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......a sometimes self-deprecating and occasional tongue-in-cheek look at ourselves and the world around us ......



Sunday, 23 November 2008

 .Newsletter 0211


News you won't find on CNN!



It's Love All with No Strings Attached!


45 men took a pre-tennis tournament pledge yesterday afternoon (Saturday) not to condone violence against women and children, and proudly donned their ribbons in support of White Ribbon Day (Tuesday, 25th November) just before getting the games underway.


White Ribbon Day Ambassador, Mustafa Ally, told CCN that this was a most significant gesture on the part of these men to come out in support of this cause, one that, he hoped, would put pay to the misconceptions that certain cultures and communities were either accepting of the practice or preferred to remain silent on the issue.


Adding their names to the pledge were:


Omar Abdulla

Ayob Ismail

Zishaan Omar

Riyaad Ally

Idris Jangda

Feisal Paruk

Yacoob Bassa

Muhammed Jangda

Altaf Rasool

Saleem Cajee

Din Karim

Muneer Sabdia

Aboo Cassim

Ameer Khan

Rafiq Sabdia

Amod (Flint) Cassimjee

Joe Khan

Yaseen Sabdia

Shaheen Chothia

Mohammed Kola

Dado Sacur

Yusuf Chothia

Talha Latif

Mohammed (Babs) Seedat

Zaid Chothia

Abdul Omar

Sayeed Seedat

Ziyaad Chothia

Azhar Omar

Yunus Solwa

Shabir Elias

Farouk Omar

Aziz Suleman

Suleman Girach

Iqbal Omar

Fayyaz Suleman

Riaz Gutta

Kemal Omar

Zaheer Suleman

Faisal Hatia

Reyhaan Omar

Zeyn Suleman

Yusuf Hatia

Yunie Omar

Ridwan Surtie


Ameer & Ziyaad

serve out a pointed message


You can purchase a $2 ribbon from CCN by emailing


Islamic school plan divides community


A PUBLICITY-SHY group of 'concerned' residents are planning a public meeting to oppose plans for an Islamic school in Carrara.


The group, which hides behind a Hotmail address did not return repeated emailed requests for an interview.


They did, however, send a fax describing themselves as a 'passionate group of local residents' and re-iterating their opposition to the school.


They have invited the public to air their views at a meeting at the Nerang Bicentennial Hall at 7pm tomorrow.


The invitation was circulated via a brochure which, among other things, claimed approval of the school would result in 'a separated Muslim community ... that will grow to eventually take over the area and change its character forever'.


One critic of the plan who was prepared to be identified, former Carrara resident Pamela Graham, said her mother was concerned her property value could fall by as much as 50 per cent. "My parents have considered moving if the school went ahead," said Mrs Graham.


"They love it there but are not prepared for their property value to go down."


She said the meeting would be emotion filled and there was 'extreme anger' the concerns of residents had not been taken into account.


"There is a lot of frustration in the community and a lot of concerned residents," she said. "This will be a very angry meeting - be prepared."



The proposed Islamic school, planned for 19 Chisholm Road, Carrara, is expected to open in January, with a decision by the Non-State Schools Accreditation Board still pending.


The prep to Year 7 school has met staunch opposition with some residents fearing it will lead to an 'Islamic takeover'.


Mrs Graham hoped the meeting would end plans for the school, and said the 'logical' choice was next to the Gold Coast Mosque in Arundel.


The apparent community concern was rejected by the leader of the Muslim community on the Gold Coast, Imam Imraan Husain, who said he was confident the community would embrace the school if given the go ahead.


"The Muslim community is very positive the people in authority will be fair when they make their decision," he said.


`'If people have a legitimate concern, I understand their concern but if it is based on suspicion and perceptions, I don't think it should be reason enough to stop it."


Imraan Husain said he would not be attending the meeting.


The Sun contacted the Australian International Islamic College, who applied to have the school built, but chairman Imam Abdul Quddoos Al Azhari was overseas and could not be reached for comment.


Source: Gold Coast Sun Wednesday 19/11/2008

Virtual Hajj in Second Life


Have you ever dreamed of being able to be part of the full hajj experience without leaving your home?


Today, that is possible with the launch of IslamOnline.net's educational hajj program on the virtual world of Second Life.

"I think this would be an unparalleled experience for anyone who is going to go to hajj and is unsure of what should and should not be done," says Breathe Swindlehurst, IOL's coordinator in Second Life.

