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......a sometimes self-deprecating and occasional tongue-in-cheek look at ourselves and the world around us ......


Sunday, 5 October 2008

 .Newsletter 0204


News you won't find on CNN!





MBN Eid Dinner


Last night an estimated 1000 people from a variety of cultures and background came together at the second annual Eid Dinner of the Muslim Business Network at the RNA Showgrounds in Brisbane.


The entertainment for the evening was provided by nasheed artist Sheikh Ahmed Ghazaleh, stand up comic Naziem Hussein (of Salam Cafe fame and pictured top right), singer Yousuf Alikhan and a repeat performance from comedian/illusionist Matt Hollywood and guest star Farouk Adam.


The Ambassador of Libya, His Excellency Esmail Abu Zinin, drove up from Canberra as the guest of honour of MBN and delivered his short message of good wishes to the community via the MC for the night, Naseem Abdul.


The sit-down menu comprised a delicious variety of dishes including Dips and Bread (prepared by Ala-Din), Beef Akhni (by the Algester Mosque Ladies Auxiliary), butter chicken (by Bosthans) and Mediterranean Roast Lamb (by Mohey).


Friends and acquaintances who did not get to meet on Eid day took the occasion presented by this function to exchange their good wishes.


Random draw prizes were given and children were handed out lollys and hampers as gifts.    


In his address as the president of MBN, Dr. Mahomed Hanief Khatree, told his audience that this was among the largest single dinners ever to be held in Queensland. He also thanked his team for the hard work they had put into staging this event.



Eid in Queensland


The month of Ramadan and the 30 days of fasting came to an end on Tuesday and Eid was celebrated in most parts of Queensland and Australia on Wednesday.


The day started off around 6am with congregational prayers at over 9 different venues and suburbs in and around Brisbane.


Dressed up to the nines and in their best attire men, women and children from the different Muslim community groups then got together all over Queensland to meet and greet with each other over breakfast, lunch or dinner and to exchange gifts and good wishes.


Eid-ul-Fitr Photogallery



If you have any appropriate photos and/or report on the day that you would like to appear in the Eid Photogallery email them to ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org (with captions if possible).


Fund Raiser for Imran Khan



EidFest Update


It's only a week to go and everyone is getting very excited about our special guest, Mr Imran Khan.

Imran will be appearing on stage from 12.30pm, so come and meet the former Pakistani cricketer, and enjoy the wonderful foods from around the world.

Also, there will be cooking demonstrations, art workshops, fashion parades, international musicians and an informative talkfest.

With all that and heaps more, come and enjoy the day at Eidfest on Saturday Oct 11 at Mt Gravatt Showgrounds, from 10am to 10pm.

You won't want to miss a thing!

Eidfest Committee

Soccer Skills with Soheab



The Soheab Soccer School will kick off again with training on Sunday 12th October at the Svoboda Park, Kuraby.

For boys and girls aged 10-14 training will be go from 10.00am to 11.00am, and for boys and girls aged between 5-9 from 11.00am to 11.45am.


Email soheabpatel@yahoo.com.au if you need any further information.

From the MYServices desk........



Following the findings of their recent survey, MYServices has developed the Ameer and Ameera Youth Leadership Development Programs aimed at equipping young men and women with specific leadership skills that will enable them to better deal with the challenges they face as young Australian Muslims.


For more details click here.



M.Y. Services is currently running fortnightly halaqas for those between the ages of 18-25.


It is a gathering amongst a few of the older youths once a fortnight on Saturday evenings from Maghrib to Isha.


The program is for the older youths to be able to discuss topics about deen and iman within their own comfort zone without being judged negatively by others.


M.Y. Services recognises the needs for such interaction to be done in this fashion as it builds confidence and understanding among those that may feel timid or shy to approach the Imams about certain issues.


The halaqa is operated in a casual fashion where everyone sits together in a circle and we have one amir to speak about a certain topic relating to deen or iman whether it be stories of the prophets or contemporary issues pertaining to Muslims and Islam.


Every fortnight the venue is rotated along with the amir as well.


Whoever is the host of the venue is also the amir for that halaqa session.


This system encourages the youth to conduct research about Islam and prepare a small talk as an amir in the halaqa.


It promotes leadership skills as well as motivation to learn more about Islam to each individual’s capacity.


Once a month we commit to participate to listen to a talk by an imam already organised within certain Mosques for the wider community or invite a learned person, if not an Imam, to be the amir for a session.


That way the youth are still able to ask questions or seek advice if they require it from a more learned figure of the community.


The halaqa currently has around 20 committed members participating every Saturday fortnight and has become a new passion for many of the participants to attend the halaqa every fortnight.

For more information please do not hesitate to contact me, Taufan, on 0411398948 or email taufan@myservices.net.au.

School Photograph


Forty per cent of Australians 'racist': new study


FORTY per cent of Australians believe some ethnic groups do not belong in the country with one in 10 having outwardly racist views, a new study shows.

NSW tops the list with racist views, but lead researcher on the project Kevin Dunn puts it down to Sydney being the focus of international migration to Australia.

The study, led by human geography and urban studies Professor Dunn and his team from the University of Western Sydney, reveals racism in Australia has waned over the years but the figures remain high.

He will unveil the state-by-state statistics on Friday at the 4Rs international conference - Rights, Reconciliation, Respect and Responsibility - at Sydney's University of Technology.

Challenging Racism: The Anti-Racism Research Project has randomly surveyed about 12,500 people in different studies during the past eight years.

Prof Dunn attributes the results to people's overarching views.

"It's an indicator of a narrow view of what constitutes Australianism," he said.

People were asked which cultural/ethnic groups do not fit into Australian society.

NSW topped the list with 46 per cent of survey respondents saying some ethnic groups should not be in the country. The ACT had the lowest such response with 28 per cent.

Prof Dunn said people also revealed who they singled out the most.

"The most often-mentioned groups were Muslims or people from the Middle East."

The overall figures surge to 65 per cent for people over 65 but drop to 31 per cent for those aged 18 to 34.

"It's too high, isn't it," Prof Dunn said.

"We've got to bring that down."

On average, about one in 10 people said it was not good for people of different cultures to marry and about the same number said not all races are equal.

"It's only about one in 10 people now in Australia across the different states that would have that sort of view - the racial supremacists for instance," Prof Dunn said.

"That's still quite high I suppose - there's a lot of concern that comes out of that."

He said NSW ranked highest in most categories but attributed that to Sydney being the country's focus for immigration.

"There's just more cultural diversity here - there's more opportunity for cross-cultural contact and that means some of them will not be positive ones."

Prof Dunn and his team will release regional results within each state sometime early next year.

They will also recommend strategies to lower Australia's level of racist views, which he said remain low by international standards.


The Queen Rania Column




According to http://www.youtube.com/QueenRania Jordon's Queen Rania has played a significant role in reaching out to the global community to foster values of tolerance and acceptance, and increase cross-cultural dialogue.

Regionally and internationally, Queen Rania has campaigned for a greater understanding between cultures in high profile forums such as the Jeddah Economic Forum, the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, and the Skoll Foundation in the UK.




In 4 steps, Queen Rania shows you how to create your own You Tube clips to break down stereotypes.




At the Movies with CCN


A Beirut beauty salon is the setting for the ups and downs of romantic life for a group of Lebanese women in CARAMEL, written and directed by first-time writer/director Nadine Labaki.

And in quite a coup for her it was Lebanon’s official entry for the Academy Awards.

LABAKI stars as Layale, the owner of the salon who is unsatisfactorily involved with a married man.

Her salon colleagues Nisrine, (YASMINE AL MASRI) and Rima, (JOANNA MOUKARZEL), are sympathetic and supportive while local policeman Youssef (ADEL KARAM), is secretly besotted by her.

Nisrine has problems of her own, she’s about to get married and is worried that her husband will find out she’s not a virgin and Rima is ambivalent about her own sexuality.

Meanwhile salon clients Jamale, (GISELE AOUAD) and Rose, (SIHAME HADDAD), are concerned about aging and lost opportunities.

The universality of the world of women is a connecting element of Caramel and yet the cultural specifics add colour and interest to this charming soap opera.

The mostly non-professional performers were chosen for the similarity their lives had to the characters they play and it’s to Labaki’s credit that she’s able to evoke such natural performances from them.

The film is not wildly original in its dramatic trajectory but it does highlight the plight of these women who are on the cusp between a traditional society and modern western life.

Source & Review

Movie Trailer


Showing at Palace Centro, James St, Fortitude Valley


Son of a Lion


Directed by Australian debutant Benjamin Gilmour


A commendable addition to the growing number of films centered on children in post-9/11 Islamic societies, "Son of a Lion" packs emotional punch and engaging political discussion into the tale of a sensitive boy who wants to go to school rather than follow his fundamentalist father into the gun-making business.


Cast with non-professionals living in the Northwest Frontier of Pakistan, the picture represents a promising debut by Aussie Benjamin Gilmour.

Dusty locale is a home to Pashtuns, an ethnic Afghan group that enjoyed positive Western press while ousting Soviet occupiers from Afghanistan before being reviled as the largest contingent inside the Taliban.


Though it's unclear whether he's part of the latter regime, widowed father Sher Alam Afridi (Sher Alam Miskeen Ustad) is proud of his record fighting the Europeans and is determined to raise son Niaz (Niaz Khun Shinwari) according to strict Islamic law.

Eleven years old and painfully aware of being illiterate, the shy boy shows little enthusiasm working at his father's gun shop and testing the weapons they manufacture by hand. Dutifully running errands that include buying hashish for his grandfather, the lad is happiest visiting Agha Jaan (Agha Jaan), a friendly poet who reads letters written to Niaz from the big city of Peshawar by his cousin Anousha (Anousha Vasif Shinwari).

Scared to confront his father about wanting an education and receiving little support from his traditionalist grandmother (Fazal Bibi), it's up to Anousha's open-minded father, Baktiyar Afridi (Baktiyar Ahmed Afridi) to take up the cause. Holding up enrollment papers he's hopefully obtained, Baktiyar is unable to convince his unyielding brother to sign on the dotted line. Result is a family squabble that finds Niaz running away to Peshawar where he makes a forlorn figure outside a school gate before being taken home by his uncle.

Finely tuned screenplay written by Gilmour in close collaboration with cast members and community representatives balances the domestic conflict with scenes of Sher Alam and his friends discussing the state of things. In tea houses and barbershops, the men express a wide variety of opinions on everything from Osama bin Laden to the war on terror and, inevitably, the regional role of the U.S.

These illuminating insights into how ordinary people in this region view the world deliver a vital understanding of the cultural factors surrounding Niaz's desire to look outward and better himself.

At the hour mark, the boy musters the courage to tell his father he does not want to do what has been expected of him since birth. Careful not to make a monster of the father, narrative maps out a convincing path for him to form an understanding of the life his son wants to lead.

A pivotal moment arrives when Sher Alam takes a long, hard look at a photo portrait of Niaz holding a rifle; another when he discovers his son has helped save the life of Pite (Khaista Mir), a bully who has tormented and humiliated Niaz.

Key to the film's success is its simplicity. Gilmour, an ambulance officer by trade, achieves fine results from an untrained cast whose expressive performances make the tale feel authentic at every turn. Nicely framed compositions with a minimum of travelogue add to the feeling. Score by Amanda Brown mixes traditional instruments and modern rhythms to lovely effect. 



Showing at the Dendy, George Street, Brisbane


Kerbaj Quits


Richard Kerbaj of The Australian and author of numerous less-than-favourable articles on Muslims and Islam, including the hatchet job on GIRU recently over the Saudi funding to the Griffith University Centre, has now moved to London to take up a post at The Times.


Sydney based, Irfan Yusuf does a fitting 'eulogy' on Kerbaj and the legacy he leaves in his wake.




Feast Bazaar is a ten part journey into the labyrinth of mysterious souks, the colour, culture and customs, of two of the most intriguing countries in the Islamic world.


Following on from the success of his first series, Feast India, English-born chef Barry Vera gets to the heart of Moroccan and Syrian cuisine, and on the way discovers far, far more... Feast Bazaar screens on SBS on Wednesdays at 5.30pm.

Episode 5 - Imperial Fez (Morocco)


The Imperial city of Fez is a puzzle of streets with no name.

Where buildings have crutches, donkeys wear tyres, and not long ago you needed a visa to get in, and lots of luck to find your way out.

It’s Morocco’s capital of fine food and culture, and boasts the world’s oldest university, where a Pope learned about nought.

Watch the entire episode right here.




Cutting Edge SBS Tuesday 30 October: Investigated the spread of Islamic extremism throughout British prisons and asked if today's prisoners will become tomorrow's terrorists.


Reporter Amil Khan uncovers the radicalisation and recruitment of young prisoners to jihadist Islam.


He hears from former prisoners who claim they were taught behind bars that Islam justifies crimes against non-Muslims.


Khan hears how those prisoners, on release, are directed to mosques and contacts who further their extremist beliefs.


Former gang members tell Khan that when young prisoners return to the streets and a life of crime, they do so with a renewed sense of justification from their new-found religious ideology, an ideology they then spread to their gang members.


Khan meets current prison officers who say they are unable to cope with the problem and examines the prison service's attempts to tackle it by employing religious experts to bring prisoners back from the brink. (From the UK, in English)


If you missed the program here's Part 1 (of 5 parts)




Foundation Fund Raiser




A group of young ladies will be getting together again at next week's Eidfest to do a fundraising stall for the National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF), sponsored by Professionals Sunnybank.

Last year's effort raised over $3000 for the Foundation.


This year's team will comprise of Nooree Moola, Ruhee Moola, Nadia Saleh, Noora Faraj, Mehnaz Adam, Sumaiya Meman, Laila Moola, Ruqayya Issadeen, Maryam Issadeen and Faaiza Elias.


There will be fairyfloss, popcorn and NBCF merchandise on sale, as well face painting and colour hair spraying.


From the IWAQ desk........






The Muslim Marriage Toolbox workshop series is approaching fast.


Please make sure of a place and download the registration form.








Eid Message


Around the Muslim World with CCN


Flirting with Palin earns Pakistani president a fatwa


A leading religious leader condemned Asif Ali Zardari's comments to Sarah Palin at the UN.


After the flirtation came the fatwa


With some overly friendly comments to Gov. Sarah Palin at the United Nations, Asif Ali Zardari has succeeded in uniting one of Pakistan's hard-line mosques and its feminists after a few weeks in office.

A radical Muslim prayer leader said the president shamed the nation for "indecent gestures, filthy remarks, and repeated praise of a non-Muslim lady wearing a short skirt."

Feminists charged that once again a male Pakistani leader has embarrassed the country with sexist remarks. And across the board, the Pakistani press has shown disapproval.

What did President Zardari do to draw such scorn? It might have been the "gorgeous" compliment he gave Ms. Palin when the two met at the UN last week during her meet-and-greet with foreign leaders ahead of Thursday's vice presidential debate with opponent Sen. Joe Biden, the Democratic vice presidential nominee.

But the comments from Zardari didn't end there. He went on to tell Palin: "Now I know why the whole of America is crazy about you."

"You are so nice," replied the Republican vice presidential hopeful, smiling. "Thank you."

But what may have really caused Pakistan's radical religious leaders to stew was his comment that he might "hug" Palin if his handler insisted.

Though the fatwa, issued days after the Sept. 24 exchange, carries little weight among most Pakistanis, it's indicative of the anger felt by Pakistan's increasingly assertive conservatives who consider physical contact and flattery between a man and woman who aren't married to each other distasteful. Though fatwas, or religious edicts, can range from advice on daily life to death sentences, this one does not call for any action or violence.

Last year, the mosque that issued the fatwa, Lal Masjid (Red Mosque) in Islamabad, condemned the former tourism minister, Nilofar Bahktiar, after she was photographed being hugged by a male parachuting coach in France.

Clerics declared the act a "great sin" and, though less vocal about it, similar sentiments were shared by many among Pakistani's middle classes. The Red Mosque gained international infamy in July 2007 after becoming the focal point of a Pakistan Army operation.

For the feminists it's less about cozying up to a non-Muslim woman and more about the sexist remarks by Zardari.

"As a Pakistani and as a woman, it was shameful and unacceptable. He was looking upon her merely as a woman and not as a politician in her own right," says Tahira Abdullah, a member of the Women's Action Forum.

Dismissing the mosque's concerns as "ranting," she, however, adds: "He should show some decorum – if he loved his wife so much as to press for a United Nations investigation into her death, he should behave like a mourning widower," in reference to former Pakistani premier Benazir Bhutto, a feminist icon for millions of Pakistani women.

The theme of decorum was picked up by English daily Dawn, whose editorial asked: "Why do our presidents always end up embarrassing us internationally by making sexist remarks?"

The incident bears some resemblance to yet another charm offensive by a senior Pakistani politician. Marcus Mabry's biography of Condoleezza Rice includes a passage in which he relates a meeting between former Pakistani Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz and Ms. Rice, in which Mr. Aziz was said to have stared deeply into the secretary of State's eyes and to have told her he could "conquer any woman in two minutes."

There are some, however, who see things as having been blown out of proportion.

"It was a sweet and innocuous exchange played as an international incident on Pakistani and rascally Indian front-pages with one English daily [writing] it in a scarlet box, half-implying Mrs. Palin would ditch Alaska's First Dude and become Pakistan's First Babe. As if," wrote columnist Fasih Ahmed in the Daily Times.

For most, it will soon be forgotten in a country dealing with terrorism, rising food prices, and a struggling economy. "We don't care that much how they [politicians] behave – what really matters is keeping prices down," says Nazeera Bibi, a maid in Lahore.




[CCN Editor] A timely warning, no doubt, to anyone harbouring ambitions of taking similar liberties with our Anna at the Premier's Muslim Community Reception in Parliament  House on Tuesday!





British Muslims suffer from 'victim mentality': Labour MP


LONDON (AFP) — British Muslims need to overcome their "victim mentality" and focus more on improving their lives than protesting about issues like Iraq, a Labour MP said Wednesday.

Sadiq Khan, one of four Muslim members of parliament, said Muslims need to do more to integrate into British society, for example by learning English, denouncing sexism, and condemning forced marriages.

"We need to take responsibility for our own lives," he said in a booklet for the Fabian Society, a leading left-of-centre thinktank, adding: "Muslims need to recognise childcare is as important as Kashmir."

"We need to take more responsibility for our own families, ignore those who propagate conspiracy theories, and above all we need to leave behind our victim mentality," he said.

Relations between Britain's 1.6 million Muslims and non-Muslims have been strained by the so-called "war on terror" mounted after the September 11, 2001 attacks, and July 2005 suicide bombings which killed 52 people in London.

Khan, a lawmaker representing the south London constituency of Tooting and an assistant government whip -- a junior member of the government -- said Muslims should not let concern over British foreign policy deter them from seeking to improve their everyday lives.

"I challenge British Muslims to accept that, as strongly as they feel about Iraq or counter-terrorism measures, poverty and inequality... do most damage to life chances and prevent potential being fulfilled," he said.

And he added: "Even if your passion is foreign policy, your ability to help people thousands of miles away is made much greater if you are an active citizen and player at home in the UK."

In the 80-page booklet, Khan said all mosques in Britain should consider letting women in, urged Muslims who do not speak English to learn it, and called on them to condemn forced marriages and honour killings.

"We must all agree that honour killings are murder and forced marriages are kidnapping. These traditions have no place here or anywhere," he said in the booklet, entitled "Fairness, Not Favours."

He added: "The requirement to learn English is not colonial. English is a passport to participation in mainstream society -- jobs, education and even being able to use health services."

But Mohammed Shafiq, head of Muslim youth organisation the Ramadhan Foundation, said Khan was out of touch with ordinary Muslims.

"To suggest we are obsessed with foreign policy, when Muslims are being killed around the world, when over a million people have been killed in Iraq ... that's an obsession I'm proud of.

"I think any Muslim would be proud of it too," he added, saying: "It's time for the government and ministers like Mr. Khan to really address the real failure of 10 years of missed opportunity."




Islamic sharia courts in Britain are now 'legally binding'


Islamic sharia law courts in Britain are exploiting a little-known legal clause to make their verdicts officially binding under UK law in cases including divorce, financial disputes and even domestic violence.

Read the rest....



Romanian Ramadan…New Muslims Take Lead


Bucharest — Romania's new Muslims are taking a central role during the holy fasting month of Ramadan, offering iftar meals and building bridges with fellow Muslims.

"This is the first time in Romania when reverts are directly in charge with activities for Ramadan," Robert Hoisan, the Bucharest representative of the Muslim Association of Romania, told IslamOnline.net.

"For example, in this Ramadan, we are organizing evening meals for breaking the daily fast in different places inside the country."



Read the rest....


Coping in Ramadan 


How do busy professionals in the UK juggle work life with the demands of Ramadhan?


PC Ayub Mal (pictured right in photo) has been a police officer with Lancashire Constabulary for six years.

He said: “From the moment I started working for them, I found them to be very accommodating towards my religious needs including fasting during Ramadhan.

“My sergeants have all been very helpful, allocating me time to eat at Sehri and Iftari time, usually allowing to me to attend the local mosque.


When I work nights I have been able to change my shifts allowing me to read my Taraweeh (late prayers).

"Unfortunately due to the nature of the job there are no guarantees, sometimes its not always possible to eat after Iftari or at Sehri.”

Sergeant Abid Khan (pictured left in photo) who joined Lancashire Police 13 years ago said: “Fasting and being on duty used to be a lot tougher but things have changed dramatically over the past few years.

“There is now a greater understanding of Ramadhan and what it entails with supervisory officers having an increased awareness of the needs of Muslim officers who are fasting. This has not always been the case but recently non-Muslim officers have reminded me that it was close to Iftari or Sehri time.

“I’m not sure this would have happened in the past.”

Read the rest....



South Korean Mosques Full in Ramadan

Like other communities of their faith around the globe, Muslims in South Korea observe the holy fasting month of Ramadan by flocking to mosques every day for prayers and Qur’an recitation.

Every evening, after the breaking the dawn-to-dusk fast, the Central Mosque in the heart of Seoul draws hundreds of worshippers from all ages, Koreans or foreigners.

Zain, a 38-year-old Pakistani, comes to the mosque after closing his clothing shop in the Itaewon area.

Seid Issdram, a 30-year-old Moroccan who works in the nearby Gyeonggi Province, travels an hour and a half every day to come to Seoul to pray in the central mosque.

Muslim worshipers fill up the streets around the mosque and draw attention while exchanging the "Assalamu Alikum" Muslim greeting.

Women in their hijab also come in large numbers, sometimes with their children who are left to play in the playground in front of the mosque.

According to the Korea Muslim Federation (KMF), which was established in 1967, there are about 120,000 to 130,000 Muslims living in South Korea, both Koreans and foreigners.

The majority of the Muslim population is made up of migrant workers from Pakistan and Bangladesh, but the number of Korean Muslims amounts to some 35,000.


However, the joy of Ramadan is sometimes marred.

"My friends ask me why I’m not eating anything these days, so I tell them I’m on a diet," says Ahn Tae-hwan, a 15-year-old middle school student.

Sung Ju-young, 25, finds it difficult to make his friends understand why he cannot eat pork or drink alcohol whenever they are hanging out.

Many of his friends are left to think that he is simply allergic.

Ali Ahmad, a 31-year-old Egyptian studying at Seoul National University, notes that the people of Korea do not seem to know much about Islam.

"Many people in Korea have a negative view of Muslims when they watch global news on terrorism," notes Seid, the Moroccan worker.

Lee Ju-hwa, KMF secretary general agrees.

"[The Korean society] should not view Islam with prejudice, and recognize the fact that Muslims are also part of the Korean society living and working in the same country."


The CCN Readers' Book Club: You are what you read!


This week

A CCN Reader


Behind the Exclusive Brethren by Michael Bachelard

'Shocking and compelling. Michael Bachelard has written an eye-opening account of power and cruelty in a tiny Christian sect that enjoys a privileged existence in Australia.' - David Marr, Sydney Morning Herald

Out of nowhere in 2004, an obscure religious sect burst onto the political stage in Australia. Almost unheard of until then, the Exclusive Brethren was suddenly spending up big in election advertising in support of conservative political parties. But its members were shy to the point of paranoia about who they were - preferring, as they said, to 'fly under the radar'. Brethren members assiduously lobbied politicians, but did not vote. And they were very close to the then prime minister John Howard.

What exactly was their interest in politics? Why did their activism suddenly blossom almost simultaneously across the world, from Canada and the United States to Sweden and Australia? And how did a small, fringe group, whose values are utterly detached from those of most Australians, infiltrate the highest office in the land?
Michael Bachelard uncovered the facts about this secretive sect for more than two years while working as an investigative reporter at The Age. The results of his inquiries are the most comprehensive book ever written about the Exclusive Brethren. It details their origins in the United Kingdom in the nineteenth century, their fractious history, their extraordinary use of scripture to control members and dissidents, and their lucrative business and financial arrangements. It's a fascinating story of influence and power exercised across several continents. But it's a very human story, too - of damaged lives, of broken families, and of hurt and anger that stretches back decades.

Would you like to see the cover of your favourite book on our book shelves below? 

Then simply email the title and author to thebookclub@crescentsofbrisbane.org


Double click a book cover to find out what others think of the book


CCN has set up an online Book Club at Shelfari to connect with CCN book readers at:


Using the book club you can see what books fellow CCN readers have on their shelves, what they are reading and even what they, and others, think of them.

The CCN Readers' Book Club

The Inbox


Dear CCN brothers and sisters:

Our warmest greetings for a very peaceful and joyful Eid ul-Fitr and may all peoples worldwide be inspired to build a culture of peace, justice, reconciliation and sustainability.

Swee-Hin, Yaseen, Virginia & Grace

Multi-Faith Centre
Griffith University

Kareema's Keep Fit Column




Q: Dear Kareema, would cycling be a good option as part of my cardio exercise? I normally walk or run as well.




A: Definitely! You'll burn about 670kj in a 20-minute cycling session (rough estimate) - depending on your working resistance of course (how hard you set the pedals at)!

You will also go about 4 times faster on your bike compared to walking, using the same amount of energy.


So, ON YER BIKE, turn up your resistance, and put the time you saved to good use - maybe try a strength training session!

FYI: About 1 million Aussies go biking as part of their exercise regimen, making it the fourth
most popular physical activity. Top of the list? About 4 million go walking - EASY!!!



My Health and Fitness

Tel: 0404 844 786

(Accredited Member of Fitness Queensland)

Need an answer to a fitness related matter? Send your question to Kareema at  fitness@crescentsofbrisbane.org.

All questions sent in are published here anonymously and without any references to the author of the question.


KB's Culinary Corner





250 ml cake flour - 250 ml grated cheddar cheese - 125 g butter

1 onion, chopped - 15 ml cooking oil - 2 extra large eggs, beaten - 250 ml milk - 200 g can tuna chunks, drained - 285 g can creamed mushrooms – 5ml green chillies, 15 ml chopped fresh chives or 5 ml dried chives, salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste - fresh chives to garnish.

1.    BASE: Mix flour, cheese and butter by using a food processor or rub in with hands. Press firmly into a greased 23 cm pie dish.

2. FILLING: Saute` onion in oil until soft. Whisk the eggs and milk; add onion and all the other ingredients.

3. Pour into pastry base and bake in a preheated oven at 180 degree c for about 35 minutes.

Garnish with fresh chives and serve warm



Do you have a recipe to share with CCN readers?
Send in your favourite recipe to ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org and be our "guest chef" for the week.


The CCN Chuckle


Our reporter, Man-on-the-Mussallaah, went to a retirement home to interview an aged Mula Nasruddin - an intrepid explorer in his days.


He asked Mula Nasruddin to tell him the most frightening experience he had ever had.

Mula Nasruddin said, "Once I was hunting Bengal tigers in the jungles of India. I was on a narrow path and my faithful native gunbearer was behind me. Suddenly the largest tiger I have ever seen leaped onto the path in front of us. I turned to get my weapon only to find the native had fled. The tiger leapt toward me with a mighty ROARRRR! I soiled myself."

Our Man-on-the-Mussallaah sympathizing said, "Under those circumstances anyone would have done the same."

 Mula Nasruddin said, "No, not then - just now when I went ROARRRR!"

The Notice Board


Click on image to enlarge



Eidfest 2008

Eid2008 Sports Day & BBQ


Pink Ribbon

Pamper Brunch

IWAQ Annual Ladies Night 2008

AIIC Open Day

IWAQ Swimming


AMAA Awards

Marriage Toolbox


The Imam & The Pastor


The CCN Date Claimer






(Click on link)





7 October


Premier's Muslim Community Reception

Premier's Office

Parliament House



10 October


An Evening with Imran Khan

Islamic Society of Gold Coast

Southport Sharks Club, cnr. Musgrave and Olsen Aves, Southport

0412 391 966


11 October



Eidfest Committee

Mt Gravatt Showgrounds

0402 819 197

10am to 10pm

12 October


Islamic Society of Gold Coast: AGM

Islamic Society of Gold Coast

Gold Coast Mosque, 144 Allied Drive

0402 819 197

10am to 10pm

12 October


Eid2008 Sports Day & BBQ

Darul Uloom Islamic Academy and AIIC

Whites Hill Reserve, Boundary Road, Camp Hill

0411 621 490


18 October


Annual Eid Nite

Islamic Society of Darra

Darra Mosque 219 Douglas St Oxley

0418 757 157


18 October


IWAQ's Annual Ladies Night 2008

A Jas & Susan Production for IWAQ

Greek Orthodox Hall, Creek Road

0404 433 702

6.30pm til late

25 October


Crescents 'Pink Ribbon Pamper Brunch'

Crescents of Brisbane

Kimberley Park Community Centre, Shailer Park

0404 296 297

11am to 2pm

26 October


AIIC Open Day & Enrolment

Australian International Islamic College

Blunder Rd, DURACK

3372 1400

10.30am to 2.30pm

5 November


The Imam and the Pastor

Initiatives of Change & GIRU

Griffith University, Mt Gravatt, Room M10_5.01

373 55821

6.15pm – 9.30pm

7-10 November

Friday to Monday

The Muslim Marriage Toolbox with Dr. Mohammed Sadiq


See brochure

3272 6355

See brochure

8/9 December





To claim your date for your event email ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org.





This week taleem for ladies will be held on Thursday 9 October at the home of Fatima Jangda 17 Jacaranda Place, Eight Mile Plains from 11am-12pm.


 Gardens of the Righteous

Every Monday

Event: Weekly Learning Circle:

More Details: http://www.sunnahinspirations.org/index.php?view=article&id=82

Organizer: Sunnah Inspirations (www.SunnahInspirations.org)

Venue: University of Queensland, 323 Hawken Drive, St. Lucia

Contact: 0421 731 797 Time: 6.45pm to 7.45pm


Every Friday

Subject: Fiqh Made Easy

More Details: http://www.sunnahinspirations.org/index.php?view=article&id=87

Organizer: Sunnah Inspirations (www.SunnahInspirations.org)

Venue: Room S201, University of Queensland, 323 Hawken Drive, St. Lucia

Contact: 0421 731 797 Time: 6.45pm to 9.00pm


Sunnah Inspirations is a non-profit organisation to cater for Muslim social support and supplying information to Muslims and non-Muslims.  They have been doing various activities around Australia, and have organised Da'wah information stalls at various universities in Brisbane.  More info can be found on their website above.


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Articles and opinions appearing in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Crescents of Brisbane Team, CCN, its Editor or its Sponsors, particularly if they eventually turn out to be libelous, unfounded, objectionable, obnoxious, offensive, slanderous and/or downright distasteful.


It is the usual policy of CCN to include from time to time, notices of events that some readers may find interesting or relevant. Such notices are often posted as received. Including such messages or providing the details of such events does not necessarily imply endorsement of the contents of these events by either CCN or Crescents of Brisbane Inc.