establishing settlements in the Palestinian territories and a resolution calling for the Geneva Conventions to apply in the Palestinian territories.

The resolutions on the Middle East peace process are held annually and the Howard government had backed both from 1996 to 2002 but in 2003 began to vote against or abstain. It was a move that aligned Australia with only the US, Israel, the US Marshall Islands, Nauru, Palau and Micronesia and put the country at odds with Britain, Canada, New Zealand and France.

Read the rest......


Qurbani Options


Muslim Aid Australia


  Wanted food for families around the world

  Ways to donate


Imam Akram and Ml Shazad Khan


Operation Qurbani


Your Mo Joes


Toran Thomason, Iqbal Sungkar, Hasan Karimshah and Rohan Arnold

Hi All,


During Movember (the month formerly known as November) we are growing Mo's as a group, our team name is Ignite Your Mo Joe.


The money raised by Movember is used to raise awareness of men's health issues and donated to the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia and beyondblue - the national depression initiative. The PCFA and beyondblue will use the funds to fund research and increase support networks for those men who suffer from prostate cancer and depression.


To donate to our Mo’s you can either:

1. Click this link https://www.movember.com/au/donate/donate-details.php?action=sponsorlink®o=1507716&country=au and donate online using your credit card or PayPal account, or


2. Write a cheque payable to ‘Movember Foundation', referencing my Registration Number 1507716 and mailing it to:


                                            Movember Foundation
                                            PO Box 292
                                            Prahran VIC 3181

Remember, all donations over $2 are tax deductible.


Did you know:

  •    Depression affects 1 in 6 men....most don't seek help. Untreated depression is a leading risk factor for suicide.

  •    Last year in Australia 18,700 men were diagnosed with prostate cancer and more than 2,900 died of prostate cancer - equivalent to the number of women who will die from breast cancer annually.


For those that have supported Movember in previous years you can be very proud of the impact it has had and can check out the details at: [ Fundraising Outcomes ].


Movember culminates at the end of month Gala Partés. If you would like to be part of this great night you'll need to purchase a [ Gala Parté Ticket ].


Thanks for your support



More information is available at http://www.movember.com/.

CCN Supporting Local Enterprise



Children's birthday cakes, delectable desserts and petits fours...


See the link below for a range of goodies - that can be customized to suit you - now available for order.
Contact Maryam on 0424 787 600 or at miz_iz@hotmail.com for more details.



Cake Price List


Around the Muslim World with CCN


Fears grow over realty jobs

Dubai: Fears over widespread job losses are creating panic in Dubai's property market as developers and brokers are laying off hundreds of staff as part of cost-cutting measures due to the slowdown in sales.

On Wednesday, a number of banks suspended lending to expatriate employees of leading real estate companies, fearing large-scale layoffs as personal loan applications multiply daily.

Read the rest....



Obama claimed as relative by 8,000 Beduins tribesmen in northern Israel

London, November 13 (ANI): As many as 8,000 Beduin tribesmen in northern Israel claim that they are related to U.S. President-elect Barack Obama by blood.

A spokesman for the tribe in Galilee claims that they have proof of their connection with Obama, though he has yet to reveal any documentary evidence.

We knew about it years ago but we were afraid to talk about it because we didnt want to influence the election, Times Online quoted Abdul Rahman Sheikh Abdullah, a 53-year-old local council member, as telling the small Beduin village of Bir al-Maksour in the Israeli region of Galilee.

We wrote a letter to him explaining the family connection, he said.

Though Obamas representatives have not replied to Sheikh Abdullahs letter, the latter is still in a mood to celebrate.

He has been handing out sweets and huge dishes of baklava traditional honey-sweetened pastries to all and sundry.

He is even contemplating organising a large party next week, which will see a dozen goats slaughtered to feed the village.

Sheikh Abdullah revealed that it was his 95-year-old mother who first spotted the connection, after seeing Obama on TV.

He said that his mother noted that Obama resembled one of the African migrant workers who used to be employed by rich sheikhs in the fertile north of British Mandate Palestine in the 1930s.

He said that the Africans would sometimes marry local Beduin girls and start families, but would frequently return home after several years.

According to him, one of such men was a relative of Barack Obama's Kenyan grandmother.
Sheikh Abdullah insisted that he was in possession of papers and pictures to back up his claim.

He, however, added that he had promised his mother not to divulge the papers and pictures until he had presented them to Obama, something he hoped would happen once his relative was in the White House.

We want to send a delegation to congratulate him, and we know well get an answer soon, he said. 



[CCN Editor] Even the Irish, it would appear, have staked their claim to Obama - if the chorus "O'Leary, O'Riley, O'Hare and O'Hara, there's no one as Irish as Barack Obama" is to be believed!



Jordan queen gets YouTube award for fighting stereotypes

Jordan's Queen Rania will accept an award from Internet video-sharing website YouTube for her efforts to help prevent Muslims and Arabs from being stereotyped, her office said on Thursday.

"It is a pleasure to accept the first YouTube Visionary Award in this spirit," the queen was quoted as saying in a statement.

"YouTube encourages us to be active participants in a global conversation, making our voices heard, giving us the power to broadcast ourselves, increasing knowledge of each other, breaking down the barriers between us clip by clip."

In April, Rania, the wife of King Abdullah II, launched her own Internet channel on YouTube in a bid to encourage young people to help address the issue of stereotyping.

"To date, the channel has generated nearly three million video views and received more than 43,000 messages from users around the world," the queen's office said.

The statement quoted YouTube co-founder Chad Hurley as saying that Rania "sets the standard for breaking down stereotypes and her YouTube videos are nothing short of inspirational."

She will "accept this honour in recognition of her efforts to rid the world of the stereotypes and misconceptions associated with Arab and Muslim communities," her office said.

Last year, the queen told an annual economic forum in the Saudi Red Sea city of Jeddah that Muslims should reject extremism if they want to be taken seriously by the West.

"We are right to question Western governments when their actions only make it easier for radicals to recruit new followers. But our moral authority depends on our willingness to reject the voices of extremism and violence in our midst," she said.




"Battling begums" agree to talk

Two former Bangladesh prime ministers, Sheikh Hasina (pictured left) and Begum Khaleda Zia (pictured right), have agreed to meet ahead of next month's elections, aides said, ending over 15 years of frosty silence between them.

Hossain Zillur Rahman, an adviser (minister) to the army-backed interim government, said authorities were ready to take any measure to arrange talks between the battling begums, as they are known at home.

A begum (in Bangladesh) is a Muslim woman of rank.

Read the rest.....



A Bone in America`s Throat

Even before the voting began, Israeli politicians and pundits were asking: Will an Obama Administration be good for Israel? “Be good for Israel” is our code for “Will the US allow us to keep our settlements and continue to support our efforts to prevent negotiations with the Palestinians from ever bearing fruit?” For Americans the question should be: Will the Obama Administration understand that without addressing Palestinian needs it will not be able to disentangle itself from its broader Middle Eastern imbroglios, rejoin the community of nations and rescue its economy?


The Israel-Palestine conflict should be of central concern to Americans, near the top of the new Administration’s agenda. It may not be the bloodiest conflict in the world – its minor when compared to Iraq – but it is emblematic to Muslims and to peoples the world over of American hostility and belligerence. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is not merely a localized one between two squabbling tribes. It lies at the epicenter of global instability. Go where you may in the world and you will encounter the same phenomenon: a sense that the suffering of the Palestinians represents all that is wrong in an American-dominated world.

Read the rest.....



World heads call for religious tolerance

World leaders have called for religious tolerance at a UN conference sponsored by Saudi Arabia, a country where only a strict form of Islam is allowed.

The meeting at UN headquarters in New York, gathering 80 countries including some 20 heads of state, was billed as a chance to heal religious and cultural divisions sometimes referred to as the "clash of civilisations".


Saudi King Abdullah called for "peace and harmony", describing terrorism as the enemy "of every religion and every civilisation".

But anger over the Israeli-Arab conflict, as well as resentment at Western economic and social policies, soon surfaced, reflecting tensions lurking behind the talk of goodwill.

In his speech, Israeli President Shimon Peres made a veiled attack on Iran, while Jordan's King Abdullah II said the biggest hurdle to religious peace was failure to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

More than a dozen heads of state were due to speak, including US President George W Bush on Thursday. He was represented on Wednesday by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.

White House spokeswoman Dana Perino said Bush "welcomes the opportunity to have this event, and he believes that the king of Saudi Arabia has recognised that they have a long way to go and that he is trying to take some steps to get there."

In the opening speech, the president of the UN General Assembly, Miguel d'Escoto Brockmann, lashed out at Western morals and warned the world desperately needs to learn the positive lessons of religion.

D'Escoto, a Catholic priest, said all religions promoted "social responsibility", but that the world has "become contaminated by the spirit of selfishness and individualism".

His attack on the "unbridled greed" of the "dominant" Western culture was likely to strike a chord among many leaders at the conference.

Jordan's King Abdullah II also criticised Western policy, saying "ignorance" had subjected Islam to "injustice".

"Millions of people, especially young people, question whether the West means what it says about equality, respect and universal justice. Meanwhile, extremists - Muslim, Christian and Jewish - are thriving on the doubts and divisions," he said.

Peres said Muslims and Jews were getting closer to peace.

But he issued a thinly veiled attack on arch foe Iran, saying: "There are those in our region who sow hatred ... those who seek to wipe out other people."

Neither d'Escoto nor any of the Muslim leaders mentioned what many in European countries and the United States see as the dire lack of religious and social freedom in most Islamic states.

Critics in the run-up to the conference have homed in on Saudi King Abdullah's role, questioning whether the leader of the rigid Wahhabi sect of Islam was the right person to promote inter-faith relations.

"There is no religious freedom in Saudi Arabia, yet the kingdom asks the world to listen to its message of religious tolerance," Sarah Leah Whitson, the Middle East director at Human Rights Watch, said ahead of the conference.

However, Peres welcomed the king's initiative as "unprecedented".

Wahhabism is an ultra-orthodox form of Islam. Under Saudi rule, other Islamic sects and other religions are either restricted or banned altogether in public.

King Abdullah pushed for the conference as a follow-up to efforts at promoting inter-faith dialogue in the World Conference on Dialogue held last July in Madrid.

The Madrid declaration was noted for its call for an international agreement on fighting the root causes of terrorism.

This time it is not clear whether the session will end with a UN resolution or a lower-grade declaration, said Enrique Yeves, spokesman for d'Escoto. "They are still negotiating among themselves," he said.

Diplomatic sources said there was no chance of a resolution and perhaps not even of a declaration because of splits between countries on the nature of the problem in religion and politics.

One source said Saudi Arabia had proposed a text unacceptable to European countries because of a reference to the "mocking of religious symbols", an issue deeply offensive to Saudis, but seen as a free speech matter in many Western states.




Special treatment for Hajj pilgrims on Sri Lankan Airlines

SriLankan Airlines is providing extra special treatment during this Hajj pilgrimage season for passengers on its flights to Jeddah, the gateway to the Muslim holy city of Makkah.

This includes a choice of special meals on both scheduled and chartered flights to Jeddah, SriLankan operates to Jeddah on every Tuesdays and Fridays.

In addition, a special 60-minute documentary on the performance of Hajj is being screened on board during the month of November and December on all Colombo to Jeddah flights.

Read the rest.....



Maldives Makes new Milestone

Mr. Mohamed Nasheed, who took power officially in the capital, Male, is a 41-year-old is a rising star in Asia, where he has been compared to Nelson Mandela.


Before taking office the President asked Maldivians to move forward without rancour or retribution - an astonishing call, given that Mr Nasheed had gone to jail 23 times, been tortured and spent 18 months in solitary confinement.

The Maldives is one of the few Muslim nations to make a relatively peaceful transition from autocracy to democracy. The Gayoom "sultanate" was an iron-fisted regime that ran the police, army and courts and which banned rival parties.

Public flogging, banishment to island gulags and torture were routinely used to suppress dissent and the fledging pro-democracy movement. Mr Gayoom was "elected" president six times in 30 years - but never faced an opponent. However, public pressure grew and last year he conceded that democracy was inevitable.

Read the rest.....



Millions gather for World Tableeghi ijtema in Bhopal

Bhopal: Eintkhedi near Bhopal was the location for millions of Muslims gathered here recently on the occasion of 61st World Tableeghi ijtema. 

Considered one of the biggest religious gatherings, it attracted Muslims from all over India and many from overseas. Muslims from Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Philippines, South Africa, UK, USA, Malaysia, Indonesia were also there to attend this religious gathering.

The gathering listened to lectures from Islamic scholars and are urged to live a life of piety and emphasis on preparation for the life hereafter. The three day gathering ended in a dua that asked for peace and blessings for the world.

About 400 couples also got married in this gathering where nikaah was performed by elders of the Tableeghi Jamaat.



More about the Tableeghi Jamaat



Finding Islam on a Chicago Bus


Read the rest.....



Italian Mosque Football League

MILAN — An Islamic center in the northern city of Milan has organized a multi-faith football league that saw eight Muslim and non-Muslim squads vying for the mosque cup.

"We called it the Multi-Faith Tournament," Ali Abu Shwaima, the head of the Islamic Center.

Eight teams from across the northern province of Lombardy competed in the one-day competition, organized by the Islamic center as part of celebrations marking the 20th anniversary of its Al-Rahman mosque, the first ever built in Italy.

Some of the teams represented local mosques in the region and others represented a number of Catholic churches.

One team had Muslim and non-Muslim players.

The matches were played in Milan stadium, which the city council dedicated for the event free of charge.

A Muslim team from the city of Turin snatched the title and Al-Rahman Cup, named after the mosque.

"We also gave all the players copies of the Qur'an translated into Italian," said Abu Shwaima.

Italy has a Muslim population of some 1.2 million, including 20,000 reverts, according to unofficial estimates.


The Milan Muslim leader said the event, which lasted from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m. was a great success, citing an extensive media coverage by Italy’s state broadcasting service, RAI.

He also noted the impressive turnout of attendants and participants, both Muslims and non-Muslims.

"It proved once again that religion and sports can be factors of unity rather than division in the society."

Abu Shwaima says they had invited representatives from the mainstream media and figures in society to the ten-day birthday gala, which began on October 16.

"The Western media negative portraying of our Muslim community and our mosques made us keen to invite them in to see for themselves."

The far-right, anti-immigrant Northern League party has recently tabled a draft law that would effectively block the construction of mosques in Italy.

Last November, former deputy Education Minister Mariella Mazzetto angered Muslims after parading a pig on the site of a planned mosque in the northern city of Padua.

"We wanted to show them that mosques have a positive role in society and are venues for dialogue and tolerance," s Abu Shwaima.

Al-Rahman mosque opened its doors for the public during the ten-day celebration.

A number of prominent Muslim speakers, including renowned Swiss scholar Tariq Ramadan, addressed visitors, while an exhibition of paintings by Muslim artists went on show.

Abu Shwaima, who is also president of the Union of Islamic Communities of Italy (UCOII), believes that such events help clear misconceptions about the Muslim community.

"Breaking down these ice walls is not an easy task.

"But eventually, the negative image will go and the real bright image of Italian Muslims will stay."


[CCN Editor] With the Saturday League kicking of yesterday, can the Al Farooq Cup be too far in the offing?



Europe's First Woman Imam

PARIS — A mosque in southern Belgium has named a female Muslim professor to the post of imam, the first such a move in the northwestern European country.
"Hawaria Fattah has been granted the rank of imam," Abdel-Jalel Al-Hajaji, the curator of Al-Sahaba Mosque in the southern city of Verviers said.

"It is the first move of its kind in Belgium and Europe."

Chosen along with two male imams, Fattah, a mother of three, will supervise the preaching activities for women at the mosque.


"But she will not deliver the sermon of the Friday prayers or lead the prayers," stressed Hajaji.

"Her role will focus on supervising the preaching and guidance activities for women at the mosque."

Read the rest.....



Thousands attend opening of new mosque in Germany

GERMANY: One of Germany's largest mosques with room for 1,200 was inaugurated Sunday in the western city of Duisburg with none of the recriminations that have soured a mosque building plan in nearby Cologne.

Christian leaders spoke at the ceremonial opening and the City of

Duisburg Philharmonic Orchestra played as well as Turkish bands.

Police, who estimate that some 6,000 people attended Sunday's ceremony, said there were no protests.


Ruettgers, affirmed the right of 3.3 million Muslims in Germany to build mosques as big as they liked.

"We need more mosques in this country, not in inner courtyards, but visible and recognizable ones," he said.

Read the rest.....


The opening of Germany's biggest mosque Sunday is intended to help break down barriers between Turks and Germans and ease sometimes strained community relations, politicians and Muslims said on Sunday.

About 8,000 people joined celebrations in the Marxloh suburb of the industrial north-western city of Duisburg to mark the opening of the Merkez mosque, with its 34-metre high minaret and room for 1,200 worshippers.

In contrast to openings of mosques elsewhere in Germany, notably one in Berlin earlier this month which drew heavy protests from local residents, the ceremony went off with no demonstrations.

Instead, buoyed by a festive atmosphere, Muslims and Christians ate donor kebabs, drank tea and chatted together.

"We have nothing to hide so it is time to say goodbye to our mosques which were hidden in backyards," said Mehmet Ozay, head of the Ditib Turkish-Islamic Union in Marxloh, at the opening ceremony.

Read the rest.....



Sweden's new Halal-TV courts controversy

A new programme launched recently by Sveriges Television (SVT) featuring three young Swedish Muslim women has sparked a heated debate about cultural norms and integration.


In addition to Awad, a lawyer, Halal-TV also features 22-year-old doctor-to-be Dalia Azzam Kassem and 25-year-old dental hygienist Khadiga El Khabiry, all of whom were born in Sweden, but who have roots in different countries in the Middle East and North Africa.

The show is meant to show how the three women view their Swedish homeland through the lens of their Muslim beliefs. SvD described Halal-TV as a “road trip” through Swedish society, with the three lead figures at the wheel which ultimately is meant to help deconstruct the often monolithic view of Muslims held by many Swedes.

In one of the segments, Awad and El Khabiry refuse to shake the hand of Aftonbladet newspaper columnist Carl Hamilton, electing instead to greet the guest by putting their hands on their chests, leaving Hamilton’s extended hand hanging in the air and prompting a sharp exchange.

“I’m sorry, you ought to shake my hand,” said Hamilton, according to a transcript published in the Expressen newspaper.

“That’s something I decide,” replied El Khabiry.

“No, I don’t think so!” Hamilton shot back.

Read the rest.....


[CCN Editor] To shake or not to shake! Therein lies the rub!



Mosque awarded on national TV

UK: WORSHIPPERS have been celebrating a triumph after being crowned the second best mosque in the country on national TV.

Broadfield Mosque landed second place in a prestigious competition, Britain's Model Mosque 2008, on Islam Channel on Sky TV.

Hundreds of Muslim places of worship across the country were shown on the show, which was broadcast every Saturday, and were subject to a public vote, and a final judgement from a panel of judges.

Each mosque was judged purely on its sense of community and ability to provide strong religious practice, ensuring that the size and architecture of the building did not count.

In first place was Leeds Grand Mosque in Yorkshire, who won a £50,000 prize, but Broadfield followed closely behind with a silver medal.


Chairman of Broadfield Mosque Arif Syed said he is over the moon to be recognised nationally. He said: "We are delighted to be a runner up and we feel like we have put Crawley on the map.

"It is a great shame we did not win the £50,000 prize, as we were going to make massive changes to the building and make it look even better, but the best mosque won at the end of the day. Still, what a great achievement."

The ultimate aim of Model Mosque is to improve standards within UK mosques. The show has nothing to do with the size, layout or architecture of a mosque. It has everything to do with the services the mosque provides for its local community and how well the mosque manages relations with the local host community.




Multiculturalism in London Muslim Conf.

Bringing together thousands from all around the world, Europe's largest Muslim event opened in Britain on Saturday, October 25, with the focus of promoting multiculturalism.
"Global Peace and Unity conference is by far the largest event of its kind in Europe and may be in the West as a whole," GPU Chairman Mohamed Ali told IslamOnline.net.

The two-day conference, held at Excel Conference and Exhibition Center, brings together luminaries and celebrity guests from around the world.

Leading among attendees are Danish Imam Abdul Wahid Pedersen, American Muslim scholar Yusuf Estes and British Muslim singer Yusuf Islam.

Also attending British Secretary of Justice Jack Straw, Muslim MP Shahid Malik and Lord Nazir Ahmed.

"We at the GPU do strive every year to have some addition, at spiritual level we are having one of the Imams of the holy mosque and the muezzin of prophet's mosque, and of course the Kiswah (curtains) of the Ka`bah, and the two models of the two holy mosques," said Ali.

"We are also expanding on awards especially friends of Islam awards and education awards."

The conference is organized by the free-to-air, English language, Islamic-focused Islam Channel for the fourth consecutive year.


Themed "Working Towards A Multi-cultural Society", this year's conference aims to promote peaceful coexistence between Muslims and non-Muslims.

"It has a yearly theme this year being towards a multicultural society," Ali told IOL.

Organizers seek to make the conference a platform for an effective dialogue with non-Muslims.

A number of major interfaith groups have been invited to address the conference on promoting dialogue and building bridges across faiths, communities and societies.

"Our aim is always to build confidence among our Muslim Ummah and to be proud being Muslims," he said.

"We also want to engage with the wider society in a positive way."

The Muslim population in Britain is estimated at nearly two million.

"The Muslim community, so rich and diverse in itself, makes an enormously valuable contribution to our society," Straw said in a statement ahead of GUP opening.

"Those of us who are not Muslims but have the privilege of knowing and working with Muslims can testify to that.

"This event is a great opportunity to demonstrate this contribution, whilst challenging stereotypes and reasserting shared values. It is through unity that we will achieve peace."



First-ever Catholic-Muslim forum to open at Vatican

The Vatican's first-ever Catholic-Muslim forum kicks off, two years after Pope Benedict XVI sparked outrage among Muslims for a speech seen as linking Islam with violence.

The three-day forum opens "a new chapter in the long history" of dialogue between the two faiths, the head of the Catholic delegation, Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, told the French Catholic daily La Croix.

Benedict will meet with the delegations on Thursday.
The Muslim side is led by the mufti of Bosnia, Mustafa Ceric, whose spokesman Yahya Pallavicini told AFP the delegates "represent no state and no ideological tendency."

International delegation

The delegation includes Swiss intellectual Tariq Ramadan, an outspoken and controversial Muslim figure in Europe, along with Aref Ali Nayed of the Islamic Centre of Strategic Studies in Amman, Jordan, and Iranian ayatollah Seyyed Mustafa Manegheg Damad.

Several women in the delegation include Ingrid Mary Mattson, a professor of Islamic studies at the Hartford (Connecticut) Seminary in the United States.

Read the rest.....


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Volunteer Coordinator

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The Inbox


Assalamu Alaikum

I read your article on "The Friday Freeze in Middle Earth" which stated that the mosque was the only recorded mosque in the South Island of New Zealand.


This is not the the "only" recorded mosque in the South Island.


The mosque in Christchurch has been in existence for well over 20 years and is thriving.


I first visited this mosque in 1991 when I lived in New Zealand. It is listed as "The Canterbury Islamic Centre" and is in a suburb called Riccarton which is very close to the city centre.

Salaams and duas.
Ahmed Kadwa


[Editor] We stand corrected!


The details of the mosque are:

Canterbury Islamic Centre
101 Deans Avenue Riccarton Christchurch City Canterbury 8011
P O Box 8272, Riccarton, Christchurch
Tel :- (03) 3483930

The CCN Readers' Book Club: You are what you read!


This week



 Tuesdays With Morrie


 Mitch Albom

He wasn't a superstar athlete, a successful entrepreneur or a famous actor. He was not a household name. His only claim to fame was an appearance on Nightline. But ask anyone who knew him and they'll likely tell you that Morrie Schwartz made more of an impression on them then Michael Jordan, Bill Gates and Jodie Foster combined.

"Tuesdays with Morrie" is more than just a dying man's last words. It is an inspirational recount of a man's life -- a man whose passion for the human spirit has continued to live long after his last breath.

Would you like to see the cover of your favourite book on our book shelves below?

Then simply email the title and author to thebookclub@crescentsofbrisbane.org


Double click a book cover to find out what others think of the book


CCN has set up an online Book Club at Shelfari to connect with CCN book readers at:


Using the book club you can see what books fellow CCN readers have on their shelves, what they are reading and even what they, and others, think of them.

The CCN Readers' Book Club

Kareema's Keep Fit Column





Q: Salaams Kareema, I am 25 and weigh around 36-38 Kg. The maximum I have ever weighed is 40Kg and that was about 8 years ago. I am trying desperately to put on weight especially around my shoulder and upper arm area. What would you recommend in terms of exercise and diet?





A: JUMP START YOUR DIET! It's vital you invest time in preparing wholesome foods for yourself. Mix up the colours in your salad / fruit. This is an easy way of getting a good variety of nutrients in one meal. Protein-rich foods (soy, eggs, fish, poultry, beans, grains, etc.) work to replenish cells and help keep that all important blood flowing where needed. Go for 5 - 6 smaller meals instead of three big ones.


I have prepared a more comprehensive answer to your question here.




   Fun & fitness with fitballs combined with a challenging boxing routine

WHERE:  YIMBUN PARK,  Padstow Rd, Eight Mile Plains

WHEN: Every Saturday morning -  7:30 to 8:30 am

DATES: Saturday 18th OCT. through to the end of November. 

COST: $10 per session 

CONTACT: Kareema - 0404844786



 PREGNANT PAUSE PROGRAM - Low impact, gentle exercise classes for all our mums-to-be out there!! 

Keep your eye on CCN for the start of this great new program..





My Health and Fitness

Tel: 0404 844 786

(Accredited Member of Fitness Queensland)


Need an answer to a fitness related matter? Send your question to Kareema at  fitness@crescentsofbrisbane.org.

All questions sent in are published here anonymously and without any references to the author of the question.


KB's Culinary Corner







1pkt of mini jam rolls
500ml of thick custard
300ml fresh cream (whipped)
4 tspn gelatin
1 punnet of strawberries


Slice jam rolls into thin slices, and align in a deep round bowl, making sure to oil the bowl.
Mix 4 tspn of gelatin to a ¼ cup of water, allow gelatin to be absorbed, put into microwave for approximately 15 seconds

Now add gelatin to 500ml of custard in a separate bowl.
Whip 300ml of cream until thick, now add cream mixture to custard, mix well with a whisk until all the cream is incorporated into the custard.
Add the custard mixture into the bowl aligned with the mini jam rolls, cover with cling wrap and refrigerate until set.


To serve, turn bowl upside down on a plate, cut up strawberries and arrange around desert, dust desert with some icing sugar.



Do you have a recipe to share with CCN readers?
Send in your favourite recipe to ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org and be our "guest chef" for the week.


The CCN Chuckle


A rich Arab Prince decided that he wanted to throw a party and invited his friends and neighbours.

He also invited Jalalludin, the token tribesman in the local village.

He held the party around the pool in the centre of his palace.

Everyone was having a good time drinking, dancing, eating prawns, oysters and BBQ and telling jokes.

At the height of the party, the rich Arab Prince said, “I have a 10 foot man-eating crocodile in my pool and I'll give five million riyals to anyone who has the guts to jump in."

The words were barely out of the rich Arab Prince’s mouth when there was a loud splash and everyone turned around and saw Jalalludin in the pool!

Jalalludin was fighting the croc and giving it a good going over!

He was jabbing the croc in the eyes with his thumbs, throwing punches, doing all kinds of things like head butts and chokeholds, biting the croc on the tail and flipping it through the air like some kind of Japanese judo instructor.

The water was churning and splashing everywhere.

Both Jalalludin and the croc were screaming and raising hell.

Finally Jalalludin strangled the croc and let it sink to the bottom like a sad goldfish.

Jalalludin then slowly climbed out of the pool.

Everybody was just staring at him in disbelief.

Finally the rich Arab Prince says,

"Well, Brother Jalalludin, I reckon I owe you 5 million riyals."

"No, that's okay. I don't want it," said Jalalludin.

The rich Arab Price said,

"Man, I have to give you something. You won the bet. How about a million riyals then?"

"No thanks. I don't want it.", answered Jalalludin.

The Arab Prince said,

"Come on, I insist on giving you something. That was amazing. How about a new Porsche and a Rolex and some stock options in my oil fields?"

Brother Jalalludin said no.

The confused rich Arab Prince said, "Well, Brother Jalalludin, then what do you want?"

Jalalludin answered angrily,

"I want the name of the swine who pushed me in the pool!"

The Notice Board


Click on image to enlarge



Second-Hand Souk

M.Y. Sports Day

IWAQ Youth Info & Activity

Camp Day


AMAA Awards

Al-Nisa AGM

Boys Weekend Away

IWAQ Swimming




The CCN Date Claimer






(Click on link)





22 November


Second-hand Souk

Faith And Cultural Exchange Inc

Kuraby Community Hall, Svoboda Park, Stiller Rd.

0423 474 807


from 10am

29 November


Fund Raiser BBQ

Islamic Society of Algester

Algester Mosque, 48 Learoyd Rd, Algester

0403 338 040



30 November


M.Y. Sports Day


OZ Sports Springwood, 3269 Logan Rd, Underwood

0411 398 948

9am to 4pm

8/9 December




7 December


Al-Nisa AGM


Garden City Library




12-14 December


Boys Weekend Away

Kuraby Mosque


0431 672 263


20 December


Youth Info & Activity Camp Day

IWAQ and the Queensland Police Service

Kindilan Outdoor Education and Conference Centre
Redland Bay

3272 6355



To claim your date for your event email ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org.





This week's taleem for ladies will be held on Thursday 20 November at the home of Khatija Essof, 32 Diamond Place, Runcorn  from 11am-12pm.


Sunnah Inspirations


Contact: 0408 270 421

University of Queensland,
323 Hawken Drive, St. Lucia

Every Monday

Event: Weekly Learning Circle: Sharh Riyad-us-Saliheen (An Explanation of 'Gardens of the Righteous'


Venue: Prayer Room, University of Queensland

Time: 6.45pm to 7.30pm


Every Friday

Subject: Fiqh Made Easy


Venue: Room E215 Building 1 (Forgan Smith), University of Queensland

Time: 6.30pm to 7.35pm

Every Friday

Subject: Tafseer al Qur'an (Explanation of the Qur'an)


Venue: Room E215 Building 1 (Forgan Smith), University of Queensland

Time: 7.45pm to 9pm


Sunnah Inspirations is a non-profit organisation to cater for Muslim social support and supplying information to Muslims and non-Muslims.  They have been doing various activities around Australia, and have organised Da'wah information stalls at various universities in Brisbane.  More info can be found on their website above.


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The best ideas and the best feedback come from our community of readers. If you have a topic or opinion that you want to write about or want seen covered or any news item that you think might be of benefit to the Crescents Community please e-mail



Share your thoughts, feelings and ambitions for our community through CCN.


If there is someone you know who would like to subscribe to CCN please encourage them to send an e-mail to ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org with the words “Subscribe Me” in the subject line.


Articles and opinions appearing in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Crescents of Brisbane Team, CCN, its Editor or its Sponsors, particularly if they eventually turn out to be libelous, unfounded, objectionable, obnoxious, offensive, slanderous and/or downright distasteful.


It is the usual policy of CCN to include from time to time, notices of events that some readers may find interesting or relevant. Such notices are often posted as received. Including such messages or providing the details of such events does not necessarily imply endorsement of the contents of these events by either CCN or Crescents of Brisbane Inc.