The program is a powerful educational tool for people embarking on the soul-searching journey, in the real world, or anyone else who wants to learn about it.

As part of its mission statement to better educate Muslims worldwide about their faith, IOL will launch the hajj educational program on December 9, on its own island inside Second Life.

The program is a powerful educational tool for people embarking on the soul-searching journey, in the real world, or anyone else who wants to learn about it.


Rather than reading through a course or watching a video, people can actually go through all the steps of hajj with all the details of the journey from beginning to end.
"We have setup points throughout the island that can direct any visitors through the whole experience," said Swindlehurst.

"In addition to that, we plan to have special, preannounced sessions where visitors can go through the hajj under guidance of counselors from the IOL Shari`ah department who will teach the group everything they need to know about hajj."

One of the five pillars of Islam, hajj consists of several ceremonies, which are meant to symbolize the essential concepts of the Islamic faith and to commemorate the trials of Prophet Abraham and his family.

Every able-bodied adult Muslim — who can financially afford the trip — must perform hajj, which starts later this month, at least once in their lifetime.

Second Life, created in 2003, is entirely built and owned by its booming population of over 11 million registered users.

In the animated world, real people use their avatars to "live" alternate identities in a virtual community, complete with homes, cars, shopping malls and a virtual currency, known as Linden Dollars.



The project designers say the degree of interactivity in the 3D virtual world would allow participants the ultimate step by step guide to hajj.

"The Second Life hajj project is exceptional as it breaks all the traditional limits of training," says Khawla Masala, one of the designers.

"It allows the trainees to actually interact and be part of the program besides giving them all the textual material they may need."

The program is designed to be as accurate to real life as possible.

Virtual pilgrims will go all the way through Al-Masjid Al-Haram in the holy city of Makkah to Mena and Mount `Arafah

At the start of the virtual course, trainees will be able to take a free bag containing all the virtual tools they need in their pilgrimage.

It features ihram garb (special clothes worn by people during hajj), a tent and a sleeping bag.

This is all designed to give the visitor a feeling of the real hajj experience.

Virtual pilgrims will go all the way through Al-Masjid Al-Haram in the holy city of Makkah to Mena and Mount `Arafah.

Through their avatars, trainees will also be able to gather pebbles for the symbolic stoning of the devil at the Jamrat Bridge.

Walid Weston, who worked on parts of the program, is fascinated by the idea.

"Walking through the Al-Masjid Al-Haram for the first time was a fantastic experience!

"It is very awe-inspiring and I believe it is the closest you can get to the real thing."

More to Come

The virtual hajj program is only the latest of IOL's projects in the computer-generated world.

The first was the Ramadan tent during the holy fasting month.

The tent was a great hit and gained instant popularity with nearly 100 visitors daily.

It received wide media coverage, in Second Life as well as in the real world, in many different languages.

IOL was the first Islamic media organization to host a full island inside Second Life.

The organization is currently planning a center for lectures and fatwa sessions in the virtual world.

Using text and audio, the center will be the first stop for all new visitors to the island. It will offer many of the website's services to SL residents.

IOL will also unveil new projects in Second Life that make use of the 3D tools of the world on a regular basis.

                   - Check Course Timetable

                   - Learn how to register in Second Life

- Click to visit IOL's island





[CCN Editor] Keep an eye open for one Mussallahman Mefusula when you visit this region and don't forget to wish him salaams.


Multicultural Garden


You are invited to attend 2 exciting events at SPIRAL’s community gardens in West End: the Multicultural Food & Gardens Day, and the Bush Tucker & Bush Food day

At the Multicultural Food & Gardens Day on Saturday 29th November, a new multicultural foods garden which will contain the food of different local cultures will be exhibited.  There will also be cultural performances and food to enjoy.  It is a great chance to share your garden skills and knowledge about your traditional foods. 


At the Bush Tucker & Bush Foods day on 7th December, there will be a bush foods workshop where everyone can learn more about the foods which are native to Australia and to learn more about Aboriginal traditional foods and culture.  You can also taste some bush foods which are cooked on the day.


Members of different local community are invited to assist with the Multicultural Food and Gardens Day by speaking about their traditional food and gardening, or by giving a cultural performance.


You are invited to help plan the multicultural garden and speak about your traditional food and gardening skills.  You can also help to plan the multicultural garden by telling SPIRAL what to plant that represents the food from your culture, and can even be involved in planting this garden.  SPIRAL is interested in hearing from groups who would like to share their cultural performances at the event on Saturday 29th November.  To be involved please contact James Douglas at SPIRAL.



For maps showing the event locations, follow the links below:


Bush Foods Day at Lions Park, Paradise St (near corner of Paradise St and Sankey St West End – See map: http://www.whereis.com/qld/highgate-hill/114-dornoch-tce?id=41EF2A93E4C002)


Multicultural Food & Garden Day at Jane St Garden Davies Park (near corner of Jane St and Montague Rd West End – See map: http://www.whereis.com/qld/west-end/100-jane-st?id=41EEA746D3AC82)


This project is proudly supported by the Australian Government’s Living in Harmony Program.  For more information, please visit www.harmony.gov.au



Muslims more disadvantaged


AUSTRALIAN Muslims are more socially and economically disadvantaged than their non-Muslim counterparts, despite being, on the whole, better educated and more youthful.

Research presented at a Melbourne conference this week shows Australian Muslims have significantly higher rates of high school completion and are also more likely to go to university than are non-Muslims.

But only 15% own their homes compared with 30% of non-Muslims, twice as many live in public housing and unemployment among Muslim youth is double that of non-Muslim Australians.

"One would expect that they should be able to participate in the economic and social life as other educated people are and they are not doing so, and I think that's nothing to do with their religious beliefs," Flinders University sociologist Riaz Hassan said.

"That's something to do with the larger community, whether it's discrimination, or prejudice or exclusion prompted by other factors."

Analysing 2006 census figures, Professor Hassan found that of 340,391 Muslims recorded on census night (1.7% of the population), 38% were born in Australia and the rest born overseas in countries including Lebanon, Turkey, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangladesh.

Despite their higher rates of high school and tertiary education — 24% of Muslim men and 26% of Muslim women had completed year 12 compared with 15% and 17% of non-Muslim men and women respectively — Professor Hassan found Muslims were not equally represented in well-paying white-collar professions.

However, they had higher rates of work in skilled blue-collar and labouring jobs.

Overall, 52% were in rental accommodation — private or public — more than 20% higher than other Australians.

Average household incomes also tended to be lower and Muslim children were twice as likely to live below the poverty line.

Professor Hassan said the findings were significant because of public concern about religious radicalism. He argued that radicalism was more likely to rise out of socio-economic inequality, negative stereotypes and discrimination.




Growing numbers convert to Islam in PNG


In Papua New Guinea a growing number of people are now choosing to pray at a mosque rather than a church.

PNG is experiencing a sharp increase in the number of people turning their backs on Christianity and converting to Islam.

"A lot of Papua New Guineans are converting to Islam not because they don't like the other religion. It's just they've become, they feel comfortable in there," said Khalid, an Imam who received his training in Malaysia.

"The practice of Islam is much easier than the other religions. In the religion of Islam you are your own preacher. You learn how to pray.

"God is not only in the mosque, it's everywhere. So if I don't come into the mosque, the house of prayer, I can pray under the trees, in the house, anywhere."

Papua New Guineans began converting to Islam in the early 1980s, and there are now more than 4,000 followers with recent reports of entire villages converting at the same time.

Many are drawn to Islam because of the similarities the religion has with Melanesian customs, says Isa Teine, the general secretary for PNG's Islamic Society.

"When we greet people we hug them. This is Islam. We don't shake hands and leave them, so most of our cultures are Islamic," she said.

"Polygamy - this is Islam. Islam encourages four wives. Before Islam came in, people already had two, three, four wives. This is Islam.

"So when the religion came in and said, 'oh we have to do this, our Islamic culture, we have to do this and that', people fit in easily. So it's very easy for Papua New Guineans to embrace Islam.

"Once the religion itself spread I tell you, I'm just predicting in 20, 30 years' time, all Papua New Guinea will submit to Islam."

Church leaders like Pastor Joseph Walters say they do not feel threatened by the rapid growth of Islam.

"This nation is a very strong Christian country and I travel around a lot preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God around the nation and the people generally are very strong, very dedicated, very committed to the Christian faith," he said.

"And so it may look like a threat to Christian faith in the country, but as a church leader in this country the way I see this, and because I travel a lot in crusades and just talking to people, Christianity is even stronger than ever before."

But not everyone has embraced the religion, with incidents of discrimination and Islam phobia quite common.

The mosque in downtown Port Moresby has been fire-bombed, there is a bullet hole in one of the windows, and a senior PNG Government minister once said that Islam was dangerous and a serious threat to peace and unity here.

"There is not much understanding," Khalid said.

"There is not adequate understanding by the people of this country about Islam, because the more negative pictures are painted on the religion of Islam, the more people tend to believe what the other people say instead of coming and hearing from the Muslims."

Khalid says attitudes will change as the number of Papua New Guineans converting to Islam continues to increase.



From the CCN Cradle





Imrana Noormahomed (of Crescents of Brisbane) became a grandmom for the first time.


Liyana was born on 19 November weighing 6lbs and 10oz.





Up Close and Personal with Dr. Sadiq


Dr. Sadiq steals a moment in the mountains away from an  intensive week of lectures, workshops and consultations






On the weekend of the 7th of November, IWAQ invited Dr Mohammed Sadiq to facilitate a series of workshops and lectures entitled ‘The Marriage Toolbox’.


Dr Sadiq raised important points not just about marriage, but generally about how the success and health of a society depends on the health of individuals.

A participant at the workshops interviewed Dr Sadiq one-on-one for CCN and the following is a brief summary of the discussion with him.






Dr Sadiq’s Background
Dr Sadiq is from Canada and has lived there since 1975. Prior to that, he was in California for six and a half years. Dr Sadiq obtained his second Masters degree and Doctoral degree from California in Behavioural Psychology & Clinical Psychology. Since graduating, Dr Sadiq decided he didn’t want to take the academic route and preferred to practice in the community, working with people of all walks of life.


Worked not just with Muslims…
Dr Sadiq worked in the larger community and it was only in the Fall of 1984 that his work with Muslims began when he established his own practice while still working at a full time job.

Working a full time job and running a private practice…
The private practice was very small and limited to the Muslim community in Edmonton where Dr Sadiq lives. The work tended to relate mainly to emergencies that cropped up in the community, when issues became public and couldn’t be hidden any longer and it was then that Dr Sadiq stepped in to assist.

Dr Sadiq reflects how back then there was a lack of awareness and willingness to seek this type of help because of the stigma attached to it, and in some communities today, that hasn’t changed. However, through the work that Dr Sadiq has been doing, perceptions have been changed through community education by helping the community understand that the issues they experience are not unusual or something to be ashamed of and that lots of other people are going through similar problems.

Dr Sadiq always wanted to retire from his full time job and devote the rest of his life to serving Muslim communities. He was forced to take an early retirement as the Government Department he was working for was cutting jobs and his position, being in upper management, was one to go. This turned out to be a blessing in disguise and Dr Sadiq decided not to work for the general community but to focus on his private practice.

How the community work developed…
Around 1998 an Islamic Family Social Services Association was established in Edmonton, independent of the government. They applied for a grant from the government to do some community work with the youth as the youth problems such as drug addiction etc were increasing. They were given a very small grant, and this was where the work in the area of community awareness began, working with families and the youth.

How it grew from there and word got around…
Dr Sadiq began with workshops in Edmonton on a very small scale. It was by word of mouth that the numbers grew and eventually word spread nationally where Dr Sadiq presented at conferences with 4,000/5,000 people from all over North America. Dr Sadiq recalls how the one session he ran had standing room only. Being the humble man that he is, Dr Sadiq didn’t attribute this to his skills and abilities, but explained that it was the topic itself that was relevant to the community and dealing with the issues that needed to be dealt with, hence attracting the numbers.

Crossing the borders…
Dr Sadiq spent a semester in Malaysia as a visiting professor where he lectured a couple of courses mainly in the area of counseling and guidance from an Islamic perspective and also taught a practical class with Masters level students in order to train them to help others.

Australia was fortunate too…
A psychologist by the name of Hanan Dover, from the University of Western Sydney (UWS) was looking for affiliation with UIA to start an Islamic Psychology Program at the UWS. Dr Sadiq was invited to a conference in Sydney in October 2003. This involved work with the general community, presentations at the conference, workshops with local community and work with local patients.

Marriage, family, youth, relationship problems is just one area of specialty…
The other areas include stress related disorders such as depression, obsessive compulsive disorders, anxiety, phobias etc. Youth development is another major topic. When Dr Sadiq is invited to facilitate workshops, the themes are different every time.

The balancing act with family life….
In the earlier days, while traveling, it was difficult for Dr Sadiq’s wife to travel with him because they had young children and she had responsibilities at home. However, regardless of where Dr Sadiq is at any time, he is constantly in contact with his family. He describes it as ‘always being a part of the integrated fabric of his life’.

Dr Sadiq’s evaluation of the Brisbane program…
Dr Sadiq observes that the response from people is generally the same across the board, regardless of where he is, that is, where Dr Sadiq is presenting for the first time, people are generally reluctant until by word of mouth, more people get to know about the issues being discussed and effectiveness of the sessions and then numbers tend to increase. Dr Sadiq explains that it is only if Allah (SWT) means for him to be of some benefit to some people that it works out that way.

His observation of our Brisbane community…
Dr Sadiq explained that his experience here in Brisbane was a unique one. He observes that the community has a sense of togetherness and there is generally lots of mutual care which really touches him particularly after visiting the IWAQ Respite Centre.
He sees the Brisbane people reaching out for no reason but just out of love, goodness and care and that the efforts of our community seem more consistent and dedicated Alhamdullilah.

When asked how he doesn’t allow the fame to get to his head…
Dr Sadiq explains and knows that what he does is not of his doing. He firmly believes it is Allah’s work and that He puts it in his heart as to what to say next and so it just flows from there. In Dr Sadiq’s words, “That’s why it cannot get to my head, because it is not from my head”.

Final words of advice to our community…
“If you want a good solid community, build good solid individuals”.

It is about each individual looking at themselves and self-reflecting about what needs to be changed at an individual and personal level instead of pointing fingers at others and looking for faults in others. This proactive self-reflection must be done with sincerity and for the love of Allah.

Most importantly, do not expect anything in return except from Allah. Dr Sadiq believes (and rightly so) that with sincerity and love of Allah in our hearts, our community will become a beautiful community insha-Allah.

A United Effort


Hussein Karimshah signed up yesterday (Saturday) as a volunteer at The Gap Uniting Church along with (left to right) Riaz Essof, Ayob Ismail, Ismail Essof, Mel (Uniting Church volunteer coordinator) and Hamid Kassim.


Several other members from the local Southside-based Muslim community also answered the Uniting Church's call for assistance in the Gap area which was devastated by the recent storms, and they helped with clearing debris, replenishing food supplies and providing information.

From the IWAQ Desk....


IWAQ was involved in presenting at the National Centre of Excellence for Islamic Studies Conference 2008 held at University of Melbourne from the 19-20th November 2008.


The theme was “Challenges to Social Inclusion in Australia: The Muslim Experience”.


The Queensland panel was made up of Muna Ibrahim  (IWAQ) (left in picture), Dr. Hanief Khatree (MBN) (centre) and Faiza El-Higzi (right) and we talked about the Muslim community initiatives in Queensland.

Over the two packed days, there were many papers presented with many prominent speakers like Jamila Hussain, Helen McCue, Abdul-Aziz Cooper (Senior Prison Chaplain), to name but a few.


There were parallel sessions on Islamic Banking and finance.


It would have been great to explore this bustling city with its many halal outlets. The strange thing for me was to pray maghrib at 8.15pm and Isha close to 10pm. It was stranger still to cast my mind back to when I came to Melbourne the first time 22 years ago and seeing trams in the midst of cars and bikes. Maybe the next time in Melbourne, the weather would be less strange!

Wassalamu Alaikum

Muna Ibrahim

Tennis Tournament


The third mini-tennis tournament was held yesterday (Saturday) at the Sport Tennis courts in Padstow Road, Eight Mile Plains.


The doubles partnership of Zishaan Omar and Idris Jangda (pictured above) beat Reyhaan Omar and Farouk Omar (pictured below) in the finals.


The first semis was played out between Zishaan Omar and Idris Jangda and Ayob Ismail and the second between Farouk Omar and Reyhaan Omar and Dinmahomed Karim and Ridwaan Surtie



Halal Butcher Opens in Woodridge








Zac's Halal Meats, a Lebanese halal butcher shop opened yesterday at Shop No. 7/3 North Road, Woodridge.

Manager Ziad Ghamrawi told CCN that his store specializes in poultry, lamb, beef, goat and many goods.


They can also save you time and put the meat on skewers ready for your BBQ if you required.


Tel: 3208 0888

For rent


A low set unit is for rent: 3 bedrooms with en-suite and separate bathroom, single garage, swimming pool, tennis court, and fully functioning gym.

Contact Aslam Ismail - 0423089617, Safoora - 0423631785 or 34237287

The address is Glenmoor Court 40 Glenefer Street, Runcorn


Realty TV




Doco on SBS: Becoming Muhammad Ali


Friday 8.30pm


As it Happened - The story of Cassius Clay, a charismatic black boxer from Kentucky, who defied the personal and political restraints of his time, to emerge a global hero.


As with other African-Americans, Cassius Clay endured years of legal segregation in restaurants, rest rooms, stores and hotels - something which continued even after winning a Gold medal at the 1960 Olympics in Rome. Covers his conversion to Islam, his name changes and his opposition to the Vietnam war.


His refusal to be inducted cost Ali his boxing career, but his sincerity and commitment to his beliefs won him many fans. 


Around the Muslim World with CCN


Michael Jackson becomes a Muslim: report


Pop star Michael Jackson has changed his name to Mikaeel and become a Muslim, according to a UK newspaper report.

Jackson, 50, wore a special Islamic hat to pledge allegiance to the Koran in a ceremony at a friend's mansion in Los Angeles, The Sun said.

British singer Yousef Islam - formerly Cat Stevens - was reportedly in attendance as Jackson recited the shahada, the Muslim declaration of belief.

Jackson had rejected an initial name choice of Mustafa in favour of Mikaeel, the name of an angel in Islam, the Sun reported.

It said the ceremony was held at the home of Toto keyboard player Steve Porcaro.

The reclusive Jackson is due to testify in court next week in a lawsuit brought by a Bahraini prince, who claims the singer agreed to record songs and failed to deliver.





Israeli was “angered” by the statements of Navanethem “Navi” Pillay, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights; as she called on Israel to immediately lift its blockade over the Gaza Strip as this siege violates the international and humanitarian law.


Pillay issued a statement from her office in Geneva urging Israel to allow the entry of food, medicine and fuel into the Gaza Strip and called on Israel to restore electricity and water supplies.

In her statement, Pillay said that Israel is depriving 1.5 million Palestinians from the basic human rights and called on Israel to halt its air strikes and invasions to the impoverished Gaza Strip.

Read the rest....

Navanethem Pillay is the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. A South African, she was the first non-white woman on the High Court of South Africa, and she has also served as a judge of the International Criminal Court and President of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda. Her four-year term as High Commissioner for Human Rights began on 1 September 2008.

Read about Pillay



Virgin marriage annulment overturned


A FRENCH appeal court has overturned a ruling that annulled the marriage of a Muslim couple after the husband discovered his bride was not a virgin, the husband's lawyer says.

Public outrage at April's annulment ruling forced the government to order the case be reviewed, against the wishes of both spouses.

Read the rest....


Charter seeks golden rule


A GLOBAL campaign to apply religion's "golden rule" — treat others as you would like them to treat you — has been launched by Christians, Jews and Muslims.

The campaigners, claiming that compassion is at the heart of most religions, have launched an online Charter of Compassion and invited atheists and others to join them.

The movement is headed by a "council of sages" of world religious leaders, including Archbishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa, leading European Muslim Tariq Ramadan and Rabbi Baroness Julia Neuberger.

Read the rest....


Middle East Art Museum


This week, the art world will descend on the tiny Gulf country of Qatar to see the museum that oil and gas built.


The museum is hard to miss, sprouting from an artificial island in the Persian Gulf located just off the sandy shore of Doha, the capital city.


Pei, the architect, inspired by the geometric forms of a 13th-century fountain at a mosque in Cairo, shaped the five-story museum like a staggered set of creamy building blocks, each cube adjusted just enough to catch a triangle of harsh light or deep shadow.


Visitors can reach it by boat - there is a dock for dhows, an Arabian-style fishing vessel made of wood - or by traveling a palm-lined path and crossing a small bridge.


Islamic art, the museum's focus, is traditionally defined as decorative or sacred items made in Muslim-ruled territories from the rise of the faith in the early 600s through the collapse of the Ottoman empire in the early 1900s.


Its iconic objects and buildings, such as the Blue Mosque in Istanbul, feature a riot of geometric patterns, interwoven botanical shapes, or carefully wrought calligraphy.


Portraits were not incorporated into religious artworks since the Islamic faith feared their use as idols, but faces and animals popped up in books, jewellery, ceramics and carpets in Muslim homes from Spain to India.

Full Article



Trade Role For Former Actor, Socialist And Diplomat


Wellington: Tim Groser has been an actor, a socialist, a top trade negotiator and now the second-term National MP is a National Party Cabinet minister.

The 58-year-old former diplomatic high flier was appointed trade minister in Prime Minister elect John Key's new-look Cabinet today.


But Mr Groser defines himself as a social liberal.

It will also come as a surprise to most that he is legally a Muslim, technically making him New Zealand's first Muslim Cabinet minister.

But he said the designation was entirely technical and required so he could legally marry his third wife in Indonesia, whom he met while serving as New Zealand's ambassador there.

The couple have since separated, but they have a daughter and he has not revoked the status.

He has been married three times and has three children ranging in age from 10 through to 35.


Full Article



Iran VP under fire for Koran 'dance'


An aide to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has come under fire for attending a ceremony that involved actions deemed insulting to the Koran, a row that has given fuel to the Iranian president's opponents before next year's election.


...... opponents targeted his vice-president, Esfandiar Rahim Mashaie, who is in charge of a culture and tourism body, for hosting a ceremony where women in traditional dress carried in the Koran, Islam's holy book, to music.


Media described the ceremony as a dance.

"Violation of the sanctity (of the Koran) in the presence of your Excellency's deputy and under his management ... causes deep regret for every Muslim," the head of the Islamic Coalition Front, Mohammad-Nabbi Habibi, said in a letter to the president.

Read the rest....


The CCN Readers' Book Club: You are what you read!


This week



  The Grand Inquisitor's Manual: A History of Terror in the Name of God


  Jonathan Kirsch

"The inquisitorial apparatus that was first invented in the Middle Ages remained in operation for the next six-hundred years, and it has never been wholly dismantled. As we shall see, an unbroken thread links the friar-inquisitors who set up the rack and the pyre in southern France in the early thirteenth century to the torturers and executioners of Nazi Germany and Stalinist Russia in the mid-twentieth century. Nor does the thread stop at Auschwitz or the Gulag; it can be traced through the Salem witch trials in the Massachusetts Bay Colony, the internment of Japanese-Americans during World War II, the Hollywood blacklists of the McCarthy era, and even the interrogation cells at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo."


Would you like to see the cover of your favourite book on our book shelves below?

Then simply email the title and author to thebookclub@crescentsofbrisbane.org


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CCN has set up an online Book Club at Shelfari to connect with CCN book readers at:


Using the book club you can see what books fellow CCN readers have on their shelves, what they are reading and even what they, and others, think of them.

The CCN Readers' Book Club

Kareema's Keep Fit Column





Q: Dear Kareema, I suffer from back pain every so often and my doctor normally prescribes rest for a few days or ice / heat packs. Are there any exercises I can try to alleviate the pain or to strengthen my back?




A: The biggest mistake people make with back pain is to lie around until the pain subsides.  Back muscles thrive on activity!  You should aim to strengthen your lower torso, hips and hamstrings.  Try the following over the next few weeks and see how you go:


1.    BUILD FAB ABS:  Work your tummy muscles three or more times a week for at least 10 mins. at a time.  Strengthen all the muscles around your spine including the obliques (side of torso).


2.    AIM TO BE MORE FLEXIBLE:  When your hamstrings, hips and back are tight, they tend to put extra stress on your spine.  Stretch these muscles at least 5 mins. at the end of each workout.


3.    BEND KNEES:  When lifting anything, make sure you bend your knees (equal weight on each leg).  Don't twist while lifting.


4.    SMART POSTURE:  Slouching strains your lower back, as does sitting with your knees at the same height as your hips. By lowering your knees below hip level, it's easier to maintain the natural curvature in your back.


          5.    BAGS LADIES!!:  Make sure your handbag weighs no more that 10% of what you do.  Heavy          

               handbags causes back pain.


5.    SLOW WITH THE SUGAR / SWEETS:  Extra 'jelly in your belly' pulls you forward, creating an exaggerated curve in your back, which puts additional pressure on the disks.


Try visiting a physio as well for some advice.  Take care!!     





My Health and Fitness

Tel: 0404 844 786

(Accredited Member of Fitness Queensland)


Need an answer to a fitness related matter? Send your question to Kareema at  fitness@crescentsofbrisbane.org.

All questions sent in are published here anonymously and without any references to the author of the question.


KB's Culinary Corner



Chicken and Fettuccini



1 Cup chicken fillet cubed

1 Tab sesame seeds

1 tsp green chilies

1 tsp Garlic

1 tsp black pepper

1 tsp salt

250g fettuccini boiled in salted water

½  cup sour cream

¼ cup fresh cream.


1. Cook chicken fillet in olive oil with the green chilies, garlic, pepper, salt, and sesame seeds until cooked but still moist.
2. Add boiled fettuccini
3. Fifteen minutes before serving add fresh cream and sour cream
4. Heat through and serve.


Please Note: A CCN Reader has draw our attention to an error in last week's Strawberry Swiss Sensation recipe regarding the quantity of gelatin. It should have read 4 teaspoons (and not tablespoons).



Do you have a recipe to share with CCN readers?
Send in your favourite recipe to ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org and be our "guest chef" for the week.


The CCN Chuckle


Mula Nasruddin walks into his old friend Jallaudin’s home and sees him dancing and jumping around the room with joy.

"What's the matter, Brother Jalladudin?" Mula Nasruddin inquired.

"Nothing at all, Brother Nasruddin. I have just finished a jigsaw puzzle in record time!" Jallaludin beamed.

"How long did it take you?"

"Well, the box said '3 to 5 Years' but I did it in a month!"

The Notice Board


Click on image to enlarge



Stories of Kasmir's War Widows


M.Y. Sports Day


IWAQ Youth Info & Activity

Camp Day

IWAQ Swimming


AMAA Awards

Al-Nisa AGM

Boys Weekend Away



The CCN Date Claimer






(Click on link)





29 November


Fund Raiser BBQ

Islamic Society of Algester

Algester Mosque, 48 Learoyd Rd, Algester

0403 338 040



30 November


M.Y. Sports Day




OZ Sports Springwood, 3269 Logan Rd, Underwood

0411 398 948

9am to 4pm

5-11 December


Wan Whun: Stories of Kashmir’s War Widows

Marisol Da Silva

Cnr Light & Scanlan Streets,
Fortitude Valley

0422 349 786

10am to 3pm

7 December


Al-Nisa AGM


Garden City Library




8/9 December




12-14 December


Boys Weekend Away

Kuraby Mosque


0431 672 263

All Day

13 December


Eid-ul-Adha Dinner Evening

Islamic Society of Gold Coast Inc.

Southport Sharks Club -Gold Coast

0412 601 152


20 December


Youth Info & Activity Camp Day

IWAQ and the Queensland Police Service

Kindilan Outdoor Education and Conference Centre
Redland Bay

3272 6355



To claim your date for your event email ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org.





This week's taleem for ladies will be held on Thursday 27 November at the home of Naseema Hassen, 36 Diamond Place, Runcorn  from 11am-12pm.


Sunnah Inspirations


Contact: 0408 270 421

University of Queensland,
323 Hawken Drive, St. Lucia

Every Monday

Event: Weekly Learning Circle: Sharh Riyad-us-Saliheen (An Explanation of 'Gardens of the Righteous'


Venue: Prayer Room, University of Queensland

Time: 6.45pm to 7.30pm


Every Friday

Subject: Fiqh Made Easy


Venue: Room E215 Building 1 (Forgan Smith), University of Queensland

Time: 6.30pm to 7.35pm

Every Friday

Subject: Tafseer al Qur'an (Explanation of the Qur'an)


Venue: Room E215 Building 1 (Forgan Smith), University of Queensland

Time: 7.45pm to 9pm


Sunnah Inspirations is a non-profit organisation to cater for Muslim social support and supplying information to Muslims and non-Muslims.  They have been doing various activities around Australia, and have organised Da'wah information stalls at various universities in Brisbane.  More info can be found on their website above.


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Share your thoughts, feelings and ambitions for our community through CCN.


If there is someone you know who would like to subscribe to CCN please encourage them to send an e-mail to ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org with the words “Subscribe Me” in the subject line.


Articles and opinions appearing in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Crescents of Brisbane Team, CCN, its Editor or its Sponsors, particularly if they eventually turn out to be libelous, unfounded, objectionable, obnoxious, offensive, slanderous and/or downright distasteful.


It is the usual policy of CCN to include from time to time, notices of events that some readers may find interesting or relevant. Such notices are often posted as received. Including such messages or providing the details of such events does not necessarily imply endorsement of the contents of these events by either CCN or Crescents of Brisbane Inc.