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......a sometimes self-deprecating and occasional tongue-in-cheek look at ourselves and the world around us ......



Sunday, 30 November 2008

 .Newsletter 0212


News you won't find on CNN!



Click into Radio CCN! SOON!



CCN has initiated preliminary plans to set up an online Internet Radio Broadcast of Queensland community news and views from (initially) 10-10.30am on Sunday mornings starting early in the new year.


Local community groups, organizations and individuals will now be able to be heard through live and pre-recorded community news, interviews, panel discussions and commentary.


If you or your organization would like to be a part of the planning and production team or you wish to contribute any suggestions or find out more please email ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org.



Australian Muslim Achievement Awards Announced


The annual AMAA awards were announced last night at a function held in the Bosphorous Lounge, Auburn, Sydney.


The winner in each of the categories was:

Woman of the Year: Galila Abdelsalam QLD
Man of the Year: Dr Mohamad Abdalla QLD
Youth of the Year (16-26): Nazeem Hussein VIC
Role Model of the Year: Hussam Elmaghraby VIC
Sportsperson of the Year: Safwan Khalil NSW
Professional of the Year: Fadle El Harris NSW
Event of the Year: Sounds of Light NSW-VIC-QLD
Media Outlet of the Year: Salam Cafe
Business of the Year: One4Kids NSW
Community / Humanitarian Organisation of the Year: Affinity Intercultural Foundation NSW
Best New Community Project/Initiative of the Yr: Green Scarf Day NSW
Volunteer of the Year: Mustafa Ally QLD
Creative Artist of the Year: Subhi Alshaik NSW
Researcher / Academic of the Year: Dr. Bircan Erbas VIC
Abyssinian Award: Prof. Peter Manning
Lifetime Achiever Award: Aziza Abdel Halim A.M.

A profile of each of the winners is available here.

No two-way traffic


SO, it's the traffic and the noise generated by a proposed Islamic school in Carrara, apparently, that has whipped up such passionate opposition by locals.


On that basis I can only assume that a proposal for, say, the TSS Academy of Excellence in Polo, or the St Hilda's Lacrosse Incubator, would generate the same outpouring of civic concern.


Well, it is about the traffic and noise after all.


I mean, all those horse floats and four-wheel drives ... 


While I don't doubt the fact that many of the Carrara residents opposing this school are worried about the traffic jams and awful din created by 60 students and their teachers at a school nestled between a church and a hospital in the greenfields of Carrara, letters to local councillors seem to indicate other concerns.


One councillor told me some time ago letters that they had received were offensive and disturbing.


They painted a picture of Armageddon in the greenfields of Carrara, which would become a nest of terrorism and sin. Some of the letters were from members of the Dream Centre - a Christian church which, according to its website, believes in the `resurrection of believers unto everlasting life and unbelievers unto everlasting punishment in hell'.


It also talks about Satan's `present influence over the unbeliever'. Oh dear, there goes my stint in Paradise. Presumably in Carrara it's OK to go to church and speak in tongues, but not to teach the traditions of your religion if your God happens to be Allah.


Admittedly, I have never lived in Peshawar or Penang.


I did, however, live in a place called Coburg for seven years.


Coburg lies in Melbourne's City of Moreland - the municipality with the largest proportion of Muslims in Australia.


Coburg is a great community.


It's diverse  and open, where only 22 per cent of households speak English only.


There we had Muslim neighbours, shop keepers and business people who (in our experience at least) were warm and massively hospitable people.


Some attended Islamic schools which were accepted elements of the community, competed against other schools in sports and had non-Muslim teachers.


As far as we could tell, they were not hotbeds of radical Islam, schooling students in bomb-making or the destruction of Christianity. 


Some of the Carrara residents also expressed concern about their property values.


I  remember the same dire warnings of how Melbourne's Footscray would become a Vietnamese ghetto.


The concerned residents of Carrara should look what has happened to property values in Coburg and Footscray in recent years - both suburbs were recently rated in the nation's 100 hottest property hotspots.


Why do we so damn Islamon the basis of the evil and irrational acts and the illconsidered statements of a crazy few?


There are more than a billion Muslims worldwide.


Former mufti Taj Din al-Hilali is one man.


The Bali bombers were three men, with an evil and warped interpretation of Islam.


Why do we not reserve the same mistrust for Protestants whose one-time spiritual leader in Ireland, Ian Paisley, once called The Pope The Antichrist' and backed the atrocities committed under Slobodan Milosevic?


Why do we not fear Catholicism which had something called an inquisition?


Why do we not fear Irish Catholics who once waged such terror on the streets of London?


And what about those Hindus who continue the violent persecution of Christians in India?


Should we fear North Americans because Timothy McVeigh killed 168 people (and maimed 450) in the Oklahoma bombing?


I guess not, because they are mostly, well, more like us.


I think the concerned residents of Carrara have little to fear from an Islamic school of 60 students with a syllabus of reading, writing, arithmetic and some of their own religious instruction.


But, sorry, I forgot - it's all about the traffic and the noise, isn't it?


Source: Gold Coast Bulletin Tuesday 25/11/2008

Dinner helps bridge gap



A collaborative project entitled, Bridging the Communication Gap, between the Islamic Women's Association of Queensland (IWAQ) and Sgt Jim Bellos (Cross Cultural Liaison Officer) and the Queensland Police Service (QPS) culminated in a dinner meeting last Friday evening at the Paloma Reception Centre in Sunnybank.


The aim of the project is to continue to enhance relationships and communication between Muslim women, the frail and aged and the young and the QPS.


The dinner was attended by a number of local councilors, the Deputy Mayor of Brisbane, Councillor Graham Quirk,  as well as champion of the cause and State representative Minister of Police, Judy Spence MP.


Police Commissioner, Bob Atkinson and members of the Police Service, community leaders and IWAQ clients were also in attendance.


An interactive Protective   Behaviours presentation by the QPS on strategies on how to keep and feel safe was followed by a troupe of Bosnian dancers who performed before a very appreciative audience.


A bilingual police liaison officer was at each table where people from particular language group were provided with translations in a number of languages.

This project is to be extended to include a workshop dinner for newly arrived young Muslim refugees that aims to address the "misunderstandings and negative stereotypes between police and young Muslims" and will focus on identifying key issues and work shopping strategies to improve community relations.



Qurbani Options


Muslim Aid Australia


  Wanted food for families around the world

  Ways to donate


Imam Akram and Ml Shazad Khan


Operation Qurbani


Qld MAQ Awards


At the Queensland Multicultural Awards presentations held in Parliament House during the week a number of nominated individuals and organizations were recognized for their contribution to multiculturalism in Queensland.


The Queensland Multicultural Awards recognise people and groups whose outstanding efforts over a sustained period have helped promote multiculturalism, support new migrants and increase community awareness of the value of multiculturalism.

The awards were presented by Minister for Multicultural Affairs, Lindy Nelson-Carr and Parliamentary Secretary, Michael Choi.


Amongst this year's recipients were Ms Adele Rice, Principal of the Milperra State School. for her work with refugee students and students from different backgrounds, religion and culture; Ms Gail Ker of ACCES (employment) Services and the University of Southern Queensland for its role in creating a multicultural learning environment for their students from diverse backgrounds.


CCN congratulates these outstanding winners for their valuable contributions to multiculturalism in Queensland.


New Finance Magazine


At Tijaarah, South Africa's first Islamic finance magazine is now available by subscription.


If you are concerned about the financial crisis, the global meltdown, and the credit crunch then you can find out about Islamic finance, how shariah compliant are current investments offerings, is there such a thing as Islamic banking etc.

At Tijaarah has an editorial board consisting of experienced ulema, and legal and financial professionals.

You can subscribe for 4 issues a year at 350 South African Rand


This is a joint initiative between Muslims at Work and An-Nakheel.

Bald Hills Madrassah


For more information on the Madrassah contact Moulana Ikraam

Islam at a cultural crossroad


Muslim clerics need to work harder to understand the needs and rights of Muslim women in Australian society, writes Jamila Hussain

TAXI drivers around the world are known as a source of comment and (sometimes) wisdom. So when I found myself in a taxi driven by a Lebanese Muslim, I decided to seek his opinion on reports in this newspaper about discrimination against women by Muslim clerics. After some preliminaries, he said: "Your hijab is not proper. You have some hair showing."

"Why are Lebanese men always so bossy?" I replied. I showed him The Age article when we were stopped at a red

light. "That's nonsense," he said. "Sure, some imams are pretty ignorant, but

they are usually the ones who have appointed themselves and say all sorts of stupid things, but most imams try to be helpful."

The report last week by the Islamic Women's Welfare Council of Victoria drew some alarming conclusions. It said some imams condoned rape within marriage, domestic violence, polygamy, welfare fraud and the exploitation of women.

Several anecdotes were quoted from women who had been given incorrect and inappropriate advice by imams. The impression overall was that imams are uneducated, duplicitous and prejudiced against women.

A few points should be made: imams are not "clergy" in the Christian sense. In some cases imams are self-appointed or appointed by their congregations without any scrutiny of formal qualifications and may, in fact, be part-time volunteers. Some of these would not be recognised by the Board of Imams or be allowed to preach at major mosques, but they may have a following among people of their own ethnic background.

In 2006 a colleague and I undertook a survey of a representative sample of imams at major Sydney mosques. No doubt the findings might be equally applicable to imams in Victoria. We found that in the major mosques, imams are likely to be educationally well qualified. The majority had doctorates, masters or bachelors degrees or, alternatively, had undertaken many years of study at recognised institutions of Islamic learning overseas.

Many of these imams have reputations among the community of being sympathetic and helpful towards women's problems. What the imams universally lacked was any training in cross-cultural issues, particularly Australian culture, and counselling skills.

It is true that until recently the majority of imams have been first-generation migrants, some with a tenuous grasp of English and little understanding of Australian life. Many come from countries where the imam's job is simply to lead prayers. In their home countries they are not expected to be counsellors or welfare workers. These tasks are undertaken by other authorities.

Not surprisingly, the views of some imams reflect the conservative mores of their home cultures rather than an enlightened view of modern family life. There is clearly a need for ongoing professional training to acquaint them with Australian law and Australian views on matters such as domestic violence and the proper place of women in society.

Ideally, at some time in the future local imams will mostly be "home-grown", well qualified in Islamic doctrine and conversant with life in Australian society. In Sydney already, one young imam is a qualified lawyer who surfs and plays football in his spare time.

In the Sydney survey, imams were asked about their attitude to the participation of women in the religious sphere and whether they spoke about domestic violence or the duties of men towards women in their weekly sermons. As might be expected, the answers varied. Some were unhelpful, others appeared to appreciate the needs of women, would encourage them to attend the mosque and would provide educational classes for them.

Some imams are prepared to perform polygamous marriages, although most decline. In certain circumstances, polygamy is legal in Islamic law.

Many Muslims see no great problem with polygamy given that de facto relationships and even multiple de facto relationships are legal under Australian law.

A polygamous marriage under Islamic law at least imposes obligations on the husband to treat his wives equally and provide financial support for both wives and their children.

Admittedly, some men do support a second family through welfare fraud. This is not the fault of Islamic teaching, which stresses honesty, nor is it a problem exclusive to Muslims.

There is no doubt that Muslim women suffer discrimination in areas such as access to mosques, religious education and participation in community decision-making. Some of this discrimination is conscious, and some probably unconscious, arising out of long-held cultural traditions.

A case in point is the screen or barrier that segregates the sexes in almost all Australian mosques. All imams agree that this was not a practice at the time of the Prophet. It is something that has developed through cultural tradition. Some women are in favour of being secluded, while others, myself included, resent it. It is a welcome step that the Mufti, Sheikh Fehmi, has taken in declaring that the barriers in mosques should be taken down. Women should now be permitted to pray behind men in the same space.

It is clear that what is urgently needed is some kind of professional development training for imams that will enable them to become acquainted with Australian law and culture and the major social problems that exist here.

It would probably not be difficult for a university to organise and offer such a course, but many questions arise. Who would fund it? Who would devise the content, given the range of religious views in the community? Could imams be compelled to attend? Perhaps the answers will appear in the course of time.

Jamila Hussain is lecturer in Islamic law at the University of Technology, Sydney, and secretary of the Muslim Women's National Network of Australia.


Looking for accommodation


A 2nd year Muslim female student at UQ is in need of accommodation.


Her contact details are:

Sharni Galvin
Mobile: 0431 815 807

Cleric vows to end segregation in mosques


Australia's most senior Muslim wants men and women to pray together.

Australia's most senior Muslim, Sheik Fehmi Najl el-Imam, at the Preston Mosque

AUSTRALIA'S most senior Muslim has said he will end segregation of men and women in mosques, in a bold response to Islamic women's anger at entrenched discrimination.

The Mufti of Australia, Sheikh Fehmi Naji el-Imam, said he would put his proposal to the next meeting of the Australian National Imams' Council and consider how women could share the room with men during prayers.

Sheikh Fehmi said segregated worship had been introduced long ago, as a cultural change, not a religious one, and he would argue to end it.

"It is good to hear the complaints of the sisters, and to try to find some solution to their concerns," he told The Age in an exclusive interview.

"My duty is to propose, to discuss and try to convince. I can't guarantee the outcome."

Sheikh Fehmi said that in the time of the Prophet Mohammed 1400 years ago, women were not segregated.

His announcement is likely to attract international attention and may spark fierce debate among highly conservative mosque communities within Australia.

In some mosques overseas, there are no physical barriers between men's and women's areas but in Australia almost every mosque separates men's and women's sections.

Sydney lecturer Jamila Hussain this week told a conference at the National Centre for Excellence in Islamic Studies that women found facilities at some mosques "insulting" and that they were treated as second-class citizens.

Last night, Ms Hussain welcomed Sheikh Fehmi's promise to try to end segregation.

"It's an excellent start. But I'm a bit hesitant about when or whether it will happen — it will be a while."

She said many men would oppose such a move and, sadly, some women too. Imams didn't necessarily have much say.

Islamic Council of Victoria vice-president Sherene Hassan said it was a fine initiative, and it was good to see imams being proactive. She said it was in line with true Islamic teaching.

Sheikh Isse Musse, imam of Werribee mosque, agreed that at the start of Islam men and women had prayed together, "but it's not allowed that a man stands to the right of a woman or to the left of a woman".

At his mosque, all pray in the same room, with men in rows at the front, then children in rows, then women. But he did not think this was palatable to many Muslims, especially as many new mosques gave better facilities to women in their own areas.

Several Muslim women spoke out about discrimination and disadvantage this week at the conference.

In particular, a report by the Islamic Women's Welfare Council of Victoria highlighted problems with imams, claiming some were condoning domestic violence, polygamy, rape in marriage, welfare fraud and exploitation of vulnerable women.

Sheikh Fehmi, who is also secretary of the Victorian Board of Imams, acknowledged there were problems.

"Imams are human beings, and every human being is fallible, so if one imam errs on a point we should not generalise and say all imams are the same."

Sheikh Fehmi also addressed many of the criticisms in the council report.


Read the rest....


Islamic Posters


Islamic Posters (UK) has just launched a NEW Poster Project Pack.


They are printed and ready to be shipped.


They contain 12 High Quality posters (like the Adhaab poster Collection) size A3, and they are aimed at both Muslim and Non-Muslims - young and old.

If you are a member of a Masjid (Mosque), Islamic Charity or Daawah Organisation or any Non Islamic organisation in any country and you need an English poster to promote Islam these posters are just for you.


They are based on 12 very important topics such as the Quran, the Prophet (pbuh), the status of women in Islam, Ahadith, Sunnah etc.

The price is only £15 plus P&P. All proceeds go towards the Islamic Posters Dawaah Projects.

Visit www.islamicposters.co.uk for contact details.



Note: CCN has developed a slide show of the 12 posters for you to view.

Hadijat’s happy to open the pages of life


As a Muslim woman living in the Illawarra (New South Wales), Hadijat Lawal often has people ask her lots of questions.

“They usually want to know what it’s like to be Muslim in Australia and how I deal with racial and cultural differences,” she said.

As one of Kiama Library’s Living Books, Mrs Lawal has the chance to challenge stereotypical ideas about the Muslim faith and lifestyle and open people’s minds.

“It’s a beautiful, soft way of breaking barriers,” she said.

“I think it’s a good opportunity to interact with people and shed stereotypical views and let people see that I am a Muslim woman and I am human.”

She and several other Muslim women in the area established the Illawarra Muslim Women’s Association, which has been successfully running for more than seven years.

“We organise information sessions and advocacy groups and aim to provide young Muslim people with links to services, individuals and the community,” she said.

Mrs Lawal said she enjoyed the opportunity to be a Living Book and would try to answer any questions that people asked.

“I don’t have a problem with any questions, but if it’s too close to home or personal I answer it the best way I can, but I also tell people not to go in that direction,” she said.

Other Living books include an Asian migrant, an indigenous person, an environmentalist and a clairvoyant.


NSW Hero Award






At a ceremony held in Sydney during the week, Dr Jamal Rifi, a founding member of Muslim Doctors Against Violence and president of the Lakemba Sports Club, was named NSW Local Hero of the Year, alongside cricketer Glen McGrath who was named NSW Australian of the Year.










Around the Muslim World with CCN


Halal Food Saves China Muslims

In Xinjiang, food products are certified by a local Islamic Council  which includes imams trained to make sure the products adhere  to halal standards.

While China is still suffering from a tainted milk scandal, Muslims in the northwest Xinjiang province feel confident their dairy products are safe, thanks to their halal standards.

"Halal food is traditional," Hui Li Huang, manager of Urumqi Arman halal food store, told the San Francisco Chronicle on Friday, November 7.

"There are few additives to the food during the processing, so it's safer."

China, the world's most populous country, has been hit by its worst tainted milk scandal in modern history.

At least four babies died of kidney failure and 53,000 children fell sick after drinking milk contaminated by industrial chemical melamine, which was added to make the milk appear richer in protein.

The scandal led to massive recalls of Chinese food products containing milk at home and abroad.

But the Muslim-majority Xinjiang province was safe from the contaminated milk because of the halal food standards.

"The dairy industry is regulated by both religious and government institutions," said Wei Sheng Wang, director of the government's Xinjiang trade commission.

In Xinjiang, food products have to be certified by a local Islamic Council which includes imams trained to make sure the products adhere to halal standards.

The council members and government inspectors regularly visit processing factories to ensure the food safety.

"We don't have contamination at the moment," said Wei.

Most dairy products in Xinjiang are produced in the province to be used by the customers.

"Other provinces lost control of the milk supply because they had to get their product from middlemen," said Dan Feng Zhang, general manager of the province's largest milk company, Gary Dairy.

"Here in Xinjiang, the enterprises themselves own the dairy farms and follow strict standards, customs and habits of local Muslims."

The halal food standards have increased confidence in the Xinjiang food products, earning it the name of "China's New Zealand", a reference to that nation's small area but large food export capacity.

Read the rest....



Mosque, Hijab in Turkey Secular Bastion

"It is not right to discriminate against people

because of what they wear," Baykal said

After celebrating hijab-clad members within its ranks, the Republican People's Party (CHP), one of the major secularism bastion in Turkey, is even planning to build a mosque within its headquarters.

"It would be nice to have a mosque," CHP Secretary General Mesut Deger told the Today's Zaman on Monday, November 24.

"Sometimes my voters pray. I have a seccade [prayer rug] in my room."

The CHP has been making headlines over the past week not for opposing hijab, as it usually does, but for celebrating its new veiled members.

"It is not right to discriminate against people because of what they wear," CHP leader Deniz Baykal has told a ceremony honoring more than 8,000 women in black chadors and headscarves.

"It is not right to make deductions about them based on their attire."

The new change of heart is enjoying the support of the CHP's rank and file.

"This country belongs to all of us," said Avcilar Mayor Mustafa Degirmenci.

"It is wrong to describe the country as scarved or open, covered or uncovered. Our leader has done the right thing."

Read the rest....


Australia in gender equality top ten

Nordic countries have retained their top rankings for gender equality with Australia and New Zealand making the top ten, the World Economic Forum said this week.

Those that have succeeded best in narrowing the gap are Norway, Finland, Sweden and Iceland.

These are followed by New Zealand (6), Canada (7), United Kingdom (8), Germany (9) and Australia (10), as countries that have made considerable progress in recent decades in removing obstacles to the full participation of women in their respective societies.

Economic giants China and the United States still lag far behind despite some progress, the Forum said.

The WEF report measures the "gender gap" in four critical areas of inequality between the sexes - economic participation and opportunity, educational attainment, political empowerment, and health and survival.

China climbed 17 places from the previous year but still ranked just 57th, with the authors highlighting glaring inequalities in education, economic and political participation.

The United States rose to 27 from 31 due to a higher number of women appointed to positions of power, the report said.

Muslim countries had some of the worst ratings with Yemen at the bottom of the table and Saudi Arabia just two places above at 128.

A United Nations report found earlier this year that women in Saudi Arabia are the victims of systematic and pervasive discrimination across all aspects of social life.

Saudia Arabia is governed by Wahabism, a strict interpretation of Islam that imposes almost complete separation of the sexes in the name of Sharia law.

As such, it is illegal for a woman to be in the company of a man who is not in her immediate family.




The Netherlands to ban burkas at unis


THE HAGUE: The Netherlands plans to ban from universities the face coverings worn by some Muslim women.

The ban will apply not only to students but also to mothers and anyone else entering university grounds, the Education Ministry said yesterday.

Education Minister Ronald Plasterk announced in parliament that the ban, initially intended only for the compulsory schooling system, would now extend to tertiary education institutions.

A spokesman said it would apply to pupils, teachers, cleaners and parents - all women who came through the gates of such institutions.

"It will forbid any kind of garment that covers the face. The intention is to ensure that all people who communicate with each other on school grounds are able to look each other in the eye, to see each other's faces," he said.

In his initial plan to ban garments such as the burka and nikab in schools, Mr Plasterk cited the importance of children being able to recognise and identify others.

The burka is a garment that covers the female body from head to toe, apart from a slit for the eyes. The nikab veils the face.



Jordan gets Mideast's first female demining team


NICOSIA (AFP) - Sabah Masaeed's father, a Jordanian shepherd, lost a leg when he stepped on a landmine, so did her uncle, so now she has become a member of the Middle East's first all-female team dedicated to clearing landmines manually.

Read the rest....


Australian consultation on freedom of religion and belief moves forward


The Australian Race Discrimination Commissioner, Tom Calma, has called for as many Australians as possible to become involved in a discussion about the current state of freedom of religion and belief in the country launched two months ago, and aimed at gathering opinion by the end of January next year.

He made the remarks at the launch of the the Australian Human Rights Commission’s 'Freedom of religion and belief in the 21st century' Discussion Paper in Canberra seven weeks ago, and the Commission is keen to encourage further submissions by the deadline of 31 January 2009.

Read the rest....


Malaysia backs down from yoga ban


KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - Malaysia's prime minister said on Wednesday Muslims should still take up yoga, reversing an outright ban that has drawn widespread protests amid concerns over growing Islamic fundamentalism in the multiracial nation.

Malaysia's National Fatwa Council, comprising Islamic scholars, told Muslims at the weekend to avoid yoga because it uses Hindu prayers that could erode Muslims' faith.

But the decision drew a sharp rebuke from many Muslims and even Malaysia's sultans, or hereditary rulers, who said that they should be consulted on any matters involving Islam.


Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi moved to contain the damage, telling the national news agency Bernama that Muslims could carry on doing yoga but minus the chanting.

"I wish to state that a physical regime with no elements of worship can continue, meaning, it is not banned. I believe that Muslims are not easily swayed into polytheism," he said.


Read the rest....



Michael Jackson's name change


Wayward pop star Michael Jackson has changed his name to "Mikaeel" after changing religions and becoming a Muslim.

The singer changed his name in a ceremony at a friend's Los Angeles home just days before he was due in court.

Jackson, 50, is facing allegations of borrowing £4.7 million from Arab sheikh Abdulla Al-Khalifa and failing to repay the sum by recording two new albums, writing an autobiography and penning a musical.

The cash-strapped star - who was raised as a Jehovah's Witness - was convinced to turn to Islam by producer Phillip Bubal and songwriter David Wharnsby.

A source told Britain's The Sun newspaper: "They began talking to him about their beliefs and how they thought they had become better people after they converted.

"Michael soon began warming to the idea."

Singer Yousef Islam - formerly known as Cat Stevens before he also converted to the religion - attended the star's declaration of belief, known as the shahada.

Meanwhile, an itemised list of Jackson's debts to the prince has been revealed - including a £3.79 tub of the singer's favourite Haagen-Daaz ice cream.

A source said: "It's the most bizarre list imaginable. Some bills are only for £5 - but the sheikh wants every penny back."





A Mosque for women in Shillong


North Eastern states in India are comprised of more than 213 ethnically diverse groups and communities with distinct languages, culture, and social identities different from mainland India.


Women in this region enjoy greater mobility.


‘Purdah’ and caste system is not so prevalent here.


Women’s participation in economic activities is quite high and the Asia’s largest women’s markets ‘Ima market’ (‘Ima Keithel’ or Mother’s Market) is situated in Imphal, Manipur.


All these factors have definitely left a positive impact in the life of Muslim women of this region.


But patriarchal notions predominates all the liberal values and have restricted women’s mobility even in this part of India.


Like rest of India, women’s access to public religious places like masjids is restricted by the Muslim society of North East India.


Women offering prayer five times a day in mosques is a taboo in almost all societies in India.


It is often preached that women world is inside the four corner of the house of her husband and she should be happy with the ‘household’ work only.

Read the rest....




Uganda: New Islamic University to Open in Kampala


The Libyan-based World Islamic Call Society is to open a university in Uganda by the end of this year. The society's secretary-general, Dr. Muhammad Shariff, said the university, which started in Tripoli, Libya in 1975 had opened up branches in Chad, Syria and England.

The Mufti of Uganda, Sheikh Shaban Mubajje, said the university would initially operate from the training centre at the Old Kampala Mosque, before relocating to a permanent place.


Read the rest....



The Inbox


Dear Editor


I'm an avid reader of CCN, and really appreciate the breadth of topics covered in your newsletter.


I would like to bring to the communities attention 19 vacancies for school-based traineeships in the Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries. I have attached the Job Description, this tells the student how to apply and the variety of qualifications available.


These vacancies are advertised on the Queensland Government Smart Jobs website, https://smartjobs.qld.gov.au/


I'd really appreciate if you could spread the news about these vacancies. Please call if you have any questions.


Thanks Andrea

Andrea Hannah 
Principal Consultant
Workforce Strategy
Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries


Telephone  (07) 323 90375
Email andrea.hannah@dpi.qld.gov.au
Website www.dpi.qld.gov.au  Call Centre 13 25 23

The CCN Readers' Book Club: You are what you read!


Would you like to see the cover of your favourite book on our book shelves below?

Then simply email the title and author to thebookclub@crescentsofbrisbane.org


Double click a book cover to find out what others think of the book


CCN has set up an online Book Club at Shelfari to connect with CCN book readers at:


Using the book club you can see what books fellow CCN readers have on their shelves, what they are reading and even what they, and others, think of them.

The CCN Readers' Book Club

Kareema's Keep Fit Column





Q: Dear Kareema, I'm off on holiday soon and desperately trying to lose weight. I run on a regular basis but just can't seem to shift the weight. Please help!!






A: Far too many of us spend too much time running nowhere... Your muscles are just going through the motion because they are not challenged enough! Keep running, but surprise your muscles while you're at it. Incorporate some high intensity moves in between your rest periods. Slash your workout time and improve your results by embracing interval training. Try following this simple, yet effective plan:

** 5 minute cardio warm-up (walk or jog)
** 40 second sprint pace (challenge yourself)
** 2 minute easy pace ( comfortable pace)
** Repeat between 5 and 7 times every time you're out running

Two or three high-intensity session a week is all you need if you want to burn fat. Not only will this workout help maintain lean muscle, it will keep your metabolism revved for an extended period! Couple this with a healthy diet and you're on your way to a great holiday!

All the best and N-JOY!!



My Health and Fitness

Tel: 0404 844 786

(Accredited Member of Fitness Queensland)


Need an answer to a fitness related matter? Send your question to Kareema at  fitness@crescentsofbrisbane.org.

All questions sent in are published here anonymously and without any references to the author of the question.


KB's Culinary Corner


  Sweet Corn Casserole



4 potatoes
½ cup grated cheese
2 cups frozen corn or 1 tin corn kernels
½ cup fresh cream
1 tsp ground green chilies
Salt and pepper to taste
1 onion sliced
1 tsp cummin
1 Tblsp ghee (clarified butter)

Cube and sauté potatoes, until done
Add, corn, fresh cream, green chilies, salt and pepper
Sauté the slice onion and cummin in the ghee and add to the above.
Set in a casserole dish and sprinkle a mixture of cheddar and mozzarella cheese on the top.
Bake at 180 degrees for approx 15 minutes.
Serve warm.

Ideal to serve at barbeques or as a side dish with meat.



Do you have a recipe to share with CCN readers?
Send in your favourite recipe to ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org and be our "guest chef" for the week.


The CCN Chuckle




Mula Nasruddin and his friend, Jallalludin are taking a walk through the park when a pigeon flies by and relieves himself on Jallalludin’s head.

"Yech!" says Mula Nasruddin. "Get some toilet paper."

"What for?” asks Jallauudin. “He must be half-a-mile away by now."


The Notice Board


Click on image to enlarge


Stories of Kasmir's War Widows


Coverts BBQ

M.Y. Sports Day


IWAQ Youth Info & Activity

Camp Day

Al-Nisa AGM


Boys Weekend Away

IWAQ Swimming




The CCN Date Claimer






(Click on link)





30 November


M.Y. Sports Day




OZ Sports Springwood, 3269 Logan Rd, Underwood

0411 398 948

9am to 4pm

5-11 December


Wan Whun: Stories of Kashmir’s War Widows

Marisol Da Silva

Cnr Light & Scanlan Streets,
Fortitude Valley

0422 349 786

10am to 3pm

7 December


Al-Nisa AGM


Garden City Library




9 December



12-14 December


Boys Weekend Away

Kuraby Mosque


0431 672 263

All Day

13 December


Converts BBQ

Islamic Society of Gold Coast Inc.

Glindemann Park, Holland Park

0413 067 160

11am to 2pm

13 December


Eid-ul-Adha Dinner Evening

Islamic Society of Gold Coast Inc.

Southport Sharks Club -Gold Coast

0412 601 152


14 December


Free Eid BBQ & Kids Entertainment: All welcome

Australian International Islamic College

Blunder Rd, DURACK

3372 1400


20 December


Youth Info & Activity Camp Day

IWAQ and the Queensland Police Service

Kindilan Outdoor Education and Conference Centre
Redland Bay

3272 6355



To claim your date for your event email ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org.





This week's taleem for ladies will be held on Thursday 4 December at the home of Sharifa Gutta – 31 Stiller Dr, Kuraby  from 11am-12pm.


Sunnah Inspirations


Contact: 0408 270 421

University of Queensland,
323 Hawken Drive, St. Lucia

Every Monday

Event: Weekly Learning Circle: Sharh Riyad-us-Saliheen (An Explanation of 'Gardens of the Righteous'


Venue: Prayer Room, University of Queensland

Time: 6.45pm to 7.30pm


Every Friday

Subject: Fiqh Made Easy


Venue: Room E215 Building 1 (Forgan Smith), University of Queensland

Time: 6.30pm to 7.35pm

Every Friday

Subject: Tafseer al Qur'an (Explanation of the Qur'an)


Venue: Room E215 Building 1 (Forgan Smith), University of Queensland

Time: 7.45pm to 9pm


Sunnah Inspirations is a non-profit organisation to cater for Muslim social support and supplying information to Muslims and non-Muslims.  They have been doing various activities around Australia, and have organised Da'wah information stalls at various universities in Brisbane.  More info can be found on their website above.


CCN @ Facebook


Catch Crescents Community News at


Please feel free to post an entry on our Wall, start up a Discussion thread and/or become a Fan.


Useful Links


Queensland Muslim Historical Society Inc.

     Promoting the study and awareness of the rich history of the Muslims of Queensland


Young Muslims of Queensland

     Social network for young Muslims of Brisbane


Sunnah Inspirations

     Providing information about Islam - its beliefs, culture, practices, dispelling misconceptions


Kuraby Mosque


Holland Park Mosque



    Provide young Muslim women in Queensland with support and opportunities to express themselves


Gold Coast Mosque


South African National Halaal Authority (SANHA)


Muslim Womens' Convert Support Group (MWCSG)

     Network of Muslim women converts from the Brisbane and Gold Coast areas of Queensland.



If you would like a link to your website email ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org.


Write For Us

The best ideas and the best feedback come from our community of readers. If you have a topic or opinion that you want to write about or want seen covered or any news item that you think might be of benefit to the Crescents Community please e-mail



Share your thoughts, feelings and ambitions for our community through CCN.


If there is someone you know who would like to subscribe to CCN please encourage them to send an e-mail to ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org with the words “Subscribe Me” in the subject line.


Articles and opinions appearing in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Crescents of Brisbane Team, CCN, its Editor or its Sponsors, particularly if they eventually turn out to be libelous, unfounded, objectionable, obnoxious, offensive, slanderous and/or downright distasteful.


It is the usual policy of CCN to include from time to time, notices of events that some readers may find interesting or relevant. Such notices are often posted as received. Including such messages or providing the details of such events does not necessarily imply endorsement of the contents of these events by either CCN or Crescents of Brisbane Inc